Operational Description


Operational Description

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Circuit Description

1 RF circuit

1.1 Main functions of RF circuit:

The baseband modulate the uplink signal, and then transmit it on RF
carrier by the antenna; Demodulate the received wireless signal
transmitted by the base station by the receiving circuit then get the
forward signal; at the same time, provide the steady en-control 26MHz
frequency source.

1.2 Structure of RF circuit:

We can divide it to 4 units according to the functions: Antenna unit,
frequency synthesized unit, receiving unit, transmitting unit.

1.2.1 Antenna unit
Antenna unit is composed by antenna groupware, antenna switch and
RF7168. This antenna groupware is the transceiver of the wireless
signal that is composed by inside antenna, and could fetch up the
disadvantages such as the low efficiency and the poor radiance
direction by the high performance match.

1.2.2 Frequency-synthesized unit

The SR528 has a single fast-locking fractional synthesizer used for
VCO control in both receive and transmit mode. The entire system
including VCO, tank, fractional N dividers, sigma delta compensation,
charge pump and loop filters are fully integrated. The only external
component is the frequency reference. The synthesizer is controlled via
the serial interface. The VCO is fed into the respective dividers to
generate the appropriate LO frequencies for the RX and TX bands.

Fractional N Dividers

The fractional N divider allows the PLL system to have a smaller step
size than the comparison frequency which is set by the external
reference to 26 MHz. This feature allows all the GSM frequency band
raster to be achieved, with fast lock times and good phase noise
The divider section consists of a dual modulus 8/9 prescaler, integer M
& A dividers, and fractional N system based on sigma-delta modulation
to generate the required fractional divide ratio. The Denominator of the
fractional divider can be set to 3 different values, (1040, 1170, 1235),
depending on the mode of operation. For example a denominator of
1040 with an input fraction F maintains an average value of F/1040
allowing 25 kHz steps when operated at a reference of 26 MHz.

Phase Frequency Detector/Charge Pump

A Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) is used for the PLL phase detector.
The charge pump is designed such that good matching of up and down
currents is achieved over a wide output operating range. The charge
pump output is internally routed to the integrated synthesizer loop filter.

Synthesizer Loop filter

To minimize complexity of the external PCB layout the Main Synthesizer
loop filter is also fully integrated into the IC. No external components or
adjustments are required.

Voltage Controlled Oscillator

The integrated voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is a complete self-
calibrating subsystem. This employs a fully auto-mated digital self-
calibration function to ensure optimum phase noise performance over
the entire frequency range. The VCO generates frequencies between
2520MHz and 2985MHz as required to operate in the four GSM bands
for RX and TX.

Reference Oscillator

The SR528 requires only an external low cost crystal as the frequency
reference. The circuitry to oscillate the crystal and tune its frequency is
fully integrated. For good noise immunity the oscillator is a balanced
implementation requiring the crystal to be connected across 2 pins.
There is a programmable capacitor array included for coarse tuning of
fixed offsets (e.g. crystal manufacturing tolerance), and an integrated

varactor for dynamic control. The oscillator is designed for use with a
26MHz crystal.

1.3. Transmitting unit

The transmit section of the SR528 radio implements a translation loop
modulator. This consists of a quadrature modulator, high speed phase-
frequency detector (PFD) with charge pump output, loop filter, TX VCO
and a feedback down converting mixer. The VCO output (divided by 2
for low band) is fed to the power amplifier with a portion internally fed
back into the down-converting feedback mixer to close the feedback
The Quadrature modulator takes the baseband I & Q signals and
translates these into a GMSK signal at the Transmit Inter-mediate
Frequency (TX IF). After bandpass filtering and limiting the TX IF signal
is used as the reference input to the Phase Frequency Detector (PFD)
of the transmit PLL.

Phase Frequency Detector (PFD)

The PFD ensures that the transmitted signal contains the required
modulation and is accurately locked to the desired GSM channel. The
downconverted feedback signal from the TX VCO and the Quadrature
Modulator output are phase compared by the PFD. The PFD charge
pump generates a current pulse proportional to the difference in phase
which is applied to the loop filter.

Loop filter

To minimize complexity of the external PCB layout the TX loop filter is
fully integrated into the IC. At power up the filter is automatically
calibrated as part of the baseband filter cal, eliminating process
tolerances. The calibration is fully integrated and requires no extra


The Transmit Voltage Controlled Oscillator (TX VCO) and tank
components are a fully integrated subsystem. The subsystem includes
PA drivers so the outputs are used to directly drive the external PAs.
The low noise oscillator design and internal filtering mean that external
TX SAW filters are not required. In Low band operation the TX VCO
output is divided by two and filtered. The TX VCO is automatically
calibrated to ensure optimum performance over its operating frequency

of 1648 to 1910 MHz.

Feedback Down-Converting Mixer

The feedback down converting mixer is used to translate the TX VCO
output frequency to the TX IF. An integrated band pass filter exists
between the mixer and the PFD to filter the mixers unwanted side band
and higher order mixing products.

Transmit Frequency Plan

Unlike many other translation loop modulators the SR528 uses only a
single VCO source to derive the local oscillator signal for both the
Feedback Down-Converting Mixer and the Quadrature modulator.
This ratio was chosen to minimize VCO tuning range, TX IF frequency
variation and ensure excellent transmit spectral mask performance.
The Feedback-Down Converting Mixer operates low side injection for
the high bands and high side injection for the low bands. The final
relationship between the transmitted TX frequency and the LO VCO
frequency is different between the two bands.
These relationships are taken account of in the synthesizer architecture
and programming.

1.4. Receiving unit
The SR528 receiver section fully integrates all the RF and baseband
signal processing. Each major block is described in the following

Low Noise Amplifiers

The SR528 includes four fully integrated Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs),
to support quad band applications without further external active
components. The LNAs have differential inputs which minimize the
effect of unwanted interferers. The inputs are easily matched to industry
standard Front End Modules (FEMs) or discrete Rx SAW filters. The
outputs of the LNAs are directly coupled to the down-converting mixers.
The gain of the LNAs are typically 24 dB. Each LNA can be switch to a
low gain mode when receiving large input signals as part of the AGC

Down-Converting Mixers

Two quadrature mixers are used to mix down the signals from the LNAs,
one for the high bands (1800 and 1900 MHz) and one for the low bands

(850 and 900 MHz). The outputs of the mixers are connected to the
baseband section through an integrated single pole filter with nominal
cut-off frequency of 800kHz. This acts as a “roofing filter” for the
largest blocking signals (i.e. those ≥ 3MHz) and prevents the
baseband amplifiers from being overloaded.

Baseband Amplifiers / Low Pass Filters

The baseband amplifiers provide the majority of the analog receiver
gain. The filtering is provided by an integrated 5th order Chebyshev
filter giving the necessary adjacent channel and blocking filtering, it is
also acting as an anti-alias filtering for Baseband IC’s converters. A final
low pass pole is possibly each of the baseband outputs via internal
series resistor along with an external shunt capacitor. The external
capacitor is not normally required with ADI baseband ICs. The on chip
filter has an auto calibration feature ensuring that the filters are tuned
for optimum performance.
The baseband amplifiers have programmable gain for system AGC. A
total of 57 dB of gain control is provided in 3dB steps programmable
over the serial interface. This together with the LNA gain control gives a
total of 77dB of gain control range.
The receive baseband outputs are routed to the common Rx/Tx I/Q
ports for connection with the baseband converters.

Baseband Output D.C. Offset Correction

In order to minimize D.C. offsets inherent in the receiver and maximize
dynamic range a D.C offset correction circuit is integrated. This
correction is triggered over the serial bus and then an offset tracking
loop is enabled to minimize residual offsets under all conditions. The
tracking loop is fully hardware integrated, requiring no software

Receiver Local Oscillator (LO) Generator

The Rx LO generator is used to avoid DC offset problems associated
with LO leakage into the receiver RF path. By operating the VCO at a
frequency other than the desired receive frequencies, any leakage of
the VCO will fall out of band. The LO generator is used to convert the
offset synthesized VCO output to the on-frequency quadrature LO
required by the chipset. The LO generator is implemented as a
regenerative frequency divider, performing a 2/3 multiplication of the
VCO output for the high band (DCS1800/PCS1900) and a 1/3
multiplication for low band (E-GSM 900/GSM850).

2. Digital base band circuit principle

2.1. General

The digital base band circuit is composed by central control and data
processing unit, power management unit, voice processing unit, display
unit and outside interface unit.

2.2. The circuit and principle of each unit

2.2.1. Central control and data processing unit


SC6610 is capable of running the ARM7 TDMI-S 32-bit RISC processor
at up to 78MHz, thus providing fast data processing capabilities. The
high clock frequency, separate code and data caches are included to
improve the overall system efficiency. For large amount of data transfer,
high performance DMA(Direct Memory Access)with hardware flow
control is implemented, which greatly enhance the data movement
efficiency with reducing MCU and DSP processing load. Targeted as a
high performance platform for mobile applications, Unique ID(UID)
and secure boot are also provided to prevent unauthorized porting of
the software load and fulfill other applications

External Memory Interface

SC6610 embedded PSRAM memory with size of 32M or 16M Bytes.
 The external serial Flash memory is supported with 1.8V or 2.8V I/O
 voltage. The driving strength is configurable for signal integrity

Radio Interface

SC6610 integrates a mixed-signal baseband front-end in order to
 provide a well-organized radio interface with flexibility for efficient
 customization. The front-end contains gain and offset calibration
 mechanisms, and filters with programmable coefficients for

 comprehensive compatibility control on RF modules.
The RF interface also consists of the following parts:
· An RF power amplifier control, which controls the timing of an RF
 power amplifier ON/OFF as well as its output power.
· An RF serial port, which is used to program control registers inside
 the RF module.
· RF parallel controls, which form a group of control signals to control
 the ON/OFF of the RF active components and passive

2.2.2. External Memory

64Mb serial Flash, up to 78M bus clock frequency supported.

2.2.3. Power circuit
The input power management portion of its block accepts power from
common sources —the main battery or an external charger — and
generates all the regulated voltages needed to power the appropriate
handset electronics. It monitors and controls the power sources
detecting which sources are applied, verifying that they are within
acceptable operational limits, and coordinates battery and coin cell
recharging while maintaining the handset electronics supply voltages.

On-chip voltage regulators generate ten programmable output voltages
using one switched-mode power supply and several low dropout voltage
regulators, all derived from a common trimmed voltage reference.

The PM block includes one backlight or LED drivers with brightness
(current) control that are intended for keypad and LCD lighting. A
vibration motor driver alerts handset users of incoming calls.

2.2.4. DISPLAY

We use a 220*176 dot matrix 262k color TFT LCD module.

2.2.5. Bluetooth/ ATV /FM

We use RDA5875Y as main Bluetooth IC, and use DSP-100 as the
ATV&FM IC. Its working mode or state is controlled by SC6610 .

The Broadcom RDA5875Y single-chip device provides the highest level
of integration for a mobile or handheld wireless system, with integrated
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (enhanced data rate). It provides a small form-
factor solution with minimal external components to drive down cost for
mass volumes and allows for handheld device flexibility in size, form,
and function. Comprehensive power management circuitry and software
ensure the system can meet the needs of highly mobile devices that
require minimal power consumption and reliable operation.

For the FM function, this EUT supports FM RX only without TX function.

Technical Specifications:

Operating Frequency Band (RF):
   GSM 850:       824-849MHz (TX),     869-894MHz (RX)
    GSM900:       880-915 MHz (TX),    925-960 MHz (RX)
    DCS1800       1710-1785 MHz (TX)   1805-1880 MHz (RX)
    PCS 1900:     1850-1910MHz (TX),    1930-1990MHz (RX)

Modulation mode: GMSK

Support Protocol: GSM/GPRS

GPRS Class: Class 10

Maximum of Antenna’s Gain:
      GSM 850/900: 0dBi
      DCS/PCS 1900: 1dBi
      Bluetooth: 2 dBi

DTM Function: Not support

Document Created: 2012-12-20 14:16:09
Document Modified: 2012-12-20 14:16:09

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