Test report 2


Test Report

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DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

                                                                                                                                Informe de ensayo nº:
                                                                                                                                   Test report No:

                                                                                                                               NIE: 54008REM.002A3

                                                           Test report (Modification 3)
                           FCC Rules and Regulations CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart B (10-1-16 Edition)
                                  ICES-003 ISSUE 6 (January 2016, updated April 2017)

          Identificación del objeto ensayado ..................... :                       RF transceiver / Mast-mounted Base Station
          Identification of item tested
          Marca .................................................................. :       PowerTrunk
          Modelo y/o referencia tipo ................................. :                   MBS Unit -1
          Model and /or type reference
          Otra identificación del producto ........................ :                      Product code: D148101PT
          Other identification of the product
                                                                                           S/N: 915849 (MBS Unit -1 with DC power supply)
          Versión final del HW .......................................... :                CCP:
          Final HW version
          Versión final del SW ........................................... :               CCP:
          Final SW version
          FCC ID ................................................................ :        WT7PTMBS450B

          IC ......................................................................... :   8624A-PTMBS450B

          Características ..................................................... :          See page 4
          Fabricante ........................................................... :         TELTRONIC S.A.U.
                                                                                           Polígono Malpica, C/F Oeste
                                                                                           50016 Zaragoza, SPAIN
          Método de ensayo solicitado, norma .................. :                          FCC CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart B (10-1-16 Edition); ICES-003
          Test method requested, standard                                                  ISSUE 6 (January 2016, updated April 2017) & ANSI C63.4 (2014)
          Resultado.............................................................. :        IN COMPLIANCE
          Aprobado por (nombre / cargo y firma) ........... :                              Rafael López                                 RAFAEL LÓPEZ MARTÍN
                                                                                                                                        2019.02.14 10:59:57 +01'00'
          Approved by (name / position & signature)                                        EMC Lab Manager
          Fecha de realización ........................................... :               2019-02-14
          Date of issue
          Formato de informe No. ...................................... :                  FDT11_20
          Report template No

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A2                                                                                                                               2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

   Competences and guarantees .........................................................................................................................3
   General conditions .........................................................................................................................................3
   Usage of samples ...........................................................................................................................................4
   Test sample description .................................................................................................................................4
   Identification of the client .............................................................................................................................5
   Testing period ................................................................................................................................................5
   Environmental conditions ..............................................................................................................................6
   Modifications to the reference test report ......................................................................................................7
   Remarks and comments .................................................................................................................................7
   Testing verdicts (Legend) ..............................................................................................................................7
   List of equipment used during the test...........................................................................................................7

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                                               Page 2 of 15                                                                     2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

Competences and guarantees
DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U. is a testing laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Body (ENAC -
Entidad Nacional de Acreditación), to perform the tests indicated in the Certificate No. 51/LE 147.
In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
has a calibration and maintenance program for its measurement equipment.
DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U. guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of
the measurements and the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated on the report and,
it is based on the knowledge and technical facilities available at DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U. at the time of
performance of the test.
DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U. is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information
related to the item under test and the results of the test.
The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in this document.
IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means, except in
full, without the previous written permission of DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.

General conditions
       1.     This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
       2.     This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies or
              competent Authorities.
       3.     This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous written permission
              of DEKRA.
       4.     This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without previous
              written permission of DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U. and the Accreditation Bodies.

Uncertainty (factor k=2) was calculated according to the DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U. internal document

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                               Page 3 of 15                                             2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

Usage of samples
Samples under test have been selected by: the Client.

Sample S/01 is composed of the following elements:

 Control Nº                      Description                   Model       Code    Serial number Reception date
                  RF Transceiver / Mast-mounted Base Station
54008B/002                                                   MBS Unit -1 D148101PT    915849      2017-09-01
                     425-470MHz with DC power supply
54008B/003                      Ethernet cable                  ---         ---          ---      2017-09-01
54008B/004                     POE/ETH cable                    ---         ---          ---      2017-09-01
54008B/005                         POE cable                    ---         ---          ---      2017-09-01
54008B/006                       SYNC cable                     ---         ---          ---      2017-09-01
54008B/007                         DIV cable                    ---         ---          ---      2017-09-01
54008B/008                        Power cable                   ---         ---          ---      2017-09-01

Test sample description
The MBS Unit is a TETRA and TI D-LMR single-carrier module (digital RF transceiver) that has been designed for indoor or
outdoor installation in different locations such as walls, towers or masts. Up to two MBS Units can be interconnected to
deploy a full-featured Mast-mounted Base Station (MBS). It can be either DC or AC power-supplied. The MBS Unit -1
operates and provides an RF output power of 10 W in the frequency bands 425-430 MHz and 450-470 MHz.

Power Supply:
MBS Unit -1 with DC power supply:
- Nominal voltage: 24 VDC
- Operational voltage range: [21.6 - 31.2 VDC]
Access scheme:
TDMA with 4 physical channels (time slots) per RF channel.
Modulation scheme:
π/4-DQPSK with a modulation rate of 18 Ksym/s, equivalent to 36 Kbits/s. Based upon it, two digital communication systems
are supported:
      Modulation low-pass filter: Square-root raised cosine filter with a roll-off factor of 0.35.
      Modulation low-pass filter: Square-root raised cosine filter with a roll-off factor of 0.2.
RF channel bandwidth (channel spacing):
25 KHz

Spectral efficiency:
One voice & data physical channel with a rate of 9 Kbits/s is allocated a 6.25 KHz equivalent channel bandwidth.
Frequency band:
TX: 425-430 MHz, 450-470 MHz
RX: 425-430 MHz, 450-470 MHz
RF output power (nominal):
TETRA:       40 dBm (10 W)
TI D-LMR: 40 dBm (10 W)

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                              Page 4 of 15                                          2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

RF authorized bandwidth:
TETRA:        22 KHz
TI D-LMR: 20 KHz
Emission designators:
TETRA:        22K0D7D, 22K0D7E, 22K0D7W
TI D-LMR: 20K0D7D, 20K0D7E, 20K0D7W
Additional features:
Audio low-pass filter (root-raised cosine filter).

   EQUIPMENT               CODE + OPTIONS                SERIAL NUMBER
 MBS Unit -1 Vdc.            O148016PT                       915849

    D148101PT - MBS 425-470 MHz POWERTRUNK-T
    O148018PT - VDC OPTION (power supply: 24 VDC)
    O148015PT - SUBBAND MBS TX450-RX460-BW5 OPTION
    O148032PT - SUBBAND MBS TX453-RX459-BW2 OPTION
    O148016PT - SUBBAND MBS TX455-RX465-BW5 OPTION
    O148014PT - SUBBAND MBS TX465-RX455-BW5 OPTION
    O148057PT - LITE OPTION
Note: Four subband options have been considered to cover all test frequencies being required by FCC and ISED, but some
more are also available. Only one of them can be chosen for a single MBS Unit to operate in a real in-field application.

Identification of the client
Polígono Malpica, C/F Oeste
50016 Zaragoza, SPAIN

Testing period

The performed test started on 2017-09-01 and finished on 2017-09-01.
The tests have been performed at DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                                  Page 5 of 15                                      2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

   Environmental conditions
   In the control chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

                                                             Min. = 15 ºC
                                                             Max. = 35 ºC
                                                             Min. = 30 %
             Relative humidity
                                                             Max. = 75 %
                                                             Min. = 860 mbar
             Air pressure
                                                             Max. = 1060 mbar

   In the semianechoic chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test.

                                                             Min. = 15 ºC
                                                             Max. = 35 ºC
                                                             Min. = 30 %
             Relative humidity
                                                             Max. = 75 %
                                                             Min. = 860 mbar
             Air pressure
                                                             Max. = 1060 mbar

   In the chamber for conducted measurements, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

             Temperature                                      Min. = 15 ºC
                                                              Max. = 35 ºC
             Relative humidity                                Min. = 30 %
                                                              Max. = 60 %
             Air pressure                                     Min. = 860 mbar
                                                              Max. = 1060 mbar

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                               Page 6 of 15                              2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

   Modifications to the reference test report
   It was introduced the following modifications in respect to the test report number 54008REM.002 related with the same
   samples, in the next clauses and sub-clauses:
   By client requirement it was modified some typos in the test report.
   By client requirement it was modified the operation mode indicating IDLE and RX mode.
   This modification test report cancels and replaces the test reports 54008REM.002; 54008REM.002A1 &

   Remarks and comments
   The tests have been performed by the technical personnel: Alberto Parada.

   The total uncertainty of the measurement system for the measured radio disturbance characteristics of EUT from 30 MHz
   to 1000 MHz is I = ± 4,9 dB for quasi-peak measurements, I = ± 4,6 dB for peak measurements (k = 2)

   The total uncertainty of the measurement system for the measured radio disturbance characteristics of EUT from 1000
   MHz to 18 GHz is I = ± 2,6 dB for peaks and average measurements (k = 2)

   Testing verdicts (Legend)

                          Not applicable ......................................................................... :               N/A
                          Pass .......................................................................................... :         P
                          Fail ........................................................................................... :        F
                          Not measured .......................................................................... :                N/M

                                        List of equipment used during the test
 CONTROL                                                                                                                      LAST             NEXT
         DESCRIPTION                                  MANUFACTURER                                 MODEL
 NUMBER                                                                                                                    CALIBRATION      CALIBRATION
                         EMI TEST
      2942                                            ROHDE & SCHWARZ                                 ESU40                    2016-06-14     2017-10-09
      4578              Bilog Antenna                     ETS LINDGREN                               3142E                     2017-04-03     2020-04-03
      2933               Preamplifier                       A.H Systems                            PAM-0207                    2016-09-19     2017-09-19
      4612              Horn Antenna                      SCHWARZBECK                            BBHA 9120 D                   2016-12-19     2019-12-19
                                                                                                  BLMA 0118-
      3783               Preamplifier                 BONN ELEKTRONIK                                 3A
                                                                                                                               2017-05-03     2018-05-03
      4656              Horn Antenna                      SCHWARZBECK                             BBHA 9170                    2017-03-24     2020-03-24
      1975               Preamplifier                             MITEQ                              30-5A
                                                                                                                               2015-10-06     2017-10-06
      4570           Thermohigrometer                         HW GROUP                             HWg-STE                     2017-04-25     2018-04-25
      4567           Thermohigrometer                         HW GROUP                             HWg-STE                     2017-04-25     2018-04-25
      4522             measurement                    ROHDE & SCHWARZ                            EMC32 V9.01                      ---            ---

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                                                    Page 7 of 15                                                    2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

   Appendix A – Test result

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                              Page 8 of 15   2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

                                                             APPENDIX A CONTENT

   DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION MODES ...................................................................................................... 10
   RADIATED EMISSION. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD MEASURE .................................................................... 11

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                                      Page 9 of 15                                                          2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

The operation modes described in this paragraph constitute a functionality of the sample under test for itself. The
operation modes used by the samples to which the present report refers, are shown in the following table:

          OPERATION                                              DESCRIPTION
            OM#01                     EUT ON. IDLE & RX mode 450 MHz – 470 MHz. Power Supply: 24 Vdc

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                              Page 10 of 15                                    2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España


                          Product standard:              FCC CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart B (10-1-16 Edition), Secs. 15.109; ICES-003
                                                         Issue 6 (January 2016, updated April 2017) & ANSI C63.4 (2014)
                            Test standard:               FCC CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart B (10-1-16 Edition), Secs. 15.109; ICES-003
                                                         Issue 6 (January 2016, updated April 2017) & ANSI C63.4 (2014)
Limits of interference Class B
The applied limit for radiated emissions, 3 m distance, according with the requirements of FCC Rules and Regulations
47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B (10-1-16 Edition), Secs. 15.109 & ICES-003 Issue 6 (January 2016, updated April 2017) in
the frequency range 30 MHz to 18 GHz for class B equipments.
                              Frequency range              QP Limit for 3 m        PK Limit for 3 m
                                    (MHz)               (V/m)        (dBV/m)        (dBV/m)
                                   30 to 88               100             40              ---
                                  88 to 216               150            43.5             ---
                                 216 to 960               200             46              ---
                                 Above 960                500             54              74

                                                       Setup for measurements < 1GHz.

                                                       Setup for measurements > 1GHz.

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                                    Page 11 of 15                                        2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

                TESTED SAMPLE:                                                          S/01

       TESTED OPERATION MODES:                                                       OM#01
                                                             CRmmnnRRPP: CR, Radiated Condition; mm: Sample number; nn:
                 TEST RESULTS:
                                                                    Operation mode; RR: Range; PP: Polarization.

          CRmmnnRRPP                                          Description                                   Result
            CR0101LR                 Range: 30 MHz - 1000 MHz.                                                P
          CR0101HR1_PH               Range: 1 GHz - 18 GHz. Horizontal Polarization.                          P
          CR0101HR1_PV               Range: 1 GHz - 18 GHz. Vertical Polarization.                            P

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                                Page 12 of 15                                         2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

Radiated Emission. CR0101LR

  Project:                                                         54008REM.002
  Company:                                                         TELTRONIC S.A.U.
  Sample:                                                          S/01
  Operation mode:                                                  OM#01
  Description:                                                     EUT ON. IDLE & RX mode 450 MHz – 470 MHz. Power supply: 24Vdc.

FCC class B



                                                                                         FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field St reng th QP+A V
          Le vel in dB µV /m





                                30 M            50     60     80    10 0M              20 0           30 0     40 0   50 0             80 0     1G
                                                                              Frequency in Hz

                       FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field St reng th QP+A V                  Peak Preview
                       M axPeak                                                              QuasiPeak

   Frequency                        MaxPeak          QuasiPeak      Height    Polarization      Azimuth
     (MHz)                          (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)        (cm)                        (deg)
    69.986974                            35.4              34.8       252.0   H                    206.0
    79.984970                            31.1              29.4       106.0   V                    163.0
    90.001002                            38.5              36.6       116.0   V                    257.0
   200.001002                            42.4              40.3        98.0   H                    193.0
   224.998998                            36.7              35.3       144.0   V                    267.0
   499.992986                            29.7              25.3       174.0   V                    316.0

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                                                      Page 13 of 15                                                   2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

Radiated Emission. CR0101HR1_PH

  Project:                                                       54008REM.002
  Company:                                                       TELTRONIC S.A.U.
  Sample:                                                        S/01
  Operation mode:                                                OM#01
  Description:                                                   EUT ON. IDLE & RX mode 450 MHz – 470 MHz. Power supply: 24Vdc.

FCC 1-18GHz class B

                                                                                                FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field St reng th PK

                                                                                           FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field St reng th QP+A V
          Le vel in dB µV /m





                                 1G                      2G               3G       4G      5G       6           8       10 G                       18 G
                                                                               Frequency in Hz

                       Peak Scan                                                            Averag e Scan
                       FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field St reng th PK                     FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field St reng th QP+A V

Subrange Maxima
   Frequency                          MaxPeak-ClearWrite            Average-ClearWrite
     (MHz)                                (dBµV/m)                      (dBµV/m)
   1000.000000                                      32.8                          19.9
   1728.000000                                      33.8                          19.6
   2112.000000                                      34.6                          21.3
   3130.000000                                      36.6                          22.5
   3841.000000                                      38.1                          25.2
   5231.000000                                      40.3                          27.3
   6971.000000                                      42.9                          29.6
   8798.000000                                      44.5                          30.7
  13452.000000                                      45.8                          32.6
  17569.000000                                      49.0                          35.7

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                                                         Page 14 of 15                                                     2019-02-14

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España

Radiated Emission. CR0101HR1_PV

  Project:                                                       54008REM.002
  Company:                                                       TELTRONIC S.A.U.
  Sample:                                                        S/01
  Operation mode:                                                OM#01
  Description:                                                   EUT ON. IDLE & RX mode 450 MHz – 470 MHz. Power supply: 24Vdc.

FCC 1-18GHz class B

                                                                                                FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field St reng th PK

                                                                                           FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field St reng th QP+A V
          Le vel in dB µV /m





                                 1G                      2G               3G       4G      5G       6           8       10 G                       18 G
                                                                               Frequency in Hz

                       Peak Scan                                                            Averag e Scan
                       FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field St reng th PK                     FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field St reng th QP+A V

Subrange Maxima
   Frequency                          MaxPeak-ClearWrite            Average-ClearWrite
     (MHz)                                (dBµV/m)                      (dBµV/m)
   1188.000000                                      31.3                          18.5
   1695.000000                                      32.6                          19.1
   1906.000000                                      35.2                          20.8
   2978.000000                                      36.2                          22.1
   3925.000000                                      38.4                          25.4
   5150.000000                                      40.2                          26.9
   6988.000000                                      43.2                          29.7
   8638.000000                                      44.4                          30.6
  13455.000000                                      45.6                          32.6
  17953.000000                                      49.0                          36.1

Report No: (NIE) 54008REM.002A3                                                         Page 15 of 15                                                     2019-02-14

Document Created: 2019-02-14 10:59:57
Document Modified: 2019-02-14 10:59:57

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