TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0106_User Manual 2-1


Users Manual

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                   CHILD           SAFETY:
                   I Makes A Diference How and Where
                       You Use Your Flat Pane! Disploy
      Congrutletions on your purchanalAs you enjoyyour new product,ploase
      kaep thos sofaly fip in mi
                               TnE HBUR
                               * Th on en werntonapetecn i outg matond ow
                                 ho pau dsn e c mciom. ho t rout vian
                                 n iecrmn ansond o h repe ic nds ie
                               *fi l dla e n nopenily id se dooenbicom,
                                 dn daly sc anh n lafone d on ey
                               Ts   mamtracruree Cns
                                  renen ietoieuty ccete ine ntestenes
* Oen dn NCX ol uin h rrdicet esnz
  t ho elsnelake on unclpa t urednle:
* Gonllyneadnbndec l wlad in o prer on
* Do en in o n w it on hi m
+ Do n e pooto on uen St m oib esd .
+ Anmaninfet se c bcone ced vitevcnen angen.
  npmidy o aSpe on KR rn l C olb en
  en ine l siem 1 m i pabnl, mon,
+ Clb l mal en ntin ns uit
  preidpiy n t Aurnrc n pulergrtind y cstn tin.
WhLL MouilFtite: i You beaibe To wh. mount
+ t mar ho e ncornandl t ds nsb
  ondfc ind by m indinedethoveny e o U C 510
* nlowlnetew uid b ty on velarsnentzome.
* b um dee t bokte aale neie wb e ¥oMortRniat
  ‘hoepecen uNC occeies o edlte ce recvnboons
* Reba n e vel vinnya on ranty ty rerponte
  Somevel mmfi n mt i veli w m
  w sekovencinTounslinsw                                     ang
* Artironct
            o prrlemoand e inlace:fol oo tglon              wore.CEarg/subuty


* Rkdeingn
  Rast ons na   i ts vit mew on             Te Wl crotnh 100 mt mrenretote
              etradaie                      wltttbaninceiccmient Tnininicaiin
                                            Iideincopeintiantoem diveatnicotnans
* dreduAamen td oi n ue mm t                (thmanuiesd ma t(oimntetinmat
  woonkvinbnetatal e h mok n ied            Fanmumen)
  e ie tw sn w w in tirond o                ngubsadonstanned
  vimie onl at 9 m ma ies hsn               Ti ontrnct coste uth 00 RF mt evence
  inbietina etuiipratn ds                   inferbet ntuie i Mewripons
Te felest erestens we ntoime ut nntvnadon   wat e nid se i nariecn w poren
ieitmit intoron: ons w mc y                 Fitulze m mat ie ie ied w m n
neentiny heie epone.                        anvorn un in ie uen a vewineveches
8 (C Pedi nastrieet uhy i mimmt ie          t raiton ma h mt ut wtove intates
  ofnin snn ho eniene wo wee                infrem n bomtirennciy sc t try
  wove nay t inbartan ds whan knven         Remmmenicn.
  wa                                        Nh liran Rainatis Greie
  Teinteistemmnem.                          Tendestaratsour o buininatottiorba
* Burtin 0130 Pant e totnisrngene ut        ty tieam (G mas fesuny encm me
  polouistermea mine t sanner mc            in i it t ent t m nave w ut
  vometiineoo o.                            io wonia h e ce tire mt m s
  t on nwrt cevin> tm o mrmrom              Capfie t es t orued i nen ut
  wiie i livvtSefoe uol w iund ies          vikar i i Inte Fevarie us hm mio
  reges                                     uty Grmer 15. im t o Sve s en
Eid of o tructiven                          ‘nnrliinierimcntatsiumainin tibrcomene
it 1 snn oi maenitc e rere ane              rem
                                            Copmptcaistervumtt ms
                       morrg imn
Heiteceme  mniticamarm
B in me tremn      e Guni h n a ns n        Nes nidationeimiensty t Aniotion
en                                          wnny h. cmary mina peved We n ichy
                                            Ti netaiey o o. on t neiic ty oy
Nomacive ptsis
Te 160 uow ontie tm t n o ts imntion        dn onmmencemmencetyie nastie
von pott wontenn uy e m pomemaca             «tiimtame
e macn ol t m boom mateiied                 ~oue ofi ut c tiragpet t loten.
@Chn on 2i d o m on amivan mm               ~Ematybeltenteredaimionntyryinsipcise
viesim pak o i anort thel t mm o             avarke finke:
                                            ~Mmery   e en o in ut o o mave,
                                             entinireiicmmdntadmromias eumins
Power sourse                                ~Mptcbse intin nc wotn mnius oc
ue                                           naf it ntron e in i mragpenry
«e it m anc powwmpat ar on ne ty            ~tanereaine occteccancterengortmems
 Wnn 0 se thivome t t ow                     ‘ofmn bevoabemto ioi
 cat uh Ba ocm sn sevialneas                Eyar ie lioticn m ow ied on rtonint
 ozie amowevsce it in Bs ue
«n                                          Mwstodimimenrtonmaitomiant
 Wtmd hn srvcly rrcicTiold ameeim,
«tm o e j o m m m y tne o
 1e t o mm chc moa t h s i woie
«en e w npi me 10 on sn o ns us
 w Wny cam en ow                                                doymiibnatinecs
+Wt tm n oiticententecmtntns                                    untornteimis
 ‘orhi berin ie whore wouisemiene avnant                        pometivcmen,
 w i povie petcicr mt ege rrpe ut                               bodemean ate
 Inhipradesiige.                                                Ariireton ie
No nakad famo sourcon, suh os ighted
candioe, should be placed on the sppara

                  SECURITE DES ENFANTS:
                    écran plat et Fendroit o0 vous Putlisez
                       pesvant faire foute une diférence.
      Nous vous fdctons d voire achat 1 Vouiler gerder oss consail& Fesprit lors
      gue vus profferaz de voie novvecu produt :
                                11 quesnion
                                * inonto nate nprinne n motcn hm to on nton
                                  poebult oo conleumt hn liort dovle
                                  m oi as ow lck nce eprat epprols olt
                                  enfvninw ow wonmetstestehit
                                *nb i éooh plade o weamain e bidezm e
                                  dugtein boons,t baipien o in ui c do tide inb
                                  Indqit ue t arnatat c t tncw
                                oo Hugnicait ss souai ns vorns sécuert 1
                                ®Ubkei d lstoripgred pite md d xare Itttc n
                                 w aptrli d anins d ns ovin
snrrounz   A is stoonrth
+ Inht contepo6 o. Sn n nesnnenteton i veet
+ Eenerinrrervr
  en momnnce en oh rrcooer hnfr chane
+R mm ol  onpenie
                   ies ce tito se
    vernepariittne t dn l n n noj n eten
  incmefnctme        Narnscemn
* Eppinnnargo nnlonprind inqpiegent fingrte es
* dnthina      oi oipe     in h   Me mm
  Anilonnn Esnn ts gond w larlon® Anricon
  minndetuanala       low rable t oo  comotene
 P oo d agn t n pine po t P s ons

 rout en si vous mowne ts thévseun
A Ecuam ruar A un mur,vous pevez towours:
+tc      noore wornendé oihn d itis u/tovneh
+ Eon omcs Gmipa hn laci k Mtrme ot oo
* Holgeodint
  hoamune de e ompven ont ons
                            masaton uons   Sepor t
                                    Gononk ic
  Readh oraren innshacs
©or enqi onsse ima no epnoncs
  Emuntmt        i horon t tPor en in
          fnmn?anausoonione           ev n Gnerk
                                           in ue
        tan on l ocmparn rawitss ns                           wrniLary/salety
  wast domlapemes in hok


kinins  tm un iss ie              ta t i serime on n rco repsitn un
  Elt nc in ie iesns cmd ico      refeben it por in aminreanat on it on
                                  amert it o hn¥ ult o tuics neioae
                                  i ceiniec rmiendteinatvin se feien.
                                  netpar i nc tm ignh
                                  obtinimF50 N trastant
                                  Onnibarar oo ioi PC 9Pdepes.
 oo tm iess proenen e tha mawie 1e    us mawineottim ra in avrsnninatron
                                  sanvlh   ont devoonnntst e imaltatuuie
Aniimannt n entmamin inmenn, mame Cnbrninert  t mivntom harin ol o in
                                  encb o ple on conpnato enc ole
                                  Rermon newndacLaumanes n io.
                                  Rnn tin tari m m nc rerun.
                                  o d Frime ot n unttie i ertoncmnen dn
                                  hn natad n mm featieaxto.
                                  Sidantn fepmicrre reaocmnt
                                  "omama es m Hive inwee nemeismane
                                  Py Goi 00 t ievarcy mvoren ty
                                  "Toiim Snie it beiad mt umm nen
                                  ‘Pulbu eonke t hmenniertury ranit en
© Een      arpuni  oo      ow ons annarc nsm ie prt aront wemeemout
   Anpie en aieme.tmngen wiitiines Int Cmotin on tvameeretn
   condindeaceienet               (Premey Somi 00c amenie mrtour ce
 Directves aue in n do vie        se   intino sc humaie hn on tioms.

                                         t tss j i oo ue in uopet raus, in
                                         wietma barvon cumuren beoime puae un
                                         not Cns mmna wirmiet ns ie ie
                                         poritn n n ow on pacntore megin n
                                         .n.p"..... aerine o uooo nomowote m i
Em inennamie armbnstn        inmis en
                                 «mds     > Uiter t mt t uaperintliven.
«o Cmenmtpercrustiicommmecuun.            ° popepe enc ienaen iesues
Altmentation discrique                    —Eat ons i e ar n ped onane yc
wvrmmecune                                  varad en w lihtni e mnaee
 No m ootxteectien atemtaer                 Paiich mede aicenienhn‘con nr:
                                          ~ in ho n h ut mmen i
 Cin se Ganornten aivo mt ma mnaleianr      Wihioedemionhen Fec sn
 W on perrm w iainin, i es in             —tame io when us in negm s giose us in
   than                                     nniipes striniaidetmsaiem cerien
 «20    dher  t ul enS
            mante     Cmict o mmmaies
                                  se     8t m m w mt tm s on ids mt
 Pm                             anine    OWt hn mendintve iunirte comen aia
«Afiem            paciatinc ioimosen     Rinndisanien
 in ntentaict     i n on meren Ww
 Wlyerinnati on oonme ic cren canomn
 Rifinnpan w ies S hipromeenn

Aucune source do flmme, tolle que des
bougles alleméen,ns dot tro placéo sur

                    Se hace una dferencia entte cémo y
                     dérde se utliza la pantala plang.
     iFalltacnss por au compral Miantras dishwts de au nuuvo products,por avor,
     fenga presantes astos conselos do sequrldad:
                              *n wontc c mt don oon in uc cuce
                                ce y parile se nis ood cade s m n pemiaesn
                                arbags n porilaphni n o avees comsatin en o upore
                               Wnmbrs mie i mc on nenmnonstd hnces.
                               Rfopetan doain, hoig raven matvan slowae o
                              Sotk MBRICAIT 5% PSoCUA
                              *n edabls d serttn d corune uho conponatl acinow
                               vmminie dniets tntiny nams
LA stopethte Peieno
* Urimlenels NO n pas nc Sgn s mnandeciem ol
  ow poub nivasiny on mave fls sls
+ l y tds t n iavnton ut por o hande dn
* No mot oo b tm e ngm on be mndeyatntir
* Nocw o petile slro t inalin e nadeunc uesh
  on oromeationcten
+ td n n is pele arederen ce i ons upusch
  wrl n m prilsnine uagrde. o ie w shted e
  es onl s patedante s perd w ennioia, tds o
    im wa calots on ie oc comida o slsn
  poogans n pndeo ocarer j anter en
+ lc n nanigave hrs ho ncsnndatepra fabrcan e a
+ Sw                   hnd oo
           ritniomnrsdoapcl   saridayU,e03 2
* Asatdmot s ade d uinnovetats on Spare dn
  Wen o P aIder lC Pconieao nacoct,pr
  Ser ue u sineon ce dn s pand
* Agon t ow s pand dorden ue pornl n odvanis
  Apmotporn e pond n uti um mtc in
  Wl  nds d     ooploganm
             o oo   o arvvesn
                                   ncde  Pcce
* Seredn n ts d proem n slcL pre                             Charg/salety
  Sro prte pocinoow,

Document Created: 2017-03-07 19:17:02
Document Modified: 2017-03-07 19:17:02

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