User Manual


Users Manual

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                           Thank you for purchasing K40’s newest radar laser detector “RLS2”
                            The RLS2 model incorporates the advanced new radar antenna technology and
                           extremely low power-consuming circuitry to ensure top class performance. It is a
K40 ELECTRONICS            complete integrated laser and radar detector, which responds not only to X, K
                           and Ka band radar guns in use today, but also the laser guns.

                           The RLS2 provides distinct visual and audio alerts to warn you of the presence
 RADAR-LASER DETECTOR      of X, K, Ka band and laser signals for 360° round.
                           You can drive with confidence when you bring along the RLS2 radar laser
  Operating Instructions
                           PACKAGE CONTENTS
                           RLS2 package includes the following components.

      MODEL : RLS2         ·   RLS2 radar and laser detector
                           ·   12-volt DC power cord and fuse (2types – Coiled and Straight)
                           ·   Windshield mounting bracket with suction cups
                           ·   Dashboard mounting hook and loop fasteners
                           ·   Operation manual


INSTALLING THE UNIT                                                                  Windshield Mounting
                                                                                     The supplied windshield bracket and suction cups let you quickly mount the
Mounting Guidelines                                                                  detector on your vehicle’s windshield.

                                                                                     Follow these steps to use mounting bracket kit.
For the best performance, select the proper location for the detector where it has
a direct view of the road. Remember the radar antenna and laser sensor are
                                                                                     1.   Install the suction cups onto the bracket by fitting them into their holes.
located behind the rear panel of the unit.
                                                                                     2.   Attach the bracket to windshield.
The antenna and sensors should not be obstructed by metal or metallic surfaces
                                                                                     3.   Attach the detector to the bracket.
and should be pointed at the horizon for accurate long-range detection.
                                                                                     4.   Bend bracket for correct detection angle.
                                                                                     5.   Plug power cord DC12V into detector.
- Choose a location that does not block the driver's vision.
                                                                                     6.   Plug power cord into cigarette lighter.
- Mount the detector in a level position.
- Do not mount the detector behind the metal surfaces and ornaments mirrored
                                                                                     Cautions: Some new models of cars have a plastic safety coating which is
                                                                                     applied to the windshield. The suction cups may leave permanent marks on the
Tinted windows reduce the received laser signal strength.
                                                                                     wind shield once they are removed. Check vehicle owner’s manual to see if your
Do not mount the detector behind tinted glass. Do not mount the detector where
                                                                                     car has the plastic safety coating.
the driver or passenger might hit in a sudden stop or accident.

Mounting Type                                                                        Connecting the Power
                                                                                     The RLS2 detector is designed to operate on most DC 12V negative ground
                                                                                     vehicle electrical systems. The power cord provided with the detector has a
There are two ways of installation.
                                                                                     cigarette lighter socket plug at one end and a small connector at the other.
Hook and Loop Mounting
                                                                                     1. Insert the small connector into the jack on the side of the detector.
                                                                                     2. Insert the other end into the cigarette lighter socket of your vehicle.
The hook and loop tape included with your detector might be the best mounting
method for some dashboards.
                                                                                     If the detector does not operate when you turn it on, remove the adapter from the
                                                                                     cigarette lighter socket and carefully check the socket for debris. Also, check the
Follow these instructions to use the hook and loop tape to mount the unit on the
                                                                                     fuse in the adapter and your vehicle's fuse box.

1. Use a damp cloth to thoroughly clean the dashboard.                               Replacing the Fuse
2. Peel off the paper backing of the tape and apply the tape to the bottom of the    If the detector stops operating, the fuse in the cigarette lighter plug might be
   detector.                                                                         blown. If it has blown, follow these steps to replace it:
3. Remove the paper backing from the other side of the tape and press the
   detector onto the dashboard.                                                      1. To replace the fuse, unscrew the top of the plug.
                                                                                     2. Remove the fuse and check the fuse to see if it has blown. If it has, replace it.

                                      -2-                                                                                     -3-

OPERATION                                                                            b. Press and hold Dim/Menu button for 3sec.
                                                                                     c. Do nothing for 10sec.
1) Power On & Volume Control
Rotate the Power and Volume control wheel clockwise to turn the Power on/off.    3) Quiet Ride Button
This wheel can adjust volume up/down also by moving back and forth.
                                                                                 Press and release Quiet Ride button to enter Quite Ride Mode.
2) Dim & Menu Button                                                             Quiet Ride Mode allows you to set a minimum MPH or KPH detection speed
                                                                                 that eliminates all audible alerts until the vehicle exceeds your selected speed.
DIM MODE                                                                         Use up(∧) and down(∨) button to select your choice of speed in range of
Dim mode reduces the illumination of the display.                                5~65MPH(by 5MPH) or 10~100KPH(by 10KPH).
Press and release Dim/Menu button to change display brightness from Day -        To save the selection and exit the menu, do nothing for 3sec.
Dusk – Night-Auto and to off.                                                    Display shows selected speed for Quiet Ride Mode along with voice
On Auto mode, display keeps “Dusk” on standby and when alarm starts, it          announcement “Quiet Ride Set”.
changes the brightness level in order of Day-Dusk-Night until the alarm stops.
                                                                                 4) MUTE Button
Press and hold Dim/Menu button for 3sec. to enter Menu Mode.                     a.MUTE MODE
On Menu Mode, press Dim/Menu button to scroll down on menu.                      Press and release MUTE button to turn on/off Mute Mode.
Press City /Hwy button to scroll up on menu.                                     Mute Mode silences all beeping alerts for radar/laser alarms for 15sec. or the
Press Up(∧)/Down(∨) button to select from menu.                                  duration of the alert. Voice alerts stay active.

       Menu Options
                                                                                 b.EXTENDED MUTE MODE
                                                                                 Press and hold Mute button for 3sec. to turn on/off Extended Mute Mode.
FEMALE                 MALE
                                                                                 Extended Mute Mode silences all beeping alerts for radar/laser alarms for
VOICE ON               VOICE OFF
                                                                                 2minutes or the duration of the alert. Voice alerts stay active.
SPEED ON               SPEED OFF                                                 5) CITY/HWY Button
POP_ON                 POP OFF                                                   Press and release CITY/HWY button to toggle between Highway - City -Filter.
MPH                    KMPH
X BAND ON              X BAND OFF
                                                                                 a.HIGH WAY MODE – Detects all types of FCC approved police radar or laser
                                                                                 signals at full sensitivity.
K BAND ON              K BAND OFF
KA BAND ON             KA BAND OFF                                               b.CITY MODE : The X-band sensitivity is reduced.
LASER ON               LASER OFF                                                 This is because it is the most common source of police radar signals.
FACTORY RESET                                                                    K,KA and Laser remain at full sensitivity.
                                                                                 c.FILTER MODE : Eliminates X-band completely. Reduces K and KA band
To exit the menu,                                                                sensitivity. Laser detection remains at full sensitivity.
    a. Press “UP” or “DOWN” button while “exit” is being displayed.

                                     -4-                                                                              -5-

                                                                                      Radar Frequencies :
d.SPEED MONITOR MODE : Speed Monitor function alerts the driver when a                10.475 - 10.575 GHz (X Band)
preselected speed is exceeded. The speed Monitor can be set to any speed              24.050 - 24.250 GHz (K Band)
between 40~100MPH (in 5mph increments) or 60~160KPH (in 10kph                         33.400 - 36.000 GHz (Ka Superwideband)
The RLS2 emits a beeping alert tone accompanied by the visual display blinking        Laser Wavelength : 905nm +/-50nm
“Slow Down” repeatedly.
The alerts will continue until the vehicle’s speed is reduced to below the Speed      Operating Temperature Range :
Monitor setting. The factory default setting for Speed Monitor is “Off”               -10C to +70C (+14F to +158F)
To access and turn on this function:
-Press and hold CITY/HWY button for 3sec.                                             Power Requirements:
-Press and release Up(∧) and Down (∧) button to select the desired maximum            Operational 12 to 15volts DC,250mA nominal(2amp fuse) Vehicle Battery
speed for alerts.                                                                     Saver, 30mA nominal
5seconds after your speed is selected, your setting will be saved, the voice will
announce “Speed Monitor Set” accompanied by the visual display blinking the           FCC INFORMATION (FCC ID : W75-RLS2)
selected speed twice and your display will return to the main screen.                 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
                                                                                      following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
6) MARK Button                                                                        and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
The Mark” function allows you to receive both audio and visual alerts for             that may cause undesired operation.
specific locations you’ve stored.                                                     In addition, any changes or modifications to this product, which are not
Press and release Mark button when you are at the location.                           expressly approved by K40 Electronics in writing, could void the user's authority
Display shows “ Alrt Loc” and voice announces “Marked to Alert”.                      to operate this product.
After marking the location, when you arrive within a radius of 1500feet of the
marked location, the voice will announce “approaching marked location”
accompanied by visual display “Alrt Loc”
When you are at a marked location, you will hear a single “Bing” tone.
To remove a previously marked location, press and release Mark button while in
that location.
To remove all currently stored locations, select “All Alertlocs Clr” from Menu.

The manufacturer warrants this product against all defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of the original purchase,
subject to the following terms and conditions: The sole responsibility of the
manufacturer under this Warranty is limited to either repair or, at the option of
the manufacturer, replacement of the unit. There are no expressed or implied
warranties, including those of fitness for a particular purpose of merchantability,
which extend beyond the face hereof.
                                      -6-                                                                                  -7-

Document Created: 2009-11-06 18:13:05
Document Modified: 2009-11-06 18:13:05

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