(Short-Term Confidential) User Manual_1-2

FCC ID: W2Z-01000004

Users Manual

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I 1.6 Locations of Labels and Signs
  Locations of labels and signs affixed to the FDR D—EVO, and the relevant safety signs are shown below.

1.6.1      Locations of Labels
Flat panel sensor (DR—ID 601SE)                                  Flat panel sensor (DR—ID 602SE)
    fl”—”|______—i—Color Label                                                     |________—1—Color Label

                             DR—ID 601SE Caution Label                                        |_      DR—ID 6028E Caution Label

                                                                                                                                          uopesado ajeg 104
                         —I— DR—ID 6018E CE Mark Label                            |——>—IL— DR—ID 6028E CE Mark Label
                          ..— DR—ID 6018E Identification Label                                LL—DR—ID 6028E Identification Label
                          L DR—ID 6018E                                                             |_DR—1D soasE
                             Radio Law Certification Label                                     [|     Radio Law Certification Label
             <       —       Battery.Cover Label                                                      Battery Cover Label

     <Exposure plane>                                                 <Exposure plane>

Flat panel sensor (DR—ID 611SE)                                  Flat panel sensor (DR—ID 612SE)
              _______—i—Color Label                                               /'Color Label

                      |L—DR—ID 6118E Caution Label                                      L. DR—ID 6128E Caution Label
                     l DR—ID 6118E CE Mark Label                                 —=—IIL— DR—ID 6128E CE Mark Label
                                                                                              .L—DR—ID 6128E Identification Label
                           .——DR—ID 611SE Identification Label
                           |__DR—ID 6118E                                                           |_ DR—ID 6125E
                                                                                               [| Radio Law Certification Label
                              Radio Law Certification Label
                                                                                               j Battery Cover Label
                            —Battery Cover Label

    ~ <Exposure plane>                                                <Exposure plane>

Flat panel sensor (DR—ID 613SE)                                  Flat panel sensor (DR—ID 600SE)

                           DR—ID 6135E
                           Identification Label
                           DR—ID 613SE
                           Radio ‘Law Certification Label
                           Battery Cover Label                                                        DR—ID 6008E Caution Label

                              —ID 613SE Caution Label 1                                     /DR-ID 600SE CE Mark Label
                              —ID 613SE Caution Label 2                                     |__——DR—ID 600SE Identification Label

     <Exposure plane>                                                 <Exposure plane>

                                              Control cabinet (DR—ID 600MC)

                                                                    DR—ID 600MC
                                                                    Identification Label

     If the control cabinet is not included in the system, the DR—ID 600MC identification label is placed on the CD
     case of the software for the control cabinet.

                                                                                       FDR D—EVO Operation Manual    897N101473R I 1—23

                                                                                       Power supply unit (DR—ID 60O0MP)

                                          DR—ID GOOMP Caution Label 1 —<<>

                                                                                                                                                                DR—ID 600MP
                                                                                                                                                                Caution Label 2

                                                                                                                                                                DR—ID 600MP
                                                                                                                                                                Caution Label 3
                                                                                                                                            0              0         @
                                          DR—ID 6O0MP System Label

                                          DR—ID 600PU Rating Label                                                                                  L{[‘             For the types of
                                                                                                                                                     7z              connectable cables,
                                                                                                                                          Ille                       consult a FUJIFILM dealer.
uopesadop ajeg 104

                                                                                                              <Left—hand side>            <Rear side>

                                                                                       Battery charger
                                                                        Battery charger Rating Label

                                                                                                                                                                Battery pack
                                                                                                                  AC adapter (Battery charger)                    (optional)

                                                                                                                                                                                       Battery pack
                                                                                                                                                                                       Rating Label

                                                                                                          AC adapter for cradle


                                                                                                     AC adapter for cradle
                                                                                                     Rating Label

                            1.6.2             DR—ID 600
                                                                                                                                                    Hanutctrer FUJIFILM Corporation
                                   Manufacturer FUJIFILM COI’POration           MADE IN JAPAN                 h                                                26—30, NISHIAZABU 2—CHOME, MINATO—KU,
                                                                                                                                                               TOKYO 106—8620, JAPAN
                                   26—30, NISHIAZABU 7—CHOI ME,   MINATO—KU, TOKYO 106—8620, JAPAN    sssmazznc

                             FUJIFILM                                                                                                                      FUJIFILM DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY
                             DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY                     K c E 0123 I—_é d’                                                                          MODEL.   DR—ID 600

                             moneL br—ID 600                         ===                        ]                       Sample year of              Associated equipment
                             This equipment is DR—ID 6015E                                                  _           manufacture                                               DR—ID 600pU
                                                                                                                          —                                                       DR—ID 6GOMC
                            DR—ID 601SE CE Mark Label                                                                                                                             DR—ID 300GL

                                    Manutecturer FUJIEILM COI'POI‘athn           MADE IN JAPAN                                                                                          c €
                                    26—30, NISHIAZABU 2—CHOME, MINATO—KU. TOKYO 108—5520, JABAN AcsvtazissA)                                                                                     0123
                              DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY                    E c €D|23 [—__l_. &I
                                                                                                                                                           This equipment is DR—ID 6O0MP
                              MODEL DR—D 600                          man
                                                                                                                        Sample year of
                             This equipment is DR—ID 6025E                                                   J          manufacture                  MANUFACTURED :                     0
                             DR—ID 6025E CE Mark Label

                                    mm c cut) CorfiuratlonMADE IN JAPAN
                                    26—30, NISHIAZABU 2—CHOME, M             TOKYO 106—8620, JAPAN 4080240                                         SN

                              FUJIFILM                               K                                                                           Wane sapan                                  AcNToiere
                              DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY                           C €mza CL__——3
                              MODEL bR—ID s00                         am                      T «e                                                 DR—ID 600MP System Label
                              This equipment is DR—JD 6118E                                     ———                   Sample year of
                             DR—ID 6118E CE Mark Label                                                                manufacture

                     1—24 | FDR D—EVO Operation Manual               897N101473R

           Manpfocurer FUJIFILM Corporation                  Mr‘\DE IN JAPAN                                                            Nar\ulm_l\uer FUJIFILM Cor oranon MADE IN JAPAN
           26—30, NISHIAZABU 2CHOME, MINATC—KU, TG BZ           lexelceleanietcit ki Lo                                                       McseidnssS(TG—KU. TOKYO 106—8620,JAPAN
  DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY                        :g C Eulza I:_:&l                                                                         FLAT PANEL SENSOR                                      &
  MODEL DR—JD 600                                                                                                                      MODEL DRJD 6135E                                      KX
                                                                                          I                                            <Fiek! Installed Accestory for DRID G00PU>                  e           us
  This equipment is DR—ID e12sE
                                                                                     /                                                 FUJIEILM
 DR—ID 6128E CE Mark Label                                                                                                             DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY
                                                                                                                                       MODEL DR—ID 600
                                                                                                                                       This equipment is DR—ID 613SE

                                                                                                        Sample year of

                           Manufacturer   FUJIFILM COI’F oration          MADE IN JAPAN
                           26—30, NISHIAZABU 2—CHOME, M 1ATG—KUTOXYO 106—8620, JAPAN
  MODEL DR—ID 600                                                                                                                      id

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    uopesado ajeg 104
kThis equipmentis DR—ID 600SE

DR—ID 600SE CE Mark Label                                                                            —Sample year of                    DR—ID 613SE Identification Label

    tarstacurer FUJIFILM Corporation                                     Marutsuer FUJIFILM Corporation
                paoo e n encuo                                                      26—30, NISHIAZABU 2—CHOME, MINATOKU,
                Mssy                                                                esc onl

           FUJIFILM DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY                                          FUJIFILM DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY

                 MODEL DR—ID 600                                                       MODEL DR—ID 600

                                              C € 0123

           This equipment is DR—ID 600MC                                         This equipment is DR—ID 6OOMC

            MANUFACTURED :                  2010 &l                              MANUFACTURED :            2010 (wil

DR—ID 600MC Identification Label                                     DR—ID 600MC Identification Label _        Battery Cover Label
                                                                     (for the system without the DR—ID 6OO0MC)

 Li—ion Battery charger FU JFILM                         Liion Battery charger FUJIFILM
                                                         Cargador de Bateria
                                                             enR ce
   INPUT     1éV
                                                             INPUT   16V=—4.3A
                                                             OUTPUT 12.30— 1.74 wich

                                                              or madity.                  ESbs
                              s                           anylhing other than the seeifid adaptor.
                    Eo Cnvparal cuberst                                          uesnc
                     H PEsuoacl
                     Om C €   en

  PP                 ts                                  m                USIED
 Lopuues Corporallnn                                     FUJIFILM Corporation
 Parts NO. 125¥100056                                    Parts NO, 125¥100056
 LEUBbpEce                                               MADE IN JAPAN

                                                                                                                  AC ADAPTER FUJIFILM                           AC ADAPTOR FUJIFILM
                                                                                                                 125Y100057________                             ADAPTADOR DE cafec 125¥100057
                     (ue                                                                                          MODEL RC120G—16D [6]                          MODEL RC120G—16D0 [8]
                                          tastitacoso                                            esd              INPUT  100—240V~1.5A                          INPUT  100—240V~1.5A

        c ae                              c                                                                              50—60Hz     C                                 50—60Hz
                                                                                                                  OUTPUT 16V=6.5A                               OUTPUT 16V=—6.5A

                                                                                                                                                                            E: usWzsz2e                =;‘|1
                                                                                                                                                               CFFJ€                Chzins: NUM i        EE
                                                                                                                                                                   pxll     ___I

                                                                                                                                                               n@us LISTED               z
                                                                                                                  MADE IN JAPAN                                            (ooreetd ( SAFETY
                                                                                                                        oo                                                   ib        ) wA rer
                                                                                                                                                               EFF[C|ENCVLEVEL® Un o e

                                                                                                                 FUJIFILM Corporation            ealild               e     es
                                                                                                                                                                onatanonet                    \‘A&‘
                                     ts                                                       (od                       CAUTION :FOHINDOOR USE ONLY
                                                                                                                                   HOT SHORTCIRCUIT            Aoidarnbaceeacilvy ‘n o mc snn‘
                                                                                                                             & m :BANq                          MADE IN JAPAN
                                                                                                                                       TrTa                           BHilia

                                                                                                                        DANGEA :DOHOTOPFNEI%ANGEHOUS
                                                                                                                                                                       : DQ NoT OPEN, DANGEROUS
                                                                                                                             o M :ABCARENb®DAM                  ADANGEH vouragEsINSlpE,
                                                                                                                                  TF. RORUTEAV                                                    42 M3

                                 Battery Pack Rating Label                                                                 AC Adapter (Battery Charger) Rating Label

                                                                                                                                           FDR D—EVO Operation Manual                   B97N101473R ' 1—25

                                                                                             Model: DAP—25§3

                                                                                                                   Model No.: AF1805—A
                                                                                                                   INPYT:100—120V—0.4A, 60~60Hz. LF
                                                                                                                   OUTPUTAS, DV==2.5A G—C—G

                            @ {mmw«mm::!
                                      201 XW 00251
                                      20YW R9r15115
                                                                                                                    P—Lnk fspan KX SHOCKDO N
                             PIN: JAP2S53IJP..A1G
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                                                                                                                          JehteTEChHNOLOGY ca, 1tb
                            !.lllllHITJIIEIElII‘;IJIIlII?.IIHIIMI                                                                        MadeinUhing Et

                          Access Point Rating Label*                                                              AC Adapter (Access Point) Rating Label*

                          * The access point model is subject to change.
uonedado ajeg 104

                            SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY
                            MODEL NO.:MPUGOA—105
                                 47—G3Hz. 1.62—0.72A
                            OUTPUT12V=——5.25A max.

                             PIN3 NIC
                            .                           E 230351

                             A~           EN60GO1—1

                                          iEcsosor1|         *X E\/
                            CAUTION nonoro
                            RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK
                            ATTENTION ESSthdeeems
                            RoHS                      MADE IN TAIWAN
                                                                             AC adapter for cradle Rating Label

                    1—26 I FDR D—EVO Operation Manual 897N101473R

1.6.3       DR—ID 6O0PU
                  Manufacture: FUJIFILM Corporation MAE IN JAPAN                                                      Manfactrer FUJIFILM Corporation                          MADE IN JAPAN —
                 26—30. NISHIAZABU 2:CHOME, MINATO—KU, TOKYO 106—3620, JAPAN                   scomeszrss             26—30, NISHIAZABU 2—CHOME, MINATO—KU, TOICYO 106—3620, JAPAN doGwtoziptA

         FLAT PANEL SENSOR                                                                                   FLAT PANEL SENSOR
         MODEL DR—ID 6018E                                                                                   MODEL DR—JID 6028E
         «Field Instalted Accessory for DT4D 600PL>                                                          «Field Installed Accessory for DTID 600PU®

        DR—ID 601SE Identification Label                                                                    DR—ID 6028E Identification Label

                 Manutacturer FUJIFILLM Corporation MADE IN JAPAN                                                    ecU ant.| CorPuration Eesn t
                 26—30, NISHIAZABU 2—CHOME, MINATO—KU. TOKYO 106—8620, JAPAN dostror30rA                             ‘20—30, NBHIAZABU 2:CHOME, MINATO—KU TOKYO 106—3620 JAPAN                   «sumazss

         FLAT PANEL SENSOR                                                                                   FLAT PANEL SENSOR
         MODEL DR—ID 6118E                                                                                   MODEL DRAD at28E
         <Field Instafled Accessory for DRHID GOOPU>                                                         <Field Instalfed Accassory for DRID 600PU>

                                                                                                                                                                                                            uopeado ajeg 4o3
                                                                                                            DR—ID 6125E Identification Label

                                     Manufacturer      FUJIFILM CorPAoratiuon              MADE IN JAPAN
                                    26—30, NISHIAZARU 2—CHOME, M NATO—KU, TOKYO 106—8620, JAPAN

            MODEL DR—ID 600SE

        k                                                                           SN

        DR—ID 600SE Identification Label

         Fec In:w2z—0i000001                                                                                     ree iowsz.ot000004            *A (       P
         1G:77368—01000001                                                               ((é))) snhinane        fim?aaaomnoom        N Semacy {:, @1 5) (((l)))
                                                       ‘5335-"1%*/{: é @)
                                                                                                                 This davice compfes with Part 16 of FGG Rulas and Industry Cunada
                                                     Rutas   and   Indu                      mpl RSS             Reenco—exempt RSS stundaid{a). Operztion is subject to the tollowing
                                                                                                                 ho cantitions:{1) this deviee mity nol eatusa interlernon, and (2) thin
                                                                                                                 device must sccept any Interlerence, Including interteienice that may
                                                                                                                 cause undaslred onertion al this davice,

        DR—ID 601SE/DR—ID 6028SE/DR—ID 611SE/DR—ID 6128E                                                        DR—ID 613SE Radio Law Certification Label
        Radio Law Certification Label

        DR—ID 600SE Caution Label

             Hanytectuer FUJIFILM Corporation
                         26—80, NISHIAZABU 2—CHOME, MINATO—KU,

                       MODEL DR—ID 6GOPU

                                                    100— 240 V ~
              @                                       1—0.42 A

                                                                    \     e


        DR—ID 600PU Rating Labet

        DR—ID 600MP Caution Label 1
                                                                              DR—ID 600MP Caution Label 2 /                     DR—ID 600MP Caution Label 3 /
                                                                              DR—ID 613SE Caution Label 1                       DR—ID 613SE Caution Label 2

                                                                                                                                            FDR D—EVO Operation Manual                     897N101473R I 1—27

                           1.6.4            Safety and Other Symbols
                                     The following safety symbols are used in the labels or on its body.
                                      Symbol                                                                Description

                                   (E=                              This symbol indicates compliance of the equipment with Directive 93/42/EEC.
                                     c|6 0C »)2)©)—0O|p
                                                                    Caution (See "1.6.1 Locations of Labels" (page 1—23).)

                                                                    OFF (To indicate disconnection from the mains, at least for mains switches or their
                                                                    positions, and all those cases where safety is involved.)
uopedado ajeg 104

                                                                    ON (To indicate connection to the mains, at least for mains switches or their positions, and
                                                                    all those cases where safety is involved.)

                                                                    Protective earth (ground)

                                                                    Alternating current

                                                                    This symbol indiqates that the equipment is a Type B Applied Part.

                                                                    Ready (To indicate the machine is ready for operation.)

                                                                    Electric energy

                                                                    General mandatory action sign


                                                                    This symbol indicates that this product is not to be disposed of with your household waste,
                                                                    according to the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) and your national law. This product should
                                                                    be handed over to a designated collection point.
                                                                    Improper handling of this type of waste could have a possible negative impact on the

                                                                    environment and human health due to potentially hazardous substances that are generally
                                                                    associated with EEE.
                                                                    At the same time, your cooperation in the correct disposal of this product will contribute to
                                                                  . the effective usage of natural resources.
                                                                    For more information about waste, please contact FUJIFILM dealers.
                             11 k ©[%

                                                                    Year of manufacture

                                                                    Environmentally Friendly Use Period (EFUP)

                                                                    Caution for local load (See ©1.5.3 During Exposure" (page 1—21).)

                                                 Wl                 Entire surface load
                                                                    This symbol indicates that the flat panel sensor supports the automatic X—ray detection
                                  #+) 0 &

                                                                    No stepping on surface

                                                                    Refer to instruction manual/booklet

                                                                    Do not drop the flat panel sensor to the user/patient.

                    1—28 I FDR D—EVO Operation Manual            897N101473R

I 1.7 Installation Conditions
1.7.1     Installation Space When Setting the Control Cabinet in
          the X—ray Room
        In case that the control cabinet is installed in the X—ray room, ensure a certain distance between
        the control cabinet and the upright—type or bed—type radiographic examination stand. See the figure
        below for reference.
        For the products that can be installed in patient environment, see "2.1.1 System Configuration"
        (page 2—1).

                                                                                                                            uonpesado ajeg 103
  (A_ cautions)
   Do not install the powe‘r supply unit, control cabinet, image processing unit, Battery charger
   (optional) and Access point in an area of the X—ray room, where the user can easily trip over.
   Falls could result in injury.

   m Upright type

             Ssn occulle h
                                                             2.5m        2.5m
                                                            (8.2 )      (8.2ft)

   m Bed type

                                   "?‘.\'@                          P              i               2.5m

           Ns                                             2.5m .
           ------------------------                                                     2.5m
                                                         (8.2 f)                       (8.2 ft)

                                                                            FDR D—EVO Operation Manual 897N101473R l 1—29

uonedadp ajes 104

                    1—30 | FDR D—EVO Operation Manual 897N101473R

Chapter 2 System Configuration
         _ (Product Overview)
| 21 FpR D—eEvo
2.1.1          System Configuration
For the U.S.                                                                          For other countries
                                  DR—ID 600                                                                                    DR—ID 600
                                DR—ID 6O0RU                                                                                  DR—ID 600RU

                                                                                                                                                                                    (mamuaag jonpoug) uonpeinbyuoq waysig
                        DR—ID 600PU                                                                            DR—ID 6O0PU
   yo m en m m mm mm nc mm e on mm m mek n mm man mer m m o                                  o m m m mm m in o mt en m men mr mm es oes mus buk mm men y
   I |Flat panel sensorl       |Flat panel sensorl        |Flat panel sensorl 1              1     |Flat panel sensor|   [Flat panel sensor]      IFlat panel sensorl I
   I                                                                          1              I                                                                        I
   :               IFIat panel sensor|         |Flat panel sensorl             :             :              |Flat panel sensor|          |Flat panel sensor|              :

   I                       +             ¥             +                       I             I                                      ¥            1                        1
   :                            Power supply unit               S              :             :              _                Power supply unit                            :
   1                             DR—ID 600MP                    _              1             1              *                 DR—ID 600MP                                 i
   o m m mor muffes mm in mm on m mm mm mm mr mm mm es men w ol                              Be man moo mm mal pfeo ser se mm com m mm mt e um en bue ons bn mm ol

                      J                                                                                         ¥
    Control cabinet            Battery           Access          roclen;:ige unit                Control cabinet         ©          Battery           roc:erssaiae unit
       DR—ID 600MC             charger            point         pDR_ID s00CL                     DR—ID 6oomC                        charger          DRID sG0cL
                                                                       A                                                                                    A
              Y¥                                                       ¥                                                                                    ¥
                                         Hub                                        l l                                            Hub

                                           t                                                                                            t
         Image processing unit of other digital radiography system                        Access            Image processing unit of other digital radiography system
                                 DR—ID 300CL                                               point                 —               DR—ID 300CL

            * The products in [ 7 7 1 can be installed in patient environment.
            * The FDR D—EVO consists of the DR—ID 600RU and the image processing unit DR—ID 300CL.
            « An access point is used only in wireless communication mode.
            * The configuration of the system varies depending on the country.
            + Up to five flat panel sensors can be connected. Up to two flat panel sensors can be connected to one
             power supply unit in wired communication mode. Up to two power supply units can be used.
            + When the flat panel sensors are used with three to four different techniques, two power supply units
             are required.
            + Depending on the configuration, the control cabinet (DR—ID 600MC) may not be included in the system.
              If not included, the software for the control cabinet can be installed on the image processing unit (DR—
              ID 300CL).
             For detail specification of image processing unit, please refer to “DR-ID‘3OOCL Operation Manual".

                                                                                                                         FDR D—EVO Operation Manual             897N101473R I 2—1

                                             2.1.2         Features of the FDR D—EVO
                                                       This section describes the main features of the FDR D—EVO.
                                                             1 The external dimensions and the weight of the flat panel sensor are the same as those
                                                                 of the conventional cassette used for general exposure. Due to this feature, the flat panel
                                                                 sensor can be inserted into the radiographic examination stand that has been used,
                                                                 allowing the user to avoid cassette replacement.
                                                                 The flat panel sensor can be connected/disconnected with the relay connector of the
                                                                 connection cable. This allows the user to carry the flat panel sensor and insert/remove it
                                                                 into/from the upright—type or bed—type radiographic examination stand more easily.

                                                                 The light weight and the thin and round design increase the operability of the flat panel
                                                                 sensor, making it possible to place it under a lying patient.
                                                                 An image can be displayed on the image processing unit in as fast as approximately 1
                                                                 second after X—ray exposure processing is completed. (However, the required time varies
(mamaag jpnpoug) uoneinbyuos3 wajsig

                                                                 depending on the mode setting.)               ‘
                                                                 Owing to the highly sensitive flat panel sensor, X—ray exposure dose can be reduced
                                                                Due to the effects of digital image processing, the system produces X—ray images that have
                                                                a high diagnostic value and are easy to observe.
                                                                 The system has a wide latitude for incident X—rays so that a large amount of X—ray
                                                                 diagnostic information is obtained.
                                                                 As the system has a wide latitude and an automatic sensitivity adjustment function, its
                                                                 X—ray images are not affected by small changes in X—ray exposure conditions. Therefore,
                                                                 consistent image density is obtained for all images.
                                                                 Image processing parameters are automatically selected through an anatomical region
                                                                 selection system from the image processing unit.
                                                             10 Multi—objective Frequency Processing (MFP), a newly introduced image processing
                                                                function, not only improves the image quality also achieves high—speed image processing.
                                                             11 A DICOM—conformed open network can be supported by connecting the image processing

                                                             12 With the flat panel sensor (DR—ID 601SE, DR—ID 602SE, DR—ID 611SE, DR—ID 612SE
                                                                 and DR—ID 613SE), wireless communication mode or wired communication mode can
                                                                 be selected. In wireless communication mode, exposures can be performed without
                                                                 connecting the cable.
                                                              13 The SmartSwitch is built.in the flat panel sensor with the following logo.
                                                                 With the SmartSwitch technology, operations for making an exposure start when the flat
                                                                 panel sensor detects X—rays. For this reason, it is not necessary to connect a cable to the
                                                                 flat panel sensor.


                                       2—2 I FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R

| 2.2 Unit Names and the Functions
  Unit names and the functions of the FDR D—EVO are described below.

2.2.1         DR—ID 600
      _ DR—ID 600PU
                              hRa_~Applied part


                                      Status lamp
                                                                                                                 Status lamp

                                                                                                                                                    (mamisag jonpouqg) uoneinbyuon waysig
Flat panel sensor                                                                 Flat panel sensor (DR—ID 613SE)
(DR—ID 6018E, DR—ID 602SE, DR—ID 6118E and DR—ID 612SE)                           * Exposure plane is shown in this figure.
* Exposure plane is shown in this figure.

                             >A      Applied part
                                                    Shock sensor display (2 places)
                                                     : Lights red when the shock                                                Power
                                                      sensor detects a severe impact.                                           status LED

                                                           '                                                                    Main switch
                                            Status lamp
Flat panel sensor (DR—ID 600SE)
* Exposure plane is shown in this figure.

                                                                                           Power supply unit (DR—ID 600MP)

              Name                                                               Description

      Flat panel sensor          The DR—ID 600SE, DR—ID 601SE and DR—ID 602SE incorporate a GOS indirect panel.
                                 The DR—ID 6118E, DR—ID 6128E and DR—ID 613SE incorporate a Csl indirect panel.
                                 There are six types of flat panel sensors: DR—ID 601SE, DR—ID 602SE, DR—ID 611SE,
                                 DR—ID 6128E and DR—ID 613SE (wireless/Awired communication mode) and DR—ID 600SE
                                 (wired communication mode}).
        Status lamp              Indicates the equipment status by LEDs.
                                                                           On                Exposure possible
                                  READY O (Green)                         Blinks for 1.0| During exposure
                                                                          second.         sequence
                                                                           Off               Ready
                                              @                                                    Wireless                 Wired
                                  POWER              (Green)               On              "| OK (Power ON)          |Power ON
                       [—         (In wireless communication
         READY                    mode, the status of the battery          Blinks for 1.0| Less than 10 min
         POWER—\~A                pack is indicated. In wired              second.                                              ~
         ERROR——4                 commgm_cat_lon mode, the power           Off               Empty (Power OFF)| Power OFF
                                  status is indicated.).
                                                                          . On               Communication not possible.
                                  ERROR oy(Orange)                         Blinks for 1.0| Error occurred
                                                                           Off               Normal

                                    * All LEDs are off when the equipment is off.
      Power supply unit          Supplies the power to the flat panel sensor and connects the flat panel sensor and the
       (DR—ID 600MP)             control cabinet.
         Main switch              Supplies the power to the flat panel sensor and the inside of the power supply unit.
         Remote switch           Turns on/off the power to the flat panel sensor.
         Power status LED         Displays ON/OFF of the power supply unit.

                                                                                                   FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   B97N101473R I 2—3

                                                  m DR—ID 600MC

                                                                                          Main switch/
                                                                                          power status LED

                                                        Control cabinet (DR—ID 6OOMC)

                                                                     Name      |                                               Description
(matmisag jonpoug) uopeinbyuo3 warsig

                                                    Control cabinet                            A personal computer used for controlling the flat panel sensor and
                                                    (DR—ID 600MC)                              performing image processing.
                                                       Main switch                         .   Supplies the power to the control cabinet.
                                                       Power status LED                        Displays ON/OFF of the control cabinet.

                                                    Depending on theconfiguration, the control cabinet (DR—ID 600MC) may not be included in the system. If not
                                                    included, the software for the control cabinet can be installed on the image processing unit (DR—ID 300CL).
                                                    For detail specification of image processing unit, please refer to "DR—ID 300CL Operation Manual".

                                                    = Battery charger (Optional)


                                                         Battery charger

                                                                     Name            —          .                              Description

                                                    Battery charger                             Charges the battery pack (optional) for the flat panel sensor (DR—ID 601SE,
                                                                                                DR—ID 602SE, DR—ID 611SE, DR—ID 6125E and DR—ID 613SE). Three
                                                                                                packs can be charged at the same time.                       .

                                                       Charge status indicator LED              Indicates charge status.

                                                    s# Access point
                                                         * Product compliant with IEC60950, UL60950, PSE or JIS
                                                         « Compliant with IEEE802.11n [W52] (in the 5.2GHz band) /36, 40, 44, 48ch
                                                         * WLAN interface: 1000BASE—T/A10OBASE—TX (minimum requirements)
                                                         *« LAN interface: 1000BASE—T/100BASE—TX (minimum requirements)
                                                         + Available OS: Linux
                                                         + Compliant with UL
                                                         + Compliant with FCC part15

                                                     m DR—ID 300CL                              |
                                              © For the unit names and functions of the DR—ID 300CL, see the "DR—ID 300CL Operation Manual".

                                        2.—4 | FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R

=# AC adapter for cradle (optional)

   Cradle {optional)

        SE cable
        for charging

                                                 AC adapter
                        AC adapter for cradle

              Name                                            Description

                                                                                                                        (mamuiaag jonpoug) uoneinbyuo3 wa;sig
AC adapter for cradle            Charge the flat panel sensor (DR—ID 601SE, DR—ID 602SE, DR—ID 611SE,
                                 DR—ID 612SE and DR—ID 613SE) by combining it with the separately sold
                                 cradle or Cradle for 24.

(A_ cautions___)
e Do not connect directly to the flat panel sensor when the AC adapter for cradle is not
  connected to the cradle.                                        .
e Do not use a flat panel sensor that is being charged with the AC adapter for cradle for an
  exposure. The image being exposed may not be acquired correctly.

                                                                       FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R | 2—5

                                                2.3 Image Processing Unit‘s Display
                                              When the self—initialization process ends, the Patient Information Input Screen will appear on the image
                                              processing unit‘s display.
                                              © For details, see "DR—ID 300CL Operation Manual".

                                                  ® Patient Information Input Screen
                                                                                                                          Patient information input field
                                                                                                                            Input patient information.

                                                                                                                                                                                [ges—— Tool button
                                                              P                                                              Patient (D
                                                        en                                                                                                               ie    E—— Operates the Patient Information
                                                                                                                             Accession No.                                         Database function to input patient
(mamaag jnpoug) uogeinbyuos3 waysig

                                                        Sex           Huibnooac ces                 eeeicusueeicid           beeeduepereibes

                                                        eucnpIsrcs                       Patient comments                    Study comments

                                                                                     P                                                                                          ®sgee—— Clears patient information
                                                                  C                                          n            olone                                                           (except for technologist).
                                                         — Q      W oE R         T       Y   U                            }   |
                                                                Pss                                           208                                                 tommmmaaem— Screen keyboard
                                                                                                                                                                                            Used to input characters in the
                                                          A—a     Z     X    C   V       B   N     M                 ?                                      B                         ©     patient information input field.

                                                                                                                                                                                          input, and proceeds to exposure
                                                                                                                                                                                          menu selection.

                                                        Displays the "StudyList screen".                             _     Connected devices status
                                                                                                                           Connected devices status display field. Displays the status of connected devices.
                                                  ®= Study Screen
                                                                                                 Patient information display field
                                                                                                    Displays patient information.

                                                         2. JOHN SMITH                                                   or, 2234567899
                                                         a                                                                   Ne       (2004.FE

                                                                                                                                             CHEST,FRN PA        11‘,1

                                                                                                                                             1mx17              MB—+

                                                                                                                                                                              onmmeme—— EXDOSUTE MEnLu |iSt
                                                                                                                                                                                             This list shows exposure menus
                                                                                                                                                                                             selected on the "Exposure
                                                                                                                                                                                             Menu Selection screen".

                                                                                                                                                                                          Selected exposure menu
                                                                                                                                                                                          number display field
                                                                                                                                                                                    e— Exposure unit display field
                                                                                                                                                                                             The Tube, Technique, and
                                                                                                                                                                                             Imaging panels can be uniquely
                                                                                                                                                                                             arranged and displayed.

                                                                                                                                                                                          Technologist display field
                                                                                                                                                                                             Displays the nameof logged—in
                                                                                                            s        E&    @       (_)        FJ!II us      r!;' h@ 1           [            technologist (user).
                                                       Image display field                   Shot Ready (exposure ready status indicator)
                                                         The read image appears.                 Exposure (image reading) can be performed when the indicator is lit green.
                                                                                                 Exposure (image reading) cannot be performed when the indicator is not lit.

                                      2—0 | FDR D—EVO Operation Manual      897N101473R

m Connected Devices Status
  Details on each icon and its display area are described below.                                     ‘


                                                  Other indicator icons display area

  Other indicator icons display area

                                                                                                                               (mamaag jpnpoug) uoneinbyuos3 waysig
    The status of the flat panel sensor and that of the image processing unit are displayed as icons.
    The status of each connected device is shown in three categories.

    Device information displayed in each category is as follows.

                   Category                                        Device information
     Status of exposure unit               (1) Exposure unit communication indicator
                                           (2) Exposure unit battery indicator
     Status of the image processing unit   (3) Console event indicator
     Other (Status of output unit)         (4) Output status indicator

    The information is displayed in each category as shown below.

                                      Device information of the category


    Locations of categofy information can be customized in the user utility. For details, see "DR—ID
    300CL Reference Guide".                                                            '

                                                                             FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R I 2—]7

                                                       (1) Exposure Unit Communication indicator

                                                           The following icons display communication status of the flat panel sensor corresponding to the
                                                           selector selected in the exposure unit display field of the "Study screen".
                                                           If the flat panel sensor has a wired connection, the following icons are displayed.

                                                           DSQ : Connected _

                                                           3 : Disconnected

                                                           If the flat panel sensor is connects wirelessly, the following icons are displayed.

                                                           m][]fl / yl 1 Y       : Connected. Displays the signal strength in three levels.

                                                           mg | W&              : Disconnected

                                                           W@                   : Unknown
(mamiaag jpnpoig) uonjeinbyuo3 waysig

                                                       (2) Exposure Unit Battery Indicator
                                                           When the exposure unit is connected to the image processing unit, the battery status is indicated
                                                           with the following icons.                                                             '
                                                            CBe   : Ready for exposure (battery charge: fully charged)

                                                                  : Ready for exposure (exposure time available: less than one hour)

                                                                  : Ready for exposure (battery charge: recharge needed)

                                                           =[Lle : Ready for exposure (charging)

                                                           BB : Not ready for exposure                a

                                                  (A.____cautions__ )
                                                   When an exposure is ready to be made (the READY status lamp on the flat panel sensor is
                                                   lit green}, the power consumption of the flat panel sensor increases. Although the indicator
                                                   icon of the remaining battery level changes to low and the value of the operable time display
                                                   decreases temporarily, these are not failures.

                                                       (3) Console Event Indicator

                                                           The following icons display the status of the image processing unit.

                                                                  : Normal

                                                                  : Warning—level event ongoing

                                                            B : Error—level event ongoing

                                                        (4) Output Status Indicator

                                                           The following icons display the output status.

                                                            D      : Waiting for image output

                                                           @ : Processing image output

                                                            B : Output error

                                        2—8 I FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R

I 2.4 Routine Operation Diagram
The system configuration and the routine operation diagram for the FDR D—EVO is as follows.

                                    FDR D—EVO (DR—ID 600)

      DR—ID 600PU and DR—ID 6O0MC                                     DR—ID 300CL

              X—ray exposure            Image data         a
                                                      *« Patient  nformatition ent ry
             « Image reading                          + Exposure region / study menu selection
                                                      *« Image processing, etc.

                                                                                                                           (mamiaag jonpoug) uoneinbyuo3 ma;sks‘
                                                   Image data

                                                               ¥                             Image
                                                                                                J data


                                                      * Film output

                                                      Image Management Workstation

                                                      * DICOM—conformed
                                                       open network supported

                                                                           FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R l 29

                                          L25 Wireless Specifications
                                                              1     Technical Specification : IEEE802.11.n (protocol) , W52 (frequency)
                                                              2     Intended environment : Room size of 10m x 10m x 3m (32.8 ft x 32.8 ft x 9.8 ft) (height) or
                                                                                                less (general X—ray room)
                                                                                                (The electric shield does not exist excluding the installation stand or
                                                              3     Installation :     DR—ID 601SE/DR—ID 602SE/DR—ID 611SE/DR—ID 612SE/DR—ID 613SE and
                                                                                       Access Point must be installed in the same room.
                                                                                       Do not place Access Point within the reach of patients.
                                                                                       Do not Place more than one Access point in the same room.
                                                                                       Do not place devices generating electromagnetic wave (CT,MRI, diathermy,
                                                                                       RFID etc.) near this equipment.
                                                                                       We recommend not to use any other wireless devices such as cellular/smart
                                                                                       phones, portable phones, microwave ovens, WAPs, etc. within 2m (6.6 ft) of
                                                                                       the wireless D—EVO system.
(mamusag jonpoug) uogeinbyuos3 waysig

                                                                                       When other wireless devices are used within 2m (6.6 ft), wireless data
                                                                                       communication may be delayed.
                                                                                       (Data communication is guaranteed. If timeout occured, retry can be done.)
                                                                                       Do not change the position of the access point once installed.
                                                                                       Do not cover the Flat Panel Sensor (DR—ID 601SE/DR—ID 602SE/DR—ID
                                                                                       611SE/DR—ID 612SE/DR—ID 613SE) with a shield such as a metallic plate as
                                                                                       this will interfere with a wireless communication.
                                                                    Information being transmitted :
                                                                                   X—ray Control Signal (Prep—SW, Shot—SW)
                                                                                   System Control Signal, (Img_req_CMD, etc..)
                                                                                   Image Data(Raw data Before Image processing)(Note: Patient Information
                                                                                       is not transmitted by wireless interface.)
                                                                    Wireless range : max. 10m (32.8 ft) from the Access point as tested. Actual range may vary.
                                                                    Data transfer rate : 35Mbps
                                                                                         (This value is FUJIFILM measuring result of wireless module, and
                                                                                         actual data rate may vary.)
                                                                    Transfer Power : 12.26 dBm or less (13.89 dBm or less for the DR—ID 613SE) (According to
                                                                                     FCC part15 test report)
                                                                    Modulation :       OFDM (Provided by IEEE802.11 .n standard)
                                                                                       "RADIO TEST" is executed to this product according to FCC part15 subpart
                                                                                       E: 2010 standard.
                                                                                       All the test items are passed.
                                                                    Wireless Data Security : Wireless D—EVO system (DR—ID600 with DR—ID 601SE/DR—ID 602SE/
                                                                                                 DR—ID 611SE/DR—ID 612SE/DR—ID 613SE) will be utilizing the IEEE
                                                                                                 standard 802.11.n at the 5.2GHz frequency, which will allow us
                                                                                                 a maximum wireless signal rate of up to 35Mbps. The Wireless
                                                                                                 Access Point (WAP) has a feature that limits the maximum number
                                                                                                 of users per Access Point to ensure data integrity. Further the
                                                                                                 WAP has MAC Address Filtering (unique IP address) and Wireless
                                                                                                 LAN Segmentation to ensure handshaking with only the registered
                                                                                                 wireless D—EVO Flat Panel Sensors (DR—ID 601SE/DR—ID 602SE/
                                                                                                 DR—ID 611SE/DR—ID 612SE/DR—ID 613SE).
                                                                                                 In addition to the MAC address filtering, the wireless communication
                                                                                                 between DR—ID 601 SE/DR—ID 602SE/DR—ID 611SE/DR—ID 612SE/
                                                                                                 DR—ID 613SE (Flat Panel Sensor) and the wireless access point is
                                                                                                 secured by WPA2—PSK encryption with AES (Advanced Encryption
                                                                                                 Data security feature will be enabled during installation by
                                                                                                 a FUJIFILM field service engineer. No patient information is
                                                                                                 transmitted between DR—ID 601SE/DR—ID 602SE/DR—ID 611SE/
                                                                                                 DR—ID 612SE/DR—ID 613SE (Flat Panel Sensor) and Wireless
                                                                                                 Access Point.

                                        2—1 0 I FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R

10     Handshaking/Pairing : The Wireless Access Point and DR—ID 601SE/DR—ID 602SE/DR—ID
                             611SE/DR—ID 612SE/DR—ID 613SE (Flat Panel Sensor) will be paired
                             during installation by a FUJIFILM field service engineer to ensure
                             one—to—one wireless connection. FUJIFILM field service engineer will
                             measure the wireless transmission speed during installation to find
                             the best position of the wireless access point and the wireless D—EVO

11   Frequency Tolerance : £20ppm

Quality of Service (QoS) (For DR—ID 601SE/DR—ID 602SE/DR—ID 611SE/DR—ID 612SE)

           Item           Standard                                    Unit              Remarks

Form of electric                     Spectrum diffusion                 —
Center frequency            HT20                     5180—5240        MHz         36ch,40ch,44ch,48ch

                                                                                                                      (mamuaag jpnpoug) uoneinbyuo3 waysig
                            HT40                     5190—5230        (MHz             38ch,46ch
Channel interval        IEEE802.11.n            20(HT20) / 40(HT40)   MHz
Transmission rate       IEEE802.11.n            11n HT20 : MCS 0—15     —
                                                11n HT40 : MCS 0—15
Modulation                 OFDM (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK,BPSK)               —
Output power             HT20 Max                         11.82*      dBm
                          HT40 Max                        12.26*      dBm
Frequency                                «20 ~+20                     ppm                 MAX
Reception                 MCSO, 8                          —82        dBm                 HT20
sensitivity               MCS1, 9                          —79        dBm
(PER (Packet Error        MCS2, 10                         77         dBm

Rate)<10%)                MCso, 8                          —79        dem                 HT40
                          MCS1, 9                          —76        dBm
                          MCS2, 10                         ~74        dBm
Current                    TX5G                       650 (Typ)        mA          Thruput test mode
consumption                RX5G                       450 (Typ)        mA          Thruput test mode
*The value is based on the FCC report of the Flat Panel Sensor.

Quality of Service (QoS) (For DR—ID 613SE)
                          Standard                                                      Remarks

Form of electric                     Spectrum diffusion
Center frequency            HT20                     5180—5240        MHz         36ch,40ch,44ch,48ch
                            HT40                     5190—5230        MHz              38ch,46ch
Channel interval        IEEE802.11.n            20(HT20) / 40(HT40)   MHz
Transmission rate       IEEE802.11.n            11n HT20 : MCS 0—15     =
                                                11n HT40 : MCS 0—15
Modulation                 OFDM (64QAM, 16QAM,QPSK,BPSK)                —
Output power            ~ HT20 Max                        13.84*      dBm
            '             HT40 Max                        13.89*      dBm
 Frequency                               —20 ~+20                     ppm                 MAX
 Reception                MCSO, 8                          —82        dBm                 HT20
sensitivity               MCS1, 9                          —79        dBm
 (PER (Packet Error       MCS2, 10                         —77        dBm

 Rate)<10%)               McCSo, 8                         79         dBm                 HT40
                          MCS1, 9                          «76        dBm
                          MCS2, 10                         —74        dBm
 Current                    TX5G                      550 (Typ)        mA           Thruput test mode
 consumption                RX5G                      450 (Typ)        mA           Thruput test mode

*The value is based on the FCC report of the Flat Panel Sensor.

                                                                      FDR D—EVO Operation Manual 897N101473R | 2—11

System Configuration (Product Overview)

                                          2—12 l FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R

Chapter 3 Basic Operation
| 3.1 Preparing the Flat Panel Sensor
 This section describes how to prepare the flat panel sensor.

3.1.1     Type of Flat Panel Sensor
        DR—ID 601SE, DR—ID 602SE, DR—ID 611SE, DR—ID 612SE and DR—ID 613SE :
        Wireless communication mode or wired communication mode is available. When used in wireless
        communication mode, an access point*‘, battery pack (optional) and battery charger (optional) are
        *1 In the countries other than the U.S., an access point is not included as a component of the system. For
           details including installation, consult our official dealer.
           * Product compliant with IEC60950, ULS60950, PSE or JIS
          *« Compliant with IEEE802.11n [W52] (in the 5.2GHz band) /36, 40, 44, 48ch
          * WLAN interface: 1000BASE—T/AOOBASE—TX (minimum requirements)

                                                                                                                                    uogeiadp aiseg
          * LAN interface: 1000BASE—T/M0OOBASE—TX (minimum requirements)
          * Available OS: Linux
          « Compliant with UL    >
          *« Compliant with FCC part15

  CA_ ~cautions                        _
   Use only one access point. A communication error may occur if two units or more are used.

        DR—ID 800SE : Wired communication mode

3.1.2        Number of the Connectable Flat Panel Sensors
        To enable the flat panel sensor, its ID needs to be registered in advance by a FUJIFILM dealer.
        Up to a hundred flat panel sensors can be registered.
        Up to five flat panel sensors can be connected. Up to two flat panel sensors can be connected to
        one power supply unit in wired communication mode. Up to two power supply units can be used.

   Depending on the configuration, the control cabinet (DR—ID 600MC) may not be included in the system. If not
   included, the software for the control cabinet can be installed on the image processing unit (DR—ID 300CL).
   For detail specification of image processing unit, please refer to "DR—ID 300CL Operation Manual".

                                                                                   FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R I 3—1

                       3.1.3         Connecting/Disconnecting the Flat Panel Sensor (DR—ID 601SE, DR—
                                     ID 602SE, DR—ID 611SE, DR—ID 6125E and DR—ID 613SE) Connector
                                  When used in wireless communication mode, disconnect the connector.

                            Disconnect the connector.                              E
                                                                                   : Connect the connector.
                            Press the latches on both sides of the connector.              Press the connector into the insertion section.

                            s                                                      Wfl      Make sure that the latches on both S|des are
                                                                                           properly engaged when connecting the connector.
                                                                                           If the flat panel sensor is used with the connector
                                                                                           inserted incompletely, the flat panel sensor may turn

                             Connect/Disconnect the connector straight to the flat panel sensor. If connected/disconnected at an angle, the
uonpedadp aiseg

                             connector may be damaged.

                  3—2 I FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R

3.1.4       Connecting/Disconnecting the Sensor Cable Relay
            Connector for the Flat Panel Sensor (DR—ID 600SE)
          Follow the procedure below to connect/disconnect the sensor cable relay connector.
    + Do not connect the flat panel sensor to the power supply unit other than of the FDR D—EVO. Otherwise, the
      connector may be damaged.
    + Do not connect the flat panel sensor unregistered to the system. Otherwise, the power to the flat panel sensor
      will be disconnected automatically. For details on the registration, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.
    « When connecting/disconnecting the sensor cable relay connector, always hold the grip of the connector.
      The wire inside may be broken, if you connect/disconnect by holding the cable,
      If you turn the outer bushing of the grip, the cable lock becomes loose, causing a short—circuit of the cable.
    + Do not drop the sensor cable relay connector when connecting/disconnecting it, Otherwise, personal injury may
      result, or properties or the connector may be damaged.
    * Do not connect an 8.5m(27.9 ft)—long cable for the power supply unit and that for the flat panel sensor of the same
     length. If the total length of the connected cables exceeds 10m (32.8 ft), the flat panel sensor may malfunction.

n Make sure that the READY lamp of the flat                         CA                   CAUTioNS                      D
   panel sensor is not blinking, and press
   the OFF side of the power supply unit.                            If you skip Step                and perform Step B,

                                                                                                                                         uopesadpo aiseg
   Alternatively, turn off the flat panel sensor                     a communication error occurs. In such a
   by pressing the operation button on the                           case, turn the power back on to the power
   optional remote switch, and make sure that                        supply unit. Note, however, that repeating
   the POWER lamp of the flat panel sensor                           this action may result in damage to the
   turns off.                                                        equipment.

   © For the external view of the optional remote
        switch, see "O.2 Using the Remote Switch"              B To connect, align the positioning marks,
        (page O—3).                                              and then push the connectors in.

   &                                                               Align the positioning mark on the connector of the
    The remote switch can be simultaneously connected               power supply unit with that of the flat panel sensor,
    to both the upright type and the bed type.                      and then insert the connectors by slightly turning
    The relay connector can be connected/disconnected              them.
    by turning off either of the remote switches.                                       Positioning mark

                                                                                    $ t3                         )
    You can proceed to the next step even if an error
    message appears after turning off the power supply
    unit.                   '
                                                                             Grip   /Locking latch


                                                                    Push in until you feel a click.
E To disconnect, hold the grips A and B of
                                                                                            2mm(0.08 in.) to 3mm(0.12 in.)
  both the connectors, and then pull the grip
  A of the flat panel sensor to unlock.

    Flat panel sensor            Power supply unit

               SA                    S                              Push further in to the position shown in the figure in
                                                                    Step B until you feel a click again to lock them into
               Grip A               Grip B                          place.

                                                               n Press the ON side of the main switch of the
                                                                    power supply unit, or press the operation
                                                                    button on the optional remote switch.

                                                                                          FDR D—EVO Operation Manual 897N1O1473R | 3.3

                       3.1.5         Connecting/Disconnecting the AC adapter for cradle
                                     (optional) Relay Connector
                                  Follow the procedure below to connect/disconnect the AC adapter for cradle relay connector.
                             * When connecting/disconnecting relay connector, always hold the grip of the connector.
                               The wire inside may be broken, if you connect/disconnect by holding the cable.
                             * Do not drop relay connector when connecting/disconnecting it. Otherwise, personal infury may result, or
                               properties or the connector may be damaged.

                       n Remove the AC adapter for cradle power
                            cable from the power outlet, and check that
                            the AC adapter LED has turned off.

                       E To disconnect the adapter, pull the grip
                         on the side of the flat panel sensor while
                         pressing the lock button.
                            Flat panel sensor side     AC adapter side
uopeladp aisegq

                                                     Lock button


                       fl To connect the adapter, align both sides
                         of the relay connector withthe terminal
                         position, and insert it until it makes a
                         clicking sound.

                             D                                W
                            Flat panel sensor         AC adapter
                            side terminal             side terminal   _

                       n Connect the AC adapter for cradle power
                            cable to the power outlet, and check that the
                            AC adapter LED has turned on.

                  3—4 | FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R

3.1.6     Inserting/Removing the Flat Panel Sensor into/from the
          Radiographic Examination Stand
        Follow the procedure below to insert/remove the flat panel sensor into/from the radiographic
        examination stand.
        © For details, see the Operation Manual for the radiographic examination stand.

   For the positioning at the time of inserting/removing the flat panel sensor, see the Operation
   Manual for the radiographic examination stand.

  (A. __ caUutions_)
   Be careful not to have your fingers caught when inserting/removing the flat panel sensor into/
   from the radiographic examination stand.

  When pulling out/pushing in the tray of the radiographic examination stand after setting the flat
   panel sensor on it, be careful not to drop the flat panel sensor or damage the tray.

                                                                                                                             uoneiadp aisegq
  (A ~~~~cAumions )
   Before inserting/removing the flat panel sensor into/from the radiographic examination stand,
   pull out the tray completely. Otherwise, the flat panel sensor may be damaged.        ©

  ‘For the effective area of the flat panel sensor, see page A—7.

                                                                            FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   B97N101473R | 3—5

                      [1] Uprlght type                                         -       n Push the tray back into place after setting
                           ;    &     .             .          .                         the flat panel sensor.
                           When inserting from the right—hand side

                           (A\               CAUTIONS                    0
                           When inserting the flat panel sensor into
                           the radiographic examination stand, direct
                           the exposure plane toward the X—ray tube.

                      n Pull out the tray.

                                                                                   :       When inserting the flat panel sensor from the left—
                                         C          D _Trey                        :       hand side, direct the connector to the lower left.
uoriadp aisegq

                      E Insert the flat panel sensor into the cassette
                        receive while the connector directed to the
                        upper right, and then move it downwards.                       E Remove the flat panel sensor after use.
                                                                                           Pull out the tray, push the cassette receive
                                                                                           downwards, and then remove the flat panel sensor.
                                                         Connector                 :       Push the tray back into place.

                                                            Cassette receive

                 3—6 ‘ FDR D—EVO Operation Manual    897N101473R

[2] Bed type
    CA         _     cAUutions          __
     When inserting the flat panel sensor
     to the radiographic examination stand,
     direct the exposure plane upwards.

M rutl out the tray by using the nanale.
                                                                   When setting the flat panel sensor
                                                                   horizontally, position the connector as
                                                                   shown in the figure below.

                                                                                                                                     uonpesadp a1seg
E Pull the cassette stopper, and set the flat
    panel sensor so that its center mark is
    aligned with the center of the stopper.
                                                           +   B Push the tray back into place by using the
    Position the connector of the flat panel sensor as     :      handle after setting the flat panel sensor.
    shown in the figure below.                             1


                                                               n Remove the flat panel sensor after use.
                                                                  Hold the handle and pull out the tray. Remove the
                                                           1      flat panel sensor while pulling the cassette stopper,
                                                           i      and then push the tray back into place.

3.1.7         Changing the Direction of the Flat Panel Sensor
         The direction of the connector of the flat panel sensor can be changed, depending on how it is
         inserted into the radiographic examination stand.
         To change the direction, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.

          * —i—<p                                        fo—
                   When shipped                 After changing the direction

                                                                                    FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R I 3—7

                      3.1.8           Charging the Battery Pack (Optional) for the Flat Panel
                                    Sensor (DR—ID 601SE, DR—ID 602SE, DR—ID 611SE, DR—ID
                                    612SE and DR—ID 613SE)
                                 When used in wireless communication mode, charge the battery pack (optional) using the battery
                                 charger (optional).

                            CA               cAUTions               )
                            Do not charge the battery pack other than those designated by FUJIFILM Corporation. If the
                            battery pack is charged under the charging conditions (voltage, current and charging method)
                            different from those specified by FUVJIFILM Corporation, the battery pack may emit smoke, ignite,
                            explode or leak fluid.

                           CA ~~~cautions                           y

                            When setting the battery pack into the battery charger, make sure that the orientation of the
                            battery pack is correct as shown in the figure in Step KKIf the battery pack is forcibly set in the
                            wrong orientation, both the battery pack and the battery charger may be damaged and emit
uogesado aiseq

                            smoke, ignite, leak fluid or cause electric shock.

                            When a new battery pack is fully charged, it is possible to perform exposures for a maximum of approximately
                            750 images for DR—ID 601SE, approximately 500 images for DR—ID 602SE/DR—ID 611SE/DR—ID 612SE and
                            approximately 700 images for DR—ID 613SE. However, the number varies depending on the usage conditions.

                            The capacity of the battery is displayed on the POWER status lamp and in the image processing unit‘s display.

                            When the remaining capacity of the battery pack becomes less than 10 minutes, a 'pop-up Wifidow appears on the
                            image processing unit, and exposures cannot be performed. If this happens, perform the following operations.
                            * Replace or charge the battery pack.
                            * Connect the connector to the flat panel sensor.

                            When the connector is connected to the flat panel sensor, exposures in wired communication mode and charging
                            the battery pack can be performed.

                            Charge the battery pack using the battery charger.
                            In wireless communication mode, when the remaining capacity of the battery pack becomes insufficient,
                            exposures are prohibited and the POWER status lamp blinks every one second. If the flat panel sensor is used in
                            wireless communication mode for another 10 minutes or so, the battery pack is not charged even if the SE cable
                            is connected. If this happens, remove the battery pack and charge it using the battery charger. When the battery
                            pack is charged using the battery charger for about one minute, charging the battery pack by connecting the SE
                            cable become available.

                 3-8 | FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R

n Set the battery pack in the battery charger. 7             :   E When battery charge is confipleted, remove
                                                                   the battery pack.
   When the battery pack is set, a buzzer sound is
   generated and the charge‘status indicator LED                    When battery charge is completed, the charge status
    lights.                                                          indicator LED changes from blinking to lighting.
   Three battery packs can be charged at the same

3.1.9         Installing/Removing the Battery Pack (Optional) for the Flat
              Panel Sensor (DR—ID 601SE, DR—ID 602SE, DR—ID 611SE,
              DR—ID 612SE and DR—ID 613SE)

                                                                                                                                          uogesado Jiseq
           Follow the procedure below to install/remove the battery pack (optional) for the flat panel sensor.
     When installing/removing the battery pack, place the flat panel sensor on a flat place.

    Remove the battery cover.                                        Slide the battery pack along the dent of the battery
                                                                     section of the flat panel sensor toward the connector
    Place the flat panel sensor with the back side facing            terminal. Align the guide mark of the battery pack
    upward, and then simultaneously slide both the                  with that of the flat panel sensor, and push the
   battery lock release latches outward to remove the                battery pack in to install it.
    battery cover.                                                   Make sure that battery pack is securely installed.

                                                                      Pushing the battery pack in with the guide marks
                                                                      misaligned may damage the connector terminal.

                                                                      When the battery pack is installed, the power is
                                                                      automatically turned on.
                                          Battery cover

E Install the battery pack.

    Make sure that the battery lock release latches are
    When the battery lock release latches are
    released                                                                              Battery pack

                                                                      * To remove the battery pack, perform the same
                                                                         procedure as Step n {removing the battery cover).
                                                                      * To install the battery cover, perform the same
                                                                         procedure as Step fl (installing the battery pack).

                 Battery lock release latches

                                                                                         FDR D—EVO Operation Manual   897N101473R | 3—9

Document Created: 2015-07-24 09:30:01
Document Modified: 2015-07-24 09:30:01

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