AP 8120_Installation_NN47251-302_01_AD_IAP


Users Manual

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Avaya WLAN 8100

Installation–AP 8120
Release: 1.0
Document Revision: 01.AD


Avaya WLAN 8100
Release: 1.0
Publication: NN47251-302
Document status:
Document release date: 10 May 2010

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      Installation reference                                       7
      Access Point 8120 overview 7
      External hardware features 7
        Access Point 8120 front view 8
        Access Point 8120 rear view 8
        Kensington cable interface 9
        Mounting options 9
        Status Light-emitting diode (LED)    10

      Installation preparation                                    11
      Unpacking the access point 11
      Cabling requirements 11
      Management software 13
      Network plans and work orders 13
        Wireless Controller 8180 recommendation        13
        Wall installation recommendations 13
      Radio safety advisories 13
      Radio frequency advisories 14
        Additional radio safety advisories 14

      Access Point 8120 installation                              15
      Mounting a wireless LAN access point on a wall 15
      Installing an Access Point with a ceiling grid adaptor 17

      Installation tools and utilities                            21
      Installation hardware and tools   21

      Access Point Troubleshooting                                23
      Appendix                                                    25
      IEEE 802.11a/b/g Channel Designations:      25
        2400 to 2483.5 MHz band 25
        Legend 25
        5.15 to 5.35 GHz bands 25
        5.470 to 5.725 GHz bands 25
        5.725 to 5.85 GHz bands 26

                            Avaya WLAN 8100
                           Installation–AP 8120
                  NN47251-302       01.AD    10 May 2010



     Legend   26

    Common antenna terminology                         27

                        Avaya WLAN 8100
                       Installation–AP 8120
              NN47251-302        01.AD   10 May 2010



Installation reference
Access Point 8120 overview
            The Avaya Access Point 8120 (AP 8120) is the wireless access portion of
            the Avaya WLAN 8100 Series solution. The AP 8120 provides 802.11a+n
            b/g+n wireless connectivity through six dual-band 2.4/5.0 GHz antennas;
            three dedicated to 2.4 GHz use and three dedicated to 5.0 GHz . The AP
            8120 is designed for use with the Wireless Controller 8180 (WC 8180).
            The WC 8180 coordinates and load balances domains of access points in
            the network.

            The AP 8120 communicates with the WC 8180 using a standard Category
            5 (CAT-5) or higher 10/100/1000Mbps twisted pair Ethernet cable. The
            AP 8120 is intended for indoor installations only. It does not accept the
            connection of external antennas.

            The AP 8120 requires hardware installation only. Access point
            configuration is performed on the WC 8180 after installation and
            connection to the network.
                            The installation of the Access Point 8120 should only be
                            performed by qualified service personnel. Read and follow all
                            warning notices and instructions on the product or included in
                            the documentation.

External hardware features
            This section contains information on the external hardware features of the
            Access Point 8120. This section contains the following topics:
            •   "Access Point 8120 front view" (page 8)
            •   "Access Point 8120 rear view" (page 8)
            •   "Kensington cable interface" (page 9)
            •   "Mounting options" (page 9)
            •   "Status Light-emitting diode (LED)" (page 10)

                                 Avaya WLAN 8100
                                Installation–AP 8120
                       NN47251-302        01.AD   10 May 2010


8 Installation reference

         Access Point 8120 front view
                  The following diagram illustrates the front view of the Access Point 8120.

         Access Point 8120 rear view
                  The following diagram illustrates the rear view of the Access Point 8120.

                                       Avaya WLAN 8100
                                      Installation–AP 8120
                             NN47251-302       01.AD    10 May 2010


                                                                External hardware features   9

    Kensington cable interface
           The Access Point 8120 has an interface for attaching a Kensington
           security cable. The cable is not included with the access point.

    Mounting options
           The access point can be mounted on the following types of surfaces:
           •   Suspended T-bar ceiling
           •   Junction box
           •   Solid surface wall or ceiling

           Attention: The solid surface mounting option requires CAT-5 cable that
           does not have strain relief. Other mounting options can use CAT-5 cable
           with or without strain relief.

                                 Avaya WLAN 8100
                                Installation–AP 8120
                       NN47251-302       01.AD    10 May 2010


10 Installation reference

         Status Light-emitting diode (LED)
                  The AP 8120 has four LEDs that provide status information on the device.
                  Refer to "Access Point 8120 front view" (page 8) for the location of the
                  LEDs. The following table describes the different states of the LEDs.
                   LED             Appearance            Meaning
                   2.4 GHz         Blinking green        Associated client is sending or receiving
                                   Blinking amber        Non-associated client is sending and
                                                         receiving traffic.
                                   Alternating green     The radio is unable to transmit due to
                                   and amber             excessive radio interference or the radio
                                                         has failed.
                                   Unlit                 The radio is disabled or currently not
                                                         experiencing any traffic activity.
                   5 GHz           Blinking green        Associated client is sending or receiving
                                   Blinking amber        Non-associated client is sending and
                                                         receiving traffic.
                                   Alternating green     The radio is unable to transmit due to
                                   and amber             excessive radio interference or the radio
                                                         has failed.
                                   Unlit                 The radio is disabled or currently not
                                                         experiencing any traffic activity.
                   Ethernet Link   Blinking green        The access point is engaged in normal
                   and Activity                          network activities.
                                   Blinking amber        The access point is unable to
                                                         communicate with the network.
                                   Unlit                 The access point does not have network
                   AP Power        Solid green           The access point is receiving power.
                                   Unlit                 The access point is not receiving power.

                                        Avaya WLAN 8100
                                       Installation–AP 8120
                              NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010



Installation preparation
Unpacking the access point
           The shipping carton for an AP contains the following items:
           •   one AP
           •   mounting kit
               — one universal mounting bracket (attached to the AP)
               — one dual size (15/16 and 5/8 inch) T-bar clamp
               — one mounting bracket that attaches to the T-bar clamp and AP
               — four adhesive rubber feet
           •   Avaya WLAN 8100 - Regulatory Information - AP 8120 document

           Verify that the items removed from the shipping carton correspond to the
           provided list. If an item is missing or damaged, contact Avaya.

Cabling requirements
           The AP 8120 access point has one RJ-45 port. This port provides a
           10/100/1000BASE-TX Ethernet connection to a Wireless Controller 8180.
           This port is used to indirectly connect an access point to a WC 8180
           through an intermediate Layer 2 or Layer 3 network.

           The access point can receive power and data through the RJ-45 port. Use
           a Category 5 (CAT-5) cable with straight-through signaling and standard
           RJ-45 connectors to connect to a network device. The AP 8120 supports
           802.3af. An Avaya-approved power injectors must be used to provide the
           access point with power over the Ethernet cable. The WC 8180 has no
           PoE capabilities.

           The Ethernet port on the access point cannot accept a CAT-5 cable that
           has an uneven sheath as shown below. The RJ-45 connector on the cable
           will not seat properly in the receptacle on the access point. Use a CAT-5
           cable with an even sheath instead.

                                  Avaya WLAN 8100
                                 Installation–AP 8120
                        NN47251-302       01.AD    10 May 2010


12 Installation preparation

                  Uneven sheath

                  You must operate the access point with a CAT-5 Ethernet cable installed
                  on the Ethernet port to ensure compliance with the Class B emissions
                  standards. Failure to comply with this installation requirement can cause
                  the device to operate in excess of the allowable emissions limits.

                  Attention: The AP 8120 access point is intended for indoor use only. Do
                  not install the device or operate it outdoors.

                  Attention: To reduce the possibility of connection interference caused by
                  dust, clean the CAT-5 connector pins before inserting a cable into an AP.

                  The following table lists the pin signals for the 10/100/1000 Ethernet
                  straight-through wiring. Pins 4, 5, 7, and 8 are used when Avaya Power
                  over Ethernet (PoE) is enabled on the port.
                   Wireless Controller 8180
                   Pin                                         Function
                   1                                           Bidirectional pair +A
                   2                                           Bidirectional pair -A
                   3                                           Bidirectional pair +B
                   4                                           Bidirectional pair +C
                   5                                           Bidirectional pair -C
                   6                                           Bidirectional pair -B
                   7                                           Bidirectional pair +D
                   8                                           Bidirectional pair -D

                                            Avaya WLAN 8100
                                           Installation–AP 8120
                                  NN47251-302       01.AD    10 May 2010


                                                                 Radio safety advisories   13

Management software
            If you are using the WLAN Management Software (WMS) to plan your
            Avaya Mobility System installation, you can create and verify a network
            plan for the entire Avaya network installation and generate an AP work
            order, before installing any access points.

Network plans and work orders
            A network plan and the AP work orders provide the following information
            about AP installation and configuration:
            •   number of APs required for adequate WLAN capacity in each coverage
            •   detailed installation locationfor each AP
            •   settings for all APs in the WLAN

            For information about installing WLAN Management Software , creating
            and verifying a network plan, and generating an AP work order, see the
            Avaya WLAN 8100 - Planning and Engineering document.

      Wireless Controller 8180 recommendation
            Avaya recommends that you install and configure the Wireless Controller
            8180 before installing an AP. If the switch is already installed and
            configured for the access points, you can immediately verify the cable
            connection when you plug the cable into the RJ-45 port on the AP.
                            AP 8120 access points are designed to receive power only
                            from an 802.3af-compliant source or an Avaya-approved
                            power injector. Connecting an AP to a Power over Ethernet
                            (PoE) device that is not approved by Avaya can damage the

            For more information about connecting an AP to a WC 8180 port, see
            Connecting to a Wireless Controller 8180.

      Wall installation recommendations
            If you plan to install an AP on a partial wall or other vertical surface, orient
            the top of the access point (the side with the LEDs) toward the intended
            coverage area. The radio antennas transmit through the top of the access
            point but not through the bottom (where the bracket is located).

Radio safety advisories
            When you enable the AP radios as part of a configuration, the radios can
            receive and transmit radio frequency energy as soon as you connect the
            AP to the WC 8180, either directly or through the network.

                                  Avaya WLAN 8100
                                 Installation–AP 8120
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14 Installation preparation

Radio frequency advisories
                  Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Docket 96-8 for Spread
                  Spectrum Transmitters specifies a safety standard for human exposure
                  to radio frequency electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC-certified
                  equipment. The Avaya Access Point 8120 product meets the uncontrolled
                  environmental limits found in OET-65 and ANSI C95.1-1991, if proper
                  installation procedures are followed. To ensure compliance with these
                  exposure requirements, you must install this device in such a manner as to
                  maintain a minimum of 20 cm separation distance between the radiating
                  elements and all persons.

         Additional radio safety advisories
                                  Install this device in such a manner as to maintain a minimum of
                                  20 cm (7.9 inches) separation distance between the radiating
                                  elements and all persons. This safety warning conforms with
                                  FCC radio frequency exposure limits.

                                  Do not operate the AP near unshielded blasting caps or in an
                                  otherwise explosive environment unless the device has been
                                  modified for such use by qualified personnel.

                                  Do not touch or move the AP when the antennas are
                                  transmitting or receiving.

                                  Before using a wireless device in a hazardous location, consult
                                  the local codes, national codes, and safety directors of the
                                  location for usage constraints.

                                        Avaya WLAN 8100
                                       Installation–AP 8120
                              NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010



Access Point 8120 installation
            This section contains procedures for the installation of the Access Point

Mounting a wireless LAN access point on a wall
            The mounting bracket is designed to use wall anchors with threaded
            section diameters ranging between 3.5mm and 4.5mm. If wall anchors
            have threaded diameters greater than 3.5mm, only the two mounting holes
            marked ‘A’ may be used. If wall anchors have threaded diameters of less
            than 3.5mm, the holes marked ‘A’ and the holes marked ‘B’ may be used.
            All wall anchors must have a head diameter of less than 10mm or the wall
            mounting bracket cannot be installed over them.

            Perform the following procedure to mount a wireless LAN access point on
            a wall:

      Procedure steps

            Step      Action

            1         Locate the appropriate position of the wall anchors. The wall
                      anchors should be 95mm apart horizontally and 80mm apart

                                  Avaya WLAN 8100
                                 Installation–AP 8120
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16 Access Point 8120 installation

                            The wall bracket is designed to use a minimum of 2 anchors and
                            a maximum of 4.
                 2          Install the screws into the wall anchors but do not seat them fully,
                            leave at least a 2mm gap between the screw head and the wall.
                 3          Slip the wall bracket over the heads of the screws and slide the
                            bracket to the right as viewed facing the wall.

                 4          Tighten the screws to secure the wall mounting bracket tightly
                            against the wall.
                 5          Align the mounting tabs on the bottom of the access point sheet
                            metal enclosure with the vertically oriented keyhole slots in the
                            mounting bracket.

                                       Avaya WLAN 8100
                                      Installation–AP 8120
                             NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010


                                    Installing an Access Point with a ceiling grid adaptor   17

            6         Allow the access point to slide down the keyhole slots, making
                      sure the access point mounting tabs are seated at the bottom
                      of the slot.
            7         Secure the access point to the wall mounting bracket and tighten
                      the thumbscrews.
            8         Verify that the access point is secured to both the bracket and
                      to the wall.


Installing an Access Point with a ceiling grid adaptor
            The ceiling grid adaptor comes with two interlocking bracket parts. The
            larger bracket includes keyhole shaped slots which mate with tabs on the
            under surface of the AP and a threaded hole that mates with the captive
            thumbscrew on the AP. The smaller bracket also includes a captive
            fastener and it can be oriented with respect to the larger bracket in two
            different ways corresponding to narrow or wide ceiling grids.

            Perform the following procedure to install the access point with a ceiling
            grid adaptor:

                                 Avaya WLAN 8100
                                Installation–AP 8120
                       NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010


18 Access Point 8120 installation

        Procedure steps

                 Step       Action

                 1          Secure a safe work environment. Obtain a ladder that allows
                            easy access to the ceiling grid system.
                 2          Identify an appropriate location on the ceiling grid where the
                            ceiling T-bars are safely accessible and where the ceiling tiles
                            can be temporarily elevated and cleared away from the work
                            area. The adaptor bracket assembly is intended for use with the
                            thin section grid runners, not the thicker section runners used to
                            cross large spans. To provide access for hands and tools, use a
                            pair of pencils or sticks to hold up the ceiling tiles out of the grid.
                            Doing this provides easy access for securing the bracket to the
                 3          Mount the larger bracket to the grid. While installing, pay
                            attention to the width of the grid strip in order to ascertain the
                            appropriate orientation for the smaller bracket which is installed

                 4          Mount the interlocking small bracket to the large bracket and
                            clamp the two pieces together on the grid. The smaller bracket
                            has tabs formed into it which engage slots in the larger tab. This
                            allows the two parts to slide together and lock to one another.
                            When this is done, the two brackets effectively clamp themselves
                            around the ceiling grid. When the two halves of the bracket are
                            correctly slid together, the captive fastener in the small bracket
                            should engage threads provided in the larger bracket. Use a
                            screwdriver to screw down the captive fastener. Securing the
                            two brackets in this manner is essential to prevent them from
                            disengaging from one another. Tighten the captive fastener
                            screw securely.
                                       Avaya WLAN 8100
                                      Installation–AP 8120
                             NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010


                      Installing an Access Point with a ceiling grid adaptor   19

    5   Attach the access point to the bracket. Align the access point
        securing tabs with the keyhole slots in the ceiling grid bracket
        and carefully slide the access point onto the ceiling grid bracket
        assembly. If the access point and the bracket assembly are
        correctly engaged, it should be possible to engage the access
        points captive thumbscrew into the threaded tab provided on the
        ceiling grid bracket.

    6   Make electrical connections and return ceiling tiles.


                   Avaya WLAN 8100
                  Installation–AP 8120
         NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010


20 Access Point 8120 installation

                                       Avaya WLAN 8100
                                      Installation–AP 8120
                             NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010



Installation tools and utilities
Installation hardware and tools
            The following table lists the mounting hardware and tools required for each
            type of installation.
             Mounting option             Required hardware and     Included with the
                                         tools                     product
             Ceiling installations       Universal mounting        Yes
                                         T-bar clamp               Yes
                                         Box cutter                No
                                         Small screwdriver (3-mm   No
                                         or 1/8-inch)
                                         Junction box              No
             Wall mounting               Universal mounting        Yes
                                         Small screwdriver (3-mm   No
                                         or 1/8-inch)
                                         #2 Phillips-head          No

                                   Avaya WLAN 8100
                                  Installation–AP 8120
                         NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010


22 Installation tools and utilities

                                          Avaya WLAN 8100
                                         Installation–AP 8120
                                NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010



Access Point Troubleshooting
      After you insert the CAT-5 cable into an AP’s port connector and enable
      PoE on the cable, observe the device’s health or link LED to determine the
      status of the connection with the WC 8180.
      •     If the LED is green and is glowing steadily, the AP was booted
            successfully by the WC 8180 and is ready for operation.
      •     If the LED is not steadily glowing green, see the following table.

      For descriptions of all the LEDs, see "Status Light-emitting diode (LED)"
      (page 10).
          Health or         Diagnosis                  Remedy
          LINK LED
          Not solid green   AP radio needs to be       Enable at least one of the radios.
                            enabled.                   If the LED is still not solid green,
                                                       try the remedy listed in this table
                                                       based on the LEDs appearance.
          Unlit             AP is not receiving        Check the CAT-5 cable
                            power.                     connections.

                                                       Do the following:
                                                       •     Confirm AP health using the
                                                             WMS or WC 8180 CLI.
                                                       •     Verify that an Avaya-approv
                                                             ed PoE source is supplying
                                                             power to the AP.

                              Avaya WLAN 8100
                             Installation–AP 8120
                    NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010


24 Access Point Troubleshooting

                 Health or         Diagnosis                   Remedy
                 LINK LED
                 Slowly alterna    AP is starting with an      Wait a few seconds for the boot
                 ting green and    image received from a       process to complete. If this LED
                 amber             WC 8180.                    appearance persists, enable a
                                                               radio or place a radio in sentry
                 Solid amber       AP is waiting to receive    Wait a few seconds for the boot
                                   boot instructions and a     process to begin.
                                   configuration file from a   If the LED remains amber, try
                                   WC 8180.                    the remedies for the other health
                                                               LED appearances.
                                                               If the LED still remains amber,
                                                               ensure the AP is securely
                                                               connected to its PoE source and
                                                               to the network.

                                     Avaya WLAN 8100
                                    Installation–AP 8120
                           NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010



IEEE 802.11a/b/g Channel Designations:

     2400 to 2483.5 MHz band
                IEEE Mode         11b/g    11b/g     11b/g     11b/g       11b/g       11b/g      11b/g
                Channel number    1        2         3         4           5           6          7
                Frequency         2.412    2.417     2.422     2.427       2.432       2.437      2.442
                IEEE mode         11b/g    11b/g     11b/g     11b/g       11b/g       11b/g      11b/g
                Channel number    8        9         10        11          12          13         14
                Frequency         2.447    2.452     2.457     2.456       2.467       2.472      2.484

            •     11: Channels 1 through 11, inclusive (U.S. based)
            •     13: Channels 1 through 13, inclusive (EU based)
            •     14: Channels 1 through 14, inclusive (Japan based)

     5.15 to 5.35 GHz bands
                IEEE mode         11a     11a      11a    11a       11a         11a        11a    11a
                Channel number    36      40       44     48        52          56         60     64
                Frequency         5.18    5.20     5.22   5.24      5.26        5.28       5.30   5.32
                (GHz)             0       0        0      0         0           0          0      0

     5.470 to 5.725 GHz bands
                IEEE mode         11a     11a      11a    11a       11a         11a        11a     11a
                Channel           100     104      108    112       116         120        124     128

                                    Avaya WLAN 8100
                                   Installation–AP 8120
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26 Appendix

                  Frequency         5.500   5.52     5.540   5.56     5.580    5.60   5.620   5.64
                  (GHz)                     0                0                 0              0
                  IEEE mode         11a     11a      11a
                  Channel           132     136      140
                  Frequency         5.660   5.68     5.700
                  (GHz)                     0

       5.725 to 5.85 GHz bands
                  IEEE mode         11a            11a        11a             11a       11a
                  Channel number    149            153        157             161       165
                  Frequency         5.745          5.765      5.785           5.805     8.825

              •     1: Channels 36, 40, 44, 48
              •     2: Channels 52, 56, 60, 64
              •     4: Channels 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140
              •     7: Channels 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
              •     All combinations, such as 1, 2, 7 represent all of the channels listed in
                    the separate sections of 1, 2 and 7: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 149,
                    153, 157, 161, 165

                                      Avaya WLAN 8100
                                     Installation–AP 8120
                            NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010



Common antenna terminology
           The following glossary includes basic antenna terminology that can help in
           the selection and recommendation of a particular antenna.

    Omnidirectional (Omni)
           Refers to the antenna coverage pattern. An omnidirectional antenna
           creates a uniform coverage pattern. Most omnidirectional antennas
           are weakest directly above and directly below their endpoints — this
           characteristic creates the familiar dual-lobe pattern shown on the E-plane
           graphs. Nulls are typically related to the orientation of the dipole/monopole
           antenna relative to the horizontal or vertical planes. The lobes grow and
           shrink depending upon the ground plane effects and cancellation/addition
           of the radiating signal. Omnidirectional antennas are suitable for most
           general deployments.

           Refers to the antenna coverage pattern. A directional antenna focuses its
           lobe or radiated energy in a particular direction. In general, as the gain of a
           directional antenna increases, the radiating beamwidth or lobe decreases.
           This design increases the transmitted power and communication distance
           in a specific direction at the expense of uniform coverage, as compared
           to an omnidirectional antenna. You must aim a directional antenna at the
           intended coverage zone.

           Expressed in dBi, indicates the relative increase in radiated power over an
           isotropic point radiating source with a reference gain of 1.0.

           Each 3 dB increment in power effectively doubles the radiated energy. For
           example, an antenna with a gain of 9 dBi increases the transmit power 8
           times more than an isotropic point radiating source. For example

           12.5 mW = 11 dBm
           11 dBm + 9dBi = 20 dBm
           20 dBm = 100 mW
           100mw/12.5 mW = 8 times more power

                                Avaya WLAN 8100
                               Installation–AP 8120
                      NN47251-302       01.AD    10 May 2010


28 Common antenna terminology

       E-Plane graph
               The elevation plane graph shows the radiated antenna coverage pattern
               as a vertical cross section — as if looking directly at the antenna from the

       H-Plane graph
               The horizontal plane graph shows the radiated antenna coverage pattern
               as a horizontal cross section — as if looking directly at the antenna from

                                    Avaya WLAN 8100
                                   Installation–AP 8120
                          NN47251-302      01.AD     10 May 2010


Document Created: 2010-06-10 18:02:03
Document Modified: 2010-06-10 18:02:03

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