W9HLCDF0024_User Manual _1


Users Manual

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                            CHILD SAFETY:
                            It Makes A Difference How and Where
                                  You Use Your Flat Pane! Display

       Congratulations on your purchase! As you enjoy your new product, please

                                            THE ISSUE
                                            * The home tholeenterctament experience is a growing tand and leiger
                                              feporel daplays ore popularprchoses. Howmves, fatparel caplaye
                                              re no abways supported on reproper sunds orIrtaled according to h
                                              mendactrars recommandtion.
                                            * Fat ponel diplays hat on iroppropricnly sivaled on dimsms, bookeoses,
                                              shehms, dest, speakers, chass o cars may fal over ard cawse Inu.

                                            THIS MANUFACTURER CARES!
                                            * The consumer elecronics idusty is commited to making herreenrisinment
                                              enjoyable and sof.
* Oresizn doos NOT it ell folew t menfucerers ecommendatns
  for e ofe intalaton and ue ol your Ret paneldiploy
* Carshily read and urdrstnd all enclased Intuctonsfor propor se of
  tis product,
* Dort allow clikien o cinb on or lay wit fumture on elvinon sat.
* Dont place fat ponedsplays on fimiim hat can ealy be used as sops,
  such es a chestof fowen.
* Reveniber hatchicien con become excted whio wating a progrom,
  sapectaly on a "orger than e‘ at panel cliplay. Gareshould be taten to
  ploen or nsl\ he elslay where i connot be pushed, paled ove,
  o knocled doun.
* Care shoukd b tokonto reute all cords ond cables connected t he fat
  pone! deplayso hat hay camnetbe puled or gribbed by crtows chidhen.
* Use a mount rathas been recommended by the clelay mervfacume
  ard/or bted by an independant borstry fuch as UL, CSA, ETL
* Folow al instuators ssppled by e dsplay ard walmount morgoctres.

                                                                                     «e CEA
* I you have ary dsb sboutyour oliy t sefaly intallyour fot panel
  lasay, contact your rullr aboct pressionalInsolatton.
* Moke sire rat e well where you ore mountng hedsplay is oppenpicte.
  Some wl nounts sre notdesigned to be mounted to wall wit tel                     wwwCE.org/safety
  stids or o einderback constveton. Fyou are unsim, contact a
* A minirum ol w people arerequin for intolaton. Ret ponel diploys
  can be heavy

22. When you connect the product to other equlpment, turn              level of precislon technology, however sometimes parts
    off the power and unplug all of the equipment from the             of the screan may be missing picture elements or have
    wall outlet. Fallure to do so may cause an electric shock          luminous spots.
    and serlous personal Injury. Read the owner‘s manual of            This is not a sign of a malfunction.
    the other equipment carefully and follow the instructions       @© Do not Install the LCD Pane! near electronic equipment that
    when making any connections.                                       produces electromagnetic waves. Some equipment placed
23. Sudden high volume sound may cause hearing or                      too nearthis unit may cause interference.
    speaker damage. When you use headphones, (if the unit           @ Effect on infrared devices — There may be interference
    is equipped with a headphone jack) keep the volume at a            while using infrared devices such as infrared cordless
    moderate level. If you use headphones continuously with            headphones.
    high valume sound, it may cause hearing damage.                 Declaration of Conformity
CONDENSATION:                                                       This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Molsture will form in the operating section of the unlt if the      Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
unit is brought from cool surroundings Into a warm room or          {1) This device may not cause harmful Interference and (2)
if the temperature of the room rises suddenly. When this            This device must accept any Interference recelved, Including
happens, unit‘s performance will be impaired. To prevent            interference that may cause undesired operation.
this, let the unit stand in its new surroundings for about an
hour before switching it on, or make sure that the room             End of life directives
temperature rises gradually.
                                                                    Your TV also contains material that can be recycled and
Condensation may also form during the summerif the unit is
                                                                    reused. For disposal or recycling information, contact your
exposed to the breaze from an air conditioner. In such cases,
                                                                    local authorities or the Electronic Industries Alliance at htip!/
changethe location of the unit.
                                                                    www.ele.org, the Electronic Products Recycling Association
HOW TO HANDLE THE LCD PANEL:                                        at htip:/www.eprassociation.ca {for Canada) in your area.
®© Do not press hard or Joit the LCD panel. It may cause the
   LCD panel glass to break and Injury may occur.                   Non—active pixels
@ If the LCD panel is broken, make absolutely sure that you
   do not touch the liquid in the panel. This may cause skin        The LCD panel contains almost 3 million thin film transistors,
  inflammation.                                                     which provide exceptionally sharp video qualty. Occasionally,
  If the liquid gets in your mouth, immediately gargle and          a few non—active pixels may appear on the screen as a
  consult with your doctor. Also, if the liquid gets in your eyes   fixed black (in the case of a dead pixel), blue, green, or red
  or touches your skin, consult with your doctorafter rinsing       point. These non—active pixels do not adversely affect the
  for at least 15 minutes or longer in clean water.                 performance of your TV, and are not considered defects.
Possible Adverse Effects on LCD Panel:                              Power source
If a fixed (non—moving) pattern remains on the LCD Panel
for long periods of time, the Image can become permanently          TO USE AC POWER
engrained in the LCD Panel and cause subtle but permanent            1. The power cord is attached to the TV at thefactory.
ghost images. This type of damage is NOT COVERED BY                 2. Connect the AC cord Into an AC outlet.
YOUR WARRANTY. Never leave your LCD Panel on for long
                                                                      U WARNING
periods of time while it is displaying the following formats or
images:                                                                Do not connect this unit to the power using any device
®@ Fixed Images, such as stock tickers, video game pattems,            other than the supplied AC cord. This could cause fire,
   TV station logos, and websites.                                     electrical shock, or damage.
®© Special Formats that do not use the entire screen. For              Do not use with a voltage other than the power voltage
   example, viewing letterbox style (16:9) media on a normal           specified. This could cause fire, electrical shock, or
   (4:3) display (black bars at top and bottom of screen); or          damage.
  viewing normal style (4:3) media on a widescreen (16:9)
  display (black bars on left and right sides of screen}.
                                                                    8 CAUTION
                                                                       When this unit is not used for a long time, (6.g., away on
The following symptoms are not signs of malfunction                    a trip) in the interest of safety, be sure to unplug it from
but technlcal limitation. Therefore we disclaim any                    the AC outlet.
responsibility for these symptoms.                                     Do not plug/unplug the AC cord when your hands are
                                                                       wet. This may cause electrical shock.
@ LCD Panels are manufactured using an extremely high

22. SI vous connectez le prodult a un autre apparel,               @ Les écrans ACL sont fabriqués avec un niveau
    éleignez—lo at débrancherz—e de la prise de courant.             exiremement élevé de précision mais certaines parties de
    Autrement vous risquez un choe électrique ou des                 Fécran peuventne pas avoir d‘éléments d‘image ou
   blessures graves. Lisez ie manuel dePutilsatour de                présenter des points lumineux.
    Fautre appareil et suivez les directives de connexion.           II ne s‘agit pas d‘un mauvais fonctionnement
23. Un son soudain d‘intensité élevée pout endommager                Nnstallez pas Fécran ACL prés d‘un équipement

    Foule ou les haut—parieurs. Si vous utllisez des écouteurs       électronique qul génére des ondes électromagnétiques car
    {eppareil doté d‘uneprise d‘écouteurs), tenez lintensité         cela pourralt causer une Interférence.
    sonore & un niveau moyen. Lutilisation continue                  Effet sur las appareils A infrarouge — i! pout y avoir

    d‘écouteurs & intensité sonore élevée peut endommager            interférence quand on utiiise un apparell a infrarouges
    Fouie.                                                               commeun téléphone sans fil a infrerouges.
CONDENSATION:                                                          Enoncé de foncormité
De Fhumid#té peut se former dans ia partle fonctlonnelle de        Cet appareil est conforme & la section 15 des reglements de
Fappareil si calut—ci passed‘un endroit frais a un endroit         la FCC. Le fonctionnement est régi pardeux conditions : (1)
chaud ou si la température de la pidce s‘dléve subitement.         Tappareil ne peut pas causer d‘interférence nuisible et (2)
Dans pareil cas, le rendement de Fappareil pout diminuer.          Tappareil doit accepter toute interférence regue, y compris
Pour éviter une telle situation, laissez ‘apperail s‘ajuster au    une interférence qui peut entralner un fonctionnement
nivesu milieu pendant une heure environ avant de le mettre             indésirable.
en circult. Encore, assurez—wous que la température de la              Directives de fin de vie
piéce s‘éleve graduellement.
Une condensation peut aussi se formeren été si Fappareil           Votre téléviseur contient des matériaux qui peuventétre
                                                                   recyclés et réutlisés. Pour Pélimination ou Ie recyclage,
est exposé au courant d‘air d‘un climatiseur. Dans pareil cas,     contactez les autorités locales ou I‘Association du Recyclage
changez lemplacement de Fappareil.                                 des Produits Electronic au http:fwww.eprassociation.ca pour
MANIPULATION DU PANNEAU ACL:                                       trouver un centre de recyclage dans votre région.
© Nappuyez pas fort sur FACL at ne le secouez pas. Vous
  risqueriez de briser le verre de FACL et de vous blesser.            Pixels Inactives
© SiTACL est brisé, assurez—vous de ne pas toucher Ie
                                                                   L‘écran ACL compte pras de 3 millions de transistors en
  liquide dans le panneau. Le liquide pout irriter Ia peau.
                                                                   couches minces fournissantune qualité dimage
  Si vous avalez du liguide, gargarisez—vous immédiatement
                                                                   extrémement élavée. A Foccasion, das plxels Inactifs
  et consultez un médecin, Si le liquide entre en contact
                                                                   peuventapparaitre & Pécran sous forme de point fixe noir
  avec les yeux ou la peau, rincez—les pendant au moins 15
                                                                   {pixel mort), bleu, vert ou rouge. Cas pixels inactifs ne
  minutes & ‘eau claire et consultez un médecin.
                                                                   nuisent pas au rendement de votre téléviseur et ne sont pas
Effets nocifs posslbles de Pécran ACL:
                                                                   considérés un vice.
Si un mofif fixe reste a Pécran pendant une longue durée,
Timage peut deveniimprégnée en permanence sur Pécran                   Alimentation électrique
ACL et former uns Image fantome subtlle mais permanente.           SECTEUR
Ce type de dommage n‘est PAS COUVERT PAR LA                            1. Le cordon d‘alimentation est branché au téléviseur & Fusine.
GARANTIE. Ne lalssez Jamals I‘écran ACL allumé pendant             2. Branchez le cordon dans uneprise de courant.
une longue durée quand i affiche des images des types
sulvants:                                                              D avernssEMENT
@ images fixes commeles résultats de Ia Bourse, les motifs                No branchez pas Fappareil a Faide d‘un dispositif autre
  de jou vidéo, les logos de stations de télévision ot les sites          que is cordon fourn! car cela présenteralt un risque
  Web;                                                                    dIncendle, de choc électrique ou de dommage.
@ les formats spéciaux qui ne couvrentpas ‘écran entier                   Nufllisez pas une tenslon autre que calle spécifiée pour
  {format boite aux lettres [16:9] sur écran normal [4:3]                 Fappareil car cela présenterait un risque d‘incendie, de
  (barres noires dans le haut et le bas) ou vue normale [4:3]             choc électrique ou de dommage.
  sur grand écran [16:9] (barres noires sur la gaucheet la
  droite}).                                                              ) MISE EN GARDE
                                                                          Pour ds raisons de sécurité, débranchez Fapparell de la
Les signes sulvants ne proviennent pas d‘un mauvals                       prise de courant si vous prévayez ne pas Putiliser
fonctlonnament mals d‘unelimite tochnique. Nous no                        pendant une période prolongée(ex. : voyage).
pouvons done pas Atre tenus responsables de tels                          Ne branchez/débranchez pas le cordon d‘alimentation sI
signos.                                                                   vous avez les mains moullides car cela pourralt
                                                                          provaquer un choc électrique.

FCC Statement                                                                       NotE)
                                                                                       Where the MAINS plug or an appliance coupler is used
NOTE:                                                                                  as the disconnect device, the disconnect device shall
This equipment has beentested and found to comply with                                 remain readily operable.
the limits for a class B digital Device, pursuant to part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio Communications. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference
to radlo or felevislon reception, which can be detarmined by
tuming the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interfarence by one or more of the following
© Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
®© Increase the separation between the equipment and the
© Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circult different
  from that to which the receiveris connected.
@© Consult the dealeror an experienced radio/TV technician
   for help.

    The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV
    interference caused by unauthorized modifications to
    this equipment. Such modifications could void the user‘s

This TV incorporates High—Definiion Muimedia Interface {HDMT®) tachnology.                                                            H n m I-
HDML the HDMI togo and High—Dafinition Mulimedia Intorface are frademarks or registared frademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.

Hisanse and associated logos where applcable are registered trademarks of Hisense Group in the United States and/or other
countries. All other trademarks are property of thei respective owners. 2011 Hisense USA, Corporation. All Rights Reserved.           X      n’
Manufactured under Icanse from Dolby Digital Laboratories. Dolby Digital and the doubls—D symbolare frademarks of Dolby
Digital Laboratories.
* Specications subject to change without notice.                                                                                      Eooo

This TV has an Auto Shut Off feature that will automatically tum off the TV ifthere is no video signals detected within 15 minutes.
Addtonaly this TV has LED backlighting which has greater energy saving benefits versus conventional CCFL type TV.


Document Created: 2013-08-27 13:17:06
Document Modified: 2013-08-27 13:17:06

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