Test reports


Test Report

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                                                                                      Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                   Page 1 of 27

                                APPLICATION CERTIFICATION
                                          On Behalf of
                             Shenzhen Fine Offset Electronics Co., Ltd.

                                   Weather Station (Transmitter)
                                   Model No.: WS69CN, WH69

                                      FCC ID: WA5WS69CN

            Prepared for       :   Shenzhen Fine Offset Electronics Co., Ltd.
            Address            :   2/F., Building no.3, Ping Shan Minqi Industrial Park, Xili
                                   Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, China

            Prepared by        :   Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.
            Address            :   1/F., Building A, Changyuan New Material Port, Science &
                                   Industry Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.

                                   Tel: (0755) 26503290
                                   Fax: (0755) 26503396

            Report Number      :   ATE20190313
            Date of Test       :   March 16-27, 2019
            Date of Report     :   March 27, 2019

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                         Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                  Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                                                               Page 2 of 27

                                                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

     Description                                                                                                                                           Page

     Test Report Certification
    1.      GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 4
         1.1.     Description of Device (EUT)....................................................................................................................4
         1.2.     Accessory and Auxiliary Equipment ........................................................................................................4
         1.3.     Description of Test Facility ......................................................................................................................5
         1.4.     Measurement Uncertainty.........................................................................................................................5
    2.      MEASURING DEVICE AND TEST EQUIPMENT ..................................................................... 6
    3.      SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS................................................................................................... 7
    4.      THE FIELD STRENGTH OF RADIATION EMISSION ............................................................ 8
         4.1.     Block Diagram of Test Setup....................................................................................................................8
         4.2.     The Field Strength of Radiation Emission Measurement Limits..............................................................9
         4.3.     Configuration of EUT on Measurement .................................................................................................10
         4.4.     Operating Condition of EUT ..................................................................................................................10
         4.5.     Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................10
         4.6.     The Field Strength of Radiation Emission Measurement Results ..........................................................10
    5.      20DB OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH ................................................................................................ 13
         5.1.     Block Diagram of Test Setup..................................................................................................................13
         5.2.     The Bandwidth of Emission Limit According To FCC Part 15 Section 15.231(c) ................................13
         5.3.     EUT Configuration on Measurement .....................................................................................................13
         5.4.     Operating Condition of EUT ..................................................................................................................13
         5.5.     Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................13
         5.6.     Measurement Result ...............................................................................................................................14
    6.      RELEASE TIME MEASUREMENT............................................................................................ 15
         6.1.     Block Diagram of Test Setup..................................................................................................................15
         6.2.     Release Time Measurement According To FCC Part 15 Section 15.231(e) ..........................................15
         6.3.     EUT Configuration on Measurement .....................................................................................................15
         6.4.     Operating Condition of EUT ..................................................................................................................15
         6.5.     Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................15
         6.6.     Measurement Result ...............................................................................................................................16
    7.      AVERAGE FACTOR MEASUREMENT .................................................................................... 17
         7.1.     Block Diagram of Test Setup..................................................................................................................17
         7.2.     Average factor Measurement according to ANSI C63.10-2013.............................................................17
         7.3.     EUT Configuration on Measurement .....................................................................................................17
         7.4.     Operating Condition of EUT ..................................................................................................................17
         7.5.     Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................18
         7.6.     Measurement Result ...............................................................................................................................18
    8.      ANTENNA REQUIREMENT........................................................................................................ 19
         8.1.     The Requirement ....................................................................................................................................19
         8.2.     Antenna Construction .............................................................................................................................19

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                                                                 Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                      Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                   Page 3 of 27

                                          Test Report Certification
             Applicant&           Fine Offset Electronics Co., Ltd
             address              2/F., Building no.3, Ping Shan Minqi Industrial Park, Xili Town,
                                  Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, China.
             Manufacturer&        Fine Offset Electronics Co., Ltd
             address              2/F., Building no.3, Ping Shan Minqi Industrial Park, Xili Town,
                                  Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, China.
             EUT Description      Weather Station (Transmitter)
             Model No.            WS69CN, WH69

            Measurement Procedure Used:

            FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.231e
            ANSI C63.10-2013

            The device described above is tested by Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd. to
            determine the maximum emission levels emanating from the device. The maximum emission
            levels are compared to the FCC Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.231a. The measurement results
            are contained in this test report and Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd. is assumed full
            responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these measurements. Also, this report
            shows that the Equipment Under Test (EUT) is to be technically compliant with the FCC

            This report applies to above tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in part
            without written approval of Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

             Date of Test :                                 March 16-27, 2019
             Date of Report :                                March 27, 2019

             Prepared by :
                                                          (Bob Wang, Engineer)

             Approved & Authorized Signer :
                                                           (Sean Liu, Manager)

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                         Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                     Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                  Page 4 of 27


                1.1.Description of Device (EUT)
                    EUT                    : Weather Station (Transmitter)

                    Model Number           : WS69CN, WH69
                                             (Note: These samples are same except their appearance is
                                             different. So we prepare WS69CN for test only.)

                    Power Supply           : DC 3V (Powered by Battery)
                    Modulation Mode        : FSK

                    Operation Frequency    : 433.92MHz

                    Antenna type           : Integral Antenna

                    Antenna gain           : 2.15dBi

                    RF power setting in test : Max power

                    Applicant              : Shenzhen Fine Offset Electronics Co., Ltd.
                    Address                : 2/F., Building no.3, Ping Shan Minqi Industrial Park, Xili
                                             Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, China

                    Manufacturer           : Shenzhen Fine Offset Electronics Co., Ltd.
                    Address                : 2/F., Building no.3, Ping Shan Minqi Industrial Park, Xili
                                             Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, China

                    Date of sample received : March 14, 2019
                    Date of Test            : March 16-27, 2019
                    Sample No.              : 1900244

                1.2.Accessory and Auxiliary Equipment

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                        Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                      Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                   Page 5 of 27

                1.3.Description of Test Facility

                    EMC Lab                :   Recognition of accreditation by Federal Communications
                                               Commission (FCC)
                                               The Designation Number is CN1189
                                               The Registration Number is 708358

                                               Listed by Innovation, Science and Economic Development
                                               Canada (ISEDC)
                                               The Registration Number is 5077A-2

                                               Accredited by China National Accreditation Service for
                                               Conformity Assessment (CNAS)
                                               The Registration Number is CNAS L3193

                                               Accredited by American Association for Laboratory
                                               Accreditation (A2LA)
                                               The Certificate Number is 4297.01

                    Name of Firm           :   Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.
                    Site Location          :   1/F., Building A, Changyuan New Material Port, Science
                                               & Industry Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong,
                                               P.R. China

                1.4.Measurement Uncertainty

                    Conducted Emission Expanded Uncertainty    =    2.23dB, k=2

                    Radiated emission expanded uncertainty     =    3.08dB, k=2

                    Radiated emission expanded uncertainty     =    4.42dB, k=2

                    Radiated emission expanded uncertainty     =    4.06dB, k=2
                    (Above 1GHz)

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                         Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                              Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                           Page 6 of 27

              Table 1: List of Test and Measurement Equipment
 Kind of equipment Manufacturer        Type          S/N           Calibrated dates Cal. Interval
 EMI Test Receiver Rohde&Schwarz       ESCS30        100307        Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
 EMI Test Receiver Rohde&Schwarz       ESPI3         101526/003    Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
 Spectrum Analyzer Agilent             E7405A        MY45115511    Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
 Pre-Amplifier       Rohde&Schwarz     CBLU118354 3791             Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
 Loop Antenna        Schwarzbeck       FMZB1516   1516131          Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
 Bilog Antenna       Schwarzbeck       VULB9163      9163-323      Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
 Horn Antenna        Schwarzbeck       BBHA9120D     9120D-655     Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
 Horn Antenna        Schwarzbeck       BBHA9120D     9120D-1067    Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
 LISN                Rohde&Schwarz     ESH3-Z5       100305        Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
 LISN                Schwarzbeck       NSLK8126      8126431       Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
 Highpass Filter    Wainwright         WHKX3.6/18 N/A              Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
                    Instruments        G-10SS
 Band Reject Filter Wainwright         WRCG2400/2 N/A              Jan. 05, 2019         One Year
                    Instruments        485-2375/2510

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                 Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                       Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                    Page 7 of 27


               FCC Rules               Description of Test     Result
               Section 15.207          Conducted Emission      N/A
               Section 15.231(e)       Radiated Emission       Compliant
               Section 15.231(c)       20dB Bandwidth          Compliant
               Section 15.231(e)       Release Time        Compliant
               Section 15.203          Antenna Requirement Compliant

              The product is a automatic operated Weather Station (Transmitter).

              Note: The power supply mode of the EUT is DC 3V, According to the FCC standard
              requirements, conducted emission is not applicable

              All normal using modes of the normal function were tested but only the worst test data of the
              worst mode is recorded by this report.

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                          Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                          Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                       Page 8 of 27


                4.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup
                         4.1.1.Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators


                                     (EUT: Weather Station (Transmitter))

                         4.1.2.Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram

                    (B) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency 30-1000MHz

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                             Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                          Report No.: ATE20190313
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                    (C) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency above 1GHz

                4.2.The Field Strength of Radiation Emission Measurement Limits
                       4.2.1. Radiation Emission Measurement Limits According to FCC Part 15 Section

                       Where F is the frequency in MHz, the formulas for calculating the maximum
                       permitted fundamental field strengths are as follows: for the band 130-174 MHz,
                       uV/m at 3 meters = 22.73(F) – 2454.55; for the band 260-470 MHz, uV/m at 3
                       meters = 16.67(F) - 2833.33 The maximum permitted unwanted emission level is
                       20 dB below the maximum permitted fundamental level.
                       4.2.2. Restricted Band Radiation Emission Measurement Limits According to FCC
                              part 15 Section 15.205 and Section15.209.

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                             Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                     Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                  Page 10 of 27

                4.3.Configuration of EUT on Measurement
                    The equipment is installed on Radiated Emission Measurement to meet the
                    commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to
                    maximize its emission characteristics in normal application.

                4.4. Operating Condition of EUT
                      4.4.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 4.1.

                      4.4.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.

                      4.4.3. Let the EUT work in TX mode measure it.

                4.5.Test Procedure
                    The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turntable, which is 0.8 meter high above
                    ground(Below 1GHz). The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turntable, which is
                    1.5 meter high above ground(Above 1GHz). The turntable can rotate 360 degrees to
                    determine the position of the maximum emission level. EUT is set 3.0 meters away
                    from the receiving antenna, which is mounted on an antenna tower. The antenna can be
                    moved up and down between 1.0 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
                    emission level. Broadband antenna (calibrated bi-log antenna) is used as receiving
                    antenna. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set on
                    measurement. In order to find the maximum emission levels, all of the EUT location
                    must be manipulated according to ANSI C63.10:2013 on radiated emission
                    measurement. This EUT was tested in 3 orthogonal positions and the worst case
                    position data was reported.

                    The bandwidth of test receiver is set at 120 kHz in 30-1000 MHz, and 1 MHz in 1000

                4.6.The Field Strength of Radiation Emission Measurement Results

                    The frequency range from 30 MHz to 10GHz is checked.

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                        Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                           Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                        Page 11 of 27

 EUT            : Weather Station (Transmitter)
 Model No.      : WS69CN                                 Power Supply :      DC 3V
 Test Mode      : TX                                     Test Engineer :     Frank
 Frequency    Reading      Factor    Average    Result(dBV/m)    Limit(dBV/m)        Margin(dB)         Polarization
   (MHz)      (dBV/m)      Corr.     Factor
                 PEAK       (dB)       (dB)       AV     PEAK      AV      PEAK       AV       PEAK
   433.92       96.61      -17.78     -17.33     61.50    78.83   72.87    92.87    -11.37      -14.04
   867.84       48.69       -7.98     -17.33     23.38    40.71   52.87    72.87    -29.49      -32.16
  1301.76       54.45       -8.43     -17.33     28.69    46.02   52.87    72.87    -24.18      -26.85
  1735.68       53.23       -7.28     -17.33     30.62    45.95   52.87    72.87    -22.25      -26.92
  2603.52       50.98       -3.46     -17.33     30.19    47.52   52.87    72.87    -22.68      -25.35
  3471.36       48.10       0.02      -17.33     30.79    48.12   52.87    72.87    -22.08      -24.75
  3905.28       47.74       0.95      -17.33     31.36    48.69   52.87    72.87    -21.51      -24.18
  4339.20       47.04       1.52      -17.33     31.32    48.56   52.87    72.87    -21.64      -24.31
   433.92       94.87      -17.78     -17.33     59.76    77.09   72.87    92.87    -13.11      -15.78
   867.84       46.70       -7.98     -17.33     21.39    38.72   52.87    72.87    -31.48      -34.15
  1301.76       55.95       -8.43     -17.33     30.19    47.52   52.87    72.87    -22.68      -25.35
  1735.68       54.23       -7.28     -17.33     26.62    46.95   52.87    72.87    -23.25      -25.92
  2169.60       53.15       -5.43     -17.33     30.39    47.72   52.87    72.87    -22.48      -25.15
  2603.52       51.98       -3.46     -17.33     31.19    48.52   52.87    72.87    -21.68      -24.35
  3474.36       47.60       0.02      -17.33     30.29    47.62   52.87    72.87    -22.58      -25.25
  4339.20       47.04       1.52      -17.33     31.23    48.56   52.87    72.87    -21.64      -24.31

1. 9 kHz~30 MHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Peak or Quasi-Peak measurement. The
    measurements with active loop antenna were greater than 20dB below the limit, so the test data were not
    recorded in the test report.
2. Emissions attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value are not reported.
3. The field strength is calculated by adding the antenna factor, high pass filter loss(if used) and cable loss,
   and subtracting the amplifier gain(if any)from the measured reading. The basic equation calculation is as
Result = Reading + Corrected Factor
Where Corrected Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + High Pass Filter Loss – Amplifier Gain
4. FCC Limit for Average Measurement = 16.67*(433.92) - 2833.33 = 4400.1164 V/m =72.87 dBV/m
5. The spectral diagrams in appendix I display the measurement of peak values.
6. Average value= PK value + Average Factor (duty factor)
 FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                             Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                          Report No.: ATE20190313
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7. If the peak-detected amplitude can be shown to comply with the average limit, then it is not necessary to
perform a separate average measurement.
8. The EUT is tested radiation emission in three axes(X,Y,Z). The worst emissions are reported in three axes.
9. Pulse Desensitization Correction Factor
Pulse Width (PW) = 13.6ms
2/PW = 2/13.6ms = 0.15kHz
RBW (100kHz) > 2/PW (5kHz)
Therefore PDCF is not needed.

 FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                            Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                     Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                  Page 13 of 27


                5.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup

                           EUT           Low Loss Cable

                                  (EUT: Weather Station (Transmitter))

                5.2.The Bandwidth of Emission Limit According To FCC Part 15 Section

                    The bandwidth of emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency.
                    Therefore, the bandwidth of the emission limit is 433.92MHz×0.25% = 1.0848MHz.
                    Bandwidth is determined at the two points 20 dB down from the top of modulated

                5.3.EUT Configuration on Measurement
                    The equipment are installed on the bandwidth of emission Measurement to meet the
                    commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to
                    maximize its emission characteristics in normal application.

                5.4.Operating Condition of EUT
                      5.4.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 5.1.

                      5.4.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.

                      5.4.3.Let the EUT work in TX mode measure it.

                5.5.Test Procedure
                      5.5.1. Set SPA Center Frequency = Fundamental frequency, RBW = 10 kHz, VBW
                             = 30 kHz.

                      5.5.2.Set SPA Max hold, Mark peak, -20 dB.

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                        Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                         Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                      Page 14 of 27

                5.6.Measurement Result

                    The EUT does meet the FCC requirement.

                    -20 dB bandwidth =0.116MHz <1.0848MHz.

                    The spectral diagrams in appendix I.

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                            Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                     Page 15 of 27


                6.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup

                           EUT            Low Loss Cable

                                   (EUT: Weather Station (Transmitter))

                6.2.Release Time Measurement According To FCC Part 15 Section 15.231(e)
                    Section 15.231(e) devices operated under the provisions of this paragraph shall be
                    provided with a means for automatically limiting operation so that the duration of each
                    transmission shall not be greater than one second and the silent period between
                    transmissions shall be at least 30 times the duration of the transmission but in no case
                    less than 10 seconds.

                6.3.EUT Configuration on Measurement
                    The equipment are installed on Release Time Measurement to meet the commission
                    requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to maximize its
                    emission characteristics in normal application.

                6.4. Operating Condition of EUT
                      6.4.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 6.1.

                      6.4.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.

                      6.4.3.Let the EUT work in TX mode measure it.

                6.5.Test Procedure
                      6.5.1. Set SPA Center Frequency = Fundamental frequency, RBW = 100 kHz, VBW
                             = 300 kHz, Span = 0 Hz.

                      6.5.2.Set EUT as normal operation and press Transmitter button.

                      6.5.3.Set SPA View. Delta Mark time.

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                           Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                       Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                    Page 16 of 27

                6.6. Measurement Result
                    Test result: pass

                    Total period between transmission = 16.1s
                    Transmission Period = 13.6ms = 0.0136s
                    Silent Period = (16.1s-0.0136s) = 16.0864s
                    Silent period complies with 15.231(e) limits , as silent period = 16.0864 > 30*0.0136s
                    and > 10s

                    The spectral diagrams in appendix I.

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                          Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                           Report No.: ATE20190313
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                7.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup

                              EUT            Low Loss Cable

                                      (EUT: Weather Station (Transmitter))

                7.2.Average factor Measurement according to ANSI C63.10-2013
                    ANSI C63.10-2013 Section 7.5 Unless otherwise specified, when the radiated emission
                    limits are expressed in terms of the average value of the emission, and pulsed operation is
                    employed, the measurement field strength shall be determined by averaging over one
                    complete pulse train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train does not
                    exceed 0.1 s (100 ms). In cases where the pulse train exceeds 0.1 s, the measured field
                    strength shall be determined during a 0.1 s interval.64 The following procedure is an
                    example of how the average value may be determined. The average field strength may be
                    found by measuring the peak pulse amplitude (in log equivalent units) and determining
                    the duty cycle correction factor (in dB) associated with the pulse modulation as shown in
                    Equation (10):
                    Average factor in dB = 20 log (duty cycle)

                7.3.EUT Configuration on Measurement
                       The equipment are installed on average factor Measurement to meet the commission
                       requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to maximize its
                       emission characteristics in normal application.

                7.4. Operating Condition of EUT
                          7.4.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 7.1.

                          7.4.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.

                          7.4.3.Let the EUT work in TX mode measure it.

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                              Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                       Report No.: ATE20190313
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                7.5.Test Procedure
                       7.5.1.The time period over which the duty cycle is measured is 100 milliseconds, or
                             the repetition cycle, whichever is a shorter time frame. The worst case
                             (highest percentage on) duty cycle is used for the calculation.

                       7.5.2.Set SPA Center Frequency = Fundamental frequency, RBW = 100 kHz, VBW
                             = 300 kHz, Span = 0 Hz.

                       7.5.3.Set EUT as normal operation.

                       7.5.4.Set SPA View. Delta Mark time.

                7.6. Measurement Result
                    The duty cycle is simply the on time divided by the period:

                    Effective period of the cycle =13.6ms

                    DC = 13.6ms/100ms=0.136=13.6%

                    Therefore, the average factor is found by 20log0.136= -17.33dB

                    The spectral diagrams in appendix I.

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                          Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                         Report No.: ATE20190313
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               8.1.The Requirement
                    According to Section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no
                    antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.

               8.2.Antenna Construction
                    Device is equipped with permanent attached antenna, which isn’t displaced by other
                    antenna. The Antenna gain of EUT is 2.15dBi. Therefore, the equipment complies with
                    the antenna requirement of Section 15.203.


FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                            Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                  Report No.: ATE20190313
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                    APPENDIX I
                      (Test Curves)

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                     Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.


                                            ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                   Site: 2# Chamber

                                            F1,Bldg,A,Changyuan New Material Port Keyuan Rd,                      Tel:+86—0755—26503290
                                            Science & Industry Park, Nanshan Shenzhen,P.R.China                   Fax:+86—0755—26503396
Job No.:          Bob #26                                                             Polarization:           Horizontal
Standard: FCC Class B 3M Radiated                                                     Power Source:            DC 3V
Test item:            Radiation Test                                                   Date: 19/03/26/
Temp.(_C)Hum.(%) 25                       C/55 %                                      Time: 10/25/15
EUT:                  Weather Station (Transmitter)                                   Engineer Signature: Bob
Mode:            TX433.92MHz                                                          Distance:         3m
Model:           WS69CN
Manufacturer: Fine Offset
Note:          Report NO.:ATE20190313

     90.0        dBu¥/m
                                                                                                                  fimit1:      —







     0.0                              :
           3fll,fl|]fl      40    50     [;fl    70   80   j                            :‘ifll]       400    500     600   700     1000.0 MHz

No               fure)         Geavimg _y (abuvim) camuuim) [‘Deecter MeB)® CS| remek
1                 iéeess4|          4161          2636     1525       4350     |—2825)        GP       100      102
&                 ieaseeo|          4110          2565     1845       4250     |>80s)         ap       100       38
3                 Poi2e4]           4111          2411     i1700      4350     |—26.50|       ap       100      197
a                 sori0si|          se03          2102     is01       4600     |—27.99)       ar       100      249
5                 as3.9200|         oam           77e      Tess                               peak|    100       154
6                 Ber.sa0o)         4669          798      407                               peak      100|     24

                                            ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                        Site: 2# Chamber

                                             F1,Bldg.A.Changyuan New Material Port Keyuan Rd,                          Tel:+86—0755—26503290
@El                                          Science & Industry Park.Nanshan Shenzhen,P.R.China                        Fax:+86—0755—26503396
Job No.:         Bob #27                                                                    Polarization:         Vertical
Standard: FCC Class B 3M Radiated                                                           Power Source:          DC 3V
Test item:           Radiation Test                                                         Date: 19/03/26/
Temp.(          C)/Hum.(%) 25               C/55%                                           Time: 10/28/45
EUT:                 Weather Station (Transmitter)                                          Engineer Signature: Bob
Mode:            TX433.92MHz                                                                Distance:       3m
Model:           WS6SCN
Manufacturer:             Fine Offset
Note:           Report NO.:ATE20190313

      90.0       dBu¥/m
                                                                                                                      fimitt:       —








      0.0                       1       |          i      i                             i           i       I                i
            30.000      40      50      o     70   80                                  300         400      500      600    700    1000.0 MHz

                 Freq.              Reading        Factor       Result    Limit   |Margin                Height     Degree
No:             (mAz)           (dBuv/im)               (dB)   (dBuvim) |(dBuvim)| (4B) °499| (emy                  (aeg)         Rete*
1                    53.0056)        46.64         —26.69       19.95     40.00   |—20.05)     P          100        125
2                111.2483)           52.96         ~27.29       25.67     43.50   |—17.83]     QP         100        97
3                254.0312|           49.82         —23.41       26.41     46.00   |—19.59)     QP         100        101
4                340.0473|           47.15         ~19.75       27. 40    46.00   |—18.60|     QP         100        327
5                433.9200|           94.87         —~17.78      77.09                          peak       100        157
6                867.8400|           46.70             —7.98    38.72                          peak       100        222

                                  ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                     Site: 2# Chamber
                                     F1,Bidg,A,Changyuan New Material Port Keyuan Rd,                        Tel:+86—0755—26503290
                                     Science & Industry Park,Nanshan Shenzhen,P.R.China                      Fax:+86—0755—26503396
Job No.:       Bob #28                                                            Polarization:         Vertical
Standard: FCC PK                                                                  Power Source:          DC 3V
Test item:       Radiation Test                                                   Date: 19/03/26/
Temp.(        C)/Hum.(%) 25       C/55%                                        Time: 10/3219
EUT:            Weather Station (Transmitter)                                     Engineer Signature: Bob
Mode:          TX433.92MHz                                                        Distance:       3m
Model:         WSEgCN
Manufacturer: Fine Offset

Note:         Report NO.:ATE20190313

      100.0    dBu¥/m

      i8                                                                                                                 uc




      50                                                       &                                    6

      §8)                                                                                                           crcce22e++



      10.0                                         !                                                              ;
         1000.000                                  z000                3000                   000                 5000 6000.0 MHz

               Freq.       Reading       Factor    Result      Limit   |Margin                Height      Degree
No.           (MHz)        (dBuV/im)      (dB)    (dBuVim) (dBuVim)| (a4B)y P49 (om)                      (deg)      R°M#*
1              1301.760|     55.95        —8.43    47.52       80.82   |—25.35)]     peak      150|         113
2              1735.680|     54.23        —7.28    46.95       80.82   |—25.92]      peak         150|      244
3              2169.600|    5315          —5.43    47.72       80.82   |—25.15)      peak         150|      321
4              2603.520|    51.98         —3.46    48.52       80.82   |—24.35|      peak         150        114
&              3474.360|     47.60        0.02     47.62       80.82   |—25.25]      peak         150        47
6              4339.200|    47.04         1.52     48.56       80.82   |—24.31|      peak       150|        264


                                        ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                                     Site: 2# Chamber

                                           F1,Bidg.A,Changyuan New Material Port Keyuan Rd,                                     Tel:+86—0755—26503290
@@                                         Science & Industry Park,Nanshan Shenzhen,P.R.China                                   Fax:+86—0755—26503396
Job No.:        Bob #29                                                                                Polarization:        Horizontal
Standard: FCC PK                                                                                       Power Source:         DC 3V
Test item:          Radiation Test                                                                     Date: 19/03/26/
Temp.( C)Hum.(%) 25 C/55%                                                                           Time: 10/35/26
EUT:              Weather Station (Transmitter)                                                        Engineer Signature: Bob
Mode:           TX433.92MHz                                                                            Distance:       3m
Model:          WS69CN
Manufacturer: Fine Offset

Note:         Report NO.:ATE20190313

      100.0     dBu¥/m
                                                                                                                                limit1:      «_—
                                                                                                                                limit2;      —
      so                                                                                                                              .

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         1000.000                                              2000                          3000                  000                5000 6000.0 MHz

                Freq.           Reading          Factor        Result           Limit      |Margin                 Height    Degree
he.             (MHz)          (dBuvim)           (dB)       (dBuvim) (aBuvim)| (aB) 499| (em)                                (deg)        8°ma*
1                1301.760|        5445            —8.43         46.02           72.87       |—26.85|      peak     150         46
2                1735.680|         53.23          —7.28         45.95           72.87       |—26.92|      peak     150        135
3               2603.520|         50.98           —3.46         47.52           72.87       |—25.35|      peak     150         36
4               3471.360|          48.10          0.02          48.12           72.87       |—24.75|      peak     150         222
&               3905.280|          47.74          0.95          48.69           72.87       |—24.18|      peak      150|       147
6               4339.200|         47.04           1.52          48.56           72.87       |—24.31|      peak     150         358

                                                               Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                            Page 25 of 27

                    Date: 16.MAR.2019   12:03:03

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                  Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                                             Page 26 of 27

                            MARKER 1                                    RBW 100 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                             11 s                                      * VBW 300 kHz             -14.76 dBm
                           Ref 20 dBm                Att     40 dB      SWT 50 s              11.000000 s
                           20    Offset   10 dB                                        Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                                   0.02   dB
                                                                                              16.100000   s     A
                                                                                       Delta 3 [T1 ]           SGL
                    1 PK
                                                                                                  -0.31   dB
                           0                                                                  32.100000   s

                                             1                          2                        3








                           Center 433.92 MHz                         5 s/

                    Comment A:
                    Date:      27.MAR.2019        12:19:30

                           The period between transmissions =16.1s

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                                                Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                    Report No.: ATE20190313
                                                                                                                                 Page 27 of 27

                               DELTA MARKER 2                                RBW 100 kHz    Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                 13.6 ms                                    * VBW 300 kHz              -0.82 dB
                               Ref 20 dBm                Att     40 dB       SWT 200 ms            13.600000 ms
                               20    Offset   10 dB                                         Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                      -46.61 dBm
                                                                                                  112.800000 ms     A
                        1 PK




                                                                                  1   2





                               Center 433.92 MHz                         20 ms/

                        Comment A:
                        Date:      27.MAR.2019        12:22:19

                    The graph shows the duration of ‘on’ signal. From marker 1 to Delta 1,
                    duration is 13.6ms.

                                               ***** End of Test Report *****

FCC ID: WA5WS69CN                                                                                     Shenzhen Accurate Technology Co., Ltd.

Document Created: 2019-04-12 01:25:53
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 01:25:53

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