
FCC ID: W2Z-01000006

Test Report

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                                                                                       Test report No. : 106569525—B
                                                                                       Page            : 1 of 33
                                                                                       Issued date     : February26, 2015
                                                                                       FCC ID          : W27—01000006

                                   RADIO TEST REPORT
                                         Test Report No.: 10656952S—B
                                                 (Original test report: 10315698S—F)

                          Applicant                  :    FUJIFILM Corporation

                          Type of Equipment          _:   Flat Panel Sensor

                          Model No.                  :    DR—ID 1200 FLAT PANEL SENSOR DR—ID 12138E

                          FCC ID                     :    W2Z—01000006

                          Test regulation            :    FCC Part 15 Subpart E: 2015

                          Test item                  :    Radiated Spurious emission

                          Test result                :    Complied
               This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL Japan, Inc.
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               The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
               This sample tested is in compliance with the limits of the above regulation.
               The test results in this test report are traceable to the national or international standards.
               This test report must not be used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by
               any agency of the Federal Government.
    6.         The opinions and the interpretations to the result of the description in this report are outside scopes where UL
               Japan has been accredited.

Date of test:                                                January 25 to 30, 2015

Representative test engineer:                             //
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                                                                Shinichi Takano
                                                          Consumer Technology Division

Approved by:                                              //_\%Ww\
                                                               Toyokazu Imamura
                                                          Consumer Technology Division

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                                                                                                 Alulubs                   Testing
D The testing in which "Non—accreditation" is displayed is outside the accreditation scopes in UL Japan.                  RTLO2610
& There is no testing item of "Non—accreditation".

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1—22—3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka—shi, Kanagawa—ken, 259—1220 JAPAN
Telephone            _:        +81 463 50 6400                                                                         13—EM—FO429
Facsimile            :         +81 463 50 6401

                                                                    Test report No.   :   10656952S-B
                                                                    Page              :   2 of 33
                                                                    Issued date       :   February 26, 2015
                                                                    FCC ID            :   W2Z-01000006

                                 REVISION HISTORY
                             Original Test Report No.: 10656952S-B

Revision       Test report No.   Date                Page revised   Contents
- (Original)   10656952S-B       February 26, 2015   -              -

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone :       +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile  :      +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                      Test report No.   :   10656952S-B
                                                                                      Page              :   3 of 33
                                                                                      Issued date       :   February 26, 2015
                                                                                      FCC ID            :   W2Z-01000006

SECTION 1: Customer information ........................................................................................ 4
SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.) .......................................................................... 4
SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results ........................................................... 6
SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing.................................................................... 8
SECTION 5: Radiated emission ............................................................................................... 9
Contents of APPENDIXES ....................................................................................................... 11
APPENDIX 1: Data of Radio tests .......................................................................................... 12
APPENDIX 2: Test instruments ............................................................................................. 31
APPENDIX 3: Photographs of test setup ............................................................................... 32

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone :       +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile  :      +81 463 50 6401

                                                                            Test report No.   :   10656952S-B
                                                                            Page              :   4 of 33
                                                                            Issued date       :   February 26, 2015
                                                                            FCC ID            :   W2Z-01000006

SECTION 1: Customer information
 Company Name                    :   FUJIFILM Corporation
 Address                         :   2-26-30 Nishiazabu Minatoku Tokyo 106-8620, Japan
 Telephone Number                :   81-3-6271-1975
 Facsimile Number                :   81-3-6271-1189
 Contact Person                  :   Mitsuyuki Komiya

SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)
2.1   Identification of E.U.T.

 Type of equipment               :   Flat Panel Sensor
 Model No.                       :   DR-ID 1200 FLAT PANEL SENSOR DR-ID 1213SE
 Serial No.                      :   Refer to Clause 4.2
 Rating                          :   DC 8V (Battery)
 Country of Mass-production      :   Japan
 Condition of EUT                :   Engineering prototype
                                     (Not for Sale: This sample is equivalent to mass-produced items.)
 Modification of EUT             :   No modification by the test lab.
 Receipt Date of Sample          :   January 23, 2015

2.2   Product description

Model: DR-ID 1200 FLAT PANEL SENSOR DR-ID 1213SE (referred to as the EUT in this report) is Flat Panel

General specification:
Clock frequency(ies) in the system     :     40MHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone :       +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile  :      +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                        Test report No.   :   10656952S-B
                                                                                        Page              :   5 of 33
                                                                                        Issued date       :   February 26, 2015
                                                                                        FCC ID            :   W2Z-01000006

Radio specification:
Radio Type                                   :       Transceiver
Method of Frequency Generation               :       Synthesizer
Power Supply (inner)                         :       DC3.3V

                        IEEE802.11b              IEEE802.11g         IEEE802.11a             IEEE802.11n                IEEE802.11n
                                                                                             (20M band)                 (40M band)
 Frequency              2412-2462MHz             2412-2462MHz        5180-5320MHz            2412-2462MHz               2422-2452MHz
 of operation                                                        5500-5700MHz            5180-5320MHz               5190-5310MHz
 *1)                                                                 5745-5825MHz            5500-5700MHz               5510-5670MHz
                                                                                             5745-5825MHz               5755-5795MHz
 Type of modulation     DSSS                     OFDM-CCK            OFDM
                        (CCK, DQPSK,             (64QAM, 16QAM,      (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK)
                        DBPSK)                   QPSK, BPSK)
 Channel spacing        5MHz                                         20MHz                   2.4GHz band                2.4GHz band
                                                                                             5MHz                       5MHz
                                                                                             5GHz band                  5GHz band
                                                                                             20MHz                      40MHz

Antenna                          antenna #0 (Bottom, short edge side)                         antenna #1 (Left, long edge side)
                         2 pcs. (*. Separation distance between the antenna 1 and the antenna 0: 315mm )
                         11b,g,a: One selected Tx antenna operation.
Antenna quantity
                         11n(20HT),n(40HT): One selected Tx antenna operation (MCS0~7)
                         11n(20HT),n(40HT): Two Tx antenna operation (MCS8~13)
Antenna model                                                  113Y120216 (cable length: 300mm)
Antenna type / connector                     λ/2 dipole antenna / Connector; PCB side: U.FL, Antenna side: soldered
                                      -7.3(2.4GHz), -7.7(2.5GHz),                                -7.1(2.4GHz), -6.5(2.5GHz),
Antenna gain (max.peak)       -2.3(5.2GHz), -2.7(5.3GHz), -4.3(5.6GHz),                  -0.3(5.2GHz), -1.1(5.3GHz), -4.4(5.6GHz),
(excluding cable loss)                        -5.0(5.8GHz)                                               -4.5(5.8GHz)
                                                    (*.including cable loss, It has built-in in a frame of EUT.)
*1) Refer to the test reports: 10656952S-A for FCC 15.407.
* The EUT do not use the special transmitting technique such as “beam-forming” and “time-space code diversity.”

FCC 15.31 (e)
The EUT is a battery-operated device and test was performed with the full-charged battery.
Therefore, the EUT complies with the requirement.

FCC 15.203
It is impossible for end users to replace the antenna, because the antenna is mounted inside of the EUT. Therefore the
EUT complies with the requirement.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone :       +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile  :      +81 463 50 6401

                                                                            Test report No.   :   10656952S-B
                                                                            Page              :   6 of 33
                                                                            Issued date       :   February 26, 2015
                                                                            FCC ID            :   W2Z-01000006

SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results
3.1    Test specification

Test specification   :   FCC Part 15 Subpart E: 2015, final revised on January 21, 2015
Title                :   FCC 47CFR Part15 Radio Frequency Device Subpart E Unlicensed National Information
                         Infrastructure Devices
                         Section 15.207 Conducted limits
                         Section 15.209 Radiated emission limits, general requirements
                         Section 15.407 General technical requirements

3.2     Procedures & Results
      Item     Test Procedure *1)         Specification    Remarks     Deviation       Worst Margin                   Results
               ANSI C63.4:2009
Conducted      7. AC powerline         FCC 15.407 (b)(6)                 N/A
                                                               -                   -                                     -
emission       conducted emission      & 15.207                          *2)
6dB, 26dB &
               ANSI C63.4:2009       FCC 15.407
               13. Measurement of (a)(1)(2)(3)             Conducted      *3)                                            -
               intentional radiators FCC 15.215 (c)
Maximum        ANSI C63.4:2009
                                       FCC 15.407                                  -
conducted      13. Measurement of                          Conducted      *3)                                            -
output power   intentional radiators
Peak power     ANSI C63.4:2009
                                       FCC 15.407
spectral       13. Measurement of                          Conducted      *3)                                            -
density        intentional radiators
                                                                                   Freq.: 5725.000MHz
                                                                                   Detector: Peak
emission       ANSI C63.4:2009       FCC 15.109,
&              13. Measurement of 15.407 (b), 15.205 Radiated            N/A                            Complied
Restricted     intentional radiators & 15.209
                                                                                   Mode: Tx 5700MHz,
band edges
                                                                                   IEEE 802.11n (HT20),
                FCC 06-96
frequency                              FCC 15.407 (h)      Conducted        *3)      -                     -
*1) These tests were also referred to KDB 789033 (FCC), "Guidelines for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed National
Information Infrastructure (U-NII) Devices - Part 15, Subpart E”.
*2) The test is not applicable since the radio function does not operate during charging.
*3) Refer to the test report: 10315698S-E, 10315698S-G (Tested model: DR-ID1201SE)
Note: UL Japan’s Work Procedures No. 13-EM-W0420 and 13-EM-W0422

3.3    Addition to standard

Other than above, no addition, exclusion nor deviation has been made from the standard.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone :       +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile  :      +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                Test report No.   :   10656952S-B
                                                                                Page              :   7 of 33
                                                                                Issued date       :   February 26, 2015
                                                                                FCC ID            :   W2Z-01000006

3.4      Uncertainty

The following uncertainties have been calculated to provide a confidence level of 95% using a coverage factor k=2.
                                                          No.1 SAC*1/SR*2        No.2 SAC/SR                 No.3 SAC/SR
               Item                 Frequency range
                                                                (±)                   (±)                         (±)
Radiated emission                        9kHz-30MHz            3.7 dB                3.5 dB                      3.5 dB
(Measurement distance: 3m)            30MHz-300MHz             4.9 dB                4.9 dB                      4.7 dB
                                       300MHz-1GHz             5.0 dB                5.0 dB                      4.8 dB
                                         1GHz-15GHz            4.9 dB                4.9 dB                      4.9 dB
Radiated emission                       15GHz-18GHz            5.7 dB                5.7 dB                      5.7 dB
(Measurement distance: 1m)              18GHz-40GHz            4.5 dB                4.3 dB                      4.3 dB
*1: SAC=Semi-Anechoic Chamber
*2: SR= Shielded Room is applied besides radiated emission

         The data listed in this test report has enough margin, more than site margin.

3.5      Test location

UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3, Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone number         :      +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile number         :      +81 463 50 6401
JAB Accreditation No.    :      RTL02610

                                    IC                                  Size of reference ground         Maximum
                                                   Width x Depth x
                                    Registration                        plane (m) / horizontal           measurement
                                                   Height (m)
                                    No.                                 conducting plane                 distance
      No.1 semi-anechoic chamber    2973D-1        20.6 x 11.3 x 7.65   20.6 x 11.3                      10m
      No.2 semi-anechoic chamber    2973D-2        20.6 x 11.3 x 7.65   20.6 x 11.3                      10m
      No.3 semi-anechoic chamber    2973D-3        12.7 x 7.7 x 5.35    12.7 x 7.7                       5m
      No.4 semi-anechoic chamber    -              8.1 x 5.1 x 3.55     8.1 x 5.1                        -
      No.1 shielded room            -              6.8 x 4.1 x 2.7      6.8 x 4.1                        -
      No.2 shielded room            -              6.8 x 4.1 x 2.7      6.8 x 4.1                        -
      No.3 shielded room            -              6.3 x 4.7 x 2.7      6.3 x 4.7                        -
      No.4 shielded room            -              4.4 x 4.7 x 2.7      4.4 x 4.7                        -
      No.5 shielded room            -              7.8 x 6.4 x 2.7      7.8 x 6.4                        -
      No.6 shielded room            -              7.8 x 6.4 x 2.7      7.8 x 6.4                        -
      No.1 measurement room         -              2.55 x 4.1 x 2.5     -                                -

3.6      Test setup, Test data & Test instruments

Refer to APPENDIX 1 to 3.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone :       +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile  :      +81 463 50 6401

                                                                             Test report No.   :   10656952S-B
                                                                             Page              :   8 of 33
                                                                             Issued date       :   February 26, 2015
                                                                             FCC ID            :   W2Z-01000006

SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing
4.1    Operating mode

 Test item         Mode                              Tested frequency                   Worst data              Antenna
                                                                                        rate *1)                *1)
 Radiated          Transmitting IEEE 802.11n         5580MHz                            MCS8, PN9               Side &
 emission          (HT20), MIMO                                                                                 Bottom
 (below 1GHz)
 Radiated          Transmitting IEEE 802.11n         5180MHz, 5240MHz, 5320MHz          MCS8, PN9               Side &
 emission          (HT20), MIMO                                                                                 Bottom
 (above 1GHz)                                        5500MHz, 5580MHz, 5700MHz          MCS8, PN9               Side &
 *3)                                                                                                            Bottom
                                                     5745MHz, 5785MHz, 5825MHz          MCS8, PN9               Side &
                   Transmitting IEEE 802.11n         5190MHz, 5230MHz, 5310MHz          MCS8, PN9               Side &
                   (HT40), MIMO                                                                                 Bottom
                                                     5510MHz, 5550MHz, 5670MHz          MCS8, PN9               Side &
                                                     5755MHz, 5795MHz                   MCS8, PN9               Side &
 *1) The worst condition was determined based on the original test report.
 *2) Test operating mode was determined as follows according to “Section 1 of 6 802.11 a/b/g/n testing- Managing
 Complex Regulatory Approvals - ”of TCB Council Workshop October 2009.
 *3) Since 11a and 11n-20 have the same modulation method and no differences in transmitting specification, test
 was performed on the representative mode that had the highest peak output power.

EUT has the power settings by the software as follows;
                IEEE 802.11a: 12.5dBm (5180-5320MHz), 15.0dBm (5500-5700MHz)
 Power settings IEEE 802.11n (HT20): 11.0dBm (5180-5320MHz), 13.5dBm (5500-5700MHz)
                IEEE 802.11n (HT40): 10.0dBm (5190, 5310MHz), 11.0dBm (5230, 5270, 5510-5670MHz)
                Atheros Radio Test (ART)
 Software       - Revision 0.9 BUILD #27 ART_11n
                - Customer Version (ANWI BUILD)

Justification: The system was configured in typical fashion (as customer would normally use it) for testing.

4.2    Configuration and peripherals

                                     A: EUT

* Test data was taken under worse case conditions.

Description of EUT and support equipment
 No. Item                 Model number                 Serial number Manufacturer                                Remarks
 A     Flat Panel Sensor  DR-ID 1200 FLAT PANEL SENSOR #107          FUJIFILM                                    EUT
                          DR-ID 1213SE

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone :       +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile  :      +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                 Test report No.   :   10656952S-B
                                                                                 Page              :   9 of 33
                                                                                 Issued date       :   February 26, 2015
                                                                                 FCC ID            :   W2Z-01000006

SECTION 5: Radiated emission
5.1    Operating environment

Test place  :          See test data (APPENDIX 1)
Temperature :          See test data (APPENDIX 1)
Humidity    :          See test data (APPENDIX 1)

5.2    Test configuration

EUT was placed on a polystyrene platform of nominal size, 0.5m by 0.5m, raised 0.8m above the conducting ground
plane. Photographs of the set up are shown in APPENDIX 3.

5.3    Test conditions

Frequency range       :    30MHz to 40GHz *
EUT position          :    Table top
* Measurement in 9kHz to 30MHz was not performed since the EUT does not use the clock frequency below 30MHz.

5.4    Test procedure

The Radiated Electric Field Strength intensity has been measured on a semi-anechoic chamber with a ground plane and
at a distance of 3m (below 15GHz) / 1m (above 15GHz). Measurements were performed with quasi-peak, peak and
average detector. The measuring antenna height was varied between 1 and 4m and EUT was rotated a full revolution in
order to obtain the maximum value of the electric field intensity. The measurements were performed for both vertical
and horizontal antenna polarization. Drawing of the antenna direction is shown in Figure 1.
The radiated emission measurements were made with the following detection.

 Frequency           30-1000MHz        1-40GHz
 Detection type      Quasi-Peak        Peak              Average *1)
 IF Bandwidth        120kHz            RBW: 1MHz         RBW: 1MHz
                                       VBW: 3MHz         VBW: *2)
*1) The test method was referred to Section H) 6) d) Method VB (Averaging using reduced video bandwidth) of FCC
KDB 789033 D01 "Guidelines for Compliance Testing of unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII)
Devices – Part 15, Subpart E"
*2) When duty cycle > 98 percent, VBW was set at 10Hz.
When duty cycle < 98 percent, VBW (Average) calculation sheet in APPENDIX 1.
Detector and averaging type set for linear voltage averaging.
Below 1GHz
The result also satisfied with the general limits specified in FCC 15.209 (a).
Above 1GHz
Inside of restricted bands (FCC 15.205): Limit in FCC 15.209 (a)
Outside of the restricted bands:
               Limit 68.2dBuV/m(–27dBm e.i.r.p.*) or 78.2dBuV/m(-17dBm e.i.r.p.*) in the Section 15.407(b).
Restricted band edge: Limit in FCC 15.209(a)
Since this limit is severer than the limit of the inside of restricted bands.
*Electric Field Strength to e.i.r.p. conversion
P [dBm] = E [dBuV/m] -95.2 [dB]
P [dBm] = 10 x LOG ( ({ (10 ^ ( E [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * (Distance = 3[m]) ) ^ 2 } / 30) x 10^3) (uV/m):
P is the e.i.r.p. (Watts)
* Distance Factor for the measurement at 1m: 20 x log (3.0m/1.0m) = 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone :       +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile  :      +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                        Test report No.       :   10656952S-B
                                                                                                                                                        Page                  :   10 of 33
                                                                                                                                                        Issued date           :   February 26, 2015
                                                                                                                                                        FCC ID                :   W2Z-01000006

The carrier levels and noise levels were confirmed at each position of X, Y and Z axes to see the position of maximum
noise, and the test was made at the position that has the maximum noise.

 Antenna                            Carrier         Spurious                               Spurious                  Spurious                    Spurious              Spurious               Spurious
 polarization                                       (30M-1GHz)                             (1-6.4GHz)                (6.4-15GHz)                 (15-18GHz)            (18-26.5GHz)           (26.5-40GHz)
 Horizontal                         Y                Y                                     Y                         Y                           Y                     Y                      Y
 Vertical                           Y                Y                                     Y                         Y                           Y                     Y                      Y

Figure 1. Antenna angle
                                                                                     Radiated Emission                                                                                 Radiated Emission
 No.1 Semi-Anechoic Chamber (Antenna angle)                                            (Below 1GHz)                  No.1 Semi-Anechoic Chamber (Antenna angle)                          (Above 1GHz)
                           Biconical Antenna
                                                                                                                                                : Absorbers(600mm x 600mm)

                                                                                     TurnTable                                                                                          TurnTable

                                                  17 d


     Measuring Distance                                                                                                    Measuring Distance
   10m : RED LINE                       0 deg.                                                   2m / 1t                 10m : RED LINE                   0 deg.

                                                                                                           5m / 5t

                                                                                                                                                                                                    2m / 1t

                                                                                                                                                                                                              5m / 5t
   3m : GREEN LINE                                                                                                       3m : GREEN LINE

                                                       eg.                                                                                                              3m
                                                 -17 d                          g.

                                                                                                                                                             Horn Antenna
                                                                                                                                   Measuring Receiver
                          Logperiodic Antenna

 No.2 Semi-Anechoic Chamber (Antenna angle)                                          Radiated Emission

               Measuring Receiver

                                                         Horn Antenna

     Measuring Distance
   10m : RED LINE                       0 deg.
                                                                                                 2m / 1t

                                                                                                           5m / 5t

   3m : GREEN LINE


5.5        Band edge

Band edge level at 5150MHz, 5350MHz, 5460MHz and 5725MHz is below the limits of FCC 15.209.
Band edge level at 5470MHz, 5725MHz and 5850MHz is below the limits of FCC 15.407(b).

5.6        Results

Summary of the test results :                                       Pass
                                                                    * No noise was detected other than listed points.
Refer to APPENDIX 1

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone :       +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile  :      +81 463 50 6401

                                                                  Test report No.   :   10656952S-B
                                                                  Page              :   11 of 33
                                                                  Issued date       :   February 26, 2015
                                                                  FCC ID            :   W2Z-01000006

Contents of APPENDIXES

APPENDIX 1: Data of Radio tests
   Radiated emission

APPENDIX 2: Test instruments
   Test instruments

APPENDIX 3: Photographs of test setup
   Radiated emission
   Pre-check of the worst position

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone :       +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile  :      +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                     Test Report No : 10656952S-B

APPENDIX 1: Data of Radio tests

                                                                          Radiated Emission
 Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
 Date                                   January 26, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
 Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 31 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
 Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                        (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
 Mode                                   Tx,              5180 MHz
                                        Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT20), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

  (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                            (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
 Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
               [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
 Hori.         5150.000     PK                48.2         31.4           16.7     41.2         55.1       73.9         18.8        100      149
 Hori.        15540.000     PK                47.4         39.7            2.0     37.6         51.5       73.9         22.4        100        0
 Hori.         5150.000     AV                34.6         31.4           16.7     41.2         41.5       53.9         12.4        100      149   VBW:10Hz
 Hori.        15540.000     AV                34.6         39.7            2.0     37.6         38.7       53.9         15.2        100        0   VBW:10Hz
 Vert.         5150.000     PK                47.7         31.4           16.7     41.2         54.6       73.9         19.3        100      112
 Vert.        15540.000     PK                46.7         39.7            2.0     37.6         50.8       73.9         23.1        100        0
 Vert.         5150.000     AV                34.4         31.4           16.7     41.2         41.3       53.9         12.6        100      112   VBW:10Hz
 Vert.        15540.000     AV                33.8         39.7            2.0     37.6         37.9       53.9         16.0        100        0   VBW:10Hz

 Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
 *Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
 *The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
 Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

  (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                            (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
 Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit     Margin Height       Angle      Remark
               [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]       [dB]   [cm]        [deg.]
 Hori.        10360.000 PK                    47.0         39.1            9.2     40.5         54.8    -40.43      -27.00         13.4      100        0
 Vert.        10360.000 PK                    46.6         39.1            9.2     40.5         54.4    -40.83      -27.00         13.8      100        0
                                                                                                        -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                        -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                        -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                        -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                        -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                        -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                        -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                        -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                        -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                        -95.23      -27.00         68.2
 Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
 Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
 *Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
 *The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
 Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 UL Japan, Inc.
 Shonan EMC Lab.
 1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
 Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
 Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                            12 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 26, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 31 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5240 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT20), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.        15720.000     PK                44.3         39.1            2.2     37.7         47.9       73.9        26.0         100        0
Hori.        15720.000     AV                32.7         39.1            2.2     37.7         36.3       53.9        17.6         100        0 VBW:10Hz
Vert.        15720.000     PK                43.9         39.1            2.2     37.7         47.5       73.9        26.4         100        0
Vert.        15720.000     AV                32.1         39.1            2.2     37.7         35.7       53.9        18.2         100        0 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
Hori.        10480.000 PK                    47.2         39.4            9.3     40.6         55.3    -39.93      -27.00         12.9      100        0
Vert.        10480.000 PK                    46.6         39.4            9.3     40.6         54.7    -40.53      -27.00         13.5      100        0
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           13 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 26, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 31 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5320 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT20), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.         5350.000     PK                49.4         31.5           16.8     40.9         56.8       73.9        17.1         100      140
Hori.        10640.000     PK                46.7         39.6            9.3     40.6         55.0       73.9        18.9         100        0
Hori.        15960.000     PK                45.2         38.3            2.7     37.8         48.4       73.9        25.5         100        0
Hori.         5350.000     AV                34.7         31.5           16.8     40.9         42.1       53.9        11.8         100      140   VBW:10Hz
Hori.        10640.000     AV                34.9         39.6            9.3     40.6         43.2       53.9        10.7         100        0   VBW:10Hz
Hori.        15960.000     AV                34.0         38.3            2.7     37.8         37.2       53.9        16.7         100        0   VBW:10Hz
Vert.         5350.000     PK                47.6         31.5           16.8     40.9         55.0       73.9        18.9         100      165
Vert.        10640.000     PK                46.4         39.6            9.3     40.6         54.7       73.9        19.2         100        0
Vert.        15960.000     PK                46.0         38.3            2.7     37.8         49.2       73.9        24.7         100        0
Vert.         5350.000     AV                34.6         31.5           16.8     40.9         42.0       53.9        11.9         100      165   VBW:10Hz
Vert.        10640.000     AV                34.8         39.6            9.3     40.6         43.1       53.9        10.8         100        0   VBW:10Hz
Vert.        15960.000     AV                33.0         38.3            2.7     37.8         36.2       53.9        17.7         100        0   VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle      Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
    -              -            -           -             -              -       -            -          -           -             -       -        -           -
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           14 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 26, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 31 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5500 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT20), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.         5460.000     PK                47.2         31.6           16.9     40.7         55.0       73.9         18.9        100      168
Hori.        11000.000     PK                45.9         40.0            9.7     40.7         54.9       73.9         19.0        100        0
Hori.         5460.000     AV                34.9         31.6           16.9     40.7         42.7       53.9         11.2        100      168   VBW:10Hz
Hori.        11000.000     AV                34.2         40.0            9.7     40.7         43.2       53.9         10.7        100        0   VBW:10Hz
Vert.         5460.000     PK                49.0         31.6           16.9     40.7         56.8       73.9         17.1        100       78
Vert.        11000.000     PK                46.6         40.0            9.7     40.7         55.6       73.9         18.3        100        0
Vert.         5460.000     AV                34.6         31.6           16.9     40.7         42.4       53.9         11.5        100       78   VBW:10Hz
Vert.        11000.000     AV                34.2         40.0            9.7     40.7         43.2       53.9         10.7        100        0   VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit     Margin Height       Angle      Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]       [dB]   [cm]        [deg.]
Hori.         5470.000     PK                51.4         31.6           16.9     40.7         59.2    -36.03      -27.00          9.0      100     118
Hori.        16500.000     PK                50.3         39.3            3.1     37.8         54.9    -40.33      -27.00         13.3      100     285
Vert.         5470.000     PK                49.0         31.6           16.9     40.7         56.8    -38.43      -27.00         11.4      100     101
Vert.        16500.000     PK                47.0         39.3            3.1     37.8         51.6    -43.63      -27.00         16.6      100     272
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           15 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 25, 2015      January 26, 2015     January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 20 deg.C , 31 %RH 23 deg.C , 31 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Tatsuya Arai          Akira Sato           Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5580 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT20), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (below 1GHz and above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.           32.183     QP                23.8         16.8            7.0     31.8         15.8       40.0        24.2         150        0
Hori.          366.664     QP                31.0         15.6            6.8     31.8         21.6       46.0        24.4         100      157
Hori.          799.995     QP                29.7         21.2            9.0     31.9         28.0       46.0        18.0         158      176
Hori.          939.188     QP                22.5         22.4            9.6     31.1         23.4       46.0        22.6         150       13
Hori.        11160.000     PK                46.1         40.1            9.7     40.5         55.4       73.9        18.5         100        0
Hori.        11160.000     AV                34.4         40.1            9.7     40.5         43.7       53.9        10.2         100        0 VBW:10Hz
Vert.           32.976     QP                23.9         16.6            7.1     31.8         15.8       40.0        24.2         100        0
Vert.          366.667     QP                30.0         15.6            6.8     31.8         20.6       46.0        25.4         100      133
Vert.        11160.000     PK                45.8         40.1            9.7     40.5         55.1       73.9        18.8         100        0
Vert.        11160.000     AV                34.4         40.1            9.7     40.5         43.7       53.9        10.2         100        0 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
Hori.        16740.000 PK                    51.8         39.8            2.9     37.8         56.7    -38.53      -27.00         11.5      100     292
Vert.        16740.000 PK                    50.2         39.8            2.9     37.8         55.1    -40.13      -27.00         13.1      100     287
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           16 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 26, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 31 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5700 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT20), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.        11400.000     PK                46.8         40.2            9.7     40.3         56.4       73.9        17.5         100        0
Hori.        11400.000     AV                34.2         40.2            9.7     40.3         43.8       53.9        10.1         100        0 VBW:10Hz
Vert.        11400.000     PK                45.9         40.2            9.7     40.3         55.5       73.9        18.4         100        0
Vert.        11400.000     AV                34.3         40.2            9.7     40.3         43.9       53.9        10.0         100        0 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
Hori.         5725.000     PK                52.9         32.2           17.1     40.9         61.3    -33.93      -27.00          6.9      100     130
Hori.        17100.000     PK                46.6         40.9            2.9     37.8         52.6    -42.63      -27.00         15.6      100     270
Vert.         5725.000     PK                51.9         32.2           17.1     40.9         60.3    -34.93      -27.00          7.9      100     108
Vert.        17100.000     PK                43.2         40.9            2.9     37.8         49.2    -46.03      -27.00         19.0      100       0
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           17 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 26, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 31 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5745 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT20), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.        11490.000     PK                45.2         40.3            9.6     40.2         54.9       73.9         19.0        100        0
Hori.        11490.000     AV                33.7         40.3            9.6     40.2         43.4       53.9         10.5        100        0 VBW:10Hz
Vert.        11490.000     PK                45.4         40.3            9.6     40.2         55.1       73.9         18.8        100        0
Vert.        11490.000     AV                33.7         40.3            9.6     40.2         43.4       53.9         10.5        100        0 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit     Margin Height       Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]       [dB]   [cm]        [deg.]
Hori.         5715.000     PK                50.0         32.2           17.1     40.8         58.5    -36.73      -27.00          9.7      100     131
Hori.         5725.000     PK                56.0         32.2           17.1     40.9         64.4    -30.83      -17.00         13.8      100     135
Vert.         5715.000     PK                48.1         32.2           17.1     40.8         56.6    -38.63      -27.00         11.6      100      97
Vert.         5725.000     PK                52.7         32.2           17.1     40.9         61.1    -34.13      -17.00         17.1      100      79
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           18 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 26, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 31 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5785 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT20), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.        11570.000     PK                45.3         40.2            9.8     40.1         55.2       73.9        18.7         100        0
Hori.        11570.000     AV                33.5         40.2            9.8     40.1         43.4       53.9        10.5         100        0 VBW:10Hz
Vert.        11570.000     PK                45.1         40.2            9.8     40.1         55.0       73.9        18.9         100        0
Vert.        11570.000     AV                33.6         40.2            9.8     40.1         43.5       53.9        10.4         100        0 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
Hori.        17355.000 PK                    47.6         42.2            3.2     38.0         55.0    -40.23      -27.00         13.2      100     273
Vert.        17355.000 PK                    45.6         42.2            3.2     38.0         53.0    -42.23      -27.00         15.2      100       0
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           19 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 26, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 31 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5825 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT20), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.        11650.000     PK                46.0         40.0            9.8     40.1         55.7       73.9        18.2         103      165
Hori.        11650.000     AV                34.4         40.0            9.8     40.1         44.1       53.9         9.8         103      165 VBW:10Hz
Vert.        11650.000     PK                46.7         40.0            9.8     40.1         56.4       73.9        17.5         100       91
Vert.        11650.000     AV                33.6         40.0            9.8     40.1         43.3       53.9        10.6         100       91 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
Hori.         5850.000     PK                55.4         32.6           17.1     41.0         64.1    -31.13      -17.00         14.1      100     137
Hori.         5860.000     PK                49.4         32.6           17.1     41.0         58.1    -37.13      -27.00         10.1      100     134
Vert.         5850.000     PK                51.7         32.6           17.1     41.0         60.4    -34.83      -17.00         17.8      100     112
Vert.         5860.000     PK                48.7         32.6           17.1     41.0         57.4    -37.83      -27.00         10.8      100      95
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           20 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 27, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 37 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5190 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT40), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.         5150.000     PK                48.8         31.4           16.7     41.2         55.7       73.9         18.2        100      137
Hori.        15570.000     PK                44.7         39.6            2.0     37.6         48.7       73.9         25.2        100        0
Hori.         5150.000     AV                36.1         31.4           16.7     41.2         43.0       53.9         10.9        100      137   VBW:10Hz
Hori.        15570.000     AV                32.7         39.6            2.0     37.6         36.7       53.9         17.2        100        0   VBW:10Hz
Vert.         5150.000     PK                50.7         31.4           16.7     41.2         57.6       73.9         16.3        100      128
Vert.        15570.000     PK                44.9         39.6            2.0     37.6         48.9       73.9         25.0        100        0
Vert.         5150.000     AV                37.3         31.4           16.7     41.2         44.2       53.9          9.7        100      128   VBW:10Hz
Vert.        15570.000     AV                32.8         39.6            2.0     37.6         36.8       53.9         17.1        100        0   VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit     Margin Height       Angle      Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]       [dB]   [cm]        [deg.]
Hori.        10380.000 PK                    46.3         39.1            9.2     40.5         54.1    -41.13      -27.00         14.1      100        0
Vert.        10380.000 PK                    46.2         39.1            9.2     40.5         54.0    -41.23      -27.00         14.2      100        0
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           21 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 27, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 37 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5230 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT40), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.        15690.000     PK                43.2         39.2            2.2     37.7         46.9       73.9        27.0         100        0
Hori.        15690.000     AV                31.5         39.2            2.2     37.7         35.2       53.9        18.7         100        0 VBW:10Hz
Vert.        15690.000     PK                43.8         39.2            2.2     37.7         47.5       73.9        26.4         100        0
Vert.        15690.000     AV                31.7         39.2            2.2     37.7         35.4       53.9        18.5         100        0 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
Hori.        10460.000 PK                    47.3         39.3            9.3     40.6         55.3    -39.93      -27.00         12.9      100        0
Vert.        10460.000 PK                    46.5         39.3            9.3     40.6         54.5    -40.73      -27.00         13.7      100        0
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           22 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 27, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 37 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5310 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT40), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.         5350.000     PK                49.4         31.5           16.8     40.9         56.8       73.9        17.1         100      158
Hori.        10620.000     PK                46.4         39.5            9.3     40.6         54.6       73.9        19.3         100        0
Hori.        15930.000     PK                45.6         38.4            2.6     37.8         48.8       73.9        25.1         100        0
Hori.         5350.000     AV                36.3         31.5           16.8     40.9         43.7       53.9        10.2         100      158   VBW:10Hz
Hori.        10620.000     AV                34.9         39.5            9.3     40.6         43.1       53.9        10.8         100        0   VBW:10Hz
Hori.        15930.000     AV                33.4         38.4            2.6     37.8         36.6       53.9        17.3         100        0   VBW:10Hz
Vert.         5350.000     PK                49.2         31.5           16.8     40.9         56.6       73.9        17.3         100       97
Vert.        10620.000     PK                46.7         39.5            9.3     40.6         54.9       73.9        19.0         100        0
Vert.        15930.000     PK                45.7         38.4            2.6     37.8         48.9       73.9        25.0         100        0
Vert.         5350.000     AV                36.0         31.5           16.8     40.9         43.4       53.9        10.5         100       97   VBW:10Hz
Vert.        10620.000     AV                34.9         39.5            9.3     40.6         43.1       53.9        10.8         100        0   VBW:10Hz
Vert.        15930.000     AV                32.6         38.4            2.6     37.8         35.8       53.9        18.1         100        0   VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle      Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
    -              -            -           -             -              -       -            -          -            -            -       -        -           -

Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           23 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 27, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 37 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5510 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT40), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.         5460.000     PK                49.2         31.6           16.9     40.7         57.0       73.9         16.9        100      147
Hori.        11020.000     PK                46.0         40.0            9.8     40.7         55.1       73.9         18.8        100        0
Hori.         5460.000     AV                35.5         31.6           16.9     40.7         43.3       53.9         10.6        100      147   VBW:10Hz
Hori.        11020.000     AV                34.3         40.0            9.8     40.7         43.4       53.9         10.5        100        0   VBW:10Hz
Vert.         5460.000     PK                48.5         31.6           16.9     40.7         56.3       73.9         17.6        100       78
Vert.        11020.000     PK                45.3         40.0            9.8     40.7         54.4       73.9         19.5        100        0
Vert.         5460.000     AV                35.2         31.6           16.9     40.7         43.0       53.9         10.9        100       78   VBW:10Hz
Vert.        11020.000     AV                34.2         40.0            9.8     40.7         43.3       53.9         10.6        100        0   VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit     Margin Height       Angle      Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]       [dB]   [cm]        [deg.]
Hori.         5470.000     PK                51.2         31.6           16.9     40.7         59.0    -36.23      -27.00          9.2      100     152
Hori.        16530.000     PK                44.3         39.3            3.0     37.8         48.8    -46.43      -27.00         19.4      100       0
Vert.         5470.000     PK                49.4         31.6           16.9     40.7         57.2    -38.03      -27.00         11.0      100     102
Vert.        16530.000     PK                44.5         39.3            3.0     37.8         49.0    -46.23      -27.00         19.2      100       0

Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           24 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 27, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 37 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5550 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT40), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.        11100.000     PK                46.3         40.0            9.7     40.6         55.4       73.9        18.5         100        0
Hori.        11100.000     AV                34.5         40.0            9.7     40.6         43.6       53.9        10.3         100        0 VBW:10Hz
Vert.        11100.000     PK                45.7         40.0            9.7     40.6         54.8       73.9        19.1         100        0
Vert.        11100.000     AV                34.3         40.0            9.7     40.6         43.4       53.9        10.5         100        0 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
Hori.        16650.000 PK                    48.0         39.6            2.9     37.8         52.7    -42.53      -27.00         15.5      100     295
Vert.        16650.000 PK                    47.6         39.6            2.9     37.8         52.3    -42.93      -27.00         15.9      100     289
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           25 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 27, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 37 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5670 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT40), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.        11340.000     PK                46.1         40.2            9.7     40.4         55.6       73.9        18.3         100        0
Hori.        11340.000     AV                34.1         40.2            9.7     40.4         43.6       53.9        10.3         100        0 VBW:10Hz
Vert.        11340.000     PK                46.0         40.2            9.7     40.4         55.5       73.9        18.4         100        0
Vert.        11340.000     AV                34.2         40.2            9.7     40.4         43.7       53.9        10.2         100        0 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
Hori.         5725.000     PK                48.9         32.2           17.1     40.9         57.3    -37.93      -27.00         10.9      100     121
Hori.        17010.000     PK                46.5         40.4            2.9     37.7         52.1    -43.13      -27.00         16.1      100     258
Vert.         5725.000     PK                47.9         32.2           17.1     40.9         56.3    -38.93      -27.00         11.9      100      88
Vert.        17010.000     PK                45.8         40.4            2.9     37.7         51.4    -43.83      -27.00         16.8      100     254
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           26 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 27, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 37 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5755 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT40), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.        11510.000     PK                46.0         40.3            9.7     40.2         55.8       73.9         18.1        100        0
Hori.        11510.000     AV                34.0         40.3            9.7     40.2         43.8       53.9         10.1        100        0 VBW:10Hz
Vert.        11510.000     PK                45.7         40.3            9.7     40.2         55.5       73.9         18.4        100        0
Vert.        11510.000     AV                33.9         40.3            9.7     40.2         43.7       53.9         10.2        100        0 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit     Margin Height       Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]       [dB]   [cm]        [deg.]
Hori.         5715.000     PK                49.2         32.2           17.1     40.8         57.7    -37.53      -27.00         10.5      100     126
Hori.         5725.000     PK                54.2         32.2           17.1     40.9         62.6    -32.63      -17.00         15.6      100     126
Hori.        17265.000     PK                44.8         41.7            3.1     37.9         51.7    -43.53      -27.00         16.5      100       0
Vert.         5715.000     PK                49.5         32.2           17.1     40.8         58.0    -37.23      -27.00         10.2      100     112
Vert.         5725.000     PK                52.4         32.2           17.1     40.9         60.8    -34.43      -17.00         17.4      100     105
Vert.        17265.000     PK                44.9         41.7            3.1     37.9         51.8    -43.43      -27.00         16.4      100       0
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           27 of 33

                                                                                                                                    Test Report No : 10656952S-B

                                                                         Radiated Emission
Test place                             UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.             No.1 and 2 Semi Anechoic Chamber
Date                                   January 27, 2015      January 28, 2015     January 30, 2015
Temperature / Humidity                 23 deg.C , 37 %RH 24 deg.C , 35 %RH 22 deg.C , 34 %RH
Engineer                               Akira Sato            Shinichi Takano      Akio Hayashi
                                       (No.1 SAC)            (No.1 SAC)           (No.2 SAC)
Mode                                   Tx,              5795 MHz
                                       Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT40), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

 (above 1GHz Inside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result   Limit         Margin         Height   Angle Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]         [dB]           [cm]    [deg.]
Hori.        11590.000     PK                44.8         40.1            9.8     40.1         54.6       73.9        19.3         100        0
Hori.        11590.000     AV                33.7         40.1            9.8     40.1         43.5       53.9        10.4         100        0 VBW:10Hz
Vert.        11590.000     PK                45.6         40.1            9.8     40.1         55.4       73.9        18.5         100        0
Vert.        11590.000     AV                33.7         40.1            9.8     40.1         43.5       53.9        10.4         100        0 VBW:10Hz

Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

 (Calculation) (above 1GHz Outside of the restricted band)
                           (* PK: Peak, AV: Average, QP: Quasi-Peak)
Polarity    Frequency       Detector Reading         Ant.Fac.          Loss     Gain       Result Result (EIRP)     Limit    Margin Height        Angle     Remark
              [MHz]                  [dBuV]          [dB/m]            [dB]     [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBm]            [dBm]      [dB]   [cm]         [deg.]
Hori.         5850.000     PK                48.7         32.6           17.1     41.0         57.4    -37.83      -17.00         20.8      100     135
Hori.         5860.000     PK                48.0         32.6           17.1     41.0         56.7    -38.53      -27.00         11.5      100     135
Hori.        17385.000     PK                45.7         42.3            3.1     38.0         53.1    -42.13      -27.00         15.1      100       0
Vert.         5850.000     PK                48.5         32.6           17.1     41.0         57.2    -38.03      -17.00         21.0      100      76
Vert.         5860.000     PK                47.8         32.6           17.1     41.0         56.5    -38.73      -27.00         11.7      100      82
Vert.        17385.000     PK                46.2         42.3            3.1     38.0         53.6    -41.63      -27.00         14.6      100       0
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
                                                                                                       -95.23      -27.00         68.2
Result[dBuV/m] = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above 15GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier)
Resrult(EIRP[dBm])=10*LOG(({ ( 10 ^ ( Electric Field Strength [dBuV/m] / 20 ) * 10 ^ (-6) * Distance:3[m] ) ^ 2 } / 30) *10^3)
*Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
*The 4th harmonic was not seen so the result was its base noise level.
Distance factor:           15GHz-40GHz              20log(3.0m/1.0m)= 9.5dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                                                                           28 of 33

                                                                                          Test Report No : 10656952S-B
 Test place               UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.   No.1 Semi Anechoic Chamber
 Date                     January 26, 2015
 Temperature / Humidity   23 deg.C     , 31 %RH
 Engineer                 Akira Sato

                                                    Burst rate confirmation

                              Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT20), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

           duty cycle = 1.48 / 1.494 = 0.991 (99.1%)

 Tx2_BurstRate1                                                          Tx2_BurstRate2

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                              29 of 33

                                                                                          Test Report No : 10656952S-B
 Test place               UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.   No.1 Semi Anechoic Chamber
 Date                     January 27, 2015
 Temperature / Humidity   23 deg.C     , 37 %RH
 Engineer                 Akira Sato

                                                    Burst rate confirmation

                              Tx, IEEE802.11n(HT40), PN9, antenna port 0+1, worst data mode MCS8

         duty cycle = 0.7359 / 0.7499 = 0.981 (98.1%)

 Tx2_BurstRate1                                                          Tx2_BurstRate2

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone   : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile   : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                              30 of 33

                                                                                                Test Report No : 10656952S-B

Test Report No :10656952S_FCC15E
        APPENDIX 2
        Test Instruments
EMI test equipment
      Control No.          Instrument           Manufacturer            Model No          Serial No      Test Item    Calibration Date
                                                                                                                     * Interval(month)
     SAEC-01(NSA) Semi-Anechoic Chamber TDK                         SAEC-01(NSA)      1                 RE           2014/07/09 * 12
        SAF-04      Pre Amplifier         TOYO Corporation          TPA0118-36        1440489           RE           2014/03/14 * 12
       SCC-G01      Coaxial Cable         Suhner                    SUCOFLEX 104A     46497/4A          RE           2014/04/22 * 12
       SCC-G21      Coaxial Cable         Suhner                    SUCOFLEX 104      296169/4          RE           2014/05/15 * 12
        SHA-01      Horn Antenna          Schwarzbeck               BBHA9120D         9120D-725         RE           2014/08/12 * 12
       SOS-01       Humidity Indicator    A&D                       AD-5681           4062555           RE           2014/10/30 * 12
        STR-01      Test Receiver         Rohde & Schwarz           ESU40             100093            RE           2014/11/11 * 12
        SJM-13      Measure               ASKUL                     -                 -                 RE           -
     COTS-SEMI-1 EMI Software             TSJ                       TEPTO-DV(RE,CE, -                   RE           -
       SAT10-06     Attenuator            Agilent                   8493C-010       74865               RE           2014/11/21 * 12
        SFL-03      Highpass Filter       MICRO-TRONICS             HPM50112          028               RE           2014/11/21 * 12
        SSA-02      Spectrum Analyzer     Agilent                   E4448A            MY48250106        RE           2014/03/17 * 12
     SAEC-02(NSA) Semi-Anechoic Chamber TDK                         SAEC-02(NSA)      2                 RE           2014/07/08 * 12
        SAF-05      Pre Amplifier         TOYO Corporation          TPA0118-36        1440490           RE           2014/11/21 * 12
       SCC-G02      Coaxial Cable         Suhner                    SUCOFLEX 104A     46498/4A          RE           2014/04/22 * 12
       SCC-G22      Coaxial Cable         Suhner                    SUCOFLEX 104      296199/4          RE           2014/05/15 * 12
        SHA-02      Horn Antenna          Schwarzbeck               BBHA9120D         9120D-726         RE           2014/08/12 * 12
       SOS-03       Humidity Indicator    A&D                       AD-5681           4063325           RE           2014/10/30 * 12
        STR-07      Test Receiver         Rohde & Schwarz           ESU26             100484            RE           2014/09/03 * 12
        SJM-14      Measure               ASKUL                     -                 -                 RE           -
        KSA-08      Spectrum Analyzer     Agilent                   E4446A            MY46180525        RE           2014/03/04 * 12
        SHA-05      Horn Antenna          ETS LINDGREN              3160-09           LM4210            RE           2014/03/15 * 12
       SCC-G18      Coaxial Cable         Suhner                    SUCOFLEX 104A     46292/4A          RE           2014/03/14 * 12
        SHA-06      Horn Antenna          ETS LINDGREN              3160-10           LM3459            RE           2014/03/15 * 12
        SAF-10      Pre Amplifier         TOYO Corporation          HAP26-40W         00000010          RE           2014/03/14 * 12
       SCC-G19      Coaxial Cable         Suhner                    SUCOFLEX 102A     1188/2A           RE           2014/03/14 * 12
        SAF-01      Pre Amplifier         SONOMA                    310N              290211            RE           2014/02/17 * 12
       KAT6-04      Attenuator            INMET                     18N-6dB           -                 RE           2014/12/19 * 12
       KAT3-09      Attenuator            JFW IND. INC.             50HF-003N         -                 RE           2014/08/27 * 12
        SBA-01      Biconical Antenna     Schwarzbeck               BBA9106           91032664          RE           2014/10/18 * 12
    SCC-A1/A3/A5    Coaxial Cable&RF      Fujikura/Fujikura/Suhne   8D2W/12DSFA/14    -/0901-269(RF RE               2014/04/25 * 12
    /A7/A8/A13/S    Selector              r/Suhner/Suhner/Suhn      1PE/141PE/141PE   Selector)
       RSE-01                             er/TOYO                   /141PE/NS4906
    SCC-A2/A4/A6    Coaxial Cable&RF      Fujikura/Fujikura/Suhne   8D2W/12DSFA/14    -/0901-269(RF RE               2014/04/25 * 12
    /A7/A8/A13/S    Selector              r/Suhner/Suhner/Suhn      1PE/141PE/141PE   Selector)
       RSE-01                             er/TOYO                   /141PE/NS4906
       SLA-01       Logperiodic Antenna   Schwarzbeck               UHALP9108A        UHALP 9108-A RE                2014/10/18 * 12

The expiration date of the calibration is the end of the expired month .
As for some calibrations performed after the tested dates , those test equipment have been controlled by
means of an unbroken chains of calibrations .

All equipment is calibrated with valid calibrations . Each measurement data is traceable to the national or
international standards .
Test Item:
    RE: Radiated emission

UL Japan, Inc.                                                                                 Page :
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Document Created: 2015-03-02 15:25:53
Document Modified: 2015-03-02 15:25:53

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