

RF Exposure Info

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11. Dedouve bnpure vammunser ——

      Callbration Laboratory of                                          Semmmnte tamrmsenn
      Schmid & Pariner                                                pipriont nrtnnin
       Engneering AG                           2c                     C mmsamecun
      Inapamernen o mt m tuamins       @                              S suuncommmtonce
      Aveoussyoe um rerma tews it                                     Auvnmuscans: 5CS 0108
      ThBm ernouacetavc n o omeapnaoteie
      uons Apramit o ve mm rmcn conmcnme
      ces cocimw(muden)                                        cesmmens Datsovz—1000.Fabte

       ce                    pessova—suooo
       Corminsrmnieu         oxoncosse
                             Gatoraion procedure foripolevaidaton is atbove 700 itz

      exersonoee             resmay os.ore

       Tt eatram oo mnen n nenearn sicins mt mt nerica oo nemcrnman i
      ‘he nsnernt un ncoree wsc peatuy on e no en upmw uc vecovicne
       Arcventoow or nt t ese esc en cnmnnmet unguie @70 mm«s
       oaneten tasmer s it on wcseras
      [rmunmssn            o«         uesconenetns         svoiierCarmiee
       Feenaive            ecsan      oion asenerizin      he
       reve m on           se ome     oxaverie avcmen      new
       Fevem n on          w ome      ounen o ancnm        neu
       Ivreeminmam         |sctmom    on dn encim          ps
       Tivetimnanantnaen s omcs ont 2cz                    new
       Ruwe mee poowe      sine       wowtree bome sein    ad
       oue                 se         mounon uesn oarn     cane
       secmasunem          o«         carteemoan           svenicren
       Fewmaw intis        s Giimaint ons mromusacain      nromsue caie
       remmve sw           scummen contimemanacin          nronscue on ts
       revsmen on          smome crontimamavacain          inronevac ons
       h poone ns suroe    sn on      thans nmasoescote    nomavec ons
       nerosorpete inat    \scisomus worevimossaeaoin      nromsavacoas

                             it   rome
                                                     iifiterenemimy &7t
                                                                      th     j

       rovonity              rmnane                  Cd                 M

                                                                            wmas ranays min
      [ atatncetcmne e nentent noe nuowie onl‘ venooni
      Centers ho possovaies                    Pageore


Callbration Laboratory of                                           Sermimicetamoertin
Schnid & Partner                                                 & tevee mm tvuimvcom
 Engneering AG                                                  C snwomnmenon
Inapronimoio ts Sermeins                                        8. smuncommemtonce
AveouseyveSamn css Sevce tan                                     Acvrmmazac: CS 0108
Te Sccnonstntaceison ate spinee wneta
ts rrmmen erecpnito o cairatoncvicne
Tst                eave simulatng l
Cone               senstiity in TSL / NORM xc
Na                 not applcable or not measured
Calloration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) 1EEE Sid 1528—2013, 1EEE Recommended Practicnfor Detarmining the Poak Spatial—
      Averaged Speciic Absorion Rate (SA%) in the Human Head tom Wireloss
      Communieations Devices: Measuremert Tachniques‘, June 2013
   b) 1EC 62200—1,‘Measurement procedurefor the assessmant of Spaciic Absorpton Rate
      (SAP) from handheld and bocy—mounted devices used next to the ear (requency range of
      300 Mz to 6 Gizy, Juy 2016
   e) 120 62200—2, Procedure to determine tne Speciic Absorption Rate (SAR) or wroless
      communication devices used in close proxinit o the human body (requency range of 30
      it to 6 GHa)March 2010
   ) KDB 865664,"SAR Measurement Requrements or 100 Mitzto 6 GHtz"
Addonal Documentation:
  #) DASYAS System Handbook
     Measurement Conditons: Furher datals are available rom the Validation Reportatthe end
     ofthe ceriicate. Alfgures stated in the corticate are vald at th feauency incicated.
   * Antenna Paramaters wi TSL: The cipol is mounted with the spacer to postion ts foed
     point exacty below the center marking ofthe fat phantom section, wth the arms oriented
     paralel to the bocy axis.
   * Feed Point Inpedance and Rturn Loss:Thase parametars are measured wi ho dipole
     positoned underthe iquid filed phantorm The impedance stated is ranstormed from the
     measurement at the SNMA connecto t th fead point. The Retum Loss ensures ow
     teflected power. No uncertainty requird.
   * Electical Dolay: One—way delay betweenthe SMA connector and the antenna feed poit.
     No uncentainty required.
     SAR measurect SAR measured atthe stated antenna input power.
     SA nomalized: SAR as measured, nomalized to an nput power of 1 W at the anterna
   + SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
     norinal SAR resutt
 o            unceriainty of measurement is sisld as the siandard uncertainy of measurement
             mmrvmu-z which fora normal dstbution coreeponds to a coverage
 movinttyd prodmaty 9n

cents ns oessoreoreare                   paperots


                                   apestes            nion seovzrome onseoises

      x sn +mmer             micsermam    empunnd st froa meace m ovs
       Suners               mesvaamaoe                     rermenive
                               wores   s1on @al w or mo prieme uve
      enzonxBonve            miaienman          womnd es meunomi ie
         Even               mstvaamwoe                      ranmes ns
                               winee         Tion 1 w05 1 m pabamie wye
                                                      781 fpog tm unses us
      =                        are>          ns Sn sfonnamenson niives
  arumare        werris      acorom               emmunnd 1i eou panmeen
    unwsn          zes         aoe                 Emm 151Sn muronn
   Amorpico     _|_Inmune    anmmion |
                                         ol menmmmnmme msonstmenrey,
                                                          sietunsed 151 Apog

     x rmrmine               mscremmums     womdun erremmncemovs
      Sumers                mednaamwon                      remmesuve
                               waree   Toireie @aD wanor mo paboneive
     @nxonrmmen              mapmmaw       wopiunies renmasce muvs
         ETea               mesiranmeon                     renmsuive
                               wireo    Teiremie @0 wi mopeiemeive
                                                   781 peou im amnsos uyg
      =           =        oir>         inBiing shong ansmsumsi poon
  *eruoman |_Rvrem       cceverd              Emeuned is1 peoipanseon
    Coten        ze        soe
   Swmnowo    _|_Rnmame                        emeueed oi peonraoon
                                    mt in ammrnrn msnnrtrmn e
                                                      sietowezed 151 prop
                         mnlenmone                            Tormeay
       mnsun             wis t me ‘e                 voimorg use woer
                             Cm                 Tsi— mss sedaesomns
                        Eveamunrem                             worme
                        wmedna powvey                      Cmndina
[~~~~ooren                  se
                                  reme tm mre smm ue       wa misve
                                                     swonipueg wowainseay

                      ewoimeo votextieg «odd io xpusddy

   Appendix (Adtional assessments outside the sco
                                                  pe   orscs a109)
  Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

       inoesienwersomas s ecaport
       aumions                                               smenvzrm
  Antenna Parameters with Body TSL
      inpediren versomrd i eedpore                           asoriem
      T Lons                                                  usra

  General Antenna Parameters and Design
     [EesreaiDea one srecery               |                   fisere

 t mevatve oce math
 Inodvitmaytedanagedesentc t te es ame,becunethy nig berd o t sidand comectors rew e
 Addiicnal EUT Data
     Hondacuredon                                          Emven

Cuatcas ho passoreo0 rasie             Papetors

   DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

  Text Laboriton: SPEAG, Zurich, Swivertand
  DUT: Dipole 2450 Mite;    Type: D2SOV2; Serta: Dassovz s 1000
  Communication System: UID
  Medim parameton ied (= 0 —2450CW;  Frequency: 2450 tz
                                  Mite :a = 17 S
  Phsntom section: Mat Secion                          3789 1000in‘
  Measurement Sundant DAS s aeeenecansiceaioa0
  DASYS2 Confiquntion
     +. Probe: BX3DV— SNT3H; ConvFC.68, 7.8, 7: Calibraed: 3012
     + Sensor Surfic: 1tm (MechanicalSurfice Detectin)
    +. Blestonic: DABH Sn60l; Calbaed: 26 102017
    +. Phantom Flt Phatom50(fond; Type: 90 000 PS0 AA:Serl: 1001
    +. basvse sz i000400; semcabx ma o7
 Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=1
 Meassrementgrid:de=Soum, y                         0mnZoom Scan (PTYCube 0:
 Referenc Value 111.8 V/m Power Drit
 Poak SAR Ceurmpolaed) = 266 We
 SARC @)= 122 Wige SARC
 Maximum value ofSAR Iw

              0B =203 Whg = 13.12aBwhg

Centains cassore o0rere                Papesots

  Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

         t l aum             usiace


               w sssces sceme

Custcas ho possoreooresi              Pagesors

  DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                             Dae: usor2018
   Test Laboratoo: SPEAG, Zurich, izerand
  DUT: Dipole 2450 mt : Thpe: D24S0V2; Seri: Dadsov2— sN:to0s
  Communicaton System: UID 0 — CW Frequency 2 so uie
  Mediumparameters ied                    04 Sima=Sldip 1000 /n‘
  Phuntonsction: MatSection
  Measurement Sundart DASYS (EEEAECANSI ce2.19—2011)
  DASYS2 Confiqwation
     +. Probe: EX3DV — SN7349%; ConsFO0L, $01, 80D; Calibared: 30.12.2017;
    +. SensorSurfic: L Anim(Mechanicl SrfaceDatection)
    +. Elecronics DAEH Sn60l; Calibeied: 26 102017
    +. Phantom Flt Phantom 5.0 buck) Type: QD000 PS0 AA:Seril: 1002
    + pasysrsm00u40; semcan x e 00417

 Dipole Calbration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mmZoom Scan (7x7
 Meamurement grid: de=Soim,dymSmm,de=Som                            x7Cabe 0;
 Reference Value = 1042 Vim; Power Drf =—0.00aB
 Pak SAR Courpolate
 SARC g= 1227 Whgs d SARCI28‘ OWe
                               » = 582
 Maximum valueofSAR (measurmd) 197 Wiy Wig

               0d = 197 Wig = 1294 dawny

Cuitcas ho oossore ooresis                Pagerors

  Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

         en l aum




                wan vescaonssenc

Cuntcas ho pzssorecesreris           Papesors

Galioration Laboratory ot         &                $ Smmtoten feice
Schinid & Parter                                      devcnaieumm
 Enginoeing AG
                                                   C meuomemesmue
           ts aih, termina                         5 se cmassntece

Hovemeenyneustevtimsevesas                          Aursouante: 5CS 0108
Th BAccrutenSviceiowotnspwintersnn ta
Aninetmnete bermcopantcamnnoncontcoms
linal                                        oronnimciemcEaime



Ivuniee               resmnnienroemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme
Ticsern ortcnimners re esimmmm wmnesipi oninescrmens in
Te nemeeneninitewernree unoritucemtaayn ooonvengmageitueencantcns
Arcvrmtrs ont anieitocontoe icmmmen nrvenis 90 waisnaon
xn tm oswttton esmm
stm                  or            ceoue cesmate)       somnestareie
reounmaiee           wcrorm        sei on arranavim     Kew
rarmmedenm           jacomu        soveron aroun        Kew
Peamcnte m           aciome        severon arm          s
Intovee m at in      |unowons      iveirpntcnge         Pad
Hieiinananntnm |ncsowaioner norronevcnm                 Pad
Rfrmerestoow         um            woen scoainein       bew
oae                  se       can
se pariew            or            wasoumss             scemities
Fevenaw thiucs       oromeon nonimmeemsonn              nsces cais
Feowmncnesars       ecownam aonsmesossne                noseswsc oats
Prrmace mm          jacincomy aonsmemessone             nosese ons
1 ow rassuree       |ncvoome       winttmasoencnin      inssswsc on
hunen t ane         |mcosmous wounimromsossonin         nromowoats
                    nee                   ho            Spae

                                                        mmas rmaya1mm
1tovttocertce n etenpnseeson nes wapont‘reuy
Gentenn n ooneaenress            Pagertre

Callbration Laboratory of                                             sovmimiete mssn
Schmid & Parner                                                    $ porimariamen
  Engineering AG                                                   5. intenimesinus
teapomien 0 iorch Sermins                                          8. smuecamemnsonr
Acvmausoy on Same rrsusmSevce ind                                  Acrmsttorto: 5CS 0108
TheS Acertatontece onteigntseni t ta
Asanen rrmant encsprto tcamntoncertcaee
TSL                tissue simulaing loud
Come               senstivty in TSL / NORM xy.z
Na                 not appleable onot measured
Callbration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE S1528—2013, 1EEE Recommended Practce for Determining the Poak Spatil:
      Averaged Speciic Absoriton Rate (SAR) in the Human Head fom Wireloss
      Communieations Devices: Measurement Techniques‘, June 201
   b) 1G 62200—1,‘Measurement procedure for the assassmeant of Speciic Absorpton Rate
      (SAP) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (requency rango of
      300 Mz to 6 Giiz), Juy 2016
   e) 120 62200—2, Procedureto determine tre Specific Absorption Rate (GAR)for wreloss
      communication devieas used in clase proximity o the human bocy (tequency range of 30
      Miz to 6 GHz)Mareh 2010
   0) KDB 865654, "SAR Measurement Requrements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz®
Addional Documentation:
   ) DASYAS Systm Handbook
Methode Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
       Measurement Condions:Furher details aro available from the Validation Report at the end
       of the coriicate.Alfqures stated ithe contficate are vaid at the frequency nclcated.
   + Anterna Parameters wih TSL: The dipdle is mounted with tspacert postion ts fead
       point exacty below the center markingo the Nat phantom section, wih the arms oriented
       paralelto the body axis
   * Feed PointInpedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured wih the dipole
      positoned underthe iquid filed phanton. The impedance stated is ransformed from the
      measurement at the SMA connectoto e feed pointThe Return Loss ensures ow
      reflected power. No uncertainty required.
   * Electical Dolay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antonna feed poin.
      No uncertaint required
      SAR measuredt SAR measured at the sated antenna input power.
      SAR nomalizet SAR as measured, nommalized t an input power of 1 W at the anterna
   + SAR for nominal TSL paramaters: The measured TSL paramaters are used to calculate the
      nominal SAresut.
 "The reported unceriainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainy of measuremont
 mulipled by the coverage factor k=2, which fr a normal distibution correspondsto a coverage
 probabily o approsmatey 95%.

centcae ns oscreter ons                  Papzotis

Measurement Conditions
   DASY nntecoriraton, s t as ns en on pag 1
    OASY ¥erion                              wen                          vereo
    Exripoaton                         Aarees Enmpsaion
    Prenon                           Wosiw P Prarin vs0
    binance Doi Gener—TSt                    Tomn                     w Spacer
    ZToom Scan esoiuton             60— 40mm. d =1anm           ndeiPato= 14 @aneinn
                                         smomicer ie
                                         smomntes t uste
    Frevency                             somune t unte
                                        sio ts t ite
                                        swounic tuate

Head TSL parameters at 5200 Mz
   iotoung par netus ardcaevaters w arpiot
                                             Tenpersize     _|_Permitty     Conductriy
    HomiaiHead TSt poramators                  oo              se            asemtom
    Hesvurmd Head TSt poanators              mrozon‘c        |_serex       «samomesn
    Haad TStmperatirechange duing tet          «se              —               —
SAR result with Hoad TSL at 5200 Mz
   SA arragn o1 en‘ 1 3 otrama Tsc              Gonton
   SW neswes                               100 mW reapore             7oavins
   io remwalvand TS paanain                 romatzesio tw       Tes wie a we s ien
    SA mrvagnd ome toon? 09 ottend Tsc          woge
    S neswed                               100 mt n pone             zmving
    oraniaivead TSt pannain                 romaiesio sw        Feawha m on

Centcano: osomarersreo                   Papsots

Head TSL parameters at 5300 Mz
  Tratotoungswanetor on eaettors w acotet
                                               Tenpetire     _|_Parmithiy    _|_Gontucbay
    Nominafesa TS pranors                        noo             e            aZenbom
    ioasred Head TSL poamaiers                 @zoron‘c       |_ssren       astntemesn
    Head TS temporatir chnge durng en            <ese            >                %
SAR result with Head TSL at 5300 Mite
    SA averod ove 1 on" t aiattead TS            Cordton
    SA nosved                                100retpowe              se
    Siio ravina Haad T5t pwantes              romaiesio n        eawhe s es ien
    SA meraged ove 10 en" 0 aiottend TS
    SA neswed                           100 it vestponer               zorme
    SAo renina Vead TS uremairs          remaizeas tw            Fma whe c masnn

Head TSL parameters at 5600 Wtz
  Te ofi sranotos n clevatere wr acuiot
                                               Tenporstie    _|_Pemnitviy    _|_Gendvcbily
    HominalHead TSporenatre                      rore            se           tomen
    Wesvred ead TSt poanaters                  @rozome        |_mores       astnromaen
    Head TS temperatie change during en          «esc             —               o
SAR result with Head TSL at 5600 Mitz
    ht meriged ove 1 on‘1 otHead TSC            Gcrdton
    SA nossund                              1oonit reapone            asowne
    SWls renivaaad TS pannain                remazeni tw         seo wne s ma en
    SA veriand ove 10 en(09)atHead TSC     en
    SMnaswed                           100nW reapone                   prom
    oc raninaviend TS paanins           remaizenia n             mea wing a o5 % tm

Cantcneneosorevetersrevi                  Papractis


                                      supsues               siouruirvemmoso snomnen

   0s rer» bow sez            w eiparpmiio            semunns spev i n uvs
        cumere               medvaamon                       ranmeuive
                                Wms    Tei peniie Fouw on mopeteniewve
   tds en+ Buw vec            w eipermios            wmminnt i o maiesmiuve
        duiee                modpaamewon                              ransvesuve
                                wireo            Tt weoiie @ 1 w 1 me patore ie
                                                 zum 0005 te 151 peoy im ineos uys
                    =            Ge>              TtBm adonp anemdum is en
wevnoware        werise       5.@orocd                  vimmweind ns1 peoi paneron
  wowies            Ga           aoe                      emeinind is peoion
 Tntorpues       —|_fomang     anmmion
                                                     zim 0088 io sxorowered 151 peo

   @oox ser» Duwore           ms cipormina           nomannd 161 prov mc mivs
       Srmore                1enod n mwr ons                          ponmow iwe
                                 Tess          Te Pesie @ ow5 o1 meo pabuase uve
   20x ni > Duweve            m oipormiacs           womunnd 161 prou mascs oi ive
        Sumers               es na m oo                                sanmes iwo
                                 weneo           Te rent @1 w1 me pasome wve
                                                 zim 0098 te 151 peo uaim inses uys
   =               =            are>              waiBoinp sbov ansundum tss reon
Reraamey         avrew        ocrvroed                   emegend is1 reoupansen
 wowas            se            Eoc                        emminnd s1 pesn meroon
Ammnoics         Anmming      enmodues
                                             rea sns smmronpn nsponertommn o.
                                                    zin 0098 t ssotowered 751 pook;

                         awojuep Voibhves «ndu o «pussoy

Body TSL parameters at 5200 Mitz
   Te totoueg parrnton andealeaters w acaied
                                                 enparises     _|__Pemithay       condubity
    Nominl Body TS pramcrs                        mc               wo              s30mom
    Moasred Bots TSt poramatrs                  @zozon‘c        |_arsien         samtamesn
    SBodyTStenperstire change suring tet          <esre             >                 2
SAR result with Body TSL at 5200 ltz
    SA meragd ov 1 on" t notBoarTsc              Cordten
    SR nessed                                To neatpover               raowno
    SAe reninalBody TS pannaons               romatzesio vw        ras w a o sten
    SA nerand ove 10 on" 10a ofBody TS    endton
    SA nessued                         oorepone                         zoovite
    SA roninaBod TS sennoins           remaizes tw                 toa w« ts tm

Body TSL parameters at 5300 Mz
   iotcwngpraneienandcacuators wer aspiot
                                                Tenpanre       |_remmay           conebiy
    Noninal Body Tst pramcons                     row             Eo               siznom
    ieauired BotyTSt poremntrs                  wzoron‘e       |_wsies           Ssimtomesn
    Body TStenperstre change arng en              «esc            a:                 z
SAR result with Body TSL at 5300 itz
    SA morigd ove 1 on‘ (1got Body TSt            Conton
    SA nesses                                100 mt noapone                   Zeving
    SAie reninalBody TSswanos                  romatzesio tw       Tss w a ts t
    SA veraged ove 10 on‘ 109 orBoay T.
    S nessed                            100 mit nputpover              zue
    SAo raninlBody TS saanatos           romaimaio nw              T wha e mas tm

cantcaine osovnzizmrase                    Papects

Body TSL parameters at 5500 MHz
  Thatotoung paaneton icaevatere wr acoiot
                                              enpurmas     _|_Pemimty         _|__Gontctaty
    Noninal Body TSt ponctoe                   o‘             «s               sesntom
    Wemred BodtTSt poremeirs                 wzoron‘c       |_aores          stontemeen
    BotyTStenpersirecrange auing en            <ase            —                   Z
SAR result with Body TSL at 5500 Kz
    SA mreriged ore 1 on 1 u t B TSC          Conitn
    SA nessue                             100 m e pooe                    sorvine
    Sho roninalBody T9 suanstos            romaizesio vw       w whe a maston
    SAR mraged ore 1%on‘ 09 orBoay TS          css
    Sth neswses                            on reapoee             omm
    S i ranina boty TS ons                   romazen in        Fmwe essnn
Body TSL parameters at 5600 Mz
  Te istoang paranetesandcalcvatorear arciot
                                              Tempentire   _|_remmimaty       _|_contveriy
    oaaem                                       nc             m               s7zatem
    Mesvred Bots TSt parmairs                 wzozon‘e      |_sssew          smntomees
    Body T5 enperstr changs trng es             <ese
SAR result with Boay TSL at 5600 ttktz
    SA8 averad ove 1 on‘ (1g o Boy TS         Cinton
    BM neswed                             1tm reapone               Tovite
    S i ramialBotr T5 pannaes             romaizesio rw         maving e in
    3MRereaged ore 10 on" (0 9otBoar TS    wrom
    S newwed                            1 mt reasom               zzmke
    SAo ranina Boty T5 nnares           romaizens n            T we eresston

centcne ns osovveiersrevie              raprotis

Body TSL parameters at 5800 Wtz
  Thtotonng ownotos an ators wr apptet
                                              Tenpesire      Pernitvty    _|_Contucbaty
    Nominal Body TS prancors                    oo              «2         tomm
    ionnred Bods TSL poremnirs                @zozon‘e       |_wares     emmmmess
    BodyTStenporatire change durng en           <ose                           —
SAR result with Body TSL at 5800 Mz
    SA neraod ove 1 on" t o otBoiyTSL          Contion
    SA nowved                              100mW roatporer            7rows
    Shiorronina BTS sornows                 remazedo tw         7es wig a e » ton
    SA¥ mveriged ove 10 on‘ 109of BodyTSC     cendten
    Shi messes                            100miW neapone           29w
    SAie renialBody TSenncios              romaizedto tw        m wa m s ton

Centcneneosonerezmsrevie                Paosnct is


                    s pestcs            eiomneizsenmoso cusmeo

  wane:                                              mnowe
uio+ uver                          wod sonorpsoienwxmodu

                     zun ooss ie 151 Apon siim ssotowereq vuueruy
  C                                                  ue
uce ove                            wotpon cipmanmea soumonn

                     zim o0es ie 181. Apog wiim sxmtoweieg cuvony
 wer:                                                mnowe
ove— o0                            wod parpewnpueswmpndur

                     zun oozs ie 151 Apon wiim simtoweing vuvenuy
 war—                                                nuwe
olvenses                           ho ns erpeasnivenexnenu

                     zuin ooss ie Ts1 proki uim sxotowereg vuverny

 wre:                                                mmunes
ulre>ness                          wotpon eipmnpuns sorpone

                     *n oo9s ie Ts1 proki viim srotoweieg wuueruy

 wer:                                                um
oi rower                           wotpan cipmwanmea sovmoni

                     zun ooss ie 181. prok uim siotownieg vuusiuy
 wer:                                                eviane
olvo> vew                          wod po orpessnpes momodur

                     zi ooes in 181. prok im eimtoweing euvetuy

 wen:                                                erowe
olee—meer                          wo on on esn womedua

                     zm oozs ie 151. pook tiim simtoweieg vauemy
     (eoto sas 10 edeos o apreino stuowesosse puonippy) xipuoddy

        awojuep Voibhves «ndu o «pussoy

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5600 Mz
    inpedircnvarsomad endpare                             wraviem
    FasemLoss                                              cesc
Antenna Parameters with Body TS at 5000 Mz
    inpedarcevarsomed iontport                            sansem
    rauemion                                               msres

General Antenna Parameters and Design
   [Einireaon on sreien                   I                  1isore
Aaclngtorm use w1000 radaed power,.culyasightwarmng o h decl en t fedpsin cn b measend
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Addional EUT Data
     rendacwrsts                                                 were
     Rendtacron                                                Sor sor

centne neosonerezmreve                Paperootis

 DASY5 Valdation Report for Head TSL
                                                                              Due: 21022018
 es Labortor:SPEAG, ZarichSuivertnd
 DUT: Dipole DSGHzV2; Type: DSGHIzN2; Seria; DSGHeY2— SN:tar3
 Communiaton Sn UID 0 CW; Frgency S200MI, Fequensy: 300 e
 Freqmensy3300 Mtc Euenc0 Mitc Froqueny: 3800 MIte
 Mediun parinters wid:   200 Mea 453 Stmce,= 364 = 1000 katn‘;
 Mediun parietor ids(«   300 MB
 Medium poranctes ied
 Medion poranctes ied
 Metion poraneten wet
 Fhastom wecion P Secion
 Measrenent Sunduc: DaS¥s (ieeenB N1 c2 2011)
 DASYS2 Contuation
     + hoke:ODVE— $N080X; ComFS78,575,579; Clbeaed20122017,
        Con§5,55,55;Calbad: 30122017ConBI42,$2,$2; Calhrant 30.12.2017,
        ComC08,505, 5.05Calivad: .12 2017 ComFA%, 496. 4961 Caloats:30.12 2017;
    +. SemorSurhe: 1tm(Mechinicl Suric Deection)
    +. Besvonics DA So601; Calbed: 2102077
    + Panton: FatPhastom 0 onTpe: QD O P50 AA: Serit: 1001
    +. pasvsnse ino(ia0; semcanx eaocm

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, f=5200 MHz"Zcom Scan,
ist=L.Amm (blZWCuibe 0; Meansomentgrid dectinn dyotri,dzel Arn
Hefomnce Valu = 7007 Vin:Pover Drit=—0.06 4B
Pea SAR (ourpolatd)= 289 Wiy
SARCE ) =7.98 We SARCIO ) =2.28 W
Maximum valse of SAR (measrnd) 18. 1 Wiag
Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, f=5300 MItzZcom Scan,
dist=L.Amm (BeixZ/Culbe 0: Meassrnent griddrctrin dyotoi.dzel.Anmn
Helrence Vali«7058 Vin:Pover Dit 003 d
Peak SAR (orpoltd) = 208 Why
SARCT ) = 813 WSARCIO ) =2.34 Wige
Masinum valueof SA(nemumd) 187 Whg
Dipele Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin—=100mW, dist=10mm, f=5500 MHz/Zeom Scan,
dist=1.Amm (BeixZ).Cube 0: Messremengrid destrim dyotr,dzeL.tnm
Hefrenc Vali = 7124 Vim: Pover Dt =—0.08 dB
Peak SA(orpoltd = 237 W
SARCE ) = 59 Wkis SARCIO u) 244 Wige
Maximum valoe of SA esn =201 W

Centeano:psovvetzrsrevis               Pagerroie

Dipele Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, (—5600 MHz/Zoom Scan,
       Arim (Be7/Cube 0: Mensurenent id dontoun
Heferenc Valo 7041 Vim Power oit=0.0d
Peak SAR Courpoladi
SARCE ) 39 Wikis SARCIO ) = 24 We
Maxinunvalue ofSAR (measrnd) 198 Waa
Dipole Calibrs                                           5800 MItz/Zoom Scan,
      Arum (BR7YCube 0: Memsrenent id dvntom, 0           idom
Heferenc Valo «6842 Vim: Pover Dit =— 00 dB
PeaSAl (onpolnd 213 Wiy
SARCT ) 794 Wkes SARCIO u) 2.25 We
Maximon valee of SAR (measind 188 Wz
             o dn » s1 w«     1258 dnwig

Contcain oroveva zmreve               Pagereots

Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

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centeae ho sorveersreois            Papesos

DASY5 Validation Reportfor Boy TSL
                                                                          bae: 20022018
Tou Labotog: SPEAG. ZrichSwivertnd
DUT: Dipole DSGHzV2; Type: DSGHzN2; Serls DSGHzV2 — SN:tar3
Cormmunicaton Sywtem UID O— CW; Frequene:$20 Mfi Fequency: 5300 Mils
Pequensy880 MHl Frsquency10 it Fropueny: 800 Mite
Mediomparanetes ind = 200 Mc a = 341 Simce, 47
Medion pranctes ned: + 5200 Mite o 554 Sm » 47
Metionpranctes ied
Medionpranetos id (= 3000 ltz o 395 Since, 468 = 1000 kpin‘s
Medionpranctes d 800 ic a «623 Simce » 464 = 1000 ki‘
Phamiom secionP Secton
MessremenSundint DASYS (IEEARCANSI 6t 19 2011
DASYS2 Contiunton:
    + Pobec BODVE N80Com$38,528, 329 Calbemnd:3012.2017,
       Contcis, s        5is               17. ComR7,47,471 Calioid: 20122017
       ComRk4654681 Catbaned: 20122017Com@34543 Calibend: 30122017;
    + SemorSuric: 1nm (Mechinicl Sutice Dtecion)
    + Hectonics DAE So601; Cabatc: 2102017
    + Pastons FatPhatom 0 hoType: D 00 P50 AA: Seri: tovn
    +. pasvsase 1000 400; semcanx eaoouin

Dipele Calibraton for Body Tisue/Pin=100m, dist=10mm, f=5200 MHtzZoom Scan,
dist1.tmim (BeBCTVCube 0: Measrementgrid dcotrindyotri,dzeL.tom
Referenc Valo 6897 Vim: Pover Drit =—003 d
Peak SAR (otapolad) = 280 Wiy
SARC w) =74 Wha SARTO x) =2.08 Wz
Maximum valse ofSAR (neaurnt 172 Wiag
Dipote Calibration for Body Tssue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, =5300 MHz/Z0om Scan,
dist=1.Amim (BeeZYICulbe 0: Meansment grid dcntonndyotn,dz=L.Anm
Refence Val= 63 15 Vin: Pover Doi=—0.0 0B
Peak SAR (erpolaed) 2938 Why
SARC ) =7.61 Wkis SARCIO ) =2.13 Wz
Maxinun valseof SAK (measornt= 179 Wig
Dipete Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm,3500 MIzZoom Scan,
dist=1.tmim (bBeZICulbe 0: Measremengriddentron dy—t,dz=1tom
Referens Valie » .13 Vim: Pover Dit =—0.06 d
Peak SAR (ourpoland) 23. W
SARCa) = 808 Wiki: SARCIO ) =2.23 We
Maximum valse of SA(nesuend) = 198 Wag

cantcaene osovevetemsrevi              Papis

dist=1.dmm (Rix7Cube 0:
Refernce Vali 6836Vim Pover Dit=—0.06 4B
Pek SAR (xtmpold) 337 Wt
SARCI ) = 789 Wikis SARCIO ) =2.23 Wige
Masimomvlue of SAR (measrnd 192 We
Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW,dist ham, {=5800 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=L.dmm (beBx7VCubbe 0: Measuronent rid dcctrin, dyotrn onl Aren
Refernce Valo 637 ViPoverDoi=—0.08 dB
Pek SAl (xmpol= 336 Why
 ARCG a=7.7 WSARC a
Maximonvalue oSAR (messust) =


             odn » 172 wag«   1236 dBbwhe

centcre n osoneetemsrevie              Pap tsotre

 Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                   a re me ence

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Cusicas n osonevetersse              Pagereot is

Document Created: 2018-07-31 16:42:32
Document Modified: 2018-07-31 16:42:32

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