06.- RF report_51929RRF021s



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DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

                                                                                                   Test report No:
                                                                                                 NIE: 51929RRF.021

      Partial Test Report
      USA FCC Part 15.247, 15.209
      CANADA RSS-247, RSS-Gen
      Radio Frequency Devices. Operation within the bands 902 - 928 MHz, 2400
      -2483.5 MHz, and 5725 - 5850 MHz.
      Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping Systems (FHSs)
      and Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices.
      General Requirements and Information for the Certification of Radio

      (*) Identification of item tested                      Headunit with radio and Bluetooth

      (*) Trademark                                          Panasonic

      (*) Model and /or type reference                       MIB3E_MQB37w_BT

      Other identification of the product                    FCC ID: WUQ-MIB3VBT
                                                             IC: 216R-MIB3VBT
                                                             PN: 5FA.035.875
                                                             HW version: X85
                                                             SW version: X645
      (*) Features                                           Bluetooth, FM, AM, DAB, USB.

      Applicant                                              PANASONIC AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS EUROPE GMBH
                                                             Robert Bosch Str. 27-29 – 63225 Langen - Germany

      Test method requested, standard                        USA FCC Part 15.247 10-1-18 Edition: Operation within the
                                                             bands 902 - 928 MHz, 2400 -2483.5 MHz, and 5725 - 5850
                                                                     -Emission limitations radiated (Transmitter).
                                                             USA FCC Part 15.209 10-1-18 Edition: Radiated emission
                                                             limits; general requirements.
                                                             CANADA RSS-247 Issue 2 (February 2017).
                                                                     -Emission limitations radiated (Transmitter).
                                                             CANADA RSS-Gen Issue 5 (April 2018).
                                                             Guidance for Performing Compliance Measurements on Digital
                                                             Transmission System, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
                                                             System, and Hybrid Systems Devices Operating Under Section
                                                             15.247 of the FCC Rules. 558074 D01 Meas Guidance v05r02
                                                             dated April 2, 2019.
                                                             ANSI C63.10-2013: American National Standard for Testing
                                                             Unlicensed Wireless Devices.

Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                                                                        2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

       Approved by (name / position & signature)             A. Llamas
                                                             RF Lab. Manager                     Firmado digitalmente
                                                                                                 por ALEJANDRO
                                                                                                 LLAMAS RODRIGUEZ
                                                                                                 Fecha: 2019.09.27
                                                                                                 08:46:49 +02'00'

       Date of issue                                         2019-09-27

       Report template No                                    FDT08_22
                                                             (*) “Data provided by the client”

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                    Page 2 of 31                                          2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Competences and guarantees .................................................................................................... 4
    General conditions ...................................................................................................................... 4
    Uncertainty ................................................................................................................................. 4
    Data provided by the client.......................................................................................................... 4
    Usage of samples ....................................................................................................................... 5
    Test sample description .............................................................................................................. 5
    Identification of the client............................................................................................................. 6
    Testing period and place ............................................................................................................. 6
    Document history ........................................................................................................................ 6
    Environmental conditions ............................................................................................................ 6
    Remarks and comments ............................................................................................................. 7
    Testing verdicts........................................................................................................................... 7
    Summary .................................................................................................................................... 8
    Appendix A: Test results. Bluetooth EDR (GFSK, Pi/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK) .................................... 9

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                        Page 3 of 31                                                            2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Competences and guarantees
    DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U. is a testing laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Body
    (ENAC -Entidad Nacional de Acreditación), to perform the tests indicated in the Certificate No. 51/LE 147.
    DEKRA Testing and Certification is a FCC-recognized accredited testing laboratory with appropriate scope of
    accreditation that include testing performed in this test report.
    DEKRA Testing and Certification is an ISED-recognized accredited testing laboratory with appropriate scope of
    accreditation that include testing performed in this test report
    In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, DEKRA Testing and
    Certification S.A.U. has a calibration and maintenance program for its measurement equipment.
    DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U. guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is
    the result of the measurements and the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the
    conditions stated on the report and, it is based on the knowledge and technical facilities available at DEKRA
    Testing and Certification S.A.U. at the time of performance of the test.
    DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U. is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all
    information related to the item under test and the results of the test.
    The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in this
    IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means,
    except in full, without the previous written permission of DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U.

General conditions
         1. This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
         2. This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies
            or competent Authorities.
         3. This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous written
            permission of DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U.
         4. This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without
            previous written permission of DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U. and the Accreditation Bodies.

    Uncertainty (factor k=2) was calculated according to the DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U. internal
    document PODT000.

Data provided by the client
    The following data has been provided by the client:

         1. Information relating to the description of the sample ("Identification of the item tested", "Trademark",
            "Model and/or type reference tested").

         2. The sample consists of an Automotive head unit to be installed in cars with the following features:
            Bluetooth, FM, AM, DAB, USB.
    DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U. declines any responsibility with respect to the information provided by
    the client and that may affect the validity of results.

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                               Page 4 of 31                                      2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Usage of samples
     Samples undergoing test have been selected by: The client.

     -     Sample S/01 is composed of the following elements:

  Control Nº                     Description                           Model                      Serial Nº                  Date of

 51929B/543                Head unit with radio                MIB3E_MQB37w_BT                     PM6-                     2019/06/27
                             and Bluetooth                                                  00121.02.19413E0003

 51292B/538                         Harness                              ---                          ---                   2019/06/05

     Sample S/01 has undergone the following test(s): All RADIATED tests indicated in Appendix A.

Test sample description
  Ports………………………………. :                                                                                      Cable

                                                         Port name and                Specifie    Attached       Shielded       Coupled
                                                         description                   d max     during test                       to
                                                                                       length                                   patient(3)

  Rated power supply .................... :                                                                 Reference poles
                                                         Voltage and Frequency
                                                                                                 L1    L2           L3      N        PE

                                                                DC: 12 Vdc

  Rated Power ............................... :
  Clock frequencies ....................... :
  Other parameters ........................ :
  Software version ......................... :           X645

  Hardware version ........................ :            X85
  Dimensions in cm (W x H x D) .... :
  Mounting position ........................ :                  Other: Installed in cars

  Modules/parts ............................. :          Module/parts of test item                           Type        Manufacturer

  Accessories (not part of the test                      Description                                   Type              Manufacturer
  item) ............................................ :

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                         Page 5 of 31                                                 2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

  Documents as provided by the                         Description                              File name   Issue date
  applicant ...................................... :

(3) Only   for Medical Equipment

Identification of the client
    Robert Bosch Str. 27-29 – 63225 Langen - Germany

Testing period and place
       Test Location                 DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U.
         Date (start)                2019-07-18
         Date (finish)               2019-07-25

Document history
    Report number                        Date                                         Description
     51929RRF.021                   2019-09-27         First release

Environmental conditions
    In the control chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

                                                                       Min. = 15 ºC
                                                                       Max. = 35 ºC
                                                                       Min. = 20 %
                Relative humidity
                                                                       Max. = 75 %

    In the semianechoic chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test.

                                                                       Min. = 15 ºC
                                                                       Max. = 35 ºC
                                                                       Min. = 20 %
                Relative humidity
                                                                       Max. = 75 %

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                         Page 6 of 31                                 2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Remarks and comments
    The tests have been performed by the technical personnel: Ignacio Cabra, Miguel Angel Torres and José
    Gabriel Pendón.

    Used instrumentation:

         Radiated Measurements:
                                                                                    Last Calibration   Due Calibration

                 1.      Semianechoic Absorber Lined Chamber ETS                         N.A.               N.A.
                         LINDGREN FACT 3 200 STP
                 2.      EMI Test Receiver ROHDE AND SCHWARZ                           2018/10            2020/10
                 3.      RF Pre-amplifier 40 dB, 10 MHz-6 GHz BONN                     2019/02            2020/08
                         ELEKTRONIK BLNA 0160-01N
                 4.      Biconical/Log Antenna ETS LINDGREN                            2017/09            2020/09
                 5.      Signal and Spectrum Analyzer ROHDE AND                        2018/02            2020/02
                         SCHWARZ FSV40
                 6.      RF Pre-amplifier 30 dB, 1-18GHz BONN                          2019/04            2020/04
                         ELEKTRONIK BLMA 0118-3A
                 7.      RF Pre-amplifier, 30 dB, 18-40GHz BONN                        2019/02            2021/02
                         ELEKTRONIK BLMA 1840-1M
                 8.      Broadband Horn antenna 1-18 GHz                               2018/01            2021/01
                         9120 D
                 9.      Broadband Horn antenna 18-40 GHz                              2018/07            2021/07
                 10.     DC Power Supply Keysight Technologies
                                                                                          ---                ---
                 11.     Digital multimeter FLUKE 179                                  2019/06            2020/06

Testing verdicts

                                                   Not applicable:          N/A

                                                   Pass:                    P

                                                   Fail:                    F

                                                   Not measured:            N/M

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                       Page 7 of 31                                        2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

    1. Bluetooth EDR
                                                   FCC PART 15 PARAGRAPH / RSS-247
                                              Requirement – Test case                                   Verdict   Remark
  Section 15.247 Subclause (a) (1) / RSS-247 5.1. (b)               20 dB Bandwidth and Carrier
                                                                                                         N/M        (1)
                                                                    frequency separation
  Section 15.247 Subclause (a)(1)(iii) / RSS-247 Clause 5.1 (d) Number of hopping
                                                                                                         N/M        (1)
  Section 15.247 Subclause (a)(1)(iii) / RSS-247 Clause 5.1 (d)              Time of occupancy (Dwell
                                                                                                         N/M        (1)
  Section 15.247 Subclause (b) / RSS-247 5.4. (b)                   Maximum peak output power and
                                                                                                         N/M        (1)
                                                                    antenna gain
  Section 15.247 Subclause (d) / RSS-247 5.5.                       Conducted Band-edge emissions
                                                                                                         N/M        (1)
                                                                    compliance (Transmitter)
  Section 15.247 Subclause (d) / RSS-247 5.5                        Emission limitations conducted
  Section 15.247 Subclause (d) / RSS-247 5.5.                       Emission limitations radiated
  Supplementary information and remarks:
       (1) Test not requested.

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                Page 8 of 31                                         2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

      Appendix A: Test results. Bluetooth EDR
      (GFSK, Pi/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK)

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                               Page 9 of 31   2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456


       TEST CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................11
       FCC Section 15.247 Subclause (d) / RSS-247 Clause 5.5. Emission limitations radiated
       (Transmitter) .....................................................................................................................................................13

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                               Page 10 of 31                                                                   2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

                                                             TEST CONDITIONS
           V nonimal: 12 Vdc.
           Type of Power Supply: External power supply (Battery).
           Type of Antenna: Internal antenna.
           Declared Gain for antenna RF (maximum): 1.3 dBi

           Low Channel: 2402 MHz
           Middle Channel: 2441 MHz
           High Channel: 2480 MHz

All radiated tests were performed in a semi-anechoic chamber. The measurement antenna (Bilog antenna for the
range between 30 MHz to 1000 MHz) is situated at a distance of 3 m and at a distance of 1m for the frequency
range 1 GHz-26 GHz (1 GHz-18 GHz Double ridge horn antenna and 18 GHz-40 GHz horn antenna).
For radiated emissions in the range 1 GHz-26 GHz that is performed at a distance closer than the specified
distance, an inverse proportionality factor of 20 dB per decade is used to normalize the measured data for
determining compliance.
The equipment under test was set up on a non-conductive platform above the ground plane and the situation and
orientation was varied to find the maximum radiated emission. It was also rotated 360º and the antenna height
(Bilog antenna and Double ridge horn antenna) was varied from 1 to 4 meters to find the maximum radiated
Measurements were made in both horizontal and vertical planes of polarization.

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                   Page 11 of 31                     2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Radiated measurements setup from 30 MHz to 1 GHz:

Radiated measurements setup f > 1 GHz:

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                               Page 12 of 31   2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

 FCC Section 15.247 Subclause (d) / RSS-247 Clause 5.5. Emission limitations radiated


Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in Section 15.205(a), must also comply with the
radiated emission limits specified in Section 15.209(a) (see Section 15.205(c)/RSS-Gen):

                  Frequency Range                 Field strength (µV/m)            Field strength   Measurement
                       (MHz)                                                         (dBµV/m)       distance (m)
                      0.009-0.490                       2400/F(kHz)                      -              300
                      0.490-1.705                      24000/F(kHz)                      -              30
                      1.705 - 30.0                           30                          -              30
                         30 - 88                             100                        40               3
                        88 - 216                             150                       43.5              3
                       216 - 960                             200                        46               3
                      960 - 10000                            500                        54               3

The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurements employing CISPR quasi-peak detector
except for the frequency bands 9-90 kHz, 110-490 kHz and above 1000 MHz. Radiated emission limits in these
three bands are based on measurements employing an average detector.
For average radiated emission measurements above 1000 MHz, there is also a limit corresponding to 20 dB above
the indicated values in the table is specified when measuring with peak detector function.
RSS-247: Attenuation below the general field strength limits specified in RSS-Gen is not required.

The situation and orientation was varied to find the maximum radiated emission. It was also rotated 360º and
the antenna height was varied from 1 to 4 meters to find the maximum radiated emission.
Measurements were made in both horizontal and vertical planes of polarization.
All tests were performed in a semi-anechoic chamber at a distance of 3 m for the frequency range 30 MHz-
1000 MHz and at distance of 1m for the frequency range 1 GHz-26 GHz.
The field strength is calculated by adding correction factor to the measured level from the spectrum analyzer. This
correction factor includes antenna factor, cable loss and pre-amplifiers gain.

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                     Page 13 of 31                                   2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Frequency range 30 MHz - 1 GHz:

Note: The spurious emissions below 1 GHz do not depend on either the operating channel or the modulation mode
selected in the EUT.

Spurious levels operating (radiated) closest to limit.

                             Spurious                                                          Measurement
                                                             Emission Level
                            frequency           Detector                        Polarization    Uncertainty
                               (MHz)                                                               (dB)
                              574.995         Quasi peak          36.7               V           <± 2.07
                              599.988         Quasi peak          41.4               V           <± 2.07
                              622.46          Quasi peak          32.6               V           <± 2.07

Frequency range 1 - 26 GHz:

The results in the next tables show the maximum measured levels in the 1-26 GHz range including the restricted
bands 2.31-2.39 GHz and 2.4835-2.5 GHz.

Spurious signals with peak levels above the average limit (54 dBµV/m at 3 m) are measured with average detector
for checking compliance with the average limit.

Modulation: GFSK (DH5)

1. CHANNEL: LOWEST (2402 MHz).

                             Spurious                                                          Measurement
                                                             Emission Level
                            frequency           Detector                        Polarization    Uncertainty
                              (GHz)                                                                (dB)
                                                 Peak            55.37                           <± 4.88
                             2.287967                                                V
                                                Average          51.97                           <± 4.88
                              3.08983            Peak            47.30               V           <± 4.88
                              3.10150            Peak            47.36               H           <± 4.88
                              4.34703            Peak            51.51               V           <± 4.88
                              4.35310            Peak            50.80               H           <± 4.88
                              4.80343            Peak            46.97               V           <± 4.88
                              4.80437            Peak            42.97               H           <± 4.88
                              5.61730            Peak            43.78               V           <± 4.88
                              6.28043            Peak            42.14               H           <± 4.88
                              7.20583            Peak            48.26               V           <± 4.88

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                  Page 14 of 31                                 2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

2. CHANNEL: MIDDLE (2441 MHz).

                             Spurious                                                          Measurement
                                                             Emission Level
                            frequency           Detector                        Polarization    Uncertainty
                              (GHz)                                                                (dB)
                                                 Peak            56.77                           <± 4.88
                              1.86730                                                H
                                                Average          37.51                           <± 4.88
                                                 Peak            57.57                           <± 4.88
                              2.09463                                                V
                                                Average          53.32                           <± 4.88
                              3.09030            Peak            50.80               V           <± 4.88
                              4.33863            Peak            50.40               V           <± 4.88
                              4.87997            Peak            49.07               H           <± 4.88
                              6.2837             Peak            41.86               V           <± 4.88
                              7.31923            Peak            49.55               H           <± 4.88


                             Spurious                                                          Measurement
                                                             Emission Level
                            frequency           Detector                        Polarization    Uncertainty
                              (GHz)                                                                (dB)
                                                 Peak            57.61                           <± 4.88
                              1.86030                                                H
                                                Average          39.18                           <± 4.88
                                                 Peak            54.63                           <± 4.88
                             2.187167                                                V
                                                Average          50.74                           <± 4.88
                              3.10477            Peak            48.89               H           <± 4.88
                              4.34423            Peak            51.36               V           <± 4.88
                              4.95977            Peak            46.22               H           <± 4.88
                              7.44057            Peak            45.53                           <± 4.88

Verdict: PASS

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                  Page 15 of 31                                 2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Modulation Π/4-DQPSK (2DH5)

1. CHANNEL: LOWEST (2402 MHz).

                             Spurious                                                          Measurement
                                                             Emission Level
                            frequency           Detector                        Polarization    Uncertainty
                              (GHz)                                                                (dB)
                                                 Peak            55.13                           <± 4.88
                              2.28810                                                V
                                                Average          51.34                           <± 4.88
                              3.10757            Peak            47.35               V           <± 4.88
                              4.36477            Peak            50.02               H           <± 4.88
                              4.57570            Peak            45.15               H           <± 4.88
                              4.80390            Peak            44.47               H           <± 4.88

2. CHANNEL: MIDDLE (2441 MHz).

                             Spurious                                                          Measurement
                                                             Emission Level
                            frequency           Detector                        Polarization    Uncertainty
                              (GHz)                                                                (dB)
                                                 Peak            58.04                           <± 4.88
                             1.87097                                                 H
                                                Average          37.45                           <± 4.88
                                                 Peak            56.50                           <± 4.88
                             2.24443                                                 V
                                                Average          53.88                           <± 4.88
                             3.10057             Peak            53.89               V           <± 4.88
                             4.33490             Peak            51.57               H           <± 4.88
                             4.87950             Peak            50.48               H           <± 4.88
                             7.31923             Peak            51.41               H           <± 4.88


                             Spurious                                                          Measurement
                                                             Emission Level
                            frequency           Detector                        Polarization    Uncertainty
                              (GHz)                                                                (dB)
                                                 Peak            58.00                           <± 4.88
                             1.86717                                                 H
                                                Average          38.54                           <± 4.88
                                                 Peak            57.05                           <± 4.88
                             2.07343                                                 V
                                                Average          53.95                           <± 4.88
                             3.10710             Peak            49.30               H           <± 4.88
                             4.34003             Peak            50.44               V           <± 4.88
                             4.96023             Peak            46.62               H           <± 4.88
                             6.22023             Peak            42.68               H           <± 4.88

Verdict: PASS

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                  Page 16 of 31                                 2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Modulation: 8-DPSK (3DH5)

1. CHANNEL: LOWEST (2402 MHz).

                             Spurious                                                          Measurement
                                                             Emission Level
                            frequency           Detector                        Polarization    Uncertainty
                              (GHz)                                                                (dB)
                                                 Peak            57.01                           <± 4.88
                             2.13463                                                 V
                                                Average          53.45                           <± 4.88
                             3.10897             Peak            46.80               V           <± 4.88
                             3.50423             Peak            39.97               V           <± 4.88
                             4.35217             Peak            51.23               V           <± 4.88
                             4.73623             Peak            46.16               H           <± 4.88

2. CHANNEL: MIDDLE (2441 MHz).

                             Spurious                                                          Measurement
                                                             Emission Level
                            frequency           Detector                        Polarization    Uncertainty
                              (GHz)                                                                (dB)
                                                 Peak            55.51                           <± 4.88
                             1.86977                                                 V
                                                Average          38.12                           <± 4.88
                                                 Peak            56.77                           <± 4.88
                             2.19517                                                 V
                                                Average          53.91                           <± 4.88
                             3.09917             Peak            50.12               V           <± 4.88
                             3.50423             Peak            39.40               V           <± 4.88
                             4.33723             Peak            51.69               V           <± 4.88


                             Spurious                                                          Measurement
                                                             Emission Level
                            frequency           Detector                        Polarization    Uncertainty
                              (GHz)                                                                (dB)
                                                 Peak            58.47                           <± 4.88
                             1.85397                                                 H
                                                Average          40.56                           <± 4.88
                                                 Peak            56.83                           <± 4.88
                             2.06950                                                 V
                                                Average          53.81                           <± 4.88
                             3.11970             Peak            49.00               V           <± 4.88
                             3.50470             Peak            38.83               V           <± 4.88
                             4.36897             Peak            50.97               V           <± 4.88

Verdict: PASS

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                  Page 17 of 31                                 2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456


                               (This plot is valid for all three channels and all modulation modes).

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                Page 18 of 31                            2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456


Modulation: GFSK (DH5)
CHANNEL: Lowest (2402 MHz)

                                                 The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.
CHANNEL: Middle (2441 MHz)

                                                 The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                     Page 19 of 31                      2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz)

                                                 The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

Modulation: Π/4-DQPSK (2DH5)
CHANNEL: Lowest (2402 MHz)

                                                 The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                     Page 20 of 31                      2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

CHANNEL: Middle (2441 MHz)

                                                 The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz)

                                                 The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                     Page 21 of 31                      2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Modulation: 8-DPSK (3DH5)
CHANNEL: Lowest (2402 MHz)

                                                 The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

CHANNEL: Middle (2441 MHz)

                                                 The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                     Page 22 of 31                      2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz)

                                                 The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                     Page 23 of 31                      2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456


Modulation: GFSK (DH5)
CHANNEL: Lowest (2402 MHz)

CHANNEL: Middle (2441 MHz)

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                               Page 24 of 31   2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz)

Modulation: Π/4-DQPSK (2DH5)
CHANNEL: Lowest (2402 MHz)

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                               Page 25 of 31   2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

CHANNEL: Middle (2441 MHz)

CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz)

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                               Page 26 of 31   2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Modulation: 8-DPSK (3DH5)
CHANNEL: Lowest (2402 MHz)

CHANNEL: Middle (2441 MHz)

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                               Page 27 of 31   2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz)


                               (This plot is valid for all three channels and all modulation modes).

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                                Page 28 of 31                            2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

FREQUENCY RANGE 2.31-2.39 GHz (Restricted Band 1):

CHANNEL: Lowest (2402 MHz)

Modulation: GFSK (DH5)

Modulation: Π/4-DQPSK (2DH5)

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                               Page 29 of 31   2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Modulation: 8-DPSK (3DH5)

FREQUENCY RANGE 2.4835-2.5 GHz (Restricted Band 2):

CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz)

Modulation: GFSK (DH5)

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                               Page 30 of 31   2019-09-27

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456

Modulation: Π/4-DQPSK (2DH5)

Modulation: 8-DPSK (3DH5)

 Report No: (NIE) 51929RRF.021                               Page 31 of 31   2019-09-27

Document Created: 2019-09-27 08:46:49
Document Modified: 2019-09-27 08:46:49

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