Cover letter


Cover Letter(s)

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                  xX &R B f § + # KR 4A dA

                                 Model Confirmation Letter

We, SKY WING Communication Electronics Co..Ltd certify the product: Bluetooth Speaker
And item No.: SK—258B/SK—S8/SK—$10/SK—S9/SK—S 1 1/SK—$12/SK—$1/SK—B1/SK—B2/SK—B3/SK—B5/SK—B6/SK—B9
Their electrical circuit design, layout, components used and internal wiring are identical,
Only the Item numberis different.                                                             *



On behalf of: SKY WING Communication Electronics Co..Ltd

Telephone:       0769—85239948

                             xX 8 @6 m & 7 #f KR 4A a4
                  SKY WING COMMUNICATION                                   ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD
                                                 Request for Confidentiality

   Date:    _2012—4—20

   Subject: Confidentiality Request for: FCC_ID: WSGSK—258B

   Pursuant to FCC 47 CRF 0.457(d) and 0.459 and IC RSP—100, Section 10, the applicant requests that a part of the
   subject FCC application be held confidential.

                 Type of Confidentiality Requested               Exhibit
            [_] Short Term           [X] Permanent               Block Diagrams
            [_] Short Term                                       External Photos
            [_] Short Term           [_] Permanent*‘             Internal Photos
            [_] Short Term           [X] Permanent               Operation Description/Theory of Operation
            [_] Short Term           [_] Permanent               Parts List & Placement/BOM
            [_] Short Term           [_] Permanent               Tune—Up Procedure
            [_] Short Term           [X] Permanent               Schematics
            [_] Short Term                                       Test Setup Photos
            [_] Short Term           [_] Permanent*              User‘s Manual
   *Note:           (Insert Explanation as Necessary)        %

   SKY WING Communication Electronics Co..Ltd__ has spent substantial effort in developing this product and it is
   one ofthe first ofits kind in industry. Having the subject information easily available to "competition" would negate
   the advantage they have achieved by developing this product. Not protecting the details of the design will result in
   financial hardship.

   Permanent Confidentiality:
   The applicant requests the exhibits listed above as permanently confidential be permanently withheld from public
   review due to materials that contain trade secrets and proprietary information not customarily released to the public.

   Short—Term Confidentiality:
   The applicant requests the exhibits selected above as shon term confidential be withheld from public view for a
   period of      ___(specify number of days not to exceed 180) days from the date of the Grant of Equipment
   Authorization and prior to marketing. This is to avoid premature release of sensitive information prior to marketing
   or release of the product to the public. Applicant is also aware that they are responsible to notify ACB in the event
   information regarding the product or the product is made available to the public. ACB will then release the
   documentslisted above for public disclosure pursuant to FCC Public Notice DA 04—1705.

   NOTE for Industry Canada Ap hmtmns'

                           eUuize furthes    ificationbefore permanent confidentiality will be allowed. These also currently
   require review by the FCC under their Permit—BUtAsk policy before the grant is issued and can delay completion of an
   application. Furtherjustification should be added to the note above. One such example for a potted device would be: "The
   EUT is FULLY potted using a non—removable epoxy based material. Removal of potting material causes irreparable
   damage to internal circuitry. See photographs exhibits that outline the device before and after potting."
* — Please refer to—docs/Memo—Short—Term—Vs—Standard—Confidentiality.pdf for complete
    details.               +

                       xX KX 6 m § 7 # B 4A 8
             SKY WING COMMUNICATION                       ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD
                                        Authority to Act as Agent

Date:    __2012—4—20

American Certification Body, Inc.
6731 Whittier Avenue
Suite C110
McLean, VA 22101

To Whom It May Concern:

SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. (SGS) Shenzhen Branch is authorized to
act on our behalf, until otherwise notified, for applications to American Certification Body, Inc. (ACB).

We certify that we are not subject to denial of federal benefits, that includes FCC benefits, pursuant to
Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 862. Further, no party, as defined in 47
CFR 1.2002 (b), to the application is subject to denial of federal benefits, that includes FCC benefits.

Thank you,

Agency Agreement Expiration Date:         12 months

By:                                                                 Tony Liu


On behalf of: SKY WING Communfeation—B¥

Telephone:      0769—85239948

Document Created: 2012-04-23 16:57:08
Document Modified: 2012-04-23 16:57:08

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