RF Exposure Evaluation


RF Exposure Info

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                                              TEST REPORT
                                             No.: 18-1-0244501T07a

                                                          According to:
                                                        FCC Regulations
                                                          Part 1.1310
                                                          Part 2.1091

                                                        RSS-102, Issue 5


                                                  Veoneer US, Inc.

                                         77 GHZ CRN Radar Sensor

                                                    FCC: WU877V12CRN
                                                  ISED: 8436B-77V12CRN
                                                 PMN: Veoneer 77V12CRN
                                                     HVIN: 77V12CRN

                                            Laboratory Accreditation and Listings

                                       accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

                                                    CETECOM GmbH
                           Laboratory Radio Communications & Electromagnetic Compatibility
                                        Im Teelbruch 116 • 45219 Essen • Germany
                               Registered in Essen, Germany, Reg. No.: HRB Essen 8984
                              Tel.: + 49 (0) 20 54 / 95 19-0 • Fax: + 49 (0) 20 54 / 95 19-150
                                E-mail: info@cetecom.com • Internet: www.cetecom.com

The test results relate only to the individual items which have been tested. This report shall not be reproduced in parts without
the written approval of the testing laboratory                                    © Copyright: All rights reserved by CETECOM

Test Report 18-1-0244501T07a, Page 2 of 15

Table of contents
1. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS...................................................................................................................... 3
  1.1. Summary of tests results .................................................................................................................................. 3
  1.2. Attestation:....................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ............................................................................................................................... 4
  2.1. Identification of the testing laboratory ............................................................................................................. 4
  2.2. Test location .................................................................................................................................................... 4
  2.3. Organizational items ........................................................................................................................................ 4
  2.4. Applicant’s details ........................................................................................................................................... 4
  2.5. Manufacturer’s details ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3. EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ................................................................................................................. 5
  3.1. Summary of product description ...................................................................................................................... 5
  3.2. EUT Technologies ........................................................................................................................................... 5
  3.3. Antenna Information ........................................................................................................................................ 5
  3.4. EUT: Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions used in this test report ................................................................ 6
  3.5. Auxiliary Equipment (AE): Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions .................................................................. 6
  3.6. EUT set-ups ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.7. EUT operating modes ...................................................................................................................................... 7
4. MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 8
  4.1. Radio Frequency Exposure Evaluation §2.1091 .............................................................................................. 8
  4.1.1. Test location and equipment (for reference numbers please see chapter 'List of test equipment') ................ 8
  4.2. Requirements and limits for RSS Standard ..................................................................................................... 10
  4.3. MPE Calculation method ................................................................................................................................. 10
  4.4. Evaluation Method........................................................................................................................................... 11
  4.5. Results for fixed and mobile ............................................................................................................................ 11
  4.6. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
  4.7. Measurement uncertainties .............................................................................................................................. 13
5. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT ................................................................................................. 14
7. VERSIONS OF TEST REPORTS (CHANGE HISTORY) ............................................................................. 15

Table of annex                                                                                                                                                Total pages
Annex 1: Separate document applicant’s document “Tune Up Information 77V12CRN”                                                                                                 01
Annex 2: Separate document applicant’s document “DataSheet_77V12CRN–1548455394”                                                                                                02
Annex 3: Separate document applicant’s document “Photos_External 77V12CRN–1551806074”                                                                                          07

The listed attachments are an integral part of this report.


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1. Summary of test results
The test results apply exclusively to the test samples as presented in this Report. The CETECOM GmbH does not assume
responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations taken in conjunction with other specimens or samples of the type of
the item presented to tests.

The presented Equipment Under Test (in this report, hereinafter referred as EUT) integrates a Radar 76 GHz RF
Transceiver. Other implemented wireless technologies were not considered within this test report.
Following tests have been performed to show compliance with applicable FCC Part 2.1091 and FCC Part 1.1310 of the
FCC CFR 47 Rules.

1.1. Summary of tests results
              RF-Exposure Evaluation (separation distance user to RF-radiating element greater 20cm)
                                             References & Limits                               EUT
   Test cases       Port         FCC       Test Limit       RSS       Test Limit                op.                                               Result
                               Standard                   Standard                            mode
   frequency                   §1.1310                      RSS-
                                              FCC:                    Chapter 4
    radiation      Cabinet     §2.1091                      102,                      4          2                                                 PASS
                                            “general                   Table 4
    exposure                   §2.1093                     Issue 5
Remark: Calculations based on Datasheet delivered by applicant

1.2. Attestation:
I declare that all measurements were performed by me or under my supervision and that all measurements have been performed and are correct to my best
knowledge and belief to Industry Canada standards. All requirements as shown in above table are met in accordance with enumerated standards.

......................................................                                                     ....................................................
Dipl.-Ing. Niels Jeß                                                                                                                     M. Schäfers
Responsible for test section                                                                                      Responsible for test report


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2. Administrative Data
2.1. Identification of the testing laboratory

Company name:                                CETECOM GmbH
Address:                                     Im Teelbruch 116
                                             45219 Essen - Kettwig
Responsible for testing laboratory:          Dipl.-Ing. Volker Wittmann
Deputy:                                      Dipl.-Ing. Niels Jeß

2.2. Test location
2.2.1. Test laboratory “CTC”
Company name:                                see chapter 2.1. Identification of the testing laboratory

2.3. Organizational items

Responsible for test report:                 M. Schäfers
Receipt of EUT:                              --
Date(s) of test:                             --
Date of report:                              2019-03-20

2.4. Applicant’s details

Applicant’s name:                            Veoneer US, Inc.
Address:                                     26360 American Drive
                                             Southfield, MI 48034
Contact person:                              Mr. Stefan Gipser

2.5. Manufacturer’s details

Manufacturer’s name:                         please see applicant's details

Address:                                     please see applicant's details


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3. Equipment under test (EUT)
3.1. Summary of product description
 FCC ID:                             WU877V12CRN
 Product name                        77 GHZ CRN Radar Sensor
                                        General population/uncontrolled environment
 Exposure category
                                        Occupational exposure/controlled environment
 Output power                           EIRP
                                        Source-based time-averaging
 Antenna gain                        details refer Annex 1 and 2
 Antenna Type                           External, no RF- connector
                                        External, separate RF-connector
 Evaluation type
                                        Simultaneous transmission
                                        20 cm
 Evaluation distance
                                        XXX cm                                       declares by manufacturer
                                        Production Unit
 EUT type                               Pre-Production Unit
                                        Engineering Unit
                                        Mobile device
 Device type
                                        Fixed device
                                        CFR 47 FCC Part 2.1091
                                        CFR 47 FCC Part 1.1310
 Refer rules
                                        KDB 447497 D01v06 October 23, 2015
                                        KDB 865664 D01v01r02 October 23, 2015

3.2. EUT Technologies
                       Frequency bands       Operation mode
    Radar                76GHz

3.3. Antenna Information
 Wireless                Frequency bands          Maximum antenna gain
   Radar                     76GHz                refer to Annex 1 & 2


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3.4. EUT: Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions used in this test report

                                                                   S/N                 HW                   SW
 descrip-            EUT                     Type
                                                              serial number       hardware status      software status
 EUT A        77 GHz CRN Radar            77V12CRN
                                                                  80182            CRN_2.5_1.0        R255_31_10D24_3
   S 14            Sensor               (WF config. 1)

 EUT B        77 GHz CRN Radar            77V12CRN
                                                                  80160            CRN_2.5_1.0        R255_31_12D24_3
   S 12            Sensor               (WF config. 2)

 EUT C        77 GHz CRN Radar            77V12CRN
                                                                  80099            CRN_2.5_1.0        R255_31_15D24_3
   S 08            Sensor               (WF config. 5)

 EUT D                                     77V12CRN
              77 GHz CRN Radar
                                       (thin radome WF            80208           CRN_2.35_1.0        R255_31_12D24_3
   S 11            Sensor
                                           config. 2)
*) EUT short description is used to simplify the identification of the EUT in this test report.

3.5. Auxiliary Equipment (AE): Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions
   short                                                              S/N                HW                 SW
 descrip-    Auxiliary Equipment               Type              serial number      hardware status    software status
  tion *)

  AE 1                 --                        --                     --                --                 --

*) AE short description is used to simplify the identification of the auxiliary equipment in this test report.

3.6. EUT set-ups

 EUT set-up
                       Combination of EUT and AE                                        Remarks

                                                                            Waveform(WF)>> config. 1(EUT A)
    set. 1                         EUT A
                                                                            Thick Radome 2.5 mm

                                                                            Waveform(WF)>> config. 2(EUT B)
    set. 2                         EUT B
                                                                            Thick Radome 2.5 mm

                                                                            Waveform(WF)>> config. 5(EUT C)
    set. 3                         EUT C
                                                                            Thick Radome 2.5 mm

                                                                            Waveform(WF)>> config. 2(EUT D)
    set. 4                         EUT D
                                                                            Thin radome 2,35mm (EUT D)
*) EUT set-up no. is used to simplify the identification of the EUT set-up in this test report.


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3.7. EUT operating modes

                 Description of
  operating                                                      Additional information
                operating modes
 mode no.*)
    op. 1             AEB                                  Only theoretically calculation

    op. 2             ACC                                  Only theoretically calculation
*) EUT operating mode no. is used to simplify the test report.


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4. Measurements
4.1. Radio Frequency Exposure Evaluation §2.1091
4.1.1. Test location and equipment (for reference numbers please see chapter 'List of test equipment')
test location    CETECOM Essen (Chapter. 2.2.1)          Please see Chapter. 2.2.2                 Please see Chapter. 2.2.3
                For Evaluation instruments are not needed. Results are determined by calculation based on applicants delivered Tune-Up

4.1.2. Requirements
                             The criteria used for the evaluation of human exposure to radio frequency radiation is table 1 according FCC
                             §1.1310 and table chapter 4.2 of RSS-102 standard and it is subject for evaluation of the RF exposure prior to
      FCC: §1.1310           equipment authorization.
                             As the mobile equipment is authorized under Part 22 (Subpart H) and Part 24 of the FCC Rules, it is subject
                             for evaluation of the RF exposure prior to equipment authorization.
                             Further information on evaluating compliance with these limits can be found in the FCC’s OST/OET Bulletin
                             Number 65, ‘‘Evaluating Compliance with FCC-Specified Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
                             For purposes of these requirements mobile devices are defined by the FCC as transmitters designed to be used
      FCC § 2.1091           in other than fixed locations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation distance of at least 20
                             centimeters is normally maintained between radiating structures and the body of the user or nearby persons.
                             These devices are normally evaluated for exposure potential with relation to the MPE limits given in Table 1 of
                             Appendix A. Valid for FCC
       Frequency range          Electric field strength         Magnetic field strength            Power density               Averaging time
            [MHz)                       [V/m]                           [A/m]                        [mW/cm²]                    [minutes]
           30 - 300                      61.4                           0.163                             1.0                        6
          300 - 1500                       -                                                             f/300                       6
        1500 - 100,000                     -                                                               5                         6
                                              (B) Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
          0.3 – 1.34                      614                            1.63                           *(100)                        30
           1.34 – 30                     824/f                          2.19/f                        *(180/f²)                       30
           30 - 300                      27.5                           0.073                             0.2                         30
          300 - 1500                       -                               -                            f/1500                        30
         1500 – 100,0                      -                               -                              1.0                         30

f=frequency in MHz
*Plane-wave equivalent power density

NOTE1: Occupational/controlled limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their
employment provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their
exposure. Limits for occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is transient through a
location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided he or she is made aware of the potential for exposure. These
limits apply to amateur station licensees and members of their immediate household as discussed in the text.

NOTE2: General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be exposed, or in
which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for
exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. As discussed in the text, these limits apply to neighbours living
near amateur radio stations.


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4.1.3 General Limits:

                         Cellular Radiotelephone Service (subpart H of part 22)
     FCC: §1.1307        Non-building-mounted antennas: height above ground level to lowest point of antenna < 10 m and total power of all
                         channels > 1000 W ERP (1640 W EIRP)
                         Personal Communications Services (part 24)
      FCC §1.1307        Broadband PCS (subpart E): non-building-mounted antennas: height above ground level to lowest point of antenna <
                         10 m and total power of all channels > 2000 W ERP (3280 W EIRP)
                         Table 1(B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
      FCC §1.1310        300–1500 MHz: f/1500 mW/cm²
                         1500–100,000 MHz: 1.0 mW/cm²
                         Subject to routine evaluation is required when the device operate at frequencies of 1.5 GHz or below and their
      FCC §2.1091        effective radiated power (ERP) is 1.5 watts or more, or if they operate at frequencies above 1.5 GHz and their ERP is
                         3 watts or more.

                         (a) Base stations are limited to 1640 watts peak equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) with an antenna
      FCC §24.232        height up to 300 meters HAAT.
                         b) Mobile/portable stations are limited to 2 watts e.i.r.p. peak power, …

                         (a) Maximum ERP. The effective radiated power (ERP) of base transmitters and cellular repeaters must not exceed
      FCC §22.913        500 Watts. The ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test transmitters must not exceed 7 Watts.
      FCC §27.50
                         (10) Portable stations (hand-held devices) are limited to 3 watts ERP; and
       (C )(10)
                         (4) Fixed, mobile, and portable (hand-held) stations operating in the 1710-1755 MHz band are limited to 1 watt
     FCC §27.50(d)       EIRP.

         KDBs            No. 447498 D01 v06


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4.2. Requirements and limits for RSS Standard

                             2.5 Exemption Limits for Routine Evaluation

                             All transmitters are exempt from routine SAR and RF exposure evaluations provided that they comply with
                             the requirements of sections 2.5.1 or 2.5.2. If the equipment under test (EUT) meets the requirements of
                             sections 2.5.1 or 2.5.2, applicants are only required to submit a properly signed declaration of
                             compliance (see Annex C). The information contained in the RF exposure technical brief may be limited to
                             the value(s) of the maximum output power, the information that demonstrates how the maximum output
                             power of the transmitter was derived and the rationale for the separation distances applied (see Table 1),
                             which must be based on the most conservative exposure condition for the applicable module or host platform
                             test procedure requirements.
                             2.5.2 Exemption Limits for Routine Evaluation — RF Exposure Evaluation

                             RF exposure evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and/or bystander and the
                             device’s radiating element is greater than 20 cm, except when the device operates as follows:

                                       below 20 MHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or
                                        less than 1 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance);
                                       at or above 20 MHz and below 48 MHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of
                                        the device is equal to or less than 4.49/ƒ0.5 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance), where ƒ is in MHz;
                                       at or above 48 MHz and below 300 MHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p.
                                        of the device is equal to or less than 0.6 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance);
     RSS-102, Issue 5                  at or above 300 MHz and below 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum
                                        e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 1.31 x 10 -2 ƒ0.6834 W (adjusted for tune-up
                                        tolerance), where ƒ is in MHz;
                                       at or above 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to
                                        or less than 5 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance).

                             In these cases, the information contained in the RF exposure technical brief may be limited to information
                             that demonstrates how the e.i.r.p. was derived.
                             2.6 User Manual Requirements

                             The applicant is responsible for providing proper instructions to the user of the radio device, and any usage
                             restrictions, including limits of exposure durations. The user manual shall provide installation and operation
                             instructions, as well as any special usage conditions (e.g. proper accessory required, including the proper
                             orientation of the device in the accessory, maximum antenna gain in the case of detachable antenna), in order
                             to ensure compliance with SAR and/or RF field strength limits. For instance, compliance distance shall be
                             clearly stated in the user manual.

                             The user manual of devices intended for controlled use shall also include information relating to the
                             operating characteristics of the device; the operating instructions to ensure compliance with SAR and/or RF
                             field strength limits; information on the installation and operation of accessories to ensure compliance with
                             SAR and/or RF field strength limits; and contact information where the user can obtain Canadian information
                             on RF exposure and compliance. Other related information may also be included.

4.3. MPE Calculation method
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance
Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01

     EIRP P  G
S        
     4R 2 4R 2

             S  4R 2

Where: S=power density
   P=power input to antenna
   G=power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
   R=distance to the centre of radiation of the antenna


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4.4. Evaluation Method
4.4.1. Standalone

Valid for Radar:
• The peak power was checked on 3 frequencies (lowest/middle/highest) within the 76GHz band and the results compared
to applicant’s declared power values (datasheet).
• No duty-cycle correction factor is applicable
Please find in the following tables the calculations based on applicants datasheet for the power values and antenna gain.

4.5. Results for fixed and mobile
4.5.1. Results for FCC Standard MPE results for 76GHz
 Operation   Frequency on     Declared    Max. positive   Declared     Calculated   Duty cycle   Maxim um     Calculated      MPE Lim it    MPE-Value     Margin to
   Mode         channel      m axim um      tolerance   Antenna Gain   m axim um                   EIRP     EIRP incl. Duty    accord.                     Lim it:                     Maximum
                             conducted      according                      EIRP                                  cycle         Table 1
                            output pow er m anufacturer                  (Output                               ((Output
                                                                                                                                                                        Fraction for
                                           's tune-up                   pow er +                               pow er +                                                                  Value
                                               info                     Tune-up)                             Tune-up)) x
                                                                                                              Duty cycle)                                               calculations
                 (MHz)         (dBm )         (dB)         (dBi)         (dBm )        (%)         (W)           (W)          (m W/cm ^2)   (m W/cm ^2)   (m W/cm ^2)                     band

               76135,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580
   AEB         76416,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580        0,1580
               76697,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580
               76038,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580
   ACC         76142,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580        0,1580
               76245,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580
               76278,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580
   ACC         76382,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580        0,1580
               76485,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580
               76518,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580
   ACC         76622,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580        0,1580
               76725,0                                                                100%         0,794        794,33          1,0000       0,15803        0,8420         0,1580

   Maximum calculated MPE value:
Low est MPE-
                              1,0000                 [W/m ^2]
    Lim it:
Highest MPE-
                              0,1580                 [W/m ^2]
  Margin to
                              0,8420                 [W/m ^2]
    lim it

1. Output power including tune-up tolerance;
2. Output power was adjust to duty cycle at 100% if measured duty cycle less than 98%;
3. MPE evaluate distance is 20cm from user manual provide by manufacturer;
4. Depending on output power and antenna gain only the worst case is reported;


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4.5.2. Results for RSS Standard MPE Results for 76GHz

Exemption Limits for Routine Evaluation — RF Exposure Evaluation

RF exposure evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and/or bystander and the device’s radiating
element is greater than 20 cm, except when the device operates as follows:

At or above 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 5 W
(adjusted for tune-up tolerance).

Distance         20         cm
 Operation   Frequency on    Measured     Max. positive   Declared     EIRP     Duty cycle   Maxim um    Equivalent       2.5.2
   Mode         channel      m axim um      tolerance   Antenna Gain                           EIRP         EIRP       Exem ption
                             conducted      according                                                   (EIRP x duty   Lim its for
                            output pow er m anufacturer                                                    cycle)       Routine      Excemption
                                           's tune-up                                                                  Evaluation     fullfiled ?
                 (MHz)         (dBm )          (dB)         (dBi)      (dBm )      (%)         (W)          (W)           (W)

               76135,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
    AEB        76416,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
               76697,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
               76038,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
   ACC         76142,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
               76245,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
               76278,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
   ACC         76382,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
               76485,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
               76518,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
   ACC         76622,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes
               76725,0                                                            100%         0,794       0,794           5,0           yes

1. Output power including tune-up tolerance;
2. Output power was adjust to duty cycle at 100% if measured duty cycle less than 98%;
3. MPE evaluate distance is 20cm from user manual provide by manufacturer;
4. Depending on output power and antenna gain only the worst case is reported;


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4.6. Conclusion
The measurement results do comply with the FCC Limit per 47 CFR 2.1091 for the uncontrolled RF Exposure of mobile

The measurement results do comply with the RSS-102, Issue 5.

4.7. Measurement uncertainties
The reported uncertainties are calculated based on the standard uncertainty multiplied with the appropriate coverage factor
k, such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is achieved.
For uncertainty determination, each component used in the concrete measurement set-up was taken in account and it’s
contribution to the overall uncertainty according it’s statistical distribution calculated.

Following table shows expectable uncertainties for each measurement type performed.

                                                                       Calculated uncertainty based on a
     RF-Measurement            Reference        Frequency range                                                Remarks
                                                                           confidence level of 95%
 Conducted emissions                      9 kHz - 150 kHz            4.0 dB
                             CISPR 16-2-1                                                                          -
 (U CISPR)                                150 kHz - 30 MHz           3.6 dB
 Radiated emissions                       30 MHz - 1 GHz             4.2 dB
                             CISPR 16-2-3                                                                       E-Field
 Enclosure                                1 GHz - 18 GHz             5.1 dB
 Disturbance power           CISPR 16-2-2 30 MHz - 300 MHz           -                                             -
 Power Output radiated              -         30 MHz - 4 GHz         3.17 dB
                                                                     Cel- Cel-
                                              Set-up No.                          BT1 W1 W2
                                                                      C1     C2
 Power Output conducted             -         9 kHz - 12.75 GHz      N/A 0.60      --    --    --                  -
                                              12.75 - 26.5GHz        N/A 0.82      --    --    --
 Conducted emissions                -         9 kHz - 2.8 GHz        0.70 N/A      --    --    --             N/A - not
 on RF-port                                   2.8 GHz - 12.75GHz     1.48 N/A      --    --    --             applicable
                                              12.75 GHz - 18GHz      1.81 N/A      --    --    --
                                              18 GHz - 26.5GHz       1.83 N/A      --    --    --
                                                                     0.1272 ppm (Delta Marker)                 Frequency
 Occupied bandwidth                 -         9 kHz - 4 GHz                                                       error
                                                                     1.0 dB                                      Power
                                    -                                0.1272 ppm (Delta Marker)                 Frequency
 Emission bandwidth                           9 kHz - 4 GHz                                                       error
                                    -                                See above: 0.70 dB                          Power
 Frequency stability                -         9 kHz - 20 GHz         0.0636 ppm                                     -
                                              150 kHz - 30 MHz       5.0 dB                                    Magnetic
 Radiated emissions                           30 MHz - 1 GHz         4.2 dB                                       field
 Enclosure                                    1 GHz - 20 GHz         3.17 dB                                     E-field
Table: measurement uncertainties, valid for conducted/radiated measurements


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5. Abbreviations used in this report
 The abbreviations
 ANSI                    American National Standards Institute
 AV , AVG, CAV           Average detector
 EIRP                    Equivalent isotropically radiated power, determined within a separate measurement
 EGPRS                   Enhanced General Packet Radio Service
 EUT                     Equipment Under Test
 FCC                     Federal Communications Commission, USA
 IC                      Industry Canada
 n.a.                    not applicable
 Op-Mode                 Operating mode of the equipment
 PK                      Peak
 RBW                     resolution bandwidth
 RF                      Radio frequency
 RSS                     Radio Standards Specification, Dokuments from Industry Canada
 Rx                      Receiver
 TCH                     Traffic channel
 Tx                      Transmitter
 QP                      Quasi peak detector
 VBW                     Video bandwidth
 ERP                     Effective radiated power

6. Accreditation details of CETECOM’s laboratories and test sites

 Ref.-   Accreditation                  Valid for laboratory area or test site
 No.      Certificate                                                                               Accreditation Body
 -          D-PL-                                                                             DAkkS, Deutsche
                         All laboratories and test sites of CETECOM GmbH, Essen
         12047-01-01                                                                          Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH
 337                 Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 3 m / 10 m (OATS)
                                                                                              FCC, Federal Communications
 487                 Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 3 m (SAR)
      MRA US-EU                                                                               Commission
 558                 Radiated Measurements above 1 GHz, 3 m (FAR)
          0003                                                                                Laboratory Division, USA
 348                 Mains Ports Conducted Interference Measurements
 348                 Telecommunication Ports Conducted Interference Measurem.
 337    3462D-1      Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 3 m / 10 m (OATS)
 487    3462D-2      Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 3 m (SAR)                         IC, Industry Canada Certification
 550    3462D-2      Radiated Measurements 1 GHz to 6 GHz, 3 m (SAR)                          and Engineering Bureau
 558    3462D-3      Radiated Measurements above 1 GHz, 3 m (FAR)
 487     R-2666      Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 3 m (SAR)
                                                                                              VCCI, Voluntary Control Council
 550     G-301       Radiated Measurements 1 GHz to 6 GHz, 3 m (SAR)
                                                                                              for Interference by Information
 348     C-2914      Mains Ports Conducted Interference Measurements
                                                                                              Technology Equipment, Japan
 348     T-1967      Telecommunication Ports Conducted Interference Measurem.
 OATS = Open Area Test Site, SAR = Semi Anechoic Room, FAR = Fully Anechoic Room


Test Report 18-1-0244501T07a, Page 15 of 15

7. Versions of test reports (change history)

     Version        Applied changes            Date of release
       --           Initial release             2019-03-20

End of report


Document Created: 2019-04-03 10:31:51
Document Modified: 2019-04-03 10:31:51

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