DSS Partial RF Report

FCC ID: W38-28010161

Test Report

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Report No.: FCC_IC_RF_SL19011001-SEV-006_DSS
Supersede Report No.:

Applicant                             :   ChargePoint, Inc.
Product Name                          :   Network Communication
Model No.                             :   28010161
                                          47 CFR 15.247
Test Standard                         :
                                          RSS-247 Issue 2, Feb 2017
                                          ANSI C63.10: 2013
Test Method                           :   RSS-Gen Issue 5, April 2018
                                          558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05
FCC ID                                  : W38-28010161
IC ID                                   : 8854A- 28010161
Dates of test                           : 01/17/2019 – 01/30/2019
Issue Date                              : 01/30/2019
Test Result                             : ☒ Pass              ☐ Fail
Equipment complied with the specification       [X]
Equipment did not comply with the specification [ ]

This Test Report is Issued Under the Authority of:

                      Gary Chou                                                   Chen Ge
                Compliance Engineer                                          Engineer Reviewer

                                                   Issued By:
                                              SIEMIC Laboratories
                                   775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, 95035 CA

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                         Laboratory Introduction
SIEMIC, headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, with superior facilities in US and Asia, is one of the leading independent testing
and certification facilities providing customers with one-stop shop services for Compliance Testing and Global Certifications.

In addition to testing and certification, SIEMIC provides initial design reviews and compliance management throughout a project. Our
extensive experience with China, Asia Pacific, North America, European, and International compliance requirements, assures the
fastest, most cost effective way to attain regulatory compliance for the global markets.

                                   Accreditations for Conformity Assessment
          Country/Region                 Accreditation Body                                     Scope
               USA                            FCC, A2LA                              EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom
             Canada                        IC, A2LA, NIST                            EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom
             Taiwan                       BSMI, NCC, NIST                             EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety
            Hong Kong                        OFTA, NIST                                  RF/Wireless, Telecom
             Australia                       NATA, NIST                               EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety
              Korea                        KCC/RRA, NIST                           EMI, EMS, RF, Telecom, Safety
              Japan                    VCCI, JATE, TELEC, RFT                         EMI, RF/Wireless, Telecom
              Mexico                   NOM, COFETEL, Caniety                      Safety, EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom
             Europe                           A2LA, NIST                              EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety
              Israel                          MOC, NIST                               EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety

                                    Accreditations for Product Certifications
              Country                      Accreditation Body                                    Scope
                USA                         FCC TCB, NIST                                   EMC, RF, Telecom
              Canada                         IC FCB, NIST                                   EMC, RF, Telecom
             Singapore                         iDA, NIST                                    EMC, RF, Telecom
                EU                                 NB                            EMC & Radio Equipment Directive (RED)
               Japan                         MIC (RCB 208)                                     RF, Telecom
             Hong Kong                       OFTA (US002)                                      RF, Telecom

          775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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1       REPORT REVISION HISTORY ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2       EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................. 5
3       CUSTOMER INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 5
4       TEST SITE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................ 5
5       MODIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
6       EUT INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
    6.1     EUT Description ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
    6.2     Spec for BT Radio ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
    6.3     EUT test modes/configuration Description.................................................................................................................... 6
7       SUPPORTING EQUIPMENT/SOFTWARE AND CABLING DESCRIPTION......................................................................... 7
    7.1     Supporting Equipment ............................................................................................................................................... 7
    7.2     Cabling Description ................................................................................................................................................... 7
    7.3     Test Software Description .......................................................................................................................................... 7
8       TEST SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
9       MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................................................................... 9
    9.1     Conducted Emissions ................................................................................................................................................ 9
    9.2     Radiated Emissions (30MHz to 1GHz)......................................................................................................................... 9
    9.3     Radiated Emissions (1GHz to 40GHz) ....................................................................................................................... 10
    9.4     RF conducted measurement .................................................................................................................................... 10
10          MEASUREMENTS, EXAMINATION AND DERIVED RESULTS .................................................................................. 11
    10.1 Antenna Requirement .............................................................................................................................................. 11
    10.2 Output Power .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
    10.3 Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions Below 1GHz ............................................................................................... 14
    10.4 Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions > 1GHz & Restricted band & non-restricted band emission ............................. 16
ANNEX A. TEST INSTRUMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 21
ANNEX B. SIEMIC ACCREDITATION ................................................................................................................................... 22

             775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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1   Report Revision History
               Report No.                         Report Version              Description               Issue Date
    FCC_IC_RF_SL19011001-SEV-006_DSS                  None                      Original                01/30/2019

      775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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2    Executive Summary

The purpose of this test program was to demonstrate compliance of following product
 Company:                  ChargePoint, Inc.
 Product Name:             Network Communication
 Model No.:                28010161

against the current Stipulated Standards. The specified model product stated above has demonstrated compliance with
the Stipulated Standard listed on 1st page.

3    Customer information
 Applicant Name                          ChargePoint, Inc.
 Applicant Address                       254 E. Hacienda Ave Campbell, CA 95148
 Manufacturer Name                       ChargePoint, Inc.
 Manufacturer Address                    254 E. Hacienda Ave Campbell, CA 95148

4    Test site information

 Lab performing tests                    SIEMIC Laboratories
 Lab Address                             775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035
 FCC Test Site No.                       540430
 IC Test Site No.                        4842D-2
 VCCI Test Site No.                      A0133

5    Modification
                 Index                           Item                            Description                  Note
                    -                              -                                  -                         -

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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6     EUT Information
6.1    EUT Description

 Product Name                            Network Communication
 Model No.                               28010161
 Trade Name                              ChargePoint
 Serial No.                              N/A
 Input Power                             5Vdc
 Radio Hardware version                  27-010077
 Radio Software version        
 Date of EUT received                    01/17/2019
 Equipment Class/ Category               DSS
 Port/Connectors                         N/A
 Remark                                  None

6.2     Spec for BT Radio

            Radio Type                                                           Bluetooth
        Operating Frequency                                                2402MHz-2480MHz
            Modulation                                                            FHSS
         Channel Spacing                                                    1MHz (BDR, EDR)
          Antenna Type                                                             PIFA
           Antenna Gain                                                    2.5 dBi (for 2.4GHz)

6.3     EUT test modes/configuration Description

               Mode                                                             Note
             Bluetooth                                                       BDR (GFSK)
             Bluetooth                                                      EDR (8-DPSK)

        775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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7     Supporting Equipment/Software and cabling Description
7.1        Supporting Equipment

               Supporting Equipment
    Item                                          Model                      Serial Number          Manufacturer           Note
      1               Laptop                  Latitude E6510                     N/A                       Dell             -

7.2        Cabling Description

                        Connection Start             Connection Stop             Length / shielding Info
      Name                                                                                                           Note
                       From       I/O Port           To        I/O Port         Length (m)     Shielding
 Serial to USB         Serial        EUT            USB          Laptop             10         Unshielded              -

7.3        Test Software Description

      Test Item                        Software                                             Description
      RF Testing                        Putty                         Set the EUT to transmit continuously in diferent test mode

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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8      Test Summary

             Test Item                           Test standard                                     Test Method/Procedure                                   Pass / Fail
                                         FCC                15.203               FCC                      ANSI C63.10 – 2013                                  ☒ Pass
       Antenna Requirement
                                          IC                   -                  IC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                           ☐ N/A
                                         FCC                15.205               FCC                                                                          ☒ Pass
                                                                                                           ANSI C63.10: 2013
 Restricted Band of Operation
                                                                                                   558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                           ☐ N/A
                                          IC           RSS Gen 8.10                IC

     AC Conducted Emissions              FCC              15.207(a)              FCC                          ANSI C63.10:2013                               ☒ Pass*
            Voltage                       IC            RSS Gen 8.8                IC                      RSS Gen Issue 5: 2018                             ☐ N/A

DSS Band Requirement
             Test Item                           Test standard                                     Test Method/Procedure                                   Pass / Fail
                                         FCC            15.247 (a)(1)           FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                           ☒ Pass*
       Channel Separation
                                          IC          RSS247 (5.1.5)              IC                                    -                                    ☐ N/A
                                         FCC           15.247(a)(1)             FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                           ☒ Pass*
    20dB Occupied Bandwidth
                                          IC          RSS247 (5.1.2)             IC                              -                                           ☐ N/A
                                         FCC           15.247(a)(2)             FCC                                                                          ☒ Pass*
     99% Occupied Bandwidth
                                          IC            RSS Gen 6.6               IC                      RSS Gen Issue 5: 2018                              ☐ N/A
                                         FCC            15.247(a)(1)            FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                           ☒ Pass*
Number of Hopping Channels
                                          IC          RSS247 (5.1.5)              IC                                    -                                    ☐ N/A

     Band Edge and Radiated              FCC              15.247(d)             FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                            ☒ Pass
       Spurious Emissions                 IC            RSS247(5.5)               IC                                    -                                     ☐ N/A
                                         FCC            15.247(a)(1)            FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                           ☒ Pass*
       Time of Occupancy
                                          IC          RSS247 (5.1.5)              IC                                    -                                    ☐ N/A
                                         FCC              15.247(b)             FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                           ☒ Pass**
          Output Power
                                          IC          RSS247 (5.4.2)             IC                                     -                                     ☐ N/A
                                         FCC            15.247(d)               FCC                                     -                                     ☐ Pass
 Receiver Spurious Emissions
                                          IC           RSS Gen (7.1)              IC                      RSS Gen Issue 5: 2018                               ☒ N/A
                                         FCC              15.247(e)             FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                            ☐ Pass
      Antenna Gain > 6 dBi
                                          IC          RSS247 (5.4.6)              IC                                    -                                     ☒ N/A
                                         FCC              15.247(e)             FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                            ☐ Pass
      Power Spectral Density
                                          IC          RSS247 (5.2.2)              IC                                    -                                     ☒ N/A
                                         FCC             15.247(f)              FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                            ☐ Pass
    Hybrid System Requirement
                                          IC            RSS247 (5.3)             IC                              -                                            ☒ N/A
                                         FCC              15.247(g)             FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                           ☒ Pass*
        Hopping Capability
                                          IC          RSS247 (5.1.5)              IC                                    -                                    ☐ N/A
                                         FCC              15.247(i)             FCC               558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05                           ☒ Pass*
     RF Exposure requirement
                                          IC           RSS Gen(3.2)               IC                                    -                                    ☐ N/A
                     1.      All measurement uncertainties are not taken into consideration for all presented test result.
                     2.      The applicant shall ensure frequency stability by showing that an emission is maintained within the band of operation under all normal
    Remark                   operating conditions as specified in the user’s manual.
                     3.      Pass** Output Power verification
                     4.      Pass* Please refer to test report number FCC_RF_SL15060501-CPC-006-DSS, FCC ID: W38-28010077 , IC: 8854A-28010077

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9      Measurement Uncertainty

 9.1     Conducted Emissions
         The test is to measure the conducted emissions to the mains port of the EUT.

         Some error sources that can contribute to the total uncertainty:
         -   Uncertainty of the receiver
         -   Uncertainty of the LISN
         -   Uncertainty of cables
         -   Uncertainty due to the mismatches
         -   Etc, see the below table for details

        Source of Uncertainty         Value            Probability          Division        Sensitivity         Expanded
                                       (dB)           Distribution                          Coefficient        Uncertainty
          Receiver Reading            0.12            Rectangular            1.732              1               0.069284
         Cable Insertion Loss         0.21              Normal                 2                1                 0.105
         Filter Insertion Loss        0.25              Normal                 2                1                 0.125
         LISN Insertion Loss          0.40              Normal                 2                1                  0.20
        Receiver CW accuracy            0.5           Rectangular            1.732              1              0.2886836
           Pulse Amplitude              1.5           Rectangular            1.732              1              0.86605081
            PRF Response              1.5             Rectangular            1.732               1             0.86605081
          Mismatch LISN -            0.25              U-Shape               1.414               1             0.1768033
          LISN Impedance              2.5              Triangular            2.449               1             1.0208248
       Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                                            1.928133
       Expanded Uncertainty (K=2)                                                                               3.856266

The total derived measurement uncertainty is +/- 3.86 dB.

 9.2     Radiated Emissions (30MHz to 1GHz)
         The test is to measure the radiated emissions of the EUT.

         Some error sources that can contribute to the total uncertainty:
         -   Uncertainty of the receiver
         -   Uncertainty of the antenna
         -   Uncertainty of cables
         -   Uncertainty due to the mismatches
         -   NSA Calibration
         -   Etc., details see the below table

                                              Value          Probability                  Sensitivity      Expanded
                Source of Uncertainty                                         Division
                                               (dB)         Distribution                  Coefficient     Uncertainty
                   Receiver Reading           0.12          Rectangular        1.732          1            0.069284
                  Cable Insertion Loss        0.21            Normal             2            1               0.105
                  Filter Insertion Loss       0.25            Normal             2            1               0.125
                    Antenna Factor            0.65            Normal             2            1               0.325
                 Receiver CW accuracy           0.5         Rectangular        1.732          1            0.2886836
               Pulse Amplitude Response         1.5         Rectangular        1.732          1           0.86605081
                     PRF Response               1.5         Rectangular        1.732          1           0.86605081
               Mismatch Filter - Receiver     0.25            U-Shape          1.414          1            0.1768033
                    NSA Calibration             4.0           U-Shape          1.414          1            2.8288543
              Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                                3.0059131
              Expanded Uncertainty (K=2)                                                                   6.0118262
The total derived measurement uncertainty is +/- 6.00 dB.

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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 9.3     Radiated Emissions (1GHz to 40GHz)
         The test is to measure the radiated emissions of the EUT.

         Some error sources that can contribute to the total uncertainty:
         -   Uncertainty of the receiver
         -   Uncertainty of the antenna
         -   Uncertainty of cables
         -   Uncertainty due to the mismatches
         -   VSWR Calibration
         -   Etc., details see the below table

                                              Value             Probability                    Sensitivity   Expanded
                Source of Uncertainty                                             Division
                                               (dB)            Distribution                    Coefficient   Uncertainty
                Receiver Reading              0.12             Rectangular          1.732          1         0.0692840
              Cable Insertion Loss            0.21               Normal               2            1         0.1050000
               Filter Insertion Loss          0.25               Normal               2            1         0.1250000
                 Antenna Factor               0.65               Normal               2            1         0.3250000
             Receiver CW accuracy               0.5            Rectangular          1.732          1         0.2886836
           Pulse Amplitude Response             1.5            Rectangular          1.732          1         0.8660508
                  PRF Response                  1.5            Rectangular          1.732          1         0.8660508
            Mismatch Filter - Receiver        0.25               U-Shape            1.414          1         0.1768033
                VSWR Calibration                2.0              U-Shape            1.414          1         1.4144272
           Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                                       4.2363
           Expanded Uncertainty (K=2)                                                                          8.4726
         The total derived measurement uncertainty is +/- 8.47 dB.

 9.4     RF conducted measurement
         The test is to measure the RF output power from the EUT.

         Some error sources that can contribute to the total uncertainty:

         -       Uncertainty of the Reference Level Uncertainty
         -       Uncertainty of variable attenuators
         -       Uncertainty of cables
         -       Uncertainty due to the mismatches

                                         Value              Probability          Division      Sensitivity   Expanded
             Source of Uncertainty        (dB)              Distribution                       Coefficient   Uncertainty
            Reference Level            0.12              Rectangular              1.732            1         0.069284
          Cable Insertion Loss         0.21                Normal                   2              1            0.105
              Attenuator               0.25                Normal                   2              1            0.125
               Mismatch                0.25               U-Shape                 1.414            1         0.1768033
         Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                                       0.476087
         Expanded Uncertainty (K=2)                                                                          0.952174

The total derived measurement uncertainty is +/- 0.95 dB.

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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10 Measurements, Examination and Derived Results

10.1 Antenna Requirement

Spec            Requirement                                                                                        Applicable
                An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished
                by the responsible party shall be used with the device.

                Antenna requirement must meet at least one of the following:
   §15.203                                                                                                              ☒
                a) Antenna must be permanently attached to the device.
                b) The antenna must use a unique type of connector to attach to the device.
                c) Device must be professionally installed. The installer shall be responsible for ensuring that
                the correct antenna is employed by the device.

   Remark       Antenna is permanently attached to the device.

    Result      ☒ PASS             ☐ FAIL

       775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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 10.2 Output Power

 Spec                  Item         Requirement                                                                      Applicable
                                    For systems using digital modulation in the 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz, and
    § 15.247                        5725-5850 MHz bands: 1 Watt. As an alternative to a peak power measurement,
                         1                                                                                                ☒
  RSS247 (5.4.4)                    compliance with the one Watt limit can be based on a measurement of the
                                    maximum conducted output power.

    Test Setup

                       558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v04, 9.1.1

                       Measurement using a Spectrum Analyzer (SA)
                       This procedure shall be used when the measurement instrument has available a resolution bandwidth that
                       is greater than the DTS bandwidth.

                                Set the RBW ≥ DTS bandwidth.
  Test Procedure
                                Set VBW ≥
                                Set span ≥
                                Sweep time = auto couple.
                                Detector = peak.
                                Trace mode = max hold.
                                Allow trace to fully stabilize
                                Use peak marker function to determine the peak amplitude level.
                                                                                  Temperature                       23ºC
     Test Date         01/18/2019                                                 Relative Humidity                 44%
                                                                                  Atmospheric Pressure              1021mbar

        Remark         NONE

        Result         ☒ Pass                ☐ Fail

Test Data      ☒ Yes                           ☐ N/A
Test Plot      ☒ Yes (See below)               ☐ N/A

Verification test was done by Gary Chou at RF test site.

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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Output Power Verification measurement results

                       Freq                                              Conducted Power        Limit
      Type                            Test mode              CH                                                Result
                      (MHz)                                                  (dBm)             (dBm)

   Conducted          2402          Bluetooth BDR            Low                1.650           ≤30            Pass
   Conducted          2441          Bluetooth BDR            Mid                1.943           ≤30            Pass
   Conducted          2480          Bluetooth BDR            High               1.752           ≤30            Pass
   Conducted          2402          Bluetooth EDR            Low                0.927           ≤30            Pass
   Conducted          2441          Bluetooth EDR            Mid                1.218           ≤30            Pass
   Conducted          2480          Bluetooth EDR            High               1.129           ≤30            Pass

       775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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 10.3 Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions Below 1GHz

 Spec                   Item   Requirement                                                                                Applicable
                               Except higher limit as specified elsewhere in other section, the emissions from the
                               low-power radio-frequency devices shall not exceed the field strength levels
                               specified in the following table and the level of any unwanted emissions shall not
                               exceed the level of the fundamental emission. The tighter limit applies at the band
 47CFR§15.247(d),              edges                                                                                            ☒
   RSS247(5.5)                           Frequency range (MHz)                          Field Strength (uV/m)
                                                 30 – 88                                         100
                                                88 – 216                                         150
                                                216 960                                          200
                                               Above 960                                         500

    Test Setup

                        1.        The EUT was switched on and allowed to warm up to its normal operating condition.
                        2.        The test was carried out at the selected frequency points obtained from the EUT characterisation.
                                  Maximization of the emissions, was carried out by rotating the EUT, changing the antenna
                                  polarization, and adjusting the antenna height in the following manner:
                                  a.         Vertical or horizontal polarisation (whichever gave the higher emission level over a full
    Procedure                                rotation of the EUT) was chosen.
                                  b.         The EUT was then rotated to the direction that gave the maximum emission.
                                  c.         Finally, the antenna height was adjusted to the height that gave the maximum emission.
                        3.        A Quasi-peak measurement was then made for that frequency point.
                        4.        Steps 2 and 3 were repeated for the next frequency point, until all selected frequency points were
                        The EUT was scanned up to 1GHz. Both horizontal and vertical polarities were investigated. The results
                        show only the worst case.
        Result          ☒ Pass            ☐ Fail

Test Data      ☒ Yes (See below)            ☐ N/A

Test Plot      ☒ Yes (See below)            ☐ N/A

Test was done by Gary Chou at 10m Chamber.

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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 Radiated Emission Test Results (Below 1GHz)

 Test specification:                   Radiated Spurious Emissions (30MHz – 1000MHz)
                                       Temp(°C):                22
 Environmental Conditions:             Humidity (%):            37
                                                                                                                         ☒ Pass
                                       Atmospheric(mbar):       1021
                                                                                                         Result :
 Mains Power:                          120VAC, 60Hz
                                                                                                                         ☐ Fail
 Tested by:                            Gary Chou
 Test Date:                            01/28/2019
 Remarks:                              TX Mode BDR 2441MHz

                                                       Quasi Max Measurement

Frequency       Raw                  AF        Level      Measurement          Pol     Hgt        Azt        Limit    Margin   Pass
  (MHz)        (dBuV)               (dB)     (dBuV/m)        Type             (V/H)   (cm)       (Deg)     (dBuV/m)    (dB)    /Fail
500.004063      34.84    14.17     -18.27      30.74        Quasi Max          V       106        344           46    -15.26   Pass
883.214375      36.91     15.9     -13.78      39.03        Quasi Max          V       130        98            46    -6.97    Pass
916.47125       38.04    15.87     -12.37      41.55        Quasi Max          V       117        169           46    -4.45    Pass
949.847188      36.78    16.04     -12.79      40.03        Quasi Max          V       126        155           46    -5.97    Pass
900.049375      29.38    15.95     -13.28      32.05        Quasi Max          V       120        207           46    -13.95   Pass
487.579688      30.42    14.22     -18.41      26.23        Quasi Max          V       104        64            46    -19.77   Pass

 Note: Both horizontal and vertical polarities were investigated. The results above show only the worst case.

           775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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  10.4 Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions > 1GHz & Restricted band & non-restricted band
Spec                        Item          Requirement                                                                           Applicable
                                          For non-restricted band, In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in
                                          which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating,
                                          the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at
                                          least 20 dB or 30dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that                 ☒
                                          contains the highest level of the desired power, determined by the measurement
  47CFR§15.247(d),                        method on output power to be used. Attenuation below the general limits
    RSS247(5.5)                           specified in § 15.209(a) is not required
                                           ☒ 20 dB down           ☐ 30 dB down
                                          or restricted band, emission must also comply with the radiated emission limits
                                 b)                                                                                                    ☒
                                          specified in 15.209

       Test Setup

                            1.            The EUT was switched on and allowed to warm up to its normal operating condition.
                            2.            The test was carried out at the selected frequency points obtained from the EUT characterisation.
                                          Maximization of the emissions, was carried out by rotating the EUT, changing the antenna polarization,
                                          and adjusting the antenna height in the following manner:
                                          a.        Vertical or horizontal polarisation (whichever gave the higher emission level over a full
       Procedure                                    rotation of the EUT) was chosen.
                                          b.        The EUT was then rotated to the direction that gave the maximum emission.
                                          c.        Finally, the antenna height was adjusted to the height that gave the maximum emission.
                            3.            An average measurement was then made for that frequency point.
                            4.            Steps 2 and 3 were repeated for the next frequency point, until all selected frequency points were

                            The EUT was scanned up to 26GHz. Both horizontal and vertical polarities were investigated. The results
                            show only the worst case.

         Result             ☒ Pass                ☐ Fail

  Test Data       ☒ Yes (See below)              ☐ N/A

  Test Plot       ☐ Yes (See below)             ☒ N/A

  Test was done by Gary Chou at 10m Chamber.

              775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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  Radiated Emission Test Results

  Bluetooth BDR – 2402MHz

Frequency     Raw                AF        Level       Measurement            Pol       Hgt      Azt      Limit    Margin    Pass
  (MHz)      (dBuV)             (dB)     (dBuV/m)         Type               (V/H)     (cm)     (Deg)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)     /Fail
17988.43      38.35    7.87     8.75       54.97        Peak Max              V        189       16       74       -19.03    Pass
 1529.18      41.43    2.37     -6.34      37.46        Peak Max              H        288      159       74       -36.54    Pass
 4804.52      38.14     4.1     -0.93      41.31        Peak Max              V        323      340       74       -32.69    Pass
17988.43      26.36    7.87     8.75       42.98       Average Max            V        189       16       54       -11.02    Pass
 1529.18      29.94    2.37     -6.34      25.97       Average Max            H        288      159       54       -28.03    Pass
 4804.52      25.56     4.1     -0.93      28.73       Average Max            V        323      340       54       -25.27    Pass

  Bluetooth BDR – 2441MHz

Frequency     Raw                AF       Level        Measurement        Pol                    Azt      Limit    Margin    Pass
                      Loss                                                           Hgt (cm)
  (MHz)      (dBuV)             (dB)    (dBuV/m)          Type           (V/H)                  (Deg)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)     /Fail
16267.44      38.16    8.17     5.86      52.19         Peak Max             V         350      256        74      -21.81   Pass
 7324.27      38.34    5.15    -0.49        43          Peak Max             V         330      127        74       -31     Pass
 4884.85      39.71    4.18    -1.01      42.88         Peak Max             V         332      200        74      -31.12   Pass
16267.44      26.26    8.17     5.86      40.29       Average Max            V         350      256        54      -13.71   Pass
 7324.27      26.34    5.15    -0.49        31        Average Max            V         330      127        54       -23     Pass
 4884.85      26.45    4.18    -1.01      29.62       Average Max            V         332      200        54      -24.38   Pass

  Bluetooth BDR – 2480MHz

Frequency     Raw               AF        Level       Measurement        Pol                     Azt      Limit    Margin    Pass
                      Loss                                                           Hgt (cm)
  (MHz)      (dBuV)            (dB)     (dBuV/m)         Type           (V/H)                   (Deg)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)     /Fail
17211.44     38.74    8.08     6.95       53.77         Peak Max             V         157      219        74      -20.23    Pass
9954.36      39.34    5.85     1.21       46.4          Peak Max             V         304      111        74       -27.6    Pass
4965.27      39.28    4.26     -1.08      42.46         Peak Max             V         193      345        74      -31.54    Pass
17211.44     26.38    8.08     6.95       41.41       Average Max            V         157      219        54      -12.59    Pass
9954.36      27.43    5.85     1.21       34.49       Average Max            V         304      111        54      -19.51    Pass
4965.27      26.53    4.26     -1.08      29.71       Average Max            V         193      345        54      -24.29    Pass

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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  Bluetooth EDR – 2402MHz

Frequency      Raw                 AF        Level        Measurement          Pol       Hgt       Azt        Limit    Margin   Pass
  (MHz)       (dBuV)              (dB)     (dBuV/m)          Type             (V/H)     (cm)      (Deg)     (dBuV/m)    (dB)    /Fail
 17936.36     38.41     7.93      8.68       55.02          Peak Max           H         124       30            74    -18.98   Pass
 1530.43      41.18     2.37      -6.33      37.22          Peak Max           V         245      130            74    -36.78   Pass
 4804.27      42.39      4.1      -0.93      45.56          Peak Max           V         177      162            74    -28.44   Pass
 17936.36     26.73     7.93      8.68       43.34        Average Max          H         124       30            54    -10.66   Pass
 1530.43      27.53     2.37      -6.33      23.57        Average Max          V         245      130            54    -30.43   Pass
 4804.27      33.46      4.1      -0.93      36.63        Average Max          V         177      162            54    -17.37   Pass

  Bluetooth EDR – 2441MHz

Frequency     Raw                  AF        Level       Measurement         Pol                   Azt        Limit    Margin   Pass
                       Loss                                                           Hgt (cm)
  (MHz)      (dBuV)               (dB)     (dBuV/m)         Type            (V/H)                 (Deg)     (dBuV/m)    (dB)    /Fail
 17765.43     38.84     8.13     8.21       55.18          Peak Max           V         108       313            74    -18.82   Pass
 1533.52      40.26     2.37     -6.32      36.31          Peak Max           V         256       269            74    -37.69   Pass
 4877.64      39.64     4.17     -0.99      42.82          Peak Max           V         351        21            74    -31.18   Pass
 17765.43     26.67     8.13     8.21       43.01        Average Max          V         108       313            54    -10.99   Pass
 1533.52      27.25     2.37     -6.32       23.3        Average Max          V         256       269            54    -30.7    Pass
 4877.64      26.85     4.17     -0.99      30.03        Average Max          V         351        21            54    -23.97   Pass

  Bluetooth EDR – 2480MHz

Frequency     Raw                 AF        Level        Measurement         Pol                   Azt        Limit    Margin   Pass
                       Loss                                                           Hgt (cm)
  (MHz)      (dBuV)              (dB)     (dBuV/m)          Type            (V/H)                 (Deg)     (dBuV/m)    (dB)    /Fail
12578.31     37.17     6.57      4.28       48.02          Peak Max           V         276       118            74    -25.98   Pass
4960.08      43.39      4.1      -0.93      46.56          Peak Max           V         173       332            74    -27.44   Pass
6554.02      38.44     4.87      -0.24      43.07          Peak Max           V         210        26            74    -30.93   Pass
12578.31     25.58     6.57      4.28       36.43        Average Max          V         276       118            54    -17.57   Pass
4960.08      35.36      4.1      -0.93      38.53        Average Max          V         173       332            54    -15.47   Pass
6554.02      26.35     4.87      -0.24      30.98        Average Max          V         210        26            54    -23.02   Pass

  Note: Both horizontal and vertical polarities were investigated. The results above show only the worst case.

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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Restricted Band Test plot (Bluetooth BDR/EDR)

                                            Restricted Band BDR 2402MHz

                                            Restricted Band BDR 2480MHz

       775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                     Restricted Band EDR 2402MHz

                                     Restricted Band EDR 2480MHz

775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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           Instrument                     Model             Serial #            Cal Date   Cal Cycle    Cal Due     In use

      Radiated Emissions
  Keysight EXA 44GHz Spectrum
                                      N9030B(PXA)        MY57140374         07/22/2018      1 Year     07/22/2019
    Keysight Signal Generator          MXG N5182A        MY47071065         04/12/2018      1 Year     04/12/2019
    Pre-Amplifier (1-26.5GHz)             8449B           3008A00715        05/16/2018      1 Year     05/16/2019
 RF Pre-Amplifier (9kHz - 6.5GHz)        LPA-6-30          11170601         02/06/2018      1 Year     02/06/2019
  Bi-Log antenna (30MHz~2GHz)              JB1             A030702          03/09/2018      2 Year     03/09/2020
  Horn Antenna (1GHz~26GHz)                3117             214309          11/22/2017      1 Year     11/22/2019

       775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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Annex B. SIEMIC Accreditation

        Accreditations         Document                                        Scope / Remark

ISO 17025 (A2LA)                           Please see the documents for the detailed scope

ISO Guide 65 (A2LA)                        Please see the documents for the detailed scope

TCB Designation                            A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, C

FCC DoC Accreditation                      FCC Declaration of Conformity Accreditation

FCC Site Registration                      3 meter site

FCC Site Registration                      10 meter site

IC Site Registration                       3 meter site

IC Site Registration                       10 meter site

                                           Radio & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment:
                                           EN45001 – EN ISO/IEC 17025
                                           Electromagnetic Compatibility:
                                           EN45001 – EN ISO/IEC 17025

Singapore iDA
                                           Phase I, Phase II
CB(Certification Body)

Vietnam MIC
                                           Please see the document for the detailed scope
CAB Accreditation

                                           (Phase II) OFCA Foreign Certification Body for Radio and Telecom
Hong Kong OFCA
                                           (Phase I) Conformity Assessment Body for Radio and Telecom

                                           Radio: Scope A – All Radio Standard Specification in Category I
Industry Canada CAB
                                           Telecom: CS-03 Part I, II, V, VI, VII, VIII

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                           Radio: A1. Terminal equipment for purpose of calling
Japan Recognized Certification
                                           Telecom: B1. Specified radio equipment specified in Article 38-2, Paragraph 1, Item
Body Designation
                                           1 of the Radio Law

                                           EMI: KCC Notice 2008-39, RRL Notice 2008-3: CA Procedures for EMI
                                           KN22: Test Method for EMI
                                           EMS: KCC Notice 2008-38, RRL Notice 2008-4: CA Procedures for EMS
                                           KN24, KN61000-4-2, -4-3, -4-4, -4-5, -4-6, -4-8, -4-11: Test Method for EMS

Korea CAB Accreditation                    Radio: RRL Notice 2008-26, RRL Notice 2008-2, RRL Notice 2008-10,
                                           RRL Notice 2007-49, RRL Notice 2007-20, RRL Notice 2007-21, RRL Notice 2007-
                                           80, RRL Notice 2004-68

                                           Telecom: President Notice 20664, RRL Notice 2007-30, RRL Notice 2008-7 with
                                           attachments 1, 3, 5, 6; President Notice 20664, RRL Notice 2008-7 with attachment 4

                                           LP0002, PSTN01, ADSL01, ID0002, IS6100, CNS14336, PLMN07, PLMN01,
Taiwan NCC CAB Recognition

Taiwan BSMI CAB Recognition                CNS 13438

                                           R-3083: Radiation 3 meter site
Japan VCCI                                 C-3421: Main Ports Conducted Interference Measurement
                                           T-1597: Telecommunication Ports Conducted Interference Measurement

                                           EMC: AS/NZS CISPR 11, AS/NZS CISPR 14.1, AS/NZS CISPR22, AS/NZS
                                           61000.6.3, AS/NZS 61000.6.4

                                           Radio communications: AS/NZS 4281, AS/NZS 4268, AS/NZS 4280.1,
                                           AS/NZS 4280.2, AS/NZS 4295, AS/NZS 4582, AS/NZS 4583, AS/NZS 4769.1,
Australia CAB Recognition
                                           AS/NZS 4769.2, AS/NZS 4770, AS/NZS 4771

                                           Telecommunications: AS/ACIF S002:05, AS/ACIF S003:06, AS/ACIF S004:06
                                           AS/ACIF S006:01, AS/ACIF S016:01, AS/ACIF S031:01, AS/ACIF S038:01,
                                           AS/ACIF S040:01, AS/ACIF S041:05, AS/ACIF S043.2:06, AS/ACIF S60950.1

                                           AS/ACIF S002, AS/ACIF S003, AS/ACIF S004, AS/ACIF S006, AS/ACIF
Australia NATA Recognition                 S016,AS/ACIF S031, AS/ACIF S038, AS/ACIF S040, AS/ACIF S041, AS/ACIF

        775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                             Visit us at: www.siemic.com; Follow us at:

Document Created: 2019-02-20 16:05:52
Document Modified: 2019-02-20 16:05:52

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