RF Test Report


Test Report

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                          Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

                                                                 TEST REPORT
         Applicant:                      DEI Sales, Inc., dba Polk Audio

         Address:                        1 Viper Way Vista, California 92801, USA

         Manufacturer or
                                         DEI Sales, Inc., dba Polk Audio

         Address                         1 Viper Way Vista, California 92801, USA

         Product:                        Home Theater Sound Bar System

         Brand Name:                     Polk

         System Model                    COMMAND SYS US-CAN

         Test Model:                     COMMAND SUBWOOFER

         Additional Model &
         Model Difference

         Date of tests:                  Nov. 11, 2017 ~ Dec. 08, 2017

         the tests have been carried out according to the requirements of the following standard:

              FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.249

         CONCLUSION: The submitted sample was found to COMPLY with the test requirement

                            Tested by Harry Li                                                           Approved by Glyn He
                   Project Engineer / EMC Department                                                  Supervisor / EMC Department

                                                                                                              Date: Mar. 28, 2018
         This report is for your exclusive use. Any copying or replication of this report to or for any other person or entity, or use of our name or trademark, is
         permitted only with our prior written permission. This report sets forth our findings solely with respect to the test samples identified herein. The
         results set forth in this report are not indicative or representative of the quality or characteristics of the lot from which a test sample was taken or
         any similar or identical product unless specifically and expressly noted. Our report includes all of the tests requested by you and the results thereof
         based upon the information that you provided to us. You have 60 days from date of issuance of this report to notify us of any material error or
         omission caused by our negligence, provided, however, that such notice shall be in writing and shall specifically address the issue you wish to
         raise. A failure to raise such issue within the prescribed time shall constitute your unqualified acceptance of the completeness of this report, the
         tests conducted and the correctness of the report contents. Unless specific mention, the uncertainty of measurement has been explicitly taken into
         account to declare the compliance or non-compliance to the specification
                                                         No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie                Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                                         Town, Dongguan City,                                         Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                                          Guangdong 523942, China                                      Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                                              Page 1 of 30                                                               Report Version 1

                             Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

          RELEASE CONTROL RECORD ............................................................................................................ 4
          1          SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS.................................................................................................... 5
          2          MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................................. 5
          3          GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 6
               3.1     GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT ........................................................................................... 6
               3.2     DESCRIPTION OF TEST MODES ............................................................................................. 8
               3.3     GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF APPLIED STANDARDS ............................................................ 9
               3.4     DESCRIPTION OF SUPPORT UNITS........................................................................................ 9
          4.         TEST TYPES AND RESULTS...................................................................................................... 10
               4.1      CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMENT ........................................................................... 10
                     4.1.1     LIMITS OF CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMENT ............................................... 10
                     4.1.2     TEST INSTRUMENTS ..................................................................................................... 10
                     4.1.3     TEST PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................11
                     4.1.4     DEVIATION FROM TEST STANDARD ............................................................................11
                     4.1.5     TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................... 12
                     4.1.6     EUT OPERATING CONDITIONS .................................................................................... 12
                     4.1.7     TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 13
               4.2     RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT................................................................................. 15
                     4.2.1     LIMITS OF RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT .................................................... 15
                     4.2.2     TEST INSTRUMENTS ..................................................................................................... 16
                     4.2.3     TEST PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 17
                     4.2.4     DEVIATION FROM TEST STANDARD ........................................................................... 18
                     4.2.5     TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................... 18
                     4.2.6     EUT OPERATING CONDITIONS .................................................................................... 19
                     4.2.7     TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 20
               4.3      20DB BANDWIDTH MEASUREMENT ..................................................................................... 25
                     4.3.1     LIMITS OF 20DB BANDWIDTH MEASUREMENT ......................................................... 25
                     4.3.2     TEST INSTRUMENTS ..................................................................................................... 25
                     4.3.3     TEST PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................ 25
                     4.3.4     DEVIATION FROM TEST STANDARD ........................................................................... 26
                     4.3.5     TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................... 26
                     4.3.6     EUT OPERATING CONDITIONS .................................................................................... 26
                     4.3.7     TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 26

                                                         No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie              Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                                         Town, Dongguan City,                                       Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                                          Guangdong 523942, China                                    Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                                             Page 2 of 30                                                              Report Version 1

                          Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          5.     PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE TEST CONFIGURATION .................................................................. 29
          EUT BY THE LAB ................................................................................................................................. 30

                                                       No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie             Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                                       Town, Dongguan City,                                      Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                                        Guangdong 523942, China                                   Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                                           Page 3 of 30                                                             Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

                                      RELEASE CONTROL RECORD

           ISSUE NO.                REASON FOR CHANGE                                                        DATE ISSUED
           RF170927N027-6           Original release                                                           Mar. 28, 2018

                                              No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                              Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                               Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                              Page 4 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6


          The EUT has been tested according to the following specifications:
                          APPLIED STANDARD: FCC PART 15, SUBPART C (SECTION 15.249)
                                       TEST TYPE AND LIMIT                  RESULT                       REMARK
                                                                                             No antenna connector is
              §15.203                  Antenna Requirement                    PASS
           §15.207 (a)                  Conducted Emission                     N/A                      Compliant
              §15.205               Restricted Band of Operation              PASS                      Compliant
                                        Radiated Emission                     PASS                      Compliant
            §15.215(c)                 20dB Bandwidth Test                    PASS                      Compliant

          Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for
          tests performed on the EUT as specified in CISPR 16-4-2:
                   MEASUREMENT                             FREQUENCY                             UNCERTAINTY
                 Conducted emissions                       9kHz~30MHz                               2.70dB
                                                          9KHz ~ 30MHz                                   2.90dB
                                                         30MHz ~ 1GMHz                                   3.83dB
                  Radiated emissions
                                                          1GHz ~ 18GHz                                   4.93dB
                                                         18GHz ~ 40GHz                                   4.80dB

          This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the
          95% confidence level using a coverage factor of k = 2.

                                             No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                             Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                              Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                             Page 5 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6



          PRODUCT                               Home Theater Sound Bar System
          System Model                          COMMAND SYS US-CAN

          TEST MODEL                            COMMAND SUBWOOFER

          ADDITIONAL MODEL                      N/A
          FCC ID                                WLQAM9643RX
          NOMINAL VOLTAGE                       AC100-240V 50/60Hz
          OPERATING FREQUENCY                   5740~5845MHz
          ANTENNA TYPE                          PCB Antenna, 2.85dBi Gain
          I/O PORTS                             Refer to user’s manual
          CABLE SUPPLIED                        N/A
          1. For a more detailed features description, please refer to the manufacturer’s specifications or the
             user's manual.

          2. For the test results, the EUT had been tested with all conditions, but only the worst case was shown
             in test report.

          3. Please refer to the EUT photo document (Reference No.: 170927N027) for detailed product photo.
          4. This device contains two parts, one is soundbar , Model number is “COMMAND SOUND BAR”;
               another one is subwoofer, Model number is “COMMAND SUBWOOFER”.

          5. This product has multiple RF functions, such as listed below:
                                PRODUCT                          MODEL                        RF FUNCTION
                                                                                          1, BT2.1+EDR
                                                               COMMAND                    2, WIFI 2.4GHz
                   Home Theater        SOUNDBAR
                                                              SOUND BAR                   3, WIFI 5GHz(Band 1~4)
                    Sound Bar                                                             4, 5.8GHz Wireless
                                      SUBWOOFER                                            5.8GHz Wireless

          6.    This device has two antennas, but can’t transmit simultaneously.

                                          No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                          Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                           Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                          Page 6 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          7. The EUT(COMMAND SOUND BAR) was powered by the following adaptor:
                          BRAND:  Polk
                          MODEL:  TNUA1903003
                           INPUT: AC 100-240V 50/60Hz 1.65A
                         OUTPUT:  DC19V/3A
                                  DC Cable: Unshielded, Non-detachable, 1.78m;
                                  AC Cable: Unshielded, detachable, 1.50m

          8. The EUT(COMMAND SUBWOOFER) was supply the following cable:
              AC CABLE
                           BRAND: N/A
                            CABLE AC Cable: Unshielded, detachable, 1.80m

                                         No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                         Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                          Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                         Page 7 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                        Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all possible
          combinations between available modulations, data rates, XYZ axis and packet type.
          The worst case was found when the EUT was positioned on X axis for radiated
          emission. The EUT was tested under the following mode.

            EUT CONFIGURE                  APPLICABLE TO
                MODE      RE<1G            RE≥1G      PLC       BW

                    A               √        √          √        √                       Power by AC 120V 60Hz

                Where      RE<1G: Radiated Emission below 1GHz             RE≥1G: Radiated Emission above 1GHz
                           PLC: Power Line Conducted Emission              BW: 20db bandwidth

                 NOTE: No need to concern of Conducted Emission due to the EUT is powered by battery.

          Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the test as listed below.
                                         TESTED CHANNEL                      TESTED FREQUENCY
                                                   Low                                 5740 MHz
                                                  Middle                               5790 MHz
                                                   High                                5845 MHz
                         Note: The more detailed channel, please refer to the product specifications

          CHANNEL LIST:
                                                 FREQ.                       FREQ.                            FREQ.
                            CHANNEL                         CHANNEL                      CHANNEL
                                                 (MHZ)                       (MHZ)                            (MHZ)
                                 1               5740           11            5790               21            5837
                                 2               5745           12            5795               22            5839
                                 3               5750           13            5800               23            5840
                                 4               5755           14            5805               24            5845
                                 5               5760           15            5810
                                 6               5765           16            5815
                                 7               5770           17            5820
                                                                                          Total 24 Channels
                                 8               5775           18            5825
                                 9               5780           19            5830
                                 10              5785           20            5835
                    TO                  ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS                  INPUT POWER                    TESTED BY

                     RE                      25deg. C, 55%RH                       AC 120V 60Hz                  Hardy Leng
                    BW                       25deg. C, 55%RH                       AC 120V 60Hz                 Robert Cheng

                    PLC                      25deg. C, 55%RH                       AC 120V 60Hz                   Xue Wang

                                                 No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie    Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                                 Town, Dongguan City,                             Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                                  Guangdong 523942, China                          Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                                 Page 8 of 30                                                        Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6


           The EUT is a RF Product. According to the specifications of the manufacturer, it must
           comply with the requirements of the following standards:

           FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.249
           ANSI C63.10-2013

           All test items have been performed and recorded as per the above standards.


          The EUT has been tested as an independent unit together with other necessary
          accessories or support units. The following support units or accessories were used to
          form a representative test configuration during the tests.

           NO.        PRODUCT         BRAND          MODEL NO.             SERIAL NO.                        FCC ID
            1         Notebook         DELL            E6420                9H12FS1                           N/A

            1 AC Line: Unshielded, Detachable 1.8m; DC Line: Unshielded, Detachable 1.8m;

                                       No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                       Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                        Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                       Page 9 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6




             FREQUENCY OF EMISSION (MHz)                                  CONDUCTED LIMIT (dBµV)

                                                                   Quasi-peak                             Average
                             0.15 ~ 0.5                              66 to 56                             56 to 46
                              0.5 ~ 5                                  56                                   46
                               5 ~ 30                                  60                                   50
           NOTE: 1.The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
                    2. The limit decreases in line with the logarithm of the frequency in the range of 0.15 to
                    3. All emanations from a class A/B digital device or system, including any network of conductors
                       and apparatus connected thereto, shall not exceed the level of field strengths specified

          4.1.2 TEST INSTRUMENTS
           Equipment                  Manufacturer        Model No.
                                                                  Serial No.                      Last Cal.         Next Cal.
           EMI Test Receiver          Rohde&Schwarz       ESR7    101494                          Apr. 05,17        Apr. 04,18
           Artificial Mains Network   Rohde&Schwarz       ENV216  101173                          Mar. 06,17        Mar. 05,18
           Artificial Mains Network   Rohde&Schwarz       ESH3-Z5 100317                          Apr. 05,17        Apr. 04,18
           Voltage probe              SCHWARZBECK TK 9421                                         Jan. 04,17 Jan. 03,18
           Test software              ADT         ADT_Cond_V7.3.7 N/A                             N/A               N/A
              1. The test was performed in shielded room 553.
              2. The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months. And the calibrations are
                 traceable to CEPREI/CHINA, GRGT/CHINA and NIM/CHINA.

                                           No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                           Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                            Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                          Page 10 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          4.1.3 TEST PROCEDURES

            a. The EUT was placed 0.4 meters from the conducting wall of the shielded room with
               EUT being connected to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization
               network (LISN). Other support units were connected to the power mains through
               another LISN. The two LISNs provide 50 ohm/ 50uH of coupling impedance for the
               measuring instrument.

            b. Both lines of the power mains connected to the EUT were checked for maximum
               conducted interference.

            c. The frequency range from 150kHz to 30MHz was searched. Emission levels under
               (Limit - 20dB) was not recorded.

           NOTE: All modes of operation were investigated and the worst-case emissions are reported.


           No deviation.

                                        No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                        Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                         Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                       Page 11 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          4.1.5 TEST SETUP

                                         V e rt ic a l G ro u n d
                                         R e f e re n c e P la n e                                           Te s t R e c e iv e r


                      L IS N

                                                                                        H o riz o n ta l G ro u n d
                                                                                         R e fe re n c e P la n e

                        N o te : 1 .S u p p o r t u n its w e re c o n n e c te d t o s e c o n d L IS N .
                                    2 .B o th o f L IS N s ( A M N ) a re 8 0 c m f ro m E U T a n d a t le a s t 8 0
                                      fr o m o t h e r u n its a n d o t h e r m e ta l p la n e s

           For the actual test configuration, please refer to the attached file (Test Setup Photo).


              a.     Turned on the power and connected of all equipment.
              b.     EUT was operated according to the type used was description in
                     manufacturer’s specifications or the User's Manual.

                                                No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                                Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                                 Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                                Page 12 of 30                                                      Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          4.1.7 TEST RESULTS

             PHASE                      Line                            6dB BANDWIDTH                 9kHz

                                 Corr.      Reading Value Emission Level                    Limit                    Margin
              No                Factor        [dB (uV)]     [dB (uV)]                     [dB (uV)]                   (dB)
                                             Q.P.       AV.        Q.P.        AV.      Q.P.        AV.         Q.P.           AV.
               1   0.15225          10.22   37.45      16.98      47.67       27.20    65.88       55.88       -18.21        -28.68
               2   0.21573          10.22   31.10      15.18      41.32       25.40    62.98       52.98       -21.66        -27.58
               3   0.38362          10.22   31.75      30.08      41.97       40.30    58.20       48.20       -16.23         -7.90
               4   0.77023          10.23   24.75      19.39      34.98       29.62    56.00       46.00       -21.02        -16.38
               5   1.62604          10.22   16.75       7.49      26.97       17.71    56.00       46.00       -29.03        -28.29
               6   16.72800         10.25   15.94       6.03      26.19       16.28    60.00       50.00       -33.81        -33.72

          REMARKS: 1. Q.P. and AV. are abbreviations of quasi-peak and average individually.
                  2. "-": The Quasi-peak reading value also meets average limit and
                      measurement with the average detector is unnecessary.
                  3. The emission levels of other frequencies were very low against the limit.
                  4. Margin value = Emission level - Limit value
                  5. Correction factor = Insertion loss + Cable loss
                  6. Emission Level = Correction Factor + Reading Value.

                                               No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                               Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                                Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                              Page 13 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

            PHASE                           Neutral                        6dB BANDWIDTH                 9kHz

                                 Corr.         Reading Value Emission Level                  Limit                    Margin
              No                Factor           [dB (uV)]     [dB (uV)]                   [dB (uV)]                   (dB)
                                                Q.P.     AV.        Q.P.        AV.      Q.P.        AV.         Q.P.           AV.
               1   0.15000          10.01      37.35    17.44      47.36       27.45    66.00       56.00       -18.64        -28.55
               2   0.38362          10.02      33.95    31.82      43.97       41.84    58.20       48.20       -14.23         -6.36
               3   0.76875          10.02      26.30    22.56      36.32       32.58    56.00       46.00       -19.68        -13.42
               4   1.15125          10.02      19.06    15.12      29.08       25.14    56.00       46.00       -26.92        -20.86
               5   5.52750          10.02      17.82     6.23      27.84       16.25    60.00       50.00       -32.16        -33.75
               6   17.78100         10.14      16.77     6.94      26.91       17.08    60.00       50.00       -33.09        -32.92

          REMARKS: 1. Q.P. and AV. are abbreviations of quasi-peak and average individually.
                  2. "-": The Quasi-peak reading value also meets average limit and
                      measurement with the average detector is unnecessary.
                  3. The emission levels of other frequencies were very low against the limit.
                  4. Margin value = Emission level - Limit value
                  5. Correction factor = Insertion loss + Cable loss
                  6. Emission Level = Correction Factor + Reading Value.

                                                No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                                Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                                 Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
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                        Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6



             Emissions radiated outside of the specified bands, shall be according to the general
             radiated limits in 15.209 as following:
                      FREQUENCIES                  FIELD STRENGTH                  MEASUREMENT DISTANCE
                         (MHz)                     (microvolts/meter)                    (meters)
                        0.009 ~ 0.490                   2400/F(kHz)                                   300
                        0.490 ~ 1.705                  24000/F(kHz)                                    30
                         1.705 ~ 30.0                         30                                       30
                           30 ~ 88                           100                                        3
                           88 ~ 216                          150                                        3
                          216 ~ 960                          200                                        3
                          Above 960                          500                                        3

             According to §15.249(a), the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators
             operated within these frequency bands shall comply with the following:
                        Fundamental                      Field strength of                      Field strength of
                         Frequency                         fundamental                             harmonics
                                                        (milli-volts/meter)                    (micro-volts/meter)
                        902-928 MHz                                50                                        500
                     2400-2483.5 MHz                               50                                        500
                      5725-5875 MHz                                50                                        500
                      24.0-24.25 GHz                               250                                      2500
             The emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement instrumentation
             employing an average detector. The provisions in §15.35 for limiting peak emissions
                1. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
                2. Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
                3. As shown in 15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000MHz, the field strength limits are based on
                   average detector, however, the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum
                   permitted average limits, specified above by more than 20dB under any condition of modulation.

                                             No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                             Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                              Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                            Page 15 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          4.2.2 TEST INSTRUMENTS

              Equipment             Manufacturer        Model No.          Serial No.          Last Cal.            Next Cal.
              EMI Test Receiver     Rohde&SchwarzESU40                     100449              Mar. 12,17           Mar. 11,18
              Signal and Spectrum   Rohde&Schwar
                                                 FSV7                      102331              Nov. 04,17           Nov. 03,18
              Analyzer              z
              Bilog Antenna
                                    Teseq               CBL 6111D          30643               Jul. 12, 17          Jul. 11, 18
              Loop antenna
                                    Daze                ZN30900A           0708                Mar. 12,17           Mar. 11,18
              (9KHz ~30MHz)
                                    SONOMA              310D               186955              Mar. 04,17           Mar. 03, 18
              Horn Antenna
                                    ETS -Lindgren 3117                     00062558            May 18,17            May 17,18
              (1GHz -18GHz)
              GPS Generator+
                                    TOJOIN              GNSS-5000A         E1-010119           Aug. 08, 17          Aug. 07, 18
              3m Semi-anechoic      ETS-LINDGRE
                                                9m*6m*6m     NSEMC003    Mar. 12,17                                 Mar. 11,18
              Chamber               N
              Test Software         ADT                      N/A         N/A                                        N/A
              Horn Antenna          SCHWARZBEC
                                                BBHA 9170    BBHA9170242 Mar. 15,17                                 Mar. 14,18
              (18GHz-40GHz)         K
              Preamplifier                     BBV9718                     305                 Mar. 09,17           Mar. 08,18
                                    EMCI                EMC 184045         980102              Nov. 04,17           Nov. 03,18
              Test Software         ADT                              N/A                       N/A                  N/A
              BLUETOOTH             Rohde&Schwar
                                                 CBT32                     100811              Aug. 08,17           Aug. 07,18
              TESTER                z
              Attenuator            MINI         BW-S10W2+                 S130129FGE2 N/A                          N/A

             1. The test was performed in 966 Chamber.
             2. The calibration interval of the above test instruments are 12 months and the calibrations are
                traceable to CEPREI/CHINA, GRGT/CHINA and NIM/CHINA.
             3. The horn antenna is used only for the measurement of emission frequency above1GHz if tested.
             4. The FCC Site Registration No. is 749762.

                                          No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                          Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                           Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                         Page 16 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          4.2.3 TEST PROCEDURES
           a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 1.5 meters (above 1GHz) and 0.8
              meters (below 1GHz) above the ground at a 3 meters semi-anechoic chamber. The
              table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
           b. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which
              was mounted on the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
           c. The antenna is a broadband antenna, and its height is varied from one meter to four
              meters above the ground to determine the maximum value of the field strength.
              Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to make the
           d. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the
              antenna was tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable table was
              turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum reading.
           e. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth
              with Maximum Hold Mode.
           f. For below 30MHz, a loop antenna with its vertical plane is place 3m from the EUT
              and rotated about its vertical axis for maximum response at each azimuth about the
              EUT. And the centre of the loop shall be 1m above the ground.
           g. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was lower than the limit specified,
              then testing could be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be reported.
              Otherwise the emissions would be re-tested one by one using peak, quasi-peak or
              average method as specified and then reported in a data sheet.

           1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120kHz for
              Quasi-peak detection at frequency below 1GHz.
           2. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and video bandwidth is 3MHz
              for Peak detection at frequency above 1GHz.
           3. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and the video bandwidth is
              10Hz for Average detection (AV) at frequency above 1GHz.
           4. All modes of operation were investigated and the worst-case emissions are reported.
           5. The testing of the EUT was performed on all 3 orthogonal axes; the worst-case test configuration
              was reported on the file test setup photo.

                                        No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                        Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                         Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                       Page 17 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6


           No deviation.

          4.2.5 TEST SETUP

          Below 30MHz test setup

          Below 1GHz test setup

                                                                          Ant. Tower

                                                   Turn Table


                                                        Ground Plane


                                          No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                          Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                           Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                         Page 18 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          Above 1GHz test setup

          Note: For the actual test configuration, please refer to the attached file (Test Setup Photo).

             c)  Turned on the power of all equipment.
             d) EUT was operated according to the type used was description in
                 manufacturer’s specifications or the User's Manual.

                                           No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                           Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                            Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                          Page 19 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          4.2.7 TEST RESULTS

          CHANNEL                     TX Middle Channel           DETECTOR
                                                                                                   Quasi-Peak (QP)
          FREQUENCY RANGE             9KHz ~ 1GHz                 FUNCTION

                             ANTENNA POLARITY & TEST DISTANCE: HORIZONTAL AT 3 M
                              EMISSION                               ANTENNA         TABLE               RAW          CORRECTION
                   FREQ.                    LIMIT      MARGIN
          NO.                  LEVEL                                  HEIGHT         ANGLE              VALUE           FACTOR
                   (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)      (dB)
                              (dBuV/m)                                 (cm)         (Degree)            (dBuV)           (dB/m)
            1      36.93       25.65 QP    40.00         -14.35        1.00 H             337            40.40            -14.75
            2     124.23       20.40 QP    43.50         -23.10        1.00 H             271            37.10            -16.70
            3     143.63       20.30 QP    43.50         -23.20        1.00 H             317            37.35            -17.05
            4     494.21       23.48 QP    46.00         -22.52        1.00 H             303            29.92             -6.44
            5     553.80       25.35 QP    46.00         -20.65        1.00 H             290            29.14             -3.79
            6     972.29       32.51 QP    54.00         -21.49        1.00 H             334            29.23              3.28
                 1. Emission level (dBuV/m) = Raw Value (dBuV) + Correction Factor (dB/m).
                 2. Correction Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB).
                 3. The emission levels of other frequencies were less than 20dB margin against the limit.
                 4. Margin value = Emission level – Limit value.

                                          No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie     Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                          Town, Dongguan City,                              Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                           Guangdong 523942, China                           Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                         Page 20 of 30                                                         Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          CHANNEL                     TX Middle Channel           DETECTOR
                                                                                                   Quasi-Peak (QP)
          FREQUENCY RANGE             9KHz ~ 1GHz                 FUNCTION

                               ANTENNA POLARITY & TEST DISTANCE: VERTICAL AT 3 M
                              EMISSION                               ANTENNA         TABLE               RAW          CORRECTION
                   FREQ.                    LIMIT      MARGIN
          NO.                  LEVEL                                  HEIGHT         ANGLE              VALUE           FACTOR
                   (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)      (dB)
                              (dBuV/m)                                 (cm)         (Degree)            (dBuV)           (dB/m)
            1      38.07       35.50 QP    40.00         -4.50         1.00 V             152            50.85            -15.35
            2     124.23       26.01 QP    43.50         -17.49        1.00 V             117            42.71            -16.70
            3     189.36       14.76 QP    43.50         -28.74        1.00 V             185            34.47            -19.71
            4     260.03       15.65 QP    46.00         -30.35        1.00 V             124            28.16            -12.51
            5     869.74       34.43 QP    46.00         -11.57        1.00 V             133            32.94              1.49
            6     947.34       36.33 QP    46.00         -9.67         1.00 V             152            33.87              2.46
                 1. Emission level (dBuV/m) = Raw Value (dBuV) + Correction Factor (dB/m).
                 2. Correction Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB).
                 3. The emission levels of other frequencies were less than 20dB margin against the limit.
                 4. Margin value = Emission level – Limit value.

                                          No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie     Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                          Town, Dongguan City,                              Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                           Guangdong 523942, China                           Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                         Page 21 of 30                                                         Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6


          CHANNEL                     TX Low Channel              DETECTOR                         Peak (PK)
          FREQUENCY RANGE             1GHz ~ 25GHz                FUNCTION                         Average (AV)

                             ANTENNA POLARITY & TEST DISTANCE: HORIZONTAL AT 3 M
                              EMISSION                               ANTENNA         TABLE               RAW          CORRECTION
                   FREQ.                    LIMIT      MARGIN
          NO.                  LEVEL                                  HEIGHT         ANGLE              VALUE           FACTOR
                   (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)      (dB)
                              (dBuV/m)                                  (m)         (Degree)            (dBuV)           (dB/m)
            1     5740.00      98.32 PK                                2.01 H             49             90.71              7.61
            2     5740.00      76.39 AV                                2.01 H             49             68.78              7.61
            3    11480.00      50.73 PK    74.00         -23.27        1.32 H             155            32.32             18.41
            4    11480.00      28.80 AV    54.00         -25.20        1.32 H             155            10.39             18.41
            5    17220.00      59.83 PK    74.00         -14.17        1.00 H             215            32.90             26.93
            6    17220.00      37.90 AV    54.00         -16.10        1.00 H             215            10.97             26.93
                               ANTENNA POLARITY & TEST DISTANCE: VERTICAL AT 3 M
                              EMISSION                               ANTENNA         TABLE               RAW          CORRECTION
                   FREQ.                    LIMIT      MARGIN
          NO.                  LEVEL                                  HEIGHT         ANGLE              VALUE           FACTOR
                   (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)      (dB)
                              (dBuV/m)                                  (m)         (Degree)            (dBuV)           (dB/m)
            1     5740.00      99.62 PK                                1.00 V             45             92.01              7.61
            2     5740.00      77.69 AV                                1.00 V             45             70.08              7.61
            3    11480.00      51.55 PK    74.00         -22.45        2.15 V             360            33.14             18.41
            4    11480.00      29.62 AV    54.00         -24.38        2.15 V             360            11.21             18.41
            5    17220.00      59.62 PK    74.00         -14.38        1.66 V             40             32.69             26.93
            6    17220.00      37.69 AV    54.00         -16.31        1.66 V             40             10.76             26.93
                 1. Emission level (dBuV/m) = Raw Value (dBuV) + Correction Factor (dB/m).
                 2. Correction Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB).
                 3. The emission levels of other frequencies were less than 20dB margin against the limit.
                 4. Margin value = Emission level – Limit value.

                                          No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie     Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                          Town, Dongguan City,                              Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                           Guangdong 523942, China                           Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                         Page 22 of 30                                                         Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          CHANNEL                     TX Middle Channel           DETECTOR                         Peak (PK)
          FREQUENCY RANGE             1GHz ~ 25GHz                FUNCTION                         Average (AV)

                             ANTENNA POLARITY & TEST DISTANCE: HORIZONTAL AT 3 M
                              EMISSION                               ANTENNA         TABLE               RAW          CORRECTION
                   FREQ.                    LIMIT      MARGIN
          NO.                  LEVEL                                  HEIGHT         ANGLE              VALUE           FACTOR
                   (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)      (dB)
                              (dBuV/m)                                  (m)         (Degree)            (dBuV)           (dB/m)
            1     5790.00      95.26 PK                                1.00 H             60             87.47              7.79
            2     5790.00      73.33 AV                                1.00 H             60             65.54              7.79
            3    11580.00      50.22 PK    74.00         -23.78        1.55 H             41             31.75             18.47
            4    11580.00      28.29 AV    54.00         -25.71        1.55 H             41              9.82             18.47
            5    17370.00      59.11 PK    74.00         -14.89        2.01 H             148            32.40             26.71
            6    17370.00      37.18 AV    54.00         -16.82        2.01 H             148            10.47             26.71
                               ANTENNA POLARITY & TEST DISTANCE: VERTICAL AT 3 M
                              EMISSION                               ANTENNA         TABLE               RAW          CORRECTION
                   FREQ.                    LIMIT      MARGIN
          NO.                  LEVEL                                  HEIGHT         ANGLE              VALUE           FACTOR
                   (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)      (dB)
                              (dBuV/m)                                  (m)         (Degree)            (dBuV)           (dB/m)
            1     5790.00      98.36 PK                                1.00 V             212            90.57              7.79
            2     5790.00      76.43 AV                                1.00 V             212            68.64              7.79
            3    11580.00      51.25 PK    74.00         -22.75        1.00 V             288            32.78             18.47
            4    11580.00      29.32 AV    54.00         -24.68        1.00 V             288            10.85             18.47
            5    17370.00      58.66 PK    74.00         -15.34        1.65 V             49             31.95             26.71
            6    17370.00      36.73 AV    54.00         -17.27        1.65 V             49             10.02             26.71
                 1. Emission level (dBuV/m) = Raw Value (dBuV) + Correction Factor (dB/m).
                 2. Correction Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB).
                 3. The emission levels of other frequencies were less than 20dB margin against the limit.
                 4. Margin value = Emission level – Limit value.

                                          No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie     Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                          Town, Dongguan City,                              Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                           Guangdong 523942, China                           Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                         Page 23 of 30                                                         Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          CHANNEL                     TX High Channel             DETECTOR                         Peak (PK)
          FREQUENCY RANGE             1GHz ~ 25GHz                FUNCTION                         Average (AV)

                             ANTENNA POLARITY & TEST DISTANCE: HORIZONTAL AT 3 M
                              EMISSION                               ANTENNA         TABLE               RAW          CORRECTION
                   FREQ.                    LIMIT       MARGIN
          NO.                  LEVEL                                  HEIGHT         ANGLE              VALUE           FACTOR
                   (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)       (dB)
                              (dBuV/m)                                  (m)         (Degree)            (dBuV)           (dB/m)
            1     5845.00      97.58 PK                                1.00 H             144            89.61              7.97
            2     5845.00      75.65 AV                                1.00 H             144            67.68              7.97
            3    11690.00      50.26 PK    74.00         -23.74        1.77 H             49             31.66             18.60
            4    11690.00      28.33 AV    54.00         -25.67        1.77 H             49              9.73             18.60
            5    17535.00      60.11 PK    74.00         -13.89        1.60 H             51             33.55             26.56
            6    17535.00      38.18 AV    54.00         -15.82        1.60 H             51             11.62             26.56
                               ANTENNA POLARITY & TEST DISTANCE: VERTICAL AT 3 M
                              EMISSION                               ANTENNA         TABLE               RAW          CORRECTION
                   FREQ.                    LIMIT       MARGIN
          NO.                  LEVEL                                  HEIGHT         ANGLE              VALUE           FACTOR
                   (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)       (dB)
                              (dBuV/m)                                  (m)         (Degree)            (dBuV)           (dB/m)
            1     5845.00      98.11 PK                                2.01 V             144            90.14              7.97
            2     5845.00      76.18 AV                                2.01 V             144            68.21              7.97
            3    11690.00      51.25 PK    74.00         -22.75        1.00 V             215            32.65             18.60
            4    11690.00      29.32 AV    54.00         -24.68        1.00 V             215            10.72             18.60
            5    17535.00      58.77 PK    74.00         -15.23        1.66 V             40             32.21             26.56
            6    17535.00      36.84 AV    54.00         -17.16        1.66 V             40             10.28             26.56
                 1. Emission level (dBuV/m) = Raw Value (dBuV) + Correction Factor (dB/m).
                 2. Correction Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB).
                 3. The emission levels of other frequencies were less than 20dB margin against the limit.
                 4. Margin value = Emission level – Limit value.

                                          No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie     Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                          Town, Dongguan City,                              Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                           Guangdong 523942, China                           Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                         Page 24 of 30                                                         Report Version 1

                       Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6


          According to FCC 15.215(c), must be designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth
          of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be specified in the specific rule
          section under which the equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band
          designated in the rule section under which the equipment is operated.

          4.3.2 TEST INSTRUMENTS

          Equipment                 Manufacturer          Model No.       Serial No.          Last Cal.          Next Cal.
          Power Sensor              Keysight              U2021XA         MY55060016          May 19,17 May 18,18
          Power Sensor              Keysight              U2021XA         MY55060018          May 19,17 May 18,18
          Digital Multimeter        FLUKE                 15B             A1220010DG          Oct. 13, 17 Oct.12, 18
          Humid & Temp
                                    Haida                 HD-2257         110807201           Sep.05,17          Sep. 04,18
          Programmable Tester
          Oscilloscope              Agilent         DSO9254A              MY51260160          Nov. 04,17         Nov. 03,18
          Signal Analyzer           Rohde & Schwarz FSV7                  102331              Nov. 04,17         Nov. 03,18
          Signal Generator          Agilent               N5183A             MY50140980 Nov. 04,17               Nov. 03,18
          Agile Signal
                                    Agilent               8645A           Agilent             Aug.08, 17 Aug.07, 18
          Spectrum Analyzer         Keysight              N9020A          MY55400499          Apr. 10,17         Apr. 09,18
          MXG-B RF Vector
                                    Keysight              N5182B          MY56200288          Dec.05, 17 Dec. 04, 18
          Signal Generator
                                    Rohde&Schwarz CBT32                   100811              Aug.08, 17 Aug.07, 18
          Attenuator                MINI                  BW-S10W2+ S130129FGE2 N/A                              N/A
          DC Source                 Keysight              E3642A          MY56146098          N/A                N/A
             1. The test was performed in RF Oven room.
             2. The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are
                traceable to CEPREI/CHINA, GRGT/CHINA and NIM/CHINA.

          4.3.3 TEST PROCEDURE

            a. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument using either an internal calibrator
               or a known signal from an external generator.
            b. Turn on the EUT and connect it to measurement instrument. Then set it to any one
               convenient frequency within its operating range. Set a reference level on the
               measuring instrument equal to the highest peak value.
            c. Measure the frequency difference of two frequencies that were attenuated 20dB
               from the reference level. Record the frequency difference as the emission
            d. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured were complete.
                                              No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                              Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                               Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                             Page 25 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6


           No deviation.

          4.3.5 TEST SETUP

                          EUT                                                   SPECTRUM

                                                      10dB ATTENUATION           ANALYZER


          a) Turned on the power of all equipment.
          b) EUT was operated according to the type used was description in
                 manufacturer’s specifications or the User's Manual.

          4.3.7 TEST RESULTS

                                                  CHANNEL FREQUENCY                    20dB BANDWIDTH
                                                        (MHz)                               (MHz)

                                     Low                      5740                               3.531

                                    Middle                    5790                               3.618

                                    High                      5845                               3.632

                                             No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                             Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                              Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                            Page 26 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

          Test Data: Low channel

          Test Data: Middle channel

                                       No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                       Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                        Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                      Page 27 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6

           Test Data: High channel

                                       No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                       Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                        Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                      Page 28 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6


                 Please refer to the attached file (Test Setup Photo).

                                       No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                       Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                        Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                      Page 29 of 30                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: RF170927N027-6


           No any modifications are made to the EUT by the lab during the test.


                                       No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                       Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                        Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
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Document Created: 2018-04-09 14:39:17
Document Modified: 2018-04-09 14:39:17

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