test data & instruments(LF antenna)


Test Report

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                                                                                                                                        Test report No.              : 31BE0219-HO-12-A
                                                                                                                                        Page                         : 16 of 19
                                                                                                                                        Issued date                  : March 22, 2011
                                                                                                                                        FCC ID                       : WAZSKE13301

APPENDIX 2: Data of EMI test

             Radiated Emission below 30MHz (Fundamental and Spurious Emission)

                                                DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION TEST
                                                                                 UL Japan, Inc. Head Office EMC Lab. No.4 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                           Date : 2011/02/02

                    Company              :     MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION HIME            Report No.            :   31BE0219-HO-12
                    Kind of EUT          :     Keyless System(SSU)                             Power                 :    DC 3.0V
                    Model No.            :     SKE133-01(LF)                                   Temp./ Humi.          :    21deg. C. /31% RH
                    Serial No.           :     Q101110                                         Engineer              :    Hiroyuki Furutaka

                    Mode / Remarks : Tx 125kHz Worst Axis(ECU:X-axis Antenna:X-axis)

                    LIMIT : FCC15.209(a) 3m, 9-90kHz:PK, 110-490kHz:PK, other:QP
                            FCC15.209(a) 3m, 9-90kHz:AV, 110-490kHz:AV, other:QP                                                                      0 deg     :A
                                                                                                                                                      45 deg    :B
                        [dBuV/m]             << QP/AV/PEAK DATA >>                                                                                    90 deg    :C
                        .01M        .02M .03M      .05M .07M .1M          .2M    .3M        .5M .7M    1M            2M        3M         5M     7M   10M       20M 30M

                         Freq.       Reading            Ant.Fac   Loss    Gain     Result      Limit    Margin       Antenna             Table
                                                 DET                                                                                                  Comment
                         [MHz]       [dBuV]             [dB/m]    [dB]    [dB] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m ]           [dB]     [deg]               [deg]
                          0.12500      107.5     PEAK      20.1     5.9    32.1   101.4    125.7              24.3     0            A         7   Worst
                          0.12500      106.2     PEAK      20.1     5.9    32.1   100.1    125.7              25.6     45           B       325
                          0.12500      102.9     PEAK      20.1     5.9    32.1    96.8    125.7              28.9     90           C       277
                          0.12500      105.0     PEAK      20.1     5.9    32.1    98.9    125.7              26.8    135           C        22
                          0.12500       92.4      AV       20.1     5.9    32.1    86.3    105.7              19.4    135           C        32
                          0.12500       90.6      AV       20.1     5.9    32.1    84.5    105.7              21.2     90           C       277
                          0.12500       94.0      AV       20.1     5.9    32.1    87.9    105.7              17.8     45           B       325
                          0.12500       95.1      AV       20.1     5.9    32.1    89.0    105.7              16.7     0            A         7   Worst
                          0.12500       99.4     PEAK      20.1     5.9    32.1    93.3    125.7              32.4     0            A       359   Hori
                          0.12500       87.2      AV       20.1     5.9    32.1    81.1    105.7              24.6     0            A       359   Hori
                          0.25000       12.4     PEAK      20.0     6.0     0.0    38.4    119.7              81.3     0            A       197
                          0.25000        4.2      AV       20.0     6.0     0.0    30.2     99.7              69.5     0            A       197
                          0.37500       35.2     PEAK      19.9     6.0     0.0    61.1    116.1              55.0     0            A         1
                          0.37500       21.2      AV       19.9     6.0     0.0    47.1     96.1              49.0     0            A         1
                          0.50000        1.6      QP       19.9     6.0     0.0    27.5     73.6              46.1     0            A         7
                          0.62500       18.7      QP       19.9     6.0     0.0    44.6     71.7              27.1     0            A         8
                          0.75000        0.8      QP       19.9     6.0     0.0    26.7     70.1              43.4     0            A         7
                          0.87500        6.2      QP       19.9     6.0     0.0    32.1     68.7              36.6     0            A         3
                          1.00000        0.9      QP       19.9     6.0     0.0    26.8     67.6              40.8     0            A         7
                          1.12500        1.0      QP       19.9     6.1     0.0    27.0     66.5              39.5     0            A         5
                          1.25000        1.1      QP       19.9     6.1     0.0    27.1     65.6              38.5     0            A         7

                    CHART: WITH FACTOR , ANT TYPE: LOOP , Except for the data below : adequate margin data below the limits.
                    CALCULATION : RESULT[dBuV] = READING[dBuV] + ANT FACTOR[dB] + LOSS[dB]( CABLE + ATTEN.- AMP.)

         *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                              Test report No.             : 31BE0219-HO-12-A
                                                                                                                              Page                        : 17 of 19
                                                                                                                              Issued date                 : March 22, 2011
                                                                                                                              FCC ID                      : WAZSKE13301

                            Radiated Emission above 30MHz (Spurious Emission)

                                              DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION TEST
                                                                                UL Japan, Inc. Head Office EMC Lab. No.4 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                           Date : 2011/02/03

                    Company              :   MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION HIME            Report No.           :    31BE0219-HO-12
                    Kind of EUT          :   Keyless System(SSU)                             Power                :    DC 3.0V
                    Model No.            :   SKE133-02(LF)                                   Temp. / Humi.        :    23deg. C. / 30%RH
                    Serial No.           :   -                                               Engineer             :    Keisuke Kawamura

                    Mode / Remarks : Tx 125kHz Worst-Axis (ECU Hori:Z,Vert:Z , Antenna HoriX,Vert:X)

                    LIMIT : FCC15.209 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:PK
                            All other spurious emissions were less than 20dB for the limit.                                                        Horizontal
                        [dBuV/m]             << QP DATA >>                                                                                         Vertical








                     30M                 50M            70M          100M                     200M             300M                  500M       700M        1G

                                                          Antenna     Loss&
                         Frequency     Reading                                   Level      Angle    Height               Limit      Margin
                                                  DET      Factor      Gain                                   Polar.                           Comment
                           [MHz]       [dBuV]              [dB/m]      [dB]     [dBuV/m]    [Deg]    [cm]                [dBuV/m]     [dB]
                              36.759      27.3    QP          15.8      -24.9        18.2       79      400   Hori.           40.0      21.8
                              35.253      46.5    QP          16.4      -24.9        38.0      228      100   Vert.           40.0       2.0
                              58.758      44.9    QP           8.8      -24.6        29.1      359      363   Hori.           40.0      10.9
                              58.758      44.1    QP           8.8      -24.6        28.3      249      100   Vert.           40.0      11.7
                              81.514      41.4    QP           6.8      -24.4        23.8      260      100   Vert.           40.0      16.2
                              81.764      42.4    QP           6.9      -24.4        24.9      194      229   Hori.           40.0      15.1
                             173.511      29.2    QP          15.9      -23.2        21.9      322      187   Hori.           43.5      21.6
                             173.511      30.7    QP          15.9      -23.2        23.4       93      100   Vert.           43.5      20.1
                             295.085      21.8    QP          19.3      -22.3        18.8        0      300   Hori.           46.0      27.2
                             295.085      21.8    QP          19.3      -22.3        18.8        0      100   Vert.           46.0      27.2
                             391.702      21.9    QP          17.4      -21.6        17.7        0      100   Vert.           46.0      28.3
                             391.702      21.9    QP          17.4      -21.6        17.7        0      100   Hori.           46.0      28.3

                    CHART:WITH FACTOR   ANT TYPE: -30MHz:LOOP, 30-300MHz:BICONICAL, 300MHz-1000MHz:LOGPERIODIC, 1000MHz-:HORN

         *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                           Test report No.   : 31BE0219-HO-12-A
                                                                           Page              : 18 of 19
                                                                           Issued date       : March 22, 2011
                                                                           FCC ID            : WAZSKE13301

                            -26dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth

                                                           UL Japan, Inc.
                                                           Head Office EMC Lab. No.4 Semi Anechoic Chamber

     COMPANY           :   MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPOR REPORT NO     :         31BE0219-HO-12
     EQUIPMENT         :   Keyless System(SSU)
     MODEL             :   SKE133-01                  TEST DISTANCE :         3m
     S/ N              :   Q101110                    DATE          :         02/02/2011
     POWER             :   DC 12.0V                   TEMPERATURE :           21 deg.C
     MODE              :   Tx                         HUMIDITY      :         31 % RH
                                                      Engineer      :         Hiroyuki Furutaka

              FREQ    -26dB Bandwidth     99% Occupied Bandwidth

              [kHz]         [kHz]                  [kHz]
              125.0        13.002                 12.092

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                Test report No.   : 31BE0219-HO-12-A
                                                                                Page              : 19 of 19
                                                                                Issued date       : March 22, 2011
                                                                                FCC ID            : WAZSKE13301

APPENDIX 3: Test instruments

EMI test equipment
 Control No.       Instrument           Manufacturer          Model No   Serial No        Test Item   Calibration Date *
  MAEC-04      Semi Anechoic         TDK                Semi Anechoic    DA-10005        RE           2010/02/02 * 12
               Chamber(NSA)                             Chamber 3m
   MOS-15      Thermo-Hygrometer     Custom             CTH-180          -               RE           2010/02/09 * 12
   MJM-07      Measure               PROMART            SEN1955          -               RE           -
 COTS-MEMI EMI measurement           TSJ                TEPTO-DV         -               RE           -
   MSA-05  Spectrum Analyzer         Advantest          R3273            160400285       RE           2010/11/18 * 12
   MTR-07      Test Receiver         Rohde & Schwarz    ESCI             100635          RE           2010/10/27 * 12
  MLPA-02      Loop Antenna          Rohde & Schwarz    HFH2-Z2          836553/009      RE           2010/12/08 * 12
  MCC-113      Coaxial cable         Fujikura/Suhner/TSJ 5D-             -/04178         RE           2010/07/21 * 12
   MCC-31      Coaxial cable         UL Japan            -               -               RE           2010/07/20 * 12
   MPA-14      Pre Amplifier         SONOMA             310              260833          RE           2010/03/05 * 12
   MSA-03      Spectrum Analyzer     Agilent            E4448A           MY44020357 RE                2010/11/30 * 12
   MAT-51      Attenuator(6dB)       Weinschel          2                AS3557          RE           2011/01/14 * 12
   MBA-05      Biconical Antenna     Schwarzbeck        BBA9106          1302            RE           2010/10/11 * 12
   MLA-08      Logperiodic Antenna   Schwarzbeck        UKLP9140-A       N/A             RE           2010/10/11 * 12
   MCC-50      Coaxial cable         UL Japan           -                -               RE           2010/03/18 * 12

The expiration date of the calibration is the end of the expired month.
All equipment is calibrated with traceable calibrations. Each calibration is traceable to the national or
international standards.

As for some calibrations performed after the tested dates, those test equipment have been controlled by means of
an unbroken chains of calibrations.

Test Item:
RE: Spurious emission

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

Document Created: 2011-03-31 17:09:33
Document Modified: 2011-03-31 17:09:33

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