W9HLCDF0024_User Manual _3


Users Manual

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 b¥ NOTE
  When you press [CH A/VJ (or [CH +/—]) button, your                       Caption Control
   TV skips the hidden channels. You can still tune to the                 Analog Caption
   channel by pressing the number buttons on the remote                    eeoesS
                                                                           Digital Caption Settings
Favorite List — Display your Favorite List. You can add or
delete channels to create yourfavorite list.
                                                                   a                                       Ced
          C15—1—AT05—1                                              .
          C15—2—AT05—2                                             Analog Caption: Select an Analog Caption setting from
          in Eeitc                                                 CC1~CC4, TEXT1~TEXT4, Off.
                                                                   Digital Caption: Select a Digital Caption setting:
                                                                   Service1~Service6, Off.
                                                                   Digital Caption Settings: There are two Caption Styles.
                                                                   One is the automatic function set as the broadcaster,
                                                                   while the otheris the custom style where you can adjust
                                                                   the font size, color, opacity, background coloretc..
Channel Labels — Change the channel name. Press [</>]
to select the character you want to change, then press [A/W]     Time — Access Time settings such as Time Zone, Date/Time,
to set the character.                                            Sleep Timer.

Signal Strength (Digital channels only)— You can check the
digital signal strength to determineif you need to adjust your             Time Zone
antenna or digital cable input.                                            Daylight Savings
Audio Only — Listen to the program audio only, when you
                                                                           Sleep Timer
tum off the picture on your TV.

© Audio Only works only when the input source is TV, and
  your TV is receiving a broadcast signal.
® To exit audio only mode, press any button. When you exit
  audio only mode, the Audio Only option is automatically          Time Zone: Select your local time zone: Pacific, Alaska,
  reset to Off.                                                    Hawail, Newfoundland, Atlantic, Eastern, Central and
Using the Settings Menu                                            Daylight Savings:Press [A/Y] to highlight Daylight
                                                                   Savings, then press [</»] to select On (if your viewing
                                                                   area observes Daylight Savings Time) or Off (if your
         Closad Caption                                            viewing area does not observe Daylight Savings Time}).
         Time                                                      Date/Time: You can set time manually or select automatic
         Monu Language
          Input Labals                                             if the TV is connected to an antenna or cable source.
          CEC Function
          Power LED
                                                                   ®© Auto synchronization: Select Manual(to set the date
          Component Settings                                          and time manually) or Auto (to set the date and time
         Version Info                                                   automatically from a TV signal source based on the
                                                                        time zone you select).
          L5            Bs
                                                                        If you selected Manual, set the following options.
                                                                   @ Date: Set the current year/month/day.
You can adjust:
                                                                   ® Time: Set the current time.
Closed Caption — Adjust Closed Caption settings.
                                                                   Sleep Timer: Specify the amount of time before your TV
   Closed Caption: To select CC Off (turns off closed
                                                                   automatically tunsoff.
   caption), CC On {tums on closed caption), or CC on when
   Mute (turns on closed caption when the sound is muted).       Menu Language — You can select the menu‘s language to
                                                                 English, Spanish or French.

Input Labels — Press [A/V] to select the input source you              Phase: Minimizes horizontal distortion.
want to label, then press [»] to move to the custom label              Reset Component Settings: Resets all component video
field and then press [A/W] to select the character you want.          settings to factory mode.
When you have completed the label, The next time you
                                                                    Version Info — Display the software version information.
press INPUT, yourlabel will appearin the Input source list.
                                                                    Reset to Default — Every TV has its original setting before
CEC Function— CEC Function lets you control HDMI CEC—
                                                                    leaving the factory. This function can help you restore these
compatible devices connected to the HDMI jacks on your
TV using the remote control that came with your TV. To use
CEC Function, you must set the CEC Control setting to On.
                                                                    Using the Parental Controls Menu
         CEC Control
                                                                    When you first use this function, the default password is
         Device Auto Power Off
         TV Auto Power On                                           [0000]. Once you input this password, you can set options.
         CEC Device List                                                     Parental Controls
         ues                                                                 Button Lock
                                                                             Block Unrated TV
                                                                             USA Parental Locks
                                                                             Change Password
 hE NOTES                                                                    Reset Parental Control Settings
® HDMI cables must be used to connect HDMI CEC—
  compatible devices to your TV.
©® The connected device‘s HDMI CEC feature must be                  You can adjust:
   turned on.
                                                                    Button Lock — Block or unblock the button of the TV.
® If you connect an HDMI device that is not HDMI CEC—
                                                                    Block Unrated TV — Block unrated TV programs.
  compatible, all the CEC Control features do not work.
                                                                    USA Parental Locks — Restrict movie and TV programs for
© Depending on the connected HDMI device, the CEC
                                                                    USA Ratings.
  Control feature may not work.
                                                                    Canadlan Parental Locks — Restrict movie and TV
  CEC Control: Turning CEC Function on or off.
                                                                    programs for Canadian Ratings.
  Device Auto Power Off: When HDME—CEC is turned on,
                                                                    Change Password — If you want to change the default
  Device Auto Power Off tums off HDMI CEC devices when
                                                                    password, first enter the new password then enter the same
  you tum off your TV.
                                                                    password again.
  TV Auto Power On: When CEC is turned on and you
                                                                    Open V—Chip — Display an advanced V—Chip ratings table for
  turn on an HDMI CEC device, TV Auto Power On turns on
                                                                    digital channels (USA only).
  your TV automatically.
                                                                    Reset Parental Control Settings — Resets all parental
  Audio Recelver: When CEC is turned on and you have
                                                                    control settings to factory mode.
  connected an audio receiver to your TV, turning on Audio
  Receiver lets you use your TV‘s remote control to control         Clean All — Reset all your settings to factory mode.
  the volume on the audio receiver.
  CEC Device Lists: You can display a list of HDMI CEC
  devices that are connected to your TV and select the
  source you want.
  Connect: Connect to the current CEC devices .
  Root Menu: You can open an CEC—compatible device‘s
  root menu, then use your TV‘s remote control to control
  the device.
Power LED — To turn on or off the standby indicatior.
Component Settings (Only available in Component
mode.) — You can adjust the horizontal distortion that may
occur when watching video from a component video device.


Digital Media Player                                              Enjoy Movie Files

Please note that Hisense will not assume any responsibility               . Press [RED] button to switch the media type to MOVIE.

                                                                $ 8 N m
for any lost data and cannot guarantee perfect compatibility              . Prass [A/¥/4/»] to select the movie you want to view.
with all mass storage devices. Be sure to insert the USB disk
with standard USB 2.0 port. Data Input from USB Memory                    . Press [ENTER] to play the movie.
Stick only. Do not connect any device to this terminal such               . Prass [EXIT] to exit the video and return to the previous
as digital camera, keyboard, mouse, etc.                                   directory.
                                                                   5. When enjoying the video, press [MENU] button to display/
 E2 NOTE                                                                   exit the tool bar. Press [»/ENTER] to enter the submenu
  Never remove the USB flash drive or turn off your TV                     and press [EXIT] to return to the upper menu.
  while viewing video/photo.
                                                                    © Tool bar
@ Press [INPUT] button to display the INPUT menu, press
   [A/¥] button to highlight the USB source, then press
   [ENTER] bution to confirm. {if you want to exit DMP, you
   can press [INPUT] button to switch to other sources).
@ Press [RED] buttonto switch the media type.
@ Press [YELLOW/BLUE] button to turn to the previous/
                                                                   €»      Progress bar.
   next page.
                                                                   €       Play/Pausethe video.
                                                                   ©       Play the previous video.
                                                                   ©       Play the next video.
                                                                   © Fast backward. Press [ENTER] to select the backward
                                                                   © Fast forward. Press [ENTER] to select theforward speed.
                                                                   € Options. Adjust Repeat Mode, Zoom Mode, Audio Track,
                                                                           and Subtitle,
                                                                   © Play list. You can select the video you want to view, then
                                                                           press [ENTER] to play.
                                                                   © Select time to play. Press [</»] to select the position
                                                                           you want to sef, press [0~9] to set the time (or press [A/¥]
# Media content control function buttons                                   to adjust it), then press [ENTER]to confirm and the video

When viewing video/photo, you can press these buttons on                   will to play at the time you have set.
the remofe control to control video/photo.                         © Video Info. Displays details on image resolution, audio
                                                                           and video code, subtitle, audio track, program and time.
  Fast forward                                The previous
                                                                   ) Stop playback.
Fast backward \E} Er/_ g:: next one                                6. Press [ASPECT] button one or more times to enlarge the
          Play    &                                                   image by Wide and Normal.

        Pause —/@ !-Il\ Stop

    Browse the Photos
            . Press [RED] button to switch the media type to PHOTO.
a s pop 3

            . Press [&/¥/—</»—] to selact the photo you want to view.
            . Press [ENTER] to browse the photo.
            . Press [EXIT] to return to the previous directory.
            . When browsing photos, press [MENU] button to display/
              exit the tool bar. Press [P/ENTER] to enterthe subment
              and press [EXIT] to raturn to the upper menu.
     ® Tool bar
                       ©o      00 00 @0 @0
                        L lA 1J 1J 1J
                       00 80 00 00 090

          When the photos in browsing or pausing, the menu will
          be different.
     © Play/Pause the photo.
     € Stop browsing the photo.
     © Browse the previous photo.
     © Browse the next photo.
     & Allows the photo to rotate 90 degraes clockwiso.
            Allows the photo to rotate 90 degrees anti—clockwise.
     & Zoom in the photo.
     G Zoom out the photo.
     © Options. You can adjust Show Speed.
     © Photo Info. Allows you to view the photo information.

             @ The unit recognizes only a USB Memory Stick.
             @ Do not use a USB hub or an extension cable to connect an extemal hard disk drive to the unit. (Not supported)
             @ A USB Memory Stick is always inserted to this unit directly.
             @ A USB Memory Stick is not supplied with this unit.
             @ We do not guarantee that all USB Memory Sticks can be supported by this unit.
             @ Be sure to keep a backup copy of the orlginal files on your device before you play them back on this unit. We have no
               responsibilftles for damage or loss of your stored data.
             @ To protect your USB Memory Stick fles from being erased place the write protect sliding tab in the protect position.
             @ When you are ready to remove a USB Memory Stick, set the unit to go into Standby mode to avoid any damage to your
               data and the unit.
             @ A USB Memory Stick that requires its own driver or the device with a special system such as fingerprint recognition are
               not supported.
             @ This unlt is not allowed to use the USB Memory Stick which requires an external power supply (B00mA or more).

Document Created: 2013-08-27 13:18:31
Document Modified: 2013-08-27 13:18:31

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