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                Technical Specification
                DESKO NEPTUN chrom®


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DESKO NEPTUN chrom        Doc # 7 001 160 101   Doc.-Rev: 2019-07-24

Gottlieb-Keim-Str. 56
95448 Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0)921/79279-0
Fax:      +49 (0)921/79279-14

Technical Support:
E-mail:                 |   Phone:       +49      (0)    921     79279-69             |   Website:
Table of Contents
DESKO Official Explanation of Abbreviations ............................................................ 4
1      Handling Rules & Package Content .................................................................... 5
    1.1        Handling of the NEPTUN chrom ............................................................... 5
    1.2        Package Content ...................................................................................... 5
2      Introduction ...................................................................................................... 6
3      Features of the NEPTUN chrom .......................................................................... 7
    3.1        Ingress Protection 54 (IP54) ..................................................................... 7
    3.2        Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Reader ............................................ 7
    3.3        Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR)................................................................... 9
    3.4        Multicolor LED ......................................................................................... 9
    3.5        Buzzer ..................................................................................................... 9
    3.6        Optional Features .................................................................................. 11
       3.6.1      Chip Card Module ............................................................................... 11
       3.6.2      NFC/RFID Reader ................................................................................ 11
       3.6.3      China ID Reader .................................................................................. 11
       3.6.4      USB AUX Ports .................................................................................... 11
       3.6.5      Integrated Pointing Device (optional) .................................................. 11
4      Installation and Setup...................................................................................... 12
    4.1        Software Setup....................................................................................... 12
    4.2        Hardware Setup ..................................................................................... 13
5      Software Integration ........................................................................................ 13
    5.1        Virtual Serial Connection........................................................................ 13
    5.2        Connecting via HIDAPI ........................................................................... 13
    5.3        Keyboard Emulation ............................................................................... 13
6      Hardware Integration ...................................................................................... 14
7      Usage of the NEPTUN chrom ........................................................................... 15
    7.1        Usage of the OCR / MSR Reader ............................................................. 15
       7.1.1      Reading an OCR Document ................................................................. 15

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     7.1.2       Reading an MSR Document ................................................................. 17
    7.2       Reading an RFID Document .................................................................... 18
    7.3       Reading a Chip Card .............................................................................. 18
    7.4       Using the China ID Reader ..................................................................... 20
8    Service and Maintenance ................................................................................. 20
9    Warranty ......................................................................................................... 21
10 Support ........................................................................................................... 21
11 Technical Overview ......................................................................................... 23
    11.1      Technical Data ....................................................................................... 23
    11.2      Dimensions ........................................................................................... 23
    11.3      Technical Drawing ................................................................................. 24
12 Regulation Information.................................................................................... 25

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DESKO Official Explanation of Abbreviations
 1D Code                  Linear or one-dimensional Barcode

 2D Code                  Two-dimensional Barcode

 API                      Application Programming Interface

 BC                       Barcode

 BCR                      Barcode Reader

 DLL                      Dynamic Link Library

 DPI                      Dots Per Inch

 DUKPT                    Derived Unique Key per Transaction

 ICAO                     International Civil Aviation Organization

 IP                       Ingress Protection

 IR                       Infrared

 ISO                      International Organization for Standardization

 LED                      Light Emitting Diode

 MRZ                      Machine-Readable Zone

 MSR                      Magnetic Stripe Reader

 NFC                      Near Field Communication

 OCR                      Optical Character Recognition

 PCB                      Printed Circuit Board

 QIG                      Quick Installation Guide

 RFID                     Radio Frequency Identification

 RS232                    Serial Interface

 RTC                      Real Time Clock

 USB                      Universal Serial Bus

 SDK                      Software Development Kit

 UV                       Ultraviolet Light

 VCOM                     Virtual COM Interface

 VIS                      Visible Light

 VIZ                      Visual Inspection Zone

 WLAN                     Wireless Local Area Network

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1 Handling Rules & Package Content

1.1 Handling of the NEPTUN chrom

The NEPTUN chrom is designed to work in a rough environment and withstand light
shocks. Nevertheless, the device contains a precise opto-mechanical part.

Therefore, DESKO recommends the following handling rules:
   •    Do not drop the device.
   •    Prevent the device from heavy vibrations.
   •    The device is not waterproof, prevent the device from getting wet.
   •    Prevent the device from heavy dust.

1.2 Package Content

    •   NEPTUN chrom
    •   Quick Installation Guide with the log-in data for the NEPTUN chrom download
        area. Within the download area you will find all relevant documents for the
        NEPTUN chrom and necessary tools and drivers.

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2 Introduction

This guide describes the usage of the NEPTUN chrom keyboard. Detailed information
on the respective configuration can be found in the Quick Installation Guide, which is
shipped with the device.

Please contact should you have not received a Quick Installation
Guide or need access to our download area.

The NEPTUN chrom is ideal for data gathering applications of OCR documents with a
machine-readable zone and magnetic stripe documents. Such applications are usually
found in the airline and airport environment, ticket- and border control or public
authority environment and many more.

Depending on the hardware configuration, the NEPTUN chrom is equipped with the
following standard features:

   •   Keyboard with 104/105 keys (keyboard layout available in various sorts of
       country versions).
   •   3-track magnetic stripe reader to read customer loyalty cards, employee cards
       or credit cards.
   •   OCR passport reader with infrared light illumination, mounted in the same slot
       as the magnetic reader.
   •   Protection against dust and water according to IP54 regulations.

Optionally the NEPTUN chrom can be equipped with the following features:

   •   Chip card reader for reading of contact-based chip cards
   •   RFID reader
   •   2x USB AUX Ports (full speed)
   •   Pointing device (integrated mouse module)
   •   3-track MSR module with encryption functionality and DUKPT key management

Should you not know the exact hardware configuration of your device or should you
need further information on the NEPTUN chrom, please contact our sales team at Please always state the serial number of the device in your email.

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3 Features of the NEPTUN chrom

3.1 Ingress Protection 54 (IP54)

The NEPTUN chrom is protected against dust and water according to IP54 regulations.

IP stands for ingress protection and is a rating code commonly used for security
equipment. It consists of two digits, which show the level of protection a device has
against dust and water.

The IP rating normally has two numbers:
   ➢ First digit: protection from solid objects or materials (dust)
   ➢ Second digit: protection from liquids (water)

The NEPTUN chrom keyboard has the following rating:

First digit        =5   :     Protected against dust (no harmful deposit)
Second digit = 4        :     Protection against splashing of water from any directions

Please note: The IP54 rating only applies to the standard version of the NEPTUN
chrom. If the keyboard is equipped with the following features, it is not protected
against water and dust:
          •    Chip card module
          •    Pointing device
          •    USB AUX port

3.2 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Reader

The built-in OCR reader is able to scan and decode MRZ data of various documents.
The reader is equipped with an infrared illumination for reading ID cards and passport

              Light Source    Description           Wavelength Comment
              IR              infrared light        850 nm

The OCR reader can by default read and decode OCR data from the following

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   •   Passport data from machine-readable passports, ID cards and driver licenses
       according to ISO/IEC 7501-1, ICAO 9303 and ISO 18013
   •   Personal OCR encoded travel documents e.g. visa, crew member cards
       according to ICAO 9303

The standard OCR read rate is higher than 99%.

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3.3 Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR)

The integrated 3-track magnetic stripe reader is able to read and decode all magnetic
documents encoded according to ISO 7811/2-5. This functionality allows the
handling of documents such as CUTE sign-on cards, credit cards, frequent flyer cards,
employee cards and many more.
The device automatically recognizes each document type and decodes the information

3.4 Multicolor LED

Next to the standard keyboard LEDs (Num-, Scroll- and Caps-Lock), the NEPTUN
chrom is equipped with a multicolor status LED for user feedback (see picture below).

Picture 1: blue colored keyboard LEDs and multicolor status LED

The status LED displays the OCR and MSR scanner result with the following

       Turned off     =     idle mode
       Green          =     good read result (2 seconds)
       Red            =     bad read result (blinking, 2 times)

3.5 Buzzer

The NEPTUN chrom is equipped with an internal buzzer for audible user feedback.
The buzzer volume can be adjusted by device configuration. See chapter 7 for further
details regarding firmware and device configuration.

The Buzzer has by default the following functionality:

Good read result:     one short buzzer sound

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3.6 Optional Features

3.6.1 Chip Card Module

The NEPTUN chrom can be equipped with an ISO 7816 compliant chip card reader.
The card reader module is designed for reading synchronous and asynchronous chip
cards with the following standards:

ISO 7816, 2-wire SLE 4432/42, 3-wire SLE 4418/28, I2C, SLE 4404.

3.6.2 NFC/RFID Reader

The NEPTUN chrom is available with an integrated NFC/RFID module. This module can
read RFID documents according to ISO 14443(A/B), e.g. RFID chip of a biometric

3.6.3 China ID Reader

The NEPTUN chrom can be extended by an optionally available integrated RFID
module specifically designed for reading personal information stored on the chip of
the China national ID card.

More information on how to use the China ID Reader can be found in chapter 7.4
Using the China ID Reader.

3.6.4 USB AUX Ports

The NEPTUN chrom can be equipped with two additional USB ports (full speed)
realized in USB-A connectors.
It has to be considered that, in case of USB bus powered devices, these two USB AUX
ports and the NEPTUN chrom have to share the power that is provided by the USB port
of the workstation. According to the USB 2.0 specification, one USB port has to provide
500 mA. In chapter 11 the power consumption of the NEPTUN chrom is listed.

3.6.5 Integrated Pointing Device (optional)

The NEPTUN chrom can be equipped with an integrated pointing device. It consists of
a trackpoint and two mouse buttons, located below the space key.

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4      Installation and Setup

4.1    Software Setup

Information about the software (including documentation), driver and SDK can be
found in the DESKO download area. The link and login data for the download area can
be found in the Quick Installation Guide, which is shipped with the device, or contact

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4.2    Hardware Setup

Connect the NEPTUN chrom via USB cable with your PC. The NEPTUN chrom is
executing a self-test. A short buzzer sound indicates that the device completely
booted and is ready for use.

5      Software Integration

Software integration of the NEPTUN chrom is done via the host connection. Usually
this is established by a virtual COM port connection via the USB host port.
Alternatively, a DESKO swipe reader API (HIDAPI) or a keyboard emulation is also
DESKO is able to provide appropriate software packages for the operating systems
Microsoft Windows, Linux and Android.

Please contact for further information.

5.1    Virtual Serial Connection

For using the DESKO NEPTUN chrom via a virtual serial port, it is necessary to install
the DESKO VCOM software package. Please refer to the Quick Installation Guide, which
is shipped with the device, for more information.

This software generates a virtual COM port on the system, which can be used as a
standard COM port. As soon as the generated virtual COM port is opened by an
application, the NEPTUN chrom is ready for operation. In this status, the OCR and MSR
data will be sent to the generated virtual COM port. Please refer to the Quick
Installation Guide for the protocol description.

5.2    Connecting via HIDAPI

To get access to all features of the NEPTUN chrom (besides the standard keyboard
features) it needs to be addressed via the HIDAPI. This HIDAPI is included in the device
SDK, which provides drivers for several operating systems as well as libraries and
sample applications for C/C++, Java and .Net.

5.3    Keyboard Emulation

Optionally the scanned OCR and MSR data can be sent as keyboard data to the system.
In this case, no additional software has to be installed on the system.

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6      Hardware Integration

The standard host connection is established via the USB interface. The NEPTUN chrom
is USB-bus powered and does not need an additional power supply.

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7       Usage of the NEPTUN chrom

The following chapters explain how to read different kinds of document with the
NEPTUN chrom. All possible features of the keyboard are explained below.

More detailed information can be found on the DESKO YouTube channel

7.1     Usage of the OCR / MSR Reader

As soon as the NEPTUN chrom is connected to a PC, the device is ready to read OCR
and MSR data from various documents. The NEPTUN chrom provides the OCR and MSR
scan functionality in only one slot.
To read a document, the medium (e.g. credit card) should be pulled through the swipe
slot with moderate and constant speed. It is possible to swipe in both directions.

7.1.1 Reading an OCR Document

The implemented OCR scanner supports a bidirectional swipe. To read an OCR
document, the medium (e.g. passport) should be pulled through the swipe slot with
moderate and constant speed.

Please note that the OCR information always has to face towards you in order to be


Picture 2: position of machine-readable zone

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Depending on the read result, the buzzer and the multicolor LED give a respective
feedback (see chapters 3.4 and 3.5).

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 7.1.2 Reading an MSR Document

 The integrated 3-track bidirectional magnetic stripe reader is able to read all
 magnetic stripe data encoded according to ISO 7811/2-5. This functionality allows
 the handling of documents such as CUTE sign-on cards and all credit, frequent flyer
 and employee travel cards.

 Please note that the magnetic stripe always has to face towards you in order to be

magnetic stripe

  Picture 3: position of magnetic stripe card

 Depending on the read result, the buzzer and the multicolor LED give a respective
 feedback (see chapters 3.4 and 3.5).

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7.2 Reading an RFID Document

The integrated NFC/RFID module can read RFID documents according to ISO
14443(A/B), e.g. RFID chip of a biometric passport. The RFID module is located within
the right-hand part of the keyboard.

To get access to the RFID chip of a document, the MRZ data of the document is
needed. To start an RFID read, open the document and pull the data page through the
swipe slot. Now the document needs to be put near the integrated RFID reader.

There are two possibilities where to put the document with regard to reading RFID:

    1. Place the document below the           2. Place document on top of the
        right wing of the keyboard.               right wing of the keyboard.

7.3 Reading a Chip Card

The chip card reader module of the NEPTUN chrom is able to read ISO 7816 compliant
chip cards. For using the chip card reader it is necessary to install an appropriate
software package. Please refer to the Quick Installation Guide, which is shipped with
the hardware or contact our support team at or online via

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                                                  chip card reader slot

Picture 4: location of the chip card reader

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To read a chip card, the card needs to be inserted in the provided card slot on the
upper left side of the device. Please note that the contact on the chip card needs to
face towards the user, as shown in the picture below.

                                            contact of chip card

Picture 5: direction of chip card contact

7.4 Using the China ID Reader

The China ID reader is a single antenna design located within the right-hand part of
the keyboard. To start an ID read, please place the ID card on top of the red
highlighted area indicated in the picture below.
                                                                            China ID reading: red
                                                                            highlighted area, single
                                                                            antenna design

8      Service and Maintenance

In general, DESKO products are maintenance free. However, should you require any
technical assistance, please contact our support team at

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For maintenance regarding firmware upgrade, it is required to install a dedicated
DESKO software package. This can be obtained upon request and contains all
necessary drivers, tools and documentation to perform following actions:

     •   Display detailed information about firmware version and device configuration
     •   Update firmware and device configuration

Please contact our support team, should you require the DESKO software package.

9        Warranty

Please note that due to improper usage (see section 1.1) or after opening the device,
warranty cannot be claimed anymore. Warranty excludes normal wear and tear.

10       Support

Please check if the NEPTUN chrom is properly connected to your PC and, if needed,
the software is installed. If this is the case and the device still does not work, please
contact our support team:

Technical Support

Phone:                   +49 (0) 921 79279-69
(available during German office hours)

In order to give you an immediate and reliable support please always include the
following information within your support inquiry:

     ✓ Name of the product
     ✓ Serial number of the product (The serial number can be found on the backside
         of the device. It is an eleven-digit number, always starting with 20. Example:
         201546 00589)
     ✓ Used firmware, configuration and software version
     ✓ Detailed issue description
     ✓ Corresponding logfiles (VCOM with log level 4: C:\hid2ser.log and C:\Windows\hid2ser.ini
         (see   also   VCOM   manual).   Device   updater:   C:\%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\DESKO

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   ✓ Contact details of the person responsible at your company

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11       Technical Overview

11.1 Technical Data

Supply Voltage:                      5 V DC +/- 5 % (USB bus-powered)

Supply Current:                      Icc = max. 400mA

Data Output:                  USB (full speed)

Storage Temperature:                 -10 °C – +60 °C

Operating Temperature:        0 °C – +50 °C

Ingress Protection:           IP54

Humidity:                     <80 % (R.H. non condensing)

Reliability                   MTBF = 180.000 hours

Cable Length:                        2.20 m (86.61 inch)

RF / EMI Compliance:          CE and FCC

11.2 Dimensions

Weight:                              Approx. 1400 g (3 lb)

Width:                        200 mm (7.87 inches)

Length:                              385 mm (15.16 inches)

Height:                              Back 43 mm (1.69 inches)
                              Front 18 mm (0.71 inches)

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11.3 Technical Drawing

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12       Regulation Information

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digi-tal device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide rea-son-able protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in ac-cordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be deter-mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
     -   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
     -   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
     -   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
         the Re-ceiver is connected.
     -   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) warns the users that changes or
modifica-tions to the unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

This device complies with the RF exposure requirements for mobile and fixed
devices. How-ever, the device shall be used in such a manner that the potential for
human contact during normal operation is minimized.

This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux
appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions
suivantes :
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit
accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible
d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.

CAUTION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by DESKO GmbH
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

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Document Created: 2019-08-26 14:43:43
Document Modified: 2019-08-26 14:43:43

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