15_AEFME904U1 UserMan


Users Manual

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        wWHOLE—HOME                    WiFi   SYSTEM

                                           Back panel
                                           The rear panel provides the physical connectors
                                           for power, client network devices.

Solid          The system is working
               No power is being
               supplied to the router or
               the unit is unplugged
                                                          WAN/LAN port   DC powerjack

                                           1. Reset button: press and hold this button for
Solid green    Good connection             8—10 seconds to restore the router to its factory
Solid yellow   Fair connection: move       default settings. The router must be powered on
               closer to another node      for this function to work.
Solid red      Disconnected: check         2. WAN/LAN port: this RJ45S port is where you
               connection, move closer     will comnect the DSL/cable modem or Ethernet
               to another node             line from your ISP. It can also be used as a LAN if
                                           it‘s not the Main Node.

3. LAN port: connectyour local lsptop or desk—        4. Insert one end of the supplied power adapter to
top computers in your network to any of these         the AC input jack on the rear panel of the main
ARJ45 Ethernet ports.                                 node. Then plug the other two nodes with the
                                                      included power adapter.
4. DC—IN: connect the supplied power adapter to       5. Please wait for about 80 seconds. The second—
this jack.                                            ary node is connecting to another node when its
                                                      LED indicator blinks green.
3. Hardware installation                              6. If they are all solid green, it means they are
                                                      connected to each other. If they are yellow or red,
1. Place each node at s high or open aree within      move the nodes closer to each other and repest
the network coverage of the connected node.           step 4.
Keep your nodes away from household appliances
with strong electrical interference levels, such as
TVs, microwave ovens, induction cooktops and
refrigerators. They should be within 30 feet of
each other.
B. Then, connect the modem to the router‘s WAN
port using the supplied Ethernet cable.
3. Connect your PC to the router if using a wired                  Modem
                                                                             [G3)   exturmenjeck

                                                  Scan to download the NEXXT® Wireless app

4. Install the NEXXT® Wirsless App — IOS
mobile operating system 1. Downloadthe
NEXXT® Wireless App on your mobile device by
searching for NEXXT® Wireless in Google Play
Store or App Store or by scanning the following
GA code. Then, install the app.

                                                              NEXXT® Wireless

B Tap the NBOCT" Wirelese App to start it.   8.A prompt bexwilpop uprequesting
                                             permission to alow notiflcetions. Tep Allow.

4. Procaactto oreite an sccountifyouwant o ho      8. Top Lo ancthan tap Reglstar on the uppar
able to contralthe Vekter while you ure wayfrerm   righthand comer.
5. Tap the ProfilIcon on the upperrighthand                                                ES
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  use nofeveym eBed ejoue AA u851 ©40H °L L             unokgeus waguce jim jeuue uogeuiyuee w—e

18.Tap the bnokbustan/arrewto go bankto the
                                                  neanas   e
5. Adding Vektar/nates to your NEXOCT®
Wireloms App/Account.
1. Findthe Vaktor‘s defaut nams and peseword
on the label on the battom orthe node. in your
emartphone. ga to Battings/ WeFi. You may have
to wals a momnent se yourdavice detects wrelses
nsoworka in rengs and clisplays thar in «

8. Cheosethe defautsVaktor‘s SEID and type the   8. WalsometotheVaktsn matup acreen. Tap
pereward on the epaoe belaw. Tap Conneat. Cnon   Setuptoproceed.
you are conneatad, yo buokto the ep.


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4. is automatically cleteots the type of Internet   5. Iswill prompt you to change the dafaut WeFi
eonnection you are using. t can aways be changed    name and paseword. Please o so and choose
to a different type of connection. To do ao, tap    something that is eeayto nemember, but dlfficuts
Choose your canneetion and type it menually. fyou   to guess. The password must be of at least 8
d not want to chenge it, tep Naxt.                  chansctans. Tap Owhen you sns done. is should
                                                    eutometicaly reconnect to the new WHFIname.

i0it nrorrenyouse acnnass e se Wtyou es
ereatedTepGonnacis Then tep thaWirinama
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7. To add addiionainades. go to Sersings. Ad    6. Asding noies.
NedTap 0C t wiltakeyou to the main interface.   1.Bo to Settings, Add node.

      Mavemut reseet                                          ns sane
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. fyouheve not done Isyes, place the nodes in the   . Mlug the power edeptere into the nodee and the
eppropriate losations in your house. They should    wall outlate. Walsfor sbout 80 asconda and then
be within Gfees {1G mevere) of each athen. Tap      vap Nexs:
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Document Created: 2018-12-29 16:45:59
Document Modified: 2018-12-29 16:45:59

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