Test Report

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                                        Model: ENW2000-K1

                               FCC PART 15.249

                       Shenzhen voxtech Co., Ltd.
 The 4th floor, NO.4 building, Baodazhou District, Shancheng Industrial Park,

                           Shiyan Town, Shenzhen, PR China.

                                FCC ID: VU8ENW2000

         Report Concerns:                         Equipment Type:
         Original Report                          Wireless PTT

         Model:                                   ENW2000-K1

         Report No.:                              STR07118105I

         Test/Witness Engineer:                   Lahm Peng

         Test Date:                               2007-11-23 to 2007-11-29

         Prepared By:
                             Shenzhen SEM.Test Compliance Service Co., Ltd.
                             Room 609-610, Baotong Building, Baomin 1st Road, Baoan
                             District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.C. (518133)

         Approved & Authorized By:

                                                      Jandy So / PSQ Manager

 Note: This test report is limited to the above client company and the product model only. It may
       not be duplicated without prior permitted by SEM.Test Compliance Service Co., Ltd.

REPORT NO.: STR07118105I                   PAGE 1 OF 16                           FCC PART 15.249

SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                                                                                                        Model: ENW2000-K1

1. GENERAL INFORMATION...................................................................................................................................3
   1.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT)...............................................................................3
   1.2 TEST STANDARDS ..................................................................................................................................................3
   1.3 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S).......................................................................................................................3
   1.4 TEST METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................4
   1.5 TEST FACILITY .......................................................................................................................................................4
   1.6 EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE ....................................................................................................................................4
   1.7 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .......................................................................................................4
   1.8 EUT CABLE LIST AND DETAILS .............................................................................................................................4
2. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...........................................................................................................................5
3. §15.203 - ANTENNA REQUIREMENT..................................................................................................................6
   3.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE ........................................................................................................................................6
   3.2 TEST RESULT .........................................................................................................................................................6
4. §15.205, §15.209, §15.249 (A)- RADIATED EMISSION........................................................................................7
   4.1 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..............................................................................................................................7
   4.2 STANDARD APPLICABLE ........................................................................................................................................7
   4.3 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .....................................................................................................................8
   4.4 TEST PROCEDURE...................................................................................................................................................8
   4.5 CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION .............................................................................................9
   4.6 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ..............................................................................................................................9
   4.7 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS ......................................................................................................................9
5. §15.249(B) OUT OF BAND EMISSIONS .............................................................................................................15
   5.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE ......................................................................................................................................15
   5.2 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...................................................................................................................15
   5.3 TEST PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................15
   5.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................15
   5.5 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS ....................................................................................................................15

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                                                  Model: ENW2000-K1


1.1 Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)

     Client Information
     Applicant:                            Shenzhen Voxtech Co., Ltd.
     Address of applicant:                 The 4th floor, NO.4 building, Baodazhou District, Shancheng
                                           Industrial Park, Shiyan Town, Shenzhen, PR China.

     Manufacturer:                         Shenzhen Voxtech Co., Ltd.
     Address of manufacturer:              The 4th floor, NO.4 building, Baodazhou District, Shancheng
                                           Industrial Park, Shiyan Town, Shenzhen, PR China.

     General Description of E.U.T

   Items                                                 Description
   EUT Description:                                       Wireless PTT
   Trade Name:                                            /
   Model No.:                                             ENW2000-K1
   Rated Voltage:                                         DC 3V Battery
   RF Output Power:                                       <0dBm
   Frequency Range:                                       915MHz
   No. of Channel:                                        /
   Antenna Type:                                          Fixed antenna
   Size:                                                  3.2x2.5x1.5 cm
   For more information refer to the circuit diagram form and the user’s manual.
  The test data is gathered from a production sample, provided by the manufacturer.

1.2 Test Standards

The following report is prepared on behalf of Shenzhen Voxtech Co., Ltd. in accordance with FCC Part 15,
Subpart C, and section 15.203, 15.205, 15.207, 15.209 and 15.249 of the Federal Communication Commissions

The objective is to determine compliance with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, and section 15.203, 15.205, 15.207,
15.209 and 15.249 of the Federal Communication Commissions rules.

Maintenance of compliance is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Any modification of the product, which
results in lowering the emission, should be checked to ensure compliance has been maintained.

1.3 Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)

No Related Submittal(s).

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                                                   Model: ENW2000-K1

1.4 Test Methodology

All measurements contained in this report were conducted with ANSI C63.4-2003, American National Standard
for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in
the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

The equipment under test (EUT) was configured to measure its highest possible emission level. The test modes
were adapted according to the Operating Instructions and let the EUT keep transmitting.

1.5 Test Facility

The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:
United States of American Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the registration number is 556682
Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for radio equipment testing with the registration number
is 6002.
All measurement required was performed at laboratory of SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.,
No.1 Workshop, M-10, Middle Section, Science & Technology Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong,

1.6 EUT Exercise Software

The EUT exercise program used during the testing was designed to exercise the system components. The test
software is started while the whole system is on.

1.7 Accessories Equipment List and Details

            Manufacturer              Description                  Model               Serial Number
                  /                        /                            /                        /

1.8 EUT Cable List and Details

         Cable Description            Length (M)           Shielded/Unshielded    With Core/Without Core
                  /                        /                        /                        /

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                          Model: ENW2000-K1


          FCC RULES              DESCRIPTION OF TEST        RESULT
           §15.203              Antenna Requirement         Compliant
           §15.205           Restricted Band of Operation   Compliant
          §15.207(a)             Conducted Emission           N/A
           §15.209                Radiated Emission         Compliant
          §15.249(a)                Field Strength          Compliant
          §15.249(d)            Out of Band Emission        Compliant

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                                                      Model: ENW2000-K1


3.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of
an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the
provisions of this section.

3.2 Test Result

This product has a fixed antenna, fulfill the requirement of this section.

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                                                    Model: ENW2000-K1

4. §15.205, §15.209, §15.249 (a)- RADIATED EMISSION

4.1 Measurement Uncertainty

Based on NIS 81, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the best estimate of the uncertainty of a
radiation emissions measurement is +3.0 dB.

4.2 Standard Applicable

According to §15.249(a), the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated within these
frequency bands shall comply with the following:

      Fundamental Frequency             Field strength of fundamental      Field strength of harmonics
                                        (milli-volts/meter)                (micro-volts/meter)
      902-928 MHz                       50                                 500
      2400-2483.5 MHz                   50                                 500
      5725-5875 MHz                     50                                 500
      24.0-24.25 GHz                    250                                2500
The emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement instrumentation employing an average detector. The
provisions in §15.35 for limiting peak emissions apply.


Emissions that fall in the restricted bands (15.205) must be less than 54dBuV/m otherwise the spurious and
harmonics must be attenuated by at least 20dB.

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                                                      Model: ENW2000-K1

4.3 Test Equipment List and Details

       Manufacturer         Description          Model                             Cal. Date        Due. Date
                             EMI Test
     Rohde & Schwarz                             ESIB26       830245/009           2007-01-26      2008-01-25
            ETS                                   2090            57230            2007-01-26      2008-01-25
            ETS                                   2175            57337            2007-01-26      2008-01-25
                             50 ohm           SUCOFLEX
            ETS                                                25498514            2007-01-26      2008-01-25
                           Coaxial Cable         104
       Schwarz beck        Horn Antenna          BBHX                              2007-01-26      2008-01-25
Statement of Traceability: All calibrations have been performed per the NVLAP requirements traceable to
the NIST.

4.4 Test Procedure

The setup of EUT is according with per ANSI C63.4-2003 measurement procedure. The specification used was
with the FCC Part 15.205 15.249(a) and FCC Part 15.209 Limit.
The external I/O cables were draped along the test table and formed a bundle 30 to 40 cm long in the middle.
The spacing between the peripherals was 10 cm.




                Table                                                                     To EMI Receiver

                                              Ground Plane

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                                                              Model: ENW2000-K1

4.5 Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation

The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and the Cable Factor, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the Amplitude reading. The basic equation is as follows:

                        Corr. Ampl. = Indicated Reading + Ant. Factor + Cable Loss – Ampl. Gain

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable limit.
For example, a margin of -6dBμV means the emission is 6dBμV below the maximum limit for Class B. The
equation for margin calculation is as follows:

                                         Margin = Corr. Ampl. – FCC Part 15 Limit

4.6 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:                 26° C
   Relative Humidity:           52%
   ATM Pressure:                1012 mbar

4.7 Summary of Test Results/Plots

According to the data below, the FCC Part 15.205, 15.209 and 15.249 standards, and had the worst margin of:

                  -2.4 dBμV at 836.2 MHz in the Vertical polarization, 30 MHz to 25 GHz, 3Meters

            Meter                                           Antenna   Cable    Amplifer                 FCC Part 15.249
Frequency Reading Detector        Direction Height Polar     Loss       loss    Gain      Corr. Ampl.       & 15.209
                          PK/                                                                            Limit    Margin
  MHz       dBuV        QP/AV     Degree Meter H / V          dB        dB       dB       dBuV/m        dBuV/m         dB
                                                Transmitting below 1GHz
  836.2      43.3         QP            60   1.3     V       22.2       3.3    25.15        43.6          46           -2.4
  836.2      42.5         QP            60   2.0     H       22.2       3.3    25.15        42.8          46           -3.2
  227.8      37.2         QP            66   1.0     V       11.6       1.3    24.99        25.1          46       -20.9
  227.8      36.9         QP            56   1.4     H       11.6       1.3    24.99        24.8          46       -21.2
  89.5       38.4         QP            45   1.2     V       8.1        0.9    25.94        21.5         43.5      -22.0
  128.2      29.1         QP          266    1.0     V       14.4       1.1    25.79        18.8         43.5      -24.7
  137.5      27.0         QP          185    1.2     H       14.2       1.1    25.74        16.6         43.5      -26.9
  90.0       32.1         QP            90   1.5     H       7.7        0.9    25.89        14.8         43.5      -28.7
                                               Transmitting (Fundamental)
   915       77.5 AV(Fund.)           180.   1.2     H       22.8       3.6    24.35        79.58        94.0      -14.4
   915       68.2 AV(Fund.)             45   1.0     V       22.8       3.6    24.35        70.25        94.0      -23.8
   915       78.4 PK(Fund.)           180    1.2     H       22.8       3.6    24.35        80.45       114.0      -33.6
   915       68.8 PK(Fund.)             45   1.0     V       22.8       3.6    24.35        70.83       114.0      -43.2

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                                                Model: ENW2000-K1

                                         Transmitting above 1GHz
  1830      60.2     AV        180     1.2    V       30.6    1.6     44.68     47.73           54      -6.3
  1830      51.6     AV        60      1.0    H       30.6    1.6     44.68     39.11           54      -14.9
  2745      43.7     AV        60      1.0    V       32.8    2.1     44.84     33.73           54      -20.3
  2745      43.5     AV        45      1.0    H       32.8    2.1     44.84     33.58           54      -20.4
  1830      63.2     PK        45      1.0    V       30.6    1.6     44.68     50.67           74      -23.3
  1830      56.2     PK        180     1.2    H       30.6    1.6     44.68     43.67           74      -30.3
  2745      46.1     PK        180     1.2    V       32.8    2.1     44.84     36.11           74      -37.9
  2745      45.1     PK        60      1.0    H       32.8    2.1     44.84     35.11           74      -38.9
Note: Testing is carried out with frequency rang 30MHz to the tenth harmonics, which above 5 Harmonics is
close to the noise base even antenna close up to 1meter distance according the measurement of ANSI C63.4.
Emissions 20dB lower than the limit are not reported.

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                    Model: ENW2000-K1

Plot of Radiation Emissions Test

         Radiated Disturbance
         EUT: Wireless PTT
         M/N: ENW2000-K1
         Operating Condition: Transmitting below 1GHz
         Test Specification: Vertical
         Comment: DC 3V

REPORT NO.: STR07118105I                      PAGE 11 OF 16   FCC PART 15.249

SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                   Model: ENW2000-K1

        Radiated Disturbance
        EUT: Wireless PTT
        M/N: ENW2000-K1
        Operating Condition: Transmitting below 1GHz
        Test Specification: Horizontal
        Comment: DC 3V

REPORT NO.: STR07118105I                     PAGE 12 OF 16   FCC PART 15.249

SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                   Model: ENW2000-K1

        Radiated Disturbance
        EUT: Wireless PTT
        M/N: ENW2000-K1
        Operating Condition: Transmitting above 1GHz
        Test Specification: Vertical
        Comment: DC 3V

REPORT NO.: STR07118105I                     PAGE 13 OF 16   FCC PART 15.249

SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                   Model: ENW2000-K1

        Radiated Disturbance
        EUT: Wireless PTT
        M/N: ENW2000-K1
        Operating Condition: Transmitting above 1GHz
        Test Specification: Horizontal
        Comment: DC 3V

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                                                                      Model: ENW2000-K1


5.1 Standard Applicable

Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least
50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in §15.209, whichever is the
lesser attenuation.

5.2 Test Equipment List and Details

    Manufacturer         Description           Model                              Cal. Date          Due. Date
        Agilent                               E4402B          US41192821         2007-06-30          2008-06-29
              Receiver Antenna                  2175             57337           2007-01-26          2008-01-25
   ETS.LINDGR 50 ohm Coaxial                SUCOFLEX
                                                               25498514          2007-01-26          2008-01-25
       EN          Cable                       104
    Schwarz beck         Horn Antenna          BBHX                              2007-01-26          2008-01-25
Statement of Traceability: All calibrations have been performed per the NVLAP requirements traceable to
the NIST.

5.3 Test Procedure

As the radiation test, set the Lowest and Highest Transmitting Channel, observed the outside band of 902MHz to
928MHz, than mark the higher-level emission for comparing with the FCC rules.

5.4 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:             22° C
   Relative Humidity:       54%
   ATM Pressure:            1012 mbar

5.5 Summary of Test Results/Plots

                          Frequency                Emission                     Limit
                            MHz                    dBμV/m                     dBμV/m
                           902.0                    25.62                        46
                           928.0                    26.29                        46

Test Result Pass

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SHENZHEN VOXTECH CO., LTD.                         Model: ENW2000-K1

Refer to the attached plots.
                 Lowest bandedge

               Highest bandedge

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Document Created: 2007-11-30 14:18:36
Document Modified: 2007-11-30 14:18:36

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