Test Report

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                            FCC TEST REPORT
FCC ID                : WC2DS-609

Applicant             : Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                        DOSS Industrial Zone, Qiping Kengdu Industrial Area, Guihua Village,
                        Guanlan Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China

Equipment Under Test (EUT) :

Product description   : IPOD WIRELESS SPEAKER

Model No.             : DS-609、DS-464、DS-492

Standards             : FCC 15 Paragraph 15.249

Date of Test          : June 20, 2008

Test Engineer         : Nunu Deng

Reviewed By           :

                                          PERPARED BY:
                                Waltek Services (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
       8C,West Tower, Aidi Building, No.5003 Binhe Rd, Futian District, Shenzhen518045,
                                       Guangdong, China.
                                        Tel: 86-755-83551033
                                        Fax: 86-755-83552400

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                                                                     FCC ID: WC2DS-609

2          Contents
1       COVER PAGE..........................................................................................................................................................1
2      CONTENTS ...............................................................................................................................................................2
3      TEST SUMMARY.....................................................................................................................................................4
4      GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................5
     4.1      CLIENT INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................................5
     4.2      GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF E.U.T. .......................................................................................................................5
     4.3      DETAILS OF E.U.T................................................................................................................................................5
     4.4      DESCRIPTION OF SUPPORT UNITS .........................................................................................................................5
     4.5      STANDARDS APPLICABLE FOR TESTING ...............................................................................................................5
     4.6      TEST FACILITY .....................................................................................................................................................6
     4.7      TEST LOCATION ...................................................................................................................................................6
5      EQUIPMENT USED DURING TEST.....................................................................................................................7
6      CONDUCTED EMISSION TEST..........................................................................................................................10
     6.1      TEST EQUIPMENT ...............................................................................................................................................10
     6.2      TEST PROCEDURE ...............................................................................................................................................10
     6.3      CONDUCTED TEST SETUP ...................................................................................................................................11
     6.4      EUT OPERATING CONDITION .............................................................................................................................11
     6.5      CONDUCTED EMISSION LIMITS...........................................................................................................................12
     6.6      CONDUCTED EMISSION TEST RESULT ................................................................................................................13
     6.7      MEASUREMENT DATA ........................................................................................................................................14
7      RADIATION EMISSION TEST ............................................................................................................................15
     7.1      TEST EQUIPMENT ...............................................................................................................................................15
     7.2      MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..........................................................................................................................15
     7.3      TEST PROCEDURE ...............................................................................................................................................15
     7.4      RADIATED TEST SETUP ......................................................................................................................................16
     7.5      SPECTRUM ANALYZER SETUP ............................................................................................................................16
     7.6      CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION..........................................................................................17
     7.7      SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................................................17
     7.8      EUT OPERATING CONDITION .............................................................................................................................18
     7.9      RADIATED EMISSIONS LIMIT ..............................................................................................................................18
     7.10     RADIATED EMISSIONS TEST RESULT ..................................................................................................................19
8      BAND EDGE............................................................................................................................................................22
     8.1      TEST EQUIPMENT ...............................................................................................................................................22
     8.2      TEST PROCEDURE ...............................................................................................................................................22
     8.3      BAND EDGE........................................................................................................................................................22
     8.4      BAND EDGE TEST RESULT .................................................................................................................................23
9      PHOTOGRAPHS OF TESTING ...........................................................................................................................24
     9.1      CONDUCTED EMISSION TEST VIEW ....................................................................................................................24
     9.2      RADIATION EMISSION TEST VIEW FOR 30MHZ-1000MHZ ................................................................................25
     9.3      RADIATION EMISSION TEST VIEW FOR 1GHZ-10GHZ .......................................................................................25
10     PHOTOGRAPHS - CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS.........................................................................................26
     10.1     EUT - FRONT VIEW ............................................................................................................................................26
     10.2     EUT - BACK VIEW .............................................................................................................................................26

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                                                                 FCC ID: WC2DS-609

     10.3     PCB1 - FRONT VIEW ..........................................................................................................................................27
     10.4     PCB1 - BACK VIEW ...........................................................................................................................................27
     10.5     PCB2 - FRONT VIEW ..........................................................................................................................................28
     10.6     PCB2 - BACK VIEW ...........................................................................................................................................28
     10.7     ADAPTER PCB - FRONT VIEW ............................................................................................................................29
     10.8     ADAPTER PCB - BACK VIEW .............................................................................................................................29
11     FCC ID LABEL .......................................................................................................................................................30

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                   FCC ID: WC2DS-609

3    Test Summary
              Test         Test Requirement       Test Method      Class / Severity   Result

      Radiated Emission
                          FCC PART 15: 2003     ANSI C63.4: 2003       Class B        PASS
      (30MHz to 25GHz)

      Conducted Emission
                         FCC PART 15: 2003      ANSI C63.4: 2003       Class B        PASS
      (150KHz to 30MHz)

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                      FCC ID: WC2DS-609

4     General Information
4.1   Client Information
      Applicant:                  Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
      Address of Applicant:       DOSS Industrial Zone, Qiping Kengdu Industrial Area, Guihua
                                  Village, Guanlan Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China
      Manufacturer:               Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
      Address:                    DOSS Industrial Zone, Qiping Kengdu Industrial Area, Guihua
                                  Village, Guanlan Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China

4.2   General Description of E.U.T.
      Product description:        IPOD WIRELESS SPEAKER
      Model No.:                  DS-609、DS-464、DS-492

4.3   Details of E.U.T.
      Power Supply:                Adapter input: 100-240V 50/60Hz
                                   Adapter output: 9V

4.4   Description of Support Units

      The EUT has been tested as an independent unit.

4.5   Standards Applicable for Testing

      The customer requested FCC tests for a IPOD WIRELESS SPEAKER. The standards used
      were FCC 15 Paragraph 15.249, Paragraph 15.207, Paragraph 15.209, Paragraph 15.31,
      Paragraph 15.33, Paragraph 15.35.

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                               FCC ID: WC2DS-609

4.6     Test Facility

        The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

•     FCC – Registration No.: 880581
       Waltek Services(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described
       in a report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter
       from the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration:880581, June 24,2008.
4.7    Test Location
       All Emissions tests were performed at:-
       1/F, Fukangtai Building, West Baima Rd., Songgang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                          FCC ID: WC2DS-609

5     Equipment Used during Test

    Equipment                 Brand Name   Model            Related standards   Cal.Intal   Last Cal.   Serial No

                                                                                Months      Date

    3m Anechoic chamber

    EMC Analyzer              Agilent      E7405A           ISO9001:2000        12          Jan-08      MY451149


    Trilog       Broadband    SCHWARZB     VULB9163         EN/ISO/IEC          12          Jan-08      336

    Antenne         30-3000   ECK                           17025 DIN

    MHz                       MESS-ELEK                     EN ISO9001


    Broad-band Horn           SCHWARZB     BBHA      9120   EN/ISO/IEC          12          Jan-08      667

    Antenna 1-18 GHz          ECK          D                17025 DIN

                              MESS-ELEK                     EN ISO9001

    Broadband                 SCHWARZB     BBV 9718         EN/ISO/IEC          12          Jan-08      9718-148

    Preamplifier 0.5-18       ECK                           17025 DIN

    GHz                       MESS-ELEK                     EN ISO9001


    10m Coaxial Cable         SCHWARZB     AK 9515 H        EN/ISO/IEC          12          Jan-08      -

    with            N-male    ECK                           17025 DIN

    Connectors usable up      MESS-ELEK                     EN ISO9001

    to 18GHz,                 TROM

    10m 50 Ohm Coaxial        SCHWARZB     AK 9513          EN/ISO/IEC          12          Jan-08      -

    Cable with                ECK                           17025 DIN

    N-plug,individual         MESS-ELEK                     EN ISO9001

    length,usable up to       TROM

    3(5)GHz, Connectors

    Positioning Controller    C&C LAB      CC-C-IF          ISO9001             12          Jan-08      MF7802108

    Color Monitor             SUNSPO       SP-14C           ISO9001             12          Jan-08      -

    EMI Shielded Room

    Test Receiver             ROHDE&SC     ESPI             ISO9001             12          Jan-08      101155


    Two-Line                  ROHDE&SC     ENV216           ISO9001             12          Jan-08      100115

    V-Network                 HWARZ                         EN/ISO/IEC


    Absorbing Clamp           ROHDE&SC     MDS-21           ISO9001             12          Jan-08      100205

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                       FCC ID: WC2DS-609

                              HWARZ                          EN/ISO/IEC


   10m 50 Ohm Coaxial         SCHWARZB        AK 9514        EN/ISO/IEC      12          Jan-08   -

   Cable with                 ECK                            17025 DIN

   N-plug,individual          MESS-ELEK                      EN ISO9001

   length,usable up to        TROM

   3(5)GHz, Connectors

   Harmonic & Flicker Test

   Digital           Power    Em       Test   DPA 500        EN/IEC JIS C    12          Jan-08   V07451030

   Analyzer                   AG/Switzerla                   61000-3-2                            95

                              nd                             EN/IEC


   Power Source               Em       Test   ACS 500        IEC 61000-3-3   12          Jan-08   V07451030

                              AG/Switzerla                   IEC61000-3-2                         96


   Electrostatic Discharge Test

   Electrostatic              Em       Test   DITO           IEC 61000-4-2   12          Jan-08   V07451030

   Discharge Simulator        AG/Switzerla                   ISO 10605                            94


   Radio-Frequency Conducted Immunity Test

   RF Generator               TESEQ GmbH       NSG4070       IEC61000-4-6    12          Jan-08   25781

   CDN M-Type                 TESEQ GmbH       CDN M016      IEC61000-4-6    12          Jan-08   25112

   EM-Clamp                   TESEQ GmbH       KEMZ 801      IEC61000-4-6    12          Jan-08   25453

   Attenuator 6dB             TESEQ GmbH       ATN6050       IEC61000-4-6    12          Jan-08   25365

   Calibrated Equipment       TESEQ GmbH       CAL 801       IEC61000-4-6    12          Jan-08   70348

   Calibrated Equipment       TESEQ GmbH       CAL           IEC61000-4-6    12          Jan-08   25018


   Calibrated Equipment       TESEQ GmbH       TRA U150      IEC61000-4-6    12          Jan-08   25299

   Fast Transient/Surges/Voltage Dips Short Interruptions and Voltage Variations Immunity Tests

   All Modules                SCHAFFNER        6150          IEC61000-4-4    12          Jan-08   34579

   Generator                                                 IEC61000-4-5


   Capacitive      Coupling   SCHAFFNER        CDN 8014      IEC61000-4-4    12          Jan-08   25311


   Signal and Data Line       SCHAFFNER        CDN 117       IEC61000-4-5    12          Jan-08   25627

   Coupling Network

   AC Power Supply            TONGYUN          DTDGC-4                       12          Jan-08   -

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                          FCC ID: WC2DS-609

   Electromagnetic Fields Radiation Exposure Test

   Exposure Level         Narda Safety   2304/03         ISO 9001      12   Jan-08   M-0155

   Tester ELT-400         TEST                           ISO 10012-1


   Magnetic Field Probe   Narda Safety   2300/90.10      ISO 9001      12   Jan-08   M-1070
   100cm                  TEST                           ISO 10012-1


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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                       FCC ID: WC2DS-609

6     Conducted Emission Test
      Product Name:                 IPOD WIRELESS SPEAKER
      Test Requirement:             FCC Part15 Paragraph 15.207
      Test Method:                  Based on FCC Part15 Paragraph 15.207
      Test Date:                    June 20, 2008
      Frequency Range:              150 kHz to 30MHz
      Class:                        Class B
      Detector:                     Peak for pre-scan (9 kHz Resolution Bandwidth)
                                    Quasi-Peak & Average if maximised peak within 6dB of
                                    Average Limit

6.1   Test Equipment

      Please refer to Section 5 this report.

6.2   Test Procedure

      1. The EUT was tested according to ANSI C63.4: 2003. The frequency spectrum from 150kHz
      to 30MHz was investigated.
      2. The maximised peak emissions from the EUT was scanned and measured for both the Live
      and Neutral Lines. Quasi-peak & average measurements were performed if peak emissions
      were within 6dB of the average limit line.

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                        FCC ID: WC2DS-609

6.3   Conducted Test Setup

      The conducted emission tests were performed using the setup accordance with the ANSI
      C63.4:2003, The specification used in this report was the FCC Part15 Paragraph 15.207 limits.

6.4   EUT Operating Condition

      Operating condition is according to ANSI C63.4: 2003.
      A. Setup the EUT and simulators as shown on follow.
      B. Enable RF signal and confirm EUT active.
      C. Modulate output capacity of EUT up to specification.

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                           FCC ID: WC2DS-609

6.5   Conducted Emission Limits

                     66-56 dBμV/m between 0.15MHz & 0.5MHz
                     56 dBμV/m between 0.5MHz & 5MHz
                     60 dBμV/m between 5MHz & 30MHz
      Note:     In the above limits, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.     FCC ID: WC2DS-609

6.6   Conducted Emission Test Result

      Live Line

       Neutral Line

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                      FCC ID: WC2DS-609

6.7   Measurement Data
                                 QP      FCC 15               AV       FCC 15
           Freq.                                   Margin                       Margin
                      Line     Reading   Limit               Reading   Limit
           MHz                                        dB                         dB
                               dBuV      dBuV                 dBuV     dBuV

           0.174      Live     49.08     64.78        15.7   37.98     57.40    19.42
           0.230      Live     43.43     62.47     19.04     34.65     54.39    19.74
           0.350      Live     42.37     59.01     16.64     25.73     49.85    24.12
           0.390      Live     41.13     58.16     17.03     28.71     48.68    19.97
           0.194     Neutral   43.09     63.89     20.08     28.79     54.16    25.37
           0.238     Neutral   40.33     62.19     21.86     29.10     54.02    24.92
           0.290     Neutral   37.60     60.56     22.96     26.37     51.88    25.51
           1.658     Neutral   36.57     56.00     19.43     25.74     46.00    20.26

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                           FCC ID: WC2DS-609

7     Radiation Emission Test
      Product Name:                 IPOD WIRELESS SPEAKER
      Test Requirement:             FCC Part15 Paragraph 15.249
      Test Method:                  Based on FCC Part15 Paragraph 15.31 and Paragraph 15.33
      Test Date:                    June 20, 2008
      Frequency Range:              30MHz to 10GHz
      Measurement Distance:         3m
      Detector:                     Peak for pre-scan (120kHz resolution bandwidth)
                                    Quasi-Peak if maximised peak within 6dB of limit

7.1   Test Equipment

      Please refer to Section 5 this report.

7.2   Measurement Uncertainty

      All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, especially in the field of EMC. The
      factors contributing to uncertainties are spectrum analyzer, cable loss, antenna factor
      calibration, antenna directivity, antenna factor variation with height, antenna phase centre
      variation, antenna factor frequency interpolation, measurement distance variation, site
      imperfections, mismatch (average), and system repeatability.

      Based on ANSI C63.4: 2003, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the best
      estimate of the uncertainty of a radiation emissions measurement at Waltek Services EMC Lab
      is +4.0 dB.

7.3   Test Procedure

      1. Maximizing procedure was performed on the six (6) highest emissions to ensure EUT is
         compliant with all installation combinations.
      2. All data was recorded in the peak and average detection mode.
      3. The EUT was under normal mode during the final qualification test and the configuration
         was used to represent the worst case results.

      4.According to the FCC Part 15 Paragraph 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to
        ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with
        the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna to the intentional radiator shall be
        considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section. This product has a
        permanent antenna, fulfill the requirement of this section.

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                         FCC ID: WC2DS-609

7.4   Radiated Test Setup

      The radiated emission tests were performed in the 3m Semi- Anechoic Chamber test site,
      using the setup accordance with the ANSI C63.4: 2003, The specification used in this report
      was the FCC Part15 Paragraph 15.249 and Paragraph 15.209 limits.

7.5   Spectrum Analyzer Setup

      According to FCC Part15 Paragraph 15.249 Rules, the system was tested to 25000 MHz.

                   Start Frequency.............................................. 30 MHz
                   Stop Frequency.............................................. 25000 MHz
                   Sweep Speed Auto
                    IF Bandwidth................................................ 100 kHz
                   Video Bandwidth........................................... 1 MHz
                   Quasi-Peak Adapter Bandwidth .................... 120 kHz
                   Quasi-Peak Adapter Mode ............................ Normal
                   Resolution Bandwidth ................................... 1MHz

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                       FCC ID: WC2DS-609

7.6   Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation

      The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor, and
      subtracting the Amplifier Gain from the Amplitude reading. The basic equation is as follows:

          Corr. Ampl. = Indicated Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Factor - Amplifier Gain

      The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the
      applicable limit. For example, a margin of -7dBμV means the emission is 7dBμV below the
      maximum limit for Class B. The equation for margin calculation is as follows:
                                Margin = Corr. Ampl. – Class B Limit

7.7    Summary of Test Results

      According to the data in section 7.10, the EUT complied with the FCC Part15 Paragraph
      15.249 standards.

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                            FCC ID: WC2DS-609

7.8     EUT Operating Condition

       Same as section 6.4 of this report.

7.9      Radiated Emissions Limit

       A. FCC Part 15 subpart C Paragraph 15.249 Limit

                                         Field Strength of           Field Strength of
          Fundamental Frequency            Fundamental                  Harmonics
                                       mV/m        dBuV/m            uV/m         dBuV/m
                 902-928MHz             50            94             500             54
               2400-2483.5 MHz          50            94             500             54
               5725-5875 MHz            50            94             500             54
                24.0-24.25GHz           250          108             2500            68

      Note:      (1) RF Voltage(dBuV)=20 log RF Voltage(uV)
                 (2) Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument
                  antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.
                 (3)The emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement instrumentaion
                 employing an average detector.Measurement using instrumentation with a peak
                 detector function,corresponding to 20dB above the maximum permitted average limit.
                 (4) Above 1GHz,do a Peak and average measurements for all emissions,Limit for
                 peak is 94dBuvV/m,According to Part15.35(b) and average is 54BuvV/m.
       B. Frequencies in restricted band are complied to limit on Paragraph 15.209

              Frequency(MHZ)      Distance(m)       Field strength(dBuV/m)
                  30-88                 3                     40.0
                  88-216                3                     43.5
                 216-960                3                     46.0
                Above 960               3                     54.0

       Note:     (1) RF Voltage(dBuV)=20 log RF Voltage(uV)
                 (2) In the Above Table,the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
                 (3) Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                         FCC ID: WC2DS-609

7.10 Radiated Emissions Test Result

     Formula of conversion factors: the field strength at 3m was established by adding
     The meter reading of the spectrum analyzer (which is set to read in units of dBuV)
     To the antenna correction factor supplied by the antenna manufacturer. The antenna
     Correction factors are stared in terms of dB. The gain of the pressletor was accounted
     For in the spectrum analyser meter reading.
              Freq(MHz) Meter Reading +ACF=FS
               33           20dBuV+10.36dB=30.36dBuV/m @3m
     Radiated Emission Test Data
     Test Voltage:            120VAC
     Test Mode:               TX On
     Temperature:             24 °C
     Humidity:                52%RH
     Test Result:             PASS
     Remarks: 30-1000MHz radiation test no significant emissions above the equipment noise floor
     were detected.

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                    FCC ID: WC2DS-609

    1GHz-10GHz Radiated Emission Data
                                Emission          FCC 15                Antenn   Turntab
   Frequenc          Antenna
            Detecto               Level          Subpart C    Margin      a         le
       y            Polarizatio
               r                (dBuV/m            Limit       (dB)     Height    Angle
    (MHz)               n
                                    )            (dBuV/m)                (m)       (°)
    915.00      AV       Vertical     90.27           94.00    3.73       1.5      90
    915.00      AV      Horizontal    80.16           94.00   13.84       1.5     120
    1364.41     AV        Vertical    41.60           54.00    12.4       1.5      90
    1828.04     AV        Vertical    48.48           54.00    5.52       1.5      90
    2744.98     AV       Vertical     38.94           54.00   15.06       1.5     120
    3659.87     AV        Vertical    34.01           54.00   19.99       1.5      45
    4574.94     AV        Vertical    33.17           54.00   20.83       1.5     120
    5490.01     AV       Vertical     33.78           54.00   20.22       1.5     180
    6404.86     AV        Vertical    32.49           54.00   21.51       1.5      90
    7320.15     AV        Vertical    33.04           54.00   20.96       1.5      60
    8235.00     AV        Vertical    34.15           54.00   19.85       1.5      60
    9150.00     AV        Vertical    34.58           54.00   19.42       1.5      60
    1364.41     AV      Horizontal    32.02           54.00   21.98       1.5     180
    1830.04     AV      Horizontal    31.47           54.00   22.53       1.5      45
    2744.98     AV      Horizontal    38.53           54.00   15.47       1.5      45
    3659.87     AV      Horizontal    34.21           54.00   19.79       1.5     180
    4574.94     AV      Horizontal    33.79           54.00   20.21       1.5      45
    5490.01     AV      Horizontal    32.07           54.00   21.93       1.5      60
    6404.86     AV      Horizontal    33.15           54.00   20.85       1.5     120
    7320.15     AV      Horizontal    33.75           54.00   20.25       1.5      90
    8235.00     AV      Horizontal    33.14           54.00   20.86       1.5      90
    9150.00     AV      Horizontal    33.27           54.00   20.73       1.5      90
    915.00       PK      Vertical     91.62       114.00      22.38       1.5      90
    915.00       PK     Horizontal    82.52       114.00      31.48       1.5      90
    1364.41      PK      Vertical     42.30           74.00    31.7       1.5     120
    1830.04      PK       Vertical    48.48           74.00   25.52       1.5     120
    2774.98      PK       Vertical    39.12           74.00   34.88       1.5      90
    3659.87      PK      Vertical     36.12           74.00   37.88       1.5      90
    4574.94      PK       Vertical    36.57           74.00   37.43       1.5      45
    5490.01      PK       Vertical    35.94           74.00   38.06       1.5      60
    6404.86      PK      Vertical     35.27           74.00   38.73       1.5      60
    7320.15      PK       Vertical    35.45           74.00   38.55       1.5     100
    8235.00      PK       Vertical    34.51           74.00   39.49       1.5     120

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    9150.00      PK       Vertical    33.51           74.00   40.49      1.5     120
    1364.41      PK     Horizontal    34.55           74.00   39.45      1.5     45
    1830.53      PK     Horizontal    33.30           74.00   40.70      1.5     90
    2774.70      PK     Horizontal    39.63           74.00   34.37      1.5     180
    3659.87      PK     Horizontal    32.08           74.00   41.92      1.5     120
    4574.94      PK     Horizontal    32.17           74.00   41.83      1.5     45
    5490.01      PK     Horizontal    33.75           74.00   40.25      1.5     180
    6404.86      PK     Horizontal    33.94           74.00   40.06      1.5     120
    7320.15      PK     Horizontal    33.46           74.00   40.54      1.5     90
    8235.00      PK     Horizontal    34.08           74.00   39.92      1.5     90
    9150.00      PK     Horizontal    34.31           74.00   39.69      1.5     90

Note: Above 1GHz,do a Peak and average measurements for all emissions,Limit for peak is
      74dBuvV/m,According to Part15.35(b) and average is 54BuvV/m.

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                         FCC ID: WC2DS-609

8     Band Edge
8.1   Test Equipment

      Please refer to Section 5 this report.

8.2   Test Procedure

      1. The EUT, peripherals were put on the turntable which table size is 1mX1.5m, table high
         0.8m. All set up is according to ANSI C63.4: 2003.
      2. The bandwidth of the fundamental frequency was measure by spectrum analyser with
         100kHz RBW and 100kHz VBW. The 20dB bandwidth is defined as the total spectrum the
         power of which is higher than peak power 20dB.

8.3   Band Edge

      Requirements: FCC 15.249(d), the emission power at the START and STOP frequencies shall
      be at least 50dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits
      in FCC 15.209.

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                           FCC ID: WC2DS-609

8.4     Band Edge Test Result

       Product Name:                IPOD WIRELESS SPEAKER
       Test Item:                   Band Edge Test
       Test Voltage:                120VAC
       Test Mode:                   TX On
       Temperature:                 24 °C
       Humidity:                    52%RH

      Note:   (1) The field strength of any emissions which appear outside of this band shall not
                 exceed the general radiated emission limits in Section 15.209.
              (2) This device does meet the FCC requirement.

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.     FCC ID: WC2DS-609

9     Photographs of Testing
9.1   Conducted Emission Test View

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.     FCC ID: WC2DS-609

9.2   Radiation Emission Test View For 30MHz-1000MHz

9.3   Radiation Emission Test View For 1GHz-25GHz

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.     FCC ID: WC2DS-609

10 Photographs - Constructional Details
10.1 EUT - Front View

10.2 EUT - Back View

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.     FCC ID: WC2DS-609

10.3   PCB1 - Front View

10.4   PCB1 - Back View

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.     FCC ID: WC2DS-609

10.5 PCB2 - Front View

10.6 PCB2 - Back View

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.     FCC ID: WC2DS-609

10.7 Adapter PCB - Front View

10.8 Adapter PCB - Back View

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Wonders Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                         FCC ID: WC2DS-609

11 FCC ID Label
     This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
     conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
     any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
     The Label must not be a stick-on paper. The Label on these products must be permanently
     affixed to the product and readily visible at the time of purchase and must last the expected
     lifetime of the equipment not be readily detachable.

                             Proposed Label Location on EUT
                        EUT Bottom View/proposed FCC Mark Location

                                FCC ID: WC2DS-609
                                This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
                                Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
                                this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
                                this device must accept any interference received,
                                including interference that may cause undesired operation

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Document Created: 2008-07-02 18:02:18
Document Modified: 2008-07-02 18:02:18

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