7. test report--V5(RFID) R2


Test Report

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     (FCC : Part 15 Subpart C 15.225 / ANSI C63.4-2003)

     Product                   :   Contactless Module
     Trade Name                :   CASTLES TECHNOLOGY
     Model No.                 :   VEGA5000
     Applicant                 :   CASTLES TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
     Applicant Address         :   2F, No.205, Sec.3, Beixin Rd., Xindian
                                   District, New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan

Report Number: MLT1110P15001

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 Report Number            MLT1110P15001
 Applicant                CASTLES TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
 Product                  Contactless Module
 Sample Received Date     2011/10/7

 Report Prepared By       Jesse Tien


 Date Prepared            2011/10/7 ~ 2011/12/8

 Report Authorized By     Roger Chen


 Date Authorized          2011/12/28

Test By
                        Max Light Technology Co., Ltd.
                Room 5, 8F, No.125, Section 3 Roosevelt Road,
                              Taipei, Taiwan., R.O.C.
              Office : Tel: 886-2-2363-2447 Fax: 886-2-2363-2597
              Lab. : Tel: 886-2-2663-3486 Fax: 886-2-2663-3582

It may be duplicated completely for legal use with the allowance of the applicant.
    It shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of our
                                   la b o r a to r y .

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Table of Contents :

History of Test Report .............................................................................................................. 4

1. General ................................................................................................................................ 6

2. Conducted Emissions Requirements ................................................................................. 10

3. Radiated Emissions Requirements .................................................................................... 14

4. Frequency Tolerance Requirements.................................................................................. 21

5. Transmitter Bandwidth Measurements .............................................................................. 23

Appendix I - EUT Test SETUP............................................................................................... 26

Appendix II - Brand / Trade Name & Model No. Multiple Listee............................................. 28

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                              History of Test Report

Original Report Issue Date: Dec. 28, 2011
■ No additional attachment
□ additional attachments were issued as in the following record:

  Attachment No.        Issue Date                         Description

 MLT1110P15001        Dec. 28, 2011   Original report

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We here by verify that :

   The test data, data evaluation, test procedures and equipment configurations shown in this
report were made in accordance with the procedures given in ANSI C63.4-2003. All test were
conducted by
MLT(Max Light Technology Co., Ltd) Room 5, 8F, No.125, Section 3 Roosevelt Road, Taipei,
Taiwan, R.O.C Also, we attest to the accuracy of each.
       We further submit that the energy emitted by the sample EUT tested as described in the
report is in compliance with Class B radiated and conducted emission limit of FCC Rules Part
15 Subpart C (15.225).

 Applicant Name              CASTLES TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
                             2F, No.205, Sec.3, Beixin Rd., Xindian District, New Taipei City
 Applicant Address
                             23143, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
 Manufacturer Name           CASTLES TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
                             2F, No.205, Sec.3, Beixin Rd., Xindian District, New Taipei City
 Manufacturer Address
                             23143, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

 Equipment                   Contactless Module
 Model No                    VEGA5000
 FCC ID                      WIYVEGA5000

 Report Prepared By          Jesse Tien


 Report Authorized By        Roger Chen


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1. General
1.1 Introduction

The following measurement report is submitted on behalf of CASTLES TECHNOLOGY CO.,
LTD In support of a Class B Digital Device certification in accordance with Part2 Subpart J and
Part 15 Subpart C of the Commission’s and Regulations.

1.2 Customer Details

 Applicant Name              CASTLES TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
                             2F, No.205, Sec.3, Beixin Rd., Xindian District, New Taipei City
 Applicant Address
                             23143, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
 Manufacturer Name           CASTLES TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
                             2F, No.205, Sec.3, Beixin Rd., Xindian District, New Taipei City
 Manufacturer Address
                             23143, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

1.3 Technical data of EUT

 Equipment                   Contactless Module
 Model No                    VEGA5000
 FCC ID                      WIYVEGA5000
 Power Type                  Powered by DC 5V (use adapter model no.PA1008-1HU)
 Type of Modulation          Pulse code
 Type of Antenna             Loop antenna
 Frequency of Channel        1 Channel, 13.56MHz
 Note1: During testing the EUT was operated at Tx or Rx mode for each emission measured.
 This was done in order to ensure that maximum emission levels were attained.
 Note2: The adapter that used in this report is provided DC power (5V) only, it is not an
 accessory of VEGA5000

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1.4 Summary Of Tests

  Description of Standards and Results
               Test Item                            Standard                 Result
  Conducted Emission Requirements                Part 15 15.207              PASS
                                           Part 15 15.225(a)(b)(c)(d)
  Radiated Emission Requirements                                             PASS
                                            Part 15 15.205 , 15.209
  Frequency Tolerance Requirements             Part 15 15.225(e)             PASS
  Bandwidth Emission Requirements                Part 15 15.215              PASS

  47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C (1.705MHz to 30MHz Emission Limit)
                             Field Strength (30m)            Field Strength (3m)
    Frequency (MHz)
                                   (uV/30m)                       (dBuV/m)
      1.705 to 13.110                 30                            69.5
     13.110 to 13.410                 106                           80.5
     13.410 to 13.553                 334                           90.5
     13.553 to 13.567                15848                          124.0
     13.567 to 13.710                 334                           90.5
     13.710 to 14.010                 106                           80.5
     14.010 to 30.000                 30                            69.5
  Note : Use quasi-peak meter.
         Distance Factor Limit (3m) = Limit (30m) + 40log(30/3)

  15.209 Radiated Emission Limits: General Requirements
                           Field Strength
     Frequency (MHz)                             dBuV/m                 Distance (m)
                               (uV/ m)
       0.009 – 0.490        2400/F(kHz)                                     300
       0.490 – 1.705        24000/F(kHz)                                     30
        1.705 – 30.0              30               29.5                      30
           30 - 88               100               40.0                       3
          88 - 216               150               43.5                       3
         216 - 960               200               46.0                       3
         Above 960               500               54.0                       3

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1.5 Description of Support Equipment

This Contactless Module itself forms a system. No support equipment is required for its normal

1.6 Configuration of System Under Test

                                       Power Supply


1.7 Test Procedure

All measurements contained in this report were performed according to the techniques
described in Measurement procedure ANSI C63.4: 2003 "Measurement of Intentional

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1.8 General Test Condition

The conditions under which the EUT operates were varied to determine their effect on the
equipment's emission characteristics. The final configuration of the test system and the mode
of operation used during these tests were chosen as that which produced the highest emission
levels. However, only those conditions which the EUT was considered likely to encounter in
normal use were investigated.
The maximum operating frequency of the EUT is 72MHz, it is not great than 108MHz, the
measurement of radiated emissions frequency only shall be made up to 1GHz.

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2. Conducted Emissions Requirements
2.1 General & Setup

The power line conducted emission measurements were performed in a shielded enclosure.
The EUT was assembled on a wooden table which is 80 centimeters high, was placed 40
centimeters from the back wall and at least 1 meter from the sidewall.
Power was fed to the EUT from the public utility power grid through a line filter and EMCO
Model 3825/2 Line Impedance Stabilization Networks (LISN). The LISN housing, measuring
instrumentation case, ground plane, etc., were electrically bonded together at the same RF
potential. The Spectrum analyzer was connected to the AC line through an isolation
transformer. The 50-ohm output of the LISN was connected to the spectrum analyzer directly.
Conducted emission levels were in the CISPER quasi-peak detection mode. The analyzer's 6
dB bandwidth was set to 9 KHz. No post-detector video filter was used.
The spectrum was scanned from 150 KHz to 30 MHz. The physical arrangement of the test
system and associated cabling was varied (within the scope of arrangements likely to be
encountered in actual use) to determine the effect on the unit's emanations in amplitude and
frequency. All spurious emission frequencies were observed. The highest emission amplitudes
relative to the appropriate limit were measured and have been recorded in paragraph 2.5.

2.2 Test Equipment List

                                                     Model/Type   Calibrated     Next Cal.
Item Mfr/Brand      Instruments         Serial No.
                                                        No.         Date           Date
 1.       HP       Spectrum Analyzer   73412A00110    8591EM       2011/3/25     2012/3/25
 2.     EMCO             LISN             2658         3825/2      2011/3/5       2012/3/5
 3.     TESEQ            ISN              24810        ISN T8      2011/4/7       2012/4/7

2.3 Test condition

EUT tested in accordance with the specifications given by the manufacturer, and exercised in
the most unfavorable manner.

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2.4 Conducted Emissions Limits

  FCC Part 15
                                               Limits (dBuV)
    Frequency range (MHz)           Class A                    Class B
                               QP             Avg.        QP             Avg.
         0.15 to 0.50          79             66        66 to 56     56 to 46
          0.50 to 5.0          73             60          56             46
           5.0 to 30           73             60          60             50

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2.5 Measurement Data Of Conducted Emissions

2.5.1 Conducted Emissions

The following table show a summary of the highest emissions of power line conducted
emissions to the HOT and NEUTRAL conductor of the EUT power.

    Test Mode :             Transmit

                              Conducted Emissions (Class B)
                                                 Limits        Amplitude        Margin
  Test     Freq    Read(dBuV)
                                   Factor        (dBuV)          (dBuV)         (dBuV)
  Port    (MHz)
                    QP       AV                QP      AV      QP     AV      QP       AV
          0.1668   51.94      --       1.05   65.12   55.12   52.99   --    -12.13         --
          0.1864   50.76      --       1.12   64.20   54.20   51.88   --    -12.32         --
          0.2162   48.81      --       1.12   62.96   52.96   49.93   --    -13.03         --
   L1     0.2404   47.37      --       1.14   62.08   52.08   48.51   --    -13.57         --
          0.2603   45.61      --       1.14   61.42   51.42   46.75   --    -14.67         --
          0.3234   43.75      --       1.15   59.62   49.62   44.90   --    -14.72         --
          5.2210   32.88      --       2.06   60.00   50.00   34.94   --    -25.06         --
          0.1633   51.73      --       0.93   65.30   55.30   52.66   --    -12.64         --
          0.1965   47.26      --       1.07   63.76   53.76   48.33   --    -15.43         --
          0.2316   47.19      --       1.09   62.39   52.39   48.28   --    -14.11         --
   L2     0.2521   45.03      --       1.09   61.69   51.69   46.12   --    -15.57         --
          0.3286   40.71      --       1.09   59.49   49.49   41.80   --    -17.69         --
          0.3634   37.02      --       1.09   58.65   48.65   38.11   --    -20.54         --
          5.1390   31.65      --       1.99   60.00   50.00   33.64   --    -26.36         --
  Notes : 1.L1: One end & Ground L2: The other end & Ground
          2.Height of table on which the EUT was placed : 0.8 m.
          3.The Quasi-Peak Value have already met the Average Value Limit showed on
            above limits.
          4.The above test results are obtained under the normal condition.

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                               Test Port : L1

                               Test Port : L2

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3. Radiated Emissions Requirements
3.1 General & Setup

Prior to open-field testing, the EUT was placed in a shielded enclosure and scanned at a close
distance to determine its emission characteristics. The physical arrangement of the EUT was
varied (within the scope of arrangements likely to be encountered in actual use) to determine
the effect on the unit's emanations in amplitude, directivity, and frequency.
The exact system configuration which produced the highest emissions was noted so it could be
reproduced later during the open-field tests. This was done to ensure that the final
measurements would demonstrate the worst-case interference potential of the EUT.

3.2 Test Procedure

Final radiation measurements were made on a three-meter, open-field test site. The EUT
system was placed on a nonconductive turntable which is 0.8 meters height, top surface 1.0 x
1.5 meter. The spectrum was examined from 50 kHz to 2.5 GHz in order to cover the whole
spectrum below 10th harmonic which could generate from the EUT. During the test, EUT was
set to transmit continuously & Measurements spectrum range from 30 MHz to 5 GHz is
For measurements from 30 MHz to 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 100 kHz for peak
detection measurements or 120 kHz for quasi-peak detection measurements. Peak detection
is used unless otherwise noted as quasi-peak.
For frequency range below 30MHz the Loop antenna was used at 3 m measurement distance
with antenna heights of 1 m to 4 m and antenna loop front and side faced to the EUT. The axis
of the antenna was rotated to maximize the emission. A CISPR quasi-peak detector is used for
measurements below 30MHz and RBW / VBW is 9kHz / 30kHz.
The limit 1.75MHz to 30MHz in 15.225(a)(b)(c)(d) are specified at 30 meters, and
measurements were made at 3 meters, the limit is translated to 3 meters by using a formula as
         Limit3m = Limit 30 m +( 40log(30m/3) = 40dB )
A nonconductive material surrounded the EUT to supporting the EUT for standing on tree
orthogonal planes. At each condition, the EUT was rotated 360 degrees, and the antenna was
raised and lowered from one to four meters to find the maximum emission levels.
Measurements were taken using both horizontal and vertical antenna polarization.

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3.3 Test Equipment List

                                                   Model/Type    Calibrated     Next Cal.
Item Mfr/Brand    Instruments         Serial No.
                                                      No.          Date           Date
 1.    Agilent   Spectrum Analyzer    US40240137     E7403A      2011/2/11      2012/2/11
 2.     MLT        Pre Amplifier       20110209    PREAMP6G-01    2011/3/5       2012/3/5
 3.     MLT        Pre Amplifier       20110301    PREAMP6G-02    2011/3/5       2012/3/5
 4.    EMCO      Biconilog Antenna     00059739       3142C      2011/8/18      2012/8/17
 5.    Agilent    Spectrum Analyzer   US44300422     E4446A      2011/6/10      2012/6/10
 6.     ETS        Loop Antenna          1493         6507       2011/1/12      2013/1/11
 7.    EMCO      Biconilog Antenna     00044568       3142C      2011/8/19      2012/8/18

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3.4 Measurement Data Of Radiated Emissions

3.4.1 Open Field Radiated Emissions (1.7MHz to 30MHz )

The highest peak values of radiated emissions from the EUT transmit level, at various antenna
heights and antenna polarization are recorded on the following

    Test Mode :            Transmitter

                     Radiated Emissions (VERTICAL) X Axis
                     Read    Factor Ant.
Frequency Amplitude                      Table Dist Actual Amp Limit Margin
  (MHz)   (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB) (cm) (Deg) (dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)
  4.054       42.80       59.80    -17.00   220   20     40      42.80        69.5      -26.70
  12.686      29.05       47.61    -18.56   220   20     40      29.05        69.5      -40.45
  13.240      27.63       46.21    -18.58   220   20     40      27.63        80.5      -52.87
  13.560      66.26       84.85    -18.59   220   20     40      66.26        124       -57.74
  13.746      30.02       48.62    -18.60   220   20     40      30.02        80.5      -50.48
  14.172      31.35       49.97    -18.62   220   20     40      31.35        69.5      -38.15
  23.955      39.26       59.42    -20.16   220   20     40      39.26        69.5      -30.24

                    Radiated Emissions (HORIZONTAL) X Axis
                     Read    Factor Ant.
Frequency Amplitude                      Table Dist Actual Amp Limit Margin
  (MHz)   (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB) (cm) (Deg) (dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)
  4.270       43.36       60.38    -17.02   256   0      40      43.36        69.5      -26.14
  13.042      26.84       45.41    -18.57   256   0      40      26.84        69.5      -42.66
  13.404      26.39       44.98    -18.59   256   0      40      26.39        80.5      -54.11
  13.560      64.63       83.22    -18.59   256   0      40      64.63        124       -59.37
  13.986      26.80       45.41    -18.61   256   0      40      26.80        80.5      -53.70
  14.260      27.42       46.04    -18.62   256   0      40      27.42        69.5      -42.08
  22.111      38.33       58.38    -20.05   256   0      40      38.33        69.5      -31.17

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                      Radiated Emissions (VERTICAL) Y Axis
                     Read Factor Ant.                   Actual
Frequency Amplitude                        Table Dist           Limit Margin
                                     Pos.                Amp
  (MHz)   (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)     (cm) (Deg) (dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)
  3.676    43.03    59.96   -16.93   200   0     40   43.03    69.5     -26.47
 12.564    33.44    51.99   -18.55   200   0     40   33.44    69.5     -36.06
 13.323    32.42    51.00   -18.58   200   0     40   32.42    80.5     -48.08
 13.560    78.34    96.93   -18.59   200   0     40   78.34    124      -45.66
 13.794    34.52    53.12   -18.60   200   0     40   34.52    80.5     -45.98
 14.745    38.38    57.02   -18.64   200   0     40   38.38    69.5     -31.12
 22.111    47.70    67.75   -20.05   200   0     40   47.70    69.5     -21.80

                     Radiated Emissions (HORIZONTAL) Y Axis
                     Read Factor Ant.                   Actual
Frequency Amplitude                        Table Dist           Limit Margin
                                     Pos.                Amp
  (MHz)   (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)     (cm) (Deg) (dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)
  5.210    39.66    56.77   -17.11   100   268   40   39.66    69.5     -29.84
 12.864    33.20    51.76   -18.56   100   268   40   33.20    69.5     -36.30
 13.278    32.10    50.68   -18.58   100   268   40   32.10    80.5     -48.40
 13.560    73.39    91.98   -18.59   100   268   40   73.39    124      -50.61
 13.983    32.58    51.19   -18.61   100   268   40   32.58    80.5     -47.92
 14.823    34.65    53.29   -18.64   100   268   40   34.65    69.5     -34.85
 22.111    39.62    59.67   -20.05   100   268   40   39.62    69.5     -29.88

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                      Radiated Emissions (VERTICAL) Z Axis
                     Read Factor Ant.                   Actual
Frequency Amplitude                        Table Dist          Limit Margin
                                    Pos.                 Amp
  (MHz)   (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)    (cm) (Deg) (dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)
  5.804      39.09      56.26    -17.17    200      0     40      39.09      69.5     -30.41
 12.600      33.43      51.98    -18.55    200      0     40      33.43      69.5     -36.07
 13.386      33.19      51.78    -18.59    200      0     40      33.19      80.5     -47.31
 13.560      78.29      96.88    -18.59    200      0     40      78.29      124      -45.71
 13.719      34.89      53.49    -18.60    200      0     40      34.89      80.5     -45.61
 14.745      38.94      57.58    -18.64    200      0     40      38.94      69.5     -30.56
 22.111      45.71      65.76    -20.05    200      0     40      45.71      69.5     -23.79

                     Radiated Emissions (HORIZONTAL) Z Axis
                     Read Factor Ant.                   Actual
Frequency Amplitude                        Table Dist           Limit Margin
                                     Pos.                Amp
  (MHz)   (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)     (cm) (Deg) (dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)
  4.303      41.39      58.41    -17.02    120     50     40      41.39      69.5     -28.11
 12.699      32.72      51.28    -18.56    120     50     40      32.72      69.5     -36.78
 13.314      32.00      50.58    -18.58    120     50     40      32.00      80.5     -48.50
 13.560      73.77      92.36    -18.59    120     50     40      73.77      124      -50.23
 13.755      32.44      51.04    -18.60    120     50     40      32.44      80.5     -48.06
 14.745      34.59      53.23    -18.64    120     50     40      34.59      69.5     -34.91
 22.111      39.68      59.73    -20.05    120     50     40      39.68      69.5     -29.82
Notes : 1. Amplitude = Reading Amplitude + Factor
        Factor = Amp gain+ Cable loss + Ant factor (Auto calculate in spectrum analyzer)
        2. Ant (cm ) = Antenna height.
        3. Distance of Measurement : 3 Meter
        4. Dist(dB) = 40log(30/3) = 40dB ( 30 = 30m , 3 = 3m )
        5. Height of table for EUT placed: 0.8 Meter.
        6. Actual Amp = Amplitude – Dist (30m to 3m )
        7. Margin= .Actual Amp – Limits

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3.4.2 Open Field Radiated Emissions (30MHz to 1GHz )

The highest peak values of radiated emissions from the EUT at various antenna heights,
antenna polarization, EUT orientation, etc. are recorded on the following

    Test Mode :              Transmit ( worst case: YAxis )

                          Radiated Emissions (VERTICAL)Class B
    Frequency      Read               Ant.    Table    Amplitude   Limits    Margin
      (MHz)       (dBuV/m)            (cm) (Degree) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)         (dB)
      30.25        56.73     -20.70    100      288       36.03       40      -3.97
      38.10        56.97     -24.46    100      141       32.51       40      -7.49
      48.90        59.43     -28.84    100      111       30.59       40      -9.41
      135.57       60.56     -31.74    100      263       28.82     43.5     -14.68
      149.07       60.51     -30.21    100      198       30.30     43.5     -13.20
      158.52       58.56     -28.94    100      239       29.62     43.5     -13.88
      162.57       57.60     -28.77    100      212       28.83     43.5     -14.67
      641.60       47.28     -12.76    100      200       34.52       46     -11.48
      785.10       44.14     -10.58    100      325       33.56       46     -12.44
   Notes : 1. Margin= Amplitude - Limits
           2. Distance of Measurement : 3 Meter
           3. Height of table for EUT placed: 0.8 Meter.
           4. Amplitude= Reading –Amp gain+ Cable loss + Ant factor
              (Auto calculate in spectrum analyzer)
           5. Pre amplifier Gain :38dB to 42dB

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                     Radiated Emissions (HORIZONTAL)Class B
   Frequency     Read               Ant.    Table   Amplitude    Limits     Margin
      (MHz)    (dBuV/m)             (cm) (Degree) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)          (dB)
      51.60      57.75     -29.32   400      111       28.43          40    -11.57
      99.66      62.33     -30.87   400      99        31.46      43.5      -12.04
     162.70      59.44     -28.92   400      128       30.52      43.5      -12.98
     189.57      55.09     -28.53   400      298       26.56      43.5      -16.94
     222.51      54.21     -27.43   400      255       26.78          46    -19.22
     517.70      50.89     -17.56   300      317       33.33          46    -12.67
     636.70      46.86     -14.56   232      163       32.30          46    -13.70
     643.70      47.72     -14.39   222      157       33.33          46    -12.67
     867.00      45.38     -10.06   124      108       35.32          46    -10.68
   Notes : 1. Margin= Amplitude - Limits
           2. Distance of Measurement : 3 Meter
           3. Height of table for EUT placed: 0.8 Meter.
           4. Amplitude= Reading –Amp gain+ Cable loss + Ant factor
              (Auto calculate in spectrum analyzer)
           5. Pre amplifier Gain :38dB to 42dB

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4. Frequency Tolerance Requirements
4.1 Test Condition & Setup

15.225(e) The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within ±0.01% of
the operating frequency over a temperature variation of -20 degrees to +50 degrees C at
normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the primary supply voltage from 85% to 115% of
the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 23 degrees C. For battery operated equipment, the
equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.
The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set to 10Hz., “span” set to 2kHz.
The detector function was set to peak and hold mode read frequency.

4.2 Test Instruments Configuration



                                                                       E4407B or E4446A
                                                                      Spectrum Analyzer
                                                                         RF IN
                             Near Field Probe

4.3 Test Equipment List

                                                         Model/Type Calibrated Next Cal.
Item     Mfr/Brand        Instruments       Serial No.
                                                            No.       Date       Date
 1.        Agilent      Spectrum Analyzer US44300422       E4446A      2011/6/10     2012/6/10
 2.        Agilent      Spectrum Analyzer US39240419       E4407B       2011/2/1     2012/2/1
 3.          EM               Probe          107328        EM-6992        N/A           N/A
 4.    GIANT FORCE          CHAMBER        GP-94272-1     GTH-064S     2011/7/26     2012/7/25

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4.4 Test Results

          Test Conditions                   Result            Limit
      Temperature     Voltage       Frequency    Tolerance
           ℃             (AC)          (MHz)         ±%
         +23℃            120V        13.559975    0.0001844   PASS
                         102V        13.560000    0.0000000   PASS
                         138V        13.560000    0.0000000   PASS
                         102V        13.560000    0.0000000   PASS
                           138V       13.560000   0.0000000   PASS
    Note :1. AC input : 120V/60Hz (100%)
                      : 102V/60Hz (85%)
                      : 138V/60Hz (115%)
          2. Operation frequency 13.56MHz

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5. Transmitter Bandwidth Measurements
5.1 Test Condition & Setup

The transmitter bandwidth measurements were performed in a shielded enclosure. The EUT
was placed on a wooded table which is 0.8 meters height and a near field probe was used at a
testing, EUT was set to transmit continuously.
The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set to 1kHz. The detector function was
set to peak and hold mode to clearly observe the components. The maximum permitted
bandwidth at 13.553MHz to 13.567MHz with respect to the reference level specified of the
center frequency of the EUT.

5.2 Test Instruments Configuration

                                          Near Field Probe

                                                           E4407B or E4446A
                                                           Spectrum Analyzer

5.3 Test Equipment List

                                                        Model/Type Calibrated Next Cal.
Item     Mfr/Brand        Instruments      Serial No.
                                                           No.       Date       Date
 1.        Agilent      Spectrum Analyzer US44300422      E4446A      2011/6/10    2012/6/10
 2.        Agilent      Spectrum Analyzer US39240419      E4407B      2011/2/1     2012/2/1
 3.          EM              Probe           107328      EM-6992         N/A          N/A

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5.4 Test Results

               Operation Frequency      13.560050   MHz
           20dB Bandwidth Measurement     3.375     kHz
             99% Occupied Bandwidth      3.0060     kHz

5.5 Test Graphs

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Appendix I - EUT Test SETUP


                            EUT               0.8M



                  Metal floor surfaced with 30mm of insulating material

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                               Ground Plane


                                                           RF Test

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Appendix II - Brand / Trade Name & Model No. Multiple Listee

               Model No.             Trade Name
                   N/A                   N/A

Report Number: MLT1110P15001

Document Created: 2012-03-02 17:00:22
Document Modified: 2012-03-02 17:00:22

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