MPE Calculations


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                                                                                                      EMC Test Data
     Client: Avaya                                                                           Job Number: J81820
                                                                                           T-Log Number: T82013
    Model: AP 8120 with 2 external Antenna (Class II Permissive change)
                                                                                         Account Manager: Christine
  Contact: Vipin Naik
 Standard: FCC 15.247                                                                                 Class: N/A

                                          Maximum Permissible Exposure

Test Specific Details
                        The objective of this test session is to perform final qualification testing of the EUT with respect to the
                        specification listed above.
       Date of Test: 6/15/2011
      Test Engineer: Mark Hill

General Test Configuration
Calculation uses the free space transmission formula:
                            S = (PG)/(4 πd 2)
Where: S is power density (W/m2), P is output power (W), G is antenna gain relative to isotropic, d is separation distance from
the transmitting antenna (m).

Summary of Results

             Device complies with Power Density requirements at
                                              20cm separation:
                                  Power Density (mW/cm2) @ 20cm:          1.548
                        If not, required separation distance (in cm):      24.9

Modifications Made During Testing
No modifications were made to the EUT during testing

Deviations From The Standard
No deviations were made from the requirements of the standard.

T82013 (DTS_ETCB)                                                 MPE Calc                                                            Page 1 of 3

                                                                                               EMC Test Data
     Client: Avaya                                                                     Job Number: J81820
                                                                                     T-Log Number: T82013
    Model: AP 8120 with 2 external Antenna (Class II Permissive change)
                                                                                   Account Manager: Christine
  Contact: Vipin Naik
 Standard: FCC 15.247                                                                          Class: N/A

Run #1: Two channel operation, one 2.4GHz and 5GHz channel, worse case
Use:        General Use
            2.4GHz - 8dBi, 5GHz - 10.7dBi
            Effective Gain for Mimo: 2.4GHz - 11dBi, 5GHz - 13.7dBi
The system allows for one radio to operate in the 2.4GHz band and one radio to operate in the 5GHz bands simultaneously. It
prevents both radios operating in the same band at the same time. Below calculations include worse case from original filing and
this C2PC.
Maximum eirp is calculated as follows:
     Uses the average power for each channel (where given), otherwise uses the peak power

Used for Multiple Transmitters
One 2.4GHz and one 5.15-5.25GHz operation
                       Output Power                             EIRP                                            Total EIRP
                                        Antenna                                 Channels Channels
  Band       Mode
                      Peak Average gain (Max)            dBm            W       Available Used              W           dBm
  2400 -
             OFDM       24.9        -         11.0       35.9          3.890
                                                                                   11          1          3.890         35.90
  2401 -
              CCK        -        18.8        8.0        26.8          0.479
5150-5250 OFDM           -        9.0         13.7       22.7          0.186        4          1          0.186         22.70

5250-5350 OFDM           -        9.1         13.7       22.8          0.191        4          0            -                -

5470-5725 OFDM           -        15.9        13.7       29.6          0.912        4          0            -                -
  5725 -
             OFDM       22.2        -         13.7       35.9          3.890        5          0            -                -
                                                                                   Totals:     2          4.077         36.10
One 2.4GHz and one 5.25-5.35GHz operation
                         Output Power    Antenna                EIRP            Channels Channels               Total EIRP
   Band       Mode
                       Peak     Average gain (Max)       dBm            W       Available Used              W           dBm
  2400 -
             OFDM       24.9        -         11.0       35.9          3.890
                                                                                   11          1          3.890         35.90
  2401 -
              CCK        -        18.8        8.0        26.8          0.479
5150-5250 OFDM           -        9.0         13.7       22.7          0.186        4          0            -                -

5250-5350 OFDM           -        9.1         13.7       22.8          0.191        4          1          0.191         22.80

5470-5725 OFDM           -        15.9        13.7       29.6          0.912        4          0            -                -
  5725 -
             OFDM       22.2        -         13.7       35.9          3.890        5          0            -                -
                                                                                   Totals:     2          4.081         36.11

T82013 (DTS_ETCB)                                               MPE Calc                                                         Page 2 of 3

                                                                                         EMC Test Data
    Client: Avaya                                                                  Job Number: J81820
                                                                                 T-Log Number: T82013
    Model: AP 8120 with 2 external Antenna (Class II Permissive change)
                                                                               Account Manager: Christine
  Contact: Vipin Naik
 Standard: FCC 15.247                                                                     Class: N/A

One 2.4GHz and one 5.4-5.7GHz operation
                      Output Power      Antenna               EIRP           Channels Channels             Total EIRP
  Band      Mode
                     Peak Average      gain (Max)      dBm            W      Available Used            W           dBm
  2400 -
            OFDM      24.9        -          11.0      35.9          3.890
                                                                               11         1        3.890           35.90
  2401 -
             CCK        -       18.8          8.0      26.8          0.479
5150-5250 OFDM          -                              0.0           0.001      4         1        0.001            0.00

5250-5350 OFDM          -        9.1         13.7      22.8          0.191      4         0            -                -

5470-5725 OFDM          -       15.9         13.7      29.6          0.912      4         1        0.912           29.60
  5725 -
            OFDM      22.2        -          13.7      35.9          3.890      5         0            -                -
                                                                               Totals:    3        4.803           36.82

One 2.4GHz and one 5.7-5.8GHz operation
                        Output Power   Antenna                EIRP           Channels Channels             Total EIRP
  Band       Mode
                      Peak    Average gain (Max)       dBm            W      Available Used            W           dBm
  2400 -
            OFDM      24.9        -          11.0      35.9          3.890
                                                                               11         1        3.890           35.90
  2401 -
             CCK        -       18.8          8.0      26.8          0.479
5150-5250 OFDM          -                              0.0           0.001      4         0            -                -

5250-5350 OFDM          -        9.1         13.7      22.8          0.191      4         0            -                -

5470-5725 OFDM          -       15.9         13.7      29.6          0.912      4         0            -                -
  5725 -
            OFDM      22.2        -          13.7      35.9          3.890      5         1        3.890           35.90
                                                                               Totals:    2        7.781           38.91

Worse Case Condition
          Power Density (S)           MPE Limit         Distance where
  EIRP        at 20 cm                at 20 cm          S <= MPE Limit
  mW         mW/cm^2                  mW/cm^2                 cm
 7780.9        1.548                   1.000                 24.9

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Document Created: 2011-06-23 20:30:35
Document Modified: 2011-06-23 20:30:35

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