user manual part 2


Users Manual

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                                                              Vivint Element Installation Guide

     Connecting the Thermostat to a Z—Wave® Network
     The Vivint Element Thermostat is a Z—Wave® compliant thermostat. It has an onboard radio
     that can be connected to an existing Z—Wave® network.

1. Set your primary controller to INCLUDE mode                                   ~
   to add the thermostat as a node on your network
   (see your specific controller‘s User Manual for
   detailed instructions).
2. The Thermostat main screen shows a welcome                              ';'EEJH;S
   message. Press the SIDE button to continue.                             TLHE%%"MGC’E.:S%E
3. When your primary controller is ready to connect to                     vivINT PaNEL
       the Thermostat, press the SIDE button to connect.
       This initiates the network connection process. The
       Thermostat‘s screen says "Connecting."
+_     If the connection fails, the screen says, "Failed."
       Press the SIDE button to try connecting again.                            V
5. When the Thermostat has successfully joined a
   Z—Wave network, the screen displays the message
   "Connected! Complete your setup on the VIVINT                                 ~
   panel." Press the SIDE button to continue.
6. The Thermostat displays the Home screen, with
   the device status of "OFF" and the current room
   temperature. You can now configure the thermostat
   to work with your system.                                               O FF
Your primary controller indicates that the thermostat
was successfully added to its network (see your                                 10
specific controller‘s User Manual for details).


Vivint Element Installation Guide

        Z—Wave and Power Supply
        The thermostat‘s node type is pre—determined when it connects to the Z—Wave network; if
        the C—Wire is not connected and is only battery—powered when connecting to the network,
        the thermostat will remain a frequent listening routing slave (FLiRS) node until it is removed
        from the network.
        When your thermostat is running on battery power, the Z—Wave radio will turn off to help
        conserve battery life. The Thermostat Z—Wave radio module supports Z—Wave beaming,
        which allows other devices in the network to wake up the Z—Wave module and accept
        commands and then go back to sleep.
        When your thermostat is running on C—Wire power, the Z—Wave radio will stay on and
        actively help route messages within the Z—Wave network. The thermostat‘s node type is
        pre—determined when it connects to the Z—Wave network; if the C—Wire is present and
        powered when connecting to the network, the thermostat will remain an always—listening
        node until it is removed from the network.

        Z—Wave and Thermostat Programs
        You must connect the Thermostat to a Z—Wave network. This unit cannot operate without a
        network connection. When you are paired to a Z—Wave system, the Z—Wave application on
        your device controls your thermostat‘s programs. You can still temporarily override settings
        on the thermostat itself, but otherwise you control it remotely.


                                                Vivint Element Installation Guide

Navigating the Vivint                                A                USER
Element Screens

«_   Use the UP and DOWN buttons to
                                                 SET TINGS
     move the cursor on the screen.
+    Use the SIDE button to make a
     selection or scroll through options.                               A

                                                   Done              Display
+    To go back to a previous screen,                                   v

     highlight the arrow at the top of the
     screen and press the SIDE button.
+    After configuring these settings, on the
     Home screen, press the side button              V                  A

     to turn the system on. Press the side
     button repeatedly to cycle through

To return to the Home screen press and
hold the SIDE button for one (1) second.


Vivint Element Installation Guide

          Selecting HVAC & Heat Types                     Selecting Heat Pump Settings
          1. From the Thermostat‘s Home screen,           41. From the Thermostat‘s Home
             press and hold the SIDE button                 screen, press and hold the SIDE
             until the Settings menu appears                button until the Settings menu
             (approximately 10 seconds).                    appears (approximately 10
             Highlight Installer, then press the SIDE       seconds).
             button. The Installer Settings menu            Highlight Installer, then press
             opens.                                         the SIDE button. The Installer
             Highlight Equipment, then press the            Settings menu opens.
             SIDE button. The Equipment menu                Highlight Equipment, then press
             opens.                                         the SIDE button. The Equipment
             Highlight Heating, then press the SIDE         menu opens.
             button. The Heating menu opens.                Highlight Heat Pump, then press
             Under Heating Type, press the SIDE             the SIDE button. The Heat Pump
             button until your heating type is              menu opens.
             displayed: Forced Air, Heat Pump,              Highlight Wire, then select
             Hydronic, or Radiant.                          the letter corresponding to
             Under Fuel, press the SIDE button              the terminal the Heat Pump is
             until your heating fuel is displayed:          connected to: O or B.
             Natural Gas, Propane, Fuel Oil, or             Under Stages, press the SIDE
             Geothermal and Electric. For Heat              button until your system‘s
             Pump systems, this field is labeled            heating stage type is displayed:
             Aux Fuel.                                      1 (single), or 2 (multi—stage).
             Under Stages, press the SIDE button
             until your system‘s heating stage type
             is displayed: 1 (single), 2 (multi—stage),
             1 + Auxiliary, or 2 + Auxiliary. For Heat
             Pump systems, this field is labeled
             Aux. Stages.
          Note: Auxiliary stages are only available                          @
          if you select Heat Pump as the heating
          type.                                                              A

                                                                        Heat Pump

                                                           Heat Types


                                                          Vivint Element Installation Guide

Selecting Cooling Type                        Selecting Humidity Settings
1. From the Thermostat‘s Home screen,         8. From the Thermostat‘s Home screen, press
  press and hold the SIDE button until the       and hold the SIDE button until the Settings
  Settings menu appears (approximately           menu appears (approximately 10 seconds).
  10 seconds).                                 . Highlight Installer, then press the SIDE
  Highlight Installer, then press the SIDE       button. The Installer Settings menu opens.
  button. The Installer Settings menu            Highlight Equipment, then press the SIDE
  opens.                                         button. The Equipment menu opens.
 . Highlight Equipment, then press the           Highlight Humidity, the press the SIDE
   SIDE button. The Equipment menu               button. The Humidity menu opens.
                                                Under Type, press the SIDE button until
  Highlight Cooling, the press the SIDE         the type of humidity system you have is
  button. The Cooling menu opens.               displayed: None, Humidifier, Dehumidifier or
 . Under Type, press the SIDE button            Air Conditioner.
   until your Cooling type is displayed:        Under Activation, press the SIDE button
   Air Conditioning, Heat Pump, or              until the method your humidity system uses
   Evaporative.                                 is displayed: W(ith) Heating, W(ith) Cooling,
  Under Stages, press the SIDE button           or Independent.
  until the number of stages your system        Under Fan, press the SIDE button until the
  uses is displayed: 1(single) or 2 (mutli—     fan option your humidity system uses is
  stage).                                       displayed: Active or Inactive.

                  Te                                          TYPE

                  Air                                         None

 Cooling                                       Humidity


Vivint Element Installation Guide

        Test Installation
        Do not operate AC if the outside temp is below 65°F.

        To Check Heat                                 6 . Wait for the test to end, or highlight
        The heating and cooling tests run for             the back arrow and press the SIDE
        up to 30 minutes. You can stop a test             button.
        at any time by selecting the arrow and        A test of a successfully functioning
        pressing the SIDE button.                     heating system will show a rise in the
        1. From the Thermostat‘s Home                 temperature, as well as the proper
           screen, press and hold the SIDE            wires indicated as being active. If the
           button until the Settings menu             temperature appears to drop, or the
           appears (approximately 10                  wrong wires are indicated as being
           seconds).                                  active, the test indicates a problem
                                                      with the Thermostat installation.
           Highlight Installer, then press the        Check the wire connections and run
           SIDE button. The Installer Settings        the heating test again.
           menu opens.
           Highlight Testing, then press the
           SIDE button. The Testing menu
           Highlight Heating, then press the
           SIDE button. The Heat Test menu
           opens .
           Highlight START, then press the                                 18:24
           SIDE button. The Thermostat
           screen displays the following:                                  +3.4°
           + HEAT TIME: how long the test
           has been running in minutes and
            + ACTIVE: the wires the system
           is using to communicate with the
           heating system (example: W, G)
           + CHANGE: the amount of
           temperature change caused during
           the test (example: +3 .4°)


                                                Vivint Element Installation Guide

To Check Cool
1. From the Thermostat‘s Home screen,                #*
   press and hold the SIDE button until the
   Settings menu appears (approximately
   10 seconds).
2. Highlight Installer, then press the SIDE        COoL
   button. The Installer Settings menu           ~—18g24
   opens.                                           YG

3. Highlight Testing, then press the SIDE           —2.6°
   button. The Testing menu opens.
4. Highlight Cooling, then press the SIDE
   button. The Cool Test menu opens.
5. Highlight START, then press the SIDE
   button. The Thermostat screen displays            w
   the following:
   COOL TIME: how long the test has been
   running in minutes and seconds
   ACTIVE: the wires the system is using
   to communicate with the cooling system
   (example: Y, G)
   CHANGE: the amount of temperature
   change caused during the test
   (example: —2 .6°)
6. Wait for the test to end, or highlight the
   back arrow and press the SIDE button.

A test of a successfully functioning cooling
system will show a drop in the temperature,
as well as the proper wires indicated as
being active. If the temperature appears
to rise, or the wrong wires are indicated as
being active, the test indicates a problem
with the Thermostat installation. Check the
wire connections and run the cooling test



                                                           Vivint Element Installation Guide

 Detailed Wiring Diagrams

  Diagram 1         Diagram 2                  Diagram 3              Diagram 4
 3 Wires Heat       4 Wire Heat           5 Wire Heat/Cool         6 Wire Heat/Cool
    CWR               CWRG                   CWY R a                C W Y RH RC G

    Diagram 5                      Diagram 6                      Diagram 7
 Multi—stage Cool                 5 Wire Heat Pump            Multi—stage Heat Pump
 Multi—stage Heat                   w/o Aux Heat             w/Multi—stage Aux Heat
C W1 Y1 R G W2 Y2                  C B or O Y R G           C B or 0 Y1 Y2 W1 W2 R G


Vivint Element Installation Guide

          Step—By—Step Wiring Diagrams

          DIAGRAM 1                                                                            HVAC System
          2 Wire GAS MILLIVOLT or 24VAC System                                                   R   W   C                      ‘
          1. Connect the R (or RH) wire to the RH terminal.                                              I       .              ,
               This connects the heat power.                                                             | Optional C Wire
          2. Connect the W wire to the W terminal. This                                                  1
               connects the heat.                                                    Y2                  & ——4        _C
          3. If available, connect the C wire to the C                                é                              OI;B
               terminal.                                                 Instailed   |—|__RG                         w2

          4. Go to "Connect Your Wires" on page 11.                      fi;'s;       RH                               W

          DIAGRAM 2
          3 Wire Heat                                                                          HVAC System
          1. Connect the R (or RH) wire to the RH terminal.                                     G R W C                     ‘
               This connects the heat power.                                                                ;
          2. Connect the W wire to the W terminal. This                                                     | Optional C Wire
               connects the heat.                                                                           |
          3. Connect the G wire to the G terminal. This                              Y2                     t — 1    C
             connects the fan.                                                       Y                               A
          4.   If available, connect the C wire to the C terminal.       Factory      O                              oBP
            *          ‘                                             *   Installed   RC                              W2
          5. Go to "Connect Your Wires" on page 11.                       JRC-RH     RH                              w


                                                                     Vivint Element Installation Guide

DIAGRAM 3                                                                             HVAC System
4 Wire Heat/Cool                                                                     Y G R W C                               ‘
1. Connect the W wire to the W terminal. This                                                         I       Optional
   connects the heat.                                                                                 1       _C Wire
2. Connect the Y wire to the Y terminal. This                                                         1
   connects the cooling compressor.                                   Y2                              —— 41       C
3. Connect the RH or R wire to the RH terminal.                           Y                                       A
   This connects the power.                               Factory         G                                      Oo/B
                     .               .         .         Installed    RC                                         W2
4. Connect the G wire to the G terminal. This             RC—RH       RH                                          w
   connects the fan.                                      Jumper                      Th         fa
5. If available, connect the C wire to the C                                               ermos
6. Go to "Connect Your Wires" on page 11.

DIAGRAM 4                                                                        HVAC System
5 Wire Heat/Cool with separate Heating                                        Y¥ G    RC RH W C                          ‘
(RH) and Cooling (RC) Transformers                                                            t
                         .               .                                                                1    Optional
1. Connect the W wire to the W terminal.                                                                  1    Cw
   This connects the heat.                                                                                1      ite
2. Connect the Y wire to the Y terminal.                             Y2a                                  —      C
   This connects to the cooling compressor.                           y                                          A
3. Disconnect the RC and RH terminals by           REMOVE             G                                         O/B
   removing the Jumper Wire.                        Factory          RC                                         w2
4. Connect the RH wire to the RH terminal           RC—RH            RH                                          W
   and the RC wire to the RC terminal. This        Jumper                            Thermostat
   connects power.
   Connect the G wire to the G terminal.
   This connects the fan.

   If available, connect the C wire to the C
   Go to "Connect Your Wires" on page 11.


Vivint Element Installation Guide

          DIAGRAM 5
          Multi—stage Heat & Multi—Stage Cool                                          HVAC System
          The Element can handle up to 2 stages of                                Y2 Y G R W W2 C                              |
          HEAT and 2 stages of COOL.
                                                                                                             I    Optional
          1. Connect the W and W2 wires to the W and                                                         I    C Wire
             W2 terminals. This connects the stages of                                                       I
               HEAT.                                                         Y2                                      C
          2.   Connect the Y and Y2 wires to the Y and                        Y                                      A
               Y2 terminals. This connects the stages of     Faciony          G                                   O/B
                                                             Installed       RC                                    W2

          3.   Connect the RH or R wire to the RH            Jumper          RH                                     W
               terminal. This connects the power.                                       Thermostat
          4.   Connect the G wire to the G terminal.
               This connects the fan.

          5. If available, connect the C wire to the C
          6. Go to "Connect Your Wires" on page 11.

          DIAGRAM 6
          4 Wire Heat Pump (heat/cool) without Auxiliary Heat
           1. Connect the 0 wire to the O terminal                                     HVAC System
               or the B wire to the B terminal. This                     |         Y G R O/B C                             |
               connects the change—over valve. If you
                                                                                                     1           Optional
               have both O and B, connect only the                                                   I           C Wire
               O wire to the O terminal and DO NOT                                                   I
               connect B to B terminal (see the Wire                         Y2                          1        _C
               Reference Table on page 23 for Trane                          Y¥   |—                              A
               terminal labels).                           Factory
                                                                             G                                   O/B
          2. Connect the Y wire to the Y terminal.         Inp?glpfg         Efi                                  V\‘IIVZ
               This connects the compressor.               Jumper
          3. Connect the R wire to the RH terminal.
               This connects the power.
          4 . Connect the G wire to the G terminal.
              This connects the fan.
          5. If available, connect the C wire to the C
          6. Go to "Connect Your Wires" on page 11.


                                                                 Vivint Element Installation Guide

Multi—stage Heat Pump with Multi—Stage Aux Heat
The Element can handle up to 2 stages of
Pump compression and 2 stages of AUX
heat.                                                                            Aux Heat 1
                                                                                      Aux Heat 2
y Connect O wire to the O terminal or the
                                                                HVAC System
   B wire to the B terminal. This connects
   the change—over valve. If you have both                  |        Y2 Y G R W W2 O/B C                     |
   O and B, connect only the O wire to the                                                    r— 4 Optional
   O terminal and DO NOT connect B to B                                                       1        C Wire
   terminal (see Wire Reference Table on                                                      1
   page X for Trane terminal labels.).                          Y2     fl                      —1       _C
 . Connect the AUX 1 and AUX 2 wires to
                                                                 Y                                      A
   the AUX 1 and AUX 2 terminals. This          Factory
                                                                 G                           —         O/B
   connects the auxiliary heat.                Installed        RC                                     W2
                                                                RH                                      W
 . Connect the Y and Y2 wires to the Y
   and Y2 terminals. This connects the
 . Connect the R wire to RH terminal. This
   connects the power.
 . Connect the G wire to the G terminal.
   This connects the fan.
   If available, connect the C wire to the C
   Go to "Connect Your Wires" on page 11.

Accessory Wiring
                                                                        HVAC System
Zoned Hot Water Heat Motor or                                           RH   W   A    C      Valve
Solenoid Valve
                                                                                          ELEMENT must be
For Solenoid or Motor valves, connect the                                                 24VAC powered
wires based on the diagrams to the correct
                                                                Y2                            C
terminal on the Element. When controlling
a hydronic heating system, configure the                                                     O/B
thermostat as HVAC Type = Normal with           Installed       RC                                W2
Heat Type = Gas.                                 RC—RH
                                                                RH                                W

   USE ONLY IN HEAT MODE.                                                Thermostat

   The Element must be powered                                    Hydronic Heating Notes
   by 24v ac.                                           Configure thermostat as HVAC type = Normal,
                                                        with Heat Type = Gas. Use only in Heat Mode
The third wire on your valve may be called
6, Y, or G (see the Wire Reference Chart on
page 23.

Vivint Element Installation Guide

         Possible Wires    What They Control

         R or V or VR      RH and RC Single power for HEAT and COOL
         RH or 4           RH Power for HEAT (RH not connected to RC
                           jumper clip removed)
         RC                RC Power for COOL (RH not connected to RC
                           jumper clip removed)
         W                 W ist stage HEAT or iIst stage auxiliary heat
         W2                W2 2nd stage HEAT or 2nd stage auxiliary heat
         ¥                 Y COOL control or 1st stage compression for heat pump
         Y2                Y2 2nd stage COOL control or 2nd stage compression
                           for a heat pump
         G or F            G FAN control
         C or X            C 2AVAC power (to power thermostat)
                           NOTE: TRANE uses B for this connection
         H                 H External Humidifier
         DH                DH External De—Humidifier
         EX                EX external fresh air baffle
         B                 B Heat pump changeover (cool to heat, powered in heat)
                           For more details see B/O
         O                 O Heat pump changeover (heat to cool, powered in cool)
                           For more details see B/O
         B/O               IMPORTANT: If there are both B and O wires (Trane
                           and American Standard heat pump products) DO NOT
                           CONNECT B to B terminal. Instead, connect B to C
                           terminal. If not a Trane or American Standard product,
                           tape off B.
         E                 n/a Emergency heat (do not connect, tape off)
         L                 n/a System monitor (do not connect, tape off)
         T                 n/a Outdoor sensor (do not connect, tape off)


                                                  Vivint Element Installation Guide

Lennox Heat Pump

V or VR or R          RH Power for HEAT
M or Y                Y COOL control
Y or W or W2          w2 2nd stage HEAT
F or G                G Fan control
R or O                O
X or X2 or C          C
Trane Products [American Standard]
B                     C 2AVAC power (to power thermostat)
X2                    Emergency heat. Do not connect, tape off.
Zoned Hot Water

2 wire

R                     RH

W                     W

Motor Driven Valves

3 Wire
R or 5                RH (power)
W or 4                W (heat ON)
Y or G or 6           A (heat OFF)
(the 3rd wire)

Solenoid Valves

3 Wire
R                     RH (power)
W                     A (heat ON)
Y or G                W (heat OFF)
(the 3rd wire)


                                              OPERATION GUIDE

     Product Overview                                                                                                                                                                                                               30
     Exterior View                                                                                                                                                                                                                   32
     HOM@ SCIE@EN                                                                                                                                                                                            .:2 s er v er ter er esr re ser er enr en0 33
     Outside Temp Screen                                                                                                                                                                                                             34
     Menu Screen Settings Screen
     (@Tolas] ol (=—:—10)i 5i 50)ooio                                                                                                                                                                        e 36

     Settings                                                                                                                                                                                                                        36
     HUNNONUY a2n000000029900999rerrrrrrrrrerrrrerrrrerrererrererrrrerrerrerrrrerrererrererrererrereeeenerrenerrererrererrererrenerneeeeneeeenrenenrenenrenenennnennes
     DJSpIay                                                                              mmmmmmmmmmummummmaennmmenumemumumanimnmmnmmnmmnrmmmrmmmmmmrmmmnmmmrurunt
     COMIOTU. .s:seesreereecorentaeennnnnennumtenaunenen ednen idenane eoaenayonsueoienuen eeren ieerenn eevenen ieovenra drranen demnrpen demnnpendennanentages
     MRSCOING 1                                                                           re m renm ronmernmeor nmeor m roem roerwieravny cdavenannamerrannemermenepmerearepmenee remnmesarmnmnecanmgemnssmnnaemaseanmunennsues
     EOIUIJDMOINE::.: .:31010500050033e05ers3rrrcssrersyerrdppernerspeneesaes onsenn se snn eees aeieae oirepeaens ebees ees esn ereae eenc snerenesperce
     Calibration                                                                                                                                                                                                                    40
     Cycling ...
     Staging                                                                                                                                                                                                                             41
     Network                                                                                                                                                                                                                             41
     REOSEL .......ssssssssssrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrssrrssesssereerrrrrererrrrreererererrrerereeesesrrerereeseeeeereerreereeeerrrerereeerererererennnnnnnnnn 42
     5.                                                                                                                                                                                                         nb 43

     [(@)1pf< eb<Vi(e— |pirelanal—lilola 44
     LOW BQLEGEY UWEAFMING ::s—ss—seereeccoereecercersericsrrcecrenecpecionnceentecentecieneceentenenenesneceoencenmenooserecepeieonenesgenecnpcinnneonnteces
     Network Disconnected


Document Created: 2019-10-02 06:03:50
Document Modified: 2019-10-02 06:03:50

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