RF Eposure Evaluation


RF Exposure Info

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KATHREN Sachsen Gni— Lndestrade > 0821 ons

                                                                                         KATHREIN Sachsen GmbH
                                                                   Muehlau, 07.05.2019   Lindenstrae 3
                                                                                         09241 Mihla
                                                                                         Phone:    +490 37226073 10
                                                                                         Fax       +49 372260 73 24
  1 RF Exposure and Transmitter Power                                                    info@athreinsachsen de
                                                                                         wiw kathrein—sachsen de
            Considerations for the ARU 3570
                                                                                         Yourreference: s
ECC ID: WJ9—ARU3560                                                                      ben

The transmitter operation for the ARU 3570 covers the 902 — $28MHz operating band        Yourleter: ies e ner un e Nactren anaugt
(RF ID). The ARU 3570 supports one internal antenna and up to three external anten—
nas but operates on only one antenna at a time.
in addition, the ARU 3570 contains a Cellular module (FCC: WJS—KSPHSBP) that op—         Our referen0#: Kckn Shr un Uras Zacien n
erates in GSMB50 and GSM1900 frequency bands.
The RF ID intenal antenna and the Cellular module antenna are in close proximity to
each other.                                                                              VAT Reg. No.: DE 140 915 677
The GSMB50 and GSM1900 do not transmit simultaneously                                    Company headquarter: Mihlau
                                                                                         HRB 2398 Chemniz
The RF ID and Cellular module can transmit simultaneously.
                                                                                         Managing diector(s)    DanielSchcalda
The following FCC Rule Parts and procedures are applicable:
                                                                                         Bank detais:
     «_   Part 1.1310 — Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits
     *    Part 21091 — Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: mobile devices      EUR—Accounts
     *    KDB447498 DO1 v06 Mobile and Portable Devices RF Exposure Procedures           Deutsche Bank Chemntz
          and Equipment Authorisation Policies                                           iBAN: DEZ8 8707 0000 0263 7270 00
                                                                                         BIC: DEUTDESCXX
MAXIMUM TRANSMITTER POWER CONSIDERATIONS                                                 Volsbank Chemnte
Conducted power values are maximum average tune up with tolerance:                       iBAN: DEGD 8709 6214 0320 0014 47
                                                                                         BIC: GENODEFTCH
RFID 915MHz:
                                                                                         Spartasse Miteisachsen
Transmitter power:                                                                       iean: Deos B70s 2000 3545 0015 54
(Ref 15.247 (b)(4) — Antennas with gains >6dBi)                                          BIC: Weranepirox
     1)    For external 13dBi gain antenna use, 304Bm max. power is reduced
          by 74B (13dBi — 6dB)
          EIRPmax = +23dBm + 13dBi antenna gain = +36dBm (3.98W)
     2)     For external 10dBi gain antenna use, 30dBm max. power is reduced
          by 40B (10dBi — 6dB)
           EIRPmax = +26dBm + 10dBi antenna gain = +36dBm (3.98W)
     3)     For external 8dBi gain antenna use, 30dBm max. power is reduced by
          24B (8dBi — 6dB)
           EIRPmax = +28dBm + 8dBi antenna gain = +36dBm (3.98W)
     4)    For internal +7dBi gain antenna use, 30dBm max. poweris reduced
           by 10B (7dBi — 6dB)
           EIRPmax = +29dBm + 7dBi antenna gain = +36dBm (3.98W)


   5)   For external 6dBi gain antenna use
        EIRPmax = +30dBm + 6dBi antenna gain = +36dBm (3.98W)

Cellular GSMB50:
Power conducted = 33.5dBm (2.24W)
Antenna Gain: 3.90Bi
EIRP = 37.4d4Bm = 5495.4mW

Cellular GSM1900:
Power conducted = 30.54Bm (1.12W)
Antenna Gain: 2.5dBi
EIRP = 33.0d4Bm = 1995.3mW


The MPE calculation to calculate the safe operating distance for the user is.
                                            S = EIRP/MA4 t R"
Where           S = Power density
                EIRP = Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP = P x G)
                P = Conducted Transmitter Power
                G = Antenna Gain (relative to an isotropic radiator)
                R = distanceto the centre of radiation of the antenna (safe operating distance)
Power Density Requirement
  From table 1 (b) — Limits for General Population/ Uncontrolled Exposure of
  FCC Rule Part 1.1310 for 2.4GHz
                Sreat = fi/1500 mWi/cm? = 902/1500 = 0.6 mWicm?
                S = EIRP M t R*
                R=~ EIRP/4 ns
                R= 39817 (4 t x 0.6)
                R=\ 39817 (7.54)
                R=\ 527.98
                R= 23¢m


Cellular: GSM850 (824MHz to 849MHz)
Power Density Requirement
  From table 1 (b) — Limits for General Population/ Uncontrolled Exposure of
  FCC Rule Part 1.1310 for GSMB50
               Sreq2 = fuw,/1500 mWi/cm? = 824/1500 = 0.55 mWicm?
               S = EIRP /4 t R*
               R=\ EIRP/4 6
               R = v 5495.1/ (4 1t x 0.55)
               R= \ 5495.1/ (6.91)

               R= 28.2cm

Cellular: GSM1900 (1850MHz to 1910MHz)
Power Density Requirement
  From table 1 (b) — Limits for General Population/ Uncontrolled Exposure of
  FCC Rule Part 1.1310 for GSM1900
               Sreqs = 1.0 mW/cm*
               S = EIRP /4 1t R*
               R=\ EIRP/4 ns
               R=v 1995.37 (4 tm x 1)
               R = v 1995.3/ (12.57)
               R=\ 158.74

               R= 12.6cm

Thereforeat a distance of 20cm, the power density of the GSM1900 transmission will be <1.


For mobile exposure host platform devices to qualify for simultaneous transmission MPE test exclusion,
all transmitters and antennas in the host must qualify for the standalone MPE test exclusion in KDB
447498 DO1, section 7.1.

From KDB 447498 DO1, section7.1:
"When a device qualifies for the categorical exclusion provision of § 2.1091(c), the minimum test separa—
tion distance may be estimated, when applicable, by simple calculations according to plane—wave equiva—
lent conditions, to ensure the transmitter andits antenna(s) can operate in manners that meet or exceed
the estimated distance.®" The source—based time—averaged maximum radiated power, according to the
maximum antenna gain, must be applied to calculate the field strength and power density required to es—
tablish the minimum test separation distance."
*‘ The type ofcalculations used to estimate minimum test separation distance for MPE complance must be appropriate fo the type of antenna(s) and exposure
contions ovaluated "

Therefore, a minimum test separation distance needs to be such that as per KDB 447498, the summa—
tion of calculated MPE ratios for RFID + cellular is <1.
Using an iterative process, 37cm is found to the optimum minimum separation distance that provides
EMPE ratios <1.0

                       S = 398154m R"
                        S = 3081/(12.56 x 37°)
                        S= 3981/(7238)

                        S$1 = 0.231 mW/cm*

For Cellular: GSM850 (824MHz to 849MHz)
                        S = 5495 4 m R
                        S = 5495 /(12.56 x 37°)
                        5 = 5495 /(17203)

                        S2= 0.319 mW/cm*


                 EMPEratos = (S1) Sroq) + (S2) Sreqz)
                         = (0.231/0.6) + (0.31970.55)

As the Z of MPE ratios <1.0 at a distance of 37cm, in accordance with KDB447498 Section 7.2, simulta—
neoustransmission test exclusion applies for the transmitters.

The safe operating distance for the ARU 3570 for General Population/ Uncontrolled Exposure limits is:
    *   A minimum of 23¢m when only the RFID is operational.
    *   A minimum of 37¢m with simultaneous operationof the RFID and Cellular module.
Forall antennas specified to be used with the equipment

Signature: //‘2                                               Date: 05/07/2019
             Daniel Schkalda
             Managing director

Document Created: 2019-05-09 12:07:34
Document Modified: 2019-05-09 12:07:34

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