User Guide


Users Manual

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Nucleus® CR220
Intraoperative Remote Assistant
User Guide

Professional use only

Symbols                                                           Contents

                                                                  Introduction .......................................................................................................X
                                                                  About the intraoperative remote ..................................................................X
                                                                      Front view.....................................................................................................X
                    Important information or advice. Can save
                    inconvenience.                                    Back view......................................................................................................X
                                                                      Holding and operating the remote .........................................................X
                    Warning (harmful)
                    Potential safety hazards and serious              Navigating through the screens...............................................................X
                    adverse reactions.                            Initial set-up .......................................................................................................X
                    Could cause harm to person.
                                                                    Charging the remote assistant battery ..................................................X
                                                                    Turning the remote assistant on ..............................................................X
                                                                    Selecting the language ..............................................................................X
                                                                    Practice mode .............................................................................................X
                                                                    Pairing the remote assistant .....................................................................X
                                                                    Setting remote assistant beeps................................................................X
                                                                    Turning the remote assistant off .............................................................X
                                                                  Day before surgery ...........................................................................................X
Compatibility                                                       Checking remote assistant battery status .............................................X
                                                                    Recharge batteries if required ..................................................................X
The Cochlear™ Nucleus® CR220 Intraoperative Remote Assistant is        Checking processor status ........................................................................X
compatible with the following implants:
                                                                       Resolve processor errors if required ........................................................X
•    CI512
                                                                  Immediately before surgery ...........................................................................X
•    CI513                                                           Repeat battery status checks ...................................................................X
•    CI522                                                           Locking & unlocking the remote assistant keypad ..............................X
•    CI24RE (CA)                                                     Placing the remote assistant in a sterile bag .........................................X
•    CI24RE (ST)                                                  During surgery ...................................................................................................X
•    CI24RE H                                                        Impedance testing ......................................................................................X
•    CI422                                                           AutoNRT testing .........................................................................................X
                                                                  After surgery ......................................................................................................X
It is not compatible with ABI and double array implants
                                                                     Cleaning the remote assistant .................................................................X
                                                                     Uploading results to fitting software......................................................X
                                                                  Troubleshooting ................................................................................................X

   Visual alerts .................................................................................................X
   Displaying system details ..........................................................................X
   Resetting the remote assistant ................................................................X                   The Cochlear Nucleus CR220 Intraoperative Remote Assistant is a hand-
General care and precautions ........................................................................X                held remote control that enables a clinician to perform impedance and
Technical and legal information ....................................................................X                 AutoNRT™ tests on a Cochlear implant in the operating theatre.
   Device specifications ..................................................................................X          The intra-operative remote assistant is compatible with the CP810
                                                                                                                      processor. It does not support bilateral functionality or accessories.
   Environmental conditions .........................................................................X
   Certification and applied standards ........................................................X                      The purpose of this user manual is to guide clinicians through the
                                                                                                                      functions and uses of the CR220 intraoperative remote.
   Equipment classification ...........................................................................X
                                                                                                                      It is strongly advised that you familiarise yourself with the intraoperative
   Regulatory authority compliance ............................................................X                      remote assistant well in advance of your first scheduled surgery.
   Labelling symbols .......................................................................................X
   Legal statement ..........................................................................................X
                                                                                                                            The remote assistant is to be used for surgery only.

                                                                                                                            The sound processor and the remote assistant are not sterilised
                                                                                                                            and should be enclosed in sterile plastic bags during surgery.

                                                                                                                      © Cochlear Limited 2012                                    CR220 User Guide - 5

                                                                                                                  Features of the remote assistant

About the intraoperative remote
                                                                                  Back view
Front view

Not used                                                             Not used
                                                          Lock or unlock slider   Personal identification label

                                                                                  Remote assistant speaker                Not used
Remote assistant display

Not used                                                             Not used
                                                                                                                      Product information label
Up arrow                                                         Home button      Coil guides for pairing

Left arrow                                                          OK button
Down arrow                                                         Right arrow    Hard reset button

                                                                                                                                USB cable socket

                                 Pin for attaching the remote assistant lanyard

Note: buttons highlighted in orange do not perform any function.

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                                                                                                                              Getting started

How to hold and operate the remote                                        How to navigate through the screens
Hold the remote assistant in the palm of your hand. Keep it within 2
metres (about six feet) of the sound processor (about six feet) of each
                                                                                 1. To scroll forward      2. To move back through
other. Operating it at a greater distance may cause increased delay          through the screens, press     the screens, press the
between the sound processor and the remote assistant response time or          the right arrow button          left arrow button
loss of communication all together.

                                                                              3. To select an option on   4. To return to the eprevi-
                                                                              a screen, press the 'OK'    ous menu or Home screen,
                                                                                        button              use the 'Home' button

                                                                          © Cochlear Limited 2012                        CR220 User Guide - 9

                                                  Initial set-up
                                                  Charge the remote assistant battery
                                                  It is recommended to fully charge the remote assistant battery before
                                                  using the remote assistant for the first time. It may take approximately
                                                  2 to 4 hours to fully charge a completely empty battery. A fully charged
                                                  battery should provide you with enough battery life to last a full surgery.
                                                  However, battery life varies depending on amount of usage.
                                                          Ensure that you only use battery charging equipment supplied by
                                                          Cochlear to charge the remote assistant battery.

                                                  Tools to charge the remote assistant battery
                                                  To charge the remote assistant battery, you will need:

                                                                                                              CP900 series
                                                                               AND                            charging kit

                                                   CR220 Series USB cable

                                                                                                              Global power


                                                                                         Computer with Computer with
                                                                                           a USB port    a USB port

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Getting started

Three options for charging the remote assistant                        Turning the remote assistant on
       1. Charge using the        When charging, the                   To turn the remote assistant on:
     sound processor battery     indicator light will be
                                                                        1. Press and 2. Start up 3. surgery 4. Press            5. Home
             charger                 steady green
                                                                          hold OK screen will warning         OK               screen will
                                                                           button      appear screen will                        appear
                                    Green indicator                                               appear
                                    light on battery
                                                                            OK                                         OK

        2. Using the global
          power adaptor         When charging correctly,
                                                                       Selecting the language
                                 this screen will appear               When using the remote assistant for the first time, it will prompt you to
                                                                       select a language.

                                                                                   1. Selection    2. Press up or down      3. Press
                                                                                   screen will       arrows to select          OK
                                                                                      appear       preferred language
       3. Using a computer      When the battery is full,                                                    Up
         with a USB port        this screen will appear                                                                       OK
           Charging with a

12 - CR220 User Guide                        © Cochlear Limited 2012

       Practice mode
                                                                                               When using practice mode, a small white or black square will appear in
       Practice mode allows you to familiarise yourself with the remote                        the top left corner of the screen.
       assistant before you start using it clinically.
             No adjustments or changes to settings are saved or sent to the
             sound processor while in practice mode.

       If there is no sound processor paired to the remote assistant:
    1. Prompt         2. Press right    3. Press   4. Select 'Start'    5. Screen   6. Press
 screen appears           arrow            OK       and press OK         appears      OK
                                                                                               To cancel practice mode:

                                                           Up                                           1. Press & hold   2. Menu       3. Select 'Exit Practice
                Rt                     OK                         OK                  OK                   OK button      appears        Mode' and press OK
                                                                                                              OK                                  OK
       If you wish to enter practice mode while a sound processor is paired:
1. Press &    2. Menu        3. Select      4. Menu        5. Select      6. Screen 7. Press
 hold OK      appears    'Practice Mode'    appears       'Start' and      appears     OK
                          and press OK                     press OK

                          Up                            Up
  OK                            OK                              OK                    OK
                          Dn                            Dn

Getting started                                                                                                                                    Getting started

Pairing the remote assistant
                                                                                 When pairing is complete, the 'Processor Paired' screen will appear,
Pairing allows the remote assistant to communicate with the processor.           followed by the 'Home' screen
        Before you start, ensure that both the processor and the remote
        assistant are switched on.

If there is no sound processor currently paired with the remote assistant,
the following screen will prompt you to pair a sound processor:

                                                                                 Setting remote assistant beeps
                                                                                 You can adjust the remote assistant beeps from the Settings screen.

If there is already a sound processor paired, you can re-pair with a              1. From the 'Home' screen, use the right arrow key to scroll to
different sound processor at any time using the following instructions.                                the Settings menu
To pair the remote assitant with a sound processor:
  1. Hold the processor coil on 2. 'Pair processor'       3. Press OK                                      Rt      Rt     Rt      Rt     Rt
  the coil guides at the back of prompt screen          and wait during
      the remote assistant          will display         initialisation

                                                             OK                    2. Press OK             3. Use up and down arrows to         4. Press OK
                                                                                                             select 'Soft', 'Loud' or 'Off'

                                                                                        OK                                                           OK


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Turning the remote assistant off                                           Day before surgery
To turn the remote assistant off:
1.   Press and hold the OK button until the menu screen displays.          Checking the remote assistant battery status
2. Select Switch Off from the menu selection to turn the remote
   assistant off.                                                          To check the remote assistant battery status, watch for the battery level
                                                                           indicator screen when the remote assitant is switched on.
                 OK                                OK

      The remote assistant automatically goes into standby mode if it
has been inactive for an extended period. Press any button to 'wake' the
remote assistant from standby mode.                                        You can also view the battery status by locking the keypad (see p.21).

                                                                           Checking the processor status
                                                                           To check the status of the processor and processor battery:
                                                                           1.   Press the OK button quickly from Home screen. The status screen
                                                                                will display

                                                                                             OK                            OK

                                                                           If the remote assistant receives an error from the processor, or the
                                                                           processor battery is low, a visual alert will display .

Getting started                                                                                                                               Getting started

Recharge batteries and resolve processor errors                                  Immediately before surgery
Recharge batteries if they are not fully charged. Refer to pages 9-10 for
instructions to recharge the batteries.                                          Repeat battery and processor checks
If the remote assistant displays any processor errors, refer to pages 31-
33 to resolve the errors.                                                        We recommend repeating the battery and processor checks again on
                                                                                 the day of the surgery. (See pages 19-20)

                                                                                 Locking & unlocking the remote assistant keypad
                                                                                 The remote assistant keypad can be locked to prevent pressing keys

                                                                                      1. Slide the lock/unlock slider down       2. The 'Locked' or
                                                                                             to lock or up to unlock             'Unlocked' screen
                                                                                                                                     will appear

                                                                                 The 'Locked' and 'Unlocked' screens also display the remote assistant
                                                                                 battery status.
                                                                                 The remote assistant cannot be turned off while the keypad is locked.

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Getting started                                                                                                                                  Getting started

Place the remote assistant in a sterile bag                                       During surgery
Before entering the operating theatre, place the remote assistant in a
sterile bag and seal the bag.                                                     During surgery, the intraoperative remote assistant can be used
                                                                                  to perform impedance and AutoNRT tests. When performing
                                                                                  intraoperative tests, ensure the processor is placed over the implant to
                                                                                  get accurate measurements.
                        Remote assistant in a sterile
                               plastic bag                                        Impedance test
                                                                                  The impedance test indicates the electrical status of the intra-cochlear
                                                                                  electrodes. It loops continuously through the 22 electrodes, displaying
                                                                                  which electrode is being tested, and the status of all electrodes already
                                                                                      1. From the Home           2. Impedance       3. Press OK to start
                                                                                       screen, press the          screen will      continuous impedance
                                                                                          right arrow                display           measurement

                                                                                                            Rt                     OK
      Do not sterilise the remote assistant.

                                                                                    4. When you are satisfied wih        5. 'Stopping' screen will display,
                                                                                    the impedance results, press             followed by results screen
                                                                                         OK to stop the test


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                                                                                                                           Using the remote assistant

Electrode definitions for impedance test                               AutoNRT test
                                                                       Neural Response Telemetry (NRT) measures neural activity within
                  Not yet tested/skipped                               the cochlea in response to electrical stimulation from the implant.
                                                                       An AutoNRT test provides a quick, non-invasive, objective measure of
                  Impedance OK                                         peripheral neural function.
                                                                           1. Use right          2. AutoNRT    3. Press 4. AutoNRT 5. Press
                  Open circuit                                           arrow to reach          screen will      OK    launch screen  OK
                                                                        AutoNRT screen              display               will display
                  Currently being measured

                  Impedance not found                                                 Rt                        OK                         OK

                                                                        6. AutoNRT         7. On successful comple-   8. Number of electrodes
                                                                          will run         tion, AutoNRT complete      successfully measured
                                                                                               screen will display        will also display

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Using the remote assistant                                                                                                          Using the remote assistant

Viewing results while AutoNRT is running                                        Viewing final AutoNRT results
While the AutoNRT test is running, you can press the right and left             The results screen displays the most recent tests for the currently
arrow buttons to switch between the following results views: Electrode          detected implant. The results are displayed in the following screens:
view, graph view and trace view.

                                                                                                                   L   R
                         L   R                L   R

     Electrode view              Graph view             Trace view

                                                                                Electrode definitions for AutoNRT
Pausing AutoNRT
You can pause the AutoNRT results while the test is running.                                      Not yet tested/skipped
1.    Press any button to pause the process and display the AutoNRT
      Paused screen.                                                                              NRT OK

                                                                                                  Open circuit

                                                                                                  Currently being measured

2. If you choose to cancel the AutoNRT test prior to successful                                   Neural response not found
   measurements, the screen displays a cancelled message.

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Using the remote assistant                                                                                Using the remote assistant

                                                       After surgery
                                                       Cleaning the remote assistant
                                                       To keep the remote assistant clean, wipe it with a soft dry cloth. Do
                                                       not use alcohol, household cleaners or abrasive materials to clean the
                                                       remote assistant.
                                                       If the remote assistant gets wet:
                                                       1.   Turn it off
                                                       2. Wipe it with a soft dry cloth
                                                       3. Leave out to dry for approximately 12 hours.
                                                       4. Turn it on again after it is dry. If the remote assistant no longer
                                                          functions, return it to your Cochlear representative. Cochlear cannot
                                                          guarantee that it can repair a water-damaged remote assistant.
                                                             Do not use an oven or microwave or any other electrical or
                                                             heating device to dry the remote assistant.

                                                       Uploading results to fitting software
                                                       You will need to upload the results from the remote assistant to the
                                                       cochlear implant fitting software (CustomSound or NFS). Refer to the
                                                       user guide for your fitting software for full instructions.

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Using the remote assistant                                                                                   Using the remote assistant

                                                       The remote assistant displays visual alerts when errors occur. Some
                                                       alerts mean that the testing processes cannot continue (e.g. if the
                                                       processor coil has moved off the implant). In these cases, the problem
                                                       will need to be rectified before testing can continue.

                                                       Visual alerts
                                                        Error                    Screen display   Troubleshooting information
                                                        Processor error                           Text

                                                        Incorrect coil                            Text

                                                        Coil cable fault                          Text

                                                        Can't find                                Text

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Using the remote assistant                                                                                                             Using the remote assistant

 Error                  Screen display   Troubleshooting information              Error                    Screen display   Troubleshooting information
 Incorrect                               Text                                     Remote                                    Text
 implant                                                                          assistant
                                                                                  battery empty

 Coil fault                                                                       Processor and                             This alert may display during
                                                                                  implant error                             impedance or AutoNRT testing

 Coil off implant                                                                 Charge                                    This alert may display during
                                                                                  processor error                           impedance or AutoNRT testing

 Processor                                                                        Charge remote                             This alert may display during
 battery low                                                                      error                                     impedance or AutoNRT testing

 Remote                                                                           Switch on                                 This alert may display during
 assistant                                                                        processor error                           impedance or AutoNRT testing
 battery low

 battery empt

32 - CR220 User Guide                                  © Cochlear Limited 2012   © Cochlear Limited 2012                                   CR220 User Guide - 33

Using the remote assistant

Displaying system details                                                         Resetting the remote assistant
You can view the remote assistant serial and version numbers from the             If the Home button does not work or the remote assistant display
Settings menu.                                                                    freezes, you can reset the remote assistant by inserting a pointed
                                                                                  object into the reset socket located on the back of the remote. This
 1. From the 'Home' screen, use the right arrow key to scroll to                  will reset the remote to its original settings, including language, pairing
                      the Settings menu                                           information, remote beeps and remote alerts.

                         Rt   Rt     Rt     Rt     Rt

   2. Press      3. 'Beeps on remote' 4. Press right 5. 'Remote info'
      OK          menu will display       arrow     screen will display

      OK                                    Rt

6. Press 7. 'Processor info' 8 Press Home button to return to set-
 right screen will display       tings menu and 'Home' screen

   Rt                         Hm                   Hm

34 - CR220 User Guide                                   © Cochlear Limited 2012   © Cochlear Limited 2012                                   CR220 User Guide - 35

General care and precautions
•   Only use the intraoperative remote assistant while the recipient is
    under anaesthetic.
•   Do not use or store the device in dusty or dirty areas, extreme high
    or cold temperatures (e.g. Do not store in direct sunlight, behind a
    window or in a car for extended periods of time)
•   Take care when placing the remote assistant in a bag or pocket
    with other objects as the display may scratch. Commercially
    available protective films may be used to protect the remote
    assistant display from scratches.
•   Do not use alcohol, household cleaners or abrasive materials to
    clean the remote assistant.
•   Do not use any commercial or household appliance to dry the
    remote assistant.
•   Only use the CR200 Series Global Power Adaptor, the CP900
    Series Global Power Adaptor (if using the CP900 Series Battery
    Charger) or the CR200 Series Global charging kit when charging
    your remote assistant from mains power.
•   Do not bend or compress the display on the remote assistant.
•   Do not use excessive force when connecting or disconnecting the
    USB cable or when using the buttons on the keypad.
•   Do not disassemble, deform or immerse in water. If the remote
    assistant is not working, return it to your clinician. Warranty will be
    void if opened.
•   Do not use the remote assistant if it becomes unusually warm.
    Inform your Cochlear representative immediately.
•   Dispose of electrical components in accordance with your local
•   When charging the remote with a computer, ensure the computer
    conforms to IEC 60950 standards.

                                                                                                                 Other information

                                                  Technical and legal information
                                                  Technical information
                                                  The remote assistant wireless communication link operates in the 2.4
                                                  GHz ISM band using GFSK (Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying) on 10
                                                  channels. The link uses a proprietary bi-directional communication
                                                  protocol and operates over a distance of up to 2m from the
                                                  CP810 series processor. When interference is present, the wireless
                                                  communication link switches between the 10 channels to find a
                                                  channel where the interference least affects the operation of the link.
                                                  The remote assistant indicates via its display when the processor is not
                                                  within operating distance, and when the link has been interrupted due
                                                  to interference.
                                                  Physical configuration
                                                  The remote assistant comprises:
                                                  •     Custom analogue and digital integrated circuits based on a micro-
                                                        processor design, with bi-directional wireless communication
                                                  •     Push-buttons/keys and a slider for control of processor features
                                                        and its own system features.
                                                  •     A display for indicating system status and activity.
                                                  •     A speaker for sounding an audible alert.
                                                  •     In-built coil sensor to check if the processor’s coil is receiving
                                                        sound signals from the processor and for pairing.
                                                  •     On-board battery charging circuit.
                                                  •     A temperature sensor for battery safety.
                                                  •     A micro USB connector for charging the remote assistant and
                                                        updating the firmware.

                                                  The remote assistant housing, including non-metallic buttons/keys, is
                                                  made of polycarbonate.

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Other information                                                                                                                                Other information

Dimensions                                                                            Certification and applied standards
 Length                 Width              Depth                                      The CR220 Remote Assistant fulfils the essential requirements listed in
 110 mm                 46.1 mm            13.35 mm                                   Annex 1 of the EC directive 90/385/EEC on Active Implantable Medical
                                                                                      Devices as last amended by EC Directive 2007/47/EEC.
Weight                                                                                                                                                0197
The remote assistant weighs 65 g.
                                                                                      Equipment classification
Operating characteristics                                                             Your remote assistant is internally powered equipment Type B as
 Characteristic                         Range                                         described in the international standard IEC 60601-1:2005, Medical
                                                                                      Electrical Equipment - Part 1: Basic Safety and Essential Performance.
 Wireless technology                    Proprietary Low Power Bidirectional
                                        Wireless Link                                 FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and Canadian IC
 RF frequency                           2.4 GHz                                       compliance
 Operating battery voltage              3. 7 V                                        This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and with RSS-210 of
 Battery charging voltage               4.2 V                                         Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
 Battery capacity                       680 mAh (Internal Lithium-ion                 •     This device may not cause harmful interference.
                                                                                      •     This device must accept any interference received, including
 Push-key functions                     Remote assistant on and off and                     interference that may cause undesired operation.
                                        remote assistant settings change
 Wireless transmission range            Up to 2 m                                     Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly
                                                                                      approved by Cochlear Limited may void the FCC authorization to
 Display                                128 x 128 pixels, colour LCD                  operate this equipment.

Environmental conditions
 Condition                      Minimum                 Maximum
 Storage temperature            -40 ºC (-40 ºF)         +50 ºC (+122 ºF)
 Storage relative               0% RH                   90% RH
 Operating                      +5 ºC (+41 ºF)          +50 ºC (+122 ºF)
 Operating relative             0% RH                   90% RH

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Other information
                                                                                 Labelling symbols
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits               The symbols below are found on your remote assistant components
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These        and packaging
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses                                    Consult instructions for use
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference                                        Storage temperature limits
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be                                           Relative humidity limits
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following                                            Disposal - do not dispose in fire
•     Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.                                                             Disposal – dispose of electrical
                                                                                                              components in accordance with your
•     Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.                                             local regulations
•     Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from                                        Certification - Japan
      that to which the receiver is connected.
•     Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.                                      Certification - Australia

FCC ID: WTOR200FF                                                                                             Certification - New Zealand
IC ID: 8039A-R200FF
                                                                                                              Serial number
                                                                                                              Date of manufacture

                                                                                                              Type B applied part

                                                                                                              This device restricted to sale by or on the
                                                                                                              order of a physician.

                                                                                                              CE Registration Mark
                                                                                 Legal statement
                                                                                 The statements made in this guide are believed to be true and correct as
                                                                                 of the date of publication. However, specifications are subject to change
                                                                                 without notice.
                                                                                 Nucleus® cochlear implant systems are covered by one or more
                                                                                 international patents.
                                                                                 © Cochlear Limited 2011
42 - CR220 User Guide                                  © Cochlear Limited 2012

      Cochlear Ltd (ABN 96 002 618 073) 14 Mars Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066, Australia Tel: 61 2 9428 6555 Fax: 61 2 9428 6352
Cochlear Americas 13059 E Peakview Avenue, Centennial, CO 80111, USA Tel: 1 303 790 9010 Fax: 1 303 792 9025
Cochlear AG European Headquarters, Peter Merian-Weg 4, CH - 4052 Basel, Switzerland Tel: 41 61 205 0404 Fax: 41 61 205 0405
         Cochlear Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG Karl-Wiechert-Allee 76A, D-30625 Hannover
Germany Tel: 49 511 542 770 Fax: 49 511 542 7770
Cochlear Europe Ltd 6 Dashwood Lang Road, Bourne Business Park, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 2HJ, United Kingdom Tel: 44 1932 87 1500 Fax: 44 1932 87 1526
Nihon Cochlear Co Ltd Ochanomizu-Motomachi Bldg, 2-3-7 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan Tel: 81 3 3817 0241 Fax: 81 3 3817 0245
Cochlear (HK) Ltd Unit 1810, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queens Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong SAR Tel: 852 2530 5773 Fax: 852 2530 5183
Cochlear Medical Device (Beijing) Co Ltd Unit 2208 Gemdale Tower B, 91 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022
P.R. China Tel: 86 10 5909 7800 Fax: 86 10 5909 7900
Cochlear Ltd (Singapore Branch) 6 Sin Ming Road, #01-16 Sin Ming Plaza Tower 2, Singapore 575585 Tel: 65 6553 3814 Fax: 65 6451 4105
Cochlear Korea Ltd 1st floor, Cheongwon building, 828-5, Yuksam dong, Kangnam gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: 82 2 533 4663 Fax: 82 2 533 8408
Cochlear Benelux NV Schaliënhoevedreef 20i, B - 2800 Mechelen, Belgium Tel: 32 1579 5511 Fax: 32 1579 5500
Cochlear Italia S.r.l. Via Larga 33, 40138 Bologna, Italia Tel: 39 051 601 53 11 Fax: 39 051 39 20 62
Cochlear France S.A.S. Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers, Z.I. Les Algorithmes - Bât. Homère, 91190 Saint Aubin, France Tel: 33 811 111 993 Fax: 33 160 196 499
Cochlear Nordic AB Konstruktionsvägen 14, SE - 435 33 Mölnlycke, Sweden Tel: 46 31 335 14 61 Fax: 46 31 335 14 60
Cochlear Tıbbi Cihazlar ve Sağlık Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti. Cubuklu Mah. Bogazici Cad., Bogazici Plaza No: 6/1, Kavacik
TR - 34805 Beykoz-Istanbul, Turkey Tel: 90 216 538 5900 Fax: 90 216 538 5919
Cochlear Canada Inc 2500-120 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 1T1 Canada Tel: 1 416 972 5082 Fax: 1 416 972 5083
Cochlear Medical Device Company India Pvt Ltd Ground floor Platina Bldg, Plot no C 59, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex,

Cochlear implant systems are protected by one or more international patents.
The statements made in this guide are believed to be true and correct in every detail as of the date of publication. However,
specifications are subject to change without notice.
Nucleus is a registered trademark of Cochlear Limited.
AutoNRT, Cochlear and the elliptical logo are trademarks of Cochlear Limited.
© Cochlear Limited 2012

                                                                                                                                   Printed in Australia
                                                                                                                                  369388 Iss4 APR12

Document Created: 2012-04-24 11:49:18
Document Modified: 2012-04-24 11:49:18

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