Test Report


Test Report

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                                                        ISO/IEC17025 Accredited Lab.

Report No:           FCC0805074
File reference No:   2008-05-23

Applicant:           WONDERS TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD

Product:             915MHz Ipod Portable Speaker

Model No:            DS464

Brand Name:          N/A

Test Standards:      FCC Part 15 Subpart C, Paragraph 15.249

                     It is herewith confirmed and found to comply with the
Test result:
                     requirements set up by ANSI C63.4&FCC Part 15 Subpart C,
                     Paragraph 15.249 regulations for the evaluation of
                     electromagnetic compatibility
Approved By

Jack Chung


Dated:               May 23, 2008

Results appearing herein relate only to the sample tested
The technical reports is issued errors and omissions exempt and is subject to
withdrawal at


    East 5/Block 4, Anhua Industrial Zone, No.8,Tairan Rd. CheGongMiao, FuTian District,
                                      Shenzhen, CHINA.
                      Tel (755) 83448688     Fax (755) 83442996

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                           Page 2 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

         Special Statement:
             The testing quality ability of our laboratory meet with "Quality Law of People's Republic
         of China" Clause 19.
             The testing quality system of our laboratory meet with ISO/IEC-17025 requirements,
         which is approved by CNAL. This approval result is accepted by MRA of APLAC.

                 Our test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

              CNAS-LAB Code: L2292
              The EMC Laboratory has been assessed and in compliance with CNAS-CL01
         accreditation criteria for testing Laboratories (identical to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General
         Requirements) for the Competence of testing Laboratories.

              FCC-Registration No.: 899988
              The EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a report filed with the
         (FCC) Federal Communications commission. The acceptance letter from the FCC is maintained
         in our files. Registration No.: 899988.

                 IC- Registration No.: IC5205A-01
              The EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a report filed with the (IC)
         Industry Canada. The acceptance letter from the IC is maintained in our files. Registration IC
         No.: 5205A-01.

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                           Page 3 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

         Test Report Conclusion
1.0      General Details ……………………..…………………………..……………………………..…                                                                            4
1.1      Test Lab Details…………………………………………………………..………………….……                                                                              4
1.2      Applicant Details………………………………………………………….……………….……..                                                                             4
1.3      Description of EUT ……………………………………………………………..………….……                                                                             4
1.4      Submitted Sample………………………..……………………………………..………………..                                                                             4
1.5      Test Duration…………………………………….…………………………………..…….……...                                                                             4
1.6      Test Uncertainty……………………………………….……………………………...…………...                                                                           5
1.7      Test By…………………………………………………………………………………………….                                                                                     5
2.0      List of Measurement Equipment…………………………………………………………….…                                                                          5
3.0      Technical Details…………………………………………………………………………………                                                                                7
3.1      Summary of Test Results………………………………………………………………………….                                                                            7
3.2      Test Standards……………………………………………………………………………………..                                                                                7
4.0      EUT Modification………………………………………………………………………………...                                                                               7
5.0      Power Line Conducted Emission Test…………………………………………………………….                                                                      8
5.1      Schematics of the Test…………………………………………………………………………….                                                                            8
5.2      Test Method and Test Procedure………………………………………………………………….                                                                        8
5.3      Configuration of the EUT…………………………………………………………………………                                                                            8
5.4      EUT Operating Condition…………………………………………………………………………                                                                             8
5.5      Conducted Emission Limit………………………………………………………………………..                                                                           8
5.6      Test Result………………………………………………………………………………………...                                                                                 8
6.0      Radiated Emission test…………………………………………………………………………..                                                                            14
6.1      Test Method and Test Procedure………………………………………………………………….                                                                        14
6.2      Configuration of the EUT…………………………………………………………………………                                                                            14
6.3      EUT Operation Condition…………………………………………………………………………                                                                             14
6.4      Radiated Emission Limit………………………………………………………………………….                                                                            14
6.5      Test Result………………………………………………………………………………………...                                                                                 14
7.0      Band Edge………………………………………………………………………………………                                                                                      31
7.1      Test Method and Test Procedure………………………………………………………………….                                                                        31
7.2      Radiated Test Setup……………………………………………………………………………….                                                                              31
7.3      Configuration of the EUT…………………………………………………………………………                                                                            31
7.4      EUT Operating Condition…………………………………………………………………………                                                                             31
7.5      Band Edge Limit………………………………………………………………………………….                                                                                 31
7.6      Band Edge Test Result…………………………………………………………………………….                                                                             31
8.0      FCC ID Label……………..……………………………………………………………………..                                                                                 32
9.0      Photo of Test Setup and EUT View……………………………………………………………….                                                                       33

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                           Page 4 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

1.0    General Details

1.1    Test Lab Details
       Address:       5/F,Block 4, Anhua Industrial Zone.,No.8 TaiRan Rd.CheGongMiao,FuTian District,
       Telephone:     (755) 83448688
       Fax:           (755) 83442996
       Site on File with the Federal Communications Commission – United Sates
       Registration Number: 899988
       For 3m & 10 m OATS
       Site Listed with Industry Canada of Ottawa, Canada
       Registration Number: IC: 5205A-01
       For 3m & 10 m OATS

1.2    Applicant Details
       Applicant:    WONDERS TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD
       Address:      Doss Industrial Zone, Qiping Industrial Road UGangLan Town Shenzhen, China
       Telephone:    +86 755 27520685
       Fax:          +86 755 27520674

1.3    Description of EUT
       Product:                            915MHz Ipod Portable Speaker
       Manufacturer:                       WONDERS TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD
       Brand Name:                         N/A
       Model Number:                       DS464
       Additional Model Name               N/A
       Additional Trade Name               N/A
       Rating:                             DC9.0V, 1A
       Modulation Type:                    FM
       Operation Frequency                 915MHz
       Number of Channel                   1
       Antenna Designation                 A permanent fixed antenna, which is built-in, designed as an indispensable part of
                                           the EUT.

1.4    Submitted Sample
       2 Sample
1.5    Test Duration
       2008-05-12 to 2008-05-20

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

      Report No: 0805074                                                                                                        Page 5 of 28
      Date: 2008-05-23                                    TEST REPORT

  1.6     Test Uncertainty
          Conducted Emissions Uncertainty =3.6dB
          Radiated Emissions Uncertainty =4.7dB

  1.7     Test Engineer

          The sample tested by

                                           Print Name: Terry Tang

2.0                                                                  Test Equipments
Instrument Type                 Manufacturer                      Model                   Serial No.               Date of Cal.            Due Date
      ESPI Test
                          ROHDE&SCHWARZ                           ESPI 3                    100379                 2007-12-05             2008-12-04
Absorbing Clamp           ROHDE&SCHWARZ                          MDS-21                     100126                 2007-12-05             2008-12-04
                          ROHDE&SCHWARZ                         EZH3-Z5                     100294                 2007-12-05             2008-12-04
                          ROHDE&SCHWARZ                         EZH3-Z5                     100253                 2007-12-05             2008-12-04

Ultra Broadband           ROHDE&SCHWARZ                           HL562                     100157                 2007-12-05             2008-12-04

   ESDV Test              ROHDE&SCHWARZ                           ESDV                      100008                 2007-03-30             2008-03-29

                          ROHDE&SCHWARZ                          ENY 41                  830663/044                2008-02-18             2009-02-17
  GG ENY22
 Double 2-Wire            ROHDE&SCHWARZ                          ENY22                    83066/016                2008-02-18             2009-02-17
Impuls-Begrenzer          ROHDE&SCHWARZ                         ESH3-Z2                     100281                 2008-02-18             2009-02-17
System Controller                      CT                         SC100                         -                  2008-02-18             2009-02-17
       Printer                      EPSON                    PHOTO EX3                  CFNH234850                 2008-02-18             2009-02-17
 FM-AM Signal
                                  JUNG.JIN                      SG-150M                   389911177                2008-02-18             2009-02-17
Color TV Pattern
                                   PHILIPS                       PM5418                   LO621747                 2008-02-18             2009-02-17
                                                                                    1S8434KCE99BLX                                               -
      Computer                        IBM                          8434                                                   -

  The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
  This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
  may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
  show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
  persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
  of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
  In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
  adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

   Report No: 0805074                                                                                                           Page 6 of 28
   Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

   Oscillator                    KENWOOD                        AG-203D                    3070002                 2008-02-18             2009-02-17
                                   HAMEG                        HM5012                          -                         -                      -
 Power Supply                          LW                       APS1502                         -                         -                      -
5K VA AC Power
                           California Instruments                5001iX                      56060                 2008-02-18             2009-02-17
      CDN                         EM TEST                    CDN M2/M3                          -                  2008-02-18             2009-02-17
  Attenuation                     EM TEST                       ATT6/75                         -                  2008-02-18             2009-02-17
   Resistance                     EM TEST                          R100                         -                  2008-02-18             2009-02-17
                                    LITTHI                       EM101                       35708                 2008-02-18             2009-02-17
Injection Clamp
Signal Generator           ROHDE&SCHWARZ                         SMT03                      100029                 2008-02-18             2009-02-17
Power Amplifier                        AR                      150W1000                     300999                 2008-02-18             2009-02-17
  Field probe                       Holaday                      HI-6005                    105152                 2008-02-18             2009-02-17
 Bilog Antenna                       Chase                     CBL6111C                      2576                  2008-02-18             2009-02-17
   ESPI Test
                           ROHDE&SCHWARZ                          ESI26                  838786/013                2008-02-18             2009-02-17
   3m OATS                              --                           --                       N/A                  2008-02-18             2009-02-17
 Horn Antenna                SCHWARZBECK                      BBHA 9170                BBHA9170265                 2007-08-16             2008-08-15
 Horn Antenna                SCHWARZBECK                     BBHA 9120D                  9120D-631                 2007-07-03             2008-07-02

  The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
  This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
  may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
  show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
  persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
  of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
  In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
  adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                           Page 7 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

3.0       Technical Details

3.1       Summary of test results
                      The EUT has been tested according to the following specifications:

                                     Standard                                     Test Type            Result                 Notes
                      FCC Part 15, Paragraph 15.207                                                     N/A             Not Applicable
                                                                               Emission Test
                                                                               Field Strength
             FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.249(a)
                                                                                     of                PASS                Complies
                         & 15.249(b) Limit

                      FCC Part 15, Paragraph 15.209                                                    PASS                Complies
                                                                               Emission Test

            FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.249(d)                            Band Edge
                                                                                                       PASS                Complies
                             Limit                                                 Test

3.2       Test Standards
          FCC Part 15 Subpart C, Paragraph 15.249

4.0       EUT Modification
          No modification by Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co.,Ltd

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                           Page 8 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

5.     Power Line Conducted Emission Test

5.1    Schematics of the test
                                         Test Receiver

      AC Mains                               L.I.S.N                                   EUT                              Load

                                    EUT: Equipment Under Test
5.2      Test Method and test Procedure
         The EUT was tested according to ANSI C63.4-2003.The Frequency spectrum From 0.15MHz to 30MHz
         was investigated. The LISN used was 50ohm/50uH as specified by section 5.1 of ANSI C63.4 –2003.

         Block diagram of Test setup

                                                     EUT                      Cable


5.3      Configuration of The EUT
         The EUT was configured according to ANSI C63.4-2003. All interface ports were connected to the
         appropriate peripherals. All peripherals and cables are listed below.
         One channels are provided to the EUT

A.       EUT
        Device                                                Manufacturer                            Model                      FCC ID
915MHz        Ipod               WONDERS TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD                                           Ds464                WB7DS464
Portable Speaker

B.       Internal Device
      Device                                  Manufacturer                                            Model                      FCC ID/DOC

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                           Page 9 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

C.       Peripherals
      Device             Manufacturer                 Model              FCC ID/DOC                                   Cable
    MP3 Player                I POD                      --                   DOC                                       --

5.4      EUT Operating Condition
         Operating condition is according to ANSI C63.4 -2003.
A        Setup the EUT and simulators as shown on follow
B        Enable AF signal and confirm EUT active to normal condition

5.5      Power line conducted Emission Limit according to Paragraph 15.207
                                      Class A Limits (dBμV)                                    Class B      Limits (dBμV)
                              Quasi-peak Level                Average Level           Quasi-peak Level               Average Level
     0.15 ~ 0.50                      79.0                        66.0                    66.0~56.0*                   56.0~46.0*
     0.50 ~ 5.00                      73.0                        60.0                         56.0                          46.0
     5.00 ~ 30.00                     73.0                        60.0                         60.0                          50.0
         Notes:        1. *Decreasing linearly with logarithm of frequency.
                       2. The tighter limit shall apply at the transition frequencies

5.6      Test Results
         The frequency spectrum from 0.15MHz to 30MHz was investigated. All reading are
         quasi-peak values with a resolution bandwidth of 9kHz.

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 10 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                        TEST REPORT

A:    Conducted Emission on Live Terminal of the power line (150kHz to 30MHz)

      EUT Operating Environment
      Temperature: 23℃ Humidity:70%RH Atmospheric Pressure: 101 KPa

      EUT set Condition: Normal Operation
      Level:                Class B
      Results:              Pass
      Please refer to following diagram for individual
                                                                              RBW    9 kHz             Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                              MT     5 ms                        42.74 dBµV
                                                   Att 0 dB AUTO              PREAMP OFF                  788.000000000 kHz
       dBµV     70                                       1 MHz                                             10 MHz


       1 PK     60



                40                                                                                                                         PRN





               150 kHz                                                                                                         30 MHz

      Date:              16.MAY.2008           11:07:42

               Frequency                                       Reading(dBμV)                                  Limit(dBμV)
                 (MHz)                                 Quasi-peak               Average             Quasi-peak              Average
                    0.458            Live                  45.9                    42.3                  56.7                 46.7
                    0.524            Live                  43.2                    40.2                  56.0                 46.0
                    0.588            Live                  42.3                    39.6                  56.0                 46.0
                    0.788            Live                  41.4                    39.3                  56.0                 46.0
                    1.180            Live                  40.7                    35.8                  56.0                 46.0

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 11 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

B:    Conducted Emission on Neutral Terminal of the power line (150kHz to 30MHz)

      EUT Operating Environment
      Temperature: 23℃ Humidity:70%RH Atmospheric Pressure: 101 KPa

      EUT set Condition: Normal Operation
      Level:                  Class B
      Results:                Pass
      Please refer to following diagram for individual
                                                                                  RBW    9 kHz
                                                                                  MT     5 ms
                                                      Att 0 dB AUTO               PREAMP OFF
       dBµV      70                                       1 MHz                                                   10 MHz


       1 PK      60


                 40                                                                                                                               PRN





                150 kHz                                                                                                                30 MHz

      Date:               16.MAY.2008             11:04:20

                   Frequency                                      Reading(dBμV)                                   Limit(dBμV)
                     (MHz)                                Quasi-peak                Average             Quasi-peak             Average
                      0.198            Neutral                 43.1                    34.8                  63.7                 53.7
                      0.390            Neutral                 39.7                    33.8                  58.1                 48.1
                      0.458            Neutral                 43.9                    38.6                  56.7                 46.7
                      0.520            Neutral                 39.9                    33.9                  56.0                 46.0
                      0.588            Neutral                 43.5                    36.9                  56.0                 46.0

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 12 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

6      Radiated Emission Test
6.1     Test Method and test Procedure:

(1)      The EUT was tested according to ANSI C63.4 –2003. The radiated test was performed at Timeway
         Laboratory. This site is on file with the FCC laboratory division, Registration No.899988
(2)      The EUT, peripherals were put on the turntable which table size is 1m x 1.5 m, table high 0.8 m. All set up
         is according to ANSI C63.4-2001.
(3)      The frequency spectrum from 30 MHz to 1 GHz was investigated. All readings from 30 MHz to 1 GHz are
         quasi-peak values with a resolution bandwidth of 120 kHz. All readings are above 1 GHz, peak values
         with a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz . Measurements were made at 3 meters.
(4)      The antenna high is varied from 1 m to 4 m high to find the maximum emission for each frequency.
(5)      Maximizing procedure was performed on the six (6) highest emissions to ensure EUT compliance is with
         all installation combinations. All data was recorded in the peak detection mode. Quasi-peak readings was
         performed only when an emission was found to be marginal (within -4 dB of specification limit), and are
         distinguished with a "QP" in the data table.
(6)      The antenna polarization : Vertical polarization and Horizontal polarization.

         Block diagram of Test setup
                      Distance = 3m


                                                                                 Pre -Amplifier




                                     Ground Plane

6.2      Configuration of The EUT
         Same as section 5.3 of this report

6.3      EUT Operating Condition
         Same as section 5.4 of this report.

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 13 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

6.4       Radiated Emission Limit
          All emission from a digital device, including any network of conductors and apparatus connected thereto,
          shall not exceed the level of field strength specified below:

A         FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.249(a) Limit
 Fundamental Frequency               Field Strength of Fundamental (3m)                        Field Strength of Harmonics (3m)
       (MHz)                          mV/m                        dBuV/m                       uV/m                      dBuV/m
           902-928                       50         94 (Average)            114 (Peak)           500       54 (Average)             74 (Peak)
Note:       1. RF Field Strength (dBuV) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV)
            2.Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna and the closed
            point of any part of the device or system.
            3. The emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement instrumentation employing an average

B.          Frequencies in restricted band are complied to limit on Paragraph 15.209.
              Frequency Range (MHz)                        Distance (m)                       Field strength (dBμV/m)
                            30-88                                   3                                        40.0
                           88-216                                   3                                        43.5
                          216-960                                   3                                        46.0
                         Above 960                                  3                                        54.0
Note:       1. RF Voltage (dBuV) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV)
            2. In the Above Table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
            3. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna and the EUT

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
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of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 14 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

6.5         Test result
A           Fundamental & Harmonics Radiated Emission Data
Product:               915MHz Ipod Portable Speaker                       Test Mode:              Keep Tx Transmitting
Test Item:             Fundamental Radiated Emission Data                 Temperature:            25℃
Test Voltage:          120VDC                                             Humidity:               56%
Test Result:           Pass

    Frequency                 Emission PK/AV                         Horiz /                   Limits PK/AV                        Margin
      (MHz)                     (dBuV/m)                              Vert                       (dBuV/m)                           (dB)
       915                      93.63/93.01                           H                          114/94                       -20.37/-0.99
       915                      92.00/91.51                           V                          114/94                       -22.00/-2.49
       1830                      46.5/44.3                            H                           74/54                        -27.50/-9.7
       1830                      42.8/40.6                            V                           74/54                        -31.2/-13.4
       2745                                                         H/V                           74/54                              --
       3660                                                         H/V                           74/54                              --
       4575                                                         H/V                           74/54                              --
       5490                                                         H/V                           74/54                              --
       6405                                                         H/V                           74/54                              --
       7320                                                         H/V                           74/54                              --
       8235                           --                            H/V                           74/54                              --
       9150                           --                            H/V                           74/54                              --

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
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of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 15 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

Test Figure above 1G
Low Channel                                                       Horizontal

   Level [dBµV/m]





   1G              2G             3G            4G 5G 6G 7G                                                8G             9G 10G
                                                 Frequency [Hz]

        MES DS464 Hor
        LIM FCC ClassB F QP                                             FCC ClassB, field strength

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 16 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

Low Channel                                                      Vertical

   Level [dBµV/m]





   1G              2G             3G            4G 5G 6G 7G                                                8G             9G 10G
                                                 Frequency [Hz]

        MES DS464 Ver
        LIM FCC ClassB F QP                                             FCC ClassB, field strength

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 17 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

B.     General Radiated Emission Data
       Radiated Emission In Horizontal (30MHz----1000MHz)

       EUT set Condition:      Keep Tx transmitting
       Mode:                   Low Channel
       Results:      Pass
       Please refer to following diagram for individual

          Frequency (MHz)               Level@3m (dBμV/m)                      Antenna Polarity               Limit@3m (dBμV/m)
                451.950                             38.58                                 H                             46.00

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 18 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

       Radiated Emission In Horizontal (30MHz----1000MHz)
       EUT set Condition:      Keep Tx transmitting
       Mode:                   Low Channel
       Results:      Pass
       Please refer to following diagram for individual

          Frequency (MHz)               Level@3m (dBμV/m)                      Antenna Polarity               Limit@3m (dBμV/m)
                457.004                             44.25                                 V                             46.00

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 19 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

7.        Band Edge

         Band Edge Limit
In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum intentional radiator is
operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 50dB below that
in the 100kHz, bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an
RF conducted or a radiated measurement, Attenuation below the general limits specified in Section 15.209(a) is
not required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in Section 15.205(a),
must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in Section 15.209(a) (see Section 15.205(c)).

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 20 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

7.6        Band Edge Test Result
       Product:                   Audio Receiver Launchers                        Test Mode:                   Keep Tx Transmitting
      Test Item:          Fundamental Radiated Emission Data                     Temperature:                             25℃
   Test Voltage:                              120V~                                Humidity:                               56%
      Test Result:                              Pass                                Detector                               PK
Test Figure:

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 21 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

8.0     FCC ID Label
                                                          FCC ID: WB7DS464

        This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two
        conditions (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
        any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

        The label must not be a stick-on paper label. The label on these products must be permanently affixed
        to the product and readily visible at the time of purchase and must last the expected lifetime of the
        equipment not be readily detachable.

        Mark Location:

                                                                                                   FCC ID Label Location

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

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 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

9.0    Photo of testing

9.1    Conducted test View--

9.2     Radiated emission test view

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

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 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

9.3    Photo for the EUT
                                                         Outside View

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 24 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

                                                    Outside View

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 25 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

                                                    Outside View

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
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of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 26 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

                                                    Interior View

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: 0805074                                                                                                         Page 27 of 28
 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

                                                    Interior View

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

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 Date: 2008-05-23                                       TEST REPORT

                                                    Interior View

                                                         --End of the report--

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting Co .,Ltd. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd to his customer. Supplier or others
persons directly concerned. Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion
of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The Shenzhen Timeway Technology Consulting co .,Ltd reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Document Created: 2008-05-23 18:02:54
Document Modified: 2008-05-23 18:02:54

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