User Manual

FCC ID: X4GS00947B

Users Manual

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera
System User Manual

     Document Revision: BETA-I
     July 2018

Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                                           User Manual

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                                                                                      User Manual

Table of Contents

Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 4
       Additional Reading ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Getting to Know Your Axon Fleet 2 Camera System............................................................................... 6
       Axon Fleet 2 Front Camera Hardware ..................................................................................................... 6
       Axon Fleet Rear Camera Hardware ......................................................................................................... 9
       Axon Fleet Power Unit .............................................................................................................................11
Recording with the Axon Fleet 2 System ................................................................................................ 12
       Operating Modes .....................................................................................................................................12
              BUFFERING Mode (Turning on the Camera) ................................................................................12
              EVENT Mode (Starting Recording) ..................................................................................................13
       Muting Audio Recording..........................................................................................................................14
       Adding Markers while Recording ...........................................................................................................14
       Zoom Function..........................................................................................................................................14
       Axon Signal................................................................................................................................................15
Notification Reference Tables ................................................................................................................. 17
       Audio Prompts ..........................................................................................................................................17
       LED Status .................................................................................................................................................17
              Operation LED ..................................................................................................................................17
              Function LED .....................................................................................................................................17
Uploading Video from the Axon Fleet 2 System .................................................................................... 18
       Wireless via LTE ........................................................................................................................................18
       Wireless at Station ...................................................................................................................................18
       USB Cable ..................................................................................................................................................18
Troubleshooting and Other Information ............................................................................................... 19
       Customer Service .....................................................................................................................................19
       Warranty Policy.........................................................................................................................................19
       Declaration of Conformity ......................................................................................................................19
       Warnings ...................................................................................................................................................19
       Compliance Marks ...................................................................................................................................20
       Radio Waves..............................................................................................................................................20

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                                 User Manual


       The Axon Fleet 2 solution is a camera system incorporating an audio and video recording
       device. This camera is designed for use in tough environmental conditions encountered in
       law enforcement, corrections, military, and security activities. The Axon Fleet 2 system is
       designed to record events for secure storage, retrieval, and analysis using
       services. The recorded events can be transferred wirelessly to the website
       through Wi-Fi technology. You also can transfer information by using Evidence Sync software
       installed on a Windows computer.

       The Axon Fleet 2 system usually consists of 2 cameras: one installed in the front of the
       vehicle in a windshield mount, and the second pointed at the law enforcement vehicle’s
       prisoner compartment.

       The Axon Fleet 2 system cameras have 2 operating modes designed to accommodate the
       needs of law enforcement, corrections, security, and the military. The default mode, or
       BUFFERING mode, which provides pre-event buffering to capture activities that occur prior
       to activating cameras, and EVENT mode, which records events.

       If the Axon Fleet 2 system is used in an emergency vehicle equipped with an Axon Signal
       Vehicle unit, the camera will transition from BUFFERING to EVENT mode when an
       appropriate event occurs (such as your emergency vehicle’s light bar being activated).

       The camera is normally powered by the vehicle. If the vehicle’s ignition is shut off, an inline
       Axon Fleet power unit provides power for up to 4 hours of recording.

Additional Reading

       This manual explains how to operate the Axon Fleet 2 camera hardware. Other manuals
       cover additional aspects of the Axon Fleet system. These documents are available at

       The Axon View XL Manual provides instructions for using your mobile data terminal (MDT)
       with your Axon Fleet system.

       For information on managing users, managing vehicles, managing Fleet camera settings, and
       working with videos, see the User and Administrator Reference Guide.

       Detailed instructions for using Axon cameras and other Axon products with Evidence Sync
       are available in the Evidence Sync User Manual.

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                            User Manual

       The Axon Academy website explains how to register for the website, configure
       settings, assign personnel to cameras, and transfer video from an Axon device to a
       computer. Visit

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     Although your Axon Fleet system can be configured for automated transfer from BUFFERING
     to EVENT mode under the right conditions, both the front and rear cameras still include
     physical controls to enable video and audio recording. The cameras also provide visual and
     audible notification of the Axon Fleet system‘s state of operation.

     Note: Many of the features activated by the buttons below also can be activated with the
     Axon View XL program. See the Axon View XL Manual for more information.

Axon Fleet 2 Front Camera Hardware

     The following images show the different components on the Axon Fleet 2 front camera,
     Model AX1014.

                                                                           Swivel ball joint
   Power cable   =——————aP>

        Operation indicator                                                                Lens

                                     Axon Fleet 2 Front Camera front

     Swivel ball joint — Attaches camera to camera mount

     Power cable — Provides power from Axon Fleet Power Unit

     Lens — The camera lens.

     Operation indicator — Shows camera operation. Blinking green = BUFFERING mode,
     blinking red = EVENT (recording) mode

        Function LED                                                       Operation LED

               Dataport                                               Power switch

                                   Axon Fleet 2 Front Camera back

Function LED — Shows camera functions that are enabled.

 Mute                                              Blinking blue
 Camera error*                                     Solid red
 Bluetooth feature is booting up                   Solid blue
 Camera is searching for Wi—Fi                     Blinking magenta
 Camera connected to Wi—Fi                         Solid magenta

* Use the power switch to turn the camera OFF and ON.

Operation LED — Shows the camera‘s current operating mode.

When you turn the camera ON, the Operation LED turns solid red until the system is ready to
use. Then the Operation LED blinks green (BUFFERING mode) and the Battery LED goes out.

 Recording                                         Blinking red
 Buffering                                         Blinking green
 Booting up/powering down                          Solid red

Dataport — Used for data transfer through PC when using Evidence Sync

Power switch — Turns the camera‘s power ON or OFF. When the camera‘s power is turned
ON, the red portion is exposed. When the camera power is turned OFF, the red portion is
covered from view. The camera might take several additional seconds to close out of the
video when it is powered OFF before stopping an event.


                               Axon Fleet 2 Front Camera bottom

  EVENT button — Used to start and stop recording. Press once to start. Press once again to

  Speaker — Provides audio notifications.

                                                                   Windshield mount

    (under sunshield)

Function Button

                        Axon Fleet 2 Front Camera with windshield mount

  Windshield mount — Attaches to the vehicle‘s windshield.

  Thumbscrew — Allows panning and tilting the camera, and then fixing camera in place.

  Sunshield — Used to reduce glare on camera lens.

      Function button — Used to mute the device and to add markers to the video as it is

      Microphone — For recording in—cabin audio. Located under the sunshield.

Axon Fleet Rear Camera Hardware

      The following images show the different components on the Axon Fleet 2 rear camera,
      Model AX1015, and rear camera controller, Model AX1016.

                                          (on back of camera)

                  Angle adjustment screws                                               Camera cable

Camera mount                                                                     IR illumination window

                                   Lens                   Ambient light sensor

                                 Axon Fleet 2 rear camera and mount

      Lens — The camera lens.

      Camera mount — Attaches camera to the vehicle.

      Ambient light sensor — Engages infra—red (IR) illumination at low ambient light.

      IR illumination window — Infra—red (IR) illumination source.

      Camera cable — Connects the camera to the camera controller.

      Angle adjustment screws — Allows tilting the camera and then fixing camera in place.

      Microphone — For recording in—cabin audio. Located on the back of the rear camera.

        Camera cable

                                                                    Operation LED

           SPeaker   mm                                                Function button

        EVENT Button    =————==

                                                                   G=———===   Controller mount

                                                                      Camera controller

                       Axon Fleet 2 rear camera controller and mount

Camera cable — Connects the camera to the camera controller.

Camera controller — The Axon Fleet 2 rear camera controller includes physical controls to
enable video and audio capture while providing visual and audible notifications of the
camera‘s state of operation.

Controller mount — Used to mount the camera controller to the vehicle and provides power
to the controller and rear camera.

Function LED — Shows camera functions that are enabled.

 Mute                                           Blinking blue
 Camera error*                                 Solid red
 Bluetooth feature is booting up               Solid blue
 Camera is searching for Wi—Fi                  Blinking magenta
 Camera connected to Wi—Fi                     Solid magenta

* Use the power switch to turn the camera OFF and ON.

Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                               User Manual

       Operation LED – Shows the camera’s current operating mode.

       When you turn the camera ON, the Operation LED turns solid red until the system is ready to
       use. Then the Operation LED blinks green (BUFFERING mode) and the Battery LED goes out.

         Operating Mode                                Operation LED
         Recording                                     Blinking red
         Buffering                                     Blinking green
         Booting up/powering down                      Solid red

       Power switch – Turns the camera’s power ON or OFF. When the camera’s power is turned
       ON, the red portion is exposed. When the camera power is turned OFF, the red portion is
       covered from view. The camera might take several additional seconds to close out of the
       video when it is powered OFF before stopping an event.

       EVENT button – Used to start and stop recording. Press once to start. Press once again to

       Speaker – Provides audio notifications.

       Function button – Used to mute the device and to add markers to the video as it is

Axon Fleet Power Unit

       The Axon Fleet system uses the vehicle’s electrical system as a power source. If the vehicle’s
       ignition is shut off, the battery in the Axon Fleet power unit supplies power to the camera so
       it can keep recording. With a fully charged power unit battery, the camera can record up to 4
       hours without the engine running. The battery will begin recharging when the engine is
       turned back on. It may take over 3 hours for a depleted battery to fully recharge.

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                                    User Manual

Recording with the Axon Fleet 2 System

       The Axon Fleet 2 front and rear cameras can operate independently of each other.

Operating Modes

       The Axon Fleet 2 camera system has 2 operating modes:

       1.   BUFFERING (turning on the camera and starting pre-event buffering)

       2.   EVENT (event recording)

   BUFFERING Mode (Turning on the Camera)

       •    Move the power switch on the camera to the ON position.

            With the camera turned on, the Axon system is in the BUFFERING mode. When BUFFERING

            •      The Operation LED on the back of the camera will blink green.

            •      The camera will be capturing video but does not record to permanent memory while
                   in BUFFERING mode.

            •      Buffered video duration is 30 seconds by default (00:00:30).

            When EVENT mode is activated, the buffered video captured directly before the event is
            saved and attached to the event in permanent memory. This feature is intended to
            capture the video of an incident just before your activation of EVENT mode.

            With default settings, the system does not capture audio in BUFFERING mode, so
            anything recorded in that mode will be video-only. BUFFERING mode starts only after the
            Axon Fleet system is turned on. The system does not record when the camera is turned


            •      An agency can extend the BUFFERING mode’s duration in 30 second increment up to
                   2 minutes total (00:02:00). There are some restrictions on video quality and buffering

            •      An agency can configure the BUFFERING mode so it records audio as well as video.

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                                 User Manual

   EVENT Mode (Starting Recording)

       To begin recording, do one of the following:

            •   Use the Axon View XL application to start recording.

            •   Press the EVENT button on the camera/controller.

            •   If your vehicle has an Axon Signal Vehicle unit, your camera will transition from
                BUFFERING to EVENT mode when the Axon Signal Vehicle unit sends a signal.

            When your camera starts recording, you will hear 2 beeps. The system now records
            audio as well as video. The “buffered” video directly preceding the event is saved and
            attached to the event recording (Note: With default settings, the buffered video does not
            contain audio). The moment EVENT mode begins, both video and audio are recorded
            from the camera and GPS coordinates are recorded (Note: GPS coordinates are provided
            by the router). This will continue throughout the duration of the recording until you stop
            the recording.

            The camera provides you with indications that it is recording in EVENT mode:

            •   At the start of an event and every 2 minutes during an event, the system beeps twice.

            •   The Operation LED on the camera or controller blinks red.

       1.   To stop recording and return to BUFFERING mode:

            •   Use the Axon View XL application to stop recording, or

            •   Press the EVENT button.

            The system will beep once (with a long tone).

       2.   To turn off the system, move the power switch to the OFF position. When you end a
            recording with the power switch you will not go into BUFFERING mode; instead the system
            will turn off completely.

            Note: An event not recorded by the camera cannot be played back or downloaded to
            your computer.

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                              User Manual

Muting Audio Recording

       You can use the function button to disable audio recording during an event if your
       administrator has configured your Axon Fleet 2 system to do so. This feature may be useful
       in sensitive situations.

       You can also use the View XL audio controls to mute and enable audio recordings.

       1.   Press and hold the Function button on the camera/controller for 3 seconds to mute the
            audio recording. The camera will beep twice and the Function LED will blink blue while
            the camera is muted.

       2.   Press and hold the Function button on the camera/controller another 3 seconds to re-
            enable the audio recording.

Adding Markers while Recording

       The Function button can be used to add a marker while recording video. The marker is
       shown when the video is replayed in and documented in the audit trail.
       Markers are useful for indicating an important event that you want to easily find when
       replaying the video.

       To add a marker to a video while you are recording:

            •   Press and release the Function button within 1 second.

Zoom Function

       The Axon Fleet 2 Front Camera is equipped with a zoom function. This function allows you to
       magnify the center portion of the front camera’s view while using Live View. The zoom
       function works in both BUFFERING and EVENT modes.

       1.   In the View XL Control tab, tap Live View.

       2.   On the Live View, check that the Front camera is selected.

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                                User Manual

       3.   Tap anywhere on the screen to magnify.

                                            Tap anywhere on
                                              the screen to

            The magnification returns to normal after 10 seconds.

            You can tap anywhere on the screen a second time to return to normal magnification
            before the 10 second timeout.

       4.   Tap Close to return to the Control tab

Axon Signal

       Axon Signal technology is included with the Axon Fleet system. However, your agency’s administrator must activate the Axon Signal capability for it to work. When it is
       active, Axon Signal technology can take your Axon Fleet system from BUFFERING to EVENT

       Emergency vehicles can be equipped with an Axon Signal Vehicle unit. When triggered, such
       as by a light bar activation, the Axon Signal Vehicle unit sends a signal to your Axon Fleet
       system. Upon receiving this signal, your Axon cameras transition from BUFFERING to EVENT
       mode. When your camera starts recording, you will hear 2 beeps.

       The Axon Signal Vehicle unit has a range of approximately 30 feet (9.1 meters).

       Axon Signal technology can only send a signal to tell the camera to start recording. Axon
       Signal technology does not end recording. for example, if a light bar is turned off, the camera
       will continue to record until the user stops the recording.

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                               User Manual

       The Axon Signal technology cannot turn an Axon system on. If the Axon Fleet system is
       turned off, the camera will not record even if an Axon Signal Vehicle unit sends a trigger

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                                       User Manual

Notification Reference Tables

Audio Prompts

       The Axon Fleet system emits beeping sounds called “audio prompts” to notify you of the
       system status. These audio prompts usually occur after a camera action.

         Operating Mode                                                   Audio Notification
         Powering on or off                                               One beep
         Recording an event                                               Two beeps (repeats every 2 minutes)
         Enter or exit Mute mode                                          Two beeps
         The device is ending an event and returning to BUFFERING         One long beep
         The camera is running off the Axon Fleer power unit (the car     Four quick beeps (every 5 minutes)
         ignition is off) and the battery is at 20% capacity or lower.
         The camera memory is full (the camera will not start             Three beeps.

LED Status

   Operation LED

       The operation LED displays the system’s current operating mode.

         Operating Mode                                      Operation LED
         Recording                                           Blinking red
         Buffering                                           Blinking green
         Booting up/powering down                            Solid red

   Function LED

       The function LED displays when certain functions are enabled:

         Function Enabled                                    Function LED
         Mute                                                Blinking blue
         Camera error*                                       Solid red
         Bluetooth feature is booting up                     Solid blue
         Camera is searching for Wi-Fi                       Blinking magenta
         Camera connected to Wi-Fi                           Solid magenta

       * Use the power switch to turn the camera OFF and ON.

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                                User Manual

Uploading Video from the Axon Fleet 2 System

       The Axon Fleet system can support the multiple offload options listed below:

Wireless via LTE

       The Axon Fleet system can upload video via Long Term Evolution (LTE), a fast wireless service,
       if the vehicle has an in-car router that supports LTE. For more information, see the Axon View
       XL Manual.

Wireless at Station

       An agency can equip its parking facilities with wireless access points so that vehicles
       equipped with Axon Fleet systems can upload their videos. For more information, see the
       Axon View XL Manual.

       Note: There might be additional system requirements associated with Wi-Fi offload.

USB Cable

       If Evidence Sync software is installed on your computer, you can download information from
       an Axon Fleet 2 camera to your computer and upload the information to the
       website. For more information, see the Evidence Sync User Manual.

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                                 User Manual

Troubleshooting and Other Information

       •   If you have trouble with your Axon Fleet system cameras, turn the camera off and turn it
           on again.

       •   If you receive camera status errors in View XL, refer to the Axon View XL Manual for
           troubleshooting information.

       •   If the camera is not transitioning to EVENT mode from Axon Signal Vehicle triggers, have
           an administrator verify the Signal Configuration set up is correct in

       •   If the previous actions do not resolve the difficulties, contact Axon Customer Service for
           additional support.

Customer Service

       Visit and view the Support options, or call 1-800-978-2737.

Warranty Policy

       Axon Enterprise warranty provisions are applicable on all Axon Fleet system products. See
       Axon Enterprise’s website,, for detailed warranty information.

Declaration of Conformity

       Axon declares that this Axon system is compliant with the requirements of the Radio
       Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU. A copy of the original Declaration of Conformity can
       be found at


       For a full list of the warning associated with this product, see

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Compliance Marks

    CCC £
Radio Waves

    An Axon Fleet 2 system transmission is in the frequency ranges of 2402 — 2480 MHz, 2412 —
    2462 MHz, and 5745 — 5825 MHz.

    Changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer
    could void the product warranty and the user‘s authority to operate the equipment. Your
    wireless device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to
    exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal
    Communications Commission (FCC) of the U.S. Government. These limits are part of
    comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for the general
    population. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent
    scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The
    standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons,
    regardless of age and health. Before a device model is available for sale to the public, it must
    be tested and certified to the FCC that it does not exceed the limit established by the
    government—adopted requirement for safe exposure. This equipment has been tested and
    found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
    Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
    interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
    radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
    may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
    that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
    harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
    the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
    more of the following measures:

        e   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

        e   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

        e   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
            receiver is connected.

        e   Consult Axon International Customer Service for help.

Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                                   User Manual

       This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
       conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
       accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired

       This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
       subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2)
       this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
       operation of the device.

       Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
       radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)
       l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout
       brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le


       Section 8.4 of RSS-GEN

       This Device complies with Industry Canada License-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
       subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause interference, and 2) this
       device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
       operation of the device.

       Cet appareil est conforme aux normes d’exemption de licence RSS d’Industrie Canada. Son
       utilisation est soumise aux conditions suivantes : 1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer de
       brouillage, et 2) doit accepter tout brouillage, y compris le brouillage pouvant entraîner un
       fonctionnement indésirable.

       Section 8.3 of RSS-GEN

       Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an
       antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry
       Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain
       should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more
       than that necessary for successful communication.

       Conformément à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio ne peut
       fonctionner qu’au moyen d’une antenne d’un seul type et d’un gain maximal (ou inférieur)
       approuvé pour l’émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de
       brouillage radioélectrique pour les autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d’antenne et son

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Axon Fleet 2 Camera System                                                              User Manual

       gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas celle
       requise pour établir une communication satisfaisante.


       Section 6.8 of RSS-GEN

       These radio transmitters IC: 8803A-S00947B and IC: 8803A-S00146B have been approved by
       Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada to operate with the antenna types
       listed below, with the maximum permissible gain indicated. Antenna types not included in
       this list that have a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for any type listed are
       strictly prohibited for use with this device.

       Axon Fleet 2.0 Front camera uses a stamped metal dual band dipole. Antenna gain is <5.8dBi
       at 2.4GHz, and <1.88dBi at 5.8GHz. The required impedance for this antenna is 50 ohms.

       Axon Fleet 2.0 Rear camera uses a ceramic chip dual band antenna. Antenna gain is
       <-4.15dBi at 2.4GHz, and <-0.3dBi at 5.8 GHz. The required impedance for this antenna is 50

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Document Created: 2019-09-22 04:00:48
Document Modified: 2019-09-22 04:00:48

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