48FS4690-FCC ID Test Report

FCC ID: W8U48FS4690

Test Report

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                                              AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4690


                                 TTE Technology Inc.

                                        LCD TV

                           Brand Name          Model Number
                               TCL              48FS4690

                              FCC ID: W8U48FS4690

                     Prepared for : TTE Technology Inc.
                                    555 S. Promenade Ave., Suite 103, Corona, CA 92879,

                     Prepared By: Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                                  No. 6, Ke Feng Rd., 52 Block,
                                  Shenzhen Science & Industrial Park,
                                  Nantou, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                   Tel: (0755) 26639496
                                   Fax: (0755) 26632877

                     Report Number :      ACS- F13310
                     Date of Test   :     Oct.23~24, 2013
                     Date of Report :     Nov.15, 2013

                                                     Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13310


                                                                                         AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4690

                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

    Description                                                                                                                                              Page
    Test Report Certification
   1.    SUMMARY OF STANDARDS AND RESULTS ................................................................... 1-1
         1.1.       Description of Standards and Results ............................................................................................ 1-1
   2.    GENERAL INFORMATION................................................................................................... 2-1
         2.1.       Description of Device (EUT)......................................................................................................... 2-1
         2.2.       Tested Supporting System Details................................................................................................. 2-2
         2.3.       Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators.................................................... 2-3
         2.4.       Test Facility ................................................................................................................................... 2-4
         2.5.       Measurement Uncertainty (95% confidence levels, k=2).............................................................. 2-4
   3.    POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMENT........................................... 3-1
         3.1.       Test Equipment.............................................................................................................................. 3-1
         3.2.       Block Diagram of Test Setup......................................................................................................... 3-1
         3.3.       Power Line Conducted Emission Test Limits ............................................................................... 3-1
         3.4.       Configuration of EUT on Test ....................................................................................................... 3-1
         3.5.       Operating Condition of EUT ......................................................................................................... 3-2
         3.6.       Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 3-2
         3.7.       Conducted Emission at Mains Terminals Test Results.................................................................. 3-2
   4.    RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT .......................................................................... 4-1
         4.1.       Test Equipment.............................................................................................................................. 4-1
         4.2.       Block Diagram of Test Setup......................................................................................................... 4-2
         4.3.       Radiated Emission Limit ............................................................................................................... 4-3
         4.4.       EUT Configuration on Test ........................................................................................................... 4-3
         4.5.       Operating Condition of EUT ......................................................................................................... 4-3
         4.6.       Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 4-3
         4.7.       Radiated Emission Test Results..................................................................................................... 4-4
   5.    DEVIATION TO TEST SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................... 5-1
   6.    PHOTOGRAPH ........................................................................................................................ 6-1
         6.1.       Photos of Power Line Conducted Emission Test........................................................................... 6-1
         6.2.       Photos of Radiated Emission Test (In Anechoic Chamber) .......................................................... 6-2
   7.    PHOTOS OF THE EUT ........................................................................................................... 7-1

                                                                                                     Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13310

 AUDI X                                                     AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

ECC ID:W8U48FS4690

                              TEST        REPORT            CERTIFICATION

         Applicant            :     TTE Technology Inc.
         Manufacturer         :     TCL King Electrical Appliances (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
         EUT Description      H     LCB TV
         FCC ID               :     W8U48FS4690
                                    (A) Model No. & :| Brand Name                Model Number
                                         Brand Name               TCL               48FS4690
                                    (B) Power Supply : AC 120V/60Hz
                                    (C) Test Voltage    : AC 120V/60Hz

         Measurement Standard Used:

         FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart B Class B 2012

         The device described above is tested by AUDIX TECHNOLOGY (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. to
         determine the maximum emission levels emanating from the device. The maximum emission
         levels are compared to the FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class B limits both conducted and radiated
         emissions. The test results are contained in this test reports and AUDIX TECHNOLOGY
         (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. is assumed of full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of
         these tests. This report contains data that are not covered by the NVLAP accreditation.
         After the test, our opinion is that EUT compliance with the requirement of the above standards.
         This Report is made under FCC Part 2.1075. No modifications were required during testing to bring
         this product into compliance.
         This report applies to above tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in parts
         without written approval of AUDIX TECHNOLOGY (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.
         The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement
         by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the federal government.

         Date of Test :      Oct.23~ 24,2013         Report of date:                  Nov.15, 2013

         Prepared by :                               Reviewed by :
                           Lisa Liang / Assistant                           Sun Zeng / Assistant Manager

                                                    mm® f#i4i (X#) fBAd
                                               Clisdenss)   Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                                                            EMC # N & 4 4 MA #

                                                    Stamp only for EMC Dept. Report

         Approved & Authorized Signer :             Signature: DO«A)(& "din TOy
                                            MW' i

                                                                    Audix Technology (Shenthen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS—F13310


                                                          AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4690                                                                                   Page            1-1

           1.1.Description of Standards and Results
                  The EUT have been tested according to the applicable standards as referenced below.
     Description of Test Item         Standard            Results                       Remarks
                                                                          Meets Class B Limit Minimum
      Power Line Conducted        FCC Part 15: 2012
                                                           PASS            passing margin is 13.74dB
         Emission Test            ANSI C63.4: 2009
                                                                                    at 0.18639MHz
                                                                          Meets Class B Limit Minimum
      Radiated Emission Test      FCC Part 15: 2012
                                                           PASS             passing margin is 3.36dB
          (30-1000MHz)            ANSI C63.4: 2009
                                                                                     at 30.780MHz
                                                                          Meets Class B Limit Minimum
      Radiated Emission Test      FCC Part 15: 2012
                                                           PASS            passing margin is 15.75dB
            (1-2GHz)              ANSI C63.4: 2009
                                                                                   at 1420.328MHz

                                                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13310


                                                      AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4690                                                                                Page            2-1

           2.1.Description of Device (EUT)
                  Description     : LCD TV

                                  :   Brand Name           Model Number
                  Model Number&
                  Brand Name              TCL               48FS4690

                  FCC ID          : W8U48FS4690

                  Applicant       : TTE Technology Inc.
                                    555 S. Promenade Ave., Suite 103, Corona, CA 92879,

                  Manufacturer    : TCL King Electrical Appliances (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
                                    Section 19, Zhongkai Development Zone for New and High Level
                                    TECH Industries, Huizhou, Guangdong 516006, P.R. China.

                  LVDS (HD)         78MHz
                  LVDS (FHD)        75MHz
                  IF                6MHz
                  DC-DC             U302->385KHz
                  DDR               390MHz

                  Date of Test    : Oct.23~24, 2013

                  Date of Receipt : Oct.22, 2013

                  Sample Type     : Prototype production

                                                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13310


                                                          AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4690                                                                                    Page            2-2

           2.2.Tested Supporting System Details

        Description        ACS No.        Manufacturer        Model        Serial Number            Approved type

                                                                                                ;FCC DoC
                          Test PC S           DELL         Vostro 470         2SP05W1
         Personal                                                                               ;BSMI ID:R33002
         Computer     Power Cord: Unshielded, Detachable, 1.8m
                      Display Card: HD3450 (DVI+VGA+HDMI)
                                                                         CN-ODJ313-7161 ; FCC DoC
                      ACS-EMC- K04R           DELL            SK-8115
  2.   USB Keyboard                                                        6-6BB-049J ;BSMI ID: T3A002
                      Data Cable: shielded, Undetachable, 2.0m
                                                                                                ;FCC DoC
                       ACS-EMC-PT04             HP            C9079A              N/A
                                                                                                ;BSMI ID: R33001
  3.      Printer     USB Cable: Shielded, Detachabled, 1.8m
                      Power Cord: Unshielded, Detachabled, 1.8m
                      Power Adapter: HP, M/N: 0957-2119, BSMI ID: R33030,
                      DC Cable: Unshielded, Detachabled, 1.5m
                                                                                                ; FCC DoC
                      ACS-EMC-M04R            DELL          M056UO           512024282
  4.    USB Mouse                                                                               ;BSMI ID: R41108
                      Data Cable: shielded, Undetachable, 1.8m
                                                                                        ;FCC DoC
                      ACS-EMC-HDD03          Terasys          F12-UF                    ;BSMI ID:
  5.       HDD                                                                 30
                      USB Cable: Shielded, Detachable, 1.8m
                                                          HD-HX1.0T                ;FCC DoC
                      ACS-EMC-HDD14          Buffalo                45564800401618
  6.     3.0 HDD                                            U3-AP                  ;BSMI ID: D33093
                      USB Cable: Unshielded, Detachable, 1.0m
       Dummy Load
  7.                 Component In Cable: Unshielded, Detachabled, 1.5m
      (10KΩ &75Ω )
     Power Cable: Unshielded, Detachable, 1.8m
     HDMI Cable*3: Shielded, Detachable, 1.8m

                                                                   Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13310


                                                   AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4690                                                                            Page            2-3

           2.3.Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators

                                                              Dummy Load 75Ω & 10kΩ

             AC Mains          SG            EUT                           3.0 HDD

                                                                         USB Mouse
                  AC Mains                   PC                        USB Keyboard

                                                                           2.0 HDD
                                                              a: HDMI*3 Cable
                                                              b: USB Cable
                                                              c: Component In Cable

              (EUT: LCD TV)

                                                           Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13310


                                                             AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4690                                                                                     Page            2-4

           2.4.Test Facility
                  Site Description
                  Name of Firm                         :     Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                                                             No. 6, Ke Feng Rd., 52 Block, Shenzhen
                                                             Science & Industrial Park, Nantou,
                                                             Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                  3m Anechoic Chamber                  :     Certificated by FCC, USA
                                                             Registration Number: 90454
                                                             Valid Date: Feb.22, 2015

                  3m & 10m Anechoic Chamber            :     Certificated by FCC, USA
                                                             Registration Number: 794232
                                                             Valid Date: Oct.31, 2015

                  EMC Lab.                             :     Accredited by DAkkS, Germany
                                                             Registration No: D-PL-12151-01-01
                                                             Valid Date: Feb.01, 2014

                                                             Accredited by NVLAP, USA
                                                             NVLAP Code: 200372-0
                                                             Valid Date: Mar.31, 2014

           2.5.Measurement Uncertainty (95% confidence levels, k=2)
                                  Test Item                                   Uncertainty
                  Uncertainty for Conduction emission test
                                                                    3.1 dB(150KHz to 30MHz)
                            in No. 1 Conduction
                                                                 3.22dB(30~200MHz, Polarize: H)
                   Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test       3.23dB(30~200MHz, Polarize: V)
                               in 3m chamber                     3.49dB(200M~1GHz, Polarize: H)
                                                                 3.39dB(200M~1GHz, Polarize: V)
                  Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test in      5.04dB(1~6GHz, Distance: 3m)
                        3m chamber (1GHz-18GHz)                   5.06dB(6~18GHz, Distance: 3m)
                    Uncertainty for test site temperature                     3%
                                and humidity                                 0.6℃

                                                                    Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13310


                                                      AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4690                                                                          Page    3-1

            3.1.Test Equipment
  Item   Equipment      Manufacturer           Model No.        Serial No.          Last Cal. Cal. Interval
  1.   Test Receiver Rohde & Schwarz            ESHS10         838693/001          Oct.31, 12   1 Year
  2.     L.I.S.N.#1   Rohde & Schwarz           ESH2-Z5        834066/011          Oct.31, 12   1 Year
  3.     L.I.S.N.#3       Kyoritsu             KNW-242C         8-1920-1           May.08, 13   1 Year
  4.     Terminator     Hubersuhner               50Ω             No.1             May.08, 13   1 Year
  5.     Terminator     Hubersuhner               50Ω             No.2             May.08, 13   1 Year
  6.      RF Cable        Fujikura               3D-2W            No.1             May.08, 13    1Year
  7.   Coaxial Switch     Anritsu                MP59B           M50564            May.08, 13   1 Year
  8.    Pulse Limiter Rohde & Schwarz           ESH3-Z2          100341            May.08, 13   1 Year

            3.2.Block Diagram of Test Setup

            PC System          Receiver                  EUT                Peripheral


                                            LISN                                           LISN

                      :50Ω Terminator

            3.3.Power Line Conducted Emission Test Limits
                                                            Maximum RF Line Voltage
                           Frequency              Quasi-Peak Level             Average Level
                                                       dB(μV)                     dB(μV)
                      150kHz ~ 500kHz                  66 ~ 56*                   56 ~ 46*
                      500kHz ~ 5MHz                       56                         46
                       5MHz ~ 30MHz                       60                         50
                   Notes: 1. * Decreasing linearly with logarithm of frequency.
                          2. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
            3.4.Configuration of EUT on Test
                  The following equipment are installed on Power Line Conducted Emission Test to meet
                  the commission requirement and operating regulations in a manner which tends to
                  maximize its emission characteristics in a normal application.
                  3.4.1. LCD TV (EUT)
                         Model Number      : 48FS4690
                         Serial Number     : N/A
                  3.4.2. Support Equipment : As Tested Supporting System Detail, in Section 2.2.

                                                             Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13297


                                                          AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4690                                                                            Page    3-2

            3.5.Operating Condition of EUT
                  3.5.1. Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 3.2.
                  3.5.2. Turn on the power of all equipment.
                  3.5.3. PC system ran the Self-test program “EMC Test. exe” by windows XP and sent
                         “H” Character to LCD TV (EUT) , the Screen of EUT displayed and filled with
                         “H” pattern, use white letters on a black ground, set the contrast control to
                         maximum, set the brightness control to maximum and measure it.
                  3.5.4. The other peripheral devices were driven and operated in turn during all testing.
            3.6.Test Procedure
                  The EUT was placed on a non-metallic table, 80cm above the ground plane. The EUT
                  Power connected to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network
                  (L.I.S.N. 1# ). This provided a 50-ohm coupling impedance for the EUT (Please refer to
                  the block diagram of the test setup and photographs). The other peripheral devices
                  power cord connected to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization
                  network (L.I.S.N.# 3). Both sides of power line were checked for maximum conducted
                  interference. In order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of
                  equipments and all of the interface cables were changed according to ANSI C63.4: 2009
                  on conducted Emission test.

                  The bandwidth of test receiver (R&S TEST RECEIVER ESHS10) is set at 9kHz.

                  The frequency range from 150kHz to 30MHz is checked. The test result are reported on
                  Section 3.7.
            3.7.Conducted Emission at Mains Terminals Test Results
                  PASS. (All emissions not reported below are too low against the prescribed limits.)
                  The EUT with the following test modes were tested and selected to read Q.P values and
                  average values, all the test results are listed in next pages.
                  EUT: LCD TV                     Model No. : 48FS4690
                  Test Date: Oct.24, 2013       Temperature: 26.1℃             Humidity: 65%
                  The details of test modes are as follows:
                                                                                      Reference Test Data
                                                              Resolution &
                    No.      Test Mode       Input Port                                      No.
                                                                                        Line     Neutral
                     1.                        HDMI 1       1920*1080/60Hz              #32       #31
                     2.      PC Mode           HDMI 2       1920*1080/60Hz              #33       #34
                   3. ※                        HDMI 3       1920*1080/60Hz              #36       #35
                  (※ Worst test mode)

                                                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13297

   Date:se            Fie:D:DATAZOT3 Report dataihtcuiacss0z0st.ems (10)
     _ Level «en                                                                    :ro2i208


            i                                                              Feepart 156 avo)


       ®ore                 as          1          2               s       10        20    ao
    Trace: Discrete)                          Freqency (ilte)
   Site no             #conduction                            Data mto 132
   Dis./ine.           * sore esteces tave
   Limis             irce part is s
   Env./Ins.           s.arc/ess                              Engineer slickHuang
   zur                 cb tw im aersesso
   Pover Rating sac 1200/ 60e
   Test. Hode          unning "K" Pattern And 1Kife Playing
                      woits: 1920+10000 soite

                      uis     cabie               Enission
    no       Freq     Factor: Loss Reading        Level      Linits    Margin. Remark
             grite)      (an)   (ab) (abw)        (dbws)      (dbws)     (am)
     1    o.teess      .ns     o.or so.2r          souas      sn20      rolre or
     2    o.ssseo      o.a9    o.0r a7.0s          sr.er      se.co     reirs    or
     3    o.zmar       o.20    o.0s ss.si          seure      se.00     re.ze or
     a0     dsn        olge     ol0n arver         se.0s      se.00     am.oe or
     s      q.se9      o.z3    o.0% ss.ee          se.os      se.co     rs.0s or
     s      n.er0      o.s0    0.09 anas           aa.9a      s0.00     as.os or
   Remacks: 1.Emission Level=LISM FectortCable LossReading.
            2.1t the average limit is met vhen useing a quasi—peak detector.
              the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits and measurement
              with average detector 18 unnecessary.

   Data:st             Fie:D:OATA20T3 Report dataintctacssoz0s4.ems (30)
     so Level@Buv)


          1                                                                    Feopart 156 (vo)
     «o                        ,
                                      3       a5

      "are                  as         i           2           s        9                  EO     J
    Trace: Oiscrete)                         rrequency Oe
   Site no           :1#conduction                        Data mto :31
   Dis./Ane.           * sore estzes meurmal
   Lim®                co pant as
   Env./ins.           s.arc/ess                          Engineer itlickHuang
   zur                 cb tw wncasrsesso
   Pover Rating sac 1200/ 60e
   Test Node           unning "R" Patten And 1e Playing
                      woits:1920+20000 soite

                       uisu    capie               Enission
    no        Freq     Factor: Loss Reading        Level    Linits     Margin. Remark
              qrite)      (an)   (ab) (abww)       (dbwy)    (abws)      (aB)
     1 o.reass         olzr        o.or    a9.0s    as.es     sns          as.os    or
     2 o.ssseo         o.z3        o.0r    o5z      ss.as     se.00        zo.se   or
     3 o.temer         o.2a        o.0s    o23      ss.so     se.00        z2.so   or
     a   mame           oles        ou0n   srian    se.s0     se.00        zs.c0   or
     s   alsse          o.2r       o.0r    souas    s3.at     se.co        zelss    or
     s   n.er0         ousr         0.09   az.zs    se.re     so.00        anze    or
                                 IsW ractorsCabie LossiReading:
               2.1t the average limit 18 met vhen useing a quasi—peak detector.
                 the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits and measurement
                 with average detector s unnecessary.

   Date:ss             Fie:D:DATAZOT3 Report dataihtcuiacss0z0st.ems (30)
     _ Level «en                                                                          :ro2i208


          1                                                                    recpart 156 avo)


      "ars                  as        i           2           s        9                    EO   J
    Trace: Oiscrete)                        rrequency Oe
   Site no           :1#conduction                       Data mto 133
   Dis./Ane.           * sore estzces Lane
   Lim®                co pant as
   Env./ins.           s.arc/ess                         Engineer itlickHuang
   zur                 cb tw wncasrsesso
   Pover Rating sac 1200/ 60e
   Test Node           unning "R" Patten And 1e Playing
                      wote:1920+20000 soite

                       uisu    capie               Enission
    no        Freq     Factor: Loss Reading        Level    Linits      Margin. Remark
              qrite)      (an)   (ab) (abww)       (dbwy)    (abws)       (aB)
     1 o.teess         ons      o.or    so.es       so.as      se20         roure   or
     2 o.ssseo         o.as     o.0r    ts          s7.s7      se.0o        re.ss    or
     3 o.zmar          o.20     o.03    ss.ss       ss.so      se.00        ro.si   or
     10  daim           olar    ol0n    arae        ar.es      se.00        re.sa   or
     s   qurse         o.z      ouor    ssuss       s7.es      se.co        reirr    or
     s   mam           olsn     o.08    ances       as.ss       s0.00       re.ot   or
                                 IsW ractorsCabie LossiReading:
               2.1t the average limit 18 met vhen useing a quasi—peak detector.
                 the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits and measurement
                 with average detector s unnecessary.

   Date:ss            Fie:D:OATA20T3 Report dataintctacssoz0s4.ems (30)
     so Level@Buv)


           1                                                                  Feopart 156 (vo)

      "ore                  as          i          2           s        9      2              sn
    Trace: Discrete)                         rrequency Oe
   site no           : i#conductson                       bata mo 121
   pis./ine.           * zon esteces meuman
   pimi®               co rant as
   Env./ms.            s.1rc/ess                          Engineer itticktuang
   zur                 cb ty nmisersesso
   Pover Rasing sac 1200/eoRe
   Test Node           unning "R" Pattern And tiite Playing
                      wonze: 1920+10000 cone

                     uist casie                  Inteston
    No       freq     Factor: Loss Reading       level      Limits Margin         Remack
             gre)       (as) (as) (asw)          (abw)       (abws) (am)
     1    o.tmess     olri     o.or aslss         ascer      sa.20  n .59         P
     2    o.sssen     o.es     olor asias         as.to       se.do 2o.s0         or
     s    o.miem      o.2a     olos saze          aaer       Seco   enlss         o
     a    o.sser0     o.2a     o.0s asuss         ss.so      Se.0o 2o.40          or
     s      .sos       oles     olor anses        anlse      seaco erar           o
     s      mam       olar      o.08 ames         azirs      so.00  anes          or
                                 IsW ractorsCabie LossiReading:
               2.1t the average limit 18 met vhen useing a quasi—peak detector.
                 the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits and measurement
                 with average detector s unnecessary.

   Data:s6            Fie:D:OATA20T3 Report dataintctacssoz0s4.ems (30)
     so Level@Buv)


           1                                                                  Feopart 156 (vo)

      "ore                  as          i          2           s        9      2               sn
    Trace: Discrete)                         rrequency Oe
   site no           : i#conductson                       bata mo 13s
   pis./ine.           * zon rsmeces uie
   pimi®               co rant as
   Env./ms.            s.1rc/ess                          Engineer itticktuang
   zur                 cb ty nmisersesso
   Pover Rasing sac 1200/eoRe
   Test Node           unning "R" Pattern And tiite Playing
                      wonzs: 1920+10000 cone

                     uist casie                  Inteston
    No       freq     Factor: Loss Reading       level      Limits Margin         Remack
             gre)       (as) (as) (asw)          (abw)       (abws) (am)
     1    o.teess     o.rs     o.or soles         solas      sa.20  asure          or
     2    o.ssseo     o.as     olor anae          anee       se.co  aner          o
     s    o.mesi      o.20     olos ssler         se.so      seco   aoco          o
     a      pars       olar     ol0s ames         secdo      se.co  an.s0         or
     s      mimis      o.2s     olor anse         anes       seaco  dn ns         or
     s      mero      o.s0     o.09 anior         an.so      so.00  as.so         or
                                 IsW ractorsCabie LossiReading:
               2.1t the average limit 18 met vhen useing a quasi—peak detector.
                 the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits and measurement
                 with average detector s unnecessary.

   Data:ss             Fie:D:OATA20T3 Report dataintctacssoz0s4.ems (30)
     so Level@Buv)


            1                                                                  Feopart 156 (vo)
     «o                       ;
                                      34 4

      "ore                  as          i          2           s        9      2                sn
    Trace: Discrete)                         rrequency Oe
   site no           : i#conductson                       bata mo 125
   pis./ine.           * zon esteces meuman
   pimi®               co rant as
   Env./ms.            s.1rc/ess                          Engineer itticktuang
   zur                 cb ty nmisersesso
   Pover Rasing sac 1200/eoRe
   Test Node           unning "R" Pattern And tiite Playing
                      wonzs: 1920+10000 cone

                      uist casie                  Inteston
    No       freq      Factor: Loss Reading       level      Limits Margin         Remack
             qrite)      (aB) (ab) (abww)         (abwy)      (abws) (ap)
     1.   o.teass      olzr     o.on asias         aslsr      salze  aalsa         or
     2    o.seans      o.es     olor asiar         asles      se.do 2olse          or
     3    o.ssere      o.2a     olos aser          aslse      Se.0o 2oas            or
     a      iss        olas      olos aalte        asloo      se.co 2iloo          o
     s      mase        o.es     olor anuso        aslte      seco   rrler         on
     s      mero       ouar     o.09   anoe        azlaa      so.00  an.se         or
                                  IsW ractorsCabie LossiReading:
                2.1t the average limit 18 met vhen useing a quasi—peak detector.
                  the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits and measurement
                  with average detector s unnecessary.


                                                 AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4690                                                                     Page    4-1

            4.1.Test Equipment
                4.1.1.For frequency range 30MHz~1000MHz
  Item Equipment        Manufacturer       Model No.    Serial No.   Last Cal. Cal. Interval
    1  3#Chamber            AUDIX             N/A          N/A      Nov.24, 12   1 Year
    2 EMI Spectrum          Agilent         E4407B    MY41440292 May.08, 13      1 Year
    3 Test Receiver Rohde & Schwarz         ESVS10     834468/011   May.08, 13   1 Year
    4   Amplifier             HP             8447D    2648A04738 May.08, 13      1 Year
    5 Bilog Antenna         TESEQ          CBL6112D       35375     May.30, 13   1 Year
    6   RF Cable         MIYAZAKI         CFD400-NL 3# Chamber No.1 May.08, 13   1 Year
    7 Coaxial Switch        Anritsu         MP59B        M74389     May.08, 13   1 Year

                  4.1.2.For frequency range 1GHz~2GHz
 Item   Equipment      Manufacturer  Model No.  Serial No.  Last Cal. Cal. Interval
   1 Spectrum Analyzer   Agilent      E4407B   MY41440292 May.08, 13    1 Year
   2   Horn Antenna      EMCO          3115     9607-4877  Aug.27, 13   1 Year
   3     Amplifier       Agilent      8449B    3008A00863 May.08, 13    1 Year
   4     RF Cable      Hubersuhner SUCOFLEX106   77977/6   May.08, 13   1 Year
   5     RF Cable      Hubersuhner SUCOFLEX106   28616/2   May.08, 13   1 Year

                                                        Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13297


                                                           AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4690                                                                                Page    4-2

            4.2.Block Diagram of Test Setup
                  4.2.1.For frequency range 30MHz-1000MHz

                                                     Semi-anechoic 3m Chamber

                                  ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 m(for Horizontal)


                                                                          TURN TABLE                      0.8m
                                  2.0m(L)*1.0m(W)*0.8m(H)                   (WOOD)

         Combining Network         AMP         Spectrum Analyzer            PC System


                  4.2.2.For frequency range 1GHz-2GHz

                                            Semi-anechoic 3m Chamber
                                ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS
                               Remark: If necessary, The antenna rise and fall from 1 to 4 meters.


                                         (Reference Point)

                          1m      2.0m(L)*1.0m(W)*0.8m(H)
                                       ABSORBER                                                        0.8m
                                                                         TURN TABLE
                                       (30cm maximum)
                                                                        (FIBRE GLASS)

                                  AMP         Spectrum Analyzer             PC System

                                                                   Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13297


                                                        AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4690                                                                            Page    4-3

            4.3.Radiated Emission Limit
                        Frequency                    Distance               Field Strengths Limits
                            MHz                      (Meters)                     dB(μV)/m
                        30 ~ 88                         3                            40.0
                        88 ~ 216                        3                            43.5
                       216 ~ 960                        3                            46.0
                       960 ~ 1000                       3                            54.0
                     Above      1000                    3                    74(Peak)54(Average)
                  Remark: (1) Emission level = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                              Emission level = Antenna Factor -Amp Factor +Cable Loss + Reading
                              (above 1000MHz)
                          (2) The smaller limit shall apply at the cross point between two frequency
                          (3) Distance is the distance in meters between the measuring instrument,
                              antenna and the closest point of any part of the device or system.
            4.4.EUT Configuration on Test
                  The configurations of EUT are listed in Section 3.4
            4.5.Operating Condition of EUT
                  Same as Conducted Emission test that is listed in Section 3.5. except the test set up
                  replaced by Section 4.2.
            4.6.Test Procedure
                  The EUT was placed on a non-metallic table, 80 cm above the ground plane inside a
                  semi-anechoic chamber. An antenna was located 3m from the EUT on an adjustable
                  mast. A pre-scan was first performed in order to find prominent radiated emissions. For
                  final emissions measurements at each frequency of interest, the EUT were rotated and
                  the antenna height was varied between 1m and 4m in order to maximize the emission.
                  Measurements in both horizontal and vertical polarities were made and the data was
                  recorded. In order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of equipments
                  and all of the interface cables were changed according to ANSI C63.4: 2009 on
                  Radiated Emission test.

                  The bandwidth of the EMI test receiver (R&S ESVS10) is set at 120kHz for frequency
                  range from 30MHz to 1000 MHz.

                  The bandwidth of the Spectrum’s RBW is set at 1MHz and VBW is set at 3MHz for
                  peak emissions measurement above 1GHz and 1MHz RBW, 10Hz VBW for average
                  emissions measure above 1GHz.

                                                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13297


                                                         AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4690                                                                            Page    4-4

            4.7.Radiated Emission Test Results
                  PASS. (All emissions not reported below are too low against the prescribed limits.)

                  EUT: LCD TV          Model No. : 48FS4690

                  For frequency range 30MHz~1000MHz

                  The EUT with the following test modes were tested and selected to read Q.P values, all
                  the test results are listed in next pages.

                  Test Date: Oct.23, 2013        Temperature: 24℃             Humidity: 65%

                  The details of test modes are as follows:
                                                              Resolution &            Reference Test Data No.
                    No.      Test Mode      Input Port
                                                               Frequency              Horizontal Vertical
                     1.                       HDMI 1          1920*1080/60Hz                #1                #2
                   2. ※       PC Mode         HDMI 2       1920*1080/60Hz                   #4                #3
                    3.                        HDMI 3       1920*1080/60Hz                   #6                #5
                  (※ Worst test mode)

                  For frequency range 1GHz~2GHz
                  The EUT with below test mode were measured within Anechoic Chamber and the test
                  results listed in next pages

                  Note: For all the emissions above 1GHz, the peak measured level comply with peak
                  limit, so the average level were deemed to comply with average limit.

                  Test Date: Oct.23, 2013     Temperature: 24℃          Humidity: 56%
                                                           Resolution &    Reference Test Data No.
                    No.      Test Mode      Input Port
                                                             Frequency      Horizontal Vertical
                     1.                       HDMI 1          1920*1080/60Hz                #40              #39
                     2.       PC Mode         HDMI 2       1920*1080/60Hz                   #41              #42
                   3.※                        HDMI 3       1920*1080/60Hz                   #37              #38
                  (※ Worst test mode)

                                                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13297

Dataet        es E:2013 Report Dataintck ns tsozostems (10)
  .Levat@Bn/m                                                                     bare:2013—10.23

                                                                                recpart 15 om


    50                  zm              Tm.                    o.           o                 Tove
                                              Frequency titn
       site no.     on Chamber                   bata no.   1
       pis. / Ane.  on zoss cBbézzb 38375        Ane. pol.  nortzormii
       bime        iree rartas s om
       Eiv. / tms.  aerc/ess                     Engineer : EvenDeng
       zor         sren ry        wssersecso
       Pover rating aC 1200/c0ile
       Tes: noge     Running "H" Pactern dnd 1Kie Playing
                    wout 1: ss20—z0e00e0ne

                  Ane. cabie        Enission
 No«       freq. Pactor Loss Reading Level     Linits Margin Remack
          grre)  (an/m) (an) (abws) (dbww/a) (dhwz/ ) (aP)
          as.aso     anlas   alss    anico      aelor     anuso     mss    or
         10s.es0.   anor     aes     ense      anes       anuso     na7    or
         i8.s00.    anae     use     arles      asues     anuso     n.er   op
         ses.sso     aoles   nuer     arlos     anles      anuso    ouse   op
         sar.a00    anae      aleo    anueo     anlse      e.00     elas   or
         ms.szo     20.s0    auas    ansoe      anior      asl00    nuze   on
       Revazks: 1. Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable loss + Reading«
                2. The eniasion levels that are 2048 below the official
                   Hdmit are not. reportea

Do2             He:E:2013 ReportDataintct ns ts0zostzms (10)
    Levelatuvim                                                                   boe:2013—1023

                                                                              recpant 158 om

   Ey                ze             o                   oo                500.              Tovo
                                        Freqency ttto
       site no.      3 Chasber                     pata no.        +2
       pis. / Ane.   m zors cousiizb 38378         Ane. pob.       vertican
       rime          ree mar is s on
       Em / Ins.     2arc/esn                      Engineer        EvenDeng
       zut         sren ty        wr:sersesso
       Pover rating AG 1200/60lte
       Test Mode   : Running "If" Pattern And di0(e Playing
                     wont 1:2sz0rz0c0tcore

                    ane. cabte        Enission
 No«       freq.   Pactor Loss Reading Level   Limits          Margin.   Remack
          gure)    (ab/m) (ap) (abwy) (abwt/e) (aBw/m)          (a9)
  10     so.eso    as.ss  oes    ases   seos   ao.00            auer     or
 20—     ss.oso    ao.se  alse asse ons        wous0            slse     or
 3      aes.oso    as.so  alsil aeirs oolae    aous0           ao.34     or
 a       aes.380   anse   alss aeiss onlse      ao u50         inss      or
 s      aro.eso    ao.ar  alse erlde oeler     aou50           a0.00     or
  6.    as0.0s0     sure  ars aoas soces        anuso          ies       or
       Revazks 1. Emission Level= Antenna Factor + Cabie loss + Reading.
               2. The enssion ievels that are 2048 below the official
                  Aimit are not reported.


                                                  AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4690                                                                     Page    4-7

                      3. The worst emission was detected at 593.570 MHz with corrected
                         signal level of 40.26 dBμV/m (Limit is 46.00 dBμV/m) when the
                         antenna was at horizontal polarization and at 1.0m high and the
                         turn table was at 75°.
                      4. 0° was the table front facing the antenna. Degree is
                         calculated from 0° clockwise facing the antenna.

                                                        Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13297


                                                 AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4690                                                                    Page    4-8

                      3. The worst emission was detected at 30.780 MHz with corrected
                         signal level of 36.64 dBμV/m (Limit is 40.00 dBμV/m) when the
                         antenna was at vertical polarization and at 1.0m high and the
                         turn table was at 235°.
                      4. 0° was the table front facing the antenna. Degree is
                         calculated from 0° clockwise facing the antenna.

                                                       Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13297

bame            Fie: E:2013 Report Dataintct ns tsozostzms (10)
    Levelatuvim                                                                         boe:2013—1023

                                                                                     recpant 158 om

 wl —I                 1


  ®%                  ze                 410.                   612.             s00.             1000
                                                Freqency tito
       site no.         3n Chamber                   bata no.              6
       pis. / in.       on zors coberizb 98978 Ane. pol.                   norfzormat
       bame             ree mart is s on
       Ew / mo.         serc/ess                     Engineer              tvenDeng
       zur            sren ry        msssesecso
       Pover rating     AG 1200/60ie
       Test Meae      : Running "H" Pattern And Siite Playing
                        wont a: s9z0rz0000cone

                 Ane. cabie        Emssion
 No«      Freq. Pactor toss Reading Level Limits Margin Remack
         cure)     (dB/m)   (ab)     (abut)     (abut/e)   (aBut/m)     (aB)

 10      sn.ero    ange      nlarl   assos       aner       as.so       suss   o
 20     asnaso     anos      mner    anle        ons       anlso        mist   or
 3      renoro      oize    mire     ariso        anlse     ancso       oiln    or
 a       Reslres   anlss    mlse     2oune        anes     mscc        anlte    or
 s      armuore    amas     2lso      aslas       asiei    melco        mire   on
 s      mawseo     2o.se     slas    raler        secee     asloo       nire   o
       Revackss 1. Emisston Leve: Anterna Factor + Cable loss + Reading«
                2. The enssion ievels that are 2048 below the official
                   Aimit are not reported.

bams            He:E:2013 ReportDataintct ns ts0zostzms (10)
    Levelatuvim                                                                   boe:2013—1023

                                                                               recpant 158 om
 w0                  i

  Ey                ze              o                   oo                 500.             Tovo
                                        Freqency ttto
       site no.      3 Chasber                     pata no.        +s
       pis. / Ane.   m zors cousiizb 38378         Ane. pob.       vertican
       rime          ree mar is s on
       Em / Ins.     2arc/esn                      Engineer        EvenDeng
       zut         sren ty        wr:sersesso
       Pover rating AG 1200/60lte
       Test Mode   : Running "If" Pattern And di0(e Playing
                     wont s:2sz0—z0c00core

                   ane. cabte        Enission
 No«      freq.   Pactor Loss Reading Level   Limits           Margin.   Remack
         gure)    (ab/m) (ap) (abwy) (abwt/e) (aBw/m)           (a9)
 10      so.eso   as.ss   o.es ns ao   secso  a0.00             a.so     or
 2       es.sre   aolas  alse anise    seurs   aouso            durs     or
 3      aee.ee0   anles  also eo.co omcs      dn u50            eae       or
 a      aes.s00   anlse  alse Rougo    onlar  aou50            10.33.    or
 s      asmace    anas   2.s0 mo.re s9.s0     «s.00             620.     or
 s      ms.oso    20.30  s.as rause    seirs  as oo             mer      o
       Revazks 1. Emission Level= Antenna Factor + Cabie loss + Reading.
               2. The enssion ievels that are 2048 below the official
                  Aimit are not reported.

Data: 10        es E:2013 Report Dataintck ns tsozostems (10)
     Leveltuvim                                                                                 bare:2013—10.23

                                                                                          rco partis en

                                                                                               recpntt sse ay
 so                                              :         +

      Toco              Toon:             Ti00.                       Toon.            Toon.                zov
                                                     Frequency titn
       site no.      on Chamber                  Data no.   40
       pis. / Ane.   m zons ous cto7m)           Anc. por.  nonzzoutaz
       bime        : rce rartas s rea
       Eiv. / Ims.   aerc/ses                    Engineer : EvenDeng
       zor         sren ry        wssersecso
       Pover Rating aC 1200/ 0e
       Test moge     Running "H" Pactern dnd 1Kie Playing
                     wout 1: ss20—z0e00e0ne

                        Ane. cabie anp                           Emission
Mo.          Peeq.     Pactor Loss dactor                Reading Level Linits: Mergin Renark
             gare)     (an/m (an)  (am)                  (ebuw)  (abwt/n (dbww/n (an)
 1.    sos0.000        asuer    nds     onles            selso        asuds   24.00      20254      Peok
 20    ross.zrs        rouer     aeo    deues            A7.31       27.62.     Average
 3     asen.000        assas    auso     asuer           S.or         so.75   724.00     2su25.     Peak
 a     asename         asses     anso    asser           A5.93.0        27.20      Average
 s     asoo.000        es.éo    aues    ssuss             Seues       doud6   24.00      25.04.     Peak
 6     asoo.aas        as.so    ces     5.58             A6c20        90.19   $4.00      15.01.     Average
       Revarks          Emission Level= Antenna Factor + Cabie toss + Reading
                        ~ump ractor
                     2. The enianion levei that. are 2048 belowthe ofticial
                        Aimit are not reported.

pata:se        riesE:2013 ReportDataintct nstsozostzme (10)
 .o LevataBatm                                                                        boe:2013—1023

                                                                                rcopartis aven

                                                                                     reopatt 15e y
 s0f                                        z——f

  ° sovo            Tooo:            save.                   Tooe:           Taoe:              zow
                                             Freqency ttto
      site no.      3 Chasber                     bata no.   39
      pis. / Ane.   on zon sus cto7m)             Ane. por. vermicnt
      rime          rce rant is s reax
      Em / Ins.     2arc/sen                      Engineer 1 EvenDeng
      zut         sren ty        wr:sersesso
      Pover Rating AG 1200/60lte
      Test Mode   : Running "If" Pattern And di0(e Playing
                    wont 1:2sz0rz0c0tcore

                    Anc. . capie anp                    Enission
Mo.        Preq.   Pactor: toss Lactor          Reading level Linits Margin Renark
           gare)   (ab/m) (aB) (an)             (aouw) (apat/e (abu/m.. (aB)
      1015.000     asuso    asas    ssves        souse       an ts  28.00      27.55.    Peak
      10s5.332     eou60    ales    deues       a7.er        36247  54.00.     27.53.    Average
      1420.000     assas     alge   asser       seus0        asc87  74.00      2749      Peak
      14z0.180     as.as     alto   ssuen       asas         36282  54.00      27.18.    Average
      1495.000     as.se     alss   asuse        se.00       soles  724.00     2s.32.    Peak
      1495.180     as.se    nes     asuse       as.e8        97.73.54,00       16.27.    Average
                   Emission Leve: Anterna Factor + Cable loss + Reading
                   ~lap ractor
                   The eniasion ievels that are 2040 below the otticial
                   Aimis are not reported.

patar          riesE:2013 ReportDataintct nstsozostzme (10)
 .o LevataBatm                                                                                boe:2013—1023

                                                                                        rcopartis aven

                                                                                             reopatt 15e y
 so|           —,                                 :                     }

      ° soos                 Tooo:             save,                   Tooo:         Taoe:              zow
                                                       Freqency ttto
        site no.      3 Chasber                     bata no.   4n
        pis. / Ane.   on zon sus cto7m)             Ane. por. nontzourat
        rime          rce rant is s reax
        Em / Ins.     2arc/sen                      Engineer 1 EvenDeng
        zut         sren ty        wr:sersesso
        Pover Rating AG 1200/60lte
        Test Mode   : Running "If" Pattern And di0(e Playing
                      wont 2: 29z0—z0000core

                             Anc. . capie anp                     Enission
Mo.                 Preq.   Pactor: toss Lactor           Reading level Linits Margin Renark
                    gare)   (ab/m) (aB) (an)              (aouw) (apat/e (abu/m.. (aB)
 1.     a080.000            asues    nds     onuar        seure  asu6t         74.00.— 20.39.    Penk
 2.     roso.sre            rouer    nds     seuer        dolt9  36268         54.00.— 18.32.    Average
 3.     rs2m.009            asuas    alto     ssuen       Seuse  a7.7s         24.00 26227       Peak
 a      aarmare              rslee    alos   362670       46190037266          54.00.. 16.94.    Average
 s      aser.000            as.to    nuer     ssudo       S      abied         24.00. 27.56.     Peak
 s      asom.aen            asuzo    alor    95240        Ancis  d6ud2         $      Average
                            Emission Leve: Anterna Factor + Cable loss + Reading
                            ~lap ractor
                            The eniasion ievels that are 2040 below the otticial
                            Aimis are not reported.

patea2         riesE:2013 ReportDataintct nstsozostzme (10)
 .o LevataBatm                                                                             boe:2013—1023

                                                                                     rcopartis aven

                                                                                          reopatt 15e y
 so|—,                             —                  &

  °ooo             Tooo:                 vioo,                   Tooe:            Taoe:              zow
                                                 Freqency ttto
      site no.      3 Chasber                     pata no.   42
      pis. / Ane.   on zon sus cto7m)             Ane. por. vermicnt
      rime          rce rant is s reax
      Em / Ins.     2arc/sen                      Engineer 1 EvenDeng
      zut         sren ty        wr:sersesso
      Pover Rating AG 1200/60lte
      Test Mode   : Running "If" Pattern And di0(e Playing
                    wont 2: 29z0—z0000core

                   Anc. . capie anp                         Enission
Mo.      Preq.    Pactor: toss Lactor               Reading level Linits Margin Renark
         gare)    (ab/m) (aB) (an)                  (aouw) (apat/e (abu/m.. (aB)
      1010.000    asuse     asse        sssen       seust        aslor   28.00      cnue      Peak
      1080. 114   2ouse    aes          dsuen       4s.58—      18.60.    Average
      1245.000    eause     ale        asute         seuge       asces   74.00      2ra5.     Peak
      1s45.196    sause     alrs        ssute       asu9e        36279   54,00      d7.21.    Average
      1495.000    as.se     alss        asuse        seu9e       aner    724.00     26249     Peak
      1495.10s    as.se    nes          asuse       q900         36281   54,00      2719      Average
                  Emission Leve: Anterna Factor + Cable loss + Reading
                  ~lap ractor
                  The eniasion ievels that are 2040 below the otticial
                  Aimis are not reported.

patesr         riesE:2013 ReportDataintct nstsozostzme (10)
 .o LevataBatm                                                                                boe:2013—1023

                                                                                        rcopartis aven

                                                                                             reopatt 15e y
 so                                 4            3                                            ;

  ° soos            Tooo:                 save.                      Tooe:           Taoe:              zow
                                                     Freqency ttto
      site no.      3 Chasber                     bata no.   37
      pis. / Ane.   on zon sus cto7m)             Ane. por. nonzzourat
      rime          rce rant is s reax
      Em / Ins.     2arc/sen                      Engineer 1 EvenDeng
      zut         sren ty        wr:sersesso
      Pover Rating AG 1200/60lte
      Test Mode   : Running "If" Pattern And di0(e Playing
                    wont s:2sz0—z0c00core

                    Anc. . capie anp                            Enission
Mo.        Preq.   Pactor: toss Lactor                  Reading level Linits Margin Renark
           gare)   (ab/m) (aB) (an)                     (aouw) (apat/e (abu/m.. (aB)
      133e.000     eaues    ns          asute           seuge        asiet   24.00     27.39.    Peak
      ase.im       saues     alte        asuto          abuzi        36254   54,00     27.45.    Average
      1420.000     asas      alge        asuer          seues        mol20   74.00     25.90.    Peak
      14z0.320     asas     uns         ssuer           as.e8        sou25   54.00     15.75.    Average
      1042.000     as.os    alas         assor          seuse        asl77   74.00     20.20.    Peak
      1012.190     as.ou     aas         assor          arlse        36.81..54,00      10.19     Average
                   Emission Leve: Anterna Factor + Cable loss + Reading
                   ~lap ractor
                   The eniasion ievels that are 2040 below the otticial
                   Aimis are not reported.

patase         riesE:2013 ReportDataintct nstsozostzme (10)
 .o LevataBatm                                                                           boe:2013—1023

                                                                                   rcopartis aven

                                                                                        reopatt 15e y
 so     ;                                      >     s

  °ooo               Tooo:             vioo,                   Tooe:            Taoe:              zow
                                               Freqency ttto
      site no.      3 Chasber                     bata no.   38
      pis. / Ane.   on zon sus cto7m)             Ane. por. vermicnt
      rime          rce rant is s reax
      Em / Ins.     2arc/sen                      Engineer 1 EvenDeng
      zut         sren ty        wr:sersesso
      Pover Rating AG 1200/60lte
      Test Mode   : Running "If" Pattern And di0(e Playing
                    wont s:2sz0—z0c00core

                     Anc. . capie anp                      Enission
Mo.         Preq.   Pactor: toss Lactor            Reading level Linits Margin Renark
            gare)   (ab/m) (aB) (an)               (aouw) (apat/e (abu/m.. (aB)
      10%2.000      asuse     asse    sssen        seuoo       anses   28.00      an is     Peak
      r00e.215      20.s9    ales     ssuen        46208       34.91..54.00       19.09     Average
      1431.000      as.so     aso     asues         seu2e      aslts   74.00      2r.27.    Peak
      rmna          as.30    augo    ssues          anver        18.33.    Average
      1495.000      as.se     ales    asuse         ssuoe      ange     74.00     26240     Peak
      i0510         as.se    nes      asuse         a9.97      as.es   54.00      10.15.    Average
                    Emission Leve: Anterna Factor + Cable loss + Reading
                    ~lap ractor
                    The eniasion ievels that are 2040 below the otticial
                    Aimis are not reported.


                            AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4690                                             Page    5-1


                                Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F13297

Document Created: 2013-11-18 10:42:02
Document Modified: 2013-11-18 10:42:02

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