
FCC ID: W95-23A00L83

Users Manual

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                               Julius Blum GmbH
                                 Industriestrasse 1
                                     6973 Hoechst


RF Module 23.A00L83 Manual 1.0.2


Rashid Talib, Arendi
Armin R. Elbs, Blum

© Julius Blum GmbH

Blum 23.A00L83 RF Module Manual 1.0.2

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  Date         Author         Changes

  30.08.2019   ELAR           Version 1.0.2 -- Regulatory Information for Canada und USA added
  28.08.2019   ELAR           Version 1.0.1 -- Regulatory Information for Taiwan added
  22.08.2019   ELAR           Version 1.0
  04.05.2018   TALRA          1st draft

Blum 23.A00L83 RF Module Manual 1.0.2

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Table of contents

  1 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................ 4
  2 References ........................................................................................................................................ 4
  3 Specifications .................................................................................................................................... 4
  4 Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 5
       4.1 Block diagram ........................................................................................................................... 5
       4.2 Peripherals ................................................................................................................................ 5
       4.3 Schematic ................................................................................................................................. 6
  5 Mechanical ......................................................................................................................................... 7
       5.1 Dimensions ............................................................................................................................... 7
       5.2 Pinout ........................................................................................................................................ 8
       5.3 Recommended PCB dimensions ............................................................................................. 10
  6 Regulatory Approval.......................................................................................................................... 11
       6.1 Module Photos.......................................................................................................................... 11
       6.2 United States of America ......................................................................................................... 11
       6.3 Canada .................................................................................................................................... 14
       6.4 Europe ..................................................................................................................................... 15
       6.5 Taiwan ..................................................................................................................................... 16

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1 Terms and definitions
 BLE           Bluetooth Low Energy
 dBm           Power level in decibel, relative to 1mW
 dBc           Power level in decibel, relative to carrier
 DTM           Direct Test Mode
 VNA           Vector Network Analyzer
 PER           Packet Error Rate
 SoC           System on Chip

2 References
    [1] nRF52832 Datasheet v1.4: http://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/pdf/nRF52832_PS_v1.4.pdf

3 Specifications
  • 2.4 GHz transceiver

  • Supporting BLE 4 and shock burst protocols

  • 3.3 V Supply Voltage

  • Fully automatic LDO and DC/DC regulator system

  • EMC Shielding

  • Antenna

   • VDD, GND


  Communication Interface
   • UART: RX, TX (RTS, CTS)

  Debugging Interface

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4 Overview
The Module is a compact 2.4GHz RF Module supporting BLE 4 and shock burst protocols. The module is designed
to add RF functionalities to applications with limited space and requires no additional components. The Module is
certified and easy to use, no RF knowledge is required.

4.1 Block diagram
Image 1shows the relevant components on the module:

    ▪    nRF52832 SoC
    ▪    Voltage regulation
    ▪    SWD programming and debugging interface
    ▪    32MHz crystal
    ▪    Filter and matching components
    ▪    Antenna
    ▪    Digital I/Os and analog inputs
    ▪    EMC shielding


 VDD                LDO         Cortex-M4
 GND                                                      32MHz
 SWD                               Flash                            Antenna


                                                Filter / matching

                 I/O      I/O     I/O

         Image 1 Block diagram

4.2 Peripherals
The following peripherals are available:
    ▪    Up to 14 digital I/Os                                      ▪   Pin for external DC/DC configuration
    ▪    Up to 6 analog inputs                                      ▪   SWD programming and debugging
    ▪    1x NCF                                                         interface
    ▪    1x UART                                                    ▪   Up to 3 4-channel PWM units
    ▪    1x I2S                                                     ▪   Up to 3 SPI interfaces with master/slave
    ▪    Quadrature decoder                                             configurations
    ▪    Connections for external 32kHz crystal                     ▪   Up to 2 I2C interfaces with master/slave
    ▪    Configurable Reset pin                                         configurations

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4.3 Schematic

 Image 2 Schematic

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5 Mechanical
5.1 Dimensions
Image 3 shows the dimensions of the module.

                              Top View
                                                          9 (9 x 1mm)
                                                     7 (7 x 1mm)
                               1                 6 (6 x 1mm)                                                                Front View
                                   1        2        3    4     5    6   7         GND

                                                                             VDD   GND
      9 (6 x 1.5mm)


                                                               GND                 GND



                                   14       13       12   11   10    9   8         GND

                                                                                         2.7 x 2
                                                 5                                       0.7 x 0.7

                                                                                                     All dimensions in mm
                              Right View                                                             (not to be scaled)

                      Image 3 Module dimensions

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5.2 Pinout

       1     2     3      4     5      6     7            GND

                                                  VDD     GND


                               GND                        GND



       14    13    12     11   10      9     8            GND

            Image 4 Pinout

 Pin              Function                 Type                 Remarks
 1                P0.00                    Digital I/O          General purpose I/O
                  XL1                RTS
                                           Analog input         32kHz crystal input1 (LFXO)
 2                P0.01                    Digital I/O          General purpose I/O
                  XL2               CTS Analog input            32kHz crystal input1 (LFXO)
 3                P0.02                 Digital I/O             General purpose I/O
                  AIN0                     Analog input         SAADC/COMP/LPCOMP input
 4                P0.03                    Digital I/O          General purpose I/O
                  AIN1                     Analog input         SAADC/COMP/LPCOMP input
 5                P0.04                    Digital I/O          General purpose I/O
                  AIN2                     Analog input         SAADC/COMP/LPCOMP input
 6                P0.31                    Digital I/O          General purpose I/O
                  AIN7               RX Analog input            SAADC/COMP/LPCOMP input
 7                P0.30                 Digital I/O             General purpose I/O
                  AIN6                     Analog input         SAADC/COMP/LPCOMP input
 8                P0.21                    Digital I/O          General purpose I/O
                  nRESET nRESET Digital input                   Configurable as pin reset
 9                P0.05         Digital I/O                     General purpose I/O
                  AIN3                     Analog input         SAADC/COMP/LPCOMP input
 10               P0.06                    Digital I/O          General purpose I/O

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    11             P0.07                   Digital I/O                        General purpose I/O
    12             P0.08                   Digital I/O                        General purpose I/O
    13             NFC1                    NFC input                          NFC antenna connection1
                   P0.09                   Digital I/O                        General purpose I/O
    14             NFC2                    NFC input                          NFC antenna connection1
                   P0.10                   Digital I/O                        General purpose I/O
    GND            GND            GND Power                                   Ground Pad
    VDD            VDD                Power                                   Supply Pad
    DCC            DCC                Power                                   DC/DC regulator output. Connect to inductor
                                                                              when internal DC/DC regulator is used1, leave
                                                                              unconnected otherwise
    SWDIO          SWDIO                   Digital I/O                        Serial wire debug I/O for debug and
                               SWDIO                                          Programming
    SWDCLK         SWDCLK                  Digital input                      Serial wire debug clock input for debug and
                            SWDCLK                                            programming
1        See nRF52832 datasheet [2] for reference circuit and layout recommendations
             Table 1 Pin description

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5.3 Recommended PCB dimensions

                                                                                                                      keep red area free from
                                                                                          15                          copper and traces
                                                                           9 (9 x 1mm)
                                                                      7 (7 x 1mm)
                                                1                 6 (6 x 1mm)

                                                    1        2        3    4     5    6   7         GND

                                                                                              VDD   GND
                          9 (6 x 1.5mm)

 min 20


                                                                                GND                 GND



                                                    14       13       12   11   10    9   8         GND

                                                                                                          2.7 x 2
                                                                  5                                       0.7 x 0.7

                                                                                                                        All dimensions in mm
                                                                                                                        (not to be scaled)

                                                    min 20                                                     3.5

          Image 5 Recommended PCB dimensions

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6 Regulatory Approval

The module has received regulatory approval for the following countries:

    •    United States / FCC ID: W95-23A00L83
    •    Canada / ISED
            ID: 8352A-23A00L83
            HVIN: 23.A00L83
    •    Europe/CE
    •    Taiwan

The integrated trace antenna of the module is of an optimized design an must not be modified.
Host-design must strongly follow the recommendation found in chapter 5.3. The shielding is
an integral part of the module.

6.1 Module Photos

The following photos show the module from the bottom and the top and the module from the top
without the shielding.

6.2 United States of America

The module has received Federal Communications Commission (FCC) CFR47 Telecommunications,
Part 15 Subpart C “Intentional Radiators” single-modular approval in accordance with Part 15.212
Modular Transmitter approval. Single-modular transmitter approval is defined as a complete RF

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transmission sub-assembly, designed to be incorporated into another device, that must demonstrate
compliance with FCC rules and policies independent of any host. A transmitter with a modular grant
can be installed in different end-use products (referred to as a host, host product, or host device) by
the grantee or other equipment manufacturer, then the host product may not require additional testing
or equipment authorization for the transmitter function provided by that specific module or limited
module device.

The user must comply with all of the instructions provided by the Grantee, which indicate installation
and/or operating conditions necessary for compliance. The host product itself is required to comply
with all other applicable FCC equipment authorizations regulations, requirements and equipment
functions that are not associated with the transmitter module portion. For example, compliance must
be demonstrated: to regulations for other transmitter components within a host product; to
requirements for unintentional radiators (Part 15 Subpart B), such as digital devices, radio receivers,
etc.; and to additional authorization requirements for the non-transmitter functions on the transmitter
module (i.e., Verification, or Declaration of Conformity) as appropriate (e.g., Bluetooth transmitter
modules may also contain digital logic functions).

6.2.1 Labeling and User Information requirements

The module has been labeled with its own FCC ID number, and if the FCC ID is not visible when the
module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the finished product into which the
module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can
use wording as follows:

 Contains RF Module FCC ID: W95-23A00L83


 Contains FCC ID: W95-23A00L83

 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
 conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
 any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

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A user’s manual for the product must include the following statement:

 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
 pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
 against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
 radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
 may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
 interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
 interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
 and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following

 • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna

 • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver

 • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is

 • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

Additional information on labeling and user information requirements for Part 15 devices can be found
in KDB Publication 784748, which is available at the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET)
Laboratory Division Knowledge Database (KDB) https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/kdb/index.cfm

6.2.2 RF Exposure

All transmitters regulated by FCC must comply with RF exposure requirements. KDB 447498 General
RF Exposure Guidance provides guidance in determining whether proposed or existing transmitting
facilities, operations or devices comply with limits for human exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) fields
adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

From the FCC Grant: Output power listed is conducted. This grant is valid only when the module is
sold to OEM integrators and must be installed by the OEM or OEM integrators. This transmitter is
restricted for use with the specific antenna(s) tested in this application for Certification and must not be

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co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitters within a host device,
except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.

The installation of the transmitter must ensure that the antenna has a separation distance of at least
30 mm from all persons or compliance, and it must be demonstrated according to the FCC SAR

6.3 Canada

The module has been certified for use in Canada under Innovation, Science and Economic
Development Canada (ISED, formerly Industry Canada) Radio Standards Procedure (RSP) RSP-100,
Radio Standards Specification (RSS) RSS-Gen and RSS-247. Modular approval permits the
installation of a module in a host device without the need to recertify the device.

6.3.1 Labeling and User Information requirements

Labeling Requirements (from RSP-100, Issue 11, Section 3): The host product shall be properly
labeled to identify the module within the host device. The Innovation, Science and Economic
Development Canada certification label of a module shall be clearly visible at all times when installed
in the host product, otherwise the host device must be labeled to display the Innovation, Science and
Economic Development Canada certification number of the module, preceded by the word “Contains”,
or similar word expressing the same meaning, as follows:

 Contains IC: 8352A-23A00L83

User Manual Notice for License-Exempt Radio Apparatus (from Section 8.4 RSS-Gen, Issue 4,
November 2014): User manuals for license-exempt radio apparatus apparatus shall contain the
following or equivalent notice in a conspicuous location in the user manual or alternatively on the
device or both:

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 This device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
 subject to the following two conditions:

 (1) This device may not cause interference, and

 (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
 operation of the device.

 Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio
 exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:

 (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout
 brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le

6.3.2 RF Exposure

All transmitters regulated by the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) must
comply with RF exposure requirements listed in RSS-102 - Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Compli-
ance of Radio communication Apparatus (All Frequency Bands).

This transmitter is restricted for use with a specific antenna tested in this application for certification,
and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitters, except
in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada multi-transmitter guide-

The installation of the transmitter must ensure that the antenna has a separation distance of at least
30 mm from all persons or compliance must be demonstrated according to the ISED SAR procedures.

6.4 Europe

The module is a Radio Equipment Directive (RED) assessed radio module that is CE marked and has
been manufactured and tested with the intention of being integrated into a final product.

The module has been tested to RED 2014/53/EU Essential Requirements for Health and Safety
(Article (3.1(a)), Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) (Article 3.1(b)), and Radio (Article 3.2)

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 Note: To maintain conformance, the module shall be installed in accordance with the installation
 instructions in this data sheet and shall not be modified. When integrating a radio module into a
 completed product the integrator becomes the manufacturer of the final product and is therefore
 responsible for demonstrating compliance of the final product with the essential requirements
 against the RED.

6.4.1 Labeling and User Information requirements

The label on the final product which contains the module must follow CE marking requirements.

6.5 Taiwan

The module has received compliance approval in accordance with the Telecommunications Act.
Customers seeking to use the compliance approval in their product must contact Julius Blum GmbH to
obtain a Letter of Authority.

Integration of this module into a final product does not require additional radio certification provided
installation instructions are followed and no modifications of the module are allowed.

6.5.1 Labeling and User Information requirements

For the module, due to limited module size, the NCC mark and ID are displayed in the data sheet
and/or packaging and cannot be displayed on the module label.

The user's manual must contain below warning (for RF device) in traditional Chinese:
         注意 !
         依據 低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法
         第十二條 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許 可,
         公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或 變更原設計
         第十四條 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及 干擾合法通信;
         經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時 方得繼續使用。
         低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用 電波輻射性

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When the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the
module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module.

This exterior label can use wording such as the following:

 “Contains Transmitter Module NCC ID:            CCXXxxLPyyyZzW”
 “Contains NCC ID:            CCXXxxLPyyyZzW”
 or any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used. – with one line

Document Created: 2019-08-31 17:08:37
Document Modified: 2019-08-31 17:08:37

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