Test report


Test Report

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                                                                 Report No.SH13100012E01

                             FCC EMC TEST REPORT
                                                                               Issued to

                                                                          Elatec GmbH


                                                                   Data transmission unit

                                       Model Name                 _:   TCPConv 2
                                       Trade Name                 :    Elatec
                                       Brand Name                 _:   Elatec
                                       Standard                   :    47 CFR Part 15 Subpart B
                                       FCC ID                          WPSTCP2B1
                                       Test date                  :    Otc.16,2013 to Ote.17,2013
                                       Issue date                 :    Otc.17,2013

  Tested by       Zéf          Ji2                                                                                  Review by        /\/\V‘      Won q
                    Zhang Jie                                                                                                         Mu Wenpin

  CTIA Authorized Test L                     OF I A                    ‘yw%              O
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The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the
Shenzhen MORLAB Communication Technology Co., Ltd. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be usedfor adverting. The client to
whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it .or a certified copy there ofprepared by the Shenzhen MORLAB Telecommunication Co., Ltd to his customer.
Supplier or others persons directly concerned. Shenzhen MORLAB Telecommunication Co., Ltd will not, without the consent ofthe client enter into any discussion of
correspondence with any thirdparty concerning the contents ofthe report. In the eventofthe improper use ofthe report, Shenzhen MORLAB Telecommunication Co.,
Lid reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

                                                                                                        Report No. SH13100012E01

1.    General Information ......................................................................................................... 4

1.1   Applicant ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2   Manufacturer ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.3   Description of EUT ............................................................................................................. 5

2.    Facilities and Accreditations ............................................................................................ 6

2.1   Test Facility ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.2   Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................. 6
2.3   Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................... 6
2.4   List of Equipments Used ..................................................................................................... 7
2.5   Test Standards and Results .................................................................................................. 8

3.    Test Conditions Setting ..................................................................................................... 9

3.1   Test Mode ............................................................................................................................ 9

4.    Emission Tests .................................................................................................................. 10

4.1   Conducted Emission Measurement ................................................................................... 10
4.2   Radiated Emission Measurement ...................................................................................... 14

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                                                   Report No. SH13100012E01

                      Change History

Issue      Date                        Reason for change
 1.0    Otc.17,2013                      First edition

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                                                                    Report No. SH13100012E01

1.    General Information

1.1   Applicant

      Elatec GmbH
      Lilienthalstr. 3 82178 Puchheim, Germany

1.2   Manufacturer

      Shanghai Zhixing Information Technology Co.Ltd
      Room 302, No.12, Lane 458, Anning Rd, Minhang, Shanghai, P.R. China.200240

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                                                                                      Report No. SH13100012E01

1.3        Description of EUT

EUT Type ............................. :   Data transmission unit
Brand Name .......................... :    Elatec
Trade Name .......................... :    Elatec
Model Name ......................... :     TCPConv 2
Hardware Version ................. :       B/C
Software Version .................. :      SB1.00/STD1.00.02
Power supply ........................ :    Charger
                                           Model No.:            FRA018-S05-I
                                           Brand Name:           Mean Well
                                           Rated Input:          AC 100-240V, 0.7A,50-60Hz
                                           Rated Output:         DC 5V,2.4A
                                           Manufacturer:         RicMar
For a more detailed description, please refer to Specification or User’s Manual supplied by the
applicant and/or manufacturer.

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                                                                          Report No. SH13100012E01

2.    Facilities and Accreditations

2.1   Test Facility

      Shenzhen Morlab Communications Technology Co., Ltd. Morlab Laboratory is a third party
      testing organization accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity
      Assessment (CNAS) according to ISO/IEC 17025. The accreditation certificate number is
      L3572. A 9*6*6(m) fully anechoic chamber was used for the radiated spurious emissions test.

2.2   Environmental Conditions

      Ambient temperature: 15~35°C
      Relative humidity: 30~60%
      Atmosphere pressure: 86-106kPa

2.3   Measurement Uncertainty

      The uncertainty is calculated using the methods suggested in the "Guide to the Expression of
      Uncertainty in Measurement" (GUM) published by ISO.
      Uncertainty of Conducted Emission: ±1.76dB
      Uncertainty of Radiated Emission: ±3.16dB

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                                                                              Report No. SH13100012E01

2.4     List of Equipments Used

      Description        Manufacturer            Model           Serial No.     Cal. Date
 3m Semi-anechoic
                       czchengyu          9m*6m*6m             SAR             2012.09.14 3years
 EMI Test Receiver     R&S                ESCI7                100787          2013.06.24 1year
 Spectrum Analyzer     R&S                FSU26                200880          2013.06.24 1year
 Broadband Trilog
                       Schwarzbeck        VULB 9163            9163-561        2012.07.25 3year
 Broadband Horn
                       Schwarzbeck        BBHA 9120 D          9120D-1033 2012.07.25 3year
                       TESTQ              NNB 51               33285           2013.06.26 1year
 Receiver              Rohde&Schwarz ESCI3                     100666          2013.09.25 1year
                       Albatross          9m*6m*6m             (n.a.)          2013.09.25 1year
 Test Antenna -
                       Rohde&Schwarz HL562                     100385          2013.09.28 1year
 System Simulator      Rohde&Schwarz CMU200                    105571          2013.09.25 1year
 LISN                  Rohde&Schwarz ENV216                    812744          2013.09.25 1year
Equipments listed above have been calibrated and are in the period of validation.

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                                                                              Report No. SH13100012E01

2.5         Test Standards and Results

The objective of the report is to perform testing according to 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart B:

      No.                    Identity                                Document Title
                         47 CFR Part 15
       1                                                        Radio Frequency Devices
                        (10-28-13 Edition)

Test detailed items/section required by FCC rules and results are as below:

      No.           Section                          Description                           Result
       1            15.107                       Conducted Emission                        PASS
       2            15.109                        Radiated Emission                        PASS
       3        ANSI C63.4-2009                   Radiated Emission                        PASS

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                                                                              Report No. SH13100012E01

3.      Test Conditions Setting

3.1     Test Mode

1:The EUT configuration of the emission tests was EUT+PC+ Charger+USB flash disk.
Mode 1:Operating Mode
In this test mode, the EUT is connected with a PC via a special LAN cable. During the measurement,
the date is transmitting between the PC and the EUT.

All configurations and test modes are performed, only the worst case is recorded in this report..

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                                                                              Report No. SH13100012E01

4.       Emission Tests

4.1      Conducted Emission Measurement

4.1.1    Limits of Conducted Emission:

According to FCC section 15.107, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC
power line on any frequency within the band 150kHz to 30MHz shall not exceed the limits in the
following table, as measured using a 50µH/50Ω line impedance stabilization network (LISN).

                                 Class A (dBuV)                          Class B (dBuV)
     Frequency (MHz)
                           Quasi-peak       Average              Quasi-peak          Average
        0.15 - 0.5            79              66                  66 - 56             56 - 46
        0.50 - 5.0            73              60                    56                  46
        5.0 - 30.0            73              60                    60                  50

(1) The limit subjects to the Class B digital device.
(2) The lower limit shall apply at the band edges.
(3) The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 - 0.50MHz.

4.1.2    Test Procedure

The EUT and support equipment, if needed, were set up as per the test configuration to simulate
typical usage per the user’s manual. When the EUT is a tabletop system, a wooden table with a height
of 0.8 meters is used and is placed on the ground plane as per ANSI C63.4 (see Test Facility for the
dimensions of the ground plane used). When the EUT is a floor standing equipment, it is placed on the
ground plane, which has a 3-12 mm non-conductive covering to insulate the EUT from the ground
All I/O cables were positioned to simulate typical actual usage as per ANSI C63.4.
The EUT installed by AC main power, through a Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN), which
was supplied power source and was grounded to the ground plane.
All support equipment power received from a second LISN.
The test program of the EUT was started. Emissions were measured on each current carrying line of
the EUT using an EMI Test Receiver connected to the LISN powering the EUT.
The Receiver scanned from 150kHz to 30MHz for emissions in each of the test modes.
During the above scans, the emissions were maximized by cable manipulation.
The test mode(s) described in Item 3.1 were scanned during the preliminary test.
After the preliminary scan, we found the test mode described in Item 3.1 producing the highest
emission level.
The worst configuration of EUT and cable of the above highest emission level were recorded for
reference of the final test.

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                                                                           Report No. SH13100012E01

4.1.3   Test Setup

                                  Vert. reference plane

                                                                              EMI receiver



            LISN                                  Reference ground plane

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                                                                     Report No. SH13100012E01

4.1.4    Test Result
Test Verdict Recorded for Suspicious Points:

                       Freq           C.F                Result    Limit         Margin
                       MHz            dB                dBuV/m    dBuV/m          dB
    Average            0.15          9.63                29.68     56.00          26.32
    Average            0.68          9.69                32.52     46.00          13.48
        QP             0.68          9.69                26.46     56.00          29.54
        QP             0.81          9.69                31.61     56.00          24.39
    Average            0.86          9.70                23.85     46.00          22.15
        QP             0.92          9.68                30.82     56.00          25.18
    Average            1.00          9.60                23.38     46.00          22.62
    Average            1.39          9.69                22.50     46.00          23.50
        QP             2.66          9.88                34.34     56.00          21.66
    Average            3.01          9.91                24.60     46.00          21.40
        QP             3.55          9.85                27.60     56.00          28.40
        QP             3.82          9.83                26.72     56.00          29.28

     Neutral           Freq           C.F                Result    Limit         Margin
                       MHz            dB                dBuV/m    dBuV/m          dB
    Average            0.52          9.68                22.71     46.00          23.29
        QP             0.70          9.68                26.50     56.00          29.50
    Average            0.70          9.68                30.98     46.00          15.02
    Average            1.02          9.60                23.56     46.00          22.44
        QP             1.16          9.64                31.45     56.00          24.55
    Average            1.16          9.64                24.71     46.00          21.29
        QP             1.67          9.76                30.81     56.00          25.19
    Average            1.67          9.76                24.59     46.00          21.41
        QP             2.50          9.86                24.84     56.00          31.16
        QP             2.73          9.90                21.37     56.00          34.63

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                                 Report No. SH13100012E01

Test Plot:

             (Plot A: L Phase)

             (Plot B: N Phase)

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                                                                                 Report No. SH13100012E01

4.2       Radiated Emission Measurement

4.2.1     Limits of Radiated Emission

According to FCC section 15.109, the field strength of radiated emissions from unintentional radiators
at a certain distance shall not exceed the following values:

                                                   Field Strength CLASS B (at 3m)
        Frequency (MHz)
                                               µV/m                            dBµV/m
           30 - 88                              100                              40.0
           88 - 216                             150                              43.5
          216 - 960                             200                              46.0
          Above 960                             500                              54.0

                                                   Field Strength CLASS A (at 10m)
        Frequency (MHz)
                                               µV/m                             dBµV/m
           30 - 88                               90                               39.0
           88 - 216                             150                               43.5
          216 - 960                             210                               46.4
          Above 960                             300                               49.5

(1) Field Strength (dBµV/m) = 20*log[Field Strength (µV/m)].
(2) In the emission tables above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

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                                                                             Report No. SH13100012E01

4.2.2   Test Procedure
The equipment was set up as per the test configuration to simulate typical usage per the user’s manual.
When the EUT is a tabletop system, a wooden turntable with a height of 0.8 meters is used which is
placed on the ground plane. When the EUT is a floor standing equipment, it is placed on the ground
plane which has a 3-12 mm non-conductive covering to insulate the EUT from the ground plane.
Support equipment, if needed, was placed as per ANSI C63.4.
All I/O cables were positioned to simulate typical usage as per ANSI C63.4.
The EUT received AC power source from the outlet socket under the turntable. All support equipment
power received from another socket under the turntable.
The antenna was placed at 3 or 10 meter away from the EUT as stated in ANSI C63.4. The antenna
connected to the Spectrum Analyzer via a cable and at times a pre-amplifier would be used.
The Analyzer / Receiver quickly scanned from 30MHz to 40GHz. The EUT test program was started.
Emissions were scanned and measured rotating the EUT to 360 degrees and positioning the antenna 1
to 4 meters above the ground plane, in both the vertical and the horizontal polarization, to maximize
the emission reading level.
The test mode(s) described in Item 3.1 were scanned during the preliminary test:
After the preliminary scan, we found the test mode described in Item 3.1 producing the highest
emission level.
The worst configuration of EUT and cable of the above highest emission level were recorded for
reference of the final test.

4.2.3   Test Setup

                                         Test table &
                                                                                  1 or 1m ~ 4m
                           Boundary of

        Power                                   0.8 m           Cable

                                                    3 or 10m
                                                                                 Ground Plane
                                 To Power

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                                                                     Report No. SH13100012E01

4.2.4   Test Result

                       Emission Level (dBµV/m)
        @Frequency                                    Quasi-Peak Limit     Margin
 No.                     QP           Antenna                                     Result
          (MHz)                                          (dBµV/m)        (dBµV/m)
                      (dBµV/m)     Polarization
  1      33.637500       30.5            V                  40.0             9.5     PASS
  2      91.473750       33.5            V                  43.5            10.0     PASS
  3     148.461250       33.2            V                  43.5            10.3     PASS
  4     149.916250       34.5            V                  43.5             9.0     PASS
  5     151.492500       33.7            V                  43.5             9.8     PASS
  6     249.947500       39.9            V                  46.0             6.1     PASS
  7     249.947500       40.9            H                  46.0             5.1     PASS
  8     284.988750       36.1            H                  46.0             9.9     PASS
  9     288.020000       37.8            H                  46.0             8.2     PASS
 10     292.506250       36.1            H                  46.0             9.9     PASS
 11     375.077500       37.5            H                  46.0             8.5     PASS
 12     875.112500       36.2            H                  46.0             9.8     PASS

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                                                                                                          Report No. SH13100012E01

Test Plot:

                                                            EMI_HL562 AutoTest-V-FCC



                                                                                                            FCC CLASS B

             Level in dBμV/





                               30M         50M 60M   80M   100M               200M     300M   400M 500M         800M      1G
                                                                    Frequency in Hz

                                    (Plot A: Test Antenna Vertical Frequence from 30MHz to1GHz)

                                                           EMI_HL562 AutoTest-H-FCC



                                                                                                            FCC CLASS B

             Level in dBμV/





                               30M         50M 60M   80M   100M               200M     300M   400M 500M         800M      1G
                                                                    Frequency in Hz

                                   (Plot B: Test Antenna Horizontal Frequence from 30MHz to1GHz)

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                                                                                                        Report No. SH13100012E01

                                              EMI_RAD_HL562 Auto(1G-3G for CE)-V


                  70                                                           FCC RE Class B Limit line 1GHz-18GHz PK


                  50                                                           FCC RE Class B Limit line 1GHz-18GHz AV
Level in dBμV/





                   1000                1500                      2000                      2500                          3000

                                                          Frequency in MHz

                          (Plot C: Test Antenna Vertical Frequence from 1GHz to 3GHz)

                                              EMI_RAD_HL562 Auto(1G-3G for CE)-V


                  70                                                           FCC RE Class B Limit line 1GHz-18GHz PK


                  50                                                           FCC RE Class B Limit line 1GHz-18GHz AV
 Level in dBμV/





                   1000                1500                      2000                      2500                          3000

                                                          Frequency in MHz

                       (Plot D: Test Antenna Horizontal Frequence from 1GHz to 3GHz)

                                              ** END OF REPORT **

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Document Created: 2013-10-30 15:48:27
Document Modified: 2013-10-30 15:48:27

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