W8U48FS4610R FCC ID Test Report

FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R

Test Report

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                                                    AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.


                            APPLICATION OF CERTIFICATION

                                       TTE Technology Inc.

                                              LCD TV

                      Brand Name              Model Number
                                    48FS4600R; 48FS4610R;48FS4620R;
                                    48FS4630R; 48FS4640R; 48FS4650R;
                                    48FS4660R; 48FS4670R; 48FS4680R;

                                   FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R

                           Prepared for : TTE Technology Inc.
                                          555 S. Promenade Ave., Suite 103, Corona, CA 92879,

                           Prepared By: Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                                        No. 6, Ke Feng Rd., 52 Block,
                                        Shenzhen Science & Industrial Park,
                                        Nantou, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                         Tel: (0755) 26639496
                                         Fax: (0755) 26632877

                           Report Number :      ACS- F14170
                           Date of Test   :     May.09~12, 2014
                           Date of Report :     Jun.09, 2014

                                                           Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14170


                                                                                         AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.


                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

    Description                                                                                                                                              Page
    Test Report Certification
   1.    SUMMARY OF STANDARDS AND RESULTS ................................................................... 1-1
         1.1.       Description of Standards and Results ............................................................................................ 1-1
   2.    GENERAL INFORMATION................................................................................................... 2-1
         2.1.       Description of Device (EUT)......................................................................................................... 2-1
         2.2.       Tested Supporting System Details................................................................................................. 2-2
         2.3.       Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators.................................................... 2-3
         2.4.       Test Facility ................................................................................................................................... 2-4
         2.5.       Measurement Uncertainty (95% confidence levels, k=2).............................................................. 2-4
   3.    POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMENT........................................... 3-1
         3.1.       Test Equipment.............................................................................................................................. 3-1
         3.2.       Block Diagram of Test Setup......................................................................................................... 3-1
         3.3.       Power Line Conducted Emission Test Limits ............................................................................... 3-1
         3.4.       Configuration of EUT on Test ....................................................................................................... 3-2
         3.5.       Operating Condition of EUT ......................................................................................................... 3-2
         3.6.       Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 3-2
         3.7.       Conducted Emission at Mains Terminals Test Results.................................................................. 3-2
   4.    RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT .......................................................................... 4-1
         4.1.       Test Equipment.............................................................................................................................. 4-1
         4.2.       Block Diagram of Test Setup......................................................................................................... 4-2
         4.3.       Radiated Emission Limit ............................................................................................................... 4-3
         4.4.       EUT Configuration on Test ........................................................................................................... 4-3
         4.5.       Operating Condition of EUT ......................................................................................................... 4-3
         4.6.       Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 4-3
         4.7.       Radiated Emission Test Results..................................................................................................... 4-4
   5.    DEVIATION TO TEST SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................... 5-1
   6.    PHOTOGRAPH ........................................................................................................................ 6-1
         6.1.       Photos of Power Line Conducted Emission Test........................................................................... 6-1
         6.2.       Photos of Radiated Emission Test (In Anechoic Chamber) .......................................................... 6-2
   7.    PHOTOS OF THE EUT ........................................................................................................... 7-1

                                                                                                     Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14170

 AUDI X                                                      AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.


                                TEST        REPORT           CERTIFICATION

         Applicant                  :   TTE Technology Inc.
         Manufacturer               :   TCL King Electrical Appliances (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
         EUT Description            :   LCD TV
         FCCID                      :   W8U48FS461O0R
         (A) Model No. &       :          Brand Name                 Model Number
             Brand Name                                    48FS4600R; 48FS4610R;48FS4620R;
                                              TCL          48FS4630R; 48FS4640R; 48FS4650R;
                                                           48FS4660R; 48FS4670R; 48FS4680R;
          (B) Power Supply     _:       AC 120V/60Hz
          (C) Test Voltage     :        AC 120V/60Hz

         Measurement Standard Used:

         FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart B Class B 2013

         The device described above is tested by AUDIX TECHNOLOGY (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. to
         determine the maximum emission levels emanating from the device. The maximum emission
         levels are compared to the FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class B limits both conducted and radiated
         emissions. The test results are contained in this test report and AUDIX TECHNOLOGY
         (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. is assumed of full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of
         these tests. This report contains data that are not covered by the NVLAP accreditation.
         After the test, our opinion is that EUT compliance with the requirement of the above standards.
         This Report is made under FCC Part 2.1075. No modifications were required during testing to bring
         this product into compliance.
         This report applies to above tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in parts
         without written approval of AUDIX TECHNOLOGY (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.
         The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement
         by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the federal government.

         Date of Test :       May.09~ 12, 2014         Report of date:                 Jun.09, 2014

         Prepared by :         4'1‘40( Z i o ag         Reviewed by :             Q; css
                             Lisa Liang / Assistant                          Sun Zeng / Assistant Manager

                                                       m® ###Kk (G@#) #mAd
                                                             Audix Technology (Shenhon) Co., Ltd.
                                                            EMC 4 M # 4 4 # @

                                                      Stamp only fqor EMC Dept, Report
         Approved & Authorized Signer :               Aim  4
                                                                  N(& Z)(,[\ G‘q

                                              2A nhmesd

                                                                     Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS—F14170


                                                          AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4610R                                                                                    Page          1-1

           1.1.Description of Standards and Results
                  The EUT have been tested according to the applicable standards as referenced below.
     Description of Test Item         Standard            Results                       Remarks
                                                                          Meets Class B Limit Minimum
      Power Line Conducted        FCC Part 15: 2013
                                                           PASS             passing margin is 7.88dB
         Emission Test            ANSI C63.4: 2009
                                                                                    at 0.17800MHz
                                                                          Meets Class B Limit Minimum
      Radiated Emission Test      FCC Part 15: 2013
                                                           PASS             passing margin is 4.69dB
          (30-1000MHz)            ANSI C63.4: 2009
                                                                                     at 740.04MHz
                                                                          Meets Class B Limit Minimum
      Radiated Emission Test      FCC Part 15: 2013
                                                           PASS            passing margin is 14.02dB
            (1-5GHz)              ANSI C63.4: 2009
                                                                                    at 1650.32MHz

                                                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14170


                                                          AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4610R                                                                                   Page          2-1

           2.1.Description of Device (EUT)
                  Description     : LCD TV

                                  :    Brand Name                       Model Number
                                                          48FS4600R; 48FS4610R;48FS4620R;
                  Model Number&
                                                          48FS4630R; 48FS4640R; 48FS4650R;
                  Brand Name                  TCL
                                                          48FS4660R; 48FS4670R; 48FS4680R;
                                      All 48 models are identical except for different appearance ( only for
                                      color, silk-screen and decorative parts) and model number for trading

                  FCC ID          : W8U48FS4610R

                  Test Mode       : 48FS4610R

                  Remote           : Manufacturer: TCL

                  Applicant       : TTE Technology Inc.
                                    555 S. Promenade Ave., Suite 103, Corona, CA 92879,

                  Manufacturer    : TCL King Electrical Appliances (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
                                    Section 19, Zhongkai Development Zone for New and High Level
                                    TECH Industries, Huizhou, Guangdong 516006, P.R. China.

                  LVDS (HD)         75MHZ
                  LVDS (FHD)        75MHZ
                  IF                6MHz
                  DDR               736 MHz

                  Internal photos of the EUT shows AC sockets line, FCC WIRE line, debug with the
                  countermeasure scheme, these countermeasures and EUT production together.

                  Date of Test    : May.09~12, 2014

                  Date of Receipt : May.08, 2014

                  Sample Type     : Prototype production

                                                                 Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14170


                                                             AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4610R                                                                                      Page          2-2

           2.2.Tested Supporting System Details

        Description        ACS No.        Manufacturer          Model         Serial Number            Approved type

                                                                                                      ;FCC DoC
                           Test PC S             DELL        Vostro 470           2SP05W1             ;BSMI
  1.                                                                                                  ID:R33002
                      Power Cord: Unshielded, Detachable, 1.8m
                      Display Card: HD3450 (DVI+VGA+HDMI)
                                                                                             ; FCC DoC
                       ACS-EMC- K04R             DELL         SK-8115                        ;BSMI ID:
  2.   USB Keyboard                                                            BB-049J
                      Data Cable: shielded, Undetachable, 2.0m
                                                                                                      ;FCC DoC
                       ACS-EMC-PT04              HP           C9079A                 N/A              ;BSMI ID:
  3.      Printer     USB Cable: Shielded, Detachabled, 1.8m
                      Power Cord: Unshielded, Detachabled, 1.8m
                      Power Adapter: HP, M/N: 0957-2119, BSMI ID: R33030,
                      DC Cable: Unshielded, Detachabled, 1.5m
                                                                                                      ; FCC DoC
                       ACS-EMC-M04R              DELL        M056UO              512024282            ;BSMI ID:
  4.    USB Mouse                                                                                     R41108
                      Data Cable: shielded, Undetachable, 1.8m
                                                                                                         FCC ID
                       ACS-EMC-EP02          OVANN            OV880V                 N/A
  5.    Headphone                                                                                        BSMI ID
                      Cable: Shielded, Undetachabled, 4.0m
                                                                                                      ;FCC DoC
                       ACS-EMC-IP03          APPLE              A1199        YM711H3LVQ5              ;BSMI ID:
  6.       iPod                                                                                       R33057
                      Data Cable: Shielded, Detachabled, 1.0m
                                                                                             ;FCC DoC
                      ACS-EMC-HDD02          Terasys          F12-UF        A0100215-5390018 ;BSMI ID:
  7.       HDD                                                                               4912A022
                      USB Cable: Shielded, Detachable, 1.8m
     Power Cable: Unshielded, Detachable, 1.8m
  8. HDMI Cable: Shielded, Detachable, 1.8m
     AV In Cable: Unshielded, Detachable, 1.8m

                                                                    Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14170


                                                    AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4610R                                                                           Page          2-3

           2.3.Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators

                                                                            Dummy Load 75Ω&10kΩ


                                                                           USB Keyboard
                  AC Mains                      a
                                  EUT                    PC
                                                                             USB Mouse

                  AC Mains       Printer

                                                                    a: HDMI*3 Cable
                                                Remote              b: USB Cable
                                                                    c: AV In Cable

              (EUT: LCD TV)

                                                         Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14170


                                                             AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

FCC ID:W8U48FS4610R                                                                                      Page          2-4

           2.4.Test Facility
                  Site Description
                  Name of Firm                         :     Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                                                             No. 6, Ke Feng Rd., 52 Block, Shenzhen
                                                             Science & Industrial Park, Nantou,
                                                             Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                  3m Anechoic Chamber                  :     Certificated by FCC, USA
                                                             Registration Number: 90454
                                                             Valid Date: Feb.22, 2015

                  3m & 10m Anechoic Chamber            :     Certificated by FCC, USA
                                                             Registration Number: 794232
                                                             Valid Date: Oct.31, 2015

                  EMC Lab.                             :     Accredited by DAkkS, Germany
                                                             Registration No: D-PL-12151-01-00
                                                             Valid Date: Dec.15, 2016

                                                       :     Accredited by NVLAP, USA
                                                             NVLAP Code: 200372-0
                                                             Valid Date: Mar.31, 2015

           2.5.Measurement Uncertainty (95% confidence levels, k=2)
                                  Test Item                                   Uncertainty
                  Uncertainty for Conduction emission test
                                                                    3.1 dB(150KHz to 30MHz)
                            in No. 1 Conduction
                                                                3.22 dB(30~200MHz, Polarize: H)
                   Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test      3.23 dB(30~200MHz, Polarize: V)
                               in 3m chamber                    3.49 dB(200M~1GHz, Polarize: H)
                                                                3.39 dB(200M~1GHz, Polarize: V)
                  Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test in     4.97 dB(1~6GHz, Distance: 3m)
                        3m chamber (1GHz-18GHz)                  4.99 dB(6~18GHz, Distance: 3m)
                    Uncertainty for test site temperature                     3%
                                and humidity                                 0.6℃

                                                                    Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14170


                                                      AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                                                  Page   3-1

            3.1.Test Equipment
 Item      Equipment        Manufacturer  Model No.   Serial No.   Last Cal.                        Cal. Interval
          1# Shielding
 1.                           AUDIX          N/A         N/A      Apr.17,14                             1 Year
 2.       Test Receiver Rohde & Schwarz ESHS10       838693/001   Oct.31, 13                            1 Year
 3.         L.I.S.N.#1    Rohde & Schwarz ESH2-Z5       100429    Jan.22, 14                            1 Year
 4.         L.I.S.N.#3       Kyoritsu     KNW-242C     8-1920-1   Apr. 28,14                            1 Year
 5.        Terminator       Hubersuhner      50Ω         No. 1    Apr. 28,14                            1 Year
 6.        Terminator       Hubersuhner      50Ω         No. 2    Apr. 28,14                            1 Year
 7.         RF Cable        Hubersuhner     RG58    0100.6954.20# Jan.22, 14                            1 Year
 8.      Coaxial Switch       Anritsu      MP59B       M50564     Apr. 28,14                            1 Year
 9.       Pulse Limiter Rohde & Schwarz ESH3-Z2         101838    Jan.22, 14                            1 Year
 10.      Oscilloscope       Tektronix    TDS3052B     B026036   May.09, 14                             1 Year
 11.         MPEG2
          Measurement                        DVG        100319    Dec.11, 13                            1 Year
 12.                      ROHDE&SCHW
         TV Transmitter                      SFQ        100521    Apr. 28,14                            1 Year
 13.    Signal Generator        HP          8648A    3625U00573 Apr. 28,14                              1 Year
 14.    Pattern Generator     Philips      PM5418     LO625020    Apr. 28,14                            1 Year
            3.2.Block Diagram of Test Setup

            PC System           Receiver                 EUT                Peripheral


                                            LISN                                           LISN

                       :50Ω Terminator

            3.3.Power Line Conducted Emission Test Limits
                                                            Maximum RF Line Voltage
                           Frequency              Quasi-Peak Level             Average Level
                                                       dB(μV)                     dB(μV)
                      150kHz ~ 500kHz                  66 ~ 56*                   56 ~ 46*
                      500kHz ~ 5MHz                       56                         46
                       5MHz ~ 30MHz                       60                         50
                   Notes: 1. * Decreasing linearly with logarithm of frequency.
                          2. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.

                                                             Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063


                                                        AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                                                    Page   3-2

           3.4.Configuration of EUT on Test
                  The following equipment are installed on Power Line Conducted Emission Test to meet
                  the commission requirement and operating regulations in a manner which tends to
                  maximize its emission characteristics in a normal application.
                  3.4.1. LCD TV (EUT)
                         Model Number      : 48FS4610R
                         Serial Number     : N/A
                  3.4.2. Support Equipment : As Tested Supporting System Detail, in Section 2.2.
           3.5.Operating Condition of EUT
                  3.5.1. Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 3.2.
                  3.5.2. Turn on the power of all equipment.
                  3.5.3. PC system ran the Self-test program “EMC Test. exe” by windows XP and sent
                         “H” Character to LCD TV (EUT) , the Screen of EUT displayed and filled with
                         “H” pattern, use white letters on a black ground, set the contrast control to
                         maximum, set the brightness control to maximum and measure it.
                  3.5.4. The other peripheral devices were driven and operated in turn during all testing.
           3.6.Test Procedure
                  The EUT was placed on a non-metallic table, 80cm above the ground plane. The EUT
                  Power connected to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network
                  (L.I.S.N. 1# ). This provided a 50-ohm coupling impedance for the EUT (Please refer to
                  the block diagram of the test setup and photographs). The other peripheral devices
                  power cord connected to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization
                  network (L.I.S.N.# 3). Both sides of power line were checked for maximum conducted
                  interference. In order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of
                  equipments and all of the interface cables were changed according to ANSI C63.4: 2009
                  on conducted Emission test.

                  The bandwidth of test receiver (R&S TEST RECEIVER ESHS10) is set at 9kHz.

                  The frequency range from 150kHz to 30MHz is checked. The test result are reported on
                  Section 3.7.
           3.7.Conducted Emission at Mains Terminals Test Results
                  PASS. (All emissions not reported below are too low against the prescribed limits.)
                  The EUT with the following test modes were tested and selected to read Q.P values and
                  average values, all the test results are listed in next pages.

                                                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063


                                                         AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                                                   Page   3-3

                  EUT: LCD TV                   Model No. : 48FS4610R
                  Test Date: May.09, 2014           Temperature: 24.1℃                       Humidity: 51%
                  The details of test modes are as follows:
                                                             Resolution &             Reference Test Data No.
                    No.      Test Mode      Input Port
                                                              Frequency                  Line        Neutral
                   1. ※                      HDMI 1        1920*1080/60Hz                #31          #32
                     2.      PC Mode         HDMI 2        1920*1080/60Hz                #34          #33
                     3.                      HDMI 3        1920*1080/60Hz                #35          #36
                  (※ Worst test mode)

                                                              Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063

    Datact           He:DIDATAZU1EReport DataiNICLAcS1400808ems 0)
      ..Loo ce                                                             pateczns.os00

                                                                           reopaitt i9

                                                                       reopmrt isb ave)


                                    1          2            s         io         m     o
                                         Freqsency it
                 I#consuction                        bata to 131
                 zore rsieess umie
                sree rant is o
   Env./mme.     rearc/sie                           Enginees sbannyLiu
   sur          sucb ty irimersesion
   Pover Rasing 120 12w soe
   Test tode    imumning i Pastern And 1itte Playing
                 wout    1:19z0»z000eone

                     uisw   capie             Emission
    io       Frea    actor: Loss Reading      Level      Linits    Margin Renark
             grre)    (as)   (an) (abw)       (dbu)       (abwn)    (ab)
     1.   o.are00     o.as    suee ssuss       «sur0      sause      7.88 average
     2.   o.are00     o.3    suee   ancse      ss.00      snuse      o.se ce
     3.   o.sema      o.aa   Sss reze          Seute      49.43     15041 Average
     a.   o.sem0      o.aa   Sss 27.00         anoe        seas      anar   or
     s    o.sse00     o.as   Sss 20.20         30.13      45.00     15.07. Average
     s    o.sse00     o.as   s.s8 sa.20        aavea      se.oo     anlnr on
     7    o.zesme     o.as   s.ee 20.40        30.45      45.00     15.55. Average
     a    o.zese      o.as   Sss se.so         as.ss      se.0o      s.as ce
     e    o.ossoe     o.ar   Sss an.zo         24226      45.00     21074 Average
    10    o.ss300     o.a7   s.ee 2o.c0        as.os      se.co     re.os   or
    im      aese      oas    s.s0 qss          20.57      45.00     17.43. Average
    i2      nuese      oas   s.s0 30.39        a0ler      se.oo     asse or
              1.Emiasion Level LsM ractoricable tose (Include 104 pulse 1imie)
              2.1% the average Limis is met vhen useing a quasi~peak detector.
                the EOT shall be deened to neet both linmits and measurenent
                with average detector 18 unnecessary.

    Data:s>          He:DIDATAZU1EReport DataiNICLAcS1400808ems 0)
      ..Loo ce                                                              pateczns.os00

                                                                            reopaitt i9

                                                                       reopmrt isb ave)
                                t L}W‘«W

                                    i          2            s          io         m     o
                                         Freqsency it
                 I#consuction                        bata to 132
                 zons rsie=ss nevraas
                sree rant is o
   Env./mme.     rearc/sie                           Enginees sbannyLiu
   sur          sucb ty irimersesion
   Pover Rasing 120 12w soe
   Test tode    imumning i Pastern And 1itte Playing
                 wout    1:19z0»z000eone

                     uisw   capie             Emission
    io       Frea    actor: Loss Reading      Level      Linits    Margin Renark
             grre)    (as)   (an) (abw)       (dbu)       (abwn)    (ab)
     1.   o.arse0     o.as    suee sa.so       aausa      S4.72.    10.2%.. Average
     2.   o.anso0     o.13   Sss as.co         seer       snine      s.or ce
     3.   o.seree     o.aa   Sss 2s.co         ss.ge      aod2      1230 Average
     a    o.seree     oaa    Sss anae          anas       seaae     nolse ce
     s    o.seoss     o.as   s.ee 2e.50        94.53      45.00     1147 Average
     s    o.szoss     o.as   s.s8 ss.so        ases       se.oo     ao.s7 on
     7    o.rs000     o.as   Sss as.co         as.ea      46.00     20.18 Average
     a    o.rso00     o.as   Sss se.zo         as.re      se.00      s.2e ce
     e      muose      oar   suse risi         31.97      45.00     14183 Average
    10      nose      oaar   sls ssuer         as.ar      se.co     aolse or
    in      alese     oas     s.90 2a.so       94.58      45.00     11042 Average
    i2      aese       oas   s.se osas         as.ze       se.oo    noue or
              1.Emiasion Level LsM ractoricable tose (Include 104 pulse 1imie)
              2.1% the average Limis is met vhen useing a quasi~peak detector.
                the EOT shall be deened to neet both linmits and measurenent
                with average detector 18 unnecessary.

    batacse        ru   ‘patR2n14 Report DatainICUacStd0000%eme 0)
      ..Loo ce                                                            pateczns.os00

                                                                          reopaitt i9

                                                                     reopmrt isb ave)

                                              2                      io         m       o
                                        Freqsency it
                 I#consuction                        bata mo 134
                 zore rsieess umie
                sree rant is o
   Env./mme.     rearc/sie                           Enginees sbannyLiu
   sor          sucb ty irimersesion
   Pover Rasing 120 12w soe
   Tes: o de    stunning t Pastern And 1itte Playing
                 wout    2:19z0»z000teone

                   uisw   capie              Emission
    io     Frea    actor: Loss Reading       Level      Linits Margin Renark
           grre)    (as)    (an) (abw)       (dbu)       (abwn)   (ab)
         arzeo      o.as     suee caces       sauto      saues     9.93 average
         arze0      o.as   suee as.se         saus0      enlea    noure r
         omma       o.re   sue8 ca.so         sa.52 Average
         omn         o.re  suee asuss         assr       sear      delnr e
         soree      oas    s.88 caczo         312290     45.00    14077 Average
         soree      o.as   suse ss.a0         mss3       se.00     s.07 ce
         «zosss     o.ze   s.89.. za.5o       91255      45.00    1445 Average
         «touss     o.ze   s.89 sa.es         aaure      se.oo    anlgs  or
         esses      olar   su89. 2o.60        39265      45.00    1234 Average
         esses      olar   sls do.34          aa.40      se.oo    nz.c0 or
          mnass     oas    s.se iss           31247      45.00    14.53 Average
          mness      oas   s.s saan           aaas       se.oo    anlor or
            1.Emiasion Level LsM ractoricable tose (Include 104 pulse 1imie)
            2.1% the average Limis is met vhen useing a quasi~peak detector.
              the EOT shall be deened to neet both linmits and measurenent
              with average detector 18 unnecessary.

    Data:ss          He:DIDATAZU1EReport DataiNICLAcS1400808ems 0)
      ..Loo ce                                                              pateczns.os00

                                                                            reopaitt i9

                                                                       reopmrt isb ave)
                                        ;                     O
     i                          I | WWWMMMWWWW

                                    1             2           s        io         m     o
                                            Freqsency it
                 I#consuction                        bata to 133
                 zons rsie=ss nevraas
                sree rant is o
   Env./mme.     rearc/sie                           Enginees sbannyLiu
   sur          sucb ty irimersesion
   Pover Rasing 120 12w soe
   Test tode    imumning i Pastern And 1itte Playing
                 wout    2:19z0»z000teone

                     uisw   capie               Emission
    io       Frea    actor: Loss Reading        Level      Linits Margin Renark
             grre)    (as)   (an) (abw)         (dbu)       (abwn) (ab)
     1.   o.ameo      o.as   s.ee sa.s0          saer       saes    9.02.. average
     2.   o.armee     o13    suee   as.so        seor       snea    s.se ce
     3.   o.seree     o.aa   Sss 2e.co           sacde      49421400 Average
     a    o.seree     o.aa   Sss ssune           asre       seae    reise   or
     s    o.snsrm     o.as   Sss 2o.so           39253      45.00  1247 Average
     s    o.stert     o.as   suse ss.or          as.or      se.0o   s.9s ce
     7    o.reso0     o.as   Sss re.so           20254      45.00  16.48.. Average
     8    o.res00     o.as   Sss se.so           asss       se.00   s.3s ce
     e    o.ossre     o.an   Sss 2o.so           39.55      45.00. 12.48.. Average
    10    o.ssez0     oar    ces saae            aaee       se.oo  inss or
    im      ncom      oar     s.ee ailso         91256      45.00  14048 Average
    i2      nuom      oar    s.ee os.so          as.se      se.0o   s.as ce
              1.Emiasion Level LsM ractoricable tose (Include 104 pulse 1imie)
              2.1% the average Limis is met vhen useing a quasi~peak detector.
                the EOT shall be deened to neet both linmits and measurenent
                with average detector 18 unnecessary.

    Datacas          He:DIDATAZU1EReport DataiNICLAcS1400808ems 0)
      ..Loo ce                                                               pateczns.os00

                                                                             reopaitt i9

                                                                        reopmrt isb ave)


                                    i          2             s          io         m     o
                                         Freqsency it
                 I#consuction                        bata to 135
                 zore rsieess umie
                sree rant is o
   Env./mme.     rearc/sie                           Enginees sbannyLiu
   sur          sucb ty irimersesion
   Pover Rasing 120 12w soe
   Test tode    imumning i Pastern And 1itte Playing
                 wout    a:19z0»z000teone

                     uisw   capie             Emission
    io       Frea    actor: Loss Reading      Level      Linits     Margin Renark
             grre)    (as)   (an) (abw)       (dbu)        (abwn)    (ab)
     1    o.atess     o.as   suee saues        a4245      $4.55.—    10.30 Average
     2    o.aress     o13    ues ascas         ssuee      snuss        s.0s ce
     3    o.seis      o.ae   Sss 2ouzo         so.2e      49224      1499 Average
     a    o.gesis     olaa   Sss s             aa.es      smcer       nelse or
     s    o.seose     o.as   Sss 2i.zo         31220      45.00      14177 Average
     s    o.szoss     o.as   s.s8 ss.se        as.or      se.00        9.00 ce
     7    o.rsoos     o.as   Sss 2i.zo         31225      45.00      14075 Average
     a    o.rsoos     o.as   Sss as.se         as.es      se.oo      1037 or
     e      ness      olan   Sus0 reude        32227      45.00      13073 Average
    10      aless     oas    s.se scas         aser       se.co      reire or
    in      algee      oas    s.90 2r.a0       Seu48      45.00      13.52.. Average
    i2      augee     ouas   990. sa.00        aala7      se.oo      anlos or
              1.Emiasion Level LsM ractoricable tose (Include 104 pulse 1imie)
              2.1% the average Limis is met vhen useing a quasi~peak detector.
                the EOT shall be deened to neet both linmits and measurenent
                with average detector 18 unnecessary.


                       AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                Page   3-9

                           Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063


                                                  AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                                              Page   4-1

             4.1.Test Equipment
                4.1.1.For frequency range 30MHz~1000MHz
  Item Equipment         Manufacturer       Model No.  Serial No.            Last Cal. Cal. Interval
    1  3#Chamber             AUDIX            N/A         N/A               Nov.24, 13   1 Year
    2 EMI Spectrum           Agilent         E4407B   MY41440292            Apr. 28,14   1 Year
    3 Test Receiver Rohde & Schwarz         ESVS10    834468/011            Apr. 28,14   1 Year
    4   Amplifier              HP            8447D    2648A04738            Apr. 28,14   1 Year
    5 Bilog Antenna          TESEQ         CBL6112D      35375              May.30, 13   1 Year
                                                      3# Chamber
    6   RF Cable          MIYAZAKI         CFD400-NL                         Apr. 28,14           1 Year
    7 Coaxial Switch         Anritsu         MP59B      M74389               Apr. 28,14           1 Year
    8  Measurement                            DVG       100319               Dec.11, 13           1 Year
    9 TV Transmitter                          SFQ       100521               Apr. 28,14           1 Year
   10                          HP            8648A    3625U00573             Apr. 28,14           1 Year
   11                        Philips        PM5418     LO625020              Apr. 28,14           1 Year

                   4.1.2.For frequency range 1GHz~5GHz
  Item      Equipment      Manufacturer    Model No.       Serial No.          Last Cal.       Cal. Interval
   1         3#Chamber        AUDIX          N/A        N/A    Nov.03, 13                          1 Year
   2     Spectrum Analyzer    Agilent      E4407B   MY41440292 Apr. 28,14                          1 Year
   3       Horn Antenna       EMCO           3115    9607-4877 Aug.27, 13                          1 Year
   4          Amplifier       Agilent       8449B   3008A00863 Apr. 28,14                          1 Year
   5          RF Cable      Hubersuhner SUCOFLEX106   77977/6  Apr. 28,14                          1 Year
   6          RF Cable      Hubersuhner SUCOFLEX106   28616/2  Apr. 28,14                          1 Year
   7        Measurement                      DVG      100319   Dec.11, 13                          1 Year
   8       TV Transmitter                    SFQ      100521   Apr. 28,14                          1 Year
   9      Pattern Generator   Philips     PM5418     LO625020 Apr. 28,14                           1 Year

                                                         Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063


                                                           AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                                                        Page   4-2

           4.2.Block Diagram of Test Setup
                  4.2.1.For frequency range 30MHz-1000MHz

                                                     Semi-anechoic 3m Chamber

                                  ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 m(for Horizontal)


                                                                          TURN TABLE                    0.8m
                                  2.0m(L)*1.0m(W)*0.8m(H)                (FIBRE GLASS)

         Combining Network         AMP         Spectrum Analyzer            PC System


                  4.2.2.For frequency range 1GHz-5GHz

                                           Semi-anechoic 10m Chamber
                                ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS
                               Remark: If necessary, The antenna rise and fall from 1 to 4 meters.


                                         (Reference Point)

                          1m      2.0m(L)*1.0m(W)*0.8m(H)
                                       ABSORBER                                                        0.8m
                                                                         TURN TABLE
                                       (30cm maximum)
                                                                        (FIBRE GLASS)

                                  AMP         Spectrum Analyzer             PC System

                                                                   Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063


                                                        AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                                                    Page   4-3

           4.3.Radiated Emission Limit
                        Frequency                    Distance               Field Strengths Limits
                            MHz                      (Meters)                     dB(μV)/m
                        30 ~ 88                         3                            40.0
                        88 ~ 216                        3                            43.5
                       216 ~ 960                        3                            46.0
                       960 ~ 1000                       3                            54.0
                     Above      1000                    3                    74(Peak)54(Average)
                  Remark: (1) Emission level = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                              Emission level = Antenna Factor -Amp Factor +Cable Loss + Reading
                              (above 1000MHz)
                          (2) The smaller limit shall apply at the cross point between two frequency
                          (3) Distance is the distance in meters between the measuring instrument,
                              antenna and the closest point of any part of the device or system.
           4.4.EUT Configuration on Test
                  The configurations of EUT are listed in Section 3.4
           4.5.Operating Condition of EUT
                  Same as Conducted Emission test that is listed in Section 3.5. except the test set up
                  replaced by Section 4.2.
           4.6.Test Procedure
                  The EUT was placed on a non-metallic table, 80 cm above the ground plane inside a
                  semi-anechoic chamber. An antenna was located 3m from the EUT on an adjustable
                  mast. A pre-scan was first performed in order to find prominent radiated emissions. For
                  final emissions measurements at each frequency of interest, the EUT were rotated and
                  the antenna height was varied between 1m and 4m in order to maximize the emission.
                  Measurements in both horizontal and vertical polarities were made and the data was
                  recorded. In order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of equipments
                  and all of the interface cables were changed according to ANSI C63.4: 2009 on
                  Radiated Emission test.

                  The bandwidth of the EMI test receiver (R&S ESVS10) is set at 120kHz for frequency
                  range from 30MHz to 1000 MHz.

                  The bandwidth of the Spectrum’s RBW is set at 1MHz and VBW is set at 3MHz for
                  peak emissions measurement above 1GHz and 1MHz RBW, 10Hz VBW for average
                  emissions measure above 1GHz.

                                                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063


                                                         AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                                                   Page    4-4

           4.7.Radiated Emission Test Results
                  PASS. (All emissions not reported below are too low against the prescribed limits.)

                  EUT: LCD TV          Model No. : 48FS4610R

                  For frequency range 30MHz~1000MHz

                  The EUT with the following test modes were tested and selected to read Q.P values, all
                  the test results are listed in next pages.

                  Test Date: May.12, 2014          Temperature: 24℃             Humidity: 56%

                  The details of test modes are as follows:
                                                              Resolution &           Reference Test Data No.
                    No.      Test Mode      Input Port
                                                               Frequency             Horizontal Vertical
                1. ※                          HDMI 1       1920*1080/60Hz                  #32                #31
                  2.      PC Mode             HDMI 2       1920*1080/60Hz                  #33                #34
                  3.                          HDMI 3       1920*1080/60Hz                  #36                #35
               (※ Worst test mode)

                  For frequency range 1GHz~5GHz
                  The EUT with below test mode were measured within Anechoic Chamber and the test
                  results listed in next pages

                  Note: For all the emissions above 1GHz, the peak measured level comply with peak
                  limit, so the average level were deemed to comply with average limit.

                  Test Date: May.12, 2014          Temperature: 24℃     Humidity: 56%
                                                           Resolution &   Reference Test Data No.
                    No.      Test Mode      Input Port
                                                             Frequency     Horizontal Vertical
                   1. ※                       HDMI 1       1920*1080/60Hz                  #44                #43
                     2.     PC Mode           HDMI 2       1920*1080/60Hz                  #45                #46
                     3.                       HDMI 3       1920*1080/60Hz                  #48                #47
                  (※ Worst test mode)

                                                              Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063


                                                   AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                                              Page   4-5


                       3. The worst emission was detected at 735.19 MHz with corrected
                          signal level of 40.66 dBμV/m (Limit is 46.00 dBμV/m) when the
                          antenna was at horizontal polarization and at 1.0m high and the
                          turn table was at 75°.
                       4. 0° was the table front facing the antenna. Degree is
                          calculated from 0° clockwise facing the antenna.

                                                         Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063


                                                  AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                                             Page   4-6

                       3. The worst emission was detected at 740.04 MHz with corrected
                          signal level of 41.31 dBμV/m (Limit is 46.00 dBμV/m) when the
                          antenna was at vertical polarization and at 1.0m high and the
                          turn table was at 235°.
                       4. 0° was the table front facing the antenna. Degree is
                          calculated from 0° clockwise facing the antenna.

                                                        Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063

    Date:ss                        2014 Report Dataintctncswocennms @9
      .. Levet u/m                                                                        bare:20n.05—42

                                                                                    rcopart 156 m


          ieJ              za                   Ts             o2             soe.                   Tone
                                                 Frequency (te
            site no.          3m Chanber                    baza no.   53
            bis. / Ane.       am zons cousii2b 5375          ane. yoi. hontzoimit
            uie               ree martas s on
            Eav. / Ins.       carc/son                       Enginees   Even_Derg
            sor               ue t naorsasion
            Pover rasina      A0 1200/sote
             Test Hode        Running®W"Pactren And ie Playing
                              roure: 2920—10000sone

                           Mn         cane            Enisston
     w           reeg.    Factor      Loss Reating     Level.    Lixsts    ergin Resark
                gne       (do)        .(   (aoan      (dowrin)   (dbuta)   (aB)
     1          donse      anes       nasanre         smcs       as.so     anlos or
     20         lew       ids         alss  rnas      secce      ascso      naa o
     5          ssers     13.90       ads   anos       onda      asuoo      use aP
     a           asilos   a7ee        2ige daise      ns         ss.00     ns or
     s          soase     anoe        s.ce  dsts      dnise      aeon       ns uP
     s          roaze     eoar        se ascss        ancse      as.00      se or
            Revarkss 1. Emiasion Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading«
                        The emission levels that are 2040 belo the official
                        Aimit are not reported.

    bate: s1                      2014 Report pataintctncswooeosems (m
      so Level @Buvim)                                                                        Date: 20140512

                                                                                          Ece paRl 15 o

          Ey               z2.                  o                    612.            s0c.                1000
                                                    Frequency (lte
           site no.          In Chanber                        bata no.     9
           Bis. / ins.       om coss cousia2b 36978             ane. poi. : vermicn
           tamic             ree rart is a on
           E. / me.          2arc/sen                           Enginess ven_Deng
           sur               uen ty nsorsasion
           Pover rasina      ac 1200/soite
            Tes. Mode        Runningit‘Pactren dnd AMtte       Playing
                             woure: s920z0s00cone

                          Anc.        cane              Entasion
     Mo.        Prege    Factor       love    Reading    level   Isaite     Mangin   Resork
               gre       (anw         .(      ce        c(charia)           (am)
     10         aass     anss         aee     anas       ans     annoo      ances    ar
     20        amie      arles        uiss    anien     onae     aniso       slde    or
     30        lanio     anas         iss     aniss     aniso    anise      anlso    or
     a          amlos    avieo        2lzo    raise      anlos   asioo      anies    or
     s         ssaise    anios        alce     aniss    anlos    asioo       slss    o
     s         nasno     anies         aias   anieo     anles    asioo       sian    or
           Revarks:       Emiasion Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading«
                          The emission levels that are 2040 belo the official
                          Aimit are not reported.

    bata:36                     2014 Report Dataintctncswoceonms (
      so Level(tuvim)                                                                 bare:20n.05—42

                                                                                  reopart 156 om


           30              z.               T.               oi2.             soe.               Toc
                                               Frequency ts
            site no.         In Chanber                   Data no.     36
            pis. / ine.      Jm 2ors cousizep 98975        Ane. pol. : nortzontat
            tame             ree rartas s on
            Eav. / mmo.      2are/ses                      Enginess     Rven_Deng
            sor              uen ty mnsorsasion
            Pover rating     ac seoveone
             Test. ode       Running®t"Pacren And 1ttte Playing
                             wouzs: 192010800 coe

                          Ans.     cane             Extasion
     wo.         rreg.   Factor    loss   Reating    Level   linite orgin    Resark
                gne)     (om)      (c)    (@un      (@ure) (cwra) (cs)
                100.34   mss       ass     maar      oras    anso    mss     o
                eosurs   13.00     ads     dsor     se.0s    as.oo   sus.    o
                se7.5e   asre      .ms    anse      anuse    as.o0 an.se     o
                soase    as.00     soe     asie     on       as.oo   ns      o
                740.04   eo.so     sls    ds on     anuss    as.o0   sas     o
                sor.se   es        aiso    anse     ces      as.o.   nee     ce
            Revarkss 1. Emiasion Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading«
                        The emission levels that are 2040 belo the official
                        Aimit are not reported.

    Date:3s                       2014 Report Dataintctncswocennms @9
      .. Levet u/m                                                                         bare:20n.05—42

                                                                                     rcopart 156 cm


          ieJ              za                  Ts             o2             soe.                     Tone
                                                Frequency (te
            site no.         3m Chanber                    bata no.   55
            bis. / Ane.      ow zons cousiizb as375         ane. yoi. vertican
            uie              ree martas s on
            Eav. / Ins.      carc/son                       Enginees   Even_Derg
            sor              ue t naorsasion
            Pover rasina     A0 1200/sote
             Test Hode       Running®W"Pactren And ie Playing
                             routs : 2920—1000sone

                          Mn         cane              Enisston
     w           reeg.   Factor      Loss    Reating    Level.    Lixsts    ergin Resark
                gne      cb.         (am)    (amar)     camatg    (obata)   (am)
     r          asmee     anco       use     anss      sore       asuso      site  or
     20         uisw     mds         ase      ceise    sns        as.so     ancos or
     5          asilos   a7e0        2e      daise     sns        ss.00     ao se or
     a           souse   anes        slce     anlsr    sns        ss.0o     aocse or
     s          amor     is          se      dsn       anar       ss.oo      5.5 or
     s          ssiiss   eusr        aiso    aocre     sns        as.oo      s or
            Revarkss 1. Emiasion Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading«
                     2. The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                        Aimit are not reported.

bate: is                        2014 Report Dataintctncstooeosems c
 100 Level(tuvim)                                                                              pareczov0812

                                                                                        reo part is i penk

                    1                                                                     reo pnit 1s ay

  * rovo                Too0.                  zoo           Ti            Tew.                         sovo
                                               Frequency ts
      site no.          :   9m Chamber                    Data no. : 4s
      pis. / ane.           am cors oiis (tom)             Ane. or. nortroutit
      tame              i   rco paat as rean
      Eav. / me.            2arc/sen                       Enginess + Rven_Deng
      zon               s   ueb ty wirsaorsscion
      Pover rasing      :   A0 1200/soe
      Tes: moae             Running®f"Pactren And 1ttte Playing
                            wours: 192010800 cone

                 Anc.        cante     Jap                 Entssion
 Mo. Prew.     Pactor         lose    tactor   Reading:    Level linite.   Margin:   Resask
     gre       mm            ()         (a2)   (coan      (anari(anaria      (an)
 1 assouoo     esurs         auos     os.ss    eougo       so.05 74.00     20295     rew
 : Assouse     esurs         auos     onz      45e         99,90.. 5400    14202     Average
 : aves.oo      rear         mds      9n80     hll         92907400        21207     Pew
 a evesuae     2e l7         mds      94.00    aw.Bl       90.60.. 5400    15.37     Average
 s esssuoo      anen         airn      oeite   Smdb        5270 7400       21230     Pew
 s esos.ss      anal         dnn      dacte     dlia       dore 5400       17220     Average
      Revarks: 1. Enission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                  ~Amp gactor.
               2« The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                  Aimit are not reported.

    Date:as                          2014 Report Dataintctncswocennms @9
     100 Level @Bivim                                                                             bare:20n.05—42

                                                                                           rco part is speng

                     1                     £                                                 reo pmit 1s ay

         * rovo              Tooo.                 zoo   sion          Tam.                                  sove
                                           Frequency (te
           site no.    1 30 Chaner                    bata no. 1 4s
           Bis. / Ane.   om cons sais o)               Ane. o. vervicu
           uie           ree sart is s reax
           Eav. / Ins.   carc/son                      Enginees : Even_Derg
           sor           ue t naorsasion
           Pover rasina A0 1200/sote
           Test noae     Runningf"Pactzen And 1e Playing

                       Ans.      cante      Jp             Entasion
     o. Preq         Pactor       loss     factor Reading: Level lixits: Margin: Resark
        gme          (oa)        )0         ) (oun wa) ue) (an
     1     a4s0.0    asuse           ces   onuse     siuse   snas     mesoo   20. 31.   Pm
     :     a4s0.3e   esuse           cos   Ssuse     anuso   96.53.   54.00   17.47     Average
     s     Assouto   esurs           on    snuge    enude    Sege     ta.do   dlce      Pemk
     a     asso.s    csurs           cos   Snuge     asldo   96.04    54.00   1516      Average
     s     eeiout    ze.ss           Lor   saury     soues   Soude    7asoo   20. sl    Pewk
     s     emlo.to   ce.ss           Lo.   dactr    anueo    9642     $4,00   15.50     Average
           Revarks: 1. Enission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                       ~Amp gactor.
                    2« The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                       Aimit are not reported.

    Date:as                          2014 Report Dataintctncswocennms @9
     100 Level @Bivim                                                                           bare:20n.05—42

                                                                                         rco part is speng

                         1             A      s                                            reo pmit 1s ay

         * rovo              Tooo.                 zoo    sion          Tam.                               sove
                                            Frequency (te
           site no.    1 30 Chaner                     bata no. : as
           Bis. / Ane.   om cons sais o)                Ant. po. nortrontit
           uie           ree sart is s reax
           Eav. / Ins.   carc/son                       Enginees : Even_Derg
           sor           ue t naorsasion
           Pover rasina A0 1200/sote
           Test noae     Runningf"Pactzen And ie Playing
                         roure: 2920—10000sone

                       Ans.      cante      Jp             Entasion
     o. Preq         Pactor       loss     factor Reading: Level lixits: Margin: Resark
        gme          (oa)        )0         ) (oun wa) ue) (an
     1     assouno   esurs           Loo   onuss     enucs   sause    7e.00   mds     Pemk
     :     assoves   csurs           cos   Snuge    nds      96.55.   $4.00   14c3    Average
     s     coaseto   zols            can   sauge     souss   Souda    74.00   2055    Pek
     a     eoascle   ce.ts           can   Gage      anlSa   6ud5     54.00   15.55   Average
     s     esos.0    anas            ts    saura    saulr    Souo7    24.00   20.03   Pewk
     s     emsue     mas             ts    sacta     an.lo   90.399   $4,00   18.61   Average
           Revarks: 1. Enission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                       ~Amp gactor.
                    2« The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                       Aimit are not reported.

    ate: 16                              2014 Report Dataintctncswocennms @9
     100 Level @Bivim                                                                               bare:20n.05—42

                                                                                             rco part is speng

                                                                                               rcopait 15 s ay

         * rovo                  Tooo.                 zoosion          Tam.                                   sove
                                            Frequency (te
           site no.    1 30 Chaner                     bata no. : 45
           Bis. / Ane.   om cons sais o)                Ane. o. vervicu
           uie           ree sart is s reax
           Eav. / Ins.   carc/son                       Enginees : Even_Derg
           sor           ue t naorsasion
           Pover rasina A0 1200/sote
           Test noae     Runningf"Pactzen And ie Playing
                         roure: 2920—10000sone

                       Ans.          cante      Jp             Entasion
     o. Preq         Pactor           loss     factor Reading: Level lixits: Margin: Resark
        gme          (oa)            )0         ) (oun wa) ue) (an
     1     asso.0        escz            ces   aner      souco souse    7e.00   20.95     Pemk
     :     rsoa          cnae            ces   Snusl    46.90. 90.54.   54.00   18045     Average
     s     Asso.0        csure           on    snuor     snude Si.01.   74.00   2219      Peak
     a     asso.u1       esure           on    Ssu3l    4539 97.00      $4.00   1612      Average
     s     earo.0        anes            lt    saura    nds Seude       24.00   210       Pewk
     s     eao.se         anes           ts    Saura    42.00.38,00     $4,00   15.91..   Average
           Revarks: 1. Enission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                       ~Amp gactor.
                    2« The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                       Aimit are not reported.

    Date:as                          2014 Report Dataintctncswocennms @9
     100 Level @Bivim                                                                            bare:20n.05—42

                                                                                          rco part is speng

                                           +                                                reo pmit 1s ay

         * rovo              Tooo.                 zoo    sion          Tam.                                sove
                                            Frequency (te
           site no.    1 30 Chaner                     bata no. : 4
           Bis. / Ane.   om cons sais o)                Ant. po. nortrontit
           uie           ree sart is s reax
           Eav. / Ins.   carc/son                       Enginees : Even_Derg
           sor           ue t naorsasion
           Pover rasina A0 1200/sote
           Test noae     Runningf"Pactzen And ie Playing
                         routs : 2920—1000sone

                       Ans.      cante      Jp             Entasion
     o. Preq         Pactor       loss     factor Reading: Level lixits: Margin: Resark
        gme          (oa)        )0         ) (oun wa) ue) (an
     1     assouno   as.ss           ces   anuor    seuss    siiet     7400    2203    Pemk
     :     assouss   escss           ces   Snuor     as.S7   96.76.    54.00   15.24   Average
     s     eos0.0    ze.2l           es    sauge     soueo   Sou00     24.00   2092    Pesk
     a     eoan.ss   ze.2            cas   Gacte     anlo    35.65     $4.00   10.94   Average
     s     eeroum    ze.s9           Lor   saugy     souco   SouSs     74.00   20.47   Pewk
     s     erro.ss   ze.ss           Lo.   dactr    A0.87    95.10.—   $4.00   10.90   Average
           Revarks: 1. Enission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                       ~Amp gactor.
                    2« The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                       Aimit are not reported.

    Datear                           214 Report pataintctwcssaos00zms (
     100 Level uim                                                                              pare:20n05.12

                                                                                         rco part is speng

                         1                                                                 rcopait 15 s ay

         * rovo              Tooo.                 zoo     sion          Tam.                             sove
                                             Frequency (te
           site no.    1 30 Chaner                      bata no. 1 47
           bis. / Ane.   on zons uis (to7m)              Ane. pou. verticn
           uie           ree sart is s reax
           Eiv. / mo.    eare/sen                        Enginees + Even_beng
           zur           uen ty wmasrsasion
           Pover ratina aC 1200/cote
           Test noae     Ruaning"Pastren And 1%ie Playing
                         wouts : 1920—10s00s08e

                       Ans.      cante      Jp              Enission
     wo. Preq.       Pactor       loss     fector. Reading: Tevel linits, Margin: Remsk
         (me .       en          ce          (@) (own o) o) (an)
     1     assouno   esurs           Lo    anugs    eours    sode     mesoo   2ode    Pemk
     :     asso.s    csurs           cos   Snuge     asue0   90.05 54.00      15.94   Average
     s     ezesu0    ceurs           ces   saugy     souas   Sou0n 74.00      20.95   Pewk
     a     eresls    ces             ces   Bact7    An.50    98.00 54.00      14.92   Average
     s     easouoo   an.se           ces   sare      smar    Soude    24.00   2060    Pewk
     s     easo.s    anse            ces   dacts    an.e7    98.32..54,00.    14180   Average
           Revarks: 1. Enission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                       ~Amp gactor.
                    2« The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                       Aimit are not reported.


                            AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: W8U48FS4610R                                                     Page   5-1


                                Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F14063

Document Created: 2014-06-09 13:16:34
Document Modified: 2014-06-09 13:16:34

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