Test Report


Test Report

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                                         TEST REPORT

                  Test Report No. : UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

  Applicant                       :   Kathrein Sachsen GmbH

  Model No.                       :   52010302-000

  FCC ID                          :   WJ9-ARU3560

  Technology                      :   3G (US Bands) + RFID 915 MHz Intermodulations

  Test Standard(s)                :   FCC Parts 15.207, 15.209(a)

                                      For details of applied tests refer to test result summary

  1.        This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL
            International Germany GmbH.
  2.        The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
  3.        The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.
  4.        Test Report Version 1.0
  5.        Result of the tested sample: PASS

             _________________________                                  _________________________
             Prepared by: Abdoufataou Salifou                           Approved by: Ajit Phadtare
             Title: Laboratory Engineer                                 Title: Lead Test Engineer
             Date: 13 March 2019                                        Date: 13 March 2019

                                                               This laboratory is accredited by DAkkS.
                                                               The tests reported herein have been performed in
                                                               accordance with its’ terms of accreditation.

Hedelfinger Str. 61
70327 Stuttgart, Germany


 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                                           TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                                            ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

Table of Contents
1. Customer Information .................................................................................................... 4
    1.1.Applicant Information                                                                                     4
    1.2.Manufacturer Information                                                                                  4
2. Summary of Testing....................................................................................................... 5
    2.1. General Information                                                                                      5
        Applied Standards                                                                                         5
        Location                                                                                                  5
        Date information                                                                                          5
    2.2. Summary of Test Results                                                                                  6
    2.3. Methods and Procedures                                                                                   6
    2.4. Deviations from the Test Specification                                                                   6
3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) ........................................................................................ 7
    3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)                                                       7
    3.2. Description of EUT                                                                                 7
    3.3. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT                                                              7
    3.4. Additional Information Related to Testing                                                          8
    3.5. Antenna Information                                                                                9
    3.6. Support Equipment                                                                                10
    A. Support Equipment (In-house)                                                                       10
    B. Support Equipment (Manufacturer supplied)                                                           10
4. Operation and Monitoring of the EUT during Testing ............................................... 11
    4.1. Operating Modes                                                                    11
    4.2. Configuration and Peripherals                                                      11
    4.3. Used Power settings                                                                11
5. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results .................................................. 12
    5.1. General Comments                                                                  12
    5.2. Test Results                                                                      13
        5.2.1. Transmitter AC Conducted Spurious Emissions                                 13
        5.2.2. Transmitter Radiated Emissions                                              16
6. Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................... 24
7. Used equipment ........................................................................................................... 25
8. Report Revision History .............................................................................................. 26

                                                         Page 3 of 26                  FCC 15.247 FHSS - Template Vers. 1.4

UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                          TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                    ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

1. Customer Information
1.1.Applicant Information
 Company Name:        Kathrein Sachsen GmbH
 Company Address:     Lindenstrasse 3, 09241 Muehlau
 Contact Person:      Daniel Schkalda
 Contact E-Mail:      d.schkalda@kathrein-sachsen.de
 Contact Phone No.:   +49 3722 6073 79

1.2.Manufacturer Information
 Company Name:        Kathrein Sachsen GmbH
 Company Address:     Lindenstrasse 3, 09241 Muehlau
 Contact Person:      Daniel Schkalda
 Contact E-Mail:      d.schkalda@kathrein-sachsen.de
 Contact Phone No.:   +49 3722 6073 79

                                        Page 4 of 26            FCC 15.247 FHSS - Template Vers. 1.4

UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                                  TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                            ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

2. Summary of Testing
2.1. General Information
Applied Standards

 Specification Reference:         47CFR15.207 and 47CFR15.209
                                  Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications):
 Specification Title:             Part 15 Subpart C (Intentional Radiators) - Sections 15.207 and
 Test Firm Registration:          399704


 Location of Testing:       UL International Germany GmbH
                            Hedelfinger Str. 61
                            70327 Stuttgart

Date information

 Order Date:                17 July 2018
 EUT arrived:               27 August 2018
 Test Dates:                22 January to 23 January 2019
 EUT returned:              -/-

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 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                              TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                           ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

2.2. Summary of Test Results
                                                                             Did not   Not         Not
 Clause           Measurement                                     Complied
                                                                             comply    performed   applicable

 Part 15.207      Transmitter AC Conducted Emissions                ‫܈‬          ‫܆‬          ‫܆‬           ‫܆‬
 Part 15.209(a)   Transmitter Radiated Emissions                    ‫܈‬          ‫܆‬          ‫܆‬           ‫܆‬


2.3. Methods and Procedures
 Reference:                 ANSI C63.10-2013
 Title:                     American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of
                            Unlicensed Wireless Devices
 Reference:                 KDB 174176 D01 Line Conducted FAQ v01r01 June 3, 2015
 Title:                     AC Power-Line Conducted Emissions Frequently Asked Questions

2.4. Deviations from the Test Specification
 For the measurements contained within this test report, there were no deviations from, additions to,
 or exclusions from the test specification identified above.

                                             Page 6 of 26             FCC 15.247 FHSS - Template Vers. 1.4

UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                              TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

3. Equipment Under Test (EUT)
3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)
 Brand Name:                             KATHREIN
 Model Name or Number:                   52010302-000
 Test Sample Serial Number:              GOK4587504
 Hardware Version Number:                52010302-000
 Firmware Version Number:                3.03.03
 FCC ID:                                 WJ9-ARU3560

3.2. Description of EUT
The equipment under test was a UHF RFID Tag Reader with an integrated RFID and 2G/3G

3.3. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT
No modifications were applied to the EUT during testing.

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TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                               ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

3.4. Additional Information Related to Testing
  Tested Technology:               RFID 902-928 MHz (FHSS)
  Power Supply Requirement:        Nominal                  90 - 264(V AC)
  Type of Unit:                    Transceiver
  Channel Spacing:                 500 kHz
  Modulation:                      PR-ASK
  Data Rate (kbps):                40                       80                       160
  Transmit Frequency Range:        902 MHz to 928 MHz
  Transmit Channels Tested:                                                              Channel
                                        Channel ID          Channel Number              Frequency
                                           Bottom                     1                    902.25
                                           Middle                    26                    915.25
                                             Top                     52                    927.75
  Tested Technology:               3 G (US Bands)
  Transmit Frequency Range:        826 MHz to 1908 MHz
                                        Channel ID          Channel Number              Frequency
                                           Bottom                   4132                    826.4
                                           Middle                   4233                    846.4
                                        Second last                 9262                   1852.4
                                             Top                    9538                   1907.6

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TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                            ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

3.5. Antenna Information
Internal RFID Antenna:

  Antenna Name:                 ARU 3570 Antenna Reader Unit
  Antenna Type:                 Wide Range Antenna, 902MHz - 928MHz
  Antenna Gain                  4 dBi/ 7dBiC
  Antenna Beamwidth:            h/v: 65°
  Antenna Polarisation:         Circular

Internal WWAN Antenna:

  Antenna Name:                 ARU 3570 Antenna Reader Unit
  Antenna Type:                 Patch Antenna
  Antenna Gain:                 -0.4dBi @ 850 MHz | +1.9 dBi @ 1900 MHz
  Antenna Beamwidth:            133.2°
  Antenna Polarisation:         Linear

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 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                               TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                         ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

3.6. Support Equipment
The following support equipment was used to exercise the EUT during testing:

A. Support Equipment (In-house)
 Item   Description                 Brand Name               Model Name or Number         Serial Number
 1      Laptop                      Lenovo                   L560                         MP-16X73B 16/11

B. Support Equipment (Manufacturer supplied)
 Item   Description                     Brand Name               Model Name or Number          Serial Number
        RRU/ARU AC/DC Adapter
 1                                      MEANWELL                 GST90A24                      EB79F85440
        24V/90 W

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UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                               TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                         ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

4. Operation and Monitoring of the EUT during Testing
4.1. Operating Modes

 The EUT was tested in the following operating mode(s):

 ☒ Transmitting Mode (Fixed Frequency Mode) for the both technologies.

4.2. Configuration and Peripherals
The EUT was tested in the following configuration(s):
· The EUT was powered by 120 V AC 60Hz power supply.
· The test mode settings were activated using a customer supplied software application
   ReaderStart V3, rev. installed Lab test laptop. The application was used to enable
   continuous transmission and to select the test channels as required for RFID and for 3G the
   GSMTest app was used.
· EUT in RFID mode supports three data rates (40 kbps / 80 kbps/160 kbps) out of which worst
   case (40 kbps) data rate producing maximum peak power has been tested.
· EUT was tested with maximum output power for both technologies The supplied antenna given
   in section 3.5 have been tested with used power settings section 4.3.
· RFID and 3G co-location, with the EUT configured to simultaneously transmit two signals at
   maximum output power (Bottom Channel 3G 826.4 MHz + Bottom Channel RFID 902.25 MHz) .
· RFID and 3G co-location, with the EUT configured to simultaneously transmit two signals at
   maximum output power (Bottom Channel 3G 826.4 MHz + Middle Channel RFID 915.25 MHz).
· RFID and 3G co-location, with the EUT configured to simultaneously transmit two signals at
   maximum output power (Bottom Channel 3G 826.4 MHz + Top Channel RFID 927.75 MHz )
· RFID and 3G co-location, with the EUT configured to simultaneously transmit two signals at
   maximum output power (Channel 9262 3G 1852.4 MHz + Top Channel RFID 927.75 MHz)
· RFID and 3G co-location, with the EUT configured to simultaneously transmit two signals at
   maximum output power (Top Channel 3G 1907.6 MHz + Top Channel RFID 927.75 MHz)
· It is to be noted that only internal antennas supports the co-location/ intermodulation mode.
· EUT’s unused ports (Port 2 | Port 3 | Port 4) were terminated using 50 Ohm termination during
· EMC32 v10.1 from Rohde and Schwarz was used for the measurement.

4.3. Used Power settings
The EUT was configured with the settings below based on the different antenna type. The antenna
gain on the GUI was set to 0 dBi and Cable attenuation was set to 0 dB.

The port power settings selected in GUI is given as in the table below.

              Technologies Type                                  Power Settings
                    RFID                                               30
                     3G                                                60

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 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                               TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                         ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

5. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results
5.1. General Comments
Measurement uncertainties are evaluated in accordance with current best practice. Our reported
expanded uncertainties are based on standard uncertainties, which are multiplied by an appropriate
coverage factor to provide a statistical confidence level of approximately 95%. Please refer to Section
6 Measurement Uncertainty for details.
In accordance with DAkkS requirements all the measurement equipment is on a calibration schedule.
All equipment was within the calibration period on the date of testing.

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 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                              TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

5.2. Test Results
5.2.1. Transmitter AC Conducted Spurious Emissions
Test Summary:

 Test Engineer:                    M. Fawad Khan                  Test Date:      23 January 2019
 Test Sample Serial Number:        GOK4587504
 Test Site Identification          SR 7/8

 FCC Reference:                    Part 15.207
 Test Method Used:                 ANSI C63.10 Section 6.2 / FCC KDB 174176 and notes below

Environmental Conditions:

 Temperature (°C):                 22
 Relative Humidity (%):            26

Settings of the Instrument

 Detector                          Quasi Peak /Average Peak


 1. The EUT was connected to 120 VAC 60 Hz single phase supply via a LISN.
 2. The EUT was tested in Transmitting Mode (Fixed Frequency Mode) for the both technologies.

Test setup:

                        Test Laptop

                            Internal                 LISN                 Test Receiver

                                                 Single Phase
                                                  AC Supply

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 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                           TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                       ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

Transmitter AC Conducted Spurious Emissions (continued)
Results: Live / Quasi Peak / 120 VAC 60 Hz

  Frequency                       Level               Limit           Margin
                   Line                                                                  Result
    (MHz)                        (dBmV)              (dBmV)            (dB)
    0.152          Live           41.7                   65.9           24.2            Complied
   0.16002         Live           40.6                   65.5           24.9            Complied
   0.16904         Live           39.5                   65             25.5            Complied
    0.1986         Live           35.8                   63.7           27.9            Complied
   0.23768         Live           31.9                   62.2           30.3            Complied
   0.24569         Live           32.3                   61.9           29.6            Complied

Results: Live / Average / 120 VAC 60 Hz

  Frequency                       Level               Limit           Margin
                   Line                                                                  Result
    (MHz)                        (dBmV)              (dBmV)            (dB)
    0.152          Live           19.5                   55.9           36.4            Complied
   0.16002         Live           16.6                   55.5           38.9            Complied
   0.16904         Live           21.5                   55             33.5            Complied
    0.1986         Live           15.7                   53.7            38             Complied
   0.23768         Live           15.2                   52.2            37             Complied
   0.24569         Live           23.4                   51.9           28.5            Complied

Results: Neutral / Quasi Peak / 120 VAC 60 Hz

  Frequency                       Level               Limit           Margin
                   Line                                                                  Result
    (MHz)                        (dBmV)              (dBmV)            (dB)
   0.15351        Neutral         41.6                   65.8           24.2            Complied
   0.16202        Neutral         40.4                   65.4            25             Complied
   0.18257        Neutral         41                     64.4           23.4            Complied
   0.20661        Neutral         35                     63.3           28.3            Complied
   0.22816        Neutral         33                     62.5           29.5            Complied
   0.92204        Neutral         32.7                   56             23.3            Complied

Results: Neutral / Average / 120 VAC 60 Hz

  Frequency                       Level               Limit           Margin
                   Line                                                                  Result
    (MHz)                        (dBmV)              (dBmV)            (dB)
   0.15351        Neutral         17.6                   55.8           38.2            Complied
   0.16202        Neutral         16.6                   55.4           38.8            Complied
   0.18257        Neutral         32.7                   54.4           21.7            Complied
   0.20661        Neutral         22.6                   53.3           30.7            Complied
   0.22816        Neutral         15.5                   52.5            37             Complied
   0.92204        Neutral         24                     46              22             Complied

Result: Pass

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 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                                  TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                            ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

Transmitter AC Conducted Spurious Emissions (continued)
Plot: Live and Neutral Line







          0.150           0.500       1.000                             5.000        10.000                30.000
                                                    Frequency                                               [MHz]

Note: These plots are pre-scans and for indication purposes only. For final measurements, see
accompanying tables.

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 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                                TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                          ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

5.2.2. Transmitter Radiated Emissions
Test Summary:

 Test Engineer:                     Abdoufataou Salifou             Test Date:      22 to 23 January
 Test Sample Serial Number:         GOK4587504
 Test Site Identification           SR 1/2

 FCC Reference:                     Part 15.209(a)
 Test Method Used:                  ANSI C63.10 Sections 6.7 and 7.8.8
 Frequency Range                    30 MHz to 1 GHz

Environmental Conditions:

 Temperature (°C):                  20 & 21
 Relative Humidity (%):             21 & 22

1. The final measured value, for the given emission, in the table below incorporates the calibrated
   antenna factor and cable loss.
2. 20 dBc Limit* from worst case Antenna has been selected from the RFID carrier peak due to the
   fact that the spurious are coming from the RFID technology.

Test setup:

          Test Laptop

              EUT                    RF Cable                 RF Attenuator             Test Receiver

         Power Supply

                                              Page 16 of 26            FCC 15.247 FHSS - Template Vers. 1.4

UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                          TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                    ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)
Results: Peak / Bottom Channel 3G + Bottom Channel RFID

                                                 20 dBc RFID
  Frequency     Antenna         Level                                 Margin
                                                  Peak Limit                           Result
    (MHz)      Polarization   (dBmV/m)                                 (dB)
                                 No critical spurious

Results: Peak / Bottom Channel 3G + Middle Channel RFID

                                                 20 dBc RFID
  Frequency     Antenna         Level                                 Margin
                                                  Peak Limit                           Result
    (MHz)      Polarization   (dBmV/m)                                 (dB)
   899.958       Vertical       50.6                   92.4            41.8           Complied

Results: Peak / Bottom Channel 3G + Top Channel RFID

                Antenna                          20 dBc RFID
  Frequency                     Level                                Margin
               Polarization                       Peak Limit                           Result
    (MHz)                     (dBmV/m)                                (dB)
   899.958       Vertical       52.4                   91.1            38.7          Complied

Results: Peak / Channel 9262 3G + Top Channel RFID

                Antenna                           20 dBc RFID
  Frequency                     Level                                Margin
               Polarization                        Peak Limit                          Result
    (MHz)                     (dBmV/m)                                (dB)
   899.630      Horizontal      52.1                   90.4            38.3          Complied

Results: Peak / Top Channel 3G + Top Channel RFID

                                                 20 dBc RFID
  Frequency     Antenna         Level                                 Margin
                                                  Peak Limit                           Result
    (MHz)      Polarization   (dBmV/m)                                 (dB)
   899.958       Vertical       53.0                   91.5            38.5           Complied

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UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                         TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                   ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (Continued)

                          Bottom channel 3G and Bottom channel RFID

                          Bottom channel 3G and Middle channel RFID

                           Bottom channel 3G and Top channel RFID

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TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                 ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (Continued)

                          Channel 9262 3G and Top channel RFID

                           Top channel 3G and Top channel RFID

                                    Page 19 of 26            FCC 15.247 FHSS - Template Vers. 1.4

 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                               TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                         ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

Test Summary:

 Test Engineer:                     Abdoufataou Salifou            Test Date:      23 January 2019
 Test Sample Serial Number:         GOK4587504
 Test Site Identification           SR 1/2

 FCC Reference:                     Part 15.209(a)
 Test Method Used:                  ANSI C63.10 Sections 6.7 and 7.8.8
 Frequency Range                    1 GHz to 10 GHz

Environmental Conditions:

 Temperature (°C):                  21
 Relative Humidity (%):             22

1. The final measured value, for the given emission, in the table below incorporates the calibrated
   antenna factor and cable loss.
2. All spurious found were below the FCC Part 15.209 Average Limit.

Test setup:

          Test Laptop

              EUT                    RF Cable                RF Attenuator             Test Receiver

         Power Supply

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UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                          TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                    ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)
Results: Peak / Bottom Channel 3G + Bottom Channel RFID

  Frequency     Antenna         Level           Average Limit        Margin
    (MHz)      Polarization   (dBmV/m)            (dBmV/m)            (dB)
   8961.000     Horizontal      50.9                   54.0             3.1          Complied
  13878.750     Horizontal      51.2                   54.0             2.8          Complied

Results: Peak / Bottom Channel 3G + Middle Channel RFID

  Frequency     Antenna         Level           Average Limit        Margin
    (MHz)      Polarization   (dBmV/m)            (dBmV/m)            (dB)
   9012.333      Vertical       50.5                   54.0             3.5          Complied
  12419.083      Vertical       50.8                   54.0             3.2          Complied

Results: Peak / Bottom Channel 3G + Top Channel RFID

  Frequency     Antenna         Level           Average Limit        Margin
    (MHz)      Polarization   (dBmV/m)            (dBmV/m)            (dB)
   8956.333      Vertical       49.7                   54.0             4.3          Complied
  12480.958      Vertical       50.8                   54.0             3.2          Complied

Results: Peak / Channel 9262 3G + Top Channel RFID

  Frequency     Antenna         Level           Average Limit        Margin
    (MHz)      Polarization   (dBmV/m)            (dBmV/m)            (dB)
   8989.667     Horizontal      50.8                   54.0             3.2          Complied
  13857.708     Horizontal      51.0                   54.0             3.0          Complied

Results: Peak / Top Channel 3G + Top Channel RFID

  Frequency     Antenna         Level           Average Limit         Margin
    (MHz)      Polarization   (dBmV/m)            (dBmV/m)             (dB)
  12474.542      Vertical       50.8                   54.0             3.2           Complied

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UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                         TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                   ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (Continued)

                          Bottom channel 3G and Bottom channel RFID

                          Bottom channel 3G and Middle channel RFID

                           Bottom channel 3G and Top channel RFID

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TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                 ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (Continued)

                          Channel 9262 3G and Top channel RFID

                           Top channel 3G and Top channel RFID

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 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                               TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                         ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

6. Measurement Uncertainty
The expression of uncertainty of a measurement result allows realistic comparison of results with
reference values and limits given in specifications and standards.
The uncertainty of the result may need to be taken into account when interpreting the measurement
The reported expanded uncertainties below are based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by an
appropriate coverage factor such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is maintained. For the
purposes of this document “approximately” is interpreted as meaning “effectively” or “for most
practical purposes”.

                                                                  Confidence            Calculated
                    Measurement Type
                                                                   Level (%)            Uncertainty
 AC Conducted Spurious Emissions                                      95%                 ±2.49 dB
 Radiated Spurious Emissions                                          95%                 ±3.10 dB

The methods used to calculate the above uncertainties are in line with those recommended within the
various measurement specifications. Where measurement specifications do not include guidelines for
the evaluation of measurement uncertainty the published guidance of the appropriate accreditation
body is followed.

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 UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                                            TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

 TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                                             ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

7. Used equipment
Test site: SR 1/2

 ID        Manufacturer      Type                            Model                    Serial No.         Calibration Date         Cal. Cycle
 377       BONN Elektronik   Amplifier, Low Noise Pre        BLMA 0118-1A             025294B            7/12/2018                12
           Rohde &
 383                         Antenna, Rod                    HFH2-Z1                  890151/11          7/14/2017                24
 460       Deisl             Turntable                       DT 4250 S                                   n/a                      n/a
 465       Schwarzbeck       Antenna, Trilog Broadband       VULB 9168                9168-240           8/8/2016                 36
 474       Agilent           Analyzer, ENA Network           E5071C                   MY46100912         7/13/2018                24
           Rohde &
 496                         Antenna, log. - periodical      HL050                    100297             7/20/2016                24
 497       Schwarzbeck       Antenna, Biconical              VHBB 9124                423                7/7/2016                 36
 587       Maturo            antenna mast, tilting           TAM 4.0-E                011/7180311        n/a                      n/a
 588       Maturo            Controller                      NCD                      029/7180311        n/a                      n/a
           Rohde &
 591                         Receiver                        ESU 40                   100244/040         7/12/2018                12
           Rohde &
 608                         Switch Matrix                   OSP 120                  101227             4/8/2014                 60
 614                         Highpass Filter 3GHz            WHKX10-                  1                  Lab verification         n/a
 615                         Highpass Filter 1GHz            WHKX12-                  3                  Lab verification         n/a
 628       Maturo            Antenna mast                    CAM 4.0-P                224/19590716       n/a                      n/a
 629       Maturo            Kippeinrichtung                 KE 2.5-R-M               MAT002             n/a                      n/a

Test site: SR 7/8
                                                                                                                       Calibration       Cal.
      ID         Manufacturer                  Type                       Model                     Serial No.
                                                                                                                          Date          Cycle
      22      Rohde & Schwarz        Artificial Mains           50 Ohm// 50uH                   831767/014            7/11/2018          12
                                     Artificial Mains
  215         Rohde & Schwarz                                   9 kHz - 30 MHz; 3 phase         879675/002            7/11/2018          12
  349         Rohde & Schwarz        Receiver, EMI Test         20 Hz - 7 GHz                   836697/009            7/10/2018          12
  616         Rohde & Schwarz        ISN                        8 wire ISN for CAT6             101656                7/12/2018          12

                                                          Page 25 of 26                   FCC 15.247 FHSS - Template Vers. 1.4

UL INTERNATIONAL GERMANY GMBH                        TEST REPORT NO: UL-RPT-RP-11867511-1816-FCC

TEST REPORT VERSION 1.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 13 MARCH 2019

8. Report Revision History
Version    Revision Details
Number     Page No(s) Clause    Details
1.0        26          -        Initial Version

                                --- END OF REPORT ---

                                     Page 26 of 26            FCC 15.247 FHSS - Template Vers. 1.4

Document Created: 2019-06-13 14:29:54
Document Modified: 2019-06-13 14:29:54

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