Test Report

FCC ID: W8U65S427

Test Report

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TTE Technology, Inc.
FCC TESTING–65S425, 65S421, 65S423, 65S427,
65S425-MX, 65S427-MX, 65S425-CA, 65S427-CA, 65S4
followed by two character; may be followed by -MX or -



18 September 2019            [---------------------]



   Test Report                                                                          Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

                                                  TTE Technology, Inc.

                                                   FCC ID: W8U65S427

                                                                  LED TV

                          Model: 65S425
 Additional Models: 65S421, 65S423, 65S427, 65S425-MX, 65S427-
MX, 65S425-CA, 65S427-CA, 65S4 followed by two character; may be
                     followed by -MX or -CA.

                                                       Brand Name: TCL

                                                    Computer Peripheral

                                         Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

Prepared and Checked by:                                                        Approved by:

Ryan Chen                                                                       Peter Kang
Engineer                                                                        Senior Technical Supervisor
                                                                                Date: 18 September 2019

This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's
responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than
to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is
authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for
the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and
test results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is
or has ever been under an Intertek certification program.

                                 Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Longhua Branch
          101, 201, Building B, No. 308 Wuhe Avenue, Zhangkengjing Community, GuanHu Subdistrict, LongHua District, Shenzhen, P.R. China.
                                                 Tel: (86 755) 8601 6288 Fax: (86 755) 8601 6751

Version: 01-November-2017                                 Page: 1 of 18                                                           FCC ID JBP_B

  Test Report
                                                             Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

                        MEASUREMENT / TECHNICAL REPORT

 This report concerns (check one:)       Original Grant X          Class I Change

 Equipment Type: JBP-Class B Computing Device Peripheral

 Deferred grant requested per 47 CFR 0.457(d)(1)(ii)?                 Yes              No          X

                                                       If yes, defer until:

 Company Name agrees to notify the Commission by:
 of the intended date of announcement of the product so that the grant can be issued on
 that date.

 Transition Rules Request per 15.37?                                  Yes              No          X

 If no, assumed Part 15, Subpart B for unintentional radiator − the new 47 CFR [10-01-18
 Edition] provision.

 Report prepared by:

                                             Ryan Chen
                                             Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd.
                                             Longhua Branch
                                             101, 201, Building B, No. 308 Wuhe Avenue,
                                             Zhangkengjing Community, GuanHu
                                             Subdistrict, LongHua District, Shenzhen, P.R.
                                              Phone: 86-755-8614 0682
                                             Fax:     86-755-8601 6751

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  Test Report
                                                                       Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

                                          Table of Contents
1.0 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULT .............................................................................. 4
2.0 General Description.............................................................................................. 5
    2.1 Product Description ........................................................................................ 5
    2.2 Related Submittal(s) Grants ........................................................................... 5
    2.3 Test Methodology........................................................................................... 5
    2.4 Test Facility .................................................................................................... 5
3.0 System Test Configuration .................................................................................. 6
    3.1 Justification .................................................................................................... 6
    3.2 EUT Exercising Software ............................................................................... 6
    3.3 Special Accessories ....................................................................................... 6
    3.4 Equipment Modification .................................................................................. 6
    3.5 Measurement Uncertainty .............................................................................. 7
    3.6 Support Equipment List and Description ........................................................ 7
4.0 Emission Results .................................................................................................. 8
    4.1 Field Strength Calculation .............................................................................. 8
    4.2 Radiated Emission Configuration Photograph ............................................... 9
    4.3 Radiated Emission Data ................................................................................. 9
    4.4 Conducted Emission at Mains Terminal ....................................................... 13
    4.5 Conducted Emission Data ............................................................................ 13
5.0 Equipment Photographs .................................................................................... 16
6.0 Product Labelling ............................................................................................... 16
7.0 Technical Specifications .................................................................................... 16
8.0 Instruction Manual .............................................................................................. 16
9.0 Miscellaneous Information ................................................................................ 17
    9.1 Emissions Test Procedures ......................................................................... 17
10.0 Test Equipment List ........................................................................................ 18

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  Test Report
                                                 Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001


Grantee: TTE Technology, Inc.
Grantee Address: 1860 Compton Ave, Corona, California, United States.
Manufacturer: TCL King Electrical Appliances (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
Manufacturer Address: Sec. 19, Zhong Kai Development Zone for New & High-Level
Tech Industries, Huizhou, Guangdong, China

                              MODEL: 65S425
                             FCC ID: W8U65S427

 Test Specification           Reference                    Results
 Radiated Emission            15.107                       Pass
 Conducted Emission           15.109                       Pass

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  Test Report
                                                       Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001
2.0     General Description

2.1     Product Description

        The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is a LED TV. The device can be used to
        connect PC by HDMI port. The EUT is powered by AC 120V, 60Hz.
        The EUT contains a module which can be operated in the frequency band of
        2412MHz to 2462MHz in 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n-HT20 modes,
        2422MHz to 2452MHz in 802.11n-HT40 mode, and 5180MHz to 5240MHz,
        5745MHz to 5825MHz in 802.11a, 802.11n (20MHz, 40MHz) and 11ac
        (80MHz) modes.

        The Model: 65S421, 65S423, 65S427, 65S425-MX, 65S427-MX, 65S425-CA,
        65S427-CA, 65S4 followed by two character; may be followed by -MX or -CA.
        are the same as the Model: 65S425 in hardware aspect. The models are
        difference in packaging and marketing purpose only.

2.2     Related Submittal(s) Grants

        This is an application for certification of a computer peripheral. Other digital
        functions were reported in the verification report: 190905014SZN-002.

        The host contains a WIFI module, which has been granted under the FCC ID:

2.3     Test Methodology

        Both AC mains line-conducted and radiated emission measurements were
        performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.4 (2014). Radiated
        emission measurement was performed in Semi-anechoic chamber and
        conducted emission measurement was performed in shield room. For radiated
        emission measurement, preliminary scans were performed in the semi-
        anechoic chamber only to determine the worst-case modes. All radiated tests
        were performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 3 meters, unless stated
        otherwise in the "Justification Section" of this Application.

2.4     Test Facility
        The Semi-anechoic chamber and shielding room used to collect the radiated
        data and conducted data are Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd.
        Longhua Branch and located at 101, 201, Building B, No. 308 Wuhe
        Avenue, Zhangkengjing Community, GuanHu Subdistrict, LongHua District,
        ShenZhen, P.R. China. This test facility and site measurement data have
        been fully placed on file with the FCC (Registration Number: CN1188).

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  Test Report
                                                       Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001
3.0     System Test Configuration

3.1     Justification

        The system was configured for testing in a typical fashion (as a customer
        would normally use it), and in the confines as outlined in ANSI C63.4 (2014).

        The device was powered by AC 120V/60Hz during the test. The host device
        contains a Wi-Fi module which was installed and operating during the test,
        and only the worst-case data was reported in this report.

        For maximizing emissions, the EUT was rotated through 360°, the antenna
        height was varied from 1 meter to 4 meters above the ground plane, and the
        antenna polarization was changed. The step by step procedure for
        maximizing emissions led to the data reported in Section 4.0.

        The rear of unit shall be flushed with the rear of the table.

        The equipment under test (EUT) was configured for testing in a typical fashion
        (as a customer would normally use it). The EUT was placed on turn table,
        which enabled the engineer to maximize emissions through its placement in
        the three orthogonal axes.

        The frequency ranges from 30MHz to 29.25GHz was searched for spurious
        emissions from the device. Only those emissions reported were detected. All
        other emissions were at least 20 dB below the applicable limits.

3.2     EUT Exercising Software


3.3     Special Accessories


3.4     Equipment Modification

        Any modifications installed previous to testing by TTE Technology, Inc. will be
        incorporated in each production model sold / leased in the United States.

        No modifications were installed by Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd.
        Longhua Branch.

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  Test Report
                                                   Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

3.5     Measurement Uncertainty

        When determining the test conclusion, the Measurement Uncertainty of test
        has been considered.

3.6     Support Equipment List and Description

               Description        Manufacturer                Model No.
                 Laptop               HP                    Compaq2510p
                Hard Disk         Smart.drive                  HD-003
               USB Cable          Smart.drive         Unshielded, Length 155cm
              USB Memory           SanDisk               SDCZ36-002G-P36
              Dummy Load             N/A                         N/A
             HDMI Cable*3            N/A              UnShielded, Length 180cm
                AV Cable             N/A              Unshielded, Length 120cm
            AV Cable Adaptor         TCL               Unshielded, Length 12cm
             Tuner Resister          N/A                       75ohm
            Remote Controller        TCL                         N/A
               Headphone             Sony             Unshielded, Length 110cm
             Coaxial Cable           N/A               Shielded, Length 500cm
               RJ45 Cable            N/A               Shielded, Length 450cm
              Optical Cable          N/A              Unshielded, Length 130cm

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  Test Report
                                                           Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

4.0     Emission Results

        Data is included worst case configuration (the configuration which resulted in
        the highest emission levels). A sample calculation, configuration photographs
        and data tables of the emissions are included.
4.1     Field Strength Calculation

        The field strength is calculated by adding the reading on the Spectrum
        Analyzer to the factors associated with preamplifiers (if any), antennas,
        cables, pulse desensitization and average factors (when specified limit is in
        average and measurements are made with peak detectors). A sample
        calculation is included below.

        FS = RA + AF + CF − AG

        where FS       =    Field Strength in dBV/m
              RA       =    Receiver Amplitude (including preamplifier) in dBV
              CF       =    Cable Attenuation Factor in dB
              AF       =    Antenna Factor in dB/m
              AG       =    Amplifier Gain in dB

        In the radiated emission table which follows, the reading shown on the data
        table may reflect the preamplifier gain. An example of the calculations,
        where the reading does not reflect the preamplifier gain, follows:

        FS = RA + AF + CF − AG


        Assume a receiver reading of 62.0dBV is obtained. The antenna factor of
        7.4dB/m and cable factor of 1.6dB is added. The amplifier gain of 29dB is
        subtracted. The net field strength for comparison to the appropriate emission
        limit is 42dBV/m. This value in dBV/m was converted to its corresponding
        level in V/m.

        RA      =   62.0dBV
        AF      =   7.4dB/m
        CF      =   1.6dB
        AG      =   29.0dB

        FS = 62 + 7.4 + 1.6 − 29 = 42dBV/m

        Level in V/m = Common Antilogarithm [(42dBV/m)/20] = 125.9V/m

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  Test Report
                                                    Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001
4.2     Radiated Emission Configuration Photograph

                             Worst Case Radiated Emission
                             11516.8MHz (HDMI In Mode)

        For electronic filing, the worst case radiated emission configuration
        photograph is saved with filename: radiated photos.pdf.

 4.3    Radiated Emission Data

        The data on the following page lists the significant emission frequencies, the
        limit and the margin of compliance. Numbers with a minus sign are below
        the limit.

                   Judgement: Passed by 5.6dB margin (HDMI In Mode)


Sign on file

Ryan Chen, Engineer
Typed/Printed Name

07 September 2019

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  Test Report
                                                                                        Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

Applicant: TTE Technology, Inc.
Date of Test: 07 September 2019                                             Model: 65S425
Worst Case Operating Mode:                                                  HDMI In







                         55                                                        FCC Par t 15 ClassB Electr ic Fi eld St r engt h QP


        Level in dBμV/









                          30M             50   60   80   100M                200            300      400     500               800       1G

 Frequency                    QuasiPeak    Meas.    Bandwidth      Polarization     Corr.         Margin        Limit -
   (MHz)                      (dBuV/m)      Time      (kHz)                         (dB)          - QPK          QPK
                                            (ms)                                                   (dB)       (dBuV/m)
 353.010000                     36.3       1000.0    120.000            H           17.6            9.7          46.0
 442.735000                     34.9       1000.0    120.000            H           19.9           11.1          46.0
 890.390000                     37.1       1000.0    120.000            H           26.9            8.9          46.0

1. Corr. = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Loss (dB)
2. QuasiPeak (dBμV/m)= Corr. (dB/m)+ Read Level (dBμV)
3. Margin (dB) = Limit Line(dBμV/m) – Level (dBμV/m)

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  Test Report
                                                                                        Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

Applicant: TTE Technology, Inc.
Date of Test: 07 September 2019                                             Model: 65S425
Worst Case Operating Mode:                                                  HDMI In







                         55                                                        FCC Par t 15 ClassB Electr ic Fi eld St r engt h QP


        Level in dBμV/









                          30M             50   60   80   100M                200            300      400     500               800       1G

 Frequency                    QuasiPeak    Meas.    Bandwidth      Polarization     Corr.         Margin        Limit -
   (MHz)                      (dBuV/m)      Time      (kHz)                         (dB)          - QPK          QPK
                                            (ms)                                                   (dB)       (dBuV/m)
 146.000000                     31.7       1000.0    120.000            V           10.2           11.8          43.5
 640.000000                     35.6       1000.0    120.000            V           24.1           10.4          46.0
 890.000000                     37.3       1000.0    120.000            V           26.9            8.7          46.0

1. Corr. = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Loss (dB)
2. QuasiPeak (dBμV/m)= Corr. (dB/m)+ Read Level (dBμV)
3. Margin (dB) = Limit Line(dBμV/m) – Level (dBμV/m)

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  Test Report
                                                         Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

Applicant: TTE Technology, Inc.
Date of Test: 07 September 2019                  Model: 65S425
Worst Case Operating Mode:                       HDMI In

                                          Table 1

                                       Above 1GHz
 Polarization    Frequency   Reading   Pre-    Antenna     Net      Limit                 Detector
                   (MHz)     (dBµV)    Amp      Factor    at 3m     at 3m     Margin
                                       Gain      (dB)    (dBµV/   (dBµV/m)     (dB)
                                       (dB)                 m)
  Horizontal      1482.0      68.0     36.6       22.8     54.2      74.0     -19.8          PK
  Horizontal       1779.1     62.9     36.3       23.4     50.0      74.0     -24.0          PK
  Horizontal      11512.4     54.7     36.4       37.3     55.6      74.0     -18.4          PK
  Horizontal      1482.0      57.6     36.6       22.8     43.8      54.0     -10.2          AV
  Horizontal       1779.1     56.2     36.3       23.4     43.3      54.0     -10.7          AV
  Horizontal      11512.4     45.9     36.4       37.3     46.8      54.0      -7.2          AV
   Vertical       1306.2      64.0     36.3       22.5     50.2      74.0     -23.8          PK
   Vertical       3126.1      59.9     36.5       28.1     51.5      74.0     -22.5          PK
   Vertical       11516.8     56.4     36.4       37.1     57.1      74.0     -16.9          PK
   Vertical       1306.2      50.5     36.3       22.5     36.7      54.0     -17.3          AV
   Vertical       3126.1      49.4     36.5       28.1     41.0      54.0     -13.0          AV
   Vertical       11516.8     47.7     36.4       37.1     48.4      54.0      -5.6          AV

1. Quasi-Peak detector is used for frequency up to 1GHz, Peak detector and Average
   detector are used for frequency from 1GHz to 29.25GHz.
2. All measurements were made at 3 meters.
3. Negative value in the margin column shows emission below limit.
4. All other emissions were at least 20 dB below the applicable limits.

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  Test Report
                                                      Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

4.4     Conducted Emission at Mains Terminal

4.4.1 Conducted Emission Configuration Photograph

                            Worst Case Conducted Configuration
                               0.252 MHz (HDMI In Mode)

        For electronic filing, the worst case conducted emission configuration
        photograph is saved with filename: conducted photos.pdf.

4.5     Conducted Emission Data

                     Judgement: Passed by 7.2 dB margin(HDMI In Mode)


        Sign on file

        Ryan Chen, Engineer
        Typed/Printed Name

        15 September 2019

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  Test Report
                                                                        Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001
Applicant: TTE Technology, Inc.
Date of Test: 15 September 2019
Model: 65S425
Operating Mode: HDMI IN with antenna grounded
Phase: Live

Conducted Emission Test - FCC
        Level in dBμ

Result Table QP
 Frequency             QuasiPeak   Line   Corr.   Margin   Limit
 (MHz)                 (dBμV)             (dB)    (dB)     (dBμV)
  0.150000                48.8      L      9.7      17.2     66.0
  0.176000                43.2      L      9.7      21.5     64.7
  0.252000                47.0      L      9.7      14.7     61.7
  0.338000                39.1      L      9.7      20.2     59.3
  0.450000                37.1      L      9.7      19.8     56.9
  0.786000                37.0      L      9.7      19.0     56.0

Result Table AV
 Frequency              Average    Line   Corr.   Margin     Limit
   (MHz)                (dBμV)            (dB)     (dB)    (dBμV)
 0.150000                 43.3      L      9.7     12.7      56.0
 0.176000                 41.0      L      9.7     13.7      54.7
 0.252000                 44.5      L      9.7      7.2      51.7
 0.338000                 29.9      L      9.7     19.4      49.3
 0.450000                 26.0      L      9.7     20.9      46.9
 0.786000                 25.9      L      9.7     20.1      46.0

Test Engineer: Ryan Chen

Version: 01-November-2017                              Page: 14 of 18                              FCC ID JBP_B

  Test Report
                                                                        Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001
Applicant: TTE Technology, Inc.
Date of Test: 15 September 2019
Model: 65S425
Operating Mode: HDMI IN with antenna grounded
Phase: Neutral

Conducted Emission Test - FCC
        Level in dBμ

Result Table QP
 Frequency             QuasiPeak   Line   Corr.   Margin     Limit
   (MHz)                (dBμV)            (dB)     (dB)    (dBμV)
 0.150000                 50.2      N      9.7     15.8      66.0
 0.170000                 48.9      N      9.7     16.1      65.0
 0.252000                 46.3      N      9.7     15.4      61.7
 0.338000                 43.2      N      9.7     16.1      59.3
 0.450000                 41.0      N      9.7     15.9      56.9
 0.786000                 39.2      N      9.7     16.8      56.0

Result Table AV
 Frequency              Average    Line   Corr.   Margin     Limit
   (MHz)                (dBμV)            (dB)     (dB)    (dBμV)
 0.150000                 42.9      N      9.7     13.1      56.0
 0.170000                 41.1      N      9.7     13.9      55.0
 0.252000                 43.5      N      9.7      8.2      51.7
 0.338000                 32.9      N      9.7     16.4      49.3
 0.450000                 29.4      N      9.7     17.5      46.9
 0.786000                 27.7      N      9.7     18.3      46.0

Test Engineer: Ryan Chen

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  Test Report
                                                      Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

5.0     Equipment Photographs

        For electronic filing, photographs of the tested EUT are saved with filename:
        external photos.pdf and internal photos.pdf.

6.0     Product Labelling

        For electronics filing, the FCC ID label artwork and the label location are
        saved with filename: label.pdf.

7.0     Technical Specifications

        For electronic filing, the block diagram of the tested EUT is saved with
        filename: block.pdf.

8.0     Instruction Manual

        For electronic filing, a preliminary copy of the Instruction Manual is saved with
        filename: manual.pdf.

        This manual will be provided to the end-user with each unit sold / leased in
        the United States.

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  Test Report
                                                     Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001
9.0     Miscellaneous Information

This miscellaneous information includes emission measuring procedure.

9.1     Emissions Test Procedures

The following is a description of the test procedure used by Intertek Testing Services
in the measurements of computer peripheral operating under Part 15, Subpart B

The test set-up and procedures described below are designed to meet the
requirements of ANSI C63.4 − 2014.

The computer peripheral equipment under test (EUT) is placed on a styrene
turntable which is four feet in diameter and approximately 0.8 meter in height above
the ground plane. During the radiated emissions test, the turntable is rotated and
any cables leaving the EUT are manipulated to find the configuration resulting in
maximum emissions. The antenna height and polarization are varied during the
testing to search for maximum signal levels. The height of the antenna is varied
from one to four meters.

Detector function for radiated emissions are in QP mode from the frequency band
30MHz to 1GHz with RBW setting 120kHz and in PK & AV mode from frequency
band 1GHz to 29.25GHz with RBW setting 1MHz. Detector function for conducted
emissions are in QP & AV mode and IFBW setting is 9kHz from the frequency band
150kHz to 30MHz.

For radiated emission, the frequency range scanned is 30MHz to 29.25GHz. For
line-conducted emissions, the range scanned is 150kHz to 30MHz with RBW setting

The EUT is warmed up for 15 minutes prior to the test.

Conducted measurements are made as described in ANSI C63.4 − 2014.

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  Test Report
                                                                Intertek Report No.: 190905014SZN-001

10.0    Test Equipment List

                  Equipment        Manufacturer      Model No.      Serial No.     Cal. Date        Due Date
  SZ061-12                              ETS            3142E        00166158     14-Sep-2018      14-Sep-2020
  SZ061-08        Waveguide             ETS             3115        00092346     07-Sep-2019      07-Sep-2021
                 Horn Antenna
  SZ061-15        Waveguide             ETS           3116C-PA      00224718     25-Oct-2018       25-Oct-2019
                 Horn Antenna
  SZ056-03                              R&S            FSP30         101148      28-May-2019      28-May-2020
  SZ185-01       EMI Receiver          R&S              ESCI         100547      04-Jan-2019      04-Jan-2020
  SZ181-04        Preamplifier         Agilent         8449B                     15-Jan-2019      15-Jan-2020
                    Anechoic                          RFD-F/A-
  SZ188-01                              ETS                           4102       15-Dec-2018      15-Dec-2020
                    Chamber                             100
  SZ062-02         RF Cable           RADIALL         RG 213U           --       19-Jun-2019      19-Dec-2019
  SZ062-05         RF Cable           RADIALL                           --       14-Aug-2019      14-Feb-2020
  SZ062-12         RF Cable           RADIALL                           --       14-Aug-2019      14-Feb-2020
                   EMI Test
  SZ185-02                              R&S             ESCI         100692      26-Oct-2018       26-Oct-2019
                  Two-Line V-
  SZ187-01                              R&S            ENV216        100072      26-Oct-2018       26-Oct-2019
                  Two-Line V-
  SZ187-02                              R&S            ENV216        100073      28-May-2019      28-May-2020
  SZ188-03      Shielding Room          ETS           RFD-100         4100       16-Jan-2017      16-Jan-2020
                                   HUBER+SUH          CBL2-BN-
  SZ062-16         RF Cable                                             --       10-Apr-2019       10-Oct-2019
                                      NER               1m

***********************************************End of Report**********************************************

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Document Created: 2019-10-09 14:00:56
Document Modified: 2019-10-09 14:00:56

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