Test Report DFS


Test Report

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WIFI 5GHz Template: Release October O3rd, 2016

                                                           TEST REPORT
 N°: 157205—726501—E                                                                                                                            Version : 02

 Subject                                                                    Radio spectrum matters
                                                                         tests according to standards:
                                                                       47 CFR Part 15.407 (DFS Only)mp

 Issued to                                                    SAGEMCOM BROADBAND SAS
                                                              250 Route de I‘ Empereur
                                                              92500 — RUEIL MALMAISON

 Apparatus under test
 4    Product                                                 Sound Box
 4    Trade mark                                              Sagemcom®
 4    Manufacturer                                            SAGEMCOM
 4    Model under test                                        Sound Box SBDVO1
 4    Serial number                                           253770742
 & FCC ID                                                     VW3SBDVO1

 Test date                                                     : September 14, 2018 to October 5, 2018
 Test location                                                 Fontenay Aux Roses
 Test Site                                                    6230B—1
 Composition of document                                      33 pages

 Document issued on                                            November 19, 2018

                                                                                                                                     L DES
                                                                                                                  TABORATOIRE CENTRA
                    Written by :                                                                                   porsvedny."
         Armand MAHOUNGOU
                 Tests operator
                                                                                                                      cal manager

This document shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the LCIE. This document contains results related only to the items tested. It does not
imply the conformity of the whole production to the items tested. Unless otherwise specified, the decision of conformity takes into account the uncertainty of measurement.
This document doesn‘t anticipate any certification decision.

    LCIE                                                                       33, Av du Général Leclere                           Tél: +33 1 40 95 60 60
    Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques                             92266 Fontenay Aux Roses                            contact@lcie.fr
    Une société de Bureau Veritas                                              FRANCE                                              www.lcie.fr

    SAS au capital de 15 745 984 €   /   RCS Nanterre B 408 363 174      /   N° TVA intracommunautaire FRO1 408 363 174        /   N° SIRET 408 363 174 00017

                                         PUBLICATION HISTORY

Version                    Date                Author                       Modification
  01                   October 8, 2018    Armand MAHOUNGOU             Creation of the document
  02              November 19, 2018       Armand MAHOUNGOU    Customer request withdraw all picture of the
                                                                        EUT from test report

                                              TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                           Version : 02                                       Page 2/33


1.        TEST PRO@GRAM .....22.0200200020006 60e rrrvrrrrr se rrrr n n se rrrsrrreresrrrr se rrrreserrrrrerrrrererrrrererrerererrrrererrrrererearene# 4
Konl| e 18
CHANNEL MOVE TIME...222 0220202000000 e e e vrrrrr e rerrr se rrrrrrr se rrer se rrereserrer se rrererrrrrrererrerererrrrererrerererrrrererrrrenere k re# 24
5.        DYNAMIC FREQUENCY SELECTION (DFS): NON—OCCUPANCY PERIOD ...............00000 6e 28
6.        ANNEX 3: RADAR TEST SIGNAL TYPE 0 ..........020000060 e e en n e re n n se en n se e rererrarerrrerrererrrrerererrererekes 32
7.        UNCERTAINTIES CHART 2222002000000 e en rrrrrr e rerrrrrerrrrrrerrr se rrrr se rrrresrrrerererrererrrrrererrerererrerererrererenea 33

                                                                    TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                                Version : 02                                                              Page 3/33

1.       TESsT PROGRAM

                                 47 CFR Part 15.407 (DFS requirements)
                  v Y v v v V¥

                                 KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v02
                                 KDB     905462     D04    Test Mode New Rules v01
                                 KDB     905462     D03    Client Without DFS New Rules v01r02
                                 KDB     905462     D06    802.11 Channel Plans New Rules v02
                                 KDB     905462     D07    Overview UNIl Rules v02

Radio requirement:
                                 Cl          47CFR Part 15.407
                                      ause (        _a .       )                                                             Test result — Comments
                                         Test Description
 Channel Availability Check Time & DFS Detection Threshold +                                                 C PASS               O FAIL          M NA(1)(2)   O NP(3)

 U—NIl Detection Bandwidth [+                                                                                C PASS               C FAIL           M NA(1)     C NP(3)

 Statistical Performance Check & DFS Detection Threshold [+                                                  C PASS               C FAIL           M NA(1)     C NP(3)

 Channel Closing Transmission Time & Channel Move Time [¥                                                    M PASS               C FAIL            C NA       C NP(3)

 Non—occupancy period [+                                                                                     M PASS               C FAIL            C NA       C NP(3)

                                           This table is a summary of test report, see conclusion of each clause ofthis test report for detail.

(1); Client without radar detection
(2); Client with radar detection
(3); Limited program

                                                                                 TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                                             Version : 02                                                                 Page 4/33


Equipment under test (EUT):
Sagemcom® Sound Box SBDVO1                                           Serial Number: 253770742
Power supply : NBC80A200400M2

Inputs/outputs — Cable:
                                                         Length    Declared      .
       Access                    Type                   used (m)     <3m      Shielded   Under test    Comments
      Cable                 Power supplay                    —        O            O         0             —
  Ethernet cable                  —                          —        O            O         O             —

Auxiliary equipment used during test:
              Type                      Reference                             Sn                      Comments
        Laptop computer

                                               TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                               Version : 02                                         Page 5/33

Equipment information:
Type:                                                                                 WIFI
Frequency band:
                                      M 5150MHz—5250MHz |                   __M 5250MHz—5350MHz           |__M 5470MHz—5725MHz
                                           M 802.11a                            M 802.11n HT20                   M 802.11n HT4O
Standard:                              M 802.11ac VHT20                      M 802.11ac VHT4O0                 M 802.11ac VHT8O
                                                                              C 802.11ac VHT160
Spectrum Modulation:                                                               M OFDM
Channel bandwidth:                      M 20MHz          _|           M 40MHz            |      7 8OMHz          |          C 160MHz
Antenna Type:                               M Integral                             C External                     C Dedicated
Antenna connector:                           M Yes                                   C No                      C Temporary for test
Transmit chains:                          G 1                             M2                         43                           HE
                                          05                              06                         O7                           C8
TPG:                                                          M Yes                                            C No
Receiver chains                           G                               C2                         C3                           C 4
                                          05                              06                         O7                           C8
Type of equipment:                       M¥ Stand—alone               |            C Plug—in              |              C Combined
                                         Tmin:                        0 —20°C            |        {M0°C              |           O xX °C
Operating temperature range:             Tnom:                                                   20°C
                                         Tmax:                        C 35°C             |       C 55°C              |       M 40°C
Type of power source:                  M AC power supply                     C DC power supply                C Battery Battery Type
                                                \Vmin:                           M 100 V/60OHz                            O X Vde
Operating voltage range:                     Vnom:                               M 110V/60Hz                              C X Vde
                                                \Vmax                            M 120 V/6OHz                             C X Vde
                                            C Master                           C Slave Wi_th radar           / Slave With_out radar
Mode:                                                                              detection                      detection
                                                      C Bridge                                               C Mesh
Fixed outdoor P to P/M application:                    C Yes                                                  C No
System architectures:                               M IP based                                            C Frame based
                                      M Yes (The manufacturer declares that
                                       information regarding the parameters
Despoccssssstction.                    of the detected Radar Waveforms is                                      L No
                                           not available to the end user)

                                                 Antenna Characteristic

    Antenna assembly                   Gain (dBi)                         Frequency Band (MHz)                  Impedance(O)

             1                           2194                                   5150—5350                                   50
             2                           1.924                                  5150—5350                                   50
        Accumulated                       5.07                                  5150—5350                                   50
             1                           2.391                                  5470—5850                                   50
             2                           3.361                                  5470—5850                                   50
        Accumulated                       5.90                                  5470—5850                                   50

                                                         TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                      Version : 02                                                              Page 6/33

                                        Accumulated gain calculation

             Formula used for calculation                          KDB           Correlated

  10 log[(10G1 /20 + 10G2 /20 + ... + 10GN /20)2                                M Yes / O No
                       /NANTJdBi                        KDB 662911 DO1 v02r01

                                               TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                            Version : 02                            Page 7/33

                             CHANNEL PLAN
                802.11a / 802.11n HT20/ 802.11ac VHT20
 Channel               Frequency (MHz)        Available Channel
   C1=36                    5180                         M
   C2=40                    5200                         M
     44                     5220                         M
   C3=48                    5240                         M

    120                     5600                         M
    124                     5620                         M
    128                     5640                         M

 C11=149                    5745                         M
    153                     5765                         M
 C12=157                    5785                         M
    161                     5805                         M
 C13=165                    5825                         M

                                             TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                          Version : 02        Page 8/33

                             CHANNEL PLAN
                       802.11n HT4O/ 802.11ac VHT4O
 Channel               Frequency (MHz)          Available Channel
 C14=36+40                  5190                         M
 C15=44+48                  5230                         M

  116+120                   5590

  124+128                   5630

C22=149+153                 5755

C23=157+161                 5795

                             CHANNEL PLAN
                              802.11ac VHT80
      Channel                 Frequency (MHz)         Available Channel
  C24=36+40+44+48                     5210


C29=149+153+157+161                   5775                      M

                   No DFS Channel

                Weather DFS Channel

                                                TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                             Version : 02             Page 9/33

                                DATA RATE

        Data Rate (Mbps)   Modulation Type     v“\’;g‘:;'gt'azf;

                 6             BPSK                   M
                 9             BPSK                   C
                 12            QaPSK                  6
                 18            QaPSK                  6
                 24           16—QAM                  8
                 36           16—QAM                  0
                 48           64—QAM                  6
                 54           64—QAM                  C

                               TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E            Version : 02                       Page 10/33

 Available              Spatial   Modulation            Worst Case
  for EUT              streams                          Modulation

                          1          PSK


                                        TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                     Version : 02   Page 11/33

 Available              Spatial   Modulation            Worst Case
  for EUT              streams                          Modulation

                          1          PSK


                                        TEST REPORT
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                       TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E    Version : 02   Page 13/33

                       TEST REPORT
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                       TEST REPORT
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Test report reference: N° 157205—726501—D
                                                     Antenna 1
                                      Channel                        C6       C7
                                EIRP TPC Max (dBm)                  16.86    16.80
                              Occupied Bandwidth (MHz)              16.84    16.78

                                                     Antenna 2
                                      Channel                        C6       C7
                                EIRP TPC Max (dBm)                  17.58    14.59
                              Occupied Bandwidth (MHz)              16.88    16.78

                                            802.11n HT20/ac VHT20
                                      Channel                        C6       C7
                                EIRP TPC Max (dBm)                  19.80    20.40
                              Occupied Bandwidth (MHz)              17.95    17.81

                                            802.11n HT40/ac VHT4O
                                      Channel                       C17      C18
                                EIRP TPC Max (dBm)                  15.40    15.00
                              Occupied Bandwidth (MHz)              36.65    36.76

                                                802.11ac VHT80
                                      Channel                       C25      C26
                                EIRP TPC Max (dBm)                  15.60    13.30
                              Occupied Bandwidth (MHz)              76.21    75.99

                                                  TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                               Version : 02             Page 16/33


The EUT is set in the following modes during tests:
— Emission—reception with a duty cycle above 17% in the data rate that produced the highest output power

—System testings is performed with iperf test software in udp mode from the Master Device to the Client Device on the
test channel. The data traffic is performed Laptop 2 to Laptop 1

                  955Cable       JCLIENT         consucteanriink        JMASTER|   Eternet Cabe
 LAPTOP 1                                                                                         LAPTOP 2
                               DEVICE                                   DEVICE


        SAGEOMCOM swichmooe power suppiy
        MODEL:NBC80A200400M2                                       |:|
        INPUT:100—240V~, 50/60H2z,1.5A
        OUTPUT:20.0V == 4.0A           A                        u us exore              fi/
       This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules       usrep    Neo1
       Operation is subject to the following two conditions:    POWER SUPPLY
       (1)This device may not cause harmful Interference, and      o     C'     c COC V5®
       (2)This device must accept any Interference received,
       Including interference that may cause undesired operation. MADE IN CHINABY NetBIt

                                   Code barre type 128                                                               &>3056emcoMm
           3            MSO Part Number: 12345                                       UI_                               Sound Box SBDVO1
       £                                                                                                                   253770742—ind
       (g %                        Code barre type 128                                ©              L!?_EED                  20V—= 4A
       8 $                                                                                             .T.E.                      ~
       § &|             §GC SN: 123456789012                                                         Es08616            Date Code: WWIYY
       w §                                                                                                        SSID : amplify—CCDDEE
                        MAC Address : aa:bb:ce:dd:ee                               FCC ID: VW3SBDVO1                  Made in CZECH Republic
                        TYM S/N : XXXXXXXXX                                   Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby, Dolby
                                                                              Audio and the double—D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.


M None                    C Modification:

                                                                                          TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                                                      Version : 02                                              Page 17/33


Test performed by                       : Armand MAHOUNGOU
Date of test                            : October 3, 2018 to October 4, 2018
Ambient temperature                     :27°C
Relative humidity                       : 44%

3.2.    TEST SETUP

— The Equipment Under Test is:
M¥ On a table
0 In an anechoic chamber

— Measurement is performed with a spectrum analyzer:
¥ On the EUT conducted access
C On the EUT with a test fixture


                                                     Splitter                   Splitter

 Note: In case of EUT with less than
                                                                                           Note: In case of AE with less than
 4Tx, then a 500hm charge is put
                                                                                           4Tx, then a 500hm charge is put
 on uncharged power splitter input.
                                                                                           on uncharged power splitter input.

                 Spectrum Analyser                                                          Radar Test Signal

                                                                TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                            Version : 02                                   Page 18/33

Photograph for DFS Detection Thresholds Determination, Reference Noise Level, Channel Loading

                                                 TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                              Version : 02                                  Page 19/33


       DESCRIPTION              MANUFACTURER                   MODEL             N° LCIE       Cal_Date         Cal_Due
         Multimeter                  KEITHLEY                    2000            A1242090       2017105          2019/05
         EMI receiver            ROHDE & SCHWARZ                ESR 7            A2642023        2016/11          201811
          RF cable                    Télédyne               920—0202—024        A5329663        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                    Télédyne               920—0202—024        A5329664        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                    Télédyne               920—0202—024        A5329665        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                    Télédyne               920—0202—024        A5329668        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                    Télédyne               920—0202—024        A5329669        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                    Télédyne               920—0202—024        A5329670        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                    Télédyne               920—0202—024        A5329672        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                    Télédyne               920—0202—024        A5329673        2018/05          2020/05
                                                                                               Verified with calibrated EMI
   Vector signal generator       ROHDE & SCHWARZ               SMJ100A           A5444007      receiver/ Spectrum analyzer
                                                                                                      before testing
 Programmable AC/DC power              KIKUSUI                 PCRSO0M           A7O40079        Ver_ified with calibrate_d
          supply                                                                                multimeter before testing
       Attenuator 100B             MINI CIRCUITS              BW—S10W2+          A7122229        2018/05          2020/05
       Attenuator 100B             MINI CIRCUITS              BW—S10W2+          A7122230        2018/05          2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329661        2018/05          2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329676        2018/05          2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329674        2018/05          2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329675        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B             MINI CIRCUITS              BW—SSW2+           A7122238        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B             MINI CIRCUITS              BW—SSW2+           A7122239        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B             MINI CIRCUITS              BW—SSW2+           A7122240        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B             MINI CIRCUITS              BW—SSW2+           A7122241        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B             MINI CIRCUITS              BW—SSW2+           A7122242        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B             MINI CIRCUITS              BW—SSW2+           A7122243        2018/05          2020/05
        Power splitter               Mini—Circuits          ZNGPD—63W—S+         A7132040        2018/05          2020/05
        Power splitter               Mini—Circuits          ZNGPD—63W—S+         A7132041        2018/05          2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A7192075        2018/05          2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A7 152076       2018/05          2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A71952077       2018/05          2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A7 152078       2018/05          2020/05
                     Note: In our quality system, the test equipment calibration due is more & less 2 months

                                                          TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                      Version : 02                                                Page 20/33

3.4.    RESULTS

                                                          DFS Detection Thersholds Calibration
                                                                     Channel C25
                                                                           Type 0
                              RefLevel —10.00 dam                @ RBW 3 MHz
                              Att                0 dB @ SWT 30 ms @ VBW 3 MHz         Input 1 AC
                             SoL TRG:EXT

                             ~30 dB

                             —100 dam

                           | or 5.20 onz                                  32000 pts
                                                                                                   U U
                           Date: 3.00T.2018 11:30:07

                           Ref Level ~10.00 dBm              @ RBW 3 MHz
                                            0 dB « SWT 10 ps @ VBW 3 MHz
                          SGL TRG:EXT

                         CF 5.29 GHz                                      32000 pts

                        Date: 3.00T.2018 11:33:10

                                                                      TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                                  Version : 02                      Page 21/33

                                                     Reference Noise Level
                                                         Channel C25

     Spectrum                            x                           x                x                  y
      Ref Level —10.00 dBm                   @ RBW 3 MHz
      Att                 0 dB @ SWT 30 ms @ Y¥BW 3 MHz               Input 1 AC
    O 1Pk Clrw
                                                                             M1i[1]            —75.10 dBm
                                                                                              1.273165 ms
     —20 dBm

     —30 dBm

     —40 dBm

     —50 dBm

     —60 dBm

     —70, gdBm

     —90         T   t   ~—    *   *     &      uy                       w       uy   m   T          *

     —100 d&m

     CF 5.29 GHz                                         32000 pts                               3.0 ms/

   Date: 3.0CT.2018 11:40:18

                                                       TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                    Version : 02                                Page 22/33

                                                                        Client Level
                                                                        Channel C25

          Ref Level 0.00 dBbm            @ RBW 3 MHz
          Att           10 dB @ SWT 7 ms @ YBW 3 MHz                                   Input 1 AC
        O 1Pk Clrw
                                                                                             D2[1]                             43.14 dB
                                                                                                                           1.303572 ms
        —10 d&m                                                                              mifil                          —78.52 dBm
        220 dBm                                                                                                            2.019782 ms

        —30 dBm
        —40 dBm             T]                        :                       1                                        |

        —50 dBm

        —60 dBm

        —30   dBm
        CF 5.29 GHz                                                     32000 pts                                            700.0 us/
         Type | Ref | Trc |                 X—value          |   Y—value           |       Function        Function Result               |
              M1                   1          2.019782 ms            —78.52 dBm
              Di}    _M1i          1           2297.257 ps              —5.08 dB
              D2)    _Mi           1          1.303572 ms               43.14 dB

    [                       ]{                                                         )              uBBBREEED w6
   Date: 4.00CT.2018 15:22:53

                                       Channel                                                           Channel
 EIRP (See test report fom FCC ID: RRK2012060056—1)                                                     338,065mW
                    DFS Detection thresholds applied                                                     —64dBm
                                 Additional Level (dB)                                                      1
                    DFS Detection thresholds applied                                                     —63dBm

                                                                      TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                                   Version : 02                                              Page 23/33

         Move Time

Test performed by                       : Armand MAHOUNGOU
Date of test                            : October 4, 2018
Ambient temperature                     :26 °C
Relative humidity                       : 47 %

4.2.    TEST SETUP

— The Equipment Under Test is:
M¥ On a table
0 In an anechoic chamber

— Measurement is performed with a spectrum analyzer:
¥ On the EUT conducted access
C On the EUT with a test fixture


                                                    Splitter                   Splitter

 Note: In case of EUT with less than
                                                                                          Note: In case of AE with less than
 4Tx, then a 500hm charge is put
                                                                                          4Tx, then a 500hm charge is put
 on uncharged power splitter input.
                                                                                          on uncharged power splitter input.

                 Spectrum Analyser                                                         Radar Test Signal

                                                               TEST REPORT
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Photograph for DFS Channel Closing Transmission Time & Channel Move Time

                                               TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                            Version : 02               Page 25/33

4.3.     LIMIT

Channel Closing Transmission Time shall not exceed 0.26second
Channel Move Time shall not exceed 10seconds


       DESCRIPTION              MANUFACTURER                   MODEL             N° LCIE       Cal_Date         Cal_Due
         Multimeter                   KEITHLEY                   2000            A1242090       2017105          2019/05
         EMI receiver            ROHDE & SCHWARZ                ESR 7            A2642023        2016/11         2018711
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329663        2018/05         2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329664        2018/05         2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329665        2018/05         2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329668        2018/05         2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329669        2018/05         2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329670        2018/05         2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329672        2018/05         2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329673        2018/05            2020/05
                                                                                               Verified with calibrated EMI
   Vector signal generator       ROHDE & SCHWARZ               SMJ100A           A5444007      receiver/ Spectrum analyzer
                                                                                                        before testing
 Programmable AC/DC power              KIKUSUI                 PCRSO0M           A7O40079         Ver_ified with calibrate_d
          supply                                                                                 multimeter before testing
       Attenuator 100B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—S10W2+          A7122229        2018/05         2020/05
       Attenuator 100B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—S10W2+          A7122230        2018/05         2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329661        2018/05         2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329676        2018/05         2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329674        2018/05         2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329675        2018/05         2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122238        2018/05         2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122239        2018/05         2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122240        2018/05         2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122241        2018/05         2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122242        2018/05         2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122243        2018/05         2020/05
        Power splitter                Mini—Circuits         ZNGPD—63W—S+         A7132040        2018/05         2020/05
        Power splitter                Mini—Circuits         ZNGPD—63W—S+         A7132041        2018/05         2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A7192075        2018/05         2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A7 152076       2018/05         2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A71952077       2018/05         2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A7 152078       2018/05         2020/05
                     Note: In our quality system, the test equipment calibration due is more & less 2 months


¥ None               C Divergence:

                                                          TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                      Version : 02                                               Page 26/33

4.6.    RESULTS

                                         Channel Closing Transmission Time & Channel Move Time
                                                             802.11ac VHT80
                [5. R&S DFS Analysis Tool
                 File Help
                                         Chennel Steriup Check                  |                     in Service Monitoring
                     Channel Mave Time (eeconis)                                                                                 @)_ AnaberCom
                     Trager Source                     Measurement Time                                                          . Timing
                       C Immediate                                 ’7
                       @ Exiemal                                   12                                                                    ABORT

                                                                                                                                  Frequency (Mhz)
                                               Save Trace                                                                         s2e0
                             Measured Chennel Move Time          737                                                              Rellavel (iBm)
                             m        dChennel Cl                                                                                 1t
                             Trenamssiontime __                 [Pubme
                                                                                                                                  Threshold (dBm)
                     Na—Occupancy Period (mminutes)                                                                               ’3['7

                     Trigger Source                 Measurement Time (min}                                                        T Preamp
                       C Immediate                                 ’—
                       @ Exsmal                                    *


                                               Save Trace

                        Meesured Nor—Occupancy Period           [arin

                                             Spccuum           inpeomamenncC)fepecmimercfSrecumamc)                                    T¥
                                               Ref Level    10.00 dam          ®@ RBW   3 MHz
                                         js Att                 20 dB @ SWT 12s @ VBW 3 MHz           Input 1 AC
                                              SoL TRG:EXT
                                             o 19k Cirw
                                                                                                           Mmili]             ~56.00 dBm
                                                                                                                              126.375 ms
                                             0 d

                                             —10 dem

                                             70 dbm

                                             —80 dbm

                                             CF 5.29 GHz                                    92001 pts                             1.2 s/

                                         Date: 40072018 18.0842

           Channel Closing Transmission Time (s)                                                                                   0.200
                     Channel Move Time (s)                                                                                          0.13


Channel Closing Transmission Time & Channel Move Time measurement performed on the sample of the product
Sagemcom® Sound Box SBDVO1, SN: 253770742, in configuration and description presented in this test report,
show levels compliant to the 47 CFR PART 15.407 limits.

                                                                                    TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                                                Version : 02

5.       Dynamic FReEquENcy SELEcTIiON (DFS): Non—Occurancy PERIOD

Test performed by                       : Armand MAHOUNGOU
Date of test                            : October 4, 2018
Ambient temperature                     :26 °C
Relative humidity                       : 47 %

5.2.    TEST SETUP

— The Equipment Under Test is:
M¥ On a table
0 In an anechoic chamber

— Measurement is performed with a spectrum analyzer:
¥ On the EUT conducted access
C On the EUT with a test fixture


                                                     Splitter                   Splitter

 Note: In case of EUT with less than
                                                                                           Note: In case of AE with less than
 4Tx, then a 500hm charge is put
                                                                                           4Tx, then a 500hm charge is put
 on uncharged power splitter input.
                                                                                           on uncharged power splitter input.

                 Spectrum Analyser                                                          Radar Test Signal

                                                                TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                            Version : 02                                   Page 28/33

Photograph for DFS Non—Occupancy Period

5.3.    LIMIT

Non—Occupancy Period shall exceed 1800 seconds

                                                 TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                             Version : 02   Page 29/33


       DESCRIPTION              MANUFACTURER                   MODEL             N° LCIE       Cal_Date         Cal_Due
         Multimeter                   KEITHLEY                   2000            A1242090       2017105          2019/05
         EMI receiver            ROHDE & SCHWARZ                ESR 7            A2642023        2016/11          201811
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329663        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329664        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329665        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329668        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329669        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329670        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329672        2018/05          2020/05
          RF cable                     Télédyne              920—0202—024        A5329673        2018/05          2020/05
                                                                                               Verified with calibrated EMI
   Vector signal generator       ROHDE & SCHWARZ               SMJ100A           A5444007      receiver/ Spectrum analyzer
                                                                                                      before testing
 Programmable AC/DC power              KIKUSUI                 PCRSO0M           A7O40079        Ver_ified with calibrate_d
          supply                                                                                multimeter before testing
       Attenuator 100B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—S10W2+          A7122229        2018/05          2020/05
       Attenuator 100B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—S10W2+          A7122230        2018/05          2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329661        2018/05          2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329676        2018/05          2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329674        2018/05          2020/05
 RF cable & Attenuator 204B   Télédyne & MINI CIRCUITS   920—0202—024 & FW—20+   A5329675        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122238        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122239        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122240        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122241        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122242        2018/05          2020/05
        Attenuator 30B               MINI CIRCUITS            BW—SSW2+           A7122243        2018/05          2020/05
        Power splitter                Mini—Circuits         ZNGPD—63W—S+         A7132040        2018/05          2020/05
        Power splitter                Mini—Circuits         ZNGPD—63W—S+         A7132041        2018/05          2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A7192075        2018/05          2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A7 152076       2018/05          2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A71952077       2018/05          2020/05
        Load 50 ohms              Fairview Microwave           STO635F           A7 152078       2018/05          2020/05
                     Note: In our quality system, the test equipment calibration due is more & less 2 months


¥ None               C Divergence:

                                                          TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                      Version : 02                                                Page 30/33

5.6.     RESULTS

                                                Non Occupancy Period
                                                   802.11ac VHT80

                                 a     (~jlbs            a                                                     Eon
 Spectrum               5                                                                                       V
   Ref Level 10.00 dBm                   @ RBW 3 MHz
   Att              20 dB @ SWT 2000 s @ YBW 3 MHz               Input 1 AC
 O1Pk Clrw
                                                                    Mi[1]                            —20.33 dBm
                                                                                                        0.0000 s
 0 dBm

 —10 dBm

 —20 dBm

 —30 dBm

 —40 dBm

 —50 dBm

 —50 dBm

 —70 dBm

 —80 dBm

 CF 5.29 GHz                                         32001 pts                                           200.0 s/

Date: 4.0CT.2018 17:06:47

                  Non occupancy period (s)                                               ¥   1800


Non—Occupancy period measurement performed on the sample of the product Sagemcom® Sound Box SBDVO1,
SN: 253770742, in configuration and description presented in this test report, show levels compliant to the 47 CFR
PART 15.407 limits.

                                                    TEST REPORT
 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                Version : 02                                        Page 31/33

6.     AnnEx 3: RADAR TEst SigGNAL TYPE 0

          Pulses per Burst             Pulse Width (usec)   PRI (s)

                  18                              1          1428

                                            TEST REPORT
N° 157205—7 26501 —E                         Version : 02             Page 32/33


                                                                                                           Wide uncertainty
                                    47 CFR Part 15.209 & 15.207                                               laboratory            Uncertainty       limit
                                            Kind of test                                                  (k=2) +x(dB) / (Hz)/                    Y
       Measurement of conducted disturbances in voltage on the AC power port (9 kHz — 150 kHz)                     2,67                     3.8
      Measurement of conducted disturbances in voltage on the AC power port (150 kHz — 30 MHz)                     2,67                     3.4
     Measurement of conducted disturbances in voltage on the telecommunication port.       (AAN)                   3,67                     5.0
                 Measurement of conducted disturbances in current (current clamp)                                  2,73                     2.9
                                 Measurement of disturbance power                                                  2,67                     4.5
               Measurement of radiated magnetic field from 10kHz to 3OMHz in SAC VO1                               4,48                      /
               Measurement of radiated magnetic field from 10kHz to 3OMHz in SAC CO1                               4,48                      /
      Measurement of radiated electric field from 30 to 1000MHz in horizontal position on the OATS                 4.88                     6.3
                                                 (Ecuelles)                                                         "                        "
              Measurement of radiated electric field from 1 to 18GHz on the Ecuelles site                          5.16                      1
       Measurement of radiated electric field fro(rE 30 ltlo 1)OOOMHZ in vertical position on the OATS             .99                      63
                                                    cuelles                                                         *                        *
      Measurement of radiated electric field from 30 to 1000MHz in horizontal position in SAC CO1                  5,08                     6.3
       Measurement of radiated electric field from 30 to 1000MHz in vertical position in SAC CO1                   516                      6.3
      Measurement of radiated electric field from 30 to 1000MHz in horizontal position in SAC VO1                  5,08                     6.3
       Measurement of radiated electric field from 30 to 1000MHz in vertical position in SAC VO1                   515                      6.3
                    Measurement of radiated electric field from 1 to 6 GHz CO1                                      5.1                     5.2
                    Measurement of radiated electric field from 1 to 6 GHz VO1                                     4,85                     5.2
         Measurement of radiated magnetic field from 10kHz to 3OMHz on the OATS (Ecuelles)                         4,48                      1

The uncertainty values calculated by the laboratory are lower than limit uncertainty values defined by the CISPR. The conformity of the sample is
directly established by the applicable limits values. This table includes all uncertainties maximum feasible for testing in the laboratory, whether or not
made in this report

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 N° 157205—7 26501 —E                                                 Version : 02                                                         Page 33/33

Document Created: 2018-11-19 11:23:25
Document Modified: 2018-11-19 11:23:25

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