MPE RF Exposure Report


RF Exposure Info

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                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                       Report No. : FA660601

      Maximum Permissible Exposure
            Equipment             : RV340W Dual WAN Wireless-AC VPN Router
            Brand Name            : CISCO
            Model No.             : RV340W
            FCC ID                : VUI-RV340W
            Standard              : ANSI/IEEE C95.1
            Applicant             : PEGATRON CORPORATION
                                    5F., NO. 76, LIGONG ST., BEITOU DISTRICT,
                                    TAIPEI CITY 112 Taiwan
            Manufacturer          : MAINTEK COMPUTER (SUZHOU) CO., LTD
                                    Bldg. 6 NB, 233 Jin Feng Rd, Suzhou District
                                    Jiangsu China

     The product sample received on Jun. 06, 2016 and completely tested on Jun. 29, 2016. We,
     SPORTON, would like to declare that the tested sample has been evaluated in accordance
     with the procedures given in ANSI/IEEE C95.1 and shown compliance with the applicable
     technical standards.

     The test results in this report apply exclusively to the tested model / sample. Without written
     approval of SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC., the test report shall not be reproduced except
     in full.

       Reviewed by:

       Kevin Liang / Assistant Manager

SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC.                                              Page No.          : 1 of 11
TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                    Report Version    : Rev. 01
FAX : 886-3-327-0973

                 Maximum Permissible Exposure                                                                    Report No. : FA660601

                                                   Table of Contents
1       HUMAN EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................... 4

1.1     Maximum Permissible Exposure ............................................................................................................ 4
         1.1.1     EUT General Information ................................................................................................ 4
         1.1.2     Limit of Maximum Permissible Exposure ........................................................................ 4
         1.1.3     MPE Calculation Method ................................................................................................ 5
         1.1.4     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (2.4G) .......................................................... 6
         1.1.5     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (5.2G) .......................................................... 7
         1.1.6     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (5.3G) .......................................................... 8
         1.1.7     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (5.6G) .......................................................... 9
         1.1.8     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (5.8G) ........................................................ 10
         1.1.9     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (Co-location) .............................................. 11

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                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                  Report No. : FA660601

                                   Revision History
     Report No.         Version                Description                          Issued Date

     FA660601            Rev. 01         Initial issue of report                    Aug. 15, 2016

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TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                               Report Version      : Rev. 01
FAX : 886-3-327-0973

                  Maximum Permissible Exposure                                        Report No. : FA660601

1         Human Exposure Assessment
1.1       Maximum Permissible Exposure
1.1.1     EUT General Information
                                          RF General Information
    Evaluation          Frequency
                                         Frequency                      Modulation Type
      Mode             Range (MHz)
                                                                 802.11b:DSSS(DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK)
 2.4GHz WLAN           2400-2483.5       2412-2462
                                                            802.11g/n:OFDM(BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM,64QAM)
                        5150-5250        5180-5240
                                                            802.11a:OFDM(BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM,64QAM)
                        5250-5350        5260-5320
    5GHz WLAN                                               802.11ac:OFDM(BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM,64QAM,
                        5470-5725        5500-5700
                        5725-5850        5745-5825

1.1.2     Limit of Maximum Permissible Exposure
                              Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
                                                                                           Averaging Time
 Frequency Range           Electric Field      Magnetic Field       Power Density (S)
                                                                                            |E|²,|H|² or S
      (MHz)              Strength (E) (V/m)   Strength (H) (A/m)       (mW/ cm²)
         0.3-3.0                614                   1.63                (100)*                   6
         3.0-30               1842 / f               4.89 / f           (900 / f )*                6
         30-300                61.4                  0.163                 1.0                     6
        300-1500                    -                   -                 F/300                    6
     1500-100,000                   -                   -                   5                      6
                          Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
                                                                                           Averaging Time
 Frequency Range           Electric Field      Magnetic Field       Power Density (S)
                                                                                            |E|²,|H|² or S
      (MHz)              Strength (E) (V/m)   Strength (H) (A/m)       (mW/ cm²)
        0.3-1.34                614                   1.63                (100)*                  30
        1.34-30                824/f                 2.19/f              (180/f )*                30
         30-300                27.5                  0.073                 0.2                    30
        300-1500                    -                   -                F/1500                   30
     1500-100,000                   -                   -                  1.0                    30
Note 1: f = frequency in MHz ; *Plane-wave equivalent power density
Note 2: For the applicable limit, see FCC 1.1310

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                Maximum Permissible Exposure              Report No. : FA660601

1.1.3     MPE Calculation Method

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                  Maximum Permissible Exposure                                              Report No. : FA660601

1.1.4     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (2.4G)
                                              RF General Information
                        IEEE Std.                                                Number of
   Frequency                             Ch. Frequency       Channel                                RF Output
                          802.11                                                  Transmit
  Range (MHz)                                (MHz)           Number                                Power (dBm)
                         Protocol                                               Chains (NTX)
   2400-2483.5             b               2412-2462         1-11 [11]                 3                 23.21
   2400-2483.5             g               2412-2462         1-11 [11]                 3                 22.96
   2400-2483.5          n (HT20)           2412-2462         1-11 [11]                 3                 22.90
   2400-2483.5          n (HT40)           2422-2452          3-9 [7]                  3                 19.92
Note 1: RF output power specifies that Maximum Conducted (Average) Output Power.

                                    Worst Maximum RF Output Power Result
    Exposure Environment            General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  Separation Distance (cm)          20
            Condition                                      RF Output Power (dBm)
                                     Chain-     Chain-    Chain-        Sum                       EIRP          PD (S)
    Modulation Mode          NTX                                                  DG (dBi)                  (mW/cm²)
                                     Port 1     Port 2    Port 3        Chain                    Power
              b                3     18.57       18.06    18.66         23.21        3.28        26.49      0.0887
                        Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit (mW/cm²)                                               1
Note 1: NTX = Number of Transmit Chains

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                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                               Report No. : FA660601

1.1.5     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (5.2G)
                                               RF General Information
                         IEEE Std.                                               Number of
   Frequency                             Ch. Frequency            Channel                          RF Output
                           802.11                                                 Transmit
  Range (MHz)                                (MHz)                Number                          Power (dBm)
                          Protocol                                              Chains (NTX)
    5150-5250               a                 5180-5240           36-48 [4]            4               23.79
                         ac (VHT20)
    5150-5250                                 5180-5240           36-48 [4]            4               24.05
                         ac (VHT40)
    5150-5250                                 5190-5230           38-46 [2]            4               22.08
                         ac (VHT80)
    5150-5250                                   5210               48 [1]              4               17.59
Note 1: RF output power specifies that Maximum Conducted (Average) Output Power.

                                     Worst Maximum RF Output Power Result
   Exposure Environment             General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  Separation Distance (cm)          20
           Condition                                          RF Output Power (dBm)
                                     Chain-     Chain-    Chain-    Chain-    Sum        DG      EIRP         PD (S)
    Modulation Mode          NTX
                                     Port 1     Port 2    Port 3    Port 4    Chain     (dBi)    Power        (mW/cm²)

        ac (VHT20)
                                4    18.32      17.97     17.82      17.98    24.05     10.34    34.39        0.5468
                          Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit (mW/cm²)                                            1
Note 1: NTX = Number of Transmit Chains

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                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                               Report No. : FA660601

1.1.6     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (5.3G)
                                               RF General Information
                         IEEE Std.                                               Number of
   Frequency                             Ch. Frequency            Channel                          RF Output
                           802.11                                                 Transmit
  Range (MHz)                                (MHz)                Number                          Power (dBm)
                          Protocol                                              Chains (NTX)
    5250-5350               a                 5260-5320           52-64 [4]            4               16.97
                         ac (VHT20)
    5250-5350                                 5260-5320           52-64 [4]            4               17.28
                         ac (VHT40)
    5250-5350                                 5270-5310           54-62 [2]            4               18.94
                         ac (VHT80)
    5250-5350                                   5290               58 [1]              4               15.54
Note 1: RF output power specifies that Maximum Conducted (Average) Output Power.

                                     Worst Maximum RF Output Power Result
   Exposure Environment             General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  Separation Distance (cm)          20
           Condition                                          RF Output Power (dBm)
                                     Chain-     Chain-    Chain-    Chain-    Sum        DG      EIRP         PD (S)
    Modulation Mode          NTX
                                     Port 1     Port 2    Port 3    Port 4    Chain     (dBi)    Power        (mW/cm²)

        ac (VHT40)
                                4    13.27      12.65     12.42      13.28    18.94     10.73    29.67        0.1844
                          Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit (mW/cm²)                                            1
Note 1: NTX = Number of Transmit Chains

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                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                              Report No. : FA660601

1.1.7     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (5.6G)
                                               RF General Information
                         IEEE Std.                                              Number of
   Frequency                             Ch. Frequency            Channel                         RF Output
                           802.11                                                Transmit
  Range (MHz)                                (MHz)                Number                         Power (dBm)
                          Protocol                                             Chains (NTX)
    5470-5725               a                 5500-5700       100-140 [8]             4               17.33
                         ac (VHT20)
    5470-5725                                 5500-5700       100-140 [8]             4               17.57
                         ac (VHT40)
    5470-5725                                 5510-5670       102-134 [3]             4               19.17
                         ac (VHT80)
    5470-5725                                   5530               106 [1]            4               14.47
Note 1: RF output power specifies that Maximum Conducted (Average) Output Power.

                                     Worst Maximum RF Output Power Result
   Exposure Environment             General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  Separation Distance (cm)          20
           Condition                                          RF Output Power (dBm)
                                     Chain-     Chain-    Chain-    Chain-   Sum        DG      EIRP         PD (S)
    Modulation Mode          NTX
                                     Port 1     Port 2    Port 3    Port 4   Chain     (dBi)    Power        (mW/cm²)

        ac (VHT40)
                                4    14.04      12.79     12.70      12.93   19.17     10.76    29.93        0.1958
                          Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit (mW/cm²)                                           1
Note 1: NTX = Number of Transmit Chains

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                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                              Report No. : FA660601

1.1.8     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (5.8G)
                                               RF General Information
                         IEEE Std.                                              Number of
   Frequency                             Ch. Frequency            Channel                         RF Output
                           802.11                                                Transmit
  Range (MHz)                                (MHz)                Number                         Power (dBm)
                          Protocol                                             Chains (NTX)
    5725-5850               a                 5745-5825       149-165 [5]             4              24.07
                         ac (VHT20)
    5725-5850                                 5745-5825       149-165 [5]             4              23.73
                         ac (VHT40)
    5725-5850                                 5755-5795       151-159 [2]             4              19.99
                         ac (VHT80)
    5725-5850                                   5775               155 [1]            4              14.16
Note 1: RF output power specifies that Maximum Conducted (Average) Output Power.

                                     Worst Maximum RF Output Power Result
   Exposure Environment             General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  Separation Distance (cm)          20
           Condition                                          RF Output Power (dBm)
                                     Chain-     Chain-    Chain-    Chain-   Sum        DG      EIRP          PD (S)
    Modulation Mode          NTX
                                     Port 1     Port 2    Port 3    Port 4   Chain     (dBi)    Power        (mW/cm²)

        ac (VHT20)
                                4    18.14      17.43     17.41      17.83   23.73     11.26    34.99        0.6278
                          Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit (mW/cm²)                                           1
Note 1: NTX = Number of Transmit Chains

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                  Maximum Permissible Exposure                                        Report No. : FA660601

1.1.9     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure (Co-location)
                                   Worst Maximum RF Output Power Result
    Exposure Environment           General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  Separation Distance (cm)         20
            Condition                                        RF Output Power (dBm)
                                     Sum Chain
                                                       DG       EIRP      PD (S)        Limit
    Modulation Mode          NTX     RF Output                                                          Ratio
                                                      (dBi)     Power   (mW/cm²)      (mW/cm²)
                                    Power (dBm)
              b              4          23.21         3.28      26.49    0.0887             1          0.0887
          ac (VHT20)
                             4          23.73        11.26      34.99    0.6278             1          0.6278
                                        Co-location Total                                              0.7165
                              Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit                                             1
Note 1: NTX = Number of Transmit Chains.
Note.2: Both of the WLAN 2.4GHz Band and WLAN 5GHz Band can transmit simultaneously, the formula of
calculated the MPE is:
        CPD1 / LPD1 + CPD2 / LPD2 + ……etc. < 1
        CPD = Calculation power density
      LPD = Limit of power density
Note 3: For the measurement, see KDB 865664 D02 RF Exposure Reporting v01r02.

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

Document Created: 2019-07-04 18:46:20
Document Modified: 2019-07-04 18:46:20

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