User Manual


Users Manual

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                       Rondish UI DMS-02 v.04

         RONDISH DoorWatcher
            EASY INSTALL
                             ( For Curbell only)

                       USER INSTRUCTION

Issued 25 April 2017








6.1 INSTALLATION GUIDE (001/1 – 001/3)


6.3 QUICK PROGRAMMING GUIDE (001/5 – 001/6)

6.4 USE OF DOOR CONTACTS (001/7 – 001/8)

6.5 QUICK SET-UP FOR DOOR STRIPS 001/9 – 001/11)






1.1 Rondish DMS-02 Strip Door Monitor

This unit is a further upgrade of our successful DMS-01 door monitor.

1.1.1 Overview:

Having some enhanced features, the two strip sensors are installed at each side of a door, or set up in an
area and powered from a 12Vdc regulated supply. Power is connected to the free jack socket provided.

These two sensing strips are cabled together and operate jointly to detect an approaching patient wearing
a wristband transmitter. An alarm is then generated that can be reset by the choice of using:

    (a)   Our wireless remote reset transmitter
    (b)   Application of our magnetic key at the position indicated by a blue circle
    (c)   A wired, external “normally open” contact
    (d)   The alarm reset button on our TTEST-01 test unit
    (e)   A wireless, or wired security keypad, or card reader

This “reset” function introduces a delay before the alarm becomes active again. Therefore, it can be used
to over-ride/bypass the door monitor alarm while escorting patients through a protected door.

1.1.2 Other functions and interconnections:

    (a) Pre-alarm:

    A 12Vdc output is provided to operate an electric door lock. These connections are provided at the
    top end of the sensor strip units for convenient installation. Upon sensing the approach of a
    wristband transmitter, the system can provide the 12Vdc output to temporarily apply the electric lock
    and can activate the buzzer to provide a “pre-alarm” warning to the patient. This function is
    selectable at J11 on the PCB (factory default = open – which means no sounder).

    (b) Door status sensing:

    Connections are provided for “normally closed” magnetic door contact. These contacts are used to
    detect a door being opened and “arming” the door monitor. In this event, a patient approaching an
    open door will immediately trigger a full alarm.

    (c) Alarm output:

     A “pulsed”, or “steady” 12Vdc alarm output is also provided for operation of external light indicators,
    sounders etc. The required mode is selectable at J18 on the PCB (factory default = pins 2-3
    “steady”. Adjustable to pins 2-1 = “pulsed”).

    (d) Cabled (wired) data transmit option:


    Connections are provided for a 4 core telephone type cable for alarms and other signals to be routed
    to our central monitor. Connection of this cable at the central monitor is via our junction box (CMJ-01)
    and requires a 10K resistor to ground to ensure operation.

    (f) Wired reset option.

    Connections are provided at the bottom end of the sensor strips for a wired reset function e.g. use of
    external keypad, or other external reset function

    These connections are duplicated at the top of the strip sensors for convenience of cabling,
    connection of keypad etc.

1.2 The patient wristband digital transmitter

For door monitoring, there are two main versions of this device:

1. Patient transmitter (TXP-02). This utilizes a watch-style strap, or hospital type with non-removable
   (locked) plastic strap.

2. Warden/caregiver door alarm reset/alarm override transmitter (DRB-11).

This patient transmitter is a multi-functional, programmable unit. It can be set up for chosen ID numbers
for groups of users in response to particular customer requirements.

This software controlled transmitter can automatically detect “low battery” condition and send a signal to
alert staff, or caregivers that approximately four (4) weeks of operation remains.

It is very important that a wristband tester unit (TTEST-01) is employed at each site to allow regular staff
checking that the wristbands are transmitting correctly and to indicate any low battery status.

Patient wristbands must be de-activated (password protected) e.g. while held in distributor’s stock to
conserve battery life and re-activated upon issue to a customer. Directions can be found in the Rondish
Transmitter Programming Manual.

2.0 INSTALLATION (refer to drawings 001/1 to 001/11)

Details of the various terminal connections are shown in the drawings 001/1 and 001/3.

2.1 Installation position

This “strip” door monitor is usually installed at the side of a door, as shown in drawing 001/2. Dependent
upon the situation, the user may choose to install the monitors close to the side of the door post on each
side of the door frame. (2 door strips).

If the door has metal posts/frame, ensure that minimum 300mm spacing is allowed between post and
monitor unit.

In exceptional circumstances, especially where short range is required a strip monitor could be installed
on the door itself.

2.2 Preparation

This “strip” monitor unit is designed for mounting utilizing the double sided tape provided.

Caution: Although the plastic housing has holes that could be used for screw fixing, these must not be
used as there is a risk of a short circuit or damage occurring to the lower side of the PCB. After fixing the


plastic strip monitor housing, the PCB inside can slide out of the housing, through the top, or bottom end
to expose the various controls for adjustment.

It is important to try to avoid placing the monitor immediately beside any metal objects, such as metal
doors, electrical cables, metal cabinets etc as these can affect the performance of the door monitoring
system. Following initial setting up of the detection zone, parking of large metal objects within the field of
the system (6/8 ft) such as trolleys, beds, etc should be avoided as these will also have an effect upon the
detection field of the monitor.

2.3 Power supply

The 12Vdc ac adaptor output cable should be plugged into the wired-in strip monitor power supply cable
with jack socket and connected to the ac mains supply, when ready to power up the monitor (see Section
3 below – “Setting Up”). If using a magnetic door contact, or electric door lock, connections are
conveniently provided at the top end of the monitor. Note that when using a door lock, an ac adaptor
providing minimum 500mA at 12Vdc is required. Where the two strips are used on either side of a door
both should be connected to the door lock (in parallel) and to the magnetic door contact (in series) if
employed (see diagrams 001/1 and 001/3 for details).

2.4 External devices

An external indicating light and/or external sounder may be connected to the alarm output terminals (refer
to J18 option).

The connections for the door lock and alarm light at the top of the sensor strips have a 12V dc power
source provided and an output that pulls down to 0V via a relay contact (max 1A). Therefore, this only
requires a two-wire connection (refer to drawings 001/1 and 001/3). The rating of the ac adaptor must be
considered when connecting these external devices to the monitor and advice can be obtained from our
technical services division.

Cables for connecting the power supply, door locks, magnetic door contacts, or other external devices
should be kept as short as possible and away from the body of the monitor unit, as these will have an
effect upon field/detection zone of the system.

3.0 PROGRAMMING AND SETTING UP (please refer to drawings in Section 6)

3.1 Programming

If our DMU-02 wireless remote display unit and/or our CMU-02 wireless Central Monitor with large LCD
display is to be employed, the door monitor can be programmed to transmit an alarm with a number
identifying the particular door and area. The other programmable features are the door lock time (5
second interval settings) and the field detection zone size.

For setting up, first slide PCB out of the end opposite to the power cord. Refer to drawing 001/1.
Observe the exposed “Mode” button and door/area ID programming rotary switch.

Note: A single digit “location” code number only needs to be set if there is more than one CMU-02 on the
system and you wish to route this door monitor’s signals to only one particular monitor. In this case, the
CMU-02 would be set for a “matching” single digit (1-7) location number. Otherwise set this door monitor
rotary control to zero (0) so it can be received by any central monitor.

3.1.1 Programming door and area identity numbers

To enter “programming” mode, hold down the “Mode” button for around 3 seconds until three (3) rapid
bleeps with LED flashes are observed, then release the button.


When using two door monitor strips together on one door, it is necessary to program both units with the
same door and area number but different door extension numbers. (Usually 1 & 2)

(a) First set the required Door Identity Number (which particular door).

Use a small screw driver to turn the rotary program switch (0 – 15 positions) and set desired Door Identity
number. Observe that positions A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = 15.

Press the “Mode” button once and the unit will beep/flash once to acknowledge.

Note: When more than one sensor strip is used on a door, when an alarm is activated a wireless signal is
automatically sent to activate its partner sensor strip having the same door ID code. This ensures that
both monitors activate when protecting the same door, or area.

(b) Next (while still in “programming” mode), set required Area Number

Turn the rotary program switch to desired area number. (“0” up to “7”, only).

Press the “Mode” button once and the unit will beep/flash to acknowledge.

Setting a zero (0) will allow the signal to be accepted by all central monitors.

(c) Now set the door extension number.

As two strips are normally used on a door/area, the left hand strip is usually set to “1” and right hand strip
is set to “2”. Also, to identify which door strip is faulty in the case of a failure being detected by the central
monitor using the self checking procedures.

Press the mode button again.

(d) Set Door Lock Application Time

If electric door lock/s is to be used, you can now set the door lock application time using the same rotary
switch. Note that this switch sets multiples of 5 seconds.

If the door is closed, the lock/s will be immediately applied when a wristband comes within the detection
range of the door monitor and will be released a short time later. No main alarm is triggered in this
situation. Automatic lock release timing is dependent upon the setting of this rotary switch in five second
intervals (approximately).

During the “lock/s applied” time the buzzer can emit a “steady” sound (selectable at J11) as a pre-alarm
warning and to indicate to the patient that the door is locked. For example, setting “3” = 3 x 5 = 15
seconds, or setting “5” = 5 x 5 = 25 seconds etc.

When the lock is released after the set “time-out”, should the door be opened (activating the “normally
closed” magnetic door contacts) and the patient still be inside the detection zone a main alarm will
immediately be triggered. Staff is required to “reset” this main alarm at the particular door/area.

Note: Setting “0” at the rotary switch permanently applies the lock, until the alarm at the monitor is reset.

Now, press the “Mode” button once again and the unit will beep/flash to acknowledge.

A few seconds later, the sensor strip will automatically leave programming mode and return to “normal”

3.2 Setting up detection zone (refer to drawings 001/9 to 001/11)


In normal alarm operation, this “strip” monitor features an array of red LED lights inside the translucent
cover. A number of LED’s are used to indicate “alarm on” (patient transmitter signal sensed - door
contact open), one LED is used for “signal sensed”. - no alarm (door contact closed).

Please refer to the Rondish Transmitter Programming Instruction Manual. To carry out testing and setting
up for the door monitor detection zone, a TXP-02 patient wristband transmitter should be pre-
programmed for test operation with the system.

This transmitter can then be used to test the door monitor range/detection zone. Refer to drawings 001/9
to 001/11 for recommended set-up procedure.

If magnetic door contacts are fitted and during this range setting/test procedure, each time the door
monitor has triggered in response to receiving and sensing the signal from the patient test transmitter
programmed (TXP-02) wristband transmitter, it will either trigger the “pre-alarm” warning or a main alarm
if the door is already opened.

3.3 Finally testing performance of the detection zone (refer to drawing 001/11)

3.3.1 General.

Before the system can be tested, it is first necessary to check the patient transmitter unit (TXP-02) is
switched on using the TTEST-01 test unit.


TXP-02 transmitters can be switched off only by entering “programming mode” and entering the password
as described in the Rondish transmitter programming instructions. Should a particular patient wristband
transmitter not be active (already switched off), the following steps should be followed:

(a) Please refer to drawing 001/4. Use a magnet or Caregiver key (CK-01) to activate the transmitter.

(b) To “switch on” a patient wristband transmitter, place the magnet/Caregiver key in contact with the
patient transmitter body (as indicated in the drawing 001/4) and observe the red LED inside.

(c) Continue to hold the magnet in this position for approximately three seconds. After this period, the red
LED inside the transmitter will “blink” three times. The unit is now activated (switched on) and emitting
signals that can be detected by the door monitor.

If the wristband is then worn and taken into the detection zone, the strip sensors will detect these signals.
Should the range of the detection field need to be adjusted, it is necessary to follow the procedure
described above and selecting a setting resulting in more, or less range, as required.


1. These wristbands and door monitors are wireless devices and in practice the actual range for activation
of the door alarm can only be approximate. Therefore, the range will vary slightly from one activation, to

2. The sound level of the sensor strip buzzer can be adjusted by turning VR1 with a small “crossed” screw
driver (clockwise to reduce level - see PCB and diagram 001/1).

3. Any other controls not mentioned I this instruction manual are used for factory settings and should not
be adjusted in the field.


3.3.2 Checking performance

Check the performance of the door monitor by carrying an active patient wristband transmitter and
walking towards the door from a starting point, say 20ft from the sensors.

As the door/area is approached, the wristband signals should be detected by the sensors at the
approximate distance required from the door. If the distance is too great, or too small re-run the
procedure with the set up transmitter as described above but you should note that settings are
approximate only. The important point is to make sure this approximate distance is first set correctly
using the set-up transmitter.

For example, if you set the sensors initially to a “5” (on the rotary switch) sensitivity setting and you find
the range could be set longer (remember set the range as long as the site will allow you too), you should
try a “4” setting since this is a more sensitive setting and therefore has longer range.

If you require a shorter range then use a ”6” setting (less sensitivity = lower range) and so on.

Note: The number actually indicates the signal level during set-up. Therefore a higher number indicates
a higher signal is required to be received from the transmitter and therefore shorter range.
As you are using two sensor strips, you have to set-up each strip in turn. Usually they will be set to the
same sensitivity level “number”. Due to variations on each site, they may need be set differently to suit
the requirement.

3.3.3 Wristband low battery auto detect and report

Each patient wristband (TXP-02) will detect “low battery” and automatically transmit a signal to be
indicated by an LED on the door monitor. This “low battery” condition will be also indicated on our TTEST
staff wristband tester (if held within 1.5m of the wristband), CMU-02 central monitor, or HPCON-01
wireless universal remote display equipment etc.

When “low battery” is reported, there are approximately four weeks of reliable life remaining for the
particular wristband.

It is recommended that every door monitor site employs our TTEST wireless tag reader to allow regular
staff checks of wristband signals and battery condition.


This door monitor may be used for normally open or normally closed doors.

4.1 Normally open door

(No door contact fitted, or using sensors fitted in a corridor area)

If a patient wearing the wristband enters the detection zone, a full alarm will immediately be triggered.
This is indicated by the red LED’s flashing and the sounder on – “steady while any door lock is on and
“pulsing” after door lock time-out. Refer to J11.

An activated alarm will be transmitted to be received by a wireless central monitor, or other display and
indication device (if employed). The risk of any unwanted alarms can be reduced by fitting a PIR detector
(see drawing 001/8).

This alarm can be reset remotely by a care attendant approaching the door and pressing the button on a
wireless reset transmitter, entering the correct code on the wireless keypad or by presenting the optional
magnetic proximity key at the point indicated on the door monitor unit (blue circle). It can also be reset (if
within range) by using our TTEST staff tester and control unit.


4.2 Normally closed door with pre-warning (see drawing 001/7)

A magnetic door contact can be fitted. If a patient wearing a wristband enters the detection zone, the
local sounder is activated (pre-alarm warning) and if fitted the door lock energized (refer to J11 option).
While the door remains closed, the door monitor does not activate any main alarm.

Should the door be opened (following the pre-selected lock/s applied time), an alarm will immediately be
activated and transmitted to a central monitor, or other display and indication device to be indicated as a
full alarm.

Upon receiving the pre-warning, the patient should retreat from the sensor detection zone. After a short
period the door lock will be released (unless set to always be “on” i.e. time setting zero (“0”)). If the door
is now opened no alarm is activated provided the patient is no longer within range.

4.3 Full alarm reset/bypass

A full alarm at the door monitor can be reset by a caregiver using either the remote wireless reset
transmitter, magnetic proximity key etc. This reset transmitter may also be used to “bypass” the door
alarm for a preset period of time to allow a patient wearing a wristband to be escorted through a protected
door. Other devices may be employed to reset/bypass the door alarm (refer to “Reset” terminal on
connector shown in drawing 001/1 and 001/3).

4.4 Functionality

The door monitor unit incorporates a wireless “data” receiver that detects and reads the identity of each
transmitter. It can simultaneously receive a number of transmitters passing through the detection field.

Separate field strength receivers are built into the monitor unit to detect and analyze the strength of
signals emitted from nearby wristband transmitters and therefore the approximate distance from the

4.5 Patient transmitter programming and battery saving

As standard procedure, patient wristbands are supplied pre-programmed with factory standard ID
numbers and with the transmitter de-activated (switched off) to conserve the battery.

A simple procedure for activation (switch on) of a “dormant” wristband transmitter is described in section
3.3.1 above and in drawing 001/4.

Programming information describing how to set individual ID numbers and/or de-activate (switch off) the
wristband transmitter is provided in the Rondish Transmitter Programming Instruction Manual.


5.1 Door monitor unit

1) Operating Frequency: 433.92MHz

2) Operating Power

(a) Current for door monitor, but no door lock, or flash light <100mA
(b) Current for door monitor with one door lock and flash light < 400mA


(c) Ac mains adaptor (for regional ac voltage input): Regulated 12Vdc 500mA (UL/CE approved).

3) Magnetic door contact, or PIR connection: Uses “normally closed”, volt-free magnetic contact
   between the “Contact” and 0V terminals.

4) Maximum rating for relay output contacts: 1A (e.g. for door lock)

5) Adjustable buzzer volume (Internal)

6) Automatic “Out Of Range” and “Interference” detection with alert (used with Central Monitor)

7) Dimensions of housing: 720mm x 30mm x 20mm.

9) Narrow band receiver to help prevent interference.

5.2 Patient wristband transmitter (TXP-02)

1) Radio frequency 433.92MHz. Narrow band digital wireless

2) Operating Range: Adjustable at door monitor (typical 2-8 meters)

3) Periodic digital transmissions:
4) Extended battery life.

 (a) Battery saving activate/de-activate function using a magnet or Caregiver key (CK-01)

 (b) Normal use (always on): Typically 1 year

 (c) Continuous out-of-service “shelf life”: of the order of 5 years (Typically 10% battery
     life reduction per year).

5) Low battery detection and alert

6) Unique identity coding

7) Unit programming function (password protected)

8) Error checking (check sum)


                                                                                                                                                                                         RONDISH STRIP DOOR MONITOR

                                                                                12Vdc 500mA regulated ac mains adaptor, or PSU
                                                                                      (regional ac mains voltage to apply)
                                       Optional wired
  Common +12Vdc power                 reset connection
                                                                               Door zone range setting, door lock timing, door
                                  (keypad, card reader etc)
                                                                                     identity and area coding program
                                                                                           (16 way rotary switch)

      Holes for                                                                                                                       J15

      cable tie                          +12V
                                                                                                                                                             Standard adaptor
                                                                                                                                                               plug (12Vdc)
                                                                                                                                                                                         Optional free socket and cable
                                                                                                                                                                                           for ac adaptor connection
   Cable entry                             0V
                                                                                                                                                                                               (fitted as standard)

                                                                 Sounder level adjust
   Optional magnetic door
    contacts connection
                                                      Mode button for                           Translucent plastic housing
                                                       programming                                     (white colour)
                                                                                                                                                                     Cable tie
                 Common power 0V                                                                                                                         (loop cable through for strength)
                                                                          Common 0V
                                                                                                      Alarm contact output
                                                                                                     (0Vdc J15 flash/steady)

                      Red alarm and set-up LED indicators                      Not used                                    Optional magnetic door
                        (inside white translucent cover)                                                                    contacts connection
                                                                        PCB                                                                                           PVC Sheathed
                                                                                                                                                                   two core flexible cable
                                                                                                                                                                       (black colour)

                                                                        J18                                        0V         ALARM
                                                                                                                   N/C                      CONTACT
                                                                                                                   TX          LOCK         0V
                                                                                                                   RESET       +12V         +12V

                                                                                                                                                                                        Removable (slide-off)
                                                                                                                                                      Common power 0V
                                                                                        Optional wired
                                                                                       data connection                                      Common +12Vdc power
                                                                                      (J15 Tx, or wired)          Optional electric door
                                                                                                                    lock connection
                                                       Magnetic contacts for optional                                                                   TITLE                   Strip Door Monitor unit
                                                       caregiver magnetic key alarm
                                                                  reset                                Optional wired
                                                                                                      reset connection                                  MODEL No.             DMS-02
                                                                                                  (keypad, card reader etc)
  NOTE:                                                                                                                                                 DRAWING No.           001/1V2
          Use standard Rondish ac adaptor (ACCE-04,) or power supply of sufficient capacity
          if door locks are to be connected.
          For detailed wiring connections, refer to drawing 001/3

                                                                                                                                                RONDISH STRIP DOOR MONITOR
6.1 INSTALLATION GUIDE (001/1 – 001/3)
          Optional wired flashlight/sounder. Use +12V common.                               Otional wired data
             (0Vdc J18 flashing/steadyalarm contact output)                                        J15                                ac mains adaptor
                                                                         12V dc power
                                                                                                                                      500mA regulated

                                                                                                                                     Wireless remote caregiver
                                                                                                                                 alarm reset and bypass transmitter
                                     Optional "NC" magnetic door
                                      contacts (for double doors
                                          connect in "series")
                                    Set J11 for pre-alarm door lock

                                                Optional electric door lock
                                         (for double doors connect in "parallel")
                                    (Follow manufacturer's installation instructions)

                                           Optimum position for DMS-02
                                          Centre = approx 1300mm AFFL

                                                                                                             Alternative magnetic
                                                                                                                (caregiver key)
     1300mm                                                                                              alarm reset point (blue circle)

                                                                                                                                   Patient wireless wristband
                                                                                                                               transmitte. Can be programmed
                                                                                                                                  forset-up and range testing

  TITLE             Strip Door Monitor
                                                                                        In this case, the sensor strips should be mounted near to the door post.
  MODEL No.          DMS-02                                                             If metal door posts allow minimum 300mm clearance.
                                                                                        Please refer to the User Instructions for setting up.
  DRAWING No.        001/2V3

                                                                                        INSTALLATION GUIDE (PAGE 2 OF 3)

                                                                                                                                                  RONDISH STRIP DOOR MONITOR DMS-02

6.1 INSTALLATION GUIDE (001/1 – 001/3)

                                                                            NOTE: Power, Lock and Magnertc Door Contact connections are duplicated at both ends of
                                                                                 strip sensor units unit for convenience of connection.

  12Vdc 500mA regulated                          12Vdc (1amp max) output to energise door lock (optional)                                  12Vdc (1 amp max) alarm contact output for flash
       power input                                       Please refer to User Instruction manual                                               light, or other indicating device (optional)

                                                                                       Magnetic door contacts(optional)
                                                                 Electric door lock

                                          Connect in parallel
                                      (for two door strips and/or
                                            two door locks)

                                  Connect 12V power supply
                                  in parallel (for two door strips)                            Connect magnetic contacts in series
                                                                                              (for two door strips and/ordouble doors)

                                                  Refer to J11

                           Contact 0V 12V                                                                       Refer to J15

                          Alarm     Lock +12V

                          0V N/C TX      Reset                                                                                 TITLE                Wiring for door monitor strips

                                                                                                                               MODEL No.           DMS-02
                                          Reset                                             Wired data Tx
                                                                                                                               DRAWING No.         001/3V2
                           (Contact, keypad, card reader etc)                   Typically 4 core telephone type cable
                             Please refer to drawing 001V2                                   to CMU-02
                            for alternative Reset connection                                      via
                                                                                         CMJ-01 junction box

                                             RONDISH STRIP DOOR MONITOR DMS—02


Pationt Wristband (TXP—02) Low Power(LP)

                                   Use magnet or Garegiver
                                   key(CK—01) to actvate/deactivate
                                   the patient wristband(TXP.—02)

        magnetc Sutch

                              TTLE              To activate (switch on) wristband Tx
                               Model No.        TXP—02 (LP)
                               Drawing No.      0014

                                                                                    RONDISH STRIP DOOR MONITOR DMS-02

6.3 QUICK PROGRAMMING GUIDE (001/5 – 001/6)

                                DOOR MONITOR STRIP : QUICK PROGRAMMING GUIDE


    On the door strip monitor you can program the following items

    1. Set door number on rotary switch 0-15(F)                    Identifies door number at Central Monitor
                                                                   NOTE: When two door monitor strips are
                                                                   used same door it should be set the same
                                                                   to allow to work together

    2. Set area code/number on rotary switch 0-7                   Must match the particular Central Monitor
                                                                   setting. Refer to CMU-02 User Instructions.
                                                                   Set to zero if want to receive by all CM.

    3. Set door "extension" number 0-6                             When two, or more monitor strips are used
                                                                   for the same door. Sets left side to one
                                                                   and right side to two and so on
                                                                   by multiple door strips with same door number.
                                                                   set to zero if only one door strip used.

    4. Set door lock/s timer 0-F                                   Sets door lock/s applied timer in intervals
                                                                   of 5 seconds. NOTE: setting "0" = no
                                                                   time-out (continuous application of locks
                                                                   during alarm).

    Step 1:

    Remove cap at bottom of strip unit at opposite end to magnetic caregiver key alarm reset point
    (blue circle).

     Slide off cap and slide
     out PCB at bottom of monitor strip

    Step 2:
                                          Rotary programming switch
                                          Programme mode button
                                          (press and hold for 3 seconds until "beep" heard)

                                                                   TITLE                      Quick Programming Procedure

                                                                   MODEL No.              DMS-02

                                                                   DRAWING No.                001/5

                                                                                 Rondish Door Monitoring System DMS-02

6.3 QUICK PROGRAMMING GUIDE (001/5 – 001/6)

                                 DOOR MONITOR QUICK PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE

Step 3:
(i)       Press and hold programme mode button until you hear three(3) fast beeps.
          Set door number on rotary programming switch.(1-F)

(ii)      Press mode button until you hear one (1) "beep".
          Set area code number e.g. "0" will be received by any Central Monitor.

(iii)     Press and hold programme mode button until you hear two (2) beeps..
          Set door "extension" code (required when two, or more monitor strips are used for one
          door). This code is set e.g. on the first strip monitor as 1 and a second strip on the same door as 2.
          note. Set to zero if one unit or used with older versions of door monitors.

(iv)      Press and hold programme mode button until you hear three (3) beeps.
          Set door lock time number. These are set at 5 second intervals - example 3=15 seconds
          5 = 25 seconds, F(15) = 75 secs. Note. 0 = always on in alarm.

(v)       Press program button until hear 2 beeps and after a few seconds unit will
          beep 4 times and exit program mode.

          Testing after programming a door monitor
          You now need to test into a central monitor by setting off an alarm with a
          wristband and checking door number dsiplayed. If central monitor does not receive the alarm you may
          need to check the area code is set correctly. (set central monitor to zero area code and try again
          to test if this is the problem).      NOTE: If the area code on the central monitor is set differently to
          the door monitor (unless one is zero) it will not receive the signal.
          If two door monitors are programmed to the same door number i.e. on the same door and
          you find the signal is not reliable to the central monitor especially when a door contact is used and during a
          alarm reset this probbaly means the door extension number has not been set correctly. Try reprogramming
          the units ensuring these are set to different numbers. (eg 1, 3, etc)
          Check the door lock time (buzzer steady on ) is correct (usually set to 15 secs) with a watch etc.
          That concludes the tests.

                                                         TITLE                  Quick Programming Procedure
                                                         MODEL NO.              DMS-02
                                                         DRAWING NO.            001/6

                                                                  RONDISH STRIP DOOR MONITOR DMS-02
6.4 USE OF DOOR CONTACTS (001/7 – 001/8)

                 ALARMS                             Due to the nature of electromagnetic signals and in
                                                    operating wireless door monitoring systems, it should
                                                    be noted that while a very high level of accuracy is
       1. Magnetic contacts                         achieved, 100% accuracy can not be guaranteed.

                                                             Magnetic contact closed (door monitor disabled).
                                                             Refer to J11
                                                             Door closed: pre-alarm sounds constant tone for
                                                             preset time (e.g. 15 seconds).
                                                             Door lock will operate (if fitted), but no full alarm
                                                             while door remains closed.

      Floor 2

                                   Floor slab

                                                       Optional wireless
                                                    Monitor with LCD display
                                                      (CS-01 or CMU-02)

                                                Magnetic door contact open (door monititor "armed").
                                                If door opened, have instant full alarm.
                                                Note: For full alarm, the alarm tone is activated, the door
                                                monitor LEDs flash and a wireless signal is sent to the
                                                Central Monitor (if employed).


                                                PIR detector may be used as an alternative
                                                to the magnetic door contact, or if no door/open area

       Floor 1
                                                TITLE                  Multi-door monitor/multi-floor

                                                MODEL No.              DMS-02

                                                DRAWING No.            001/7V3

                                                                                Rondish Door Monitoring System DMS-02

6.4 USE OF DOOR CONTACTS (001/7 – 001/8)

            Fitting a PIR detector can help reduce unwanted alarms in a close environment.
            For example, in a corridor with no doors, or open door operation
            Connect PIR to strip monitor magnetic door contact terminals
            Wire PIR 12V power in parallel with door strip power terminals

                                                                               PIR Detector

                                                                                                Optional CMU-02
                                                                                                or CS-01
                                                                                                with LCD display

       In this case, alarm is only allowed when the PIR is triggered.

       NOTE: This is useful to reduce unwanted alarms when wristbands are carried near
       to the door monitors e.g. on the other side of a wall, or (less likely) on a floor above, or below.


    Due to the nature of electromagnetic signals and in
    operating wireless door monitoring systems, it should
    be noted that while a very high level of accuracy is
    achieved, 100% accuracy can not be guaranteed.

                                                          TITLE               Corridor/no door operation

                                                          MODEL No.           DMS-02

                                                          DRAWING No.         001/8V3

                                                                       RONDISH STRIP DOOR MONITOR DMS-02

6.5 QUICK SET-UP FOR DOOR STRIPS 001/9 – 001/11)

                                   Strip Door Monitor quick setup procedure


Setting up the DMS-02 strip door monitor has been made easy using the TXP-02(LP) patient tansmitter
for range test. NOTE: Do not press the program button on the monitor unit.
Also, please note that maximum range of the unit (rotary switch at zero) is around 5-8 meters.
You should first program the door strip monitors before setting up.

Step 1:

Set rotary switch on monitor/s to mid-point (7). An LED should be "blinking" slowly to indicate "ready".

Step 2:

Fit TXP-02(LP) transmitter unit on wrist and ensure it is switched on using the magnet/Caregiver key (CK-01)
(Please refer to drawing 001/4). If magnetic contacts are fitted and standing near to the door,
you should see another LED flashing to indicate "signal detected".

Step 3:

Move away from the door monitor until this flashing "signal detected" LED stops completely. Next, move back
towards the door until this signal LED flashes again. This point indicates the approximate set up detection
range for the door monitor installation.

Step 4:

If you require more range (longer distance from the door), reduce the setting of the monitor rotary
switch to 6. For less range (shorter distance from door), set the rotary switch to 8.

Step 5:

Continue to adjust the setting of the rotary switch/s and repeat testing until the required range is

You may now close the door monitor housing and range setup is complete.

                                                       TITLE                Quick Setup Procedure

                                                       MODEL No.           DMS-02

                                                       DRAWING No.         001/9V3

                                                                             RONDISH STRIP DOOR MONITOR DMS-02

6.5 QUICK SET-UP FOR DOOR STRIPS 001/9 – 001/11)

                                      For setting up detection zone/range, please refer to User Instruction (Page
                                      7 section 3.2)

                                      (a) start with door zone range rotary switch to a mid-way setting (7)

                                      (b) Using the range test transmitter, walk towards the door monitor

                                      (c) When the LEDs flash and a beep is heard, the monitor has detected the
                                      signal from the test transmitter. The distance between transmitter and door
                                      monitor at that time indicates approximate door zone range setting.
                                      note. Only 1 beep (the first) indicates an alarm condition.
                                      higher number = lower range/smaller detection zone.

                                      (d) Using a patient wristband, the door monitor alarm will be triggered. The
                                      electronic coding of the test transmitter indicates range, but does not trigger any

                                      Note: Please refer to drawing 001/5. Adjust rotary switch and repeat range test
       Wearing the range test         as necessary until required door zone performance is obtained.
 transmitter wristband(TXP-02(LP)),
      walk slowly towards the
             door monitor

                                                                   TITLE                    Set up the Strip Door Monitor

                                                                   MODEL No.                DMS-02

                                                                   DRAWING No.              001/10V3

                                                                            RONDISH STRIP DOOR MONITOR DMS-02

6.5 QUICK SET-UP FOR DOOR STRIPS 001/9 – 001/11)


                                    Rondish Patient Transmitter

         (a) Switch on/activate a patient tracking wristband by refering to the User Instruction (Page 8
             section 3.3.1)

         (b) Refer to USER INSTRUCTIONS section 3.0. Wearing a wristband on the wrist, test by walking towards
             the door/zone from different directions. If set correctly, the door monitor should alarm before you
            reach the door.

         Note: Settings are approximate only, so repeat set-up and test again, if necessary.

                                                                  TITLE                  Test the Patient Transmitter

                                                                  MODEL No.              DMS-02

                                                                  DRAWING No.            001/11V3

7.1    Warning:

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following

-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
   is connected.

-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

7.2    CAUTION:



7.3    Notice

Changes or modifications are not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.


Document Created: 2017-05-23 16:31:15
Document Modified: 2017-05-23 16:31:15

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