RF Test Report


Test Report

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                                      FCC TEST REPORT



                                       Quiet Tubular Motor

                         Model No.: DM45F/S-15/32,DM45EQ/S-10/21

                                     FCC ID:VYY-FEQ45S

        Prepared for       : Ningbo Dooya Mechanic & Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
        Address            : Loutuo Industrial Area, Zhenhai, Ningbo, Zhejiang,China

        Prepared by        : SHENZHEN EMTEK CO., LTD
        Address            : Bldg 69, Majialong Industry Zone, Nanshan District,
                             Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                             Tel: 0086-755-26954280
                             Fax: 0086-755-26954282

         Report Number       :   ES151110012E
         Date of Test        :   November 10, 2015 to November 19, 2015
         Date of Report      :   November 20, 2015

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                                                      TABLE OF CONTENT

         TEST REPORT DESCRIPTION                                                                                                          PAGE
1. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULT ......................................................................................................5
2. GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................................................6
  2.1.     Description of Device (EUT) .....................................................................................................6
  2.2.     Description of Test Facility ........................................................................................................6
  2.3.     Support Device ...........................................................................................................................6
  2.4.     Measurement Uncertainty.........................................................................................................7
3. MEASURING DEVICE AND TEST EQUIPMENT .......................................................................8
  3.1. For Power Line Conducted Emission .....................................................................................8
  3.2. For Radiated Emission Measurement ....................................................................................8
4. POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMENT ....................................................9
  4.1.     Block Diagram of Test Setup ....................................................................................................9
  4.2.     Measuring Standard...................................................................................................................9
  4.3.     Power Line Conducted Emission Limits (Class B) ...............................................................9
  4.4.     EUT Configuration on Measurement ......................................................................................9
  4.5.     Operating Condition of EUT .....................................................................................................9
  4.6.     Test Procedure .........................................................................................................................10
  4.7.     Measurement Results .............................................................................................................10
5. RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT ..................................................................................13
  5.1.     Block Diagram of Test .............................................................................................................13
  5.2.     Measuring Standard.................................................................................................................14
  5.3.     Radiated Emission Limits (class B) .......................................................................................14
  5.4.     EUT Configuration on Test......................................................................................................14
  5.5.     Operating Condition of EUT ...................................................................................................14
  5.6.     Test Procedure .........................................................................................................................14
  5.7.     Measuring Results ...................................................................................................................14
6. PHOTOGRAPH OF TEST .............................................................................................................18
  6.1. Photo of Conducted Emission Measurement ......................................................................18
  6.2. Photo of Radiation Emission Measurement.........................................................................19
         APPENDIX I

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                                TEST REPORT DESCRIPTION
          Applicant         :   Ningbo Dooya Mechanic & Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

          Manufacturer      :   Loutuo Industrial Area, Zhenhai, Ningbo, Zhejiang,China

          Trade Mark        :   N/A
          EUT               :
                                Quiet Tubular Motor
          Model No.         :   DM45F/S-15/32,DM45EQ/S-10/21
          Input Voltage     : AC 120V/60Hz

         Measurement Procedure Used:

         FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart B Class B & FCC / ANSI C63.4-2014

         The device described above is tested by SHENZHEN EMTEK CO., LTD. to determine the maximum
         emission levels emanating from the device and the severe levels of the device can endure and its
         performance criterion. The measurement results are contained in this test report and SHENZHEN
         EMTEK CO., LTD. is assumed full of responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these
         measurements. Also, this report shows that the EUT (Equipment Under Test) is technically compliant
         with the FCC requirements.

         This report applies to above tested sample only and shall not be reproduced in part without written
         approval ofSHENZHEN EMTEK CO., LTD.

          Date of Test                 :           November 10, 2015 to November 19, 2015

          Prepared by                   :

                                                                 Jack Li/Editor

          Reviewer                     :
                                                              Joe Xia/Supervisor

          Approved & Authorized Signer :
                                                              Lisa Wang/Manager

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                                        Modified History

         Version          Report No.                Revision date              Summary

         Ver.1.0         ES151110012E                     \                  Original Report

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        Description of test item               Standard & Limits                          Results
        Conducted disturbance at mains         FCC Part15, Subpart B, Class B
        terminals                              ANSI C63.4-2014
                                               FCC Part15, Subpart B, Class B
        Radiated Disturbance                                                              Pass
                                               ANSI C63.4-2014
        Note: N/A is an abbreviation for Not Applicable.

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      2.1. Description of Device (EUT)
           EUT                : Quiet Tubular Motor

           Model Number       : DM45F/S-15/32,DM45EQ/S-10/21 (Note: The models of DM45EQ/S-10/21
                                and DM45F/S-15/32 are identical and have same structures. The only
                                difference is the tooth pitch of reduction gear.. We prepared model
                                DM45F/S-15/32 for test)

           Test Voltage       : AC 120V/60Hz

           Applicant          : Ningbo Dooya Mechanic & Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

           Address            : Loutuo Industrial Area, Zhenhai, Ningbo, Zhejiang,China

           Manufacturer       : Ningbo Dooya Mechanic & Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

           Address            : Loutuo Industrial Area, Zhenhai, Ningbo, Zhejiang,China

           Date of receiver   : November 10, 2015

           Date of Test       : November 10, 2015 to November 19, 2015

      2.2. Description of Test Facility
           Site Description
           EMC Lab.           : Accredited by CNAS, 2013.10.29
                                The certificate is valid until 2016.10.28
                                The Laboratory has been assessed and proved to be in compliance with
                                CNAS/CL01:2006(identical to ISO/IEC17025: 2005)
                                The Certificate Registration Number is L2291

                                Accredited by TUV Rheinland Shenzhen 2010.5.25
                                The Laboratory has been assessed according to the requirements ISO/IEC

                                Accredited by FCC, April 17, 2014
                                The Certificate Registration Number is 406365.

                                Accredited by Industry Canada, March 5, 2010
                                The Certificate Registration Number is 4480A-2.

           Name of Firm       : SHENZHEN EMTEK CO., LTD
           Site Location      : Bldg 69, Majialong Industry Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
                                Guangdong, China

      2.3. Support Device
    Item Equipment             Mfr/Brand    Model/Type No.      Input             Output        Note
    1.   N/A                   N/A          N/A                 N/A               N/A           N/A

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      2.4. Measurement Uncertainty
           Conducted Emission Uncertainty     : 2.8dB

           Radiated Emission Uncertainty      : 3.3dB (3m Chamber)

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      3.1. For Power Line Conducted Emission

     Item    Equipment        Manufacturer       Model No.     Serial No.        Last Cal.     Cal. Interval

      1.    Test Receiver   Rohde & Schwarz       ESCS30        101108         05/16/2015         1 Year

      2.       L.I.S.N.     Rohde & Schwarz       ENV216        101193         05/16/2015         1 Year

      3.       L.I.S.N.       Schwarzbeck        NNLK8129      8126-462        05/16/2015         1 Year
            50Ω Coaxial                                      2611115-001-0
      4.                        Anritsu            MP59B                       05/16/2015         1 Year
              Switch                                              033
      5.    Pulse Limiter   Rohde & Schwarz       ESH3-Z2       38400          05/16/2015         1 Year

      3.2. For Radiated Emission Measurement
     Item    Equipment       Manufacturer        Model No.     Serial No.       Last Cal.      Cal. Interval

              EMI Test
      1.                    Rohde & Schwarz         ESU      1302.6005.26      05/16/2015         1 Year

      2.    Pre-Amplifier         HP               8447D     2944A07999        05/16/2015         1 Year

      3.    Pre-Amplifier        A.H.            PAM-0126      1415261         05/16/2015         1 Year

      4.    Bilog Antenna    Schwarzbeck         VULB9163         142          05/16/2015         1 Year

      5.    Loop Antenna     Schwarzbeck         FMZB 1519     1519-012        05/16/2015         1 Year

      6.    Horn Antenna     Schwarzbeck         BBHA 9170   BBHA9170399       05/16/2015         1 Year

      7.    Horn Antenna     Schwarzbeck         BBHA 9120       D143          05/16/2015         1 Year

      8.       Cable         Schwarzbeck           AK9513       ACRX1          05/16/2015         1 Year

      9.       Cable          Rosenberger            N/A       FP2RX2          05/16/2015         1 Year

      10.      Cable         Schwarzbeck           AK9513       CRPX1          05/16/2015         1 Year

      11.      Cable         Schwarzbeck           AK9513       CRRX2          05/16/2015         1 Year

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      4.1. Block Diagram of Test Setup

                                         Test Receiver

                    AC Mains               L.I.S.N.

                                     (EUT: Quiet Tubular Motor)

      4.2. Measuring Standard
          FCC Part15, Subpart B, Class B, ANSI C63.4-2014

      4.3. Power Line Conducted Emission Limits (Class B)
                   Frequency                                 Limit (dBV)
                     (MHz)                  Quasi-peak Level           Average Level
                 0.15 ~ 0.50                   66.0 ~ 56.0 *            56.0 ~ 46.0 *
                 0.50 ~ 5.00                       56.0                     46.0
                 5.00 ~ 30.00                      60.0                     50.0
           NOTE1-The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
           NOTE2-The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in
                the range 0.15MHz to 0.50MHz.

      4.4. EUT Configuration on Measurement
          The following equipments are installed on Conducted Emission Measurement to meet FCC requirements
          and operating in a manner which tends to maximize its emission characteristics in a normal application.

            EUT                :   Quiet Tubular Motor
            Model Number       :   DM45F/S-15/32

      4.5. Operating Condition of EUT
          4.5.1.Turn on the power.
          4.5.2.After that, let the EUT work in test mode (Receiving) and measure it.

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      4.6. Test Procedure
          The EUT is put on the plane 0.8m high above the ground by insulating support and connected to the AC
          mains through Line Impedance Stability Network (L.I.S.N). This provided a 50ohm coupling impedance
          for the tested equipments. Both sides of AC line are investigated to find out the maximum conducted
          emission according to the FCC regulations during conducted emission measurement.
          The bandwidth of the test receiver (R&S ESU) is set at 9KHz in 150KHz~30MHz and 200Hz in
          The frequency range from 150kHz to 30MHz is investigated

      4.7. Measurement Results

          Please refer to the following pages.

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         y                  as                         maig                s                      To
Sie se #1                                                     Phase:        n           Tempaaure: 22
Limit: (CEFCC PART 15 class 8_OP                                 Power: ac rzovieonz    Humiatys   sos
Mode: Receivering

                         Reading Correct Measure—
No. Mk..         Freq     Level   Factor   ment     Limit     Over
                  e       sw       a       ce       ce o8 Deecer              Conmen
 1              Déoso     2a%0    1100     4010     s600 1590 oP
 2              05000      510—   11.00    T60      4600 2000 AvG
 3              Deseo     sos0    1100     4130     se00 1470 oP
 a              Deseo      s70    1100     1670     450 2030 avo
 s              Désno     s020    1100     4120     se00 1480 oP
 s              D00        60—    1100     Tas0     450 3140 avo
 7              ozamo      2ayo   1100     4070      se00 1530 oP
 a              07310      80     11.00    T580     4604020 Avo
 a              Dzeeo     2ae0    1100     4060     s600 1540 oP
10              o.zee0     220    1100     T320     450 4280 avo
T1 *             oaiee    arso    mi0o     42850    se0a 350 oP
T2              oseo       «70    1100     T570     450 4030 ave

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      5.1. Block Diagram of Test
          5.1.1.Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators.

                            AC Mains

                                     (EUT: Quiet Tubular Motor)

          5.1.2.Block diagram of test setup (In chamber)
           Below 1GHz


                                                                                            1m to 4m
               Analyzer                                       0.8m

                       Ground Plane                                     Coaxial Cable

           Above 1GHz


           Turntable                            4m


                                                         1m                                   Spectrum
                                           0.8m                                 Amplifier     Analyzer

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      5.2. Measuring Standard
          FCC Part15, Subpart B, Class B ANSI C63.4-2014

      5.3. Radiated Emission Limits (class B)
                FREQUENCY                   DISTANCE                FIELD STRENGTHS LIMIT
                    MHz                        Meters                 V/m            dB(V)/m
                  30 ~ 88                         3                    100               40.0
                  88 ~ 216                        3                    150               43.5
                 216 ~ 960                        3                    200               46.0
                 960 ~ 1000                       3                    500               54.0
           Remark:(1) Emission level (dB)V = 20 log Emission level V/m
                    (2) The smaller limit shall apply at the cross point between two frequency bands.
                    (3) Distance is the distance in meters between the measuring instrument, antenna and the
                        closest point of any part of the device or system.

      5.4. EUT Configuration on Test
          The FCC Class B regulations test method must be used to find the maximum emission during radiated
          emission measurement.

      5.5. Operating Condition of EUT
          5.5.1.Turn on the power.
          5.5.2.After that, let the EUT work in test mode (Receiving) and measure it.

      5.6. Test Procedure
          The EUT is placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter high above the ground. The turn table can rotate
          360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The EUT is set 3 meters away
          from the receiving antenna which is mounted on an antenna tower. The antenna can be moved up and
          down from 1 to 4 meters to find out the maximum emission level. Bilog antenna (calibrated by Dipole
          Antenna) and horn antenna are used as a receiving antenna. Both horizontal and vertical polarization of
          the antenna are set on test.

          The frequency range from 30MHz to 1000MHz was pre-scanned with a peak detector (RBW=100kHz,
          VBW=300kHz) and all final readings of measurement from Test Receiver are Quasi-Peak values(Quasi
          Peak detector used with a bandwidth of 120 kHz).
          The frequency range above 1GHz the measuring instrument use RBW=1 MHz and VBW=3 MHz with
          Peak Detector for Peak Values, and use RBW=1 MHz and VBW=10 Hz with Peak Detector for Average

      5.7. Measuring Results

          Please refer to the following pages.

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        Below 1000MHz (30M-1GHz)

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        Above 1000MHz:

         Test Date :                11/19/2015                       Temperature :     23 ℃
         Test Result:               PASS                             Humidity :        52 %
         Test By:                   KK

                                                        Mode: Receiving
             Freq.       Ant.Pol.        Emission Level(dBuV/m)        Limit 3m(dBuV/m)           Margin(dB)
            (MHz)         (H/V)            PK             AV            PK            AV         PK          AV
           4595.000         V             51.06          36.00         74.00         54.00     -22.94      -18.00
           4885.000         V             50.49          35.40         74.00         54.00     -23.51      -18.60
           5085.000         V             51.51          36.50         74.00         54.00     -22.49      -17.50
           5295.000         V             51.66          36.60         74.00         54.00     -22.34      -17.40
           5620.000         V             52.08          37.00         74.00         54.00     -21.92      -17.00
           5850.000         V             53.06          38.00         74.00         54.00     -20.94      -16.00
           4540.000         H             51.40          36.40         74.00         54.00      -22.6      -17.60
           4735.000         H             49.97          34.90         74.00         54.00     -24.03      -19.10
           5035.000         H             51.31          36.30         74.00         54.00     -22.69      -17.70
           5180.000         H             51.33          36.30         74.00         54.00     -22.67      -17.70
           5490.000         H             52.22          37.20         74.00         54.00     -21.78      -16.80
           5690.000         H             52.44          37.40         74.00         54.00     -21.56      -16.60

                                                     ---The End---

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6.1Photo of Conducted Emission Measurement

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6.2Photo of Radiation Emission Measurement

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                           APPENDIX I
                         (Photos of EUT)

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                            ---The End---

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Document Created: 2015-11-30 10:15:49
Document Modified: 2015-11-30 10:15:49

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