Users Manual


Users Manual

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 Wireless Curtain-Type Infrared Detector                                                            Installation Instructions
The CLIP SMA is the smallest and most elegant wireless curtain-                 After detection, the detector disarms itself to save battery power.
pattern PIR detector for indoor use and designed for easy                       It rearms (reverts to the ready state) if there is no subsequent
installation. Its function is based on new and sophisticated,                   detection throughout the following 2-minute period.
patented FM data acquisition and digital signal processing.                     The CLIP SMA includes the following features:
Modern technology is used to include 3 different detectors in a                  Very low current consumption
single case, each programmable for optimized performance at                      Microprocessor-controlled temperature compensation
the specific mounting location. This results in better catch                     Sealed chamber protects the optical system
performance and virtually no false alarms.                                       Front cover tamper switch
The superiority in performance of this detector is achieved by                   White light protection
applying an improved version of the patented True Motion
Recognition™ (TMR) algorithm. This advanced motion analysis                      Elegantly styled, sturdy case
method allows the CLIP SMA to distinguish between the true                      Detailed coverage patterns and mounting alternatives are
motion of the human body and any other disturbances that cause                  illustrated in Figures 2 through 6.
false alarms.


       Figure 1. CLIP SMA General View                           Figure 2. Wall-Mount Curtain                Figure 3. Ceiling-Mount Curtain
                                                                                                                          OPTION A   OPTION B



           Figure 4. Overhead Curtain                            Figure 5. Curtain / Pet Alley          Figure 6. CLIP SMA on Internal Doorframe

OPTICAL                                                                         Rearm Timer: Rearms the detector 2 minutes after the last alarm.
Detector Type: Dual-element low noise pyroelectric sensor.                      WIRELESS
Number of Curtain Beams: 2                                                      Frequency: 2.4 Ghz as per IEEE 802.15.4
Mounting Positions: See Figures 2 through 6.                                    Tamper Alert: Reported when a tamper event occurs and in any
Range Settings: Long (6 m/18 ft), Medium (4 m/12 ft) and Short (1.2 -           subsequent message, until the tamper switch is restored.
2m/6 ft) (Jumper-selected).                                                     Supervision Message: Signaling at 24-minute intervals.
ELECTRICAL                                                                      MOUNTING
Internal Battery: 3V Lithium battery, type CR123A. For UL installations,        Height: 1.8 - 2.4 m (6 - 8 ft). See Figures 2 – 6.
use Panasonic, GP or Sanyo only.                                                Installation Options: See Figures 2 – 6.
Nominal Battery Capacity: 1450 mAh.                                             ENVIRONMENTAL
Battery Life: 3 years (for typical use).                                        Operating Temperature: -10°C to 50°C (14°F to 122°F).
Note: Inability to connect with wireless network, or wireless link quality no   Storage Temperature: -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F).
higher than 20% may significantly reduce the expected battery life.
                                                                                RFI Protection: > 20 V/m to 1000 MHz.
Battery Power Test: Performed immediately upon battery insertion                Compliance with standards:
and periodically every several hours.                                           USA: CFR 47 part 15, Canada: RSS 210.
Microprocessor: 8-bit, low power CMOS.                                          ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306
FUNCTIONAL                                                                      PHYSICAL
Visual Indications (red LED):                                                   Dimensions (H x W x D): 105 x 35 x 30 mm (4-1/8 x 1-3/8 x
   LED lights for about 3 seconds upon transmission of alarm & tamper          1-3/16 in.).
    messages and upon motion detection in the walk test mode.                   Weight (with battery): 60 g (2.1 oz).
   LED flashes during the power-up stabilization period (approx. 2             Color: White.
    min), or after restoring the cover (by pressing the tamper switch).
                                                                                PATENTS U.S. Patent 5,693,943 (other patents pending)
   LED does not light upon transmission of supervision messages.
Alarm Period: Approx. 3 seconds.
D-303360 CLIP SMA Installer's Guide                                                                                                                1

3.1 General Guidelines

Do not install     Do not aim at       Do not install                            Do not install                                    Do not mount
                                                          Do not install                                   Do not install
near sources of                                                                                                                     on unstable
                    windows.            outdoors.          where direct            near high-               behind any
                                                                               voltage electrical          obstruction.              surfaces.
                                                           sunlight can
                                                          strike the unit.           lines.

3.2 Regular Mounting

                                                                                                U   N TI
                                              3 VOLT                                                            SU R
                                             LITHIUM                                                                         E
                                             BATTERY                                          1
                                                                                      DRILL TWO HOLES
                                                                                      IN THE MOUNTING
                                                                                        SURFACE AND                         BREAK- AWAY
        RANGE                                                                           SECURE BASE                          SEGMENT
       SELECT                                                                             WITH TWO
       JUMPER                                                                              SCREWS                                       2
                                                BACK                                                                         FOR BACK TAMPER
                                               TAMPER                                                                        (OPTIONAL), DRIL L
                                               SWITCH                             3                                             TWO HOLES
                                                                             POSITION THE                                      AND SECURE
                                             (OPTIONAL)                                                                      WITH TWO SCREW
        FRONT                                                                 PCB IN ITS
                                                                             PLACE IN THE
       TAMPER                                                                    BASE

                                                                                                                            ATTENTION: The back tamper
                                              SENSOR                                                                        switch becomes functional
                                                                                                                            only when the break-away
         RF                                                                                                                 segment is secured to the
                                                                                                                            wall with a scre          w.

                   Figure 7. Internal View                                                  INSERT SCREW TO
                                                                                        4 SECURE COVER
                                                                                               WITH BASE

                                                                                         Figure 8. Surface Mounting
                                                                      1) After mounting, be sure that no gaps remain in the detector
                                                                      housing, for example, in the area around the screw holes.
                                                                      2) Remove the battery using your fingers, and not with a screwdriver.
                                                                      3.3 Bracket Mounting
                                                                      Note: When mounting using the bracket, the back tamper is not

2                                                                                              D-303360 CLIP SMA Installer's Guide

                                                  DRILL TWO
                                                  7 mm (1/4“)
                                                    AT THE

                                                                         PLACE THE
                                                                       LOCKING PLATE
                                                                       OVER THE TWO

                                                                                                                          PLACE THE
                                                                                                                         BASE SLOTS
                                                                        LOCKING                                           OVER THE
                                                                         PLATE                                               TWO
                       Figure 9. Drilling Holes                                                                            BRACKET

 USE THESE TWO HOLES TO INCREASE                                        3
  THE COVERAGE RANGE BY 5                                           SECURE THE
 USE THESE TWO HOLES TO INCREASE THE                                PLATE BY
  COVERAGE RANGE BY 10                                               PRESSING

                                                                             Figure 11. Securing Locking Plate to Base

                          *       **
                                                                       PCB CORRECT LY
                                                                       IN THE BASE

            1                                          WITH TWO
         DRILL TWO                                     SCREWS
        HOLES IN THE

                                                                                             INSERT SCREWTO
                                                                                         2    SECURE COVER
                                                                                                WITH BASE
                                                                                     Figure 12. Mounting Cover to Base
           Figure 10. Mounting Bracket to Surface

                                                                  Note: The CLIP SMA can be mounted on either side of a window.
                                                                          Figure 13. Mounting on Both Sides of a Window

D-303360 CLIP SMA Installer's Guide                                                                                                   3

3.4 Setting the Coverage Range
A 4-pin jumper is used to select 3 ranges, according to the type of
                                                                       3.6 Pairing/Defaulting the Detector
installation, for the curtain beams (see Figures 2-6 and 15).          To pair the detector to the control panel, you must set it to pairing
                                                                           A. Press and hold down the detector’s tamper switch.
                                                                           B. Insert the battery into the detector. Wait for the RF
                                                                                 module’s green LED to light.
                                                                           C. Release the tamper switch and press it again within 4
                                                                                 seconds. When the detector is in pairing mode, the
                                                                                 green LED starts to blink.
                                                                           D. Complete the pairing procedure on the control panel
      Short range -         Medium range -          Long range -                 (see the pairing instructions in the control panel’s
        approx.                approx.                approx.                    installation guide).
       2 m (6 ft)             4 m (12 ft)            6 m (18 ft)
                Figure 14. Range Jumper Settings
      Short Range        Medium Range          Long Range
                                                                       3.7 Walk Testing
                                                                       A. Mount the cover and tighten the screw. Wait for the detector
                                                                          to stabilize (the LED stops flashing approx. two minutes after
                                                                          the cover is closed).
                                                                       B. Walk slowly across the far end of the curtain pattern (in
                                                                          opposite directions). The LED indicator lights for approx. 3
                                                                          seconds whenever you enter or exit a curtain beam.
                                                                          Important: Perform walk test at least once a week to assure
                                                                          proper function of the detector.
                                                                          Note: After closing the cover the detector enters a 15 minute
                Figure 15. Range Setting Diagram                          walk-test mode. In this mode the LED will flash each time a
The purpose of the range setting is to ensure optimal signal              detection occurs, regardless of LED jumper settings, and the
processing and high immunity against false alarms.                        detector will transmit on the occurrence of each detection event.
Mount the range jumper in the desired position and make sure
that the protected area is within the selected coverage range (see
figure 15). Carry out a walk test (see Para. 3.7) to verify proper

3.5 Activating the Detector
To activate, pull the strip that protrudes from the battery

                      Figure 16. Activation Strip

    If you encounter one of the following problems with the CLIP                     Problem                            Remedy
    SMA, perform the suggested remedy:                                    Panel does not arm because of     Consult with your installer or
                Problem                          Remedy                   an unrecognized sensor            system provider before you
    Attempt to pair the sensor is    Make sure that the sensor has        malfunction                       disable a zone.
    unsuccessful.                    been defaulted and is set to                                           Disable the sensor zone (see
                                     pairing mode (see section 3.6).                                        the control panel user manual).
    The sensor and the panel do      Perform the signal strength                                            Note that disabling a sensor
    not communicate.                 testing procedure described in                                         zone lowers the overall security
                                     the control panel installation                                         level of your system.
                                     manual. Make sure that the
                                     signal is sufficient. If
                                     necessary, replace the
                                     sensor’s battery.
    The sensor sends a Low           To ensure continuous proper
    Battery indication.              operation, replace the battery
                                     within two weeks of the first
                                     Low Battery indication.

4                                                                                            D-303360 CLIP SMA Installer's Guide

                                                                                D. Even the most sophisticated detectors can sometimes be
5.1 Product Limitations                                                            defeated or may fail to warn due to: DC power failure /
Visonic Ltd. wireless systems are very reliable and are tested to                  improper connection, malicious masking of the lens,
high standards. However, due to their low transmitting power and                   tampering with the optical system, decreased sensitivity in
limited range (required by FCC and other regulatory authorities),                  ambient temperatures near that of the human body and
there are some limitations to be considered:                                       unexpected failure of a component part.
A. Receivers may be blocked by radio signals on or near their                      The above list includes the most common reasons for failure
    operating frequencies, regardless of the code selected.                        to detect intrusion, but is by no means comprehensive. It is
B. A receiver can only respond to one signal at a time.                            therefore recommended that the detector and the entire alarm
C. Wireless equipment should be tested regularly to determine                      system be checked weekly, to ensure proper performance.
    whether there are sources of interference and to protect                    E. An alarm system should not be regarded as a substitute for
    against faults.                                                                insurance. Home and property owners or renters should be
                                                                                   prudent enough to continue insuring their lives and property,
                                                                                   even though they are protected by an alarm system.

5.2 Compliance with Standards
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-210 of               The digital circuit of this device has been submitted for testing in
Industry and Science Canada. Operation is subject to the following two          order to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this    pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
device must accept any interference received, including interference that       to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in
may cause undesired operation.                                                  residential installations. This equipment generates uses and can
                                                                                radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS
                                                                                accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any
                                                                                to radio and television reception. However, there is no guarantee
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of      that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
the device.                                                                     device does cause such interference, which can be verified by
                                                                                turning the device off and on, the user is encouraged to eliminate
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada                     the interference by one or more of the following measures:
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est          – Re-orient or re-locate the receiving antenna.
autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout
                                                                                – Increase the distance between the device and the receiver.
brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible          – Connect the device to an outlet on a circuit different from the
d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.                                               one which supplies power to the receiver.
WARNING! Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly                    – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician.
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user's authority to operate the equipment.
                                                                                Visonic Ltd, M/N: E203826
                                                                                FCC ID: WP3ZBT
                                                                                IC: 1467C-ZBT

                                                                                Complies with ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306

D-303360 CLIP SMA Installer's Guide                                                                                                                 5

    Visonic Limited (the “Manufacturer") warrants this product only (the "Product") to the original purchaser only   However, if the Manufacturer is held liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage arising
    (the “Purchaser”) against defective workmanship and materials under normal use of the Product for a              under this limited warranty, THE MANUFACTURER'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY (IF ANY) SHALL NOT IN
    period of twelve (12) months from the date of shipment by the Manufacturer.                                      ANY CASE EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, which shall be fixed as liquidated
    This Warranty is absolutely conditional upon the Product having been properly installed, maintained and          damages and not as a penalty, and shall be the complete and exclusive remedy against the Manufacturer.
    operated under conditions of normal use in accordance with the Manufacturers recommended installation            When accepting the delivery of the Product, the Purchaser agrees to the said conditions of sale and
    and operation instructions. Products which have become defective for any other reason, according to the          warranty and he recognizes having been informed of.
    Manufacturers discretion, such as improper installation, failure to follow recommended installation and          Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so these
    operational instructions, neglect, willful damage, misuse or vandalism, accidental damage, alteration or         limitations may not apply under certain circumstances.
    tampering, or repair by anyone other than the manufacturer, are not covered by this Warranty.                    The Manufacturer shall be under no liability whatsoever arising out of the corruption and/or malfunctioning
    The Manufacturer does not represent that this Product may not be compromised and/or circumvented or              of any telecommunication or electronic equipment or any programs.
    that the Product will prevent any death and/or personal injury and/or damage to property resulting from          The Manufacturers obligations under this Warranty are limited solely to repair and/or replace at the
    burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise, or that the Product will in all cases provide adequate warning or          Manufacturer’s discretion any Product or part thereof that may prove defective. Any repair and/or
    protection. The Product, properly installed and maintained, only reduces the risk of such events without         replacement shall not extend the original Warranty period. The Manufacturer shall not be responsible for
    warning and it is not a guarantee or insurance that such events will not occur.                                  dismantling and/or reinstallation costs. To exercise this Warranty the Product must be returned to the
    THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,                                        Manufacturer freight pre-paid and insured. All freight and insurance costs are the responsibility of the
    OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING                                 Purchaser and are not included in this Warranty.
    ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR                                          This warranty shall not be modified, varied or extended, and the Manufacturer does not authorize any
    OTHERWISE. IN NO CASE SHALL THE MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY                                         person to act on its behalf in the modification, variation or extension of this warranty. This warranty shall
    CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY OR ANY OTHER                                     apply to the Product only. All products, accessories or attachments of others used in conjunction with the
    WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, AS AFORESAID.                                                                             Product, including batteries, shall be covered solely by their own warranty, if any. The Manufacturer shall
    THE MANUFACTURER SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT,                                          not be liable for any damage or loss whatsoever, whether directly, indirectly, incidentally, consequentially or
    INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OR FOR LOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE,                                   otherwise, caused by the malfunction of the Product due to products, accessories, or attachments of
                                                                                                                     others, including batteries, used in conjunction with the Products. This Warranty is exclusive to the original
                                                                                                                     Purchaser and is not assignable.
    ARISING FROM PURCHASER’S USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, OR FOR LOSS OR                                     This Warranty is in addition to and does not affect your legal rights. Any provision in this warranty which is
    DESTRUCTION OF OTHER PROPERTY OR FROM ANY OTHER CAUSE, EVEN IF MANUFACTURER                                      contrary to the Law in the state or country were the Product is supplied shall not apply.
    HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.                                                              Warning: The user must follow the Manufacturer’s installation and operational instructions including testing
    THE MANUFACTURER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DEATH, PERSONAL AND/OR BODILY                                   the Product and its whole system at least once a week and to take all necessary precautions for his/her
    INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OR OTHER LOSS WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT,                                         safety and the protection of his/her property.
    INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHERWISE, BASED ON A CLAIM THAT THE PRODUCT                                                                                                                                                    1/08

                     W.E.E.E. Product Recycling Declaration
                     For information regarding the recycling of this product you must contact the company from which you orignially purchased it. If you are discarding this product and not
                     returning it for repair then you must ensure that it is returned as identified by your supplier. This product is not to be thrown away with everyday waste.
                     Directive 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

VISONIC LTD (ISRAEL): P.O.B 22020 TEL-AVIV 61220 ISRAEL. PHONE: (972-3) 645-6789, FAX: (972-3) 645-6788
VISONIC INC. (U.S.A.): 65 WEST DUDLEY TOWN ROAD, BLOOMFIELD CT. 06002-1376. PHONE: (860) 243-0833, (800) 223-0020 FAX: (860) 242-8094
VISONIC LTD. (UK): FRASER ROAD, PRIORY BUSINESS PARK, BEDFORD MK44 3WH. TEL.: +44(0)845 0755800 FAX: +44(0)845 0755801
PRODUCT SUPPORT: +44(0)845 755802
VISONIC LTD. 2011       CLIP SMA D-303360 - (Rev. 3, 10/11).

6                                                                                                                                                          D-303360 CLIP SMA Installer's Guide

Magnetic Contact Wireless Sensor                                                                                                      Installation Instructions

The MCT-302 SMA is a fully supervised, wireless magnetic contact sensor. The sensor           An LED lights whenever alarm or tamper events are reported. The LED does not light
includes a built-in reed switch (that opens upon removal of a magnet placed near it) and      while a supervision message is being transmitted.
an auxiliary hard-wired input, programmable as either N.C. or E.O.L., for use with            Operating power is obtained from an on-board 3V Lithium battery. When the battery
additional sensors - pushbuttons, detectors, door contacts etc.                               voltage is low, a “low battery” message is sent to the receiver.
An on-board DIP switch allows the installer to disable the magnet- operated reed
switch if only the auxiliary input is needed.
The reed switch and the auxiliary input behave as separate transmitters, although they
trigger the same RF transmitter. Each input has a unique ID.                                                                                                  MAGNET
                                                                                                         TRANSMISSION LED
The MCT-302 SMA tamper switch is activated when the cover is removed.
A periodic supervision message is transmitted automatically. The target receiver is thus
informed, at regular intervals, of the unit’s active participation in the system.

                                                                                                                           Fig. 1 - MCT-302 SMA

Frequency: 2.4 Ghz as per IEEE 802.15.4                                                       Battery Life Expectancy: 3 years (for typical use)
Alarm Inputs: 2, one internal and one external, with a separate sensor ID each.               Note: Inability to connect with wireless network, or wireless link quality no higher than
Auxiliary Input Circuit Type: N.C. / E.O.L., selected with DIP switch                         20% may significantly reduce the expected battery life.
E.O.L. Resistor Required: 47 k                                                               Battery Supervision: Automatic transmission of battery condition data as part of any
Message Repetition: Repetitive transmission (once every 3 minutes) or one-shot, as            status report.
selected with on-board DIP switch.                                                            Operating Temperature: 0C to 49C (32F to 120F).
Supervision: Signaling at 24-min. intervals.                                                  Dimensions: 81 x 32 x 25 mm (3-3/16 x 1-1/4 x 1 in.)
Response to Tamper Event: Tamper report every 3 minutes (until the tamper switch              Weight: 53g (1.9 oz)
is restored).                                                                                 Standards: USA: CFR 47 part 15, Canada: RSS 210.
Power Source: 3 V Lithium CR-2 type battery, Panasonic, Sanyo or GP only.                     ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306

3.1 Mounting (Fig. 2)                                                                         3.2 Auxiliary Input Wiring (Fig. 3)
It is highly recommended to attach the sensor to the top of the door/window on the fixed       Remember! If your application does not require the auxiliary input, be sure to set
frame and the magnet to the movable part (door or window). Make sure that the magnet is        DIP switch SW2 to OFF and to short the input terminals together with a piece of
located not more than 6 mm (0.25 in.) from the sensor’s marked side.                           jumper wire.
Note: Once the cover is removed, a tamper message is transmitted to the receiver.             A. Connect the auxiliary sensor contacts across the MCT-302 SMA auxiliary input
Subsequent removal of the battery prevents transmission of "TAMPER RESTORE",                       terminals.
leaving the receiver in permanent alert. To avoid this, during the enrolling process,         B. If the auxiliary input of the MCT-302 SMA is defined as a Normally Closed (N.C.)
press the tamper switch while you remove the battery.                                              type (SW2 set to OFF), series connected N.C. sensor contacts must be used
                                    1                                                              exclusively. An E.O.L. resistor will not be required.
                                REMOVE SCREW                                                  C. For E.O.L. supervision, set SW2 to ON.
                                                                                                  Normally Closed (N.C.) as well as Normally Open (N.O.) sensor contacts can be
                                                                                FIXED FRAME       used, as show in figure 3. A 47k E.O.L. resistor must be wired at the far end of
                                                                                                  the zone loop.
                                                                                              Note: For UL installations, the device connected to the initiating circuit must be
                                                                                              located in the same room as the sensor.
              P.C. BOARD
              BASE WITH

                                                                                MOVING PART             47                                        N.O. AND N.C. ALARM CIRCUI T
       REMOVE BOARD         3                                                                           k                                        WITH E.O. L RESIS TOR

                                                                                                                    Figure 3 - E.O.L Wiring Example
                                4                                       5                     NOTE - An alarm message is transmitted once the loop is opened or short circuited.

                           Figure 2 – Mounting the Sensor

                                                                                              Table 1. Getting acquainted with the function selector
4.1 The Function Switches                                                                      Sw-      Function               Pos.    Selected Option                           Default
A. Switch Tasks                                                                                SW1       Reed switch input      ON     Reed switch input is enabled     ON
The MCT-302 SMA has a 4-position DIP switch function selector. Each switch lever                         enable/disable         OFF Reed switch input is disabled
allows you to select one of two options.                                                       SW2       Aux. input type        ON     Aux. input is E.O.L. (47 k)     OFF
                                                                                                         selector               OFF Aux. input is N.C.
B. Setting the Switches
                                                                   ON                          SW3       Restore reports        ON     Restore events reported          ON
Set the function switches as desired prior to applying
                                                                                                         enable/disable         OFF Restore events not reported
power. Use a ball point pen or another pointed object to
                                                                                               SW4       Transmit mode          ON     Alarms reported every 3 min.     OFF
shift the switch levers. The ON position is indicated by            1       2     3    4
                                                                                                         selector               OFF Alarms reported only once
the arrow on the switch body.
                                                                   Function Selector          SWITCH SW1: Determines whether the reed switch input will be active or inactive.
                                                                                              SWITCH SW2: Determines whether the auxiliary input will behave as an end-of-line
                                                                                              (E.O.L.) input or as a normally closed (N.C.) input.
                                                                                              SWITCH SW3: Determines whether the sensor will report a restore event when an
                                                                                              input restores from an alarm condition.

D-303365 MCT-302 SMA Installation Instructions                                                                                                                                         1

Note: Selecting the ON position enables you to find out whether the door or window
under surveillance are open or closed.
                                                                                                4.4 Testing the Unit
                                                                                                Before testing, set DIP switches SW1 through SW4 as required for the particular
Note: For UL installations, SW3 must be set to On position.
                                                                                                application (Para. 4.1).
SWITCH SW4: In non-supervised systems, it is sometimes required to report an alarm
                                                                                                A. Insert the battery between the battery clips, at the correct polarity. For proper
repeatedly at short intervals, until the disturbed input reverts to its normal
                                                                                                    operation, only Lithium battery (Panasonic, Sanyo, or GP type CR2) should be
(undisturbed) state. SW4 is used to select between repetitive and one-shot
                                                                                                    Caution: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose used
Note: Transmissions initiated by “tamper” events will be repeated once every 3
                                                                                                    battery according to manufacturer's instructions.
minutes, regardless of SW4 setting.
                                                                                                B. Press the tamper switch once and release it.
When done, install the battery as directed in Para. 4.4.
                                                                                                    Note: Since the cover is removed and power is applied, a tamper situation exists.

4.2 Activating the Sensor
                                                                                                    Verify that the MCT-302 SMA transmits (the LED lights briefly) once every 3
To activate, pull the strip that protrudes from the back of the sensor.                         C. When you are satisfied that tamper signals are transmitted properly, put the cover
                                                                                                    on to return the tamper switch to its normal (undisturbed) position. Wait slightly
                                                                                                    over 3 minutes to verify that tamper transmissions cease. If operation is normal,
                                                                                                    secure the front cover to the base with the case closure screw.
                                                                                                D. Momentarily open the door or window and verify that the sensor LED lights,
                                                                                                    indicating that transmission is in progress.
                                Fig. 4 – Activation Strip                                           If SW4 is ON, wait 3 minutes to verify that the transmission is repeated at 3-
                                                                                                    minute intervals.
4.3 Pairing/Defaulting the Sensor                                                               E. Close the door or window, thus restoring it to the undisturbed state and watch the
                                                                                                    LED. If SW3 is set to ON, a “restore” transmission will now take place.
To pair the sensor to the control panel, you must set it to pairing mode.                       F. If the auxiliary input is used, momentarily activate the detector connected to it and
                                                                                                    check for a response similar to that described in D above. Then restore the input
1.   Press and hold down the sensor’s tamper switch.
                                                                                                    loop to its undisturbed state. The response should be as in E above.
2.   Insert the battery into the sensor. Wait for the RF module’s green LED to light.               Note Regarding Tamper Message Transmission:
3.   Release the tamper switch and press it again within 4 seconds. When the sensor                 - If the reed switch input is enabled (SW1 is ON), the tamper message will be sent
                                                                                                       with the reed switch’s ID.
     is in pairing mode, the green LED starts to blink.
                                                                                                    - If the reed switch input is disabled (SW1 is OFF), the tamper message will be
4.   Complete the pairing procedure on the control panel (see the pairing instructions                 sent with the auxiliary input’s ID.
     in the control panel’s installation guide).

     If you encounter one of the following problems with the MCT-302 SMA, perform                                     Problem                                                   Remedy
     the suggested remedy:                                                                          Panel does not arm because of an                        Consult with your installer or
                     Problem                                        Remedy                          unrecognized sensor malfunction                         system provider before you disable
     Attempt to pair the sensor is                 Make sure that the sensor has been                                                                       a zone.
     unsuccessful.                                 defaulted and is set to pairing mode                                                                     Disable the sensor zone (see the
                                                   (see para 4.3).                                                                                          control panel user manual). Note that
     The sensor and the panel do not               Perform the signal strength testing                                                                      disabling a sensor zone lowers the
     communicate.                                  procedure described in the control                                                                       overall security level of your system.
                                                   panel installation manual. Make sure
                                                   that the signal is sufficient. If
                                                   necessary, replace the sensor’s
     The sensor sends a Low Battery                To ensure continuous proper
     indication.                                   operation, replace the battery within
                                                   two weeks of the first Low Battery

                                                                                                     Visonic Ltd, M/N: E203826
                                                                                                     FCC ID: WP3ZBT
6. COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS                                                                         IC: 1467C-ZBT
 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-210 of Industry and                  Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux
 Science Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may       appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions
 not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,      suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de
 including interference that may cause undesired operation.                                      l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est
 This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is          susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
 subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2)   ANSI/UL
 this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired      Complies with ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306
 operation of the device.

Visonic Ltd. wireless systems are very reliable and are tested to high standards.               The user is cautioned that changes or modifications to the unit, not expressly
However, due to low transmitting power and limited range (required by FCC and other             approved by Visonic Ltd., could void the user’s FCC or other authority to
regulatory authorities), there are some limitations to be considered:                           operate the equipment.
A. Receivers may be blocked by radio signals occurring on or near their operating                           W.E.E.E. Product Recycling Declaration
                                                                                                            For information regarding the recycling of this product you must contact the company from
    frequencies, regardless of the digital code used.                                                       which you orignially purchased it. If you are discarding this product and not returning it for
B. A receiver responds only to one transmitted signal at a time.                                            repair then you must ensure that it is returned as identified by your supplier. This product is not
C. Wireless devices should be tested regularly to determine whether there are                               to be thrown away with everyday waste.
                                                                                                            European Directive 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
    sources of interference and to protect against faults.

VISONIC LTD. (ISRAEL): P.O.B 22020 TEL-AVIV 61220 ISRAEL. PHONE: (972-3) 645-6789, FAX: (972-3) 645-6788
VISONIC INC. (U.S.A.): 65 WEST DUDLEY TOWN ROAD, BLOOMFIELD CT. 06002-1376. PHONE: (860) 243-0833, (800) 223-0020. FAX: (860) 242-8094
PRODUCT SUPPORT: +44(0)845 755802
VISONIC GmbH (D-A-CH): KIRCHFELDSTR. 118, D-40215 DÜSSELDORF, TEL.: +49 (0)211 600696-0, FAX: +49 (0)211 600696-19
FAX (34) 91663-8468.
VISONIC LTD. 2011                D-303365 MCT-302 SMA (Rev 3, 10/11)

2                                                                                                          D-303365 MCT-302 SMA Installation Instructions

 MCT-427 SMA
 Supervised Wireless Smoke / Heat Detector                                                           Installation Instructions

MCT-427 SMA (heat and smoke detector) are automatic fire detectors            Note: The TEST/MUTE switch functions as TEST switch (in normal
with integral audible signal for open area protection, designed to            operation) or as MUTE switch (in alarm condition).
sense heat or smoke (not flame) and fitted with an iControl compliant         The tamper switch actuator (Fig. 3a/3b) is pressed against the bracket
wireless transceiver.                                                         when the unit is attached to the bracket. Removal of the unit from the
MCT-427 SMA provides early warning of developing fire by sounding             bracket causes the switch contacts to open, creating a tamper event,
an alarm with its built-in alarm horn, and by transmitting a coded            which is reported by the transmitter to the alarm system control panel.
alarm signal to an iControl compliant control panel.
MCT-427 SMA will activate a fire alarm upon either smoke or heat
(temperature rate-of-rise) condition. With two fire sensors (heat and                                                              TEST / MUTE
smoke), the MCT-427 SMA detector may shorten the time to fire                               HOLE                                     BUTTON
alarm activation.                                                                                                                       &
It must be borne in mind, though that effective prewarning of fire
accidents is only possible if the detector is located, installed and
maintained as described here.
In alarm condition, the buzzer sound can be stopped for 12 minutes by
pressing the TEST/MUTE switch. It will not restore the alarm condition,
but will temporarily silence the buzzer while you correct the condition.
After 12 minutes, the detector restarts the alarm buzzer sound.
                                                                                                  Figure 1. General View (MCT-427)

Alarm Sound Level: 85 dB at 3 m (10 feet)                                     Battery Supervision: Automatic transmission of battery status data as
TRANSMITTER AND CODING                                                        part of any transmitted message.
Operating Frequency: 2.4 GHz as per IEEE 802.15.4                             Battery Life Expectancy: Battery life exceeds the minimum life required by
Supervision: Automatic signaling at 24-minute intervals.                      UL 268. Visonic warrantees the life of the battery for 5 years for typical use.
Tamper Alerts: Tamper event (removal of the unit from its bracket) is         Note: Inability to connect with wireless network, or wireless link
reported once. Tamper restore is reported when the tamper switch is           quality no higher than 20% may significantly reduce the expected
restored.                                                                     battery life.
Transmission Indicator: Yellow LED lights upon transmission                   Audible and Visual Low Battery Warning: Built-in horn beeps every
(visible only when LED function is pre-defined, see par. 3.7).                30 seconds simultaneously with red LED flashing (for up to 30 days
ALARM REPORT:                                                                 when the battery voltage drops).
   Every 20 seconds for the first 3 minutes. Then, every 3 minutes until      Audible and Visual Degraded Chamber Sensitivity Warning: Built-
   30 minutes have elapsed.                                                   in horn beeps every 30 seconds in the middle of red LED flashing
   Alarm stops reporting after 30 min., or if the detector goes into "alarm   intervals – indicates that the detector must be replaced.
   restore".                                                                  Clean Warning Transmission: A clean (maintenance) signal is
   After 30 minutes, an alarm bit will be sent as part of the supervision     transmitted when the detector's chamber becomes stained, causing the
   message.                                                                   detector to operate at high sensitivity.
ELECTRICAL DATA                                                               PHYSICAL DATA
Power Source: 3 Volt CR123A / CR17450 lithium.                                Operating Temperature: -10C to 50C (14F to 122F).
Panasonic/GP/Sanyo recommended                                                Relative Humidity: 10% to 85%
Operation Voltage: From 2.7 V to 3 V.                                         Dimensions: 120 mm (4.7") x 63 mm (2.5")
Current Drain: 18 µA standby, 70 mA max. in operation                         Weight (including battery): 165 g (5.8 oz)
Smoke Density: 1.44%/ft to 2.74%/ft                                           Compliance with Standards:
Cover Range: 50 – 100 cubic meters (1770 – 3530 cubic ft.)                    USA: CFR 47 part 15, Canada: RSS 210.
                                                                              ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306

3.1 Disassembly                                                               3.2 Audible and Visual Indications
Separate the unit from its mounting bracket as shown in Figure 2.             The dual color LED and buzzer are used to signal various alarm and
                      BRACKET          DETECTOR                               trouble messages as shown in Table 1 below:
                                                                                              Table 1. Visual and Audible Indications
                                                                                                    Visual Indication (LEDs)              Audio
                                                                                                       Red            Yellow           Indication
                                                                                Smoke alarm     Flash every               -        3 long beeps every
          1                                                    2                                500ms                              4 sec.
       Hold the                                             Rotate the
     bracket with                                            detector           Heat alarm(***) Flash every               -        Long beep every
      one hand                                            anticlockwise                         500ms                              2 sec.
                                                         and pull it from
                                                           the bracket          Tamper                   -                -        Long beep every
                                                                                alarm(*)                                           2 sec.
                                                                                Standby         Flash every 30            -                 -
          Figure 2. Separating the Detector from Its Bracket
                                                                                Low battery     Flash every 30            -        Short beep every
                                                                                                sec.                               30 sec.
                                                                                Smoke sensor Flash every 60 3 Flashes every Short beep every
                                                                                trouble         sec.              60 sec.          60 sec.
                                                                                Low sensitivity Flash every 30            -        Short beep every
                                                                                alarm           sec.(**)                           30 sec.

D-303364 MCT-427 SMA Installation Guide                                                                                                                    1

                         Visual Indication (LEDs)         Audio                                  3 volts CR17450
                           Red            Yellow        Indication
  Heat sensor        Flash every 60 5 Flashes every Short beep every
  trouble            sec.             60 sec.        60 sec.
  Need to clean 2 flashes every               -      2 short beeps
                     30 sec.                         every 30 sec.
  Test               See par. 3.6
*     The tamper alarm will mute for 3 minutes at first power on, and
      will revert to normal mode when the tamper switch condition is
      changed.                                                                                                                          Transmission
                                                                                                                                        LED ON/OFF
** Delay of 15 sec. between buzzer beep and LED operation                                                                                  button

3.3 Battery Connection and Initial Test                                                                          Battery cover
Caution! Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type.
Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Attention: The detector battery cover is fitted with a red button that
prevents the detector from locking onto bracket if there is no battery
The smoke detector is supplied with a 3V CR123A / CR17450 battery.
Battery connection for both types of batteries is illustrated in Figure 3a
and 3b below.
                   3 volts CR123A         Open battery cover and
                                          connect the battery to its
                                          terminals (without
                                          insulator). Verify proper

                                                      LED ON/OFF
                                                                                       Open battery cover and connect the battery to its terminals.
                               Battery cover

                                                                                           Figure 3b. Battery Connection for CR17450
                                                             switch          Note: When the battery first makes contact, the alarm horn may
                                                                             sound for one second. This indicates that the battery is connected
              Figure 3a. Battery Connection for CR123A                       Close the cover, then press the test button (see fig. 1) for about 5
                                                                             seconds, (for further details see par. 3.6)
                                                                             3.5 Mounting
3.4 Pairing/Defaulting the Detector
Note: It is much easier to carry out this operation while holding the
MCT-427 in your hand, close to the control panel.
To pair the detector to the control panel, you must set it to pairing
     A. Press and hold down the detector’s tamper switch.
     B. Insert the battery into the detector. Wait for the RF
                                                                                                                   BRACKET             DETECTOR
          module’s green LED to light.
     C. Release the tamper switch within 4 seconds and press it                                         tab
                                                                                                      (1 of 3)
          again. When the detector is in pairing mode, the green
          LED starts to blink.
     D. Complete the pairing procedure on the control panel (see
          the pairing instructions in the control panel’s installation

       1. A battery must be inserted into the detector
          before the detector can be mounted onto the                                                1                                         2
          bracket.                                                                         Mark and drill 2 holes in              Align bracket tabs with the
       2. Unauthorized removal of the unit from the bracket                                 the mounting surface.            detector slots and rotate the detector
          will initiate a tamper alert!                                                   Fasten the bracket to the         as shown. Pull the detector outward to
                                                                                        mounting surface with 2 screws.        verify that it is securely attached.

                                                                                                 Figure 4. Mounting the Detector
2                                                                                            D-303364 MCT-427 SMA Installation Guide

3.6 Test                                                                     3.7 LED Transmission Procedure
Enter the test mode by pressing the test button. In this mode, the           The yellow LED can be set to ON or OFF by pressing the
detector will test smoke, heat and battery functions. If all functions are   Transmission LED (yellow) ON/OFF button (see Figure 3a), as
good, the red LED lights 0.5s, off 0.5s, the yellow LED lights 0.5s, off     indicated in Table 2 below.
0.5s followed by a loud 3-beep alarm and the red LED flashes                         Table 2. Interpreting the Transmission ON/OFF Button
simultaneously. Otherwise, the detector produces the warning signals          Transmission LED ON/OFF              LED (yellow) Status during
as detailed in Table 1.                                                       button (yellow) press                transmission
                                                                              Press and release, flashes once      ON
                                                                              Press and release, flashes twice     OFF

4.1 Where to Install Smoke Detectors                                          Install basement detectors at the bottom of the basement stairwell.
 Smoke detectors should be installed in accordance with the NFPA              Install second-floor detectors at the top of the first-to-second floor
 Standard 74 (National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch               stairwell.
 Park, Quincy, MA 02169). For complete coverage in residential units,         Be sure no door or other obstruction blocks the path of smoke to
 smoke detectors should be installed in all rooms, halls, storage              the detector.
 areas, basements and attics in each family living unit. Minimum              Install additional detectors in your living room, dining room, family
 coverage is one detector on each floor and one in each sleeping area          room, attic, utility and storage rooms.
 and attics in each family living unit. For maximum protection, a             Install smoke detectors as close to the center of the ceiling as
 smoke detector should be located outside primary sleeping areas or            possible. If this is not practical, put the detector on the ceiling, at
 on each level of your home. Here are a few useful tips for you:               least 10 cm (4 inches) away from any wall or corner, as shown in
 Install a smoke detector in the hallway outside every separate               Figure 8.
   bedroom area, as in Figure 5. Two detectors are required in homes          If ceiling mounting is not possible and wall mounting is permitted by
   with two bedroom areas, as in Figure 6.                                     your local and state codes, locate the detectors between 10 - 15
                                                                               cm (4 - 6 inches) from the ceiling, also see Figure 8.
 Install a smoke detector on every floor of a multi-floor home or
   apartment, as shown in Figure 7.                                           If some of your rooms have sloped, peaked, or gabled ceilings, try
                                                                               to mount detectors 0.9 meter (3 feet) measured horizontally from
 Install a minimum of two detectors in any household.                         the highest point of the ceiling as shown in Figure 9.
 Install a smoke detector inside every bedroom.
 Install smoke detectors at both ends of a bedroom hallway if the
   hallway is more than 12 meters (40 feet) long.

                                                                                                                        Figure 9. Recommended
                                                                                                                        Location to Mount Smoke
                                                                                Figure 8. Recommended Best               Detectors in Rooms with
                                                                                 and Acceptable Locations to            Sloped, Gabled or Peaked
                                                                                   Mount Smoke Detectors                         Ceiling

                                                                                            CAUTION (As required by the California State Fire
      Figure 5. Locations for Placing Smoke Detectors in a Single                           Marshall)
                 Residence with only One Sleeping Area
                                                                                            "Early warning fire detection is best achieved by the
 Install a smoke detector inside every room where one sleeps with                          installation of fire detection equipment in all rooms and
  the door partly or completely closed, since smoke could be blocked
                                                                                            areas of the household as follows:
  by the closed door and a hallway alarm may not wake up the
  sleeper if the door is closed.                                             (1) A smoke detector installed in each separate sleeping area (in the
                                                                             vicinity, but outside the bedrooms), and (2) Heat or smoke detectors
                                                                             in the living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, hallways,
                                                                             attics, furnace rooms, closets, utility and storage rooms, basements
                                                                             and attached garages."

                                                                             4.2 Where Not to Install Smoke Detectors
                                                                             False alarms occur when smoke detectors are installed where they
                                                                             will not work properly. To avoid false alarms, do not install smoke
                                                                             detectors in the following situations:
                                                                              Combustion particles are by-products of something burning. Do not
                                                                                install smoke detectors in or near areas where combustion particles
                                                                                are present, such as kitchens with few windows or poor ventilation,
                                                                                garages where there may be vehicle exhaust, near furnaces, hot
   Figure 6. Locations for Placing Smoke Detectors in Single-Floor              water heaters and space heaters.
           Residence with More than One Sleeping Area.                        Do not install smoke detectors less than 6 meters (20 feet) away
                                                                                from places where combustion particles are normally present, like
                                                                                kitchens. If a 20-foot distance is not possible, try to install the
                                                                                detector as far away from the combustion particles as possible,
                                                                                preferably on the wall. To prevent false alarms, provide good
                                                                                ventilation in such places.
                                                                                IMPORTANT: Never try to avoid false alarms by disabling the

    Figure 7. Placing Smoke Detectors in a Multi-Floor Residence
D-303364 MCT-427 SMA Installation Guide                                                                                                             3

 Do not mount smoke detectors in the path of fresh air intake. The
  flow of fresh air in and out can drive smoke away from the smoke
                                                                              4.3 Smoke Detector Limitations
  detector; thus reducing its efficiency. Figure 10 indicates the correct     A. This smoke detector is designed for use in a single residential unit
  and incorrect locations concerning this problem.                               or offices, which means that it should be used inside a single
                                                                                 family home or apartment or office.
 Near pain thinner fumes.
 In close proximity to an automobile exhaust pipe; this will damage          B. Please refer to NFPA 101, the Life Safety Code, NFPA72 for smoke
  the detector.                                                                  detector requirements for fire protection in buildings not defined as
 In damp or very humid areas or near bathrooms with showers.
                                                                              C. The smoke detector will not sense a fire if the smoke does not
  Moisture in humid air can enter the sensing chamber, then turns                reach the sensor. In order for a smoke detector to sense smoke, it
  into droplets upon cooling, which can cause false alarms. Install              must be installed in the immediate vicinity of the fire.
  smoke detectors at least 3 meters (10 feet) away from bathrooms.
                                                                                 In addition, smoke from fires in chimneys, in walls, on roofs, in remote
 In very cold or very hot areas, including unheated buildings or
                                                                                 parts of the building, or on another level from where the smoke detector
  outdoor rooms. If the temperature goes above or below the
                                                                                 is located, may not reach the smoke detector quickly enough for
  operating range of smoke detector, it will not work properly. Verify
                                                                                 occupants to escape unharmed. For this reason, installer shall install
  that the temperature range of the detector falls within the Operating          smoke detectors on every level, in every sleeping area and in every
  Temperature, (see chapter 2. Specifications).                                  bedroom of the household.
 In very dusty or dirty areas, dirt and dust can build up on the             D. Smoke detector may not be heard. The alarm horn in this smoke
  detector's sensing chamber, to make it overly sensitive.                       detector meets or exceeds current Underwriter’s Laboratories
 Additionally, dust or dirt can block openings to the sensing                   standards. However, if the smoke detector is not located in the same
  chamber and keep the detector from sensing smoke.                              room as the occupant or if it is blocked by a closed door or normal
 Near fresh air vents or very drafty areas like air conditioners,               noise, the alarm horn may not be heard. In addition, sound sleepers,
  heaters or fans. Fresh air vents and drafts can drive smoke away               or persons who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol may not
  from smoke detectors.                                                          hear the alarm or be able to react to it. Therefore, locate this
                                                                                 smoke detector, which has a sounder rated at 85 dB at 10 feet,
 Dead air spaces are often at the top of a peaked roof, or in the               on every level, in every sleeping area and in every bedroom of
  corners between ceilings and walls. Dead air may prevent smoke                 the household.
  from reaching a detector. See Figures 8 and 9 for recommended               E. This detector, if used as a stand-alone unit, will not alert people
  mounting locations.                                                            who are hard of hearing.
 In insect-infested areas. If insects enter a detector's sensing             F. In general, detectors may not always warn you about fires
  chamber, they may cause a false alarm. Where bugs are a                        caused by carelessness and safety hazards like smoking in bed,
  problem, get rid of them before putting up a detector.                         violent explosions, escaping gas, improper storage of flammable
 Near fluorescent lights, electrical "noise" from fluorescent lights            materials, overloaded electrical circuits, children playing with
  may cause false alarms. Install smoke detectors at least 1.5 meters            matches or arson.
  (5 feet) from such lights.                                                  G Smoke detectors are not fool-proof. Like all electronic devices,
                                                                                 smoke detectors have limitations. No type of smoke detector
 Smoke detection depends on the smoke density present in a                      can sense every kind of fire every time. In addition, smoke
  room. Smoke density is greater in small rooms, for the same                    from slow, smoldering fires rises slowly and may not reach
  amount of smoke, than in large rooms.                                          the smoke detector until actual flame breaks out. This type of
  In small rooms less than 25 cubic meters (883 cubic ft.) in size,              smoke may not reach the smoke detector in time for
  a small amount of smoke may activate a smoke alert. For                        occupants to escape unharmed.
  example, smoking or bathroom steam may activate a smoke                     H. Smoke detectors are not a substitute for life or property
  alert.                                                                         insurance. Though smoke detectors have been responsible for
                                                                                 saving many lives, they are not warranted or implied to protect
                                                                                 lives or property in the event of fire.
                                                                              I. These wireless systems are very reliable and are tested to high
                                                                                 standards. However, due to their low transmitting power and
                                                                                 limited range (required by the regulatory authorities), there are
                                                                                 some limitations to be considered:
                                                                                 i) Receivers may be blocked by radio signals on or near their
                                                                                      operating frequencies, regardless of the code selected.
                                                                                 ii) A receiver can only respond to one transmitted signal at a time.
                                                                                 iii) Wireless equipment should be tested regularly to determine
                                                                                      whether there are sources of interference and to protect
                                                                                      against faults

  Figure 10. Recommended Smoke Detector Locations to Avoid Air
                    Streams with Combustion Particles
WARNING: Never remove batteries to stop a false alarm. Open a
window or fan the air around the detector to get rid of the smoke. The
alarm will turn itself off when the smoke is gone. If false alarms persist,
attempt to clean the detector as described in this manual.
WARNING: Do not stand close to the detector when the alarm is
sounding. The alarm is loud in order to wake you in an emergency.
Too much exposure to the horn at close range may be harmful to your              .

5.1 Battery Replacement                                                       once-per-minute "beep" will sound after a few days. The low-
                                                                              battery "beep" should last at least 30 days before the battery dies
The MCT-427 SMA was designed to be as maintenance-free as                     out completely.
possible. To keep the smoke detector in good working order, you must          NOTE: For best performance, use only lithium batteries as
test it weekly, as instructed in Para. 6.1 below.                             replacement batteries (see specifications). Carbon zinc batteries are
Make it a rule to replace the detector’s battery (lithium) once every         not acceptable.
8 years even if there is no indication that the battery is weak. Also         Caution! Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type.
be sure to replace it immediately upon reception of a low battery             Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.
message via your control panel.                                               Replace the battery as follows:
If you disregard this message, an audible reminder in the form of             A. Separate the detector from its bracket (see figure 2).
4                                                                                             D-303364 MCT-427 SMA Installation Guide

   B. Replace battery (see Figure 3a or Figure 3b according to the                 and audible indications).
   battery used).                                                                 Perform detector functional test (see par. 3.6) weekly.
5.2 Maintenance                                                                   A clean (maintenance) signal is transmitted when the detector's
                                                                                   chamber sensitivity becomes degraded.
It is necessary to maintain the detector frequently to ensure it working           Note: This transmission applies to the PowerMax+ control panel
properly. Follow these tips for taking care of your detector:                      only.
 Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the air vents occasionally to keep                 Note: If false alarms keep occurring, check whether the detector's
     them free of dust. When a "Clean Warning" transmission is                     location is adequate (see Para. 4.1 and 4.2). Relocate the unit if it is
     received, the detector should be cleaned. When a trouble event is             not located properly. Clean as described above.
     received, the detector should be removed (see Table 1 for visual

6.1 Routine Testing                                                                 Keep stoves, fireplaces, chimneys, and barbecue grills grease
                                                                                    free. Make sure they are properly installed and away from any
The detector should be tested weekly and also whenever you suspect                  combustible materials.
that it does not go into alarm. Push the test button firmly with your finger
until the horn sounds (it may take up to 20 seconds, for further details           Keep portable heaters and open flames such as candles away
see par. 3.6). Also verify that the control panel responds to the                   from combustible materials.
transmitted fire alarm. If the detector fails, have it repaired or replaced        Do not allow rubbish to accumulate.
immediately, to ensure that it works properly.                                     Keep a supply of extra batteries on hand for your battery
Every 3 months the smoke detector must be checked by using smoke                    powered smoke detectors.
detectors test sprayer.                                                        D. Develop a family escape plan and practice it with your entire
WARNING: Never use an open flame of any kind to test your                         family. Be sure to include small children in your practice.
detector. You may set fire to damage the detector as well as your                  Draw a floor plan of your home, and find two ways to exit from
home. The built-in test switch accurately tests all detector                        each room. There should be one way to get out of each
functions, as required by Underwriters' Laboratories. This is the                   bedroom without opening the door.
only correct way to test the unit.                                                 Explain to children what the smoke detector alarm signal means.
NOTE: If the alarm horn produces a loud continuous sound and the                    Teach them that they must be prepared to leave the home by
red LED flashes when you are not testing the unit, this means the                   themselves if necessary. Show them how to check to see if doors
detector has sensed smoke or combustion particles in the air. Verify                are hot before opening them. Show them how to stay close to the
that the alarm is a result of a possible serious situation, which                   floor and crawl if necessary. Show them how to use the alternate
requires your immediate attention.                                                  exit if the door is hot and should not be opened.
 The alarm could be caused by a false situation. Cooking smoke or                 Decide on a meeting place which has a safe distance from your
   a dusty furnace, sometimes called "friendly fires" can cause the                 house. Make sure that all your children understand that they
   alarm to sound. If this happens, open a window or fan the air away               should go and wait for you there if there is a fire.
   to remove the smoke or dust. The alarm will turn off as soon as the             Hold fire drills at least every 6 months, making sure that everyone,
   air is completely clear.                                                         even small children, knows what to do to escape safely.
   CAUTION: Do not disconnect the battery from the detector. This                  Know where to go to call the Fire Department outside your home.
   will remove your protection from fires.                                         Provide emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers, and
 If there is any question as to the cause of an alarm, it should                   teach your family to use this equipment properly.
   be assumed that the alarm is due to an actual fire and the                  6.3 More Tips on How to Face a Fire at
   residence should be evacuated immediately.
 If the alarm horn begins to beep once every 30 sec (for further
   details, see par. 3.2), this signal means that the detector's battery is    If you have made an escape plan and practiced it with your family,
   weak. Install a new battery immediately. Keep fresh batteries on            their chances of escaping safely are increased. Go over the following
   hand for this purpose.                                                      rules with your children when you have fire drills. This will help
                                                                               everyone remember the rules in a real emergency.
6.2 Tips to Enhance Your Protection                                            A. Don't panic and stay calm. Your safe escape may depend on
From Fires                                                                         thinking clearly and remembering what you have practiced.
Putting up smoke detectors is only one step in protecting your family          B. Get out of the house as quickly as possible. Follow a planned escape
from fires. You must also reduce the chances of fires starting in your             route. Do not stop to collect anything or to get dressed.
home. You must also increase your chances of escaping safely if one            C. Feel the doors to see if they are hot. If they are not, open them
does start. To have a good fire safety program you must apply the                  carefully. Do not open a door if it is hot. Use an alternate escape
following tips to enhance your family's protection from fires:                     route.
A. Install smoke detectors properly. Carefully follow all the                  D. Stay close to the floor. Smoke and hot gases rise.
     instructions in this manual. Keep your smoke detectors clean              E. Cover your nose and mouth with a wet or damp cloth. Take short,
     and test them every week.                                                     shallow breaths.
B. Remember that detectors that do not work will not alert you.                F. Keep doors and windows closed. Open them only if you have to in
     Replace your smoke detectors immediately if they are not                      order to escape.
     working properly.                                                         G. Meet at your planned meeting place after leaving the house.
C. Follow fire safety rules, and prevent hazardous situations:                 H. Call the Fire Department as soon as possible from outside your
     Use smoking materials properly. Never smoke in bed.                          house. Give the address and your name.
     Keep matches and cigarette lighters away from children.                  I. Never go back inside a burning building. Contact your local Fire
                                                                                   Department. They will give you more ideas about how to make your
     Store flammable materials in proper containers. Never use them               home safer from fires and how to plan your family's escape.
       near open flame or sparks.
     Keep electrical appliances in good condition. Do not overload
       electrical circuits.

D-302151                                                                                                                                                 5

    If you encounter one of the following problems with the MCT-427
    SMA, perform the suggested remedy:                                                                                        The sensor sends a Low                                    To ensure continuous proper
               Problem                             Remedy                                                                     Battery indication.                                       operation, replace the battery
    Attempt to pair the sensor is      Make sure that the sensor has                                                                                                                    within two weeks of the first
    unsuccessful.                      been defaulted and is set to                                                                                                                     Low Battery indication.
                                       pairing mode (see section 3.4).                                                        Panel does not arm because of                             Consult with your installer or
    The sensor and the panel do        Perform the signal strength                                                            an unrecognized sensor                                    system provider before you
    not communicate.                   testing procedure described in                                                         malfunction                                               disable a zone.
                                       the control panel installation                                                                                                                   Disable the sensor zone (see
                                       manual. Make sure that the                                                                                                                       the control panel user manual).
                                       signal is sufficient. If                                                                                                                         Note that disabling a sensor
                                       necessary, replace the                                                                                                                           zone lowers the overall
                                       sensor’s battery.                                                                                                                                security level of your system.

                                                                                                                                               Visonic Ltd, M/N: E203826
                                                                                                                                               FCC ID: WP3ZBT
                                                                                                                                               IC: 1467C-ZBT
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-210 of                                                       The digital circuit of this device has been tested and found to comply
Industry and Science Canada. Operation is subject to the following two                                                  with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this                                            FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
device must accept any interference received, including interference that                                               protection against harmful interference in residential installations. This
may cause undesired operation.                                                                                          equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS                                                            and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this                                             cause harmful interference to radio and television reception.
device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any                                                  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of                                              particular installation. If this device does cause such interference,
the device.                                                                                                             which can be verified by turning the device off and on, the user is
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada                                                             encouraged to eliminate the interference by one or more of the
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est                                                  following measures:
autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas                                                    – Re-orient or re-locate the receiving antenna.
produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout                                           – Increase the distance between the device and the receiver.
brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible
d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.                                                                                    – Connect the device to an outlet on a circuit different from the one
                                                                                                                           which supplies power to the receiver.
WARNING! Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the                                                         – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician.
user's authority to operate the equipment
                                                                                                                        Complies with ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306
Visonic Limited (the “Manufacturer") warrants this product only (the "Product") to the original purchaser only (the   However, if the Manufacturer is held liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage arising under this
“Purchaser”) against defective workmanship and materials under normal use of the Product for a period of twelve       limited warranty, THE MANUFACTURER'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY (IF ANY) SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE
(12) months from the date of shipment by the Manufacturer.                                                            EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, which shall be fixed as liquidated damages and not as a
This Warranty is absolutely conditional upon the Product having been properly installed, maintained and operated      penalty, and shall be the complete and exclusive remedy against the Manufacturer.
under conditions of normal use in accordance with the Manufacturers recommended installation and operation            When accepting the delivery of the Product, the Purchaser agrees to the said conditions of sale and warranty and
instructions. Products which have become defective for any other reason, according to the Manufacturers               he recognizes having been informed of.
discretion, such as improper installation, failure to follow recommended installation and operational instructions,   Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so these
neglect, willful damage, misuse or vandalism, accidental damage, alteration or tampering, or repair by anyone         limitations may not apply under certain circumstances.
other than the manufacturer, are not covered by this Warranty.                                                        The Manufacturer shall be under no liability whatsoever arising out of the corruption and/or malfunctioning of any
The Manufacturer does not represent that this Product may not be compromised and/or circumvented or that the          telecommunication or electronic equipment or any programs.
Product will prevent any death and/or personal injury and/or damage to property resulting from burglary, robbery,     The Manufacturers obligations under this Warranty are limited solely to repair and/or replace at the
fire or otherwise, or that the Product will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. The Product,         Manufacturer’s discretion any Product or part thereof that may prove defective. Any repair and/or replacement
properly installed and maintained, only reduces the risk of such events without warning and it is not a guarantee     shall not extend the original Warranty period. The Manufacturer shall not be responsible for dismantling and/or
or insurance that such events will not occur.                                                                         reinstallation costs. To exercise this Warranty the Product must be returned to the Manufacturer freight pre-paid
THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, OBLIGATIONS                                 and insured. All freight and insurance costs are the responsibility of the Purchaser and are not included in this
MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE. IN NO CASE SHALL                                   This warranty shall not be modified, varied or extended, and the Manufacturer does not authorize any person to
THE MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES                                      act on its behalf in the modification, variation or extension of this warranty. This warranty shall apply to the
FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, AS AFORESAID.                                         Product only. All products, accessories or attachments of others used in conjunction with the Product, including
THE MANUFACTURER SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,                                   batteries, shall be covered solely by their own warranty, if any. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any
CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OR FOR LOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE, INCLUDING LOSS                                     damage or loss whatsoever, whether directly, indirectly, incidentally, consequentially or otherwise, caused by the
                                                                                                                      malfunction of the Product due to products, accessories, or attachments of others, including batteries, used in
                                                                                                                      conjunction with the Products. This Warranty is exclusive to the original Purchaser and is not assignable.
PURCHASER’S USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, OR FOR LOSS OR DESTRUCTION OF                                        This Warranty is in addition to and does not affect your legal rights. Any provision in this warranty which is
OTHER PROPERTY OR FROM ANY OTHER CAUSE, EVEN IF MANUFACTURER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF                                      contrary to the Law in the state or country were the Product is supplied shall not apply.
THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.                                                                                       Warning:The user must follow the Manufacturer’s installation and operational instructions including testing the
THE MANUFACTURER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DEATH, PERSONAL AND/OR BODILY                                        Product and its whole system at least once a week and to take all necessary precautions for his/her safety and
INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OR OTHER LOSS WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,                                  the protection of his/her property.
CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHERWISE, BASED ON A CLAIM THAT THE PRODUCT FAILED TO FUNCTION.                                                                                                                                                      1/08
                    W.E.E.E. Product Recycling Declaration
                    For information regarding the recycling of this product you must contact the company from which you orignially purchased it. If you are discarding this product and not
                    returning it for repair then you must ensure that it is returned as identified by your supplier. This product is not to be thrown away with everyday waste.
                    Directive 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
The technical documentation as required by the European Conformity Assessment procedure is kept at:
UNIT 6 MADINGLEY COURT CHIPPENHAM DRIVE KINGSTON MILTON KEYNES MK10 0BZ. Telephone number: 0870 7300800, Fax number: 0870 7300801

VISONIC LTD. (ISRAEL): P.O.B 22020 TEL-AVIV 61220 ISRAEL. PHONE: (972-3) 645-6789, FAX: (972-3) 645-6788
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TCC 2
VISONIC INC. (U.S.A.): 65 WEST DUDLEY TOWN ROAD, BLOOMFIELD CT. 06002-1376. PHONE: (860) 243-0833, (800) 223-0020. FAX: (860) 242-8094
VISONIC LTD. (UK): UNIT 6 MADINGLEY COURT CHIPPENHAM DRIVE KINGSTON MILTON KEYNES MK10 0BZ. TEL.: +44(0)845 0755800 FAX: +44(0)845 0755801                                                                                     BOSEC
PRODUCT SUPPORT: +44(0)845 755802                                                                                                                                                                                                9213
VISONIC GmbH (D-A-CH): KIRCHFELDSTR. 118, D-40215 DÜSSELDORF, TEL.: +49 (0)211 600696-0, FAX: +49 (0)211 600696-19
FAX (34) 91663-8468.
VISONIC LTD. 2011      MCT-427 SMA D-303364 Rev 3 (10/11)

6                                                                                                                                      D-303364 MCT-427 SMA Installation Instructions

Supervised Indoor Wireless CO Gas Detector                                                  Installation Instructions
The carbon monoxide (CO) detector is designed to monitor the          The detector provides                                        ALARM
CO gas level in residential dwellings and give early warning          low battery and detector                                    (red) LED
before potentially dangerous levels exist. The CO alarm is            end-of-life indications.                                      Battery
transmitted to the iControl control panel.                            Caution: The detector                                        (green) /
The CO gas is considered to be a highly dangerous poisonous           expiry date is stamped                                          Fault
gas because it is colorless, odorless, tasteless and very toxic.      on the detector. After                                        (yellow)
Presence of CO gas inhibits the blood's capacity to transport         the expiry date, the                                            LED
oxygen throughout the body, which can eventually lead to brain        detector should not be                                       TEST /
damage. CO gas is produced by incomplete combustion of fuels          used - do not wait for                                       MUTE
(such as natural gas, propane, heating oil, kerosene, coal,           end-of-life indication!!                                    BUTTON
charcoal, gasoline or wood) that can occur in any device that
depends on burning for energy and heat (such as furnaces,                                                Figure 1 - General View
boilers, room heaters, hot water heaters, stoves, grills and in any
                                                                      The detector is continuously self-tested and has a TEST button
gasoline powered vehicle or engine).
                                                                      that enables the user to test the detector anytime.
Before CO harmful level is reached, the detector's internal buzzer
beeps sound periodically and the detector's red LED flashes. In       Note: The TEST/MUTE switch functions as TEST switch (in
this condition, the buzzer sound can be stopped for 6 minutes by      normal operation) or as MUTE switch (in alarm condition).
pressing the TEST/MUTE switch. It will not correct the CO gas         The tamper switch actuator (fig. 3), is pressed against the bracket
problem, but will temporarily silence the buzzer while you correct    when the unit is attached to the bracket. Removal of the unit from
the problem. After 6 minutes, the detector restarts alarm if the CO   the bracket causes the switch contacts to open, creating a tamper
level remains high.                                                   event, which is reported by the transmitter to the alarm system
                                                                      control panel.

CO DETECTION                                                          Visual and Audible Indications:
Detection principle: Electrochemical cell                                                    Visual Indication (LEDs)            Audio
                                                                                           Red    Yellow        Green         Indication
Detector Active Life: 5 years
                                                                        Alarm          4 flashes      -            -        4 beeps (*)
Selectable Sensitivity:                                                                (*)
  DIP switch in EN Mode                                                 End of Life         -    3                 -        one beep
  No warning at 30 ppm for 120 minutes, 50 ppm for 60 minutes,          / Fault                  flashes                    every 60 sec.
  100 ppm for 10 minutes.                                                                        every
  Warning at 50 ppm between 60-90 minutes, 100 ppm for 10-40                                     60 sec.
                                                                        Battery OK          -         -     Flashes once            -
  minutes, 150 ppm within 3 minutes.
                                                                                                            every minute
  DIP switch in UL Mode                                                 Low                 -    1 flash           -        one beep
  No warning at 30 ppm for 30 days, 70 ppm for 60 minutes, 150          battery                  every                      every 60 sec.
  ppm for 10 minutes, 400 ppm for 4 minutes.                                                     60 sec.
  Warning at 70 ppm between 60-240 minutes, 150 ppm for 10-             MUTE           4 flashes      -            -        OFF for 6
  50 minutes, 400 ppm between 4-15 minutes.                             button is      (*)                                  minutes (**)
                                                                        pressed (to
Audible Alarm Volume: >85db at a distance of 3m (10 ft.).               silent the
TRANSMITTER AND CODING                                                  alarm for 6
Operating Frequency: 2.4 GHz as per IEEE 802.15.4.                      minutes)
Supervision: Automatic signaling at 24-minute intervals.                TEST           1 flash   1 flash    Flashes (the    1 beep
Transmitted Messages: CO gas alarm, low battery, tamper,                button is      (the 1st (the 2nd 3rd LED) If
sensor end of life, sensor trouble, supervision.                        pressed        LED)      LED)       CO circuit test
Tamper Alerts: Tamper message is transmitted to the                                                         and battery
                                                                                                            are OK - lights
PowerMax+ / PowerMax Pro control panel when the detector is
                                                                                                            during 2 sec.
removed from its bracket.
                                                                      * Every 5 seconds during the first 4 minutes, every 60 sec. after
ELECTRICAL DATA                                                           the first 4 minutes.
Power Source: 9 volt Lithium battery (Ultra Life #U9VL, U9VL-J),      ** After 6 minutes, the detector restarts alarm if the CO level
or Alkaline battery, Energizer #522.                                      remains high.
Battery Life Expectancy: At least 1 year (for typical use)            Note: Long period of low battery condition may cause improper
Note: Inability to connect with wireless network, or wireless link    function. In case of End-of-Life/Fault indication, replace the
quality no higher than 20% may significantly reduce the expected      battery and check if the End-of-Life/Fault indication still exists. If it
battery life.                                                         still exists, stop using the detector.
Battery Supervision: Automatic transmission of battery status         PHYSICAL DATA
data as part of any transmitted message.                              Operating Temperature: 0C to 40C (32F to 104F).
                                                                      Relative Humidity: 10-93%  2% RH
                                                                      Dimensions: 127 mm (5 in.) x 40 mm (1-9/16 in.)
                                                                      Weight (without battery): 180g (6.35 oz)
                                                                      Compliance with Standards:
                                                                      USA: CFR 47 part 15, Canada: RSS 210.
                                                                      ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306

D-303363 MCT-442 SMA Installation Guide                                                                                                        1

3.1 Disassembly                                                               B. Insert the battery into the sensor. Wait for the RF
                                                                                  module’s green LED to light.
                                                                              C. Release the tamper switch and press it again within 4
                                                                                  seconds. When the sensor is in pairing mode, the green
                                        DETECTOR                                  LED starts to blink.
     1                                                                        D. Complete the pairing procedure on the control panel
  Hold the
bracket with                                                                      (see the pairing instructions in the control panel’s
 one hand
                                                              2                   installation guide).
                                                          Rotate the                                     Open battery cover and
                                                          detector as                                    connect the battery to its
                                                          shown and                          9 volts     terminals (without insulator).
                                                          pull it from                                   Veri fy pr op er pol arity.
                                                          the bracket
                                                                                                           Red button
                                                                                                             Tab (1 of 4)

      Figure 2. Separating the Detector from Its Bracket                              Battery cover

3.2 Communication Format Selection                                                                                          Function selector:
                                                                                                                            Sw. 1 ON = UL
Verify that the function selector switch 1 is set to ON (UL                                                                 Sw. 1 OFF = EN
communication format). (see figure 3). Note: Switch 2 is not used.
                                                                                                            Tamper switch
3.3 Pairing/Defaulting the Detector                                                                           actuator

Note: It is much easier to carry out this operation while holding                            Figure 3. Detector Rear Side
the detector in your hand, close to the control panel.
To pair the detector to the control panel, you must set it to pairing
     A. Press and hold down the detector’s tamper switch.

4.1 Mounting                                                               ! WARNING: The test switch is the only proper way to test the
The detector can be mounted on a wall or ceiling.                        CO detector. Never use vehicle exhaust! Exhaust may cause
It must be mounted with its bracket (when it is attached to its          permanent damage and void your warranty.
bracket the tamper switch is pressed and the detector automatic          B. Communication Test
reset is performed).                                                     Create a tamper alarm at the installation location and verify that
 ! Warnings                                                              tamper message is received by the control panel / receiver.
 Installation must be performed by a qualified individual. Failure                                                                         2
  to properly install, test and maintain a CO detector may cause                                                             Mark and drill 2 holes in
  it to fail, resulting in loss of life!                                                                                     mounting surface. Fasten
                                                                                                                             the bracket to the mounting
 Installation of the CO detector should not be used as a substitute                                                         surface with 2 screws.
  for proper installation, use and maintenance of fuel burning
  appliances, including appropriate ventilation and exhaust systems.
 Unauthorized removal of the unit from the bracket will initiate a               1                        UP
  tamper alert!                                                          Locate the bracket on
 The battery must be inserted into the detector otherwise you           mounting surface so
  will not be able to close the detector.                                that the word “UP” is
                                                                         located as shown (so
4.2 Test                                                                 that the detectors
                                                                         stickers text will be
A. Local Test                                                            easily readable)
Press the test button (see fig. 1) until the built-in buzzer sounds 1
beep and the red, green and yellow LEDs flash sequentially (see
section 2 - SPECIFICATION). This means that the local test is
successful. If additional or other signals exist, refer to section 2 -                                                      3
                                                                                                  Align detector’s tabs (see figure 3) with the bracket
SPECIFICATION.                                                                                    slots and rotate the detector as shown. Pull the
                                                                                                  detector outward to verify that it is securely attached.
                                                                                       Figure 4. Mounting the MCT-442 SMA

                                                                         When low battery alarm exists (see specifications) immediately
 !   Warning:     Press the detector's TEST button once every            replace the battery (see figure 3).
week to ensure proper operation of the detector.                         Once a month, use vacuum cleaner to clean the air vents
                                                                         occasionally, to keep them free of dust.

2                                                                                        D-303363 MCT-442 SMA Installation Guide

   If you encounter one of the following problems with the MCT-442
   SMA, perform the suggested remedy:                                                          Problem                             Remedy
              Problem                             Remedy                           The detector sends a Low            To ensure continuous proper
   Attempt to pair the detector is    Make sure that the detector                  Battery indication.                 operation, replace the battery
   unsuccessful.                      has been defaulted and is set                                                    within two weeks of the first
                                      to pairing mode (see section                                                     Low Battery indication.
                                      3.3).                                        Panel does not arm because of       Consult with your installer or
   The detector and the panel do      Perform the signal strength                  an unrecognized detector            system provider before you
   not communicate.                   testing procedure described in               malfunction                         disable a zone.
                                      the control panel installation                                                   Disable the sensor zone (see
                                      manual. Make sure that the                                                       the control panel user manual).
                                      signal is sufficient. If                                                         Note that disabling a detector
                                      necessary, replace the                                                           zone lowers the overall
                                      detector’s battery.                                                              security level of your system.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-210 of
Industry and Science Canada. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this    Visonic Ltd, M/N: E203826
device must accept any interference received, including interference that       FCC ID: WP3ZBT
may cause undesired operation.                                                  IC: 1467C-ZBT

This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any          ANSI/UL
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of      Complies with ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306
the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est
autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout
brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible
d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.

Appendix A - CO Detector Installation Overview
A-1. Selecting Installation Location    A-2. Where Not to Install CO Detectors
Selecting a suitable location is critical for the CO detector. The              1. In location where temperature may be below -10C (14F) or
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends to                             above 40C (104F).
use at least one CO detector per household, located near as                     2. In locations where humidity is below 10% or above 93% RH.
possible to sleeping area of the home, because the human body                   3. Near paint thinner fumes.
is most vulnerable to the CO gas effect during sleeping hours.                  4. Near air conditioners, furnaces, stoves, fireplaces and any
                                                                                    other ventilation source that may interfere with the CO gas
For added protection, install additional CO detector in every separate
                                                                                    entering the detector.
bedroom and on every level of your home. If your bedroom hallway is              5. In locations where furniture or draperies may obstruct the air flow.
longer than 14 meters (40 feet), install a CO detector at BOTH ends             6. In exhaust streams from gas engines, vents, flues or
of the hallway. Install an additional detector 6 meters (20 feet) away              chimneys.
from the furnace or fuel burning heat source.                                   7. Where dirt or dust could collect and block the sensor and stop
                                                                                    its working.
For      maximum                                                                8. In locations that can be reached by children.
protection,      the                                                            9. In turbulent air from ceiling fans.
detector     should                            BEDROOM                          10. In close proximity to an automobile exhaust pipe - this will
be also located                                                                     damage the detector.
outside     primary                      BEDROOM        BEDROOM
sleeping areas or                                       KITCHEN
at each level of           CO DETECTOR

your home. Mount
the detector on a                            BASEMENT

firm wall or ceiling       Figure 5. CO Detectors locations in a
(see par. 4.1).                   Multi-Floor Residence

D-303363 MCT-442 SMA Installation Guide                                                                                                               3

Appendix B - CO Gas Health Effects
B-1. Toxic Effects                                                            The following symptoms are related to CO poisoning and are to be
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless non-irritating gas              discussed with ALL members of the household:
which is classified as a chemical asphyxiate whose toxic action is a          1. Mild Exposure: Slight headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (often
direct result of the hypoxia produced by a given exposure.                       described as "Flu-like" symptoms).
CO is rapidly absorbed through the lungs, diffuses across the alveolar        2. Medium Exposure: Severe throbbing headache, drowsiness, fast
capillary membrane and is reversible bound with hemoglobin as                    heart rate.
carboxyheoglobin (COHb), however a minute amount is present in                3. Extreme Exposure: Unconsciousness, convulsions, cardio
the plasma. The affinity of hemoglobin for CO is over 200 times its              respiratory failure, death.
affinity for oxygen. This reduces the oxygen carrying of the blood and        4. Many cases of reported CO poisoning indicate that while victims
also has an effect on dissociation of oxyhemoglobin which farther                are aware they are not well, they become so disordered they are
reduces the oxygen supply to the tissues. CO is chemically                       unable to save themselves by either exiting the building or calling
unchanged in the body and is eliminated in the expired air. The                  for assistance. Young children and household pets are typically
elimination is determined by the same factors that applied during                first affected.
If the Co level in the inhaled air is constant, the level of COHb in the
                                                                              B-2. Chronic Effects on High Risk Group
blood will approach an equilibrium state after several hours. However,        Individuals with coronary artery disease exposed to low levels of CO
the rate at which the equilibrium is reached depends on many factors,         showed reduced ability to exercise. The time of onset of exercise-induced
e.g. lung ventilation rate (physical activity) and alveolar capillary         angina pectoris in such patients exposed to low levels of CO is reduced.
transfer, cardiac parameters, blood hemoglobin concentration,                 Carbon monoxide readily crosses the placental barrier and may endanger
barometric pressure, oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration in the           the normal development of the fetus.
inhaled air, but the two most important factors in determining the            A number of high risk groups are particularly sensitive to the effects of
COHb level are the CO concentration and the duration of exposure.             CO because of various organ impairments or specific changes,
The effects of different saturation blood COHb levels on healthy
                                                                              a. Those whose oxygen carrying capacity is decreased due to anemia
adults are shown in table A1.                                                    or other hemoglobin disorders.
  Table 1 - Health effects of COHb blood levels on healthy adults             b. Those with increased oxygen needs such as those encountered in
                                                                                 fever, hyperthyroidism or pregnancy.
    % COHb                           Effects                                  c. Those with systematic hypoxia due to respiratory insufficiency.
    03 - 0.7 Normal range in non-smokers due to endogenous                    d. Those with hearth disease and any vascular insufficiency, such as
             production                                                          cerebral ischaemia and peripheral vascular diseases.
  0.7 - 2.9  No proven physiological changes                                  B-3. Normal COHb levels
  2.9 - 4.5  Cardio-vascular changes in cardiac patients
                                                                              Under normal conditions all humans have low levels of COHb of
    4-6      Usual values observed in smokers, impairment in
                                                                              between 0.3% and 0.7% present within the body. These levels are
             psychomotor tests
                                                                              considered neither beneficial nor harmful.
    7 - 10   Cardio-vascular changes in non-cardiac patients
             (increased cardiac output and coronary blood flow)               B-4. Tobacco Smoking
   10 - 20   Slight headache, weakness, potential burden on fetus             Tobacco smokers are exposed to significant concentration of CO. In
   20 - 30   Severe headache, nausea, impairment in limb                      cigarette smokers the COHb concentration varies between 5% - 9%
             movements                                                        while heavy smokers it may exceed 10%.
   30 - 40   Severe headache. irritability, confusion, impairment in
             visual acuity, nausea, muscular weakness, dizziness
   40 -50    Convulsions and unconsciousness
   60 - 70   Coma, collapse, death
 Source: US Environmental Protection Agency 1984

Appendix C - Action to Take When Alarm Sounds
In case of harmful levels of CO gas is detected, your detector will go           the equipment serviced immediately. Note any combustion
into continuous full alarm, Try to take the following necessary actions          equipment not inspected by the technician and consult the
immediately:                                                                     manufacturer instructions, or contact the manufacturers directly,
1. Push the detector TEST switch to silence the alarm.                           for more information about CO safety and this equipment. Make
                                                                                 sure that motor vehicles are not, and have not been, operating in
     !     Warning: Never remove the battery to silence the alarm.               an attached garage or adjacent to the residence.
   Removing the battery removes your protection!
                                                                                ! Warning: Normally an activation of the detector indicates the
2. Call your emergency service (tel. No. .............), or fire department
   (tel. No. ............). (Please write the telephone numbers).             presence of CO gas. However, the CO gas can be extremely fatal, if it
3. Immediately move to fresh air - outdoors or by opening                     is not detected. The source of the CO gas may come from several
   door/window. Do a head count to check that all persons are                 possible situations.
   accounted for. Do not reenter the premises nor move away from              Caution: This detector will only indicate the presence of CO gas at
   the open door/window until the emergency services responders               the sensor. However, you have to be aware that the CO gas may be
   have arrived, the premises have been aired out, and your alarm             present in other areas in the premises.
   remains in normal condition.                                               Action to be taken after the problem has been corrected
4. After following steps 1 - 3, if your alarm reactivates within 24 hours     Once the problem about the CO gas presence in the premises has
   period, repeat steps 1 - 3 and call qualified technician (Tel. No.         been corrected, the detector's alarm should be off. After waiting for 10
   ........) to investigate for sources of CO gas from fuel burning           minutes, push the Test button, to verify that the detector is properly
   equipment and appliances, and inspect for proper operation of this         working again.
   equipment. If problems are identified during this inspection, have

4                                                                                             D-303363 MCT-442 SMA Installation Guide

Appendix D - Warnings and Limitations
This product is intended for use in ordinary indoor locations of family living      Never use detergents or other solvents to clean the detector.
units. It is not designed to measure compliance with Occupational Safety            Avoid spraying air fresheners, hair spray, paint or other aerosols near the
and Health Administration (OSHA) commercial or industrial standards.                detector.
Caution: The detector will only indicate the presence of carbon monoxide            Do not paint the detector. Paint will seal the detectors vents and interfere
gas at the sensor. Carbon monoxide gas may be present in other areas.               detecting CO gas.
Individuals with medical problems may consider using warning devices                Detailed information on conditions which can result in transient CO
which provide audible and visual signals for carbon monoxide                        situations:
concentrations under 30 ppm.                                                        1. Excessive spillage or reverse venting of fuel burning appliances
The alarm, including the sensor, is not to be located within 1.5m (5 feet) of           caused by:
any cooking appliance.                                                                  a. Outdoor ambient conditions such as wind direction and/or velocity,
The detector may not alarm at low carbon monoxide levels. The                               including high gusts of wind; heavy air in the vent pipes (cold/humid
Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) has established that                      air with extended periods between cycles).
continuous exposure levels of 50 ppm should not be exceeded in an 8                     b. Negative pressure differential resulting from the use of exhaust
hours period. Individuals with medical problem may consider more                            fans.
sensitive detection devices.                                                            c. Simultaneous operation of several fuel burning appliances
The CO gas detector is not suitable as a smoke detector or fire detector.                   competing for limited internal air.
This detector is not suitable to install in an hazardous location as defined            d. Vent pipe connection vibrating loose from clothes dryers, furnaces,
in National Electrical Code.                                                                or water heaters.
Carbon monoxide must reach the detector for proper performance of CO                    e. Obstructions in or unconventional vent pipe designs which amplify
gas detection. The detector may not protect people who are at special risk                  the above situations.
from carbon monoxide exposure by reason of age, pregnancy or medical                2. Extended operation of unvented fuel burning devices (range, oven,
condition. In doubt, consult your medical practitioner.                                 fireplace, etc.).
CO detectors may wear out because they contain electronic parts that fail           3. Temperature inversions which can trap exhaust gasses near the ground.
at any time. Test your detector at least every week.                                4. Car idling in an open or closed attached garage, or near a home.
Instruct children never to play with the detector.

Appendix E - Trouble-shooting
                         Problem                                   This means...                                     You should...
Every 60 seconds, the yellow LED flashes once and 1       Low battery warning                Replace battery (see SPECIFICATIONS).
beep is heard.
When TEST/MUTE button is pressed, the green LED           Detector fault or the battery is   Replace battery (see SPECIFICATIONS). If the problem still
flashes instead of lighting during 2 seconds.             not OK.                            exists, replace detector.
Every 60 seconds, there are 3 flashes of the yellow       Detector end of life/ fault.       Replace battery (see SPECIFICATIONS). If the problem still
LED and 1 beep is heard.                                                                     exists, replace detector.
CO detector goes back into alarm 6 minutes after the      CO level indicates a potentially   If you are feeling symptoms of CO poisoning, evacuate your
TEST/MUTE button is pressed.                              dangerous situation.               home and call your emergency service.
CO detector alarms frequently even though no high         The CO detector may be             Relocate the detector - see appendix A. If frequent alarms
levels of CO are revealed in an investigation.            improperly located.                continue, have home rechecked for potential CO problems. You
                                                                                             may experiencing an intermittent CO problem.

  !    Warning! Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by Visonic Ltd. could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
The digital circuit of this device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in residential installations. This equipment generates, uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio and
television reception. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this device does cause such interference,
which can be verified by turning the device off and on, the user is encouraged to eliminate the interference by one or more of the following measures:
– Re-orient or re-locate the receiving antenna.
– Increase the distance between the device and the receiver.
– Connect the device to an outlet on a circuit different from the one which supplies power to the receiver.
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician.

D-303363 MCT-442 SMA Installation Guide                                                                                                                        5

Visonic Limited (the “Manufacturer") warrants this product only (the "Product") to the original purchaser only (the   However, if the Manufacturer is held liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage arising under
“Purchaser”) against defective workmanship and materials under normal use of the Product for a period of              this limited warranty, THE MANUFACTURER'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY (IF ANY) SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE
twelve (12) months from the date of shipment by the Manufacturer.                                                     EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, which shall be fixed as liquidated damages and not as
This Warranty is absolutely conditional upon the Product having been properly installed, maintained and               a penalty, and shall be the complete and exclusive remedy against the Manufacturer.
operated under conditions of normal use in accordance with the Manufacturers recommended installation and             When accepting the delivery of the Product, the Purchaser agrees to the said conditions of sale and warranty
operation instructions. Products which have become defective for any other reason, according to the                   and he recognizes having been informed of.
Manufacturers discretion, such as improper installation, failure to follow recommended installation and               Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so these
operational instructions, neglect, willful damage, misuse or vandalism, accidental damage, alteration or              limitations may not apply under certain circumstances.
tampering, or repair by anyone other than the manufacturer, are not covered by this Warranty.                         The Manufacturer shall be under no liability whatsoever arising out of the corruption and/or malfunctioning of any
The Manufacturer does not represent that this Product may not be compromised and/or circumvented or that the          telecommunication or electronic equipment or any programs.
Product will prevent any death and/or personal injury and/or damage to property resulting from burglary,              The Manufacturers obligations under this Warranty are limited solely to repair and/or replace at the
robbery, fire or otherwise, or that the Product will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. The         Manufacturer’s discretion any Product or part thereof that may prove defective. Any repair and/or replacement
Product, properly installed and maintained, only reduces the risk of such events without warning and it is not a      shall not extend the original Warranty period. The Manufacturer shall not be responsible for dismantling and/or
guarantee or insurance that such events will not occur.                                                               reinstallation costs. To exercise this Warranty the Product must be returned to the Manufacturer freight pre-paid
THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,                                             and insured. All freight and insurance costs are the responsibility of the Purchaser and are not included in this
WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE. IN                                     This warranty shall not be modified, varied or extended, and the Manufacturer does not authorize any person to
NO CASE SHALL THE MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR                                           act on its behalf in the modification, variation or extension of this warranty. This warranty shall apply to the
INCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES                                                Product only. All products, accessories or attachments of others used in conjunction with the Product, including
WHATSOEVER, AS AFORESAID.                                                                                             batteries, shall be covered solely by their own warranty, if any. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any
THE MANUFACTURER SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,                                   damage or loss whatsoever, whether directly, indirectly, incidentally, consequentially or otherwise, caused by the
CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OR FOR LOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE, INCLUDING LOSS                                     malfunction of the Product due to products, accessories, or attachments of others, including batteries, used in
OF USE, PROFITS, REVENUE, OR GOODWILL, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING FROM                                            conjunction with the Products. This Warranty is exclusive to the original Purchaser and is not assignable.
PURCHASER’S USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, OR FOR LOSS OR DESTRUCTION OF                                        This Warranty is in addition to and does not affect your legal rights. Any provision in this warranty which is
OTHER PROPERTY OR FROM ANY OTHER CAUSE, EVEN IF MANUFACTURER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF                                      contrary to the Law in the state or country were the Product is supplied shall not apply.
THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.                                                                                       Warning:The user must follow the Manufacturer’s installation and operational instructions including testing the
THE MANUFACTURER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DEATH, PERSONAL AND/OR BODILY INJURY                                 Product and its whole system at least once a week and to take all necessary precautions for his/her safety and
                                                                                                                      the protection of his/her property.                                                                            1/08
                    W.E.E.E. Product Recycling Declaration
                    For information regarding the recycling of this product you must contact the company from which you orignially purchased it. If you are discarding this product and not
                    returning it for repair then you must ensure that it is returned as identified by your supplier. This product is not to be thrown away with everyday waste.
                    Directive 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

VISONIC LTD. (ISRAEL): P.O.B 22020 TEL-AVIV 61220 ISRAEL. PHONE: (972-3) 645-6789, FAX: (972-3) 645-6788
VISONIC INC. (U.S.A.): 65 WEST DUDLEY TOWN ROAD, BLOOMFIELD CT. 06002-1376. PHONE: (860) 243-0833, (800) 223-0020. FAX:
(860) 242-8094                                                                                                                                                                                Product
VISONIC LTD. (UK): UNIT 6 MADINGLEY COURT CHIPPENHAM DRIVE KINGSTON MILTON KEYNES MK10 0BZ.                                                                            Certificate Number 512e/01
TEL.: +44(0)845 0755800 FAX: +44(0)845 0755801 PRODUCT SUPPORT: +44(0)845 755802
ESPAÑA. TEL (34) 91659-3120, FAX (34) 91663-8468.
VISONIC LTD. 2011 MCT-442 SMA D-303363 Rev 3 (10/11)

6                                                                                                                                                 D-303363 MCT-442 SMA Installation Guide

Supervised Wireless Flood Detector
                                                                                                      Installation Instructions
The MCT-550 SMA is a fully supervised indoor wireless flood             An LED lights whenever alarm or tamper events are reported. The
detector, used to detect the presence of water based fluids at          LED does not light while a supervision message is being
any desired location.                                                   transmitted.
The MCT-550 SMA transmitter is designed for wall mounting.              Operating power is obtained from an on-board 3 V Lithium battery.
The flood sensor is placed in a location where the presence of          A weak battery will cause a “low battery” report to be added to any
water based fluids, as a result of leakage or flooding, is probable.    message transmitted.
Upon flood detection, a digital message is transmitted, composed of
the detectors’ ID followed by various status and other messages.
Alarm and other data are thus forwarded to the alarm system.
An on-board tamper switch is opened when the cover is
removed. In a tamper situation, a tamper message is
transmitted.                                                                                               TRANSMISSION LED
A periodic supervision message is transmitted automatically (see
specifications) to inform the alarm system at regular intervals, of                          Fig. 1 - MCT-550 SMA
the unit’s active participation in the system.

Frequency: 2.4 Ghz as per IEEE 802.15.4                                 Battery Supervision: Automatic reporting of battery condition
Message Repetition: One-shot transmission (default) or once             data as part of any transmission.
every 3 minutes (selectable).                                           ALARM REPORT:
Supervision: Signaling at 24-minute intervals.                             Every 20 sec. for the first 3 minutes.
Response to Tamper Event: Tamper report every 3 minutes                    Every 3 min. for the next 27 minutes.
(until the tamper switch is restored).                                     After this period the supervision message will include alarm
Power Source: 3V Lithium battery, Panasonic/GP/Sanyo type CR2                  signal until the event comes to an end.
or equivalent.                                                          Length of Flood Sensor Cable: 3 meters (10 ft)
Note: Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's         Weight of Flood Sensor Cable: Approx. 60 gr.
instructions.                                                           Operating Temperature: 0C to 49C (32F to 120F).
Nominal Battery Capacity: 750 mAh                                       Dimensions: 81 x 22 x 23.5 mm (3-3/16 x 7/8 x 15/16 in.).
Current Drain: 6µA STBY, Maximum 100mA during transmission              Weight (including battery, without cable): 45 g (1.6 oz)
Battery Life with LED on: 3 years (for typical use)                     Standards: USA: CFR 47 part 15, Canada: RSS 210.
Note: Inability to connect with wireless network, or wireless link      ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306
quality no higher than 20% may significantly reduce the expected
battery life.

A. Attach the flood sensor near the floor.                                 circuit board from the base.
B. Secure the flood sensor and its cable to the wall using the three    F. Hold the base against the mounting surface and mark the 2
   wire clamps. One clamp should be fastened immediately above             drilling points through the mounting holes.
   the flood sensor. The flood sensor should be installed only in a     G. Drill the holes and fix the base to the wall using the 2 screws
   vertical position, and facing downward. The remaining two               with countersunk heads supplied in the package.
   clamps can be used as required (Figures 2 and 3).                       CAUTION! Screws with other type or size of head may short
   Note: To provide better protection against rats, it is recommended      circuit the bottom side of the printed circuit board.
   that the flood sensor cable be placed inside a metal/plastic pipe.   H. Insert the edge of the P.C. board with the RF module into the
C. Attach the transmitter to the wall. The transmitter should be           edge supports, and press the other edge against the flexible
   placed as high up as possible on the wall to improve                    retainer until it snaps home with a click.
   communication and to prevent the transmitter itself from coming      I. Clamp the two wires of the flood sensor cable into the
   into contact with water in the event of flooding.                       auxiliary input terminals, as shown in Figure 7 (the wires can
D. Remove the case closure screw (Figure 4), then remove the               be inserted in any order).
   unit's cover (Figure 5).
E. Flex out the circuit board retainer (Figure 6) and detach the

D-303362 MCT-550 SMA Installer's Guide                                                                                                   1

                                                                                               The MCT-550 transmits a coded alarm message immediately
                                                                                               following detection of water contact with the food senso r.
 CLAMP (1 OF 3)
 Attach slightly above Flood Sensor
                                                               FLOOD SENSOR


                                                                                                                                                                           ALARM SYSTEM

                                                                     FLOOD SENSOR CABLE
                                                                              Fig. 2 – Using the MCT-550 SMA

                                                                                                                                                      TRANSMISSION LED
                                                                                                                    CLOSURE SCREW

                         2 - 3 m (recommended length)                FLOOD SENSOR CABLE

                                                                                                                           Fig. 4 – Removing the Case Closure Screw

         Note: Flood sensor height according to
         required food detection. Recommended                                                                                                                                     BASE CATCHES
                                                                     FLOOD SENSOR                                     WIRING INLET
         0-3cm from foo r.

                                                                                                                      COVER                                                       BASE WITHP.C. BOARD

                                                                                                                      Fig. 5 – Separating the Cover from the Base
                Fig. 3 – Correct Mounting of the Flood Detector
                                                                                                                        FLEXIBLERETAINER                       FUNCTIONSELECTOR
                                                                     P.C.BOARD EDGE SUPPORTS
                                                                                                                                       3 V LITHIUMBATTERY                         P.C. BOARDSUPPORTS

                                                            MOUNTING SCREWS

          WIRING INLET

                 Fig. 6 – Base with P.C. Board Removed

                                                                                                              WIRESTO FLOOD SENSOR              LED                           TRANSMITTERRF MODULE

                                                                                                                         AUX. INPUT TERMINALS

                                                                                                                                           Fig. 7 – P.C. Board

                                                                                                       B. Setting the Switches
4.1 The Function Switches                                                                              Set the function switches as desired prior to applying power. Use a
A. Switch Functions                                                                                    ball point pen or other pointed object to shift the switch levers. The
The MCT-550 SMA has a 4-position DIP switch function selector                                          ON position is indicated by the arrow on the switch body.
(see Figure 8).                                                                                        Table 1. Getting acquainted with the function selector
                                FIXED SETTINGS                                                          Sw-       Function                 Pos. Selected Option                                  Default
                                                                                                        SW1                   -                SW1 should remain always in OFF
                                                                                                                                               OFF position
                                                                                                        SW2                   -             -  SW2 should remain always in ON

                                   1     2        3     4                                                                                      ON position
                                                                                                        SW3       Restore reports          ON Restore events reported      ON
                            Fig. 8 – Function Selector                                                            enable/disable           OFF Restore events not reported
                                                                                                        SW4                   -             -                -                -

2                                                                                                                             D-303362 MCT-550 SMA Installer's Guide

4.2 Activating the Detector                                                     4.4 Testing the Unit
To activate, pull the strip that protrudes from the back of the                 Before testing, set DIP switches SW3 and SW4 as required for
detector.                                                                       the particular application (see Para. 4.1).
                                                                                 A. Insert the battery between the battery clips, at the correct
                                                                                    polarity. For proper operation, only Lithium battery
                                                                                    (Panasonic type CR-2 or equivalent) should be used.
                                                                                 B. Press the tamper switch once and release it.
                                                                                     Note: Since the cover is removed and power is applied, a
                                                                                     tamper situation exists. Verify that the MCT-550 SMA
                        Fig. 9 – Activation Strip                                    transmits (the LED lights briefly) once every 3 minutes,
                                                                                     regardless of SW4 setting.
4.3 Pairing/Defaulting the Detector                                              C. When you are satisfied that tamper alerts are transmitted
To pair the detector to the control panel, you must set it to pairing                properly, put the cover on to return the tamper switch to its
mode.                                                                                normal (undisturbed) position. Wait slightly over 3 minutes to
                                                                                     verify that tamper transmissions cease. If all went well, secure
    A. Press and hold down the detector’s tamper switch.                             the front cover to the base with the case closure screw.
    B. Insert the battery into the detector. Wait for the RF                     D. Clean the flood sensor thoroughly with a rag. Bring the flood
          module’s green LED to light.                                               sensor into contact with water and verify that the transmitter
    C. Release the tamper switch and press it again within 4                         LED lights, indicating that transmission is in progress. If SW4
          seconds. When the detector is in pairing mode, the                         is ON, wait 3 minutes to verify that the transmission is
          green LED starts to blink.                                                 repeated at 3-minute intervals.
                                                                                 E. Dry the flood sensor using either blotting paper or a rag, thus
    D. Complete the pairing procedure on the control panel                           restoring it to the undisturbed state and observe the LED. If
          (see the pairing instructions in the control panel’s                       SW3 is set to ON, a “restore” transmission will now take place.
          installation guide).
                                                                                 F. Refer to the target receiver’s installation instructions, and let
                                                                                     the receiver “learn” the ID code associated with the detector.

                                                                                4.5 Maintenance
                                                                                To ensure proper detector's operation, clean the flood sensor
                                                                                thoroughly with a rag once a month and perform test.

   If you encounter one of the following problems with the MCT-550                            Problem                            Remedy
   SMA, perform the suggested remedy:                                              Panel does not arm because of     Consult with your installer or
               Problem                            Remedy                           an unrecognized detector          system provider before you
   Attempt to pair the detector is    Make sure that the detector                  malfunction                       disable a zone.
   unsuccessful.                      has been defaulted and is set                                                  Disable the detector zone (see
                                      to pairing mode (see section                                                   the control panel user manual).
                                      4.3).                                                                          Note that disabling a sensor
   The detector and the panel do      Perform the signal strength                                                    zone lowers the overall security
   not communicate.                   testing procedure described in                                                 level of your system.
                                      the control panel installation
                                      manual. Make sure that the
                                      signal is sufficient. If
                                      necessary, replace the
                                      detector’s battery.
   The detector sends a Low           To ensure continuous proper
   Battery indication.                operation, replace the battery
                                      within two weeks of the first
                                      Low Battery indication.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-210 of
Industry and Science Canada. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including interference that       Visonic Ltd, M/N: E203826
may cause undesired operation.                                                  FCC ID: WP3ZBT
                                                                                IC: 1467C-ZBT
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any          ANSI/UL
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of      Complies with ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306
the device.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est
autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout
brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible
d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.

D-303362 MCT-550 SMA Installer's Guide                                                                                                             3

Visonic Ltd. wireless systems are very reliable and are tested to                                                         The user is cautioned that changes or modifications to the
high standards. However, due to low transmitting power and                                                                unit, not expressly approved by Visonic Ltd., could void the
limited range (required by FCC and other regulatory authorities),                                                         user’s FCC or other authority to operate the equipment.
there are some limitations to be considered:                                                                                                 W.E.E.E. Product Recycling Declaration
                                                                                                                                             For information regarding the recycling of this product you must contact
A. Receivers may be blocked by radio signals occurring on or                                                                                 the company from which you orignially purchased it. If you are discarding
    near their operating frequencies, regardless of the digital code                                                                         this product and not returning it for repair then you must ensure that it is
                                                                                                                                             returned as identified by your supplier. This product is not to be thrown
    used.                                                                                                                                    away with everyday waste.
B. A receiver responds only to one transmitted signal at a time.                                                                             European Directive 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
C. Wireless devices should be tested regularly to determine whether
    there are sources of interference and to protect against faults.

    Visonic Limited (the “Manufacturer") warrants this product only (the "Product") to the original purchaser only (the   However, if the Manufacturer is held liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage arising under this
    “Purchaser”) against defective workmanship and materials under normal use of the Product for a period of twelve       limited warranty, THE MANUFACTURER'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY (IF ANY) SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE
    (12) months from the date of shipment by the Manufacturer.                                                            EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, which shall be fixed as liquidated damages and not as a
    This Warranty is absolutely conditional upon the Product having been properly installed, maintained and operated      penalty, and shall be the complete and exclusive remedy against the Manufacturer.
    under conditions of normal use in accordance with the Manufacturers recommended installation and operation            When accepting the delivery of the Product, the Purchaser agrees to the said conditions of sale and warranty and
    instructions. Products which have become defective for any other reason, according to the Manufacturers               he recognizes having been informed of.
    discretion, such as improper installation, failure to follow recommended installation and operational instructions,   Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so these
    neglect, willful damage, misuse or vandalism, accidental damage, alteration or tampering, or repair by anyone         limitations may not apply under certain circumstances.
    other than the manufacturer, are not covered by this Warranty.                                                        The Manufacturer shall be under no liability whatsoever arising out of the corruption and/or malfunctioning of any
    The Manufacturer does not represent that this Product may not be compromised and/or circumvented or that the          telecommunication or electronic equipment or any programs.
    Product will prevent any death and/or personal injury and/or damage to property resulting from burglary, robbery,     The Manufacturers obligations under this Warranty are limited solely to repair and/or replace at the
    fire or otherwise, or that the Product will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. The Product,         Manufacturer’s discretion any Product or part thereof that may prove defective. Any repair and/or replacement
    properly installed and maintained, only reduces the risk of such events without warning and it is not a guarantee     shall not extend the original Warranty period. The Manufacturer shall not be responsible for dismantling and/or
    or insurance that such events will not occur.                                                                         reinstallation costs. To exercise this Warranty the Product must be returned to the Manufacturer freight pre-paid
    THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,                                             and insured. All freight and insurance costs are the responsibility of the Purchaser and are not included in this
    WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE. IN                                     This warranty shall not be modified, varied or extended, and the Manufacturer does not authorize any person to
    NO CASE SHALL THE MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR                                           act on its behalf in the modification, variation or extension of this warranty. This warranty shall apply to the
    INCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES                                                Product only. All products, accessories or attachments of others used in conjunction with the Product, including
    WHATSOEVER, AS AFORESAID.                                                                                             batteries, shall be covered solely by their own warranty, if any. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any
    THE MANUFACTURER SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,                                   damage or loss whatsoever, whether directly, indirectly, incidentally, consequentially or otherwise, caused by the
    CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OR FOR LOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE, INCLUDING LOSS                                     malfunction of the Product due to products, accessories, or attachments of others, including batteries, used in
                                                                                                                          conjunction with the Products. This Warranty is exclusive to the original Purchaser and is not assignable.
                                                                                                                          This Warranty is in addition to and does not affect your legal rights. Any provision in this warranty which is
    PURCHASER’S USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, OR FOR LOSS OR DESTRUCTION OF                                        contrary to the Law in the state or country were the Product is supplied shall not apply.
    OTHER PROPERTY OR FROM ANY OTHER CAUSE, EVEN IF MANUFACTURER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF                                      Warning: The user must follow the Manufacturer’s installation and operational instructions including testing the
    THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.                                                                                       Product and its whole system at least once a week and to take all necessary precautions for his/her safety and
    THE MANUFACTURER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DEATH, PERSONAL AND/OR BODILY                                        the protection of his/her property.
    INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OR OTHER LOSS WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,                                                                                                                                                   1/08

VISONIC LTD. (ISRAEL):          P.O.B 22020 TEL-AVIV 61220 ISRAEL. PHONE: (972-3) 645-6789, FAX: (972-3) 645-6788
VISONIC INC. (U.S.A.):          65 WEST DUDLEY TOWN ROAD, BLOOMFIELD CT. 06002-1376. PHONE: (860) 243-0833, (800) 223-0020. FAX: (860) 242-8094
VISONIC LTD. (UK):              FRASER ROAD, PRIORY BUSINESS PARK, BEDFORD MK44 3WH. TEL.: +44(0)845 0755800 FAX: +44(0)845 0755801
                                PRODUCT SUPPORT: +44(0)845 755802
                                TEL (34) 91659-3120, FAX (34) 91663-8468.
VISONIC LTD. 2011              MCT-550 SMA       D-303362 (REV. 3, 10/11)

4                                                                                                                                                     D-303362 MCT-550 SMA Installer's Guide

Wireless Digital Pet Immune PIR Detector
                                                                                                                      Installation Instructions

The NEXT® PLUS K9-85 SMA (pet immune) is a microprocessor-                             Sealed chamber protects the optical system.
controlled wireless digital PIR detector.                                              Front cover tamper switch.
The detector’s features are as follows:                                                White light protection.
 Cylindrical lens with uniform detection sensitivity throughout its                   Elegantly styled, sturdy case.
  operating range, up to 15 meters (49 ft).                                           For UL installations: The detector is for use with UL listed control
 Target Specific Imaging™ (TSI) technology is used for distinction                   unit only. Pet immunity has not been evaluated by UL.
  between humans and pets weighing up to 38 kg (85lb).
 Incorporates an iControl-compatible wireless transceiver.
 The advanced True Motion Recognition™ algorithm (patented)
  allows distinguishing between the true motion of an intruder and any                                                       Walk-Test LED
  other disturbances which may cause false alarms.
 Sophisticated frequency domain digital signal processing.
 No vertical adjustment is needed.
 An on-board motion event jumper determines whether 1 or 2
  consecutive motion events trigger an alarm.                                                                                Lens
 After detection, the detector disarms itself to save battery power. It
  rearms (reverts to the ready state) if there is no subsequent
  detection throughout the following 2-minute period.                                                      Fig. 1 - NEXT PLUS K9-85 SMA
 Very low current consumption.
 Microprocessor-controlled temperature compensation.

Detector Type: Dual element low-noise pyro-electric sensor.                           WIRELESS
Lens Data                                                                             Frequency: 2.4 Ghz as per IEEE 802.15.4.
   No. of Curtain Beams: 18 far, 18 mid, 18 close                                     Tamper Alert: Reported when a tamper event occurs and in any
   Max. Coverage: 15 x 15 m, (49 x 49 ft) / 90°                                       subsequent message, until the tamper switch is restored.
Pet Immunity: Up to 38 kg (85 lb).                                                    Supervision Message: Signaling at 24 minutes interval.
ELECTRICAL                                                                            MOUNTING
Internal Battery: 3V Lithium battery, type CR-123A. For UL installations, use         Height: Up to 2.1 m (7 ft)
Panasonic, Sanyo and GP only.                                                         Installation Options: Surface or corner.
Nominal Battery Capacity: 1450 mAh.
Battery Life (with LED on): Typically over 3 years.                                   ACCESSORIES:
Note: Inability to connect with wireless network, or wireless link                    BR-1: Surface mounted swivel bracket, adjustable 30° down and 45°
quality no higher than 20% may significantly reduce the expected                      left/45° right.
battery life.                                                                         BR-2: BR-1 with a corner adapter
Battery Power Test: Performed immediately upon battery insertion                      BR-3: BR-1 with a ceiling adapter
and periodically after every several hours.                                           ENVIRONMENTAL
FUNCTIONAL                                                                            RFI Protection: >20 V/m up to 1000 MHz.
True Motion Event Verification: 2 position selector - 1 (OFF) or 2                    Operating Temperatures: -10°C to 50°C (14°F to 122°F)
(ON) motion events.                                                                   Storage Temperatures: -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F).
Alarm Period: 3 seconds                                                               COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS
Visual Indications:                                                                   USA: CFR 47 part 15, Canada: RSS 210.
    LED Lights for about 3 seconds upon transmission of alarm &                      ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306
          tamper messages and upon motion detection in the walk test                  PHYSICAL
          mode.                                                                       Size (H x W x D): 94.5 x 63.5 x 53.0 mm (3-11/16 x 2-1/2 x 2-1/16”).
    LED Flashes during the power-up stabilization period, or after                   Weight (with battery): 70 g (2.5 oz).
          restoring (pressing) the tamper switch.                                     Color: White.
    LED Does not light upon transmission of supervision messages.                    PATENTS: U.S. Patents 5,693,943  6,211,522  D445,709 (another
Rearm Timer: Rearms the detector 2 minutes after the last alarm.                      patent pending).
Timer disabled in the walk test mode.

3.1 General Guidance

        1                       2                      3                      4                        5                      6                         7

     Do not install near   Do not aim at        Do not install        Do not install          Do not install near   Do not install           Do not mount on
     sources of            windows.             outdoors.             where direct            high-voltage          behind any               unstable surfaces.
     heating/cooling.                                                 sunlight can strike     electrical lines.     obstruction.
                                                                      the unit.

                                                                 Fig. 2 - General Guidelines

D-303361 NEXT® PLUS K9-85 SMA Installation Instructions                                                                                                           1

3.2 Installation Procedure
1. For battery installation, see steps 1-3 below.                                                              2. For mounting the detector, see step 4 below.

                      Push catch and remove board
                  2                                                                                                                             4     Mounting
                                                                      3       Insert battery

                                                       Front Tamper switch

                                   1    Release screw and
                                        remove cover                                                                                     On surface              In corner

                                                                 Fig. 3 – Battery Installation and Mounting

Note: The detector transmits a low battery signal upon detection of
low voltage. It is recommended to wait about 1 minute after battery
removal, before inserting the new battery.

3.3 Activating the Detector
To activate, pull the strip that protrudes from the back of the detector.
Then, close the opening by pasting the supplied sticker over it.

                                                                                                                                      Fig. 3a – Activation Strip
3.3 Pairing the Detector
To pair the detector to the control panel, you must set it to pairing                                          3. Release the tamper switch and press it again within 4 seconds.
                                                                                                               4. Complete the pairing procedure on the control panel (see the pairing
1. Press and hold down the detector’s tamper switch.                                                               instructions in the control panel’s installation guide).
2. Insert the battery into the detector.

3.4 Jumper Settings

                             1 event - fast response                     2 events - Highest false alarm protection

                                                                   ON - LED enabled                             OFF - LED disabled

                                                                                        Fig. 4 - Jumper Settings
3.5 Walk Testing
    Walk across the far end of coverage pattern in both directions.                                               Important! Instruct the user to walk test at least once a week to
    The LED should light for 2-3 seconds each time your motion is                                                 verify proper function of the detector.



                                                                                                                      Top view


                                                                                      0          5       10        15 m
                                                                                                16.4    32.8      49.2 ft
                                                                             2.1 m
                                                                             (6.9 ft)
                                                                                                                      Side view
                                                                                      0          5       10        15 m
                                                                                                16.4    32.8      49.2 ft
                                                                       Fig. 5 - Coverage Pattern Walk-Test
2                                                                                                      D-303361 NEXT® PLUS K9-85 SMA Installation Instructions

   If you encounter one of the following problems with the NEXT
   PLUS K9-85 SMA, perform the suggested remedy:                                               Problem                                       Remedy
              Problem                           Remedy                             The sensor sends a Low                        To ensure continuous proper
   Attempt to pair the sensor is    Make sure that the sensor has                  Battery indication.                           operation, replace the battery
   unsuccessful.                    been defaulted and is set to                                                                 within two weeks of the first
                                    pairing mode (see section 3.5).                                                              Low Battery indication.
   The sensor and the panel do      Perform the signal strength                    Panel does not arm because of                 Consult with your installer or
   not communicate.                 testing procedure described in                 an unrecognized sensor                        system provider before you
                                    the control panel installation                 malfunction                                   disable a zone.
                                    manual. Make sure that the                                                                   Disable the sensor zone (see
                                    signal is sufficient. If                                                                     the control panel user manual).
                                    necessary, replace the                                                                       Note that disabling a sensor
                                    sensor’s battery.                                                                            zone lowers the overall security
                                                                                                                                 level of your system.

Even the most sophisticated detectors can sometimes be defeated or              used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
may fail to warn due to: DC power failure / improper connection,                interference to radio and television reception. However, there is no
malicious masking of the lens, tampering with the optical system,
decreased sensitivity in ambient temperatures close to that of the              guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
human body and unexpected failure of a component part.                          this device does cause such interference, which can be verified by
The above list includes the most common reasons for failure to detect           turning the device off and on, the user is encouraged to eliminate the
intrusion, but is by no means comprehensive. It is therefore                    interference by one or more of the following measures:
recommended that the detector and the entire alarm system be                    – Re-orient or re-locate the receiving antenna.
checked weekly, to ensure proper performance.                                   – Increase the distance between the device and the receiver.
An alarm system should not be regarded as a substitute for                      – Connect the device to an outlet on a circuit different from the one
insurance. Home and property owners or renters should be prudent                  that supplies power to the receiver.
enough to continue insuring their lives and property, even though they          – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician.
are protected by an alarm system.                                               Even the most sophisticated detectors can sometimes be defeated or
                                                                                may fail to warn due to: DC power failure / improper connection,
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a           malicious masking of the lens, tampering with the optical system,
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These             decreased sensitivity in ambient temperatures close to that of the
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful            human body and unexpected failure of a component part.
interference in residential installations. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-210 of
Industry and Science Canada. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this    Visonic Ltd, M/N: E203826
device must accept any interference received, including interference that       FCC ID: WP3ZBT
may cause undesired operation.                                                  IC: 1467C-ZBT

This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any          ANSI/UL
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of      Complies with ANSI/UL 639, ULC – S306
the device.                                                                     WARNING! Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party
                                                                                responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada                                 W.E.E.E. Product Recycling Declaration
                                                                                            For information regarding the recycling of this product you must contact
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est                      the company from which you orignially purchased it. If you are discarding
autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas                        this product and not returning it for repair then you must ensure that it is
                                                                                            returned as identified by your supplier. This product is not to be thrown away
produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout               with everyday waste.
brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible                      Directive 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.

D-303361 NEXT® PLUS K9-85 SMA Installation Instructions                                                                                                                      3

       Visonic Limited (the “Manufacturer") warrants this product only (the "Product") to the original purchaser only   However, if the Manufacturer is held liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage arising
       (the “Purchaser”) against defective workmanship and materials under normal use of the Product for a              under this limited warranty, THE MANUFACTURER'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY (IF ANY) SHALL NOT IN
       period of twelve (12) months from the date of shipment by the Manufacturer.                                      ANY CASE EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, which shall be fixed as liquidated
       This Warranty is absolutely conditional upon the Product having been properly installed, maintained and          damages and not as a penalty, and shall be the complete and exclusive remedy against the Manufacturer.
       operated under conditions of normal use in accordance with the Manufacturers recommended installation            When accepting the delivery of the Product, the Purchaser agrees to the said conditions of sale and
       and operation instructions. Products which have become defective for any other reason, according to the          warranty and he recognizes having been informed of.
       Manufacturers discretion, such as improper installation, failure to follow recommended installation and          Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so these
       operational instructions, neglect, willful damage, misuse or vandalism, accidental damage, alteration or         limitations may not apply under certain circumstances.
       tampering, or repair by anyone other than the manufacturer, are not covered by this Warranty.                    The Manufacturer shall be under no liability whatsoever arising out of the corruption and/or malfunctioning
       The Manufacturer does not represent that this Product may not be compromised and/or circumvented or              of any telecommunication or electronic equipment or any programs.
       that the Product will prevent any death and/or personal injury and/or damage to property resulting from          The Manufacturers obligations under this Warranty are limited solely to repair and/or replace at the
       burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise, or that the Product will in all cases provide adequate warning or          Manufacturer’s discretion any Product or part thereof that may prove defective. Any repair and/or
       protection. The Product, properly installed and maintained, only reduces the risk of such events without         replacement shall not extend the original Warranty period. The Manufacturer shall not be responsible for
       warning and it is not a guarantee or insurance that such events will not occur.                                  dismantling and/or reinstallation costs. To exercise this Warranty the Product must be returned to the
       THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,                                        Manufacturer freight pre-paid and insured. All freight and insurance costs are the responsibility of the
       OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING                                 Purchaser and are not included in this Warranty.
       ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR                                          This warranty shall not be modified, varied or extended, and the Manufacturer does not authorize any person to act on
       OTHERWISE. IN NO CASE SHALL THE MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY                                         its behalf in the modification, variation or extension of this warranty. This warranty shall apply to the Product only.
       CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY OR ANY OTHER                                     All products, accessories or attachments of others used in conjunction with the Product, including batteries, shall be
       WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, AS AFORESAID.                                                                             covered solely by their own warranty, if any. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage or loss whatsoever,
       THE MANUFACTURER SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT,                                          whether directly, indirectly, incidentally, consequentially or otherwise, caused by the malfunction of the Product due
       INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OR FOR LOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE,                                   to products, accessories, or attachments of others, including batteries, used in conjunction with the Products. This
                                                                                                                        Warranty is exclusive to the original Purchaser and is not assignable.
                                                                                                                        This Warranty is in addition to and does not affect your legal rights. Any provision in this warranty which is
       ARISING FROM PURCHASER’S USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, OR FOR LOSS OR                                     contrary to the Law in the state or country were the Product is supplied shall not apply.
       DESTRUCTION OF OTHER PROPERTY OR FROM ANY OTHER CAUSE, EVEN IF MANUFACTURER                                      Warning: The user must follow the Manufacturer’s installation and operational instructions including testing
       HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.                                                              the Product and its whole system at least once a week and to take all necessary precautions for his/her
       THE MANUFACTURER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DEATH, PERSONAL AND/OR BODILY                                   safety and the protection of his/her property.
       INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OR OTHER LOSS WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT,                                                                                                                                                           1/08

VISONIC LTD. (ISRAEL): P.O.B 22020 TEL-AVIV 61220 ISRAEL. PHONE: (972-3) 645-6789, FAX: (972-3) 645-6788
VISONIC INC. (U.S.A.): 65 WEST DUDLEY TOWN ROAD, BLOOMFIELD CT. 06002-1376. PHONE: (860) 243-0833, (800) 223-0020. FAX: (860) 242-8094
PRODUCT SUPPORT: +44(0)845 755802
VISONIC GmbH (D-A-CH): KIRCHFELDSTR. 118, D-40215 DÜSSELDORF, TEL.: +49 (0)211 600696-0, FAX: +49 (0)211 600696-19
FAX (34) 91663-8468.
VISONIC LTD. 2011                NEXT PLUS K9-85 SMA  D-303361 (Rev 4. 10/11)

4                                                                                                               D-303361 NEXT® PLUS K9-85 SMA Installation Instructions

Document Created: 2011-12-19 08:09:19
Document Modified: 2011-12-19 08:09:19

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