test report


Test Report

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                                                                               Nemko USA, Inc.
                                                                  11696 Sorrento Valley Rd., Suite F
                                                                         San Diego, CA 92121-1024
                                                          Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810

Test Report:                                 2009 03124293 FCC

Project number:                              13307

Applicant:                                   Residential Control Systems
                                             11481 Sunrise Gold Circle, Ste. 1
                                             Rancho Cordova, CA 95742

Equipment Under Test (EUT):                  Thermostat

Model:                                       TZ43TZW005

In Accordance With:                          FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249

FCC ID Number:                               WIBTZW005

Tested By:                                   Nemko USA Inc.
                                             11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F
                                             San Diego, CA 92121

Authorized By:
                                             Alan Laudani, RF/EMC Test Engineer

Date:                                        March 9, 2009

Total Number of Pages:                       17

FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249 : 13/03/2009

                                           11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                             Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                       Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                 Page 2 of 17

Section 1.         Summary of Test Results


All measurements are traceable to national standards

These tests were conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of
demonstrating compliance with Part 15; Subpart C. Radiated tests were conducted is
accordance with ANSI C63.4-2003. Radiated emissions are made on an open area test
site. A description of the test facility is on file with the FCC.

The assessment summary is as follows:

Apparatus Assessed:        Thermostat

Specification:             FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249

Compliance Status:         Complies

Exclusions:                None

Non-compliances:           None

                                               11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                 Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                   Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                          Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                    Page 3 of 17

Report Release History:

   REVISION                 DATE                               COMMENTS
        -          March 9, 2009           Prepared By:                             Alan Laudani
        -          March 9, 2009           Initial Release:                         Alan Laudani

Note that the results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were
obtained in the period between the date of initial receipt of samples and the date of
issue of the report.

This test report has been completed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC
Nemko USA Inc. authorizes the applicant to reproduce this report provided it is
reproduced in its entirety and for use by the company’s employees only.

Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be
made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties. Nemko USA Inc. accepts
no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions
made or actions based on this report.

Alan Laudani, RF/EMC Test Engineer

                                                                             11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                                               Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                                               Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                                                      Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                                                Page 4 of 17


Section 1.             Summary of Test Results....................................................................... 2
Section 2: Equipment Under Test ................................................................................................................. 5
2.1        Theory of Operation.............................................................................................. 5
2.4        Technical Specifications of the EUT ..................................................................... 5
Section 3: Test Conditions ........................................................................................... 6
3.1        Specifications ....................................................................................................... 6
3.2        Deviations From Laboratory Test Procedures ...................................................... 6
3.3        Test Environment ................................................................................................. 7
3.4        Test Equipment .................................................................................................... 7
Section 4: Observations ............................................................................................... 8
4.1        Modifications Performed During Assessment ....................................................... 8
4.2        Record Of Technical Judgements ........................................................................ 8
4.3        EUT Parameters Affecting Compliance ................................................................ 8
4.4        Tests Deleted ....................................................................................................... 8
4.5        Additional Observations........................................................................................ 8
Section 5: Results Summary........................................................................................ 9
5.1        FCC Part 15 Subpart C Test Results.................................................................... 9
Appendix A: Test Results........................................................................................... 10
Conducted Emissions Test Data ................................................................................... 10
Clause 15.215(c) Occupied Bandwidth ......................................................................... 11
Clause 15.209(a) Radiated Emissions within Restricted Bands.................................... 12
Clause 15.249(a) Radiated Emissions .......................................................................... 12
Clause 15.249(d) Spurious Emissions .......................................................................... 12
Conducted Emissions Test Data—Receive Mode......................................................... 16
Conducted Emissions Test Data—Receive Mode......................................................... 17

                                               11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                 Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                    Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                           Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                     Page 5 of 17

Section 2: Equipment Under Test

2.1   Theory of Operation

The TZ43TZW005 is a Thermostat. Its function is to communicate set point data with a
furnace or air conditioner system. Unterminated typical wiring was added to ensure
worst case spurious emissions. The EUT was exercised by an internal test program set
to transmit with continuous modulation for RF testing.

The EUT’s performance during test was evaluated against the performance criterion
specified by applicable test standards. Performance results are detailed in the test
results section of this report.

Highest frequency generated or used: 908.42 MHz

2.4   Technical Specifications of the EUT

Manufacturer:                 Residential Control Systems

Operating Frequency:          908.42 MHz in the 902--928 MHz Band

Measured Power:               Average 82.5 dBuV/m @ 3m
                              Peak 87.2 dBuV/m @ 3m

Modulation:                   FSK

Antenna Data:                 Circuitry trace – Not available

Antenna Connector:            NONE

Power Source:                 24 Vac adapter “typical” – May be powered by appliance.
                              EUT – Power    Amseco                     2 prong “wall wart” Input:
                              Adapter        Model: XR-2440LED          120VAC
                                             Serial: 91438-31012-9      Output: 24VAC 40VA

                                             11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                               Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                 Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                        Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                  Page 6 of 17

Section 3: Test Conditions

3.1   Specifications

The apparatus was assessed against the following specifications:

      FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249 Operation within the bands 902-928 MHz,
      2400-2483.5 MHz, 5725-5850 MHz and 24.0-24.25 GHz bands.

3.2   Deviations From Laboratory Test Procedures

No deviations from Laboratory Test Procedure

                                                       11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
  Nemko USA, Inc.                                                       Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                           Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
  FCC ID: WIBTZW005                                Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                            Page 7 of 17

  3.3    Test Environment

  All tests were performed under the following environmental conditions:

  Temperature range                 :   14 – 22 oC
  Humidity range                    :   32--66 %
  Pressure range                    :   102.0 kPa
  Power supply range                :   +/- 5% of rated voltages

  3.4    Test Equipment

Nemko                                                                                                   Cal Due
  ID            Device                    Mfr.        Model          Serial Number      Cal Date         Date
 111         Antenna, LPA                EMCO           3146              1382          20-Oct-08      20-Oct-10
 116         Antenna, Bicon              EMCO           3110              1267          12-Nov-08      12-Nov-10
 317          Preamplifier                HP           8449A          2749A00167        31-Mar-08      31-Mar-09
 384              LISN                   Solar                           941716         27-Aug-08      27-Aug-09
 438       Quasi-Peak Adapter             HP          85650A          2521A00618        21-Mar-08      21-Mar-09
 529        Antenna, DRWG                EMCO           3115             2505           8/27/2007       08/27/08
 542         High Pass Filter            Solar       7801-5.0            838132         11-Apr-08      11-Apr-09
 NA     Regulating Transfmr, TDGC       0-250VAC        NA                 NA              NCR           NCR
 681         Transient Limiter            HP          11947A          3107A02634        12-Sep-08      12-Sep-09
                                        Rohde &
 835        Spectrum Analyzer                       RHDFSEK            829058/005       27-Jun-08      27-Jun-09
 839    Spectrum Analyzer Display         HP          85662A          3014A18995        21-Mar-08      21-Mar-09
 840        Spectrum Analyzer             HP          8566B           2416A00394        21-Mar-08      21-Mar-09
 898          EMI Receiver                HP          8546A           3625A00348         1/18/07        1/18/08
 899         RF Filter Section            HP          85460A          3448A00288         1/18/07        1/18/08
 811           Multimeter                Fluke         111              78130057        17-Nov-08     17-Nov-09

                                              11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                  Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                         Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                   Page 8 of 17

Section 4: Observations

4.1   Modifications Performed During Assessment

No modifications were performed during assessment.

4.2   Record Of Technical Judgements

No technical judgements were made during the assessment.

4.3   EUT Parameters Affecting Compliance

The user of the apparatus could not alter parameters that would affect compliance.

4.4   Tests Deleted

No Tests were deleted from this assessment.

4.5   Additional Observations

There were no additional observations made during this assessment.

                                                        11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                          Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                          Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                                 Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                           Page 9 of 17

Section 5: Results Summary
This section contains the following:

FCC Part 15 Subpart C: Test Results.

The column headed “Required” indicates whether the associated clauses were invoked
for the apparatus under test. The following abbreviations are used:

        N       No: not applicable / not relevant
        Y       Yes: Mandatory i.e. the apparatus shall conform to these tests.
        N/T     Not Tested, mandatory but not assessed. (See section 4.4 Test deleted)

The results contained in this section are representative of the operation of the apparatus
as originally submitted.

5.1     FCC Part 15 Subpart C Test Results

 Part 15                             Test Description                                  Required        Result

15.207 (a)   Power line Conducted Emissions                                                 Y           Pass

15.209 (a)   Radiated Emissions within Restricted Bands                                     Y           Pass

15.215 (c)   Occupied Bandwidth                                                             Y           Pass

15.249 (a)   Radiated Emissions not in Restricted Bands                                     Y           Pass

15.249 (b)   Operation in the 902--928 MHZ Band Fixed, point-to-point operation             N

15.249 (d)   Spurious Emissions (except Harmonics)                                          Y           Pass

15.107 (a)   Receiver Spurious Conducted Emissions                                          Y           Pass

15.109 (a)   Receiver Spurious Radiated Emissions                                           Y           Pass

                                                                                                              11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
   Nemko USA, Inc.                                                                                                             Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                                                                               Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
   FCC ID: WIBTZW005                                                                                   Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                                                                               Page 10 of 17

                                                                             Appendix A: Test Results
   Conducted Emissions Test Data
Client                                                  Residential Control Systems                                       Temperature           22       °C
Pan #                                                   13307                                                             Relative Humidity     36       %
EUT Name                                                Thermostat                                                        Barometric Pressure   102.0    kPa
EUT Model                                               TZ43TZW005                                                        Test Location         Enclosure 1
Governing Doc                                           CFR 47, Part 15B                                                  Test Engineer         Alan Laudani
Basic Standard                                          Sec. 15.207 Class “B” Transmit                                    Date of test          March 9, 2009
Test                                                    Peak RBW: 100kHz VBW: 100kHz
                                                        Quasi-Peak: RBW 9kHz, VBW 30 kHz
                                                        Average: RBW 9kHz, VBW 30 kHz
                                                        Quasi-Peak Limit Blue Line, Average Limit Green Line

     Nemko USA, Inc.                                                                               Residential Control Systems
     FCC Class B Conducted Emissions                                                               Transmit
     120VAC @ 60Hz, L1 PK, QP = 0, AV = X




             Amplitude (dbuV)







                                                 100.0K                                1.0M                                       10.0M                   100.0M

     08:23:07 AM, Monday, March 09, 2009

      Nemko USA, Inc.                                                                               Residential Control Systems
      FCC Class B Conducted Emissions                                                               Transmit
      120VAC @ 60Hz, L2 PK, QP = 0, AV = X




                            Amplitude (dbuV)







                                                   100.0K                               1.0M                                       10.0M                   100.0M

      08:20:14 AM, Monday, March 09, 2009

                                                         11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                           Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                            Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                                   Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                            Page 11 of 17

Clause 15.215(c) Occupied Bandwidth

Test Conditions:
Client           Residential Control Systems                      Temperature               22
Pan #            13307                                            Relative Humidity         36
EUT Name         Thermostat                                       Barometric Pressure       102.0
EUT Model        TZ43TZW005                                 Test Location          Enclosure 2
Governing Doc    CFR 47, Part 15C                           Test Engineer          Alan Laudani
Basic Standard   Sec. 15.249 Transmit                       Date of test           March 9, 2009

15.215(c) Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general emission limits,
as contained in Sec. Sec. 15.217 through 15.257 and in Subpart E of this part, must be designed to
ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be specified in
the specific rule section under which the equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band
designated in the rule section under which the equipment is operated. The requirement to contain the
designated bandwidth of the emission within the specified frequency band includes the effects from
frequency sweeping, frequency hopping and other modulation techniques that may be employed as well
as the frequency stability of the transmitter over expected variations in temperature and supply voltage.
If a frequency stability is not specified in the regulations, it is recommended that the fundamental
emission be kept within at least the central 80% of the permitted band in order to minimize the possibility
of out-of-band operation.

Test Results:

                          Measured Occupied Bandwidth: 130 kHz

                                                       11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                         Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                         Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                                Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                         Page 12 of 17

Clause 15.209(a) Radiated Emissions within Restricted Bands

(a) Except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an intentional radiator shall not
exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:

        Frequency (MHz)               Field Strength (uV/meter)          Measurement Distance (meter)

          0.009-0.490                      2400/F (kHz)                                 300
          0.490-1.705                      24000/F (kHz)                                 30
          1.705-30.0                            30                                        3
             30-88                             100                                       3
            88-216                             150                                       3
            216-960                            200                                       3
          Above 960                            500                                        3

Clause 15.249(a) Radiated Emissions

Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the field strength of emissions from intentional
radiators operated within these frequency bands shall comply with the following:

 Fundamental frequency (MHz)        Field strength of fundamental          Field strength of harmonics
                                              (mV/meter)                            (uV/meter)

            902-928                               50                                    500
          2400-2483.5                            50                                     500
           5725-5875                             50                                     500
          24000-24250                            250                                   2500

Clause 15.249(d) Spurious Emissions

Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated
by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in Sec.
15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

                                              11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                  Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                         Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                  Page 13 of 17

Test Results:

      See Table. EUT complies for fundamental power, bandedges and spurious

Additional Observations:

      The Spectrum was searched from 30MHz to the 10th Harmonic (9280 MHz).

      These results apply to emissions that may be found in the restricted bands
      defined in FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.205. The EUT was investigated with a
      variac that showed no output power differences when the line voltage was
      varied by +/- 15 % of nominal 120 Vac.

      All Measurements below 1GHz were performed at 3m employing a CISPR
      quasi-peak detector, except for the radio’s fundamental. Peak
      measurements above 1GHz were done utilizing RBW of 1MHz and VBW of
      3MHz. Average measurements above 1GHz were done utilizing RBW of
      1MHz and VBW of 10Hz as the duty cycle was 100%.

      Measurements made at the 3 meter Outside Area Test Site, all
      measurements max hold after peaking for EUT rotation and antenna height
      from 1 to 4 meters.

      Fundamental power was measured at 1 MHz RBW, 3 MHz VBW to ensure
      capture of entire emissions envelope. 15.249(e). And the peak field
      strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average
      limits specified above by more than 20 dB under any condition of
      modulation. The peak field strength emission passes when measured at
      max hold RBW of 1 MHz with 3 MHz VBW.

      No other emissions found within 20 dB of the limits.

                                               11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                 Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                   Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                          Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                   Page 14 of 17

28 dB offset to account for Antenna factor plus cable loss.

Actual measurements Bandedge were done using a Quasi-Peak detector, see
table below.

EUT passes Bandedge.


     Q-P limit blue line 46 dBuV/m

     Red lines are band edge 902 to 928 MHz

                                                                               11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                                                 Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                                                Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                                                       Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                                                Page 15 of 17

Note: Corrected Reading Computations
Average = Maximum Meter Reading + Antenna Factor + Path Loss
82.5 = 54.5 + 23.6 + 4.4

EUT passes
Limit = 50 mV/m
Corrected Average Reading = 82.5 dBuV/m
10((82.5-120)/20) = 0.0133V/m, or 13.3 mV/m

                                                        Radiated Emissions Data

  Job # :                   13307                          Date :    3-9-09                   Page            1          of         1
  NEX #:                    124283                         Time :    1030
                                                           Staff :   aal
  Client Name :             Residential Control Systems                                       EUT Voltage :                                    120
  EUT Name :                Thermostat                                                        EUT Frequency :                                   60
  EUT Model # :             TZ43TZW005                                                        Phase:                                            1
  EUT Serial # :            na                                                                NOATS
  EUT Config. :             Transmit                                                          SOATS                                             X
                                                                                              Distance < 1000 MHz:                             3m
                            15.249, 15.209                                                    Distance > 1000 MHz:                             3m
  Specification :           CFR47 Part 15, Subpart B, Class B
  Loop Ant. #:                  NA                                                                                   Quasi-Peak                   RBW: 120 kHz
  Bicon Ant.#:                116_3m              Temp. (°C) :           14                                                          Video Bandwidth 300 kHz
  Log Ant.#:                  111_3m            Humidity (%) :           58                                          Peak                         RBW: 1 MHz
  DRG Ant. #                    529                Spec An.#:           898                                                          Video Bandwidth 3 MHz
  Cable LF#:                  SOATS        Spec An. Display #:          898                                          Average                      RBW: 1 MHz
  Cable HF#:                   60FT                     QP #:           898                                                          Video Bandwidth 10 Hz
  Preamp LF#:                   NA                 PreSelect#:          899                     Measurements below 1 GHz are Quasi-Peak values, unless otherwise stated.

  Preamp HF#                    317                                                               Measurements above 1 GHz are Average values, unless otherwise stated.

    Meas.           Meter      Meter      Det.    EUT        Ant.       Max.      Corrected    Spec.       CR/SL        Pass
    Freq.       Reading       Reading             Side      Height     Reading     Reading       limit      Diff.       Fail
    (MHz)       Vertical     Horizontal          F/L/R/B      m        (dBμV)     (dBμV/m)    (dBμV/m)      (dB)                 Comment

     46.0           10.5         6.9       Q        -        1.0        10.5        24.0       40.0        -16.0       Pass
    117.0           6.7          6.1       Q        -        1.0         6.7        21.0       43.5        -22.5       Pass
    163.0           5.8          6.1       Q        -        1.0         6.1        24.0       43.5        -19.5       Pass
    180.0            7.9        14.7       Q        -        1.0        14.7        33.2       43.5        -10.3       Pass

    293.0           6.2         6.1        Q        -        1.0         6.2        24.1       46.0        -21.9       Pass
    340.0           5.9         5.9        Q        -        1.0         5.9        24.4       46.0        -21.7       Pass
    640.0           6.8         6.6        Q        -        1.0         6.8        30.2       46.0        -15.8       Pass

    902.0            6.5         6.5       Q        -        1.0         6.5        34.5       46.0        -11.5       Pass
   908.42           59.2        55.8       P        -        1.0        59.2        87.2       94.0         -6.8       Pass               RBW 1 MHz
   908.42           54.5        53.5       A        -        1.0        54.5        82.5       94.0        -11.5       Pass               RBW 1 MHz
    928.0            6.9         6.8       Q        -        1.0         6.9        34.8       46.0        -11.2       Pass

   1816.8           48.1        48.2       P        -        1.0        48.2        49.5       74.0        -24.5       Pass
   1816.8           33.4        33.7       A        -        1.0        33.7        35.0       54.0        -19.0       Pass
   2725.3           50.2        49.2       P        -        1.0        50.2        52.4       74.0        -21.5       Pass
   2725.3           38.7        37.2       A        -        1.0        38.7        40.9       54.0        -13.0       Pass

                                                                                                               11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
   Nemko USA, Inc.                                                                                                              Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                                                                               Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
   FCC ID: WIBTZW005                                                                                   Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                                                                               Page 16 of 17

   Conducted Emissions Test Data—Receive Mode

Client                                                  Residential Control Systems                                       Temperature           22       °C
Pan #                                                   13307                                                             Relative Humidity     36       %
EUT Name                                                Thermostat                                                        Barometric Pressure   102.0    kPa
EUT Model                                               TZ43TZW005                                                        Test Location         Enclosure 1
Governing Doc                                           CFR 47, Part 15B                                                  Test Engineer         Alan Laudani
Basic Standard                                          Sec. 15.107 Class “B”                                             Date of test          March 9, 2009
Test                                                    Peak RBW: 100kHz VBW: 100kHz
                                                        Quasi-Peak: RBW 9kHz, VBW 30 kHz
                                                        Average: RBW 9kHz, VBW 30 kHz
                                                        Quasi-Peak Limit Blue Line, Average Limit Green Line

     Nemko USA, Inc.                                                                               Residential Control Systems
     FCC Class B Conducted Emissions
     120VAC @ 60Hz, L1 PK, QP = 0, AV = X




             Amplitude (dbuV)







                                                 100.0K                                1.0M                                       10.0M                   100.0M

     07:59:18 AM, Monday, March 09, 2009

      Nemko USA, Inc.                                                                               Residential Control Systems
      FCC Class B Conducted Emissions
      120VAC @ 60Hz, L2 PK, QP = 0, AV = X




                            Amplitude (dbuV)







                                                   100.0K                               1.0M                                       10.0M                   100.0M

      08:03:06 AM, Monday, March 09, 2009

                                                                              11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92121
Nemko USA, Inc.                                                                                Phone (858) 755-5525 Fax (858) 452-1810
                                                                              Report Number: 2009 03124293 FCC
FCC ID: WIBTZW005                                                     Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.249
                                                                                              Page 17 of 17

Conducted Emissions Test Data—Receive Mode

                                                       Radiated Emissions Data

 Job # :                   13307                          Date :    3-9-09                    Page            1          of         1
 NEX #:                    124283                         Time :    1130
                                                          Staff :   aal
 Client Name :             Residential Control Systems                                        EUT Voltage :                                    120
 EUT Name :                Thermostat                                                         EUT Frequency :                                   60
 EUT Model # :             TZ43TZW005                                                         Phase:                                             1
 EUT Serial # :            na                                                                 NOATS
 EUT Config. :             Receive mode                                                       SOATS                                             X
                                                                                              Distance < 1000 MHz:                             3m
                           15.249, 15.109                                                     Distance > 1000 MHz:                             3m
 Specification :           CFR47 Part 15, Subpart B, Class B
 Loop Ant. #:                   NA                                                                                   Quasi-Peak                   RBW: 120 kHz
 Bicon Ant.#:                116_3m              Temp. (°C) :           14                                                           Video Bandwidth 300 kHz
 Log Ant.#:                  111_3m            Humidity (%) :          58                                            Peak                         RBW: 1 MHz
 DRG Ant. #                     529               Spec An.#:           898                                                           Video Bandwidth 3 MHz
 Cable LF#:                  SOATS        Spec An. Display #:          898                                           Average                      RBW: 1 MHz
 Cable HF#:                    60FT                    QP #:           898                                                           Video Bandwidth 10 Hz
 Preamp LF#:                    NA                PreSelect#:          899                      Measurements below 1 GHz are Quasi-Peak values, unless otherwise stated.

 Preamp HF#                     317                                                               Measurements above 1 GHz are Average values, unless otherwise stated.

   Meas.           Meter      Meter      Det.    EUT        Ant.       Max.       Corrected    Spec.       CR/SL        Pass
   Freq.       Reading       Reading             Side      Height     Reading      Reading       limit      Diff.       Fail
   (MHz)       Vertical     Horizontal          F/L/R/B      m        (dBμV)      (dBμV/m)    (dBμV/m)      (dB)                 Comment

   46.0            10.5         6.9       Q        -        1.0        10.5        24.0        40.0        -16.0       Pass
   117.0            6.7         6.1       Q        -        1.0         6.7        21.0        43.5        -22.5       Pass
   163.0            5.8         6.1       Q        -        1.0         6.1        24.0        43.5        -19.5       Pass
   180.0            7.9        14.7       Q        -        1.0        14.7        33.2        43.5        -10.3       Pass

   293.0           6.2         6.1        Q        -        1.0         6.2        24.1        46.0        -21.9       Pass
   340.0           5.9         5.9        Q        -        1.0         5.9        24.4        46.0        -21.7       Pass
   640.0           6.8         6.6        Q        -        1.0         6.8        30.2        46.0        -15.8       Pass

Document Created: 2009-03-13 12:15:00
Document Modified: 2009-03-13 12:15:00

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