03 FCC SAR Report

FCC ID: W2Z-01000007

RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                       Test report No.   :   11143373S-C
                                                                                                       Page              :   1 of 116
                                                                                                       Issued date       :   April 25, 2016
                                                                                                       Revised date      :   July 13, 2017 (-r01)
                                                                                                       FCC ID            : W2Z-01000007

                                           SAR TEST REPORT
                                             Test Report No.: 11143373S-C
          Applicant                              : FUJIFILM Corporation
          Type of Equipment                      : Flat Panel Sensor
          Model No.                              : RIC 24C (*. With built-in wireless LAN module)
          FCC ID                                 : W2Z-01000007
          Test Standard                          : FCC 47CFR §2.1093
          Test Result                            : Complied
      Highest Reported     SAR Operation Band
       SAR(1g) Value
                           type      [MHz]
          0.16 W/kg        Body
                                                 (DTS) Antenna#0, 2417MHz, 11g(6Mbps), Output power: 18.52 dBm
          0.18 W/kg        Head                  (DTS) Antenna#0, 2417MHz, 11g(6Mbps), Output power: 18.52 dBm
          0.18 W/kg        Body 5180~5320, 5500~ (UNII) Antenna#0, 5500 MHz, 11a (6Mbps), Output power: 15.99 dBm
          0.19 W/kg        Head 5700, 5745~5825 (UNII) Antenna#0, 5500 MHz, 11a (6Mbps), Output power: 15.99 dBm
     *. The highest reported SAR (1g) value across all exposure condition is "0.19 W/kg” = grant listing.
     *.   Co-location was not considered, because the SLLSR (SAR to peak location separation ratio) was smaller than 0.04.

1. This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL Japan, Inc.
2. The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
3. This sample tested is in compliance with the limits of the above regulation.
4. The test results in this test report are traceable to the national or international standards.
5. This test report must not be used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the Federal
6. The opinions and the interpretations to the result of the description in this report are outside scopes where UL Japan has been accredited.
7. This test report covers Radio technical requirements. It does not cover administrative issues such as Manual or non-Radio test related
   Requirements. (if applicable)

          Date of test:                February 3~23, 2016

          Test engineer:

                                       Hiroshi Naka
                                       Engineer, Consumer Technology Division

          Approved by:
                                       Toyokazu Imamura
                                       Leader, Consumer Technology Division

     The testing in which "Non-accreditation" is displayed is outside the accreditation scopes in UL Japan.
     There is no testing item of "Non-accreditation".                                                                                               RTL02610

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.                                                                                                                             13-EM-F0429
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                    Test report No.        :   11143373S-C
                                                                                                                    Page                   :   2 of 116
                                                                                                                    Issued date            :   April 25, 2016
                                                                                                                    Revised date           :   July 13, 2017 (-r01)
                                                                                                                    FCC ID                 : W2Z-01000007

     Revision        Test report No.                  Date                      Page revised                                              Contents
     Original        11143373S-C                  April 25, 2016                      -               -
      -r01           11143373S-C                  July 13, 2017                   p1,2,3              (p3) Corrected writing error.

*.     By issue of new revision report, the report of an old revision becomes invalid.

CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                         PAGE
REVISION HISTORY................................................................................................................................................... 2
CONTENTS        .................................................................................................................................................... 2
SECTION 1:                       Customer information ................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2:                       Equipment under test (EUT)......................................................................... 3
                 2.1             Identification of EUT .......................................................................................................... 3
                 2.2             Product Description (Wireless LAN module, antenna) ....................................................... 3
                 2.3             Tx output power (typical) specification (antenna port terminal conducted) ........................ 4
                 2.4             Maximum output power which may possible ...................................................................... 5
SECTION 3:                       Test specification, procedures and results ................................................... 6
                 3.1             Test specification................................................................................................................. 6
                 3.2             Exposure limit ..................................................................................................................... 6
                 3.3             Procedure and result ............................................................................................................ 6
                 3.4             Test location ........................................................................................................................ 7
                 3.5             Confirmation before SAR testing ........................................................................................ 7
                 3.6             Confirmation after SAR testing ........................................................................................... 7
                 3.7             Test setup of EUT and SAR measurement procedure ......................................................... 7
SECTION 4:                       Operation of EUT during SAR testing ......................................................... 9
SECTION 5:                       Uncertainty assessment (SAR measurement) .............................................. 10
SECTION 6:                       Confirmation before testing .......................................................................... 11
                 6.1             Assessment for the antenna terminal port conducted power of EUT .................................. 11
SECTION 7:                       SAR Measurement results ............................................................................. 14
                 7.1             Liquid measurement ............................................................................................................ 14
                 7.2             SAR measurement results (Body) ....................................................................................... 15
                 7.3             SAR measurement results (Head)........................................................................................ 16

Contents of appendixes
APPENDIX 1:                      Photographs of test setup .............................................................................. 17
       Appendix 1-1              Photograph of EUT and antenna position ........................................................................... 17
       Appendix 1-2              Antenna position ................................................................................................................. 18
       Appendix 1-3              EUT and support equipment................................................................................................ 19
       Appendix 1-4              Photograph of SAR test setup ............................................................................................. 20
APPENDIX 2:                      SAR Measurement data ................................................................................. 22
       Appendix 2-1              Evaluation procedure........................................................................................................... 22
       Appendix 2-2              Measurement data................................................................................................................ 23
APPENDIX 3:                      Test instruments ............................................................................................. 67
       Appendix 3-1              Equipment used ................................................................................................................... 67
       Appendix 3-2              Configuration and peripherals ............................................................................................. 68
       Appendix 3-3              Test system specification ..................................................................................................... 69
       Appendix 3-4              Simulated tissues composition and parameter confirmation ............................................... 70
       Appendix 3-5              Daily check results .............................................................................................................. 70
       Appendix 3-6              Daily check uncertainty ....................................................................................................... 71
       Appendix 3-7              Daily check measurement data ............................................................................................ 72
       Appendix 3-8              Calibration certificate: E-Field Probe (EX3DV4) ............................................................... 77
       Appendix 3-9              Calibration certificate: Dipole (D2450V2) .......................................................................... 88
       Appendix 3-10             Calibration certificate: Dipole (D5GHzV2) ........................................................................ 96

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                            Test report No.      :   11143373S-C
                                                                                                            Page                 :   3 of 116
                                                                                                            Issued date          :   April 25, 2016
                                                                                                            Revised date         :   July 13, 2017 (-r01)
                                                                                                            FCC ID               : W2Z-01000007

SECTION 1:                   Customer information
 Company Name                    FUJIFILM Corporation
 Address                         9-7-3 Akasaka Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
 Telephone Number                81-3-6271-1654
 Facsimile Number                81-3-6271-1189
 Contact Person                  Takao Ozaki

SECTION 2:                   Equipment under test (EUT)
2.1    Identification of EUT
Type of Equipment       Flat Panel Sensor
Model Number            RIC 24C
Serial Number           #001
Condition of EUT        Engineering prototype (*. Not for sale. This sample is equivalent to mass-production items)
Receipt Date of Sample February 1, 2016 (*. No modification by the Lab.) (*. The Wireless LAN Module (model: SX-PCEAN(FF-E))
                                 that had been measured the SAR test reference power, was installed into the EUT by the Lab.)
Country of Mass-production       Taiwan
Rating                           DC8V
Category Identified              Portable device (*. Since EUT may contact and/or very close to a human body and head during Wi-Fi operation, the partial-body
                                 SAR (1g) shall be observed.)
SAR Accessary                    Any body-worn accessory was not applied.
                                 Model: RIC 24C (referred to as the EUT in this report) is a Flat Panel Sensor with a wireless function and
                                 used in the hospitality environment.
Feature of EUT, SAR              Since the EUT is the medical device, this only used under the guidance of a doctor or a qualified person. The
tested consideration             possibility of the maximum RF human exposure is only a body/head of the patient who comes in contact directly
                                 on the front surface side (patient side) of the EUT. Therefore, the SAR test was only considered to apply to the
                                 front surface (patient side) of the EUT.
2.2       Product Description (Wireless LAN module, antenna)
Equipment type                                                                                    Transceiver
Model                                                                                          SX-PCEAN(FF-E)
Frequency band                           2.4GHz band                                                            5GHz band
                                                                       -        U-NII-1 (W52)          U-NII-2A (W53)         U-NII-2C (W56)            U-NII-3 (W58)
                                  11b,g,       2412-2462              11a,        5180-5240               5260-5320               5500-5700                 5745-5825
Frequency of operation           n(20HT)        (*.ch.1-11)         n(20HT)           (*.ch.36-48)         (*.ch.52-64)          (*.ch.100-140)             (*.ch.149-165)
(MHz) (*.ch.: channel)           n(40HT)       2422-2452            n(40HT)       5190-5230               5270-5310               5510-5670                 5755, 5795
                                                 (*.ch.3-9)                           (*.ch.38-46)         (*.ch.54-62)         (*.ch.102-134)              (*.ch.151,159)
Channel spacing (MHz)              5 (11b,g,n(20HT),n(40HT))                                         20 (11b,g,n(20HT)) / 40 (11n(40HT))
                                       20 (11b,g,n(20HT))
Bandwidth (MHz)                                                                                      20 (11b,g,n(20HT)) / 40 (11n(40HT))
                                        / 40 (11n(40HT))
                                                                             DSSS: DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK (11b),
Type of modulation
                                                                    OFDM: BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM (11g,a,n(20HT),n(40HT))
                                   11b         13.5 2.5
                                           (*.ch.1-11, 1-11Mbps)                      12.52.5             12.52.5                  15.02.5                15.02.5
                                                                      11a:            (*.ch.36-48,         (*.ch.52-64,          (*.ch.100-140,             (*.ch.149-165,
                                   11g         17.0 2.5                              6-54Mbps)            6-54Mbps)               6-48Mbps)                  6-48Mbps)
                                             (*.ch.2, 6-36Mbps)
Transmit power (typical,                                                              11.02.5             11.02.5                  13.52.5                13.52.5
maximum channel and data rate)   n(20HT)       14.5 2.5            n(20HT)           (*.ch.36-48,        (*.ch.52-64,           (*.ch.100-140,             (*.ch.149-165,
                                           (*.ch.2, MCS0-4/8-12))
and tolerance (as manufacture                                                         MCS0-6/8-14)        MCS0-6/8-14)           MCS0-4/8-12)               MCS0-4/8-12)
variation)                                     13.5 2.5                              11.02.5             11.02.5                  11.02.5                11.02.5
(dBm) (*.ch.: channel)           n(40HT)                            n(40HT)            (*.ch.46,           (*.ch.54,             (*.ch.102-134,             (*.ch.151,159,
                                           (*.ch.4, MCS0-4/8-12)
                                                                                      MCS0-7/8-15)        MCS0-7/8-15)           MCS0-5/8-13)               MCS0-5/8-13)
                                 *. The value in a table shows the maximum power conditions of typical on each antenna. *. 3dBm is added to MIMO power.
                                 *. Refer to clause 2.3 for more detail. Refer to clause 2.4 for the maximum output power which may possible.
                                 *. The measured Tx output power (conducted) refers to section 6 in this report.
Power supply                     DC 3.3V (*. DC3.3V is supplied from the main unit via constant voltage circuit.)
Antenna                                      antenna #0 (Bottom, short-side-ant#0)                           antenna #1 (Side, long-side-ant#1)
                                 2 pcs. (*. Separation distance between the antenna #0 and the antenna #1: approx.315 mm )
Antenna quantity                 11b,g,a: One selected Tx antenna operation.
                                 11n(20HT),n(40HT): One selected Tx antenna operation (MCS0~7) / Two Tx antenna operation (MCS8~13)
Antenna model                              113Y120216 (cable length: 300 mm)                           113Y120216 (cable length: 300 mm)
Antenna type / connector type                              Monopole antenna / Connector; PCB side: U.FL, Antenna side: soldered
Antenna gain (max.peak)                       -7.3 dBi (2.4GHz), -2.3 dBi (5GHz)                         -6.5 dBi (2.4GHz), -0.3 dBi (5GHz)
(*.including cable loss)                            (*.installed into the platform)                                       (*.installed into the platform)
*.    The EUT do not use the special transmitting technique such as “beam-forming” and “time-space code diversity.”

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                                                                Page            : 4 of 116
                                                                                                                                                Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                                                                FCC ID                         : W2Z-01000007

2.3      Tx output power (typical) specification (antenna port terminal conducted)
                                                                                                  Target Power [dBm] (average)
                        11b                                       11g                                                                                            11n(20HT)
[MHz] CH 1            2 5.5         11     6      9      12     18 24         36     48     54    MCS0 MCS1 MCS2 MCS3 MCS4 MCS5 MCS6 MCS7 MCS8 MCS9 MCS10 MCS11 MCS12 MCS13 MCS14 MCS15
 2412 1 13.5         13.5 13.5     13.5   13.5   13.5   13.5   13.5 13.5     13.5   13.5   13.5   10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5   13.5   13.5   13.5
 2417 2 13.5         13.5 13.5     13.5    17     17     17     17 17         17     16     15    14.5     14.5     14.5     14.5     14.5      14      13.5      13      17.5     17.5     17.5     17.5     17.5    17    16.5    16
 2422 3 13.5         13.5 13.5     13.5   16.5   16.5   16.5   16.5 16.5     16.5   15.5    15     14       14       14       14       14      13.5      13      12.5      17       17       17       17       17    16.5    16    15.5
 2427 4 13.5         13.5 13.5     13.5   16.5   16.5   16.5   16.5 16.5     16.5   15.5    15    13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5      13      12.5      12      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    16    15.5    15
 2432 5 13.5         13.5 13.5     13.5    16     16     16     16 16         16    15.5    15     13       13       13       13       13      12.5     12.5      12       16       16       16       16       16    15.5   15.5    15
 2437 6 13.5         13.5 13.5     13.5    16     16     16     16 16         16    15.5    15    12.5     12.5     12.5     12.5     12.5      12       12      11.5     15.5     15.5     15.5     15.5     15.5    15     15    14.5
 2442 7 13.5         13.5 13.5     13.5   15.5   15.5   15.5   15.5 15.5     15.5    15     15     12       12       12       12       12       12      11.5     11.5      15       15       15       15       15     15    14.5   14.5
 2447 8 13.5         13.5 13.5     13.5   15.5   15.5   15.5   15.5 15.5     15.5    15     15    11.5     11.5     11.5     11.5     11.5     11.5      11       11      14.5     14.5     14.5     14.5     14.5   14.5    14     14
 2452 9 13.5         13.5 13.5     13.5    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     15     11       11       11       11       11       11       11       11       14       14       14       14       14     14     14     14
 2457 10 13.5        13.5 13.5     13.5    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     15    10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5   13.5   13.5   13.5
 2462 11 13.5        13.5 13.5     13.5    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     15    10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     10.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5   13.5   13.5   13.5
                                                                                     Target Power [dBm] (average)
                                      11a                                                                                         11n(20HT)
[MHz]   CH     6       9     12     18 24         36     48     54    MCS0 MCS1 MCS2 MCS3 MCS4 MCS5 MCS6 MCS7 MCS8 MCS9 MCS10 MCS11 MCS12 MCS13 MCS14 MCS15
 5180   36    12.5   12.5   12.5   12.5 12.5     12.5   12.5   12.5    11      11      11      11         11       11       11      10.5      14       14       14       14       14       14       14      13.5
 5200   40    12.5   12.5   12.5   12.5 12.5     12.5   12.5   12.5    11      11      11      11         11       11       11      10.5      14       14       14       14       14       14       14      13.5
 5220   44    12.5   12.5   12.5   12.5 12.5     12.5   12.5   12.5    11      11      11      11         11       11       11      10.5      14       14       14       14       14       14       14      13.5
 5240   48    12.5   12.5   12.5   12.5 12.5     12.5   12.5   12.5    11      11      11      11         11       11       11      10.5      14       14       14       14       14       14       14      13.5
 5260   52    12.5   12.5   12.5   12.5 12.5     12.5   12.5   12.5    11      11      11      11         11       11       11      10.5      14       14       14       14       14       14       14      13.5
 5280   56    12.5   12.5   12.5   12.5 12.5     12.5   12.5   12.5    11      11      11      11         11       11       11      10.5      14       14       14       14       14       14       14      13.5
 5300   60    12.5   12.5   12.5   12.5 12.5     12.5   12.5   12.5    11      11      11      11         11       11       11      10.5      14       14       14       14       14       14       14      13.5
 5320   64    12.5   12.5   12.5   12.5 12.5     12.5   12.5   12.5    11      11      11      11         11       11       11      10.5      14       14       14       14       14       14       14      13.5
 5500   100    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5520   104    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5540   108    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5560   112    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5580   116    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5600   120    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5620   124    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5640   128    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5660   132    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5680   136    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5700   140    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5745   149    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5765   153    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5785   157    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5805   161    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
 5825   165    15     15     15     15 15         15     15     14    13.5    13.5    13.5    13.5       13.5     12.5     10.5     8.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     15.5     13.5     11.5
                                                         Target Power [dBm] (average)
[MHz]   CH MCS0 MCS1 MCS2 MCS3 MCS4 MCS5 MCS6                          MCS7 MCS8 MCS9 MCS10 MCS11 MCS12 MCS13 MCS14 MCS15
 2422    3  6    6    6    6    6    6    6                             6        9    9    9    9    9    9   9                                9
 2427    4 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13 12.5                             12      16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16 15.5                               15
 2432    5  12   12   12   12   12   11   11                            11       15 15     15   15 15     14  14                               14
 2437    6 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10                             10      13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13                               13
 2442    7 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5       9    9                             9       12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12   12                               12
 2447    8  8    8    8    8    8    8    8                             8        11 11     11   11 11     11  11                               11
 2452    9  7    7    7    7    7    7    7                             7        10 10     10   10 10     10  10                               10
 5190   38 10    10   10   10   10   10   10                            10       13 13     13   13 13     13  13                               13
 5230   46 11    11   11   11   11   11   11                            11       14 14     14   14 14     14  14                               14
 5270   54 11    11   11   11   11   11   11                            11       14 14     14   14 14     14  14                               14
 5310   62 10    10   10   10   10   10   10                            10       13 13     13   13 13     13  13                               13
 5510   102 11   11   11   11   11   11   10                            8        14 14     14   14 14     14  13                               11
 5550   110 11   11   11   11   11   11   10                            8        14 14     14   14 14     14  13                               11
 5590   118 11   11   11   11   11   11   10                            8        14 14     14   14 14     14  13                               11
 5630   126 11   11   11   11   11   11   10                            8        14 14     14   14 14     14  13                               11
 5670   134 11   11   11   11   11   11   10                            8        14 14     14   14 14     14  13                               11
 5755   151 11   11   11   11   11   11   10                            8        14 14     14   14 14     14  13                               11
 5795   159 11   11   11   11   11   11   10                            8        14 14     14   14 14     14  13                               11

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                 Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                                                                 Page            : 5 of 116
                                                                                                                                                 Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                                                                 FCC ID                         : W2Z-01000007

2.4.     Maximum output power which may possible
                                                                             Maximum output power which may possible [dBm] (average)
                       11b                                       11g                                                                                              11n(20HT)
[MHz] CH 1           2 5.5         11     6      9      12     18 24          36     48     54     MCS0 MCS1 MCS2 MCS3 MCS4 MCS5 MCS6 MCS7 MCS8 MCS9 MCS10 MCS11 MCS12 MCS13 MCS14 MCS15
 2412 1 16           16 16         16     16     16     16     16 16          16     16     16       13       13       13       13      13       13       13       13       16       16       16       16      16     16     16     16
 2417 2 16           16 16         16    19.5   19.5   19.5   19.5 19.5      19.5   18.5   17.5      17       17       17       17      17      16.5      16      15.5      20       20       20       20      20    19.5    19    18.5
 2422 3 16           16 16         16     19     19     19     19 19          19     18    17.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    16.5      16      15.5      15      19.5     19.5     19.5     19.5    19.5    19    18.5    18
 2427 4 16           16 16         16     19     19     19     19 19          19     18    17.5      16       16       16       16      16      15.5      15      14.5      19       19       19       19      19    18.5    18    17.5
 2432 5 16           16 16         16    18.5   18.5   18.5   18.5 18.5      18.5    18    17.5     15.5     15.5     15.5     15.5    15.5      15       15      14.5     18.5     18.5     18.5     18.5    18.5    18     18    17.5
 2437 6 16           16 16         16    18.5   18.5   18.5   18.5 18.5      18.5    18    17.5      15       15       15       15      15      14.5     14.5      14       18       18       18       18      18    17.5   17.5    17
 2442 7 16           16 16         16     18     18     18     18 18          18    17.5   17.5     14.5     14.5     14.5     14.5    14.5     14.5      14       14      17.5     17.5     17.5     17.5    17.5   17.5    17     17
 2447 8 16           16 16         16     18     18     18     18 18          18    17.5   17.5      14       14       14       14      14       14      13.5     13.5      17       17       17       17      17     17    16.5   16.5
 2452 9 16           16 16         16    17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5      17.5   17.5   17.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5    13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    16.5   16.5   16.5   16.5
 2457 10 16          16 16         16    17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5      17.5   17.5   17.5      13       13       13       13      13       13       13       13       16       16       16       16      16     16     16     16
 2462 11 16          16 16         16    17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5      17.5   17.5   17.5      13       13       13       13      13       13       13       13       16       16       16       16      16     16     16     16
                                                              Maximum output power which may possible [dBm] (average)
                                      11a                                                                                             11n(20HT)
[MHz]   CH     6       9     12     18 24        36     48     54    MCS0 MCS1 MCS2 MCS3 MCS4 MCS5 MCS6 MCS7 MCS8 MCS9 MCS10 MCS11 MCS12 MCS13 MCS14 MCS15
 5180   36     15     15     15     15 15        15     15     15     13.5     13.5     13.5      13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16
 5200   40     15     15     15     15 15        15     15     15     13.5     13.5     13.5      13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16
 5220   44     15     15     15     15 15        15     15     15     13.5     13.5     13.5      13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16
 5240   48     15     15     15     15 15        15     15     15     13.5     13.5     13.5      13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16
 5260   52     15     15     15     15 15        15     15     15     13.5     13.5     13.5      13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16
 5280   56     15     15     15     15 15        15     15     15     13.5     13.5     13.5      13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16
 5300   60     15     15     15     15 15        15     15     15     13.5     13.5     13.5      13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16
 5320   64     15     15     15     15 15        15     15     15     13.5     13.5     13.5      13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16
 5500   100   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5520   104   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5540   108   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5560   112   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5580   116   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5600   120   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5620   124   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5640   128   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5660   132   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5680   136   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5700   140   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5745   149   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5765   153   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5785   157   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5805   161   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14
 5825   165   17.5   17.5   17.5   17.5 17.5    17.5   17.5   16.5     16       16       16        16       16       15       13      11       19       19       19       19       19       18       16      14

                                   Maximum output power which may possible [dBm] (average)
 2422    3    8.5     8.5     8.5       8.5     8.5    8.5     8.5      8.5      11.5      11.5     11.5     11.5     11.5     11.5    11.5     11.5
 2427    4     16      16      16        16      16    15.5     15      14.5      19        19       19       19       19      18.5     18      17.5
 2432    5    14.5    14.5    14.5      14.5    14.5   13.5    13.5     13.5     17.5      17.5     17.5     17.5     17.5     16.5    16.5     16.5
 2437    6     13      13      13        13      13     13     12.5     12.5      16        16       16       16       16       16     15.5     15.5
 2442    7     12      12      12        12      12    11.5    11.5     11.5      15        15       15       15       15      14.5    14.5     14.5
 2447    8    10.5    10.5    10.5      10.5    10.5   10.5    10.5     10.5     13.5      13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5     13.5    13.5     13.5
 2452    9    9.5     9.5     9.5       9.5     9.5    9.5     9.5      9.5      12.5      12.5     12.5     12.5     12.5     12.5    12.5     12.5
 5190   38    12.5    12.5    12.5      12.5    12.5   12.5    12.5     12.5     15.5      15.5     15.5     15.5     15.5     15.5    15.5     15.5
 5230   46    13.5    13.5    13.5      13.5    13.5   13.5    13.5     13.5     16.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    16.5     16.5
 5270   54    13.5    13.5    13.5      13.5    13.5   13.5    13.5     13.5     16.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    16.5     16.5
 5310   62    12.5    12.5    12.5      12.5    12.5   12.5    12.5     12.5     15.5      15.5     15.5     15.5     15.5     15.5    15.5     15.5
 5510   102   13.5    13.5    13.5      13.5    13.5   13.5    12.5     10.5     16.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    15.5     13.5
 5550   110   13.5    13.5    13.5      13.5    13.5   13.5    12.5     10.5     16.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    15.5     13.5
 5590   118   13.5    13.5    13.5      13.5    13.5   13.5    12.5     10.5     16.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    15.5     13.5
 5630   126   13.5    13.5    13.5      13.5    13.5   13.5    12.5     10.5     16.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    15.5     13.5
 5670   134   13.5    13.5    13.5      13.5    13.5   13.5    12.5     10.5     16.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    15.5     13.5
 5755   151   13.5    13.5    13.5      13.5    13.5   13.5    12.5     10.5     16.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    15.5     13.5
 5795   159   13.5    13.5    13.5      13.5    13.5   13.5    12.5     10.5     16.5      16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5     16.5    15.5     13.5

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                  Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                                  Page            : 6 of 116
                                                                                                                  Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                                  FCC ID            : W2Z-01000007

SECTION 3:                     Test specification, procedures and results
3.1       Test specification
The US Federal Communications Commission has released the report and order “Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of RF
Radiation", ET Docket No. 93-62 in August 1996. The order requires routine SAR evaluation prior to equipment authorization of portable
transmitter devices, including portable telephones. For consumer products, the applicable limit is 1.6 mW/g for an uncontrolled environment and 8.0
mW/g for an occupational/controlled environment as recommended by the ANSI/IEEE standard C95.1-1992. The device should be evaluated at
maximum output power (radiated from the antenna) under “worst-case” conditions for normal or intended use, incorporating normal antenna
operating positions, device peak performance frequencies and positions for maximum RF energy coupling in accordance with the following
measurement procedures..
KDB 447498 D01 (v06):                General RF exposure guidance
KDB 248227 D01 (v02r02): SAR Guidance for IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) transmitters
KDB 865664 D01 (v01r04): SAR measurement 100MHz to 6GHz
IEEE Std. 1528-2013:                 IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in
                                     the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques.

3.2       Exposure limit
      Environments of exposure limit                           Whole-Body                             Partial-Body                  Hands, Wrists, Feet and Ankles
                                                        (averaged over the entire body)       (averaged over any 1g of tissue)        (averaged over any 10g of tissue)
       (A) Limits for Occupational
      /Controlled Exposure (W/kg)                                   0.4                                     8.0                                     20.0
    (B) Limits for General population
     /Uncontrolled Exposure (W/kg)                                  0.08                                   1.6                                       4.0
*. Occupational/Controlled Environments:         are defined as locations where there is exposure that may be incurred by people who are aware of the potential for
                                                 exposure, (i.e. as a result of employment or occupation).
*. General Population/Uncontrolled Environments: are defined as locations where there is the exposure of individuals who have no knowledge or control of their
The limit applied in this test report is;
        General population / uncontrolled exposure, Partial-Body (averaged over any 1g of tissue) limit: 1.6 W/kg

3.3       Procedures and Results
                                   Wi-Fi (DTS)                  Wi-Fi (U-NII-1)              Wi-Fi (U-NII-2A)           Wi-Fi (U-NII-2C)              Wi-Fi (U-NII-3)
                                  (2412-2462MHz)             (5180~5240MHz)(W52)           (5260~5320MHz)(W53)         (5500~5700MHz)(W56)         (5745~5825MHz)(W58)
   Test Procedure                                            SAR measurement; KDB 447498, KDB 248227, KDB 865664, IEEE Std.1528
      Category                                                                   FCC 47CFR §2.1093 (Portable device)
  Results (SAR(1g))                 Complied                       Complied                     Complied                    Complied                       Complied
     Antenna#                   ant#0           ant#1          ant#0          ant#1          ant#0         ant#1         ant#0         ant#1         ant#0          ant#1
    Liquid type                                                                                 Body liquid
  Reported SAR value
                                 0.16            0.11           0.14           0.10           0.11       0.06             0.18         0.16           0.12           0.15
                                 W/kg            W/kg           W/kg           W/kg           W/kg         W/kg           W/kg         W/kg           W/kg           W/kg
                                 0.129          0.0693          0.103         0.0683         0.0781        0.0424         0.129        0.117         0.0808          0.106
  Measured SAR value              W/kg           W/kg           W/kg           W/kg           W/kg         W/kg         W/kg           W/kg           W/kg           W/kg
    Operation mode,            11g(6Mbps),    11g(6Mbps),    11a(6Mbps),    11a(6Mbps),    11a(6Mbps), 11a(6Mbps), 11a(6Mbps),      11a(6Mbps),    11a(6Mbps),    11a(6Mbps),
    frequency[MHz]                2417            2417           5180          5180            5260        5320         5500           5500           5785           5745
Duty cycle [%] (scaled factor) 99.8 (1.00)   99.8 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00) 99.7 (1.00) 99.7 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00)
  Output power [dBm]            18.52dBm       17.63dBm       13.70dBm       13.50dBm       13.67dBm 13.84dBm 15.99dBm               16.18dBm       15.93dBm       15.91dBm
 (max. power, scaled factor) (19.5,1.25)     (19.5,1.54)   (15.0,1.35)   (15.0,1.41)   (15.0,1.36) (15.0,1.31) (17.5,1.42)   (17.5,1.36)   (17.5,1.44)   (17.5,1.44)
       Liquid type                                                                     Head liquid (by Flat phantom)
  Reported SAR value
                                 0.18            0.11           0.15           0.12        0.11         0.07         0.19              0.18           0.14           0.17
                                 W/kg            W/kg           W/kg           W/kg           W/kg         W/kg           W/kg         W/kg           W/kg           W/kg
                                 0.145          0.0709          0.113          0.083         0.0833        0.0484         0.135        0.135         0.0982          0.118
  Measured SAR value              W/kg           W/kg           W/kg           W/kg           W/kg         W/kg         W/kg           W/kg           W/kg           W/kg
    Operation mode,            11g(6Mbps),    11g(6Mbps),    11a(6Mbps),    11a(6Mbps),    11a(6Mbps), 11a(6Mbps), 11a(6Mbps),      11a(6Mbps),    11a(6Mbps),    11a(6Mbps),
    frequency[MHz]                2417            2417           5180          5180            5260        5300         5500           5500           5785           5745
Duty cycle [%] (scaled factor) 99.8 (1.00)   99.8 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00) 99.7 (1.00) 99.7 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00)   99.7 (1.00)
  Output power [dBm]            18.52dBm       17.63dBm       13.70dBm       13.50dBm       13.67dBm 13.56dBm 15.99dBm               16.18dBm       15.93dBm       15.91dBm
 (max. power, scaled factor) (19.5,1.25)     (19.5,1.54)   (15.0,1.35)   (15.0,1.41)   (15.0,1.36) (15.0,1.39) (17.5,1.42)   (17.5,1.36)   (17.5,1.44)   (17.5,1.44)
Note: UL Japan’s SAR Work Procedures No.13-EM-W0429 and 13-EM-W0430. No addition, deviation nor exclusion has been made from standards

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                      Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                      Page            : 7 of 116
                                                                                                      Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                      FCC ID                : W2Z-01000007

3.4       Test Location
No.7 shielded room (2.76m (Width)  3.76m (Depth)  2.4m (Height)) for SAR testing.
UL Japan, Inc., Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone number: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile number: +81 463 50 6401

3.5       Confirmation before SAR testing
3.5.1 Average power for SAR tests
Before SAR test, the RF wiring for the sample had been switched to the antenna conducted power measurement line from the
antenna line and the average power was measured. The result is shown in Section 6.
*.    The EUT transmission power was verified that it was within 2dB lower than the maximum tune-up tolerance limit when it was set the rated power. (Clause 4.1,
      KDB447498 D01 (v06))
Step.1        Data rate check (*. The EUT supported the following data rate in each operation mode.)
        11b                 11g                11a                              11n(20HT)                                         11n(40HT)
  Mod       Data     Mod  Data            Mod       Data    MCS Spatial Mod     MCS Spatial    Mod  MCS Spatial Mod     MCS Spatial    Mod
 (DSSS)      rate  (OFDM) rate          (OFDM)       rate   Index Stream (OFDM) Index Stream (OFDM) Index Stream (OFDM) Index Stream (OFDM)
 DBPSK     1 Mbps BPSK 6 Mbps            BPSK      6 Mbps   MCS0     1    BPSK MCS8      2    BPSK MCS0 1         BPSK MCS8      2    BPSK
 DQPSK     2 Mbps BPSK 9 Mbps            BPSK      9 Mbps   MCS1     1    QPSK MCS9      2    QPSK MCS1 1         QPSK MCS9      2    QPSK
  CCK     5.5 Mbps QPSK 12 Mbps          QPSK     12 Mbps   MCS2     1    QPSK MCS10     2    QPSK MCS2 1         QPSK MCS10     2    QPSK
  CCK     11 Mbps QPSK 18 Mbps           QPSK     18 Mbps   MCS3     1   16QAM MCS11     2   16QAM MCS3 1        16QAM MCS11     2   16QAM
*.Mod; Modulation  16QAM 24 Mbps        16QAM     24 Mbps   MCS4     1   16QAM MCS12     2   16QAM MCS4 1        16QAM MCS12     2   16QAM
                   16QAM 36 Mbps        16QAM     36 Mbps   MCS5     1   64QAM MCS13     2   64QAM MCS5 1        64QAM MCS13     2   64QAM
                   64QAM 48 Mbps        64QAM     48 Mbps   MCS6     1   64QAM MCS14     2   64QAM MCS6 1        64QAM MCS14     2   64QAM
                   64QAM 54 Mbps        64QAM     54 Mbps   MCS7     1   64QAM MCS15     2   64QAM MCS7 1        64QAM MCS15     2   64QAM

Step.2 Consideration of SAR test channel
For the SAR test reference, on each operation band, the average output power was measured on the lower/middle/upper and specified
channels with the worst data rate condition in step 1 in the above.

3.6       Confirmation after SAR testing
It was checked that the power drift [W] is within ±5% in the evaluation procedure of SAR testing. The verification of power
drift during the SAR test is that DASY5 system calculates the power drift by measuring the e-filed at the same location at
beginning and the end of the scan measurement for each test position.
The result is shown in APPENDIX 2.
*.    DASY5 system calculation Power drift value[dB] =20log(Ea)/(Eb) (where, Before SAR testing: Eb[V/m] / After SAR testing: Ea[V/m])
      Limit of power drift[W] = 5%
          Power drift limit (X) [dB] = 10log(P_drift)=10log(1.05/1)=10log(1.05)-10log(1)=0.21dB
      from E-filed relations with power.
          S=EH=E^2/=P/(4r^2) (: Space impedance)  P=(E^24r^2)/η
      Therefore, The correlation of power and the E-filed
          Power drift limit (X) dB=10log(P_drift)=10log(E_drift)^2=20log(E_drift)
      From the above mentioned, the calculated power drift of DASY5 system must be the less than 0.21dB.

3.7       Test setup of EUT and SAR measurement procedure
After considering the outline of Flat Panel Sensor, the SAR test was carried out on the following setup conditions.
                                                                                                                           antenna #0           antenna #1
                                               Explanation of EUT setup position
       Setup                                                                                                       Separation SAR Tested Separation SAR Tested
                                           (*. Refer to Appendix 1 for test setup photographs.)                      [mm]      /Reduced    [mm]      /Reduced
       Front        The front surface (patient side) of EUT was touched to the Flat phantom.                          9.7     Tested (*1)   9.7     Tested (*1)
       Back         The back surface (operator side) of EUT was touched to the Flat phantom.                           2       Reduced (*1)    2     Reduced (*1)
 Long side-ant#1 The long side edge surface (near antenna #1 side) of EUT was touched to the Flat phantom.            9        Tested (*1)   200
  (antenna#1)                                                                                                                                         (>200 mm)
     Long-side      The long side edge surface (near antenna #1 side) of EUT was touched to the Flat phantom.        28.7     Reduced (*1)   250    (>200 mm)
 Short-side-ant#0 The short side edge surface (near antenna #0 side) of EUT was touched to the Flat phantom.         260
                                                                                                                                              9     Tested (*1)
   (antenna#0)                                                                                                                  (>200 mm)
     Short-side    The short side edge surface (opposite to antenna#0) of EUT was touched to the Flat phantom. 310             (>200 mm)     28.7 Reduced (*1)
*.    Separation: Antenna separation distance. It is the distance from the antenna to the outer surface of Flat Panel Sensor form which a human may touch.
*.    Size of EUT (Flat Panel Sensor, RIC 24C): 328  268  15 (thickness) [mm]

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                   Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                                   Page            : 8 of 116
                                                                                                                   Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                                   FCC ID                : W2Z-01000007

KDB 447498 D01 (v06) was taken into consideration to reduce SAR test.
                          Consideration of SAR test reduction by the antenna separation distance (100MHz~6GHz, 50mm)
                                             Minimum distance Max.power or Max. tune-up power Calculation Standalone SAR
     Band,               Setup
     Mode               Position             [mm]     [mm] upper frequency [dBm] [mW] [mW] of exclusion: Test Required?                                        Remarks
                                                    (rounded)   [GHz]                   (rounded)  3.0 (*2) (If >3, -> Required)
                  Back (ant#0, ant#1)          2      2 (5)        2.417        19.5    89.1       89         27.7       >3.0      Required ->SAR test was reduced. (*1)
                Short-side-ant#0(ant#0)       9         9          2.417        19.5    89.1       89         15.4       >3.0      Required -
                  Front (ant#0, ant#1)        9.7       10          2.417        19.5    89.1       89         13.8       >3.0      Required -
                   Short-side(ant#1)         28.7      29          2.417        19.5    89.1       89          4.8       >3.0      Required -
                  Back (ant#0, ant#1)          2      2 (5)        5.32         15.0    31.6       32         14.8       >3.0      Required ->SAR test was reduced. (*1)
                Short-side-ant#0(ant#0)       9         9          5.32         15.0    31.6       32          8.2       >3.0      Required -
                  Front (ant#0, ant#1)        9.7       10          5.32         15.0    31.6       32          7.4       >3.0      Required -
                   Short-side(ant#1)         28.7      29          5.32         15.0    31.6       32          2.5       3.0 Not required -
                  Back (ant#0, ant#1)          2      2 (5)         5.7         17.5    56.2       56         26.7       >3.0      Required ->SAR test was reduced. (*1)
                Short-side-ant#0(ant#0)       9         9           5.7         17.5    56.2       56         14.9       >3.0      Required -
                  Front (ant#0, ant#1)        9.7       10           5.7         17.5    56.2       56         13.4       >3.0      Required -
                   Short-side(ant#1)         28.7      29           5.7         17.5    56.2       56          4.6       >3.0      Required -
                  Back (ant#0, ant#1)          2      2 (5)        5.825        17.5    56.2       56         27.0       >3.0      Required ->SAR test was reduced. (*1)
                Short-side-ant#0(ant#0)       9         9          5.825        17.5    56.2       56         15.0       >3.0      Required -
                  Front (ant#0, ant#1)        9.7       10          5.825        17.5    56.2       56         13.5       >3.0      Required -
                   Short-side(ant#1)         28.7      29          5.825        17.5    56.2       56          4.7       >3.0      Required -

*1. Since this EUT is the medical device, the EUT is only used under the guidance of a doctor or a qualified person. The possibility
    of the maximum RF human exposure is only a body/head of the patient who comes in contact directly on the front surface
    (patient side) of the EUT. Therefore, the SAR test was only considered to the front surface of the EUT. However, SAR value
    couldn't be measured at the front surface, so SAR was evaluated on the side edge.
*2. Parenthesis 1), Clause 4.3.1, KDB 447498 D01 (v06) gives the following formula to calculate the SAR(1g) test exclusion thresholds for 100MHz-6GHz at test
    separation distance 50mm.
         [(max.power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW) / (min.test separation distance, mm)]  [ f (GHz)]  3.0 (for SAR(1g)) ················formula (1)
    If power is calculated from the upper formula (1);
         [SAR(1g) test exclusion thresholds, mW] = 3  [test separation distance, mm] / [f (GHz)] ···································································formula (2)
         [SAR(1g) test exclusion thresholds, mW] = 3  50 / SQRT(2.462) = 96mW, where test separation distance=50mm

*     Simultaneous transmission evaluation
      Parenthesis 2) and 3), Clause 4.3.2, KDB 447498 D01 (v06) gives the following formula to calculate the simultaneous transmission SAR test exclusion limit.
      (SPLSR: SAR to peak location separation ratio must be  0.04 for antenna pair.)
         Data                  Minimum Max.power or                         Max. power              Estimate SAR(1g) [W/kg]
                                                                                                                   Ant#0<->#1             Simultaneous
 Mode          Band Position                                                                                                     SPLSR
          rate                 distance Upper frequency                                                              distance
                                                                       (with tune-up tolerance) Ant#0 Ant#1 Ant#0+#1 Limit               SAR test apply?
  n20    MCS8 2.4GHz          Ant#0 Ant#1 2.417GHz         17.0dBm (50mW) 1.07 1.07              2.14     1.6        315 mm        0.010
                      Front                                                                                                                Reduced
  n20    MCS8 W52/53                       5.32GHz         13.5dBm (22mW) 0.70 0.70              1.40     1.6        315 mm        0.005
                     (Patient 9.7 9.7
  n20    MCS8 W56
                      side) mm mm
                                           5.7GHz          16.0dBm (40mW) 1.31 1.31              2.62     1.6        315 mm        0.014 SPLSR: 0.04
  n20    MCS8 W58                         5.825GHz         16.0dBm (40mW) 1.33 1.33              2.66     1.6        315 mm        0.014
*. Calculating formula: Estimate standalone SAR(1g) = [(max.power, mW) / (min.test separation distance, mm)]  [ f (GHz)] / [7.5]
    SPLSR (SAR to Peak Location Separation Ratio) = {(SAR_Ant#0, W/kg) + (SAR_Ant#1, W/kg)} ^1.5 / (Ant#0<->#1 distance, mm)

By the determined test setup shown above, the SAR test was applied in the following procedures.
  Step 1 Change the operation mode on each antenna independently with highest output power channel.
  Step 2 Repeat Step1 for other frequency band.
*.    During SAR test, the radiated power is always monitored by Spectrum Analyzer.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                       Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                                       Page            : 9 of 116
                                                                                                                       Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                                       FCC ID             : W2Z-01000007

SECTION 4:                     Operation of EUT during testing
4.1        Operating modes for SAR testing
This EUT has IEEE 802.11b, g, a, n(HT20) and n(HT40) continuous transmitting modes.
The frequency and the modulation used in the SAR testing are shown as a following.
Operation mode                g                b          n20(1Tx) n20(2Tx) n40(1Tx) n40(2Tx)                a       n20(1Tx) n20(2Tx) n40(1Tx) n40(2Tx)
     band                                                  DTS                                                           W52 (U-NII-1) (*1)
 Tx band [MHz]                             2412~2462                                   2422~2452                    5180~5240              5190~5230
Bandwidth [MHz]               20              20                20         20          40     40             20         20     20          40      40
Max.power [dBm]              19.5             16                17         20          16     19             15        13.5   16.5        13.5    16.5
  Modulation               OFDM              DSSS          OFDM          OFDM      OFDM        OFDM     OFDM          OFDM       OFDM     OFDM      OFDM
Data rate [Mbps]           6                   1           MCS0 MCS8 MCS0 MCS8                             6          MCS0 MCS8 MCS0 MCS8
     SAR Tested?       Tested                Tested       Reduced Reduced Tested Reduced                 Tested      Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced
 Frequency ant#0 2417, 2437, 2462           2412(*2)       - (*2)  - (*3) 2427(*2) - (*3)                5180           -       -       -       -
tested [MHz] ant#1 2417, 2437, 2462         2412(*2)       - (*2)  - (*3) 2427(*2) - (*3)                5180           -       -       -       -
Operation mode     a  n20(1Tx) n20(2Tx) n40(1Tx) n40(2Tx)   a   n20(1Tx) n20(2Tx) n40(1Tx) n40(2Tx)   a   n20(1Tx) n20(2Tx) n40(1Tx) n40(2Tx)
     band                   W53 (U-NII-2A)                            W56 (U-NII-2C)                            W56 (U-NII-2C)
 Tx band [MHz]       5260~5320              5270~5310          5500~5700             5510~5670           5745~5825             5755~5795
Bandwidth [MHz] 20       20       20       40       40     20     20       20        40       40     20     20       20        40       40
Max.power [dBm] 15      13.5     16.5     13.5     16.5   17.5    16       19       13.5     16.5   17.5    16       19       13.5     16.5
Data rate [Mbps]   6   MCS0 MCS8 MCS0 MCS8                  6    MCS0 MCS8 MCS0 MCS8                  6    MCS0 MCS8 MCS0 MCS8
   SAR Tested?         Tested Reduced Reduced Tested                 Reduced Tested Reduced Reduced Tested Reduced Tested Reduced Reduced Tested Reduced
                     5260,                                                   5500,                                 5745,
               ant#0 5300,        - (*2)   - (*3)      - (*2)         - (*3) 5600, - (*2)    - (*3) - (*2)  - (*3) 5785,   - (*2)  - (*3) - (*2)  - (*3)
                     5320                                                                                          5825
 Frequency                                                                   5700
tested [MHz]         5260,                                                   5500,                                 5745,
                                                       5270                  5580,                  5550                                  5795
               ant#1 5300,        - (*2)   - (*3)                     - (*3) 5600, - (*2)    - (*3)         - (*3) 5785,   - (*2)  - (*3)         - (*3)
                     5320                              (*2)                                          (*2)          5825                    (*2)
           Tx Controlled software: ART v09 (Build 34)
           Mode: Continuous transmit mode.
           Tx antenna chain:
           Ant#0=100, Ant#0=010, Ant#0+Ant#1(MIMO)=110.
           Frequency: Selected the target frequency.
           Data Rate: Selected the target data rate.
Controlled HT40: Selected when 11n(40HT) was tested.
 software Setting target power: Defaults were used, but when measurement power
           didn't enter 2dB from maximum power, it was adjusted (tuned-up).
           *. As for parameters other than the above, the initial value was used.

Note:      SAR test reduction consideration
[Table A-1. Output power measured and SAR test channel selection]                                    [Table A-2. Reported SAR(1g) and test reduction plan](Head)
    802.11 Modes           b        g       n               a                           n(1Tx)         b        g          n                  a                 n(1Tx)
 Ch. Bandwidth [MHz]       20      20    20 40             20                          20 40           20      20      20    40               20              20     40
 Lowest data rate [Mbps]   1        6    6.5 6.5            6                          6.5 13          1        6      6.5 6.5                6               6.5    13
                 Ch.     1/6/11 1/2/6/11  -     -                                                       1        1/2/6/11    -       -
          mW (ant#0) 32/29/31 29/71/51/41           lower power                                       0.08         0.18     lower power
          mW (ant#1) 33/31/30 29/58/53/39           lower power                                       0.04         0.11     lower power
                 Ch.                                                     36/44/48       -      -                                                36 / 44 / 48          -        -
             mW (ant#0)                                                  23/25/25      lower power                                                  0.15              lower power
             mW (ant#1)                                                  22/23/23      lower power                                                  0.12              lower power
          Ch.                                                            52/60/64       -      -                                                52 / 60 / 64          -        -
  (W53) mW (ant#0)                                                       23/25/24      lower power                                                  0.10              lower power
             mW (ant#1)                                                  22/23/23      lower power                                                  0.07              lower power
          Ch.                                                        100/118/120/140    -      -                                           100 / 118 / 120 / 140      -        -
  (W56) mW (ant#0)                                                     40/44/43/39     lower power                                        0.19 / 0.07 / 0.05 / 0.07   lower power
             mW (ant#1)                                                42/41/41/38     lower power                                        0.18 / 0.12 / 0.11 / 0.14   lower power
           Ch.                                                         149/157/165      -      -                                              149 / 157 / 165         -        -
         mW (ant#0)                                                      39/39/40      lower power                                           0.11 / 0.14 / 0.09       lower power
             mW (ant#1)                                                  39/40/44      lower power                                           0.17 / 0.17 / 0.17       lower power

*1. (KDB248227 D01 (v02r02)) Since highest reported SAR(1g) of U-NII-2A was 1.2 W/kg, SAR measurement of U-NII-1 band was omitted. However, SAR test
    was applied to 5180MHz as lower frequency of U-NII-1 and U-NII-2A band.
*2. (KDB248227 D01 (v02r02)) SAR test of other power mode was reduced, because the reported SAR(1g) of 11g, and 11a mode (highest power mode in each
    operation band) was ≤ 0.4 W/kg. However, in a representative frequency, 11b was evaluated for DSSS mode and 11n(40HT) mode was evaluated for BW=40MHz.
*3. (KDB447498 D01(v06)) Since SPLSR (SAR to peak location separation ratio) was enough smaller than 0.04, SAR test of MIMO mode was reduced.
*. The SAR testing was applied to lower, middle and upper channels for the worst SAR condition in each operation band.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                   Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                   Page            : 10 of 116
                                                                                                   Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                   FCC ID             : W2Z-01000007

SECTION 5:                    Uncertainty Assessment (SAR measurement)
       Uncertainty of SAR measurement (2.4-6GHz) (*.&:   5%, DAK3.5, Tx: 100% duty cycle) (v08)                1g SAR              10g SAR
                     Combined measurement uncertainty of the measurement system (k=1)                              ± 13.7%              ± 13.6%
                                      Expanded uncertainty (k=2)                                                   ± 27.4%              ± 27.2%
                                                           Uncertainty Probability                ci       ci            ui                   ui
             Error Description (2.4-6GHz) (v08)                                       Divisor                                                                Vi, veff
                                                             Value     distribution              (1g)    (10g)          (1g)                (10g)
     A Measurement System (DASY5)                                                                                  (std. uncertainty)   (std. uncertainty)
  1    Probe Calibration Error                              ±6.55 %      Normal          1        1        1         ±6.55 %              ±6.55 %               ∞
  2    Axial isotropy Error                                 ±4.7 %      Rectangular     √3       √0.5     √0.5       ±1.9 %               ±1.9 %                ∞
  3    Hemispherical isotropy Error                         ±9.6 %      Rectangular     √3       √0.5     √0.5       ±3.9 %               ±3.9 %                ∞
  4    Linearity Error                                      ±4.7 %      Rectangular     √3        1        1         ±2.7 %               ±2.7 %                ∞
  5    Probe modulation response                            ±2.4 %      Rectangular     √3        1        1         ±1.4 %               ±1.4 %                ∞
  6    Sensitivity Error (detection limit)                  ±1.0 %      Rectangular     √3        1        1         ±0.6 %               ±0.6 %                ∞
  7    Boundary effects Error                                ±4.3%      Rectangular     √3        1        1         ±2.5 %               ±2.5 %                ∞
  8    Readout Electronics Error(DAE)                       ±0.3 %      Rectangular     √3        1        1         ±0.3 %               ±0.3 %                ∞
  9    Response Time Error                                  ±0.8 %       Normal          1        1        1         ±0.8 %               ±0.8 %                ∞
 10    Integration Time Error (100% duty cycle)             ±0 %       Rectangular     √3        1        1           0%                   0%                  ∞
 11    RF ambient conditions-noise                          ±3.0 %      Rectangular     √3        1        1         ±1.7 %               ±1.7 %                ∞
 12    RF ambient conditions-reflections                    ±3.0 %      Rectangular     √3        1        1         ±1.7 %               ±1.7 %                ∞
 13    Probe positioner mechanical tolerance                ±3.3 %      Rectangular     √3        1        1         ±1.9 %               ±1.9 %                ∞
 14    Probe Positioning with respect to phantom shell      ±6.7 %      Rectangular     √3        1        1         ±3.9 %               ±3.9 %                ∞
 15    Max. SAR evaluation (Post-processing)                ±4.0 %      Rectangular     √3        1        1         ±2.3 %               ±2.3 %                ∞
  B    Test Sample Related
 16    Device Holder or Positioner Tolerance                 ±3.6 %      Normal          1        1        1          ±3.6 %               ±3.6 %               5
 17    Test Sample Positioning Error                         ±5.0 %      Normal          1        1        1          ±5.0 %               ±5.0 %              145
 18    Power scaling                                          ±0%       Rectangular     √3        1        1           ±0 %                 ±0 %                ∞
 19    Drift of output power (measured, <0.2dB)              ±2.3%      Rectangular     √3        1        1          ±2.9 %               ±2.9 %               ∞
  C    Phantom and Setup
 20    Phantom uncertainty (shape, thickness tolerances)     ±7.5 %     Rectangular     √3         1        1         ±4.3 %               ±4.3 %               ∞
 21    Algorithm for correcting SAR (e',σ: 5%)              ±1.2 %      Normal          1         1      0.84        ±1.2 %              ±0.97 %               ∞
 22    Measurement Liquid Conductivity Error (DAK3.5)        ±3.0 %      Normal          1       0.78     0.71        ±2.3 %               ±2.1 %               7
 23    Measurement Liquid Permittivity Error (DAK3.5)        ±3.1 %      Normal          1       0.23     0.26        ±0.7 %               ±0.8 %               7
 24    Liquid Conductivity-temp.uncertainty (2deg.C.)       ±5.3 %     Rectangular     √3       0.78     0.71        ±2.4 %               ±2.2 %               ∞
 25    Liquid Permittivity-temp.uncertainty (2deg.C.)       ±0.9 %     Rectangular     √3       0.23     0.26        ±0.1 %               ±0.1 %               ∞
       Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                                                 ±13.7 %              ±13.6 %              733
       Expanded Uncertainty (k=2)                                                                                    ±27.4 %              ±27.2 %
*.    Table of uncertainties are listed for ISO/IEC 17025.
*.    This measurement uncertainty budget is suggested by IEEE Std.1528(2013) and determined by Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (DASY5 Uncertainty Budget).
      Per KDB 865664 D01 (v01r04) SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz Section 2.8.1., when the highest measured SAR(1g) within a frequency band is < 1.5W/kg,
      the extensive SAR measurement uncertainty analysis described in IEEE Std.1528 (2013) is not required in SAR reports submitted for equipment approval.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                      Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                                      Page            : 11 of 116
                                                                                                                      Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                                      FCC ID             : W2Z-01000007

SECTION 6:                       Confirmation before testing
6.1        Assessment for the antenna terminal port conducted power of EUT (Worst data rate, worst channel determination)
6.1.1      2.4GHz band
                    Power spec.       Duty cycle                   Antenna #0 (chain #0) power        Antenna #1 (chain #1) power     MIMO Ant.#0+Ant.#1 power
         Freq. rate              duty          scaled
                    Typical Max. cycle factor factor
                                                             Set     Ave.       Tune-up           Set Ave.            Tune-up       MIMO MIMO SUM         Power
                                                                                               SAR                                SAR
                                                            pwr.             Max. factor Tested? pwr.          Max. factor Tested? target max. Ave. Max. Tune
         [MHz] [Mbps] [dBm] [dBm] [%]        [dB]    [-]    [dBm]    [dBm]   [dB]     [-]              [dBm] [dBm]      [dB]    [-]              [dBm] [dBm] [dBm]     [dB]      -up?
         2412     1     13.5   16.0   99.8   0.01   1.00   13.5     14.13   -1.87   1.54      -      13.5   13.92    -2.08   1.61      -                                        -
         2412     2     13.5   16.0   99.8   0.01   1.00   13.5     14.13   -1.87     -        -      13.5   13.92    -2.08     -        -                                        -
         2412    5.5    13.5   16.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   13.5     14.13   -1.87     -        -      13.5   13.92    -2.08     -        -                                        -
 11b     2412    11     13.5   16.0   99.4   0.03   1.01   13.5     14.13   -1.87     -        -      13.5   13.92    -2.08     -        -                                        -
         2412     1     13.5   16.0   99.8   0.01   1.00   15.0     14.99   -1.01   1.26   Tested    15.0   15.20    -0.80   1.20   Tested                                  tune-up
         2437     1     13.5   16.0   99.8   0.01   1.00   15.0     14.57   -1.43   1.39      -      15.0   14.91    -1.09   1.29      -                                    tune-up
         2462     1     13.5   16.0   99.8   0.01   1.00   15.0     14.97   -1.03   1.27      -      15.0   14.70    -1.30   1.35      -                                    tune-up
         2417     6     17.0   19.5   99.8   0.01   1.00   17.0     17.44   -2.06   1.61      -      17.0   17.63    -1.87   1.54   Tested                                      -
         2417     9     17.0   19.5   99.6   0.02   1.00   17.0     17.37   -2.13     -        -      17.0   17.51    -1.99     -        -                                        -
         2417    12     17.0   19.5   99.4   0.03   1.01   17.0     17.31   -2.19     -        -      17.0   17.47    -2.03     -        -                                        -
         2417    18     17.0   19.5   99.0   0.04   1.01   17.0     17.30   -2.20     -        -      17.0   17.37    -2.13     -        -                                        -
         2417    24     17.0   19.5   98.8   0.05   1.01   17.0     17.20   -2.30     -        -      17.0   17.35    -2.15     -        -                                        -
         2417    36     17.0   19.5   98.4   0.07   1.02   17.0     17.21   -2.29     -        -      17.0   17.39    -2.11     -        -                                        -
         2417    48     16.0   18.5   97.4   0.11   1.03   16.0     15.92   -2.58     -        -      16.0   16.29    -2.21     -        -                                        -
         2417    56     15.0   17.5   97.1   0.13   1.03   15.0     15.02   -2.48     -        -      15.0   15.45    -2.05     -        -                                        -
         2412     6     13.5   16.0   99.8   0.01   1.00   13.5     14.57   -1.43   1.39      -      13.5   14.63    -1.37   1.37      -                                        -
         2417     6     17.0   19.5   99.8   0.01   1.00   18.0     18.52   -0.98   1.25   Tested      -       -       -       -        -                                    tune-up
         2437     6     15.5   18.0   99.8   0.01   1.00   17.0     17.09   -1.41   1.38   Tested    17.0   17.25    -1.25   1.33   Tested                                  tune-up
         2462     6     15.0   17.5   99.8   0.01   1.00   16.0     16.08   -1.42   1.39   Tested    16.0   15.87    -1.63   1.46   Tested                                  tune-up
         2417   MCS0    14.5   17.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   14.5     15.16   -1.84   1.53   no (*1)   14.5   15.12    -1.88   1.54   no (*1)                                     -
         2417   MCS1    14.5   17.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   14.5     14.87   -2.13     -        -      14.5   14.99    -2.01     -        -                                        -
         2417   MCS2    14.5   17.0   98.8   0.05   1.01   14.5     14.74   -2.26     -        -      14.5   14.80    -2.20     -        -                                        -
         2417   MCS3    14.5   17.0   98.6   0.06   1.01   14.5     14.72   -2.28     -        -      14.5   14.79    -2.21     -        -                                        -
 11n     2417   MCS4    14.5   17.0   97.9   0.09   1.02   14.5     14.62   -2.38     -        -      14.5   14.78    -2.22     -        -                                        -
(20HT)   2417   MCS5    14.5   17.0   97.3   0.12   1.03   14.0     14.39   -2.11     -        -      14.0   14.29    -2.21     -        -                                        -
 (1Tx)   2417   MCS6    14.5   17.0   96.8   0.14   1.03   13.5     13.95   -2.05     -        -      13.5   13.83    -2.17     -        -                                        -
         2417   MCS7    14.5   17.0   96.4   0.16   1.04   13.0     13.54   -1.96     -        -      13.0   13.53    -1.97     -        -                                        -
         2412   MCS0    10.5   13.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   10.5     11.71   -1.29   1.35      -      10.5   11.36    -1.64   1.46      -                                        -
         2437   MCS0    12.5   15.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   13.5     13.73   -1.27   1.34      -      13.5   14.04    -0.96   1.25      -                                    tune-up
         2462   MCS0    10.5   13.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   11.5     11.34   -1.66   1.47      -      11.5   11.79    -1.21   1.32      -                                    tune-up
         2427   MCS0    13.5   16.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5     14.19   -1.81   1.52   Tested    13.5   14.34    -1.66   1.47   Tested                                      -
         2427   MCS1    13.5   16.0   98.6   0.06   1.01   13.5     13.99   -2.01     -        -      13.5   14.26    -1.74     -        -                                        -
         2427   MCS2    13.5   16.0   97.8   0.10   1.02   13.5     14.00   -2.00     -        -      13.5   14.16    -1.84     -        -                                        -
         2427   MCS3    13.5   16.0   97.2   0.12   1.03   13.5     14.05   -1.95     -        -      13.5   14.21    -1.79     -        -                                        -
 11n     2427   MCS4    13.5   16.0   96.9   0.14   1.03   13.5     13.98   -2.02     -        -      13.5   14.09    -1.91     -        -                                        -
(40HT)   2427   MCS5    13.0   15.5   94.8   0.23   1.05   13.0     13.52   -1.98     -        -      13.0   13.72    -1.78     -        -                                        -
 (1Tx)   2427   MCS6    12.5   15.0   94.3   0.25   1.06   12.5     12.94   -2.06     -        -      12.5   13.07    -1.93     -        -                                        -
         2427   MCS7    12.0   14.5   93.9   0.27   1.06   12.0     12.59   -1.91     -        -      12.0   12.72    -1.78     -        -                                        -
         2422   MCS0     6.0    8.5   99.3   0.03   1.01    6.0      7.29   -1.21   1.32      -       6.0    6.79    -1.71   1.48      -                                        -
         2437   MCS0    10.5   13.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   10.5     10.57   -2.43   1.75      -      10.5   11.24    -1.76   1.50      -                                        -
         2452   MCS0     7.0    9.5   99.3   0.03   1.01    7.0      7.54   -1.96   1.57      -       7.0    7.69    -1.81   1.52      -                                        -
         2417   MCS8    14.5   17.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   14.5     15.02   -1.98   1.58   no (*2)   14.5   15.16    -1.84   1.53   no (*2)   17.5   20.0   18.10   -1.90       -
         2417   MCS9    14.5   17.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   14.5     14.76   -2.24     -        -      14.5   14.93    -2.07     -        -      17.5   20.0   17.86   -2.14       -
         2417   MCS10   14.5   17.0   98.8   0.05   1.01   14.5     14.81   -2.19     -        -      14.5   14.86    -2.14     -        -      17.5   20.0   17.85   -2.15       -
         2417   MCS11   14.5   17.0   98.6   0.06   1.01   14.5     14.82   -2.18     -        -      14.5   14.77    -2.23     -        -      17.5   20.0   17.81   -2.19       -
 11n     2417   MCS12   14.5   17.0   97.9   0.09   1.02   14.5     14.87   -2.13     -        -      14.5   14.74    -2.26     -        -      17.5   20.0   17.82   -2.18       -
(20HT)   2417   MCS13   14.0   16.5   97.3   0.12   1.03   14.0     14.37   -2.13     -        -      14.0   14.19    -2.31     -        -      17.0   19.5   17.29   -2.21       -
 (2Tx)   2417   MCS14   13.5   16.0   96.8   0.14   1.03   13.5     13.79   -2.21     -        -      13.5   13.73    -2.27     -        -      16.5   19.0   16.77   -2.23       -
         2417   MCS15   13.0   15.5   96.4   0.16   1.04   13.0     13.31   -2.19     -        -      13.0   13.26    -2.24     -        -      16.0   18.5   16.30   -2.20       -
         2412   MCS8    10.5   13.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   10.5     11.79   -1.21   1.32      -      10.5   11.27    -1.73   1.49      -      13.5   16.0   14.55   -1.45       -
         2437   MCS8    12.5   15.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   13.5     13.66   -1.34   1.36      -      13.5   14.00    -1.00   1.26      -      15.5   18.0   16.84   -1.16   tune-up
         2462   MCS8    10.5   13.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   11.5     11.50   -1.50   1.41      -      11.5   11.70    -1.30   1.35      -      13.5   16.0   14.61   -1.39   tune-up
         2427   MCS8    13.5   16.0   98.9   0.05   1.01   13.5     14.18   -1.82   1.52   no (*2)   13.5   14.26    -1.74   1.49   no (*2)   16.5   19.0   17.23   -1.77       -
         2427   MCS9    13.5   16.0   97.4   0.11   1.03   13.5     14.04   -1.96     -        -      13.5   14.10    -1.90     -        -      16.5   19.0   17.08   -1.92       -
         2427   MCS10   13.5   16.0   96.3   0.16   1.04   13.5     14.04   -1.96     -        -      13.5   14.11    -1.89     -        -      16.5   19.0   17.09   -1.91       -
         2427   MCS11   13.5   16.0   95.5   0.20   1.05   13.5     13.99   -2.01     -        -      13.5   13.98    -2.02     -        -      16.5   19.0   16.99   -2.01       -
 11n     2427   MCS12   13.5   16.0   93.8   0.28   1.07   13.5     13.85   -2.15     -        -      13.5   13.90    -2.10     -        -      16.5   19.0   16.89   -2.11       -
(40HT)   2427   MCS13   13.0   15.5   92.8   0.32   1.08   13.0     13.40   -2.10     -        -      13.0   13.28    -2.22     -        -      16.0   18.5   16.35   -2.15       -
 (2Tx)   2427   MCS14   12.5   15.0   92.1   0.36   1.09   12.5     13.02   -1.98     -        -      12.5   12.88    -2.12     -        -      15.5   18.0   15.96   -2.04       -
         2427   MCS15   12.0   14.5   91.4   0.39   1.09   12.0     12.61   -1.89     -        -      12.0   12.58    -1.92     -        -      15.0   17.5   15.61   -1.89       -
         2422   MCS8     6.0    8.5   98.9   0.05   1.01    6.0      7.37   -1.13   1.30      -       6.0    6.97    -1.53   1.42      -       9.0   11.5   10.19   -1.31       -
         2452   MCS8     7.0    9.5   98.9   0.05   1.01    7.0      7.62   -1.88   1.54      -       7.0    7.52    -1.98   1.58      -      10.0   12.5   10.58   -1.92       -
         2437   MCS8    10.5   13.0   98.9   0.05   1.01   11.5     11.98   -1.02   1.26      -      11.5   12.08    -0.92   1.24      -      13.5   16.0   15.04   -0.96   tune-up
*.         : SAR test was applied. *. xx.xx highlight is shown the maximum measured output power.
*1. (KDB248227 D01 (v02r02)) The reported SAR of the highest measured maximum output power channel for the exposure configuration is ≤ 0.8 W/kg.
*2. (KDB447498 D01 (v06)) Since SPLSR (SAR to peak location separation ratio) was enough smaller than 0.04, SAR test of MIMO mode was reduced.
*. Date measured February 3 and 4, 2016 / measured by: H. Naka (21  2 deg.C./ 50  5 %RH, at preparation room of S/R#7)

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                     Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                                     Page            : 12 of 116
                                                                                                                     Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                                     FCC ID             : W2Z-01000007

6.1.2      5GHz band
                    Power spec.       Duty cycle           Antenna #0 (chain #0) power        Antenna #1 (chain #1) power     MIMO Ant.#0+Ant.#1 power
         Freq. rate              duty          scaled Set
                    Typical Max. cycle factor factor         Ave.       Tune-up           Set Ave.            Tune-up       MIMO MIMO SUM         Power
                                                                                       SAR                                SAR
                                                      pwr.           Max. factor Tested? pwr.          Max. factor Tested? target max. Ave. Max. Tune
         [MHz] [Mbps] [dBm] [dBm] [%]        [dB]    [-]    [dBm]   [dBm]   [dB]     [-]              [dBm] [dBm]      [dB]    [-]              [dBm] [dBm] [dBm]     [dB]      -up?
         5500     6     15.0   17.5   99.7   0.01   1.00   15.0    14.93   -2.57   1.81      -      15.0   14.60    -2.90   1.95      -                                        -
         5500     9     15.0   17.5   99.6   0.02   1.00   15.0    14.92   -2.58     -        -      15.0   14.54    -2.96     -        -                                        -
         5500    12     15.0   17.5   99.2   0.03   1.01   15.0    14.87   -2.63     -        -      15.0   14.51    -2.99     -        -                                        -
         5500    18     15.0   17.5   98.9   0.05   1.01   15.0    14.81   -2.69     -        -      15.0   14.54    -2.96     -        -                                        -
         5500    24     15.0   17.5   98.8   0.05   1.01   15.0    14.72   -2.78     -        -      15.0   14.53    -2.97     -        -                                        -
         5500    36     15.0   17.5   98.1   0.08   1.02   15.0    14.77   -2.73     -        -      15.0   14.49    -3.01     -        -                                        -
         5500    48     15.0   17.5   97.3   0.12   1.03   15.0    14.76   -2.74     -        -      15.0   14.46    -3.04     -        -                                        -
         5500    56     14.0   16.5   97.0   0.13   1.03   14.0    13.78   -2.72     -        -      14.0   13.16    -3.34     -        -                                        -
         5180     6     12.5   15.0   99.7   0.01   1.00   15.0    13.70   -1.30   1.35   Tested    15.0   13.50    -1.50   1.41   Tested                                  tune-up
         5220     6     12.5   15.0   99.7   0.01   1.00   15.0    13.91   -1.09   1.29      -      15.0   13.58    -1.42   1.39      -                                    tune-up
 11a     5240     6     12.5   15.0   99.7   0.01   1.00   15.0    14.00   -1.00   1.26      -      15.0   13.69    -1.31   1.35      -                                    tune-up
         5260     6     12.5   15.0   99.7   0.01   1.00   15.0    13.67   -1.33   1.36   Tested    15.0   13.55    -1.45   1.40   Tested                                  tune-up
         5300     6     12.5   15.0   99.7   0.01   1.00   15.0    13.94   -1.06   1.28   Tested    15.0   13.56    -1.44   1.39   Tested                                  tune-up
         5320     6     12.5   15.0   99.7   0.01   1.00   15.0    13.88   -1.12   1.29   Tested    15.0   13.84    -1.16   1.31   Tested                                  tune-up
         5500     6     15.0   17.5   99.7   0.01   1.00   16.5    15.99   -1.51   1.42   Tested    16.5   16.18    -1.32   1.36   Tested                                  tune-up
         5580     6     15.0   17.5   99.7   0.01   1.00   16.5    16.39   -1.11   1.29   Tested    16.5   16.14    -1.36   1.37   Tested                                  tune-up
         5600     6     15.0   17.5   99.7   0.01   1.00   16.5    16.38   -1.12   1.29   Tested    16.5   16.13    -1.37   1.37   Tested                                  tune-up
         5700     6     15.0   17.5   99.7   0.01   1.00   16.5    15.95   -1.55   1.43   Tested    16.5   15.80    -1.70   1.48   Tested                                  tune-up
         5745     6     15.0   17.5   99.7   0.01   1.00   17.0    15.95   -1.55   1.43   Tested    17.0   15.91    -1.59   1.44   Tested                                  tune-up
         5785     6     15.0   17.5   99.7   0.01   1.00   17.0    15.93   -1.57   1.44   Tested    17.0   15.99    -1.51   1.42   Tested                                  tune-up
         5825     6     15.0   17.5   99.7   0.01   1.00   17.0    16.05   -1.45   1.40   Tested    17.0   16.39    -1.11   1.29   Tested                                  tune-up
         5500   MCS0    13.5   16.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   13.5    13.66   -2.34   1.71      -      13.5   12.76    -3.24   2.11      -                                        -
         5500   MCS1    13.5   16.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    13.62   -2.38     -        -      13.5   12.75    -3.25     -        -                                        -
         5500   MCS2    13.5   16.0   98.9   0.05   1.01   13.5    13.61   -2.39     -        -      13.5   12.74    -3.26     -        -                                        -
         5500   MCS3    13.5   16.0   98.6   0.06   1.01   13.5    13.47   -2.53     -        -      13.5   12.74    -3.26     -        -                                        -
         5500   MCS4    13.5   16.0   98.1   0.08   1.02   13.5    13.47   -2.53     -        -      13.5   12.69    -3.31     -        -                                        -
         5500   MCS5    12.5   15.0   97.6   0.11   1.03   12.5    12.28   -2.72     -        -      12.5   12.18    -2.82     -        -                                        -
         5500   MCS6    10.5   13.0   97.0   0.13   1.03   10.5    10.02   -2.98     -        -      10.5    9.87    -3.13     -        -                                        -
         5500   MCS7     8.5   11.0   96.7   0.15   1.04    8.5     8.18   -2.82     -        -       8.5    7.35    -3.65     -        -                                        -
         5180   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.6   0.02   1.00   13.5    12.04   -1.46   1.40      -      13.5   12.56    -0.94   1.24      -                                    tune-up
 11n     5220   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.6   0.02   1.00   13.5    12.26   -1.24   1.33      -      13.5   12.75    -0.75   1.19   no (*1)                                 tune-up
(20HT)   5240   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.6   0.02   1.00   13.5    12.37   -1.13   1.30   no (*1)   13.5   12.30    -1.20   1.32      -                                    tune-up
 (1Tx)   5260   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.6   0.02   1.00   13.5    12.22   -1.28   1.34      -      13.5   12.41    -1.09   1.29   no (*1)                                 tune-up
         5300   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.6   0.02   1.00   13.5    12.54   -0.96   1.25      -      13.5   12.38    -1.12   1.29      -                                    tune-up
         5320   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.6   0.02   1.00   13.5    12.65   -0.85   1.22   no (*1)   13.5   12.27    -1.23   1.33      -                                    tune-up
         5500   MCS0    13.5   16.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   15.0    14.90   -1.10   1.29      -      15.0   14.60    -1.40   1.38      -                                    tune-up
         5580   MCS0    13.5   16.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   15.0    15.03   -0.97   1.25      -      15.0   14.74    -1.26   1.34   no (*1)                                 tune-up
         5600   MCS0    13.5   16.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   15.0    15.03   -0.97   1.25   no (*1)   15.0   14.70    -1.30   1.35      -                                    tune-up
         5700   MCS0    13.5   16.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   15.0    14.76   -1.24   1.33      -      15.0   14.63    -1.37   1.37      -                                    tune-up
         5745   MCS0    13.5   16.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   16.0    15.02   -0.98   1.25   no (*1)   16.0   14.98    -1.02   1.26      -                                    tune-up
         5785   MCS0    13.5   16.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   16.0    14.81   -1.19   1.32      -      16.0   14.98    -1.02   1.26      -                                    tune-up
         5825   MCS0    13.5   16.0   99.6   0.02   1.00   16.0    14.82   -1.18   1.31      -      16.0   15.37    -0.63   1.16   no (*1)                                 tune-up
         5510   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01    11     10.82   -2.68   1.85      -      13.5   10.44    -3.06   2.02      -                                        -
         5510   MCS1    11.0   13.5   98.9   0.05   1.01    11     10.81   -2.69     -        -      13.5   10.33    -3.17     -        -                                        -
         5510   MCS2    11.0   13.5   98.0   0.09   1.02    11     10.81   -2.69     -        -      13.5   10.21    -3.29     -        -                                        -
         5510   MCS3    11.0   13.5   97.4   0.11   1.03    11     10.81   -2.69     -        -      13.5   10.27    -3.23     -        -                                        -
         5510   MCS4    11.0   13.5   96.4   0.16   1.04    11     10.77   -2.73     -        -      13.5   10.13    -3.37     -        -                                        -
         5510   MCS5    11.0   13.5   95.4   0.20   1.05    11     10.80   -2.70     -        -      12.5   10.11    -3.39     -        -                                        -
         5510   MCS6    10.0   12.5   94.9   0.23   1.05    10      9.60   -2.90     -        -      10.5    9.44    -3.06     -        -                                        -
 11n     5510   MCS7     8.0   10.5   94.2   0.26   1.06    8.0     8.00   -2.50     -        -       8.5    7.37    -3.13     -        -                                        -
 (1Tx)   5230   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    12.21   -1.29   1.35      -      13.5   12.45    -1.05   1.27      -                                    tune-up
         5270   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    12.23   -1.27   1.34      -      13.5   12.16    -1.34   1.36   Tested                                  tune-up
         5510   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   12.5    12.32   -1.18   1.31      -      12.5   12.16    -1.34   1.36      -                                    tune-up
         5550   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   12.5    12.59   -0.91   1.23      -      12.5   12.22    -1.28   1.34   Tested                                  tune-up
         5590   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   12.5    12.49   -1.01   1.26      -      12.5   11.95    -1.55   1.43      -                                    tune-up
         5670   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   12.5    12.09   -1.41   1.38      -      12.5   11.99    -1.51   1.42      -                                    tune-up
         5755   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    12.25   -1.25   1.33      -      13.5   12.06    -1.44   1.39      -                                    tune-up
         5795   MCS0    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    11.94   -1.56   1.43      -      13.5   12.21    -1.29   1.35   Tested                                  tune-up
         5500   MCS8    13.5   16.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    13.83   -2.17   1.65      -      13.5   12.74    -3.26   2.12      -      16.5   19.0   16.33   -2.67       -
         5500   MCS9    13.5   16.0   98.6   0.06   1.01   13.5    13.47   -2.53     -        -      13.5   12.64    -3.36     -        -      16.5   19.0   16.09   -2.91       -
         5500   MCS10   13.5   16.0   97.9   0.09   1.02   13.5    13.43   -2.57     -        -      13.5   12.66    -3.34     -        -      16.5   19.0   16.07   -2.93       -
 11n     5500   MCS11   13.5   16.0   97.3   0.12   1.03   13.5    13.40   -2.60     -        -      13.5   12.66    -3.34     -        -      16.5   19.0   16.06   -2.94       -
 (2Tx)   5500   MCS12   13.5   16.0   96.1   0.17   1.04   13.5    13.35   -2.65     -        -      13.5   12.55    -3.45     -        -      16.5   19.0   15.98   -3.02       -
         5500   MCS13   12.5   15.0   94.9   0.23   1.05   12.5    12.71   -2.29     -        -      12.5   11.64    -3.36     -        -      15.5   18.0   15.22   -2.78       -
         5500   MCS14   10.5   13.0   94.7   0.24   1.06   10.5    10.28   -2.72     -        -      10.5    9.82    -3.18     -        -      13.5   16.0   13.07   -2.93       -
         5500   MCS15    8.5   11.0   94.0   0.27   1.06    8.5     8.53   -2.47     -        -       8.5    7.81    -3.19     -        -      11.5   14.0   11.20   -2.80       -
*.         : SAR test was applied. *. xx.xx highlight is shown the maximum measured output power.
*1. (KDB248227 D01 (v02r02)) The reported SAR of the highest measured maximum output power channel for the exposure configuration is ≤ 0.8 W/kg.
*. Date measured February 3 and 4, 2016 / measured by: H. Naka (21  2 deg.C./ 50  5 %RH, at preparation room of S/R#7)

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                     Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                                     Page            : 13 of 116
                                                                                                                     Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                                     FCC ID             : W2Z-01000007

(cont'd) 6.1.2 5GHz band (cont'd)
                    Power spec.       Duty cycle           Antenna #0 (chain #0) power        Antenna #1 (chain #1) power     MIMO Ant.#0+Ant.#1 power
         Freq. rate              duty          scaled Set
                    Typical Max. cycle factor factor         Ave.       Tune-up           Set Ave.            Tune-up       MIMO MIMO SUM         Power
                                                                                       SAR                                SAR
                                                      pwr.           Max. factor Tested? pwr.          Max. factor Tested? target max. Ave. Max. Tune
         [MHz] [Mbps] [dBm] [dBm] [%]        [dB]    [-]    [dBm]   [dBm]   [dB]     [-]              [dBm] [dBm]      [dB]    [-]              [dBm] [dBm] [dBm]     [dB]      -up?
         5180   MCS8    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    11.84   -1.66   1.47      -      13.5   12.42    -1.08   1.28      -      14.0   16.5   15.15   -1.35   tune-up
         5220   MCS8    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    12.32   -1.18   1.31      -      13.5   12.43    -1.07   1.28      -      14.0   16.5   15.39   -1.11   tune-up
         5240   MCS8    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    12.43   -1.07   1.28   no (*1)   13.5   12.54    -0.96   1.25   no (*1)   14.0   16.5   15.50   -1.00   tune-up
         5260   MCS8    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    12.54   -0.96   1.25      -      13.5   12.68    -0.82   1.21      -      14.0   16.5   15.62   -0.88   tune-up
         5300   MCS8    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    12.81   -0.69   1.17   no (*1)   13.5   12.63    -0.87   1.22   no (*1)   14.0   16.5   15.73   -0.77   tune-up
 11n     5320   MCS8    11.0   13.5   99.3   0.03   1.01   13.5    12.92   -0.58   1.14      -      13.5   12.40    -1.10   1.29      -      14.0   16.5   15.68   -0.82   tune-up
(20HT)   5500   MCS8    13.5   16.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   15.0    14.96   -1.04   1.27      -      15.0   14.51    -1.49   1.41      -      16.5   19.0   17.75   -1.25   tune-up
 (2Tx)   5580   MCS8    13.5   16.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   15.0    15.00   -1.00   1.26      -      15.0   14.69    -1.31   1.35      -      16.5   19.0   17.86   -1.14   tune-up
         5600   MCS8    13.5   16.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   15.0    15.03   -0.97   1.25   no (*1)   15.0   14.72    -1.28   1.34   no (*1)   16.5   19.0   17.89   -1.11   tune-up
         5700   MCS8    13.5   16.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   15.0    14.77   -1.23   1.33      -      15.0   14.54    -1.46   1.40      -      16.5   19.0   17.67   -1.33   tune-up
         5745   MCS8    13.5   16.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   16.0    14.89   -1.11   1.29      -      16.0   14.82    -1.18   1.31      -      16.5   19.0   17.87   -1.13   tune-up
         5785   MCS8    13.5   16.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   16.0    14.85   -1.15   1.30      -      16.0   15.13    -0.87   1.22      -      16.5   19.0   18.00   -1.00   tune-up
         5825   MCS8    13.5   16.0   99.3   0.03   1.01   16.0    14.83   -1.17   1.31   no (*1)   16.0   15.18    -0.82   1.21   no (*1)   16.5   19.0   18.02   -0.98   tune-up
         5510   MCS8    11.0   13.5   98.7   0.06   1.01   11.0    10.88   -2.62   1.83      -      11.0   10.69    -2.81   1.91      -      14.0   16.5   13.80   -2.70       -
         5510   MCS9    11.0   13.5   98.0   0.09   1.02   11.0    10.84   -2.66     -        -      11.0   10.56    -2.94     -        -      14.0   16.5   13.71   -2.79       -
         5510   MCS10   11.0   13.5   96.8   0.14   1.03   11.0    10.80   -2.70     -        -      11.0   10.22    -3.28     -        -      14.0   16.5   13.53   -2.97       -
         5510   MCS11   11.0   13.5   95.4   0.20   1.05   11.0    10.83   -2.67     -        -      11.0   10.11    -3.39     -        -      14.0   16.5   13.50   -3.00       -
         5510   MCS12   11.0   13.5   93.6   0.29   1.07   11.0    10.79   -2.71     -        -      11.0   10.22    -3.28     -        -      14.0   16.5   13.52   -2.98       -
         5510   MCS13   11.0   13.5   92.8   0.32   1.08   11.0    10.63   -2.87     -        -      11.0   10.14    -3.36     -        -      14.0   16.5   13.40   -3.10       -
         5510   MCS14   10.0   12.5   91.8   0.37   1.09   10.0     9.67   -2.83     -        -      10.0    9.55    -2.95     -        -      13.0   15.5   12.62   -2.88       -
 11n     5510   MCS15    8.0   10.5   91.3   0.40   1.10    8.0     7.99   -2.51     -        -       8.0    7.36    -3.14     -        -      11.0   13.5   10.70   -2.80       -
 (2Tx)   5230   MCS8    11.0   13.5   98.7   0.06   1.01   13.5    12.29   -1.21   1.32   no (*1)   13.5   12.30    -1.20   1.32   no (*1)   14.0   16.5   15.30   -1.20   tune-up
         5270   MCS8    11.0   13.5   98.7   0.06   1.01   13.5    12.17   -1.33   1.36   no (*1)   13.5   12.39    -1.11   1.29   no (*1)   14.0   16.5   15.29   -1.21   tune-up
         5510   MCS8    11.0   13.5   98.7   0.06   1.01   12.5    12.76   -0.74   1.19   no (*1)   12.5   11.72    -1.78   1.51   no (*1)   14.0   16.5   15.28   -1.22   tune-up
         5550   MCS8    11.0   13.5   98.7   0.06   1.01   12.5    12.45   -1.05   1.27      -      12.5   11.85    -1.65   1.46      -      14.0   16.5   15.17   -1.33   tune-up
         5590   MCS8    11.0   13.5   98.7   0.06   1.01   12.5    12.51   -0.99   1.26      -      12.5   11.81    -1.69   1.48      -      14.0   16.5   15.18   -1.32   tune-up
         5670   MCS8    11.0   13.5   98.7   0.06   1.01   12.5    12.17   -1.33   1.36      -      12.5   12.21    -1.29   1.35      -      14.0   16.5   15.20   -1.30   tune-up
         5755   MCS8    11.0   13.5   98.7   0.06   1.01   13.5    12.45   -1.05   1.27   no (*1)   13.5   12.36    -1.14   1.30   no (*1)   14.0   16.5   15.42   -1.08   tune-up
         5795   MCS8    11.0   13.5   98.7   0.06   1.01   13.5    11.93   -1.57   1.44      -      13.5   12.12    -1.38   1.37      -      14.0   16.5   15.04   -1.46   tune-up
*.         : SAR test was applied. *. xx.xx highlight is shown the maximum measured output power.
*1. (KDB447498 D01 (v06)) Since SPLSR (SAR to peak location separation ratio) was enough smaller than 0.04, SAR test of MIMO mode was reduced.
*. Date measured February 3 and 4, 2016 / measured by: H. Naka (21  2 deg.C./ 50  5 %RH, at preparation room of S/R#7)

(Common definition)
*. Freq.: Frequency, Max.: Maximum, Power spec.: Power specification, Set pwr: Setting power for the measurement, Ave.: Average
*. Calculating formula: Average power (dBm) = (P/M Reading, dBm)+(Cable loss, dB)+(Attenuator, dB)+(duty factor, dB)
                         Duty cycle: (duty cycle, %) = (Tx on time, ms) / (1 cycle time, ms)  100; Duty factor: (duty factor, dBm) = 10  log (100/(duty cycle, %))
                         Duty scaled factor: Duty cycle correction factor for obtained SAR value, Duty scaled factor [-] = 100(%) / (duty cycle, %)
                         Max. (Deviation form maximum power, dB) = (results power (average, dBm)) - (Max.-specification output power (average, dBm))
                         Tune-up factor: Power tune-up factor for obtained SAR value, Tune-up factor [-] = 1 / (10 ^ (“Deviation from max., dB” / 10))
*. Date measured: February 3 and 4, 2016 / Measured by: Hiroshi Naka / Place: preparation room of No. 7 shielded room. (21 1 deg.C./45 10 %RH)
*. Uncertainty of antenna port conducted test; Power measurement uncertainty above 1GHz for this test was: (±) 0.76 dB.
*. Uncertainty of antenna port conducted test; Duty cycle and time measurement: (±) 0.012 %.
     11g (6Mbps,2.417GHz); 3.154ms(on time) /3.16ms(1 cycle)*100=99.8%                11a (6Mbps,5.5GHz); 3.143ms(on time) /3.154ms(1 cycle)*100=99.7%

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                            Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                            Page            : 14 of 116
                                                                                                            Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                            FCC ID              : W2Z-01000007

SECTION 7:                    SAR Measurement results
Measurement date:             February 16~19, 22 and 23, 2016                                Measurement by: Hiroshi Naka

7.1       Liquid measurement
                                                              Liquid parameters (*a)                                       ΔSAR Coefficients(*c)
          Liquid               Permittivity (r) [-]                     Conductivity [S/m]
Frequency                                                                                              Temp. Depth ΔSAR Correction                      Date measured
           type                    Measured            Limit Target          Measured           Limit [deg.C.] [mm] (1g) [%] required?
                                Meas. Δr [%]            (*b)             Meas. Δ [%]           (*b)
   5745               35.36      34.97       -1.1                5.214 5.102         -2.1                                    +0.32    not required.
   5785               35.32      34.98       -1.0                5.255 5.130         -2.4                                    +0.30    not required.   February 16, 2016
             Head                                                                                        22.9       149
   5795               35.31      35.01       -0.8                5.265 5.129         -2.6                                    +0.28    not required.   before SAR test
   5825               35.27      34.88       -1.1                5.296 5.193         -1.9                                    +0.31    not required.
   5180               36.01      35.73       -0.8                4.635 4.538         -2.1                                    +0.21    not required.
   5260               35.92      35.64       -0.8                4.717 4.610         -2.3                                    +0.22    not required.
   5270                                                -5%                                    -5% 
                      35.91      35.60       -0.9                4.727 4.617         -2.3                                    +0.24    not required.
                                                       r-meas.                                -meas.
   5300               35.87      35.66       -0.6        0% 4.758 4.633             -2.6       +5%                         +0.20    not required.
   5320               35.85      35.60       -0.7                4.778 4.645         -2.8                                    +0.23    not required.   February 17, 2016
             Head                                                                                        22.9       149
   5500               35.64      35.36       -0.8                4.963 4.825         -2.8                                    +0.27    not required.   before SAR test
   5550               35.59      35.24       -1.0                5.014 4.885         -2.6                                    +0.31    not required.
   5580               35.55      35.24       -0.9                5.045 4.890         -3.1                                    +0.31    not required.
   5600               35.53      35.20       -0.9                5.065 4.945         -2.4                                    +0.29    not required.
   5700               35.41      35.02       -1.1                5.168 5.047         -2.3                                    +0.33    not required.
   5500               48.61      47.19       -2.9                5.650 5.859         +3.7                                    +0.43    not required.
   5580               48.50      47.06       -3.0                5.743 5.968         +3.9                                    +0.42    not required.
   5600               48.47      47.03       -3.0                5.766 6.003         +4.1                                    +0.41    not required.
                                                                                                                                                      February 18, 2016
   5700      Body     48.34      46.95       -2.9                5.883 6.150         +4.5                22.6       147      +0.36    not required.
                                                                                                                                                      before SAR test
   5745               48.27      46.83       -3.0      -5%  5.936 6.192             +4.3      0%                           +0.40    not required.
   5785               48.22      46.83       -2.9      r-meas. 5.982 6.253          +4.5      -meas.                       +0.37    not required.
   5825               48.17      46.77       -2.9        0% 6.029 6.306             +4.6       +5%                         +0.37    not required.
   5180               49.04      47.81       -2.5                5.424 5.424         +2.8                                    +0.44    not required.
   5260               48.93      47.61       -2.7                5.369 5.559         +3.5                                    +0.44    not required.   February 19, 2016
             Body                                                                                        22.6       147
   5300               48.88      47.56       -2.7                5.416 5.616         +3.7                                    +0.42    not required.   before SAR test
   5320               48.85      47.57       -2.6                5.439 5.608         +3.1                                    +0.42    not required.
   2412               52.75      50.55       -4.2                1.914 1.949         +1.8                                    +1.83    not required.
   2417               52.74      50.51       -4.2      -5%  1.918 1.949             +1.6      0%                           +1.73    not required.
                                                                                                                                                      February 22, 2016
   2427      Body     52.73      50.48       -4.3      r-meas. 1.928 1.969          +2.1      -meas.   22.4       153      +1.99    not required.
                                                                                                                                                      before SAR test
   2437               52.72      50.39       -4.4        0% 1.938 1.991             +2.7       +5%                         +2.32    not required.
   2462               52.68      50.31       -4.5                1.967 2.017         +2.5                                    +2.22    not required.
   2412               39.27      38.13       -2.9                 1.766   1.808       +2.4                                   +1.82    not required.
   2417               39.26      38.10       -3.0      -5%       1.771   1.817       +2.6     0%                           +1.95    not required.
                                                                                                                                                      February 22~23, 2016
   2427      Head     39.24      38.08       -3.0      r-meas.   1.780   1.834       +3.1     -meas.   23.8       151      +2.16    not required.
                                                                                                                                                      before SAR test (*1)
   2437               39.22      38.01       -3.1        0%      1.788   1.843       +3.1      +5%                         +2.18    not required.
   2462               39.18      37.96       -3.1                 1.813   1.877       +3.5                                   +2.39    not required.
*1. It was within 24 hours from measurement on February 22, so measured parameters on February 22 were used on February 23.

*a. The target value is a parameter defined in Appendix A of KDB865664 D01 (v01r04), the dielectric parameters suggested for head and body tissue simulating liquid
    are given at 2000, 2450, 3000 and 5800MHz. (*.The parameters of the head liquid are the same value as IEC 62209-2.) Parameters for the frequencies between
    2000-3000, 3000-5800MHz were obtained using linear interpolation. Above 5800MHz were obtained using linear extrapolation.
*b. Refer to KDB865664 D01 (v01r04), item 4), Clause 2.6; "When nominal tissue dielectric parameters are recorded in the probe calibration data; for example, only
    target values and tolerance are reported, the measured εr and σ of the liquid used in routine measurements must be: ≤ the target εr and ≥ the target σ values and also
    within 5% of the required target dielectric parameters."
*c. Calculating formula: ΔSAR(1g)= Cεr Δεr + C Δ, Cεr=-7.854E-4f3+9.402E-3f2-2.742E-2f-0.2026 / C =9.804E-3f3-8.661E-2f2+2.981E-2f+0.7829

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                             Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                             Page            : 15 of 116
                                                                                                             Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                             FCC ID                : W2Z-01000007

7.2       SAR measurement results (Body)

[Measured and Reported (Scaled) SAR results]
                                 SAR measurement results                                                           Reported SAR [W/kg]
                                 EUT setup (*1)                    SAR [W/kg]              SAR        Duty cycle      Output average         SAR             Remarks
          Freq.     Data                                                                              correction      power correction
                                                            Max. value of multi-peak      plot # in                                        Corrected (*.Interpolated max.SAR
 Mode    [MHz]      rate Antenna               Bty.
                           *.SAR Position Gap                            ΔSAR ΔSAR Appendix Duty            Duty Meas. Max. Tune-up        (Scaled)      in area scan result.)
         (Channel) [Mbps] measured.       [mm] ID          Meas.                        2-2
                                                                          [%] corrected     [%]            scaled [dBm]. [dBm] factor         (*b)
Step 1: 2.4GHz Band (Body)
                   ant#0 Front                 0     #2    too small     +1.73   n/a (*a) Plot 1-3 99.8    1.00    18.57   19.5   1.25     n/a      (*.0.0115W/kg)
       2417(2)     ant#1 (Patient)             0     #2   not detected   +1.73   n/a (*a) Plot 1-4 99.8    1.00    17.63   19.5   1.54     n/a      (*.0W/kg)
      2417(2)                                  0     #2     0.129        +1.73   n/a (*a) Plot 1-1 99.8    1.00    18.57   19.5   1.25    0.161     ant#0-worst,body,2.4GHz
 11g 2437(6)   6          Short                0     #2     0.109        +2.32   n/a (*a) Plot 1-5 99.8    1.00    17.09   18.0   1.38    0.150     -
      2462(11)     ant#0 -side                 0     #2     0.072        +2.22   n/a (*a) Plot 1-6 99.8    1.00    16.08   17.5   1.39    0.100     -
 11b 2412(1)   1          -an#0                0     #2     0.059        +1.82   n/a (*a) Plot 1-7 99.8    1.00    14.99   16.0   1.26    0.074     -
n40HT 2427(4) MCS0                             0     #2     0.052        +2.16   n/a (*a) Plot 1-8 99.3    1.01    14.19   16.0   1.52    0.079     -
      2417(2)                                  0     #3     0.069        +1.73   n/a (*a) Plot 1-2 99.8    1.00    17.63   19.5   1.54    0.106     ant#1-worst,body,2.4GHz
 11g 2437(6)   6          Long                 0     #3     0.057        +2.32   n/a (*a) Plot 1-9 99.8    1.00    17.25   18.0   1.33    0.076     -
      2462(11)     ant#1 -side                 0     #3     0.037        +2.22   n/a (*a) Plot 1-10 99.8   1.00    15.87   17.5   1.46    0.054     -
 11b 2412(1)   1          -an#1                0     #3     0.036        +1.82   n/a (*a) Plot 1-11 99.8   1.00    15.20   16.0   1.20    0.043     -
n40HT 2427(4) MCS0                             0     #3     0.030        +2.16   n/a (*a) Plot 1-12 99.3   1.01    14.34   16.0   1.47    0.044     -
Step 2: 5GHz Band (Body)
        5300(60)                              0 #3 not detected +0.42 n/a (*a) Plot 2-3 99.7 1.00 13.88 15.0 1.29                   n/a (*.0.00834W/kg)
        5580(118)           ant#0             0 #3 not detected +0.42 n/a (*a) Plot 2-4 99.7 1.00 16.38 17.5 1.29                   n/a (*.0.00218W/kg)
                                    Front 0 #3 too small +0.37 n/a (*a) Plot 2-5 99.7 1.00 16.05 17.5 1.40                          n/a (*.0.0473W/kg)
         5300(60)                  (Patient) 0 #3 not detected +0.42 n/a (*a) Plot 2-6 99.7 1.00 13.56 15.0 1.39                    n/a (*.0.00117W/kg)
        5580(116)          ant#1              0 #3 not detected +0.42 n/a (*a) Plot 2-7 99.7 1.00 16.14 17.5 1.37                   n/a (*.0.00162W/kg)
        5825(165)                             0 #3 not detected +0.37 n/a (*a) Plot 2-8 99.7 1.00 16.39 17.5 1.29                   n/a (*.0.0642W/kg)
        5180(36)                              0 #2      0.103 +0.44 n/a (*a) Plot 2-9 99.7 1.00 13.70 15.0 1.35 0.139 ant#0-worst,body,w52/53
         5260(52)                             0 #2      0.078 +0.44 n/a (*a) Plot 2-10 99.7 1.00 13.67 15.0 1.36 0.106 -
         5300(60)                             0 #2      0.068 +0.42 n/a (*a) Plot 2-11 99.7 1.00 13.94 15.0 1.28 0.087 -
         5320(64)                             0 #2      0.071 +0.42 n/a (*a) Plot 2-12 99.7 1.00 13.88 15.0 1.29 0.092 -
        5500(100)                   Short 0 #3          0.129 +0.43 n/a (*a) Plot 2-1 99.7 1.00 15.99 17.5 1.42 0.183 ant#0-worst,body,w56
 11a    5580(116)    6     ant#0 -side        0 #3      0.051 +0.42 n/a (*a) Plot 2-13 99.7 1.00 16.39 17.5 1.29 0.066 -
        5600(120)                   -an#0 0 #3          0.037 +0.41 n/a (*a) Plot 2-14 99.7 1.00 16.38 17.5 1.29 0.048 -
        5700(140)                             0 #3      0.041 +0.36 n/a (*a) Plot 2-15 99.7 1.00 15.95 17.5 1.43 0.059 -
        5745(149)                             0 #3      0.067 +0.40 n/a (*a) Plot 2-16 99.7 1.00 15.95 17.5 1.43 0.096 -
        5785(157)                             0 #3      0.081 +0.37 n/a (*a) Plot 2-17 99.7 1.00 15.93 17.5 1.44 0.117 ant#0-worst,body,w58
        5825(165)                             0 #3      0.058 +0.37 n/a (*a) Plot 2-18 99.7 1.00 16.05 17.5 1.40 0.081 -
        5180(36)                              0 #2      0.068 +0.44 n/a (*a) Plot 2-19 99.7 1.00 13.50 15.0 1.41 0.096 ant#0-worst,body,w52/53
         5260(52)                             0 #2      0.039 +0.44 n/a (*a) Plot 2-20 99.7 1.00 13.55 15.0 1.40 0.055 -
         5300(60)                             0 #2      0.040 +0.42 n/a (*a) Plot 2-21 99.7 1.00 13.56 15.0 1.39 0.056 -
         5320(64)                             0 #2      0.042 +0.42 n/a (*a) Plot 2-22 99.7 1.00 13.84 15.0 1.31 0.055 -
        5500(100)                   Long 0 #2           0.117 +0.43 n/a (*a) Plot 2-2 99.7 1.00 16.18 17.5 1.36 0.159 ant#1-worst,body,w56
 11a    5580(116)    6     ant#1 -side        0 #2      0.073 +0.42 n/a (*a) Plot 2-23 99.7 1.00 16.14 17.5 1.37 0.100 -
        5600(120)                   -an#1 0 #2          0.069 +0.41 n/a (*a) Plot 2-24 99.7 1.00 16.13 17.5 1.37 0.095 -
        5700(140)                             0 #2      0.092 +0.36 n/a (*a) Plot 2-25 99.7 1.00 15.80 17.5 1.48 0.136 -
        5745(149)                             0 #2      0.106 +0.40 n/a (*a) Plot 2-26 99.7 1.00 15.91 17.5 1.44 0.153 ant#1-worst,body,w58
        5785(157)                             0 #2      0.100 +0.37 n/a (*a) Plot 2-27 99.7 1.00 15.99 17.5 1.42 0.142 -
        5825(165)                             0 #2      0.112 +0.37 n/a (*a) Plot 2-28 99.7 1.00 16.39 17.5 1.29 0.144 -
*1. Since this EUT is the medical device, the EUT is only used under the guidance of a doctor or a qualified person. The possibility of the maximum RF
    human exposure is only a body/head of the patient who comes in contact directly on the front surface (patient side) of the EUT. Therefore, the SAR test
    was only considered to the front surface of the EUT. However, SAR value couldn't be measured at the front surface, so SAR was evaluated on the side
Notes: *. Gap: It is the separation distance between the platform outer surface and the bottom outer surface of phantom; Freq.: Frequency; Bty.ID: Battery ID
              (Battery #2 and #3 were same model. Refer to Appendix 1 for more detail); Max.: Maximum, Meas.: Measured value; n/a: not applied.
        *. Calibration frequency of the SAR measurement probe (and used conversion factors)
                    SAR test frequency             Probe calibration frequency                     Validity                     Conversion factor Uncertainty
            2412, 2417, 2427, 2437, 2462 MHz                2450 MHz                within 50MHz of calibration frequency            7.17          12.0%
                5180, 5260, 5300, 5320 MHz                  5250 MHz               within 110 MHz of calibration frequency           4.53          13.1 %
                5500, 5580, 5600, 5700 MHz                  5600 MHz               within 110 MHz of calibration frequency           3.78          13.1 %
                  5745, 5785, 5825 MHz                      5750 MHz               within 110 MHz of calibration frequency           4.06          13.1 %
        *. The uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band.
*a. Since the calculated ΔSAR values of the tested liquid had shown positive correction, the measured SAR was not converted by ΔSAR correction.
    Calculating formula: SAR corrected SAR (W/kg) = (Meas. SAR (W/kg))  (100 - (SAR(%)) / 100
*b. Calculating formula: Reported SAR (W/kg) = (Measured SAR (W/kg))  (Duty scaled)  (Tune-up factor)
                            Duty scaled = Duty scaled factor: Duty cycle correction factor for obtained SAR value, Duty scaled factor [-] = 100(%) / (duty cycle, %)
                            Tune-up factor: Power tune-up factor for obtained SAR value, Tune-up factor [-] = 1 / (10 ^ (“Deviation from max., dB” / 10))

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                             Test report No. : 11143373S-C
                                                                                                             Page            : 16 of 116
                                                                                                             Issued date     : April 25, 2016

                                                                                                             FCC ID                : W2Z-01000007

7.3       SAR measurement results (Head)

[Measured and Reported (Scaled) SAR results]
                                 SAR measurement results                                                           Reported SAR [W/kg]
                                 EUT setup (*1)                    SAR [W/kg]              SAR        Duty cycle      Output average         SAR             Remarks
          Freq.     Data                                                                              correction      power correction
                                                            Max. value of multi-peak      plot # in                                        Corrected (*.Interpolated max.SAR
 Mode    [MHz]      rate Antenna               Bty.
                           *.SAR Position Gap                            ΔSAR ΔSAR Appendix Duty            Duty Meas. Max. Tune-up        (Scaled)      in area scan result.)
         (Channel) [Mbps] measured.       [mm] ID          Meas.                        2-2
                                                                          [%] corrected     [%]            scaled [dBm]. [dBm] factor         (*b)
Step 3: 2.4GHz Band (Head)
                   ant#0 Front                 0     #3    too small     +1.95   n/a (*a) Plot 3-3 99.8    1.00    18.57   19.5   1.25     n/a      (*.0.0152W/kg)
       2417(2)     ant#1 (Patient)             0     #3   not detected   +1.95   n/a (*a) Plot 3-4 99.8    1.00    17.63   19.5   1.54     n/a      (*.0.000789W/kg)
      2417(2)                                  0     #3     0.145        +1.95   n/a (*a) Plot 3-1 99.8    1.00    18.57   19.5   1.25    0.181     ant#0-worst,head,2.4GHz
 11g 2437(6)   6          Short                0     #3     0.113        +2.18   n/a (*a) Plot 3-5 99.8    1.00    17.09   18.0   1.38    0.156     -
      2462(11)     ant#0 -side                 0     #3     0.080        +2.39   n/a (*a) Plot 3-6 99.8    1.00    16.08   17.5   1.39    0.111     -
 11b 2412(1)   1          -an#0                0     #3     0.064        +1.82   n/a (*a) Plot 3-7 99.8    1.00    14.99   16.0   1.26    0.081     -
n40HT 2427(4) MCS0                             0     #2     0.056        +2.16   n/a (*a) Plot 3-8 99.3    1.01    14.19   16.0   1.52    0.085     -
      2417(2)                                  0     #2     0.071        +1.95   n/a (*a) Plot 3-2 99.8    1.00    17.63   19.5   1.54    0.109     ant#1-worst,head,2.4GHz
 11g 2437(6)   6          Long                 0     #2     0.058        +2.18   n/a (*a) Plot 3-9 99.8    1.00    17.25   18.0   1.33    0.077     -
      2462(11)     ant#1 -side                 0     #2     0.037        +2.39   n/a (*a) Plot 3-10 99.8   1.00    15.87   17.5   1.46    0.054     -
 11b 2412(1)   1          -an#1                0     #2     0.037        +1.82   n/a (*a) Plot 3-11 99.8   1.00    15.20   16.0   1.20    0.044     -
n40HT 2427(4) MCS0                             0     #2     0.029        +2.16   n/a (*a) Plot 3-12 99.3   1.01    14.34   16.0   1.47    0.043     -
Step body-4: 5GHz Band (Head)
      5300(60)                                0 #3 not detected +0.20 n/a (*a) Plot 4-3 99.7 1.00 13.88 15.0 1.29                   n/a (*.0.0000645W/kg)
      5580(118)             ant#0             0 #3 too small +0.31 n/a (*a) Plot 4-4 99.7 1.00 16.38 17.5 1.29                      n/a (*.0.0131W/kg)
                                    Front 0 #3 too small +0.31 n/a (*a) Plot 4-5 99.7 1.00 16.05 17.5 1.40                          n/a (*.0.0554W/kg)
       5300(60)                    (Patient) 0 #3 not detected +0.20 n/a (*a) Plot 4-6 99.7 1.00 13.56 15.0 1.39                    n/a (*.0.000862W/kg)
      5580(116)            ant#1              0 #3 too small +0.31 n/a (*a) Plot 4-7 99.7 1.00 16.14 17.5 1.37                      n/a (*.0.0174W/kg)
      5825(165)                               0 #3 too small +0.31 n/a (*a) Plot 4-8 99.7 1.00 16.39 17.5 1.29                      n/a (*.0.0215W/kg)
      5180(36)                                0 #2      0.113 +0.21 n/a (*a) Plot 4-9 99.7 1.00 13.70 15.0 1.35 0.153 ant#0-worst,body,w52/53
       5260(52)                               0 #2      0.083 +0.22 n/a (*a) Plot 4-10 99.7 1.00 13.67 15.0 1.36 0.113 -
       5300(60)                               0 #2      0.074 +0.20 n/a (*a) Plot 4-11 99.7 1.00 13.94 15.0 1.28 0.095 -
       5320(64)                               0 #2      0.077 +0.23 n/a (*a) Plot 4-12 99.7 1.00 13.88 15.0 1.29 0.099 -
      5500(100)                     Short 0 #3          0.135 +0.27 n/a (*a) Plot 4-1 99.7 1.00 15.99 17.5 1.42 0.192 ant#0-worst,body,w56
 11a 5580(116) 6           ant#0 -side        0 #3      0.051 +0.31 n/a (*a) Plot 4-13 99.7 1.00 16.39 17.5 1.29 0.066 -
      5600(120)                     -an#0 0 #3          0.039 +0.29 n/a (*a) Plot 4-14 99.7 1.00 16.38 17.5 1.29 0.050 -
      5700(140)                               0 #3      0.046 +0.33 n/a (*a) Plot 4-15 99.7 1.00 15.95 17.5 1.43 0.066 -
      5745(149)                               0 #3      0.075 +0.32 n/a (*a) Plot 4-16 99.7 1.00 15.95 17.5 1.43 0.107 -
      5785(157)                               0 #3      0.098 +0.30 n/a (*a) Plot 4-17 99.7 1.00 15.93 17.5 1.44 0.141 ant#0-worst,body,w58
      5825(165)                               0 #3      0.064 +0.31 n/a (*a) Plot 4-18 99.7 1.00 16.05 17.5 1.40 0.090 -
      5180(36)                                0 #2      0.083 +0.21 n/a (*a) Plot 4-19 99.7 1.00 13.55 15.0 1.40 0.117 ant#1-worst,body,w52/53
       5260(52)                               0 #2      0.046 +0.22 n/a (*a) Plot 4-20 99.7 1.00 13.50 15.0 1.41 0.064 -
       5300(60)                               0 #2      0.048 +0.20 n/a (*a) Plot 4-21 99.7 1.00 13.56 15.0 1.39 0.067 -
       5320(64)                               0 #2      0.050 +0.23 n/a (*a) Plot 4-22 99.7 1.00 13.84 15.0 1.31 0.066 -
      5500(100)                               0 #2      0.135 +0.27 n/a (*a) Plot 4-2 99.7 1.00 16.18 17.5 1.36 0.184 ant#1-worst,body,w56
 11a 5580(116) 6                              0 #2      0.086 +0.31 n/a (*a) Plot 4-23 99.7 1.00 16.14 17.5 1.37 0.118 -
      5600(120)                     Long 0 #2           0.078 +0.29 n/a (*a) Plot 4-24 99.7 1.00 16.13 17.5 1.37 0.107 -
                           ant#1 -side
      5700(140)                     -an#1 0 #2          0.093 +0.33 n/a (*a) Plot 4-25 99.7 1.00 15.80 17.5 1.48 0.138 -
      5745(149)                               0 #2      0.118 +0.32 n/a (*a) Plot 4-26 99.7 1.00 15.91 17.5 1.44 0.170 ant#1-worst,body,w58
      5785(157)                               0 #2      0.118 +0.30 n/a (*a) Plot 4-27 99.7 1.00 15.99 17.5 1.42 0.168 -
      5825(165)                               0 #2      0.129 +0.31 n/a (*a) Plot 4-28 99.7 1.00 16.39 17.5 1.29 0.166 -
       5270(54)                               0 #2      0.028 +0.24 n/a (*a) Plot 2-29 99.3 1.01 12.16 13.5 1.36 0.038 -
n40HT 5550(110) MCS0                          0 #2      0.025 +0.31 n/a (*a) Plot 2-30 99.3 1.01 12.22 13.5 1.34 0.034 -
      5795(159)                               0 #2      0.043 +0.28 n/a (*a) Plot 2-31 99.3 1.01 12.21 13.5 1.35 0.058 -
*1. Since this EUT is the medical device, the EUT is only used under the guidance of a doctor or a qualified person. The possibility of the maximum RF
    human exposure is only a body/head of the patient who comes in contact directly on the front surface (patient side) of the EUT. Therefore, the SAR test
    was only considered to the front surface of the EUT. However, SAR value couldn't be measured at the front surface, so SAR was evaluated on the side
Notes: *. Gap: It is the separation distance between the platform outer surface and the bottom outer surface of phantom; Freq.: Frequency; Bty.ID: Battery ID
              (Battery #2 and #3 were same model. Refer to Appendix 1 for more detail); Max.: Maximum, Meas.: Measured value; n/a: not applied.
        *. Calibration frequency of the SAR measurement probe (and used conversion factors)
                    SAR test frequency             Probe calibration frequency                     Validity                     Conversion factor Uncertainty
            2412, 2417, 2427, 2437, 2462 MHz                2450 MHz                within 50MHz of calibration frequency              7            12.0%
            5180, 5260, 5270, 5300, 5320 MHz                5250 MHz               within 110 MHz of calibration frequency           5.04          13.1 %
            5500, 5550, 5580, 5600, 5700 MHz                5600 MHz               within 110 MHz of calibration frequency           4.61          13.1 %
                5745, 5785, 5795, 5825 MHz                  5750 MHz               within 110 MHz of calibration frequency           4.66          13.1 %
        *. The uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band.
*a. Since the calculated ΔSAR values of the tested liquid had shown positive correction, the measured SAR was not converted by ΔSAR correction.
    Calculating formula: SAR corrected SAR (W/kg) = (Meas. SAR (W/kg))  (100 - (SAR(%)) / 100
*b. Calculating formula: Reported SAR (W/kg) = (Measured SAR (W/kg))  (Duty scaled)  (Tune-up factor)
                            Duty scaled = Duty scaled factor: Duty cycle correction factor for obtained SAR value, Duty scaled factor [-] = 100(%) / (duty cycle, %)
                            Tune-up factor: Power tune-up factor for obtained SAR value, Tune-up factor [-] = 1 / (10 ^ (“Deviation from max., dB” / 10))

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400 / Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401

Document Created: 2017-07-13 17:09:56
Document Modified: 2017-07-13 17:09:56

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