user manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                       ■ List of setting modes
       9. Setting Modes
                                                                                                                            PC-LINK mode                            BIKE
     ■ Starting setting mode
     Press button A and button B at the same time while the “Normal mode”                                                                                           SYSTEM
     display appears on the main unit.
                                                                                                                            SETTING mode
                                                                                                       Main menu
                                                                                                                                                                    HR (ZONE)
                                                                                                                            FILE VIEW mode      view
     ■ Setting mode operations
                   <Button B>                                                                                                                   delete
           Up scroll / Previous / Decrease
                                                                                                                            VERSION mode                            PAIRING

                                                                                                       < Main menu >
                                                                                                       When SETTING mode is started, the main menu is

                                                                                                       The following items can be operated or set from
                                                                                                       the main menu.
                                  <Button A> <Select button>                       <Set button>
                                     Down scroll / Next / Increase                       Set
                                                                                                         PC-LINK mode (page 48)
                                 To move cursor down                 Press select button or button A   This mode connects a personal computer to the main unit via a USB dongle
     Item selection                                                                                    (optional).
                                 To move cursor up                   Press button B                    Traveling data can be sent from the main unit, and bike, system and user
                                                                                                       settings and software updates can be carried out from the personal
                                 To move forward one screen          Press select button or button A   computer.
     Switching to
     setting screen
                                 To move back one screen             Press button B
                                                                                                         SETTING mode (page 28)
                                 To increase                         Press select button or button A
                                                                                                       This mode is used for making main unit settings.
     Entering numbers
                                 To decrease                         Press button B

     * If you hold a button down while entering a number, the number will increase or decrease more
                                                                                                         FILE VIEW mode (page 37)
                                                                                                       This mode is used for viewing and deleting traveling data.

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       VERSION mode                                                       Entering the tire circumference
                                                                          (1) Press the set button to enable the tire
     This mode is used for displaying the software                            circumference to be entered.
     version and network ID for the main unit.                                The tire circumference display will be
     (1) Select “VERSION” in the main menu.                                   highlighted.
     (2) Press the set button.                                            (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to
     (3) The confirmation screen for the firmware                             enter the desired value.
         version and the network ID will be displayed.                    (3) Press the set button to confirm the value entered.
         If you press the set button, the screen will                     (4) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to
         return to the main menu.                                             the next item. If you press button B, the screen will return to the
                                                                              previous setting item.

       SETTING mode                                                                                           * Measure the tire circumference by inflating
                                                                                       Turn forward             the tire to the correct pressure, making a
     (1) Select “SETTING” in the main menu.                                                                     mark on the ground where the tire touches
     (2) Press the set button.                                                                                  it, then turning the wheel one full
     (3) The Setting menu will be displayed.                                                                    revolution with you riding the bicycle, and
                                                                                                                then measuring the distance between the
                                                                                      Tire circumference        two points.

                                                                          Selecting the number of chainrings
     ■ Bike settings                                                      (1) Press the set button to enable the number of
                                                                              chainrings to be changed.The chainring display
     (1) Select “BIKE” from the Setting menu.
                                                                              will be highlighted.
     (2) Press the set button.
                                                                          (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to
     (3) The odometer distance input screen will be displayed.
                                                                              enter the desired number of chainrings.
     Entering the odometer distance                                           • SINGLE      • DOUBLE      • TRIPLE
     You can enter your desired cumulative distance.                      (3) Press the set button to confirm the number of chainrings selected.
     (1) Press the set button to enable the odometer                      (4) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to
         distance to be entered.                                              the next item. If you press button B, the screen will return to the
         The odometer distance display will be                                previous setting item.
     (2) Press the select button, button A or button B           (km)     Selecting the number of chainring teeth
         to enter the desired value.                                      (1) Press the set button to enable the number of
     (3) Press the set button to confirm the value                            chainring teeth to be changed.
         entered.                                                             The number of teeth for the largest chainring
     (4) If you press the select button or button A, the                      will be highlighted.
         display will change to the next item.                            (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to
                                                                              enter the desired number of chainring teeth.
                                                                          (3) Press the set button to confirm the number of teeth selected.
                                                                              The number of teeth for the next chainring will be highlighted.
                                                                          (4) Repeat steps (2) and (3) to set the number of teeth for each chainring.

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     (5) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to        Entering the time
         the next item. If you press button B, the screen will return to the
         previous setting item.
     Selecting the number of sprocket teeth
     Check the number of sprocket teeth being used
     beforehand. (For details on the applicable sprocket
     tooth combinations, refer to page 50.)
     (1) Press the set button to enable the number of                                                12-hour display (type 12)      24-hour display (type 24)
         sprocket tooth configuration to be changed.                                   (1) Press the set button to enable the time display type to be changed.
         The number of sprocket teeth will be                                              The type display will be highlighted.
         highlighted.                                                                  (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to select the desired
     (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to enter the desired                display type.
         sprocket tooth combination.                                                       • type 12: (12-hour display)
     (3) Press the set button to confirm the sprocket tooth combination                    • type 24: (24-hour display)
         selected.                                                                     (3) Press the set button to confirm the display type.
     (4) If you press the select button or button A, “exit” will be selected. If you       The time display will be highlighted.
         press button B, the screen will return to the previous setting item.              Next enter the time.
                                                                                       (4) Press the select button, button A or button B to enter the desired
     ■ System settings                                                                     value.
     (1) Select “SYSTEM” from the Setting menu.                                        (5) Press the set button to confirm the value entered.
     (2) Press the set button.                                                             The next field to be entered will be highlighted.
     (3) The date entry screen will be displayed.                                      (6) Repeat steps (4) and (5) to enter all of the desired values.
                                                                                       (7) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to
     Entering the date
                                                                                           the next item. If you press button B, the screen will return to the
     (1) Press the set button to enable the date display
                                                                                           previous setting item.
         type to be changed.
         The type display will be highlighted.
     (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to
         select the desired display type.                                              Setting data recording
         • type 1: (YYYY/MM/DD)                                  Date entry (type 1)
                                                                                       This sets whether traveling data is to be recorded
         • type 2: (DD-MMM-YY)                                                         or not. If it is to be recorded, set the interval
     (3) Press the set button to confirm the display type.                             (sampling period) for data to be extracted.
         The date display will be highlighted.                                         (1) Press the set button to enable the data
         Next enter the date.                                                              recording setting to be changed.
     (4) Press the select button, button A or button B to                                  The ON/OFF setting for “mode” will be
         enter the desired value.                                                          highlighted.
     (5) Press the set button to confirm the value                                     (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to select the data
         entered.                                                Date entry (type 2)       recording setting.
         The next field to be entered will be highlighted.                                 • mode: ON, OFF
     (6) Repeat steps (4) and (5) to enter all of the desired values.                  (3) Press the set button to confirm the selected setting.
     (7) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to            The sampling period value will be highlighted at this time.
         the next item.                                                                    Next set the sampling period.

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     (4) Press the select button, button A or button B to select the desired           Entering your name
         sampling period.                                                              (1) Press the set button to enable the name to be
         • Sampling period: 5 secs., 15 secs., 60 secs.                                    entered.
         * The shorter the sampling period, the more detailed is the data that             You will then be able to enter the first
            can be recorded, however the length of recording time available will           character.
            also become shorter.                                                       (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to
     (5) Press the set button to confirm the selected setting.                             select the desired letter.
     (6) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to            • Maximum number of characters: 10
         the next item. If you press button B, the screen will return to the               • Available characters: Alphabetic characters (uppercase/lowercase),
         previous setting item.                                                               special symbols, numerals
                                                                                       (3) Press the set button to confirm the character which you have entered.
                                                                                           The entry point will then move to the right of the character you have
     Selecting the stopwatch mode                                                          just entered.
     Starting and stopping the stopwatch counter can                                   (4) Repeat steps (2) and (3) to enter the whole of your name.
     be done using the set button on the main unit, or                                 (5) After the final character has been entered, press the set button to
     automatically by receiving a speed signal.                                            confirm the name you have entered.
     (1) Press the set button to enable the stopwatch                                  (6) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to
         mode setting (AUTO/MANUAL) to be changed.                                         the next item.
         The AUTO/MANU setting for “mode” will be                                          * If you make a mistake while entering your name, finish off entering
         highlighted.                                                                         the name and then enter it again starting from step (1).
     (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to select the desired
         mode.                                                                         Changing the gender
         • AUTO (Automatic setting)                                                    (1) Press the set button to enable the gender to be
            When the main unit receives a speed signal, the stopwatch counter              changed.
            starts, and it stops approximately 4 seconds after the speed signal            The gender display will be highlighted.
            stops being received.                                                      (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to
         • MANU (Manual setting)                                                           select the gender.
            The stopwatch counter starts and stops manually when the set button            • MALE      • FEMALE
            on the main unit is pressed.                                               (3) Press the set button to confirm the selected gender.
     (3) Press the set button to confirm the selected setting.                         (4) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to
     (4) If you press the select button or button A, “exit” will be selected. If you       the next item. If you press button B, the screen will return to the
         press button B, the screen will return to the previous setting item.              previous setting item.

                                                                                       Entering your birthday

     ■ User settings
     (1) Select “USER” from the Setting menu.
     (2) Press the set button.
     (3) The name entry screen will be displayed.                                                        (DATE type: 1)                 (DATE type: 2)

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     (1) Press the set button to enable the birthday to be entered.               (1) Press the set button to enable the weight to be entered.
         The year display for the birthday will be highlighted.                       The weight display will be highlighted.
     (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to enter the desired       (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to enter the desired
         value.                                                                       value.
         • Available year range: 1900 - 2099                                          • Weight range: 20.0 - 250.0 (kg)
     (3) Press the set button to confirm the entered value.                              44 - 551 (lbs.)
         The month display for the birthday will be highlighted.                      * The weight in pounds is displayed without using decimals.
     (4) Repeat steps (2) and (3) to enter all of the desired values.             (3) Press the set button to confirm the entered value.
     (5) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to   (4) If you press the select button or button A, “exit” will be selected. If you
         the next item. If you press button B, the screen will return to the          press button B, the screen will return to the previous setting item.
         previous setting item.

     Entering your height
                                                                                  ■ Setting your heart rate zone
                                                                                  (1) Select “HR(ZONE)” from the Setting menu.
                                                                                  (2) Press the set button.
                                                                                  (3) The heart rate zone setting screen will be displayed.

                                                                                  Heart rate zone setting
                            (cm)                         (feet)                   Enter the upper limit and lower limit for your
                                                                                  heart rate.
     (1) Press the set button to enable the height to be entered.                 Set your desired heart rate zone in accordance
         The height display will be highlighted.                                  with your training targets, etc.
     (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to enter the desired       (1) Press the set button to enable the heart rate
         value.                                                                       zone to be entered.
         • Height range: 120.0 - 250.0 (cm)                                           The “upper” heart rate zone display will be highlighted.
                          4 feet 0 inches - 8 feet 4 inches                       (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to enter the desired
     (3) Press the set button to confirm the value which you have entered.            value.
     (4) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to       • Heart rate zone (upper): 31 - 240 (bpm)
         the next item. If you press button B, the screen will return to the             The ‘upper’ value cannot be set to lower than the ‘lower’ value.
         previous setting item.                                                   (3) Press the set button to confirm the upper heart rate zone setting.
                                                                                      The “lower” heart rate zone display will be highlighted.
     Entering your weight                                                             Next set the lower heart rate zone setting.
                                                                                  (4) Press the select button, button A or button B to enter the desired
                                                                                      • Heart rate zone (lower): 30 - 239 (bpm)
                                                                                         The ‘lower’ value cannot be set to higher than the ‘upper’ value.
                                                                                  (5) Press the set button to confirm the lower heart rate zone setting.
                                                                                  (6) If you press the select button or button A, the display will change to
                                                                                      the next item.
                            (kg)                         (lbs.)

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     beep / flash setting                                                              ■ Checking the pairing
     You can set whether or not a buzzer sounds and
     the heart rate value flashes as a warning if your                                 (1) Select “PAIRING” from the Setting menu.
     heart rate during measurement goes outside the                                    (2) Press the set button.
     set heart rate zone.                                                              (3) The pairing confirmation screen will be displayed.
     (1) Press the set button to enable the buzzer                                     Pairing confirmation screen
         setting to be changed.                                                        You can then check the pairing between the main
         The ON/OFF setting for “beep” will be highlighted.                            unit and the various other units, and also check
     (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to select whether or not        the pairing settings.
         the buzzer sounds.                                                            * For details on pairing operations,
         • beep: ON/OFF                                                                  refer to page 13.
     (3) Press the set button to confirm the selected setting.
         The ON/OFF setting for “flash” will be highlighted.                           Note that if you press the select button (▼retry) while the pairing
         Next set the “flash” setting.                                                 confirmation screen is displayed, the pairing settings which have already
     (4) Press the select button, button A or button B to select the flash setting     been completed will be initialized.
         for the heart rate value.
         • flash: ON/OFF                                                                 FILE VIEW mode
     (5) Press the set button to confirm the selected setting.                         (1) Select “FILE VIEW” from the main menu.
     (6) If you press the select button or button A, “exit” will be selected. If you   (2) Press the set button.
         press button B, the screen will return to the previous setting item.          (3) The File operation menu will be displayed.

     ■ Setting the altitude                                                            ■ Viewing files
     (1) Select “ALTITUDE” from the Setting menu.                                      This lets you view details such as distance, speed and heart rate contained
     (2) Press the set button.                                                         in the traveling data recorded in the main unit.
     (3) The Altitude settings screen will be displayed.

     Altitude settings
     (1) Press the set button to enable the altitude
         setting to be changed.
         The altitude display will be highlighted.
     (2) Press the select button, button A or button B to
         enter the desired value.                                                                        (DATE type: 1)                 (DATE type: 2)
     (3) Press the set button to confirm the entered
         value.                                                                        (1) Select “view” from the File operation menu.
     (4) If you press the select button or button A, “zero set” will be selected.      (2) Press the set button.
     (5) If you press the set button while “zero set” is highlighted, the altitude     (3) The File view selection screen will be displayed.
         setting will be reset to zero.                                                    The file number will be highlighted.
     (6) If you press the select button or button A, “exit” will be selected.          (4) Press the select button, button A or button B to select the desired file
         If you press button B, the screen will return to Altitude settings.               number.
         * Carry out step (5) only if required.                                            * To cancel the selection of a file and return to the File operation
                                                                                             menu, press the select button.
36                                                                                                                                                                    37

     (5) Press the set button to confirm the selected file                          ■ Deleting files
         The distance view screen will be displayed.                                This lets you delete traveling data which has been
         • If lap times have been recorded, you can                                 recorded in the main unit.
           press button A or button B to view the
           distance for each lap.
                                                                 <Distance view>

     (6) If you press the select button, the speed view                             (1) Select “delete” from the File operation menu.
         screen will then be displayed.                                             (2) Press the set button.
         If you press the set button, “exit” will be                                (3) The File delete selection screen will be displayed.
         selected.                                                                  (4) Press the select button, button A or button B to select the desired file
         • If lap times have been recorded, you can                                     number.
            press button A or button B to display the                                   * To cancel the selection of a file and return to the File operation
            maximum speed and average speed for each              <Speed view>            menu, press the select button.
            lap.                                                                    (5) Press the set button to confirm the selected file
     (7) If you press the select button, the heart rate                                 The file delete confirmation screen will be
         view screen will then be displayed.                                            displayed.
         Press the set button to return to the speed
         view screen.
         • If lap times have been recorded, you can
            press button A or button B to view the                                  (6) Press the select button to select either “Y” (Yes) or “N” (No).
            maximum heart rate and average heart rate                                   • delete ok ?:
                                                                <Heart rate view>
            for each lap.                                                                 Y (Yes): The selected file will be deleted.
                                                                                          N (No): The display will return to the File delete selection screen.
                                                                                    (7) Press the set button to confirm the selected operation.
     (8) If you press the select button, “exit” will be
         Press the set button to return to the speed
         view screen.


     (9) Press the select button to switch to the distance view screen.
         Press the set button to return to the File view selection screen.

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                                                                                   ■ Resetting the counter and recording traveling data
      10. Stopwatch Function/Recording Traveling Data
                                                                                   The traveling data is recorded at the same time the stopwatch counter is
     ■ Starting and stopping the stopwatch counter
                                                                                   (1) Stop the stopwatch counter.
     Starting and stopping the stopwatch counter can be switched between           (2) Hold down the set button (stopwatch button) for 2 seconds or more.
     manual and automatic operation.                                               (3) The stopwatch counter will then be reset to
     (For details on the setting method, refer to page 32.)                            zero.
                                                                                       ”STW” will disappear from the information
     Manual setting                                                                    display.
     (1) Switch the main unit display to normal mode.
     (2) Press the set button (stopwatch button) to start the stopwatch counter.
         “STW” will flash in the information display.
     (3) When you press the stopwatch button once                                     • If “Data recording” is set to ON, traveling data will be recorded in the
         more, the counter will stop.                                                   main unit.
         “STW” will illuminate in the information                                     • “Rec” will appear in the LCD while
         display.                                                                       traveling data is being recorded.
                                                                                      * For details on the setting method, refer to
                                                                                        page 32.
     Automatic setting
     (1) Switch the main unit display to normal
         • For the automatic setting, “AT” will appear
           in the LCD.

     (2) Press the set button to switch the counter to standby. “STW” will
         illuminate in the information display.
     (3) The counter will start when a speed signal is received.
         “STW” will flash in the information display.
     (4) The counter will stop approximately 4 seconds after the speed signal
         stops being received.
         “STW” will illuminate in the information display.
     * For the manual setting, the stopwatch will not stop even when the speed
       signal stops being received, and data will still continue to be recorded.

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     ■ Lap recording operations
                                                                                                            11. FLIGHT DECK Manager
     If you press the lap button while the stopwatch is running, the main unit
     will store the lap data (interval data) in its memory and the lap time will                           Communication can be carried out between the main unit and a personal
     be displayed.                                                                                         computer which has the special FLIGHT DECK Manager application
     In addition, if more than one set of lap data is stored in the main unit                              installed by connecting an optional USB dongle to the personal computer.
     memory after the stopwatch has started running, the split times                                       This communication function can be used to carry out the following
     (cumulative lap times) will also be displayed.                                                        operations.
                              Press the lap                  Press the lap                 Press the lap
       Start                    button.                        button.                       button.       ■ FLIGHT DECK Manager functions
                                                                                                                                      Bike setting, user setting and system setting operations are
                                                                                                            Setting functions         possible.

                 Lap time 1                   Lap time 2                     Lap time 3                                               Traveling data which is stored in the main unit can be sent to
                                                                                                            Data transfer functions   the personal computer.
                               Split time 1                                                                                           The traveling data which is sent to the personal computer can
                                                                                                            Data display functions    be displayed as graphs.
                                              Split time 2
                                                                                                            Software updating         The software for the main unit can be updated.

     Press the lap button while the main unit is                              Lap button
     running the stopwatch.                                                                                Traveling Data
     The lap display will appear in the information                                                        View window
     display for 2 seconds.
     Next, the split display will appear for 2 seconds.

           Stopwatch                            Lap display (2 sec.)             Split display (2 sec.)

                              Press the lap

     ■ Measurement of traveling time
     The traveling time is recorded as split times. In order to measure the
     traveling time more accurately, set Stopwatch mode to "AUTO".
     * For details on the setting method, refer to page 32.

42                                                                                                                                                                                                     43

     Period Data View                                                                [Memory]
     window                                                                          Windows Vista™: 1GB or more
                                                                                     Windows® XP: 512 MB or more
                                                                                     [Hard drive]
                                                                                     For installing FLIGHT DECK Manager: 40MB or more of free disk space
                                                                                     For storing data: Approx. 6MB* per account per month
                                                                                     * If using for 5 hours per day for 20 days per month
                                                                                     Resolution: XGA (1024x768) or higher
                                                                                     Display colors: High color (16-bit / 65536 colors) or higher
                                                                                     [Disk drives]
                                                                                     CD-ROM drive
                                                                                     USB port (Ver. 2.0/1.1)
                                                                                     If using the Microsoft® Windows® XP operating system, Microsoft® .NET
     Data Analysis View                                                              Framework 2.0 is necessary.
     window                                                                          If Microsoft® .NET Framework 2.0 or higher has not been installed on the
                                                                                     system, it must be installed at the same time as FLIGHT DECK Manager.
                                                                                     280 MB or more of free hard disk space is required in order to install
                                                                                     Microsoft® .NET Framework 2.0.

                                                                                     ■ Installing FLIGHT DECK Manager
                                                                                     Screenshots from Windows XP are used as examples here.
     For details on how to                                                           (1) Insert the accessory application CD-
     use FLIGHT DECK                                                                     ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the
     Manager, refer to the                                                               personal computer.
     help.                                                                               The setup program will start up

     ■ System requirements for using the software                                       The startup program may not run
                                                                                        automatically depending on the
     The following environment is required for using FLIGHT DECK Manager.               personal computer settings. If it
     [Operating system]                                                                 does not run automatically, run the “autorun.exe” file in the CD-ROM
     Microsoft® Windows Vista™ or later, or Microsoft® Windows® XP Service              drive.
     Pack 2 or later (Compatible with Japanese, English, French, Italian, Spanish,      * If the personal computer you are using does not have the .NET
     German or Dutch versions)                                                            Framework installed, you must install the .NET Framework before
     [Computer unit (PC/AT compatible only)]                                              installing FLIGHT DECK Manager.
     Personal computer equipped with Pentium® 1GHz or higher

44                                                                                                                                                              45

     (2) Click the [Install FLIGHT DECK Manager] button.                          ■ Installing the driver for the USB dongle
     (3) Select the language for the
         installation.                                                            Install the driver for the optional USB dongle in order to use the dongle.
         * Windows in English are used here                                       * The FLIGHT DECK Manager installation must be complete before this can
           as examples.                                                             be done.

                                                                                  Screenshots from Windows XP are used as examples here.
     (4) Close all other programs which are                                       (1) Remove the USB terminal cover from the
         currently running, and then click                                            USB dongle.
         Following the instructions on the                                           CAUTION:
         screen to complete the installation.                                        Keep the cover safe after removal so that
                                                                                     it does not get lost. In addition, keep it
                                                                                     out of the reach of children.

                                                                                  (2) Insert the USB dongle into the USB port
                                                                                      of the personal computer.

     ■ Launching for the first time
     (1) Launch FLIGHT DECK Manager.
         The dialog box for adding a new account will
         be displayed.

                                                                                  (3) The Hardware Update Wizard
     (2) Enter the 6-digit network ID which is displayed on the main unit.            window will be displayed on the
         The network ID is displayed when the main unit is in Version mode. For       personal computer.
         details, refer to page 28.                                                   Select “Install software
         * If you click [Cancel], entry of the network ID will be skipped.            automatically” and then click
           If this is done, you can add new accounts using the application menu       [Next].
           or the icon in the taskbar.
     (3) The traveling data view window                                              * Depending on the environment
         will be displayed.                                                            of the computer you are using,
         When traveling data has been                                                  you may be prompted to connect
         loaded from the main unit, the                                                to Windows Update to search for
         calendar color will change.                                                   software. If this happens, select
                                                                                       “Do not connect at this time”
                                                                                       and then click [Next].

46                                                                                                                                                             47

     (4) When the message "Completing                                                    CAUTION:
         the Found New Hardware Wizard"                                                  In order to prevent main unit operating errors while PC-LINK is
         is displayed, the setup for using                                               running, do not bring any other main units within a 1.5 meter radius.
         the USB dongle is complete.

        * Depending on the environment                                                 12. Updating the Software
          of the computer you are using, it
          may be necessary to restart the                                             You can update the main unit’s software by connecting the USB dongle to
          computer.                                                                   the personal computer so that the personal computer can communicate
                                                                                      with the main unit. For details, refer to the Shimano website.

     ■ Connecting to the main unit (PC-LINK)                                          CAUTION:
                                                                                      • When the software is updated, all data files remaining inside the main
     Use the USB dongle to establish a data connection between the personal             unit will be deleted.
     computer and the main unit.                                                        * You can write settings that have been stored in the personal computer
     * The distance between the main unit and the USB dongle should be                    into the main unit by first running PC-LINK after the update is finished.
       within 1.5 m.                                                                  • When updating the software, be sure to use a battery with sufficient
                                                                                        charge remaining.
     (1) Connect the USB dongle to the personal computer.                             • In addition, do not remove the main unit’s battery while updating is in
     (2) Launch FLIGHT DECK Manager.                                                    progress.
         A connection signal will be sent to the main unit.
     (3) Start up Setting mode on the main unit.
         (For details on starting up setting mode and methods of operation,
         refer to page 26.)
     (4) Select “PC-LINK” at the main unit.                                            13. Troubleshooting
     (5) The connection standby screen will be
         • WAITING:                                                                           Symptom                                      Remedy
           The main unit is waiting for a communication                                                          Check that the speed sensor and the main unit positions
           from the computer to establish the                                                                    (distance and direction) are correct.
           connection.                                                                 Speed display does not
                                                                                                                 Check that the speed sensor and magnet positions are correct.
         • CONNECTING:                                                                 appear.
           Communication has been received and the connection mode is being                                      Check that pairing has been carried out for the speed sensor.
         • LINK-ERR:                                                                   Heart rate display does   Check that pairing has been carried out for the heart rate
           A connection error occurred.                                                not appear.               sensor unit.
         * If a connection error occurs, return to the main menu and repeat the
           procedure from step (1).                                                    Gear display does not     Check that pairing has been carried out for the ST wireless
                                                                                       appear.                   units and the bracket (SM-EW79F-E/I)).
     (6) Communication processing with the various units (speed sensor,
         bracket, ST wireless units and heart rate sensor unit) will be interrupted    The battery charge
                                                                                                                 Replace the battery with a new one and check if the display
         and the main unit will return to communication mode with the                  indicator is unstable     becomes stable.
         personal computer.                                                            during battery mode.

48                                                                                                                                                                               49

     14. Main Specifications/Display Ranges
                                                                                          This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation
     Heart rate                  30 - 240 bpm (beats per minute)
                                                                                          is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may
     Traveling distance          0.00 - 9999.99 (km, miles)
                                                                                          not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
     Cumulative distance         0.0 - 99999.9 (km, miles)
                                                                                          accept any interference received, including interference that
     Longest traveling time      99 : 59 : 59
                                                                                          may cause undesired operation.
     Average speed               0.0 - 130.0 km/h    0.0 - 80.8 mph
     Cadence                     0 - 299 rpm
     Altitude                    -550 - 9000 m
                                                                                          This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
     Tire circumference          1300 - 2400 mm
                                                                                          the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
     Calorie consumption         0 - 99,999 kcal
                                                                                          the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
                                 1 year or longer (300 days if used for 1 hour per day)   reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
     Battery/life                * The time may be shortened due to factors such as the
                                   operating environment and usage conditions.            residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and
                                                                                          can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
     Specified operating         0°C - 50°C
     temperature range                                                                    used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
                                                                                          interference to radio communications. However, there is no
     Handlebar installation      31.8 mm/25.8 mm (Using an adapter)
     diameter                                                                             guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
                                                                                          installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
                                 62.5 - 92 cm
     Belt adjustment range       (corresponding chest measurement: 73.5 - 108 cm)         interference to radio or television reception, which can be
                                                                                          determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
                                 Largest chainring : 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 50
     Applicable chainring                                                                 encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more
                                 Intermediate chainring : 42, 39, 34
     tooth configurations                                                                 of the following.
                                 Smallest chainring : 30
                                 11-21T : 11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-21T
                                                                                          --- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                                 11-23T : 11-12-13-14-15-16-17-19-21-23T
                                                                                          --- Increase the separation between the equipment and
                                 11-25T : 11-12-13-14-15-17-19-21-23-25T
     Applicable sprocket tooth   11-27T : 11-12-13-14-15-17-19-21-24-27T
                                                                                          --- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
     configurations              11-28T : 11-12-13-14-15-17-19-21-24-28T
                                                                                              different from that to which the receiver is connected.
                                 12-23T : 12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-21-23T
                                                                                          --- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
                                 12-25T : 12-13-14-15-16-17-19-21-23-25T
                                                                                              for help.
                                 12-27T : 12-13-14-15-16-17-19-21-24-27T

50                                                                                                                                                          51

     You are cautioned that changes or modifications not
     expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
     could void your authority to operate the equipment.

     This class [*] digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-


Document Created: 2009-08-24 16:28:11
Document Modified: 2009-08-24 16:28:11

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