HRU Certificate


Attestation Statements

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              To Whom It Might Concern

                                                                                                 Skoppum: Feb.2015

              Re; Jotron Float Free EPIRB brackets and Hydrostatic Release Mechanism/Unit (HRU)

              To meet the product approvals and obtain the safety for the crew on—board it is of great
              importance that only approved hydrostatic release units (HRU) is being used on any of Jotron‘s
              float free EPIRB (Emergency Position Identification Radio Beacon) brackets. The following text
              is therefore a guidance to whom it might concern:

              The water pressure activated automatic release mechanism, type Hammar H20 is currently the
              only hydrostatic release unit (HRU) approved by Jotron AS for use on Float Free EPIRB
              brackets type FB—3, FBH—3, FB—4, FBH—4, FB—5, FB—40 VDR and FB—60.
              Due to the special mechanical design on Jotron EPIRB brackets, the Hammar H20 under Jotron
     X—97820 is only a component in a complete Jotron hydrostatic release unit kit (HRU—kit).

              A dedicated Jotron HRU—kit consist of special fitted and adjusted bolt, spacer, gasket and o—ring,
              label and the H20 hydrostatic release mechanism.

              The Jotron product part numbers on the Float free EPIRB bracket kit are;
              95135, 97821, 80414 and 86218.

              Currently, Hydrostatic Release Mechanism from other brands than the Swedish company CM
              Hammar, are not tested and approved by Jotron and will therefore deviate from Jotron AS
              product certifications.

              Jotron AS
              Maritime and Energy Division.

DNB Bank asa 4. 0021 Oslo 1 Norway 1 Bank account: 24400508514 1   |BAN: NO6624400508514 1 BIC: DNBANOKK NO917713324 MVA
QA Certificate: NS—EN 1SO 9001:2008/150 14001:2004

Jotron AS
P.0.Box 54 | NO—3281 Tjodalyng | Norway

Tel: +47 33 13 97 00
Fax: +47 33 12 67 80

                                                                                                                                                           Page 1 / 3

                                                                                                                          Certificate number: 07494/D0 BV
                                                                                                                                    File number: LSA 6337/02
                                                                                                                                          Product code: 6032H
                                       MARINE OIVISION
                                                                                                                This certificate is not valid when presented without the
                                                                                                                        full attached schedule composed of 7 sections
                 V E RITAS                                                                                                            

                                           TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE

                                                                    This certificate is issued to

                                                                 C M HAMMAR AB
                                                                  V:a Frolunda — SWEDEN

                                                                       for the type of product

                                                    HYDROSTATIC RELEASE UNIT
  Hydrostatic Release Unit , Type HAMMAR H20 & Hydrostatic/Electric Remote Release Unit, Type H20 ERU, for
                                      float—free arrangement of EPIRB‘s

SOLAS 74 Convention as amended, Reg. I!I/4, X/3, II1/13, IM/26 & II1/34
IMO   Res. MSC.48(66) amended by MSC.207(81), MSC.218(82), MSC.272(85), MSC.293(87) & MSC.320(89)
IMO   Res. MSC.36(63)—(1994 HSC Code) 8 & IMO Res. MSC.97(73)—(2000 HSC Code) 8
IMO   Res. MSC.81(70) amended by MSC.200(80), MSC.226(82), MSC.274(85), MSC.295(87), MSC 321(89) & MSC.323(89)
IMO   MSC/Cire.811 & IMO MSC/Circ.980

This certificate is issued to attest that BUREAU VERITAS did undertake the relevant approval procedures for the product identified above which
was found to comply with the relevant requirements mentioned above.

                                                   This certificate will expire on: 24 Jan 2018

At BV GOTHENBURG, on 24 Jan 2013,

This certificate remains valid until the date stated above, unless cancelled or revoked, provided the conditions indicated in the subsequent page(s) are complied
with and the product remains satisfactory in service. This certificate will not be valid if the applicant makes any changes or modifications to the approved product,
which have not been notified to, and agreed in writing with BUREAU VERITAS. Should the specified regulations or standards be amended during the validity of
this certificate, the product(s) is/are to be re—approved prior to it/they being placed on board vessels to which the amended regulations or standards apply. This
certificate is issued within the scope of the General Conditions of BUREAU VERITAS Marine Division available on the internet site Any
Person not a party to the contract pursuant to which this document is delivered may not assert a claim against BUREAU VERITAS for any liability arising out of
errors or omissions which may be contained in said document, or for errors of judgement, fault or negligence committed by personnel of the Society or of its
Agents in establishment or issuance of this document, and in connection with any activities for which it may provide.

BV Mod. Ad.E 530 May 2009                                                                                                  This certificate consists of 3 page(s)

                                                                                                                                   Page 2 / 3

                                                                                                         Certificate number: 07494/D0 BV

                                          THE SCHEDULE OF APPROVAL
1. P             TD            T      :
This version of the HAMMAR H20 Hydrostatic Release Unit is intended for fitting Float—free arrangements of EPIRB‘s.

The version HAMMAR H20—ERU (Hydrostatic /Electric Release Unit) is intended for use together with an Electronic Remote
Release system, designated under trade name "Hammar ERRS", i.e. EPIRB‘s can be released from one or more remote
e The ERRS system is powered by the ship‘s Emergency Power Supply and by a back—up battery at every Control Panel.
e The ERRS system may be activated from one or several remote release positions.
e    The ERRS system does not affect the hydrostatic function of the HAMMAR H20.
e    Operational lifetime of a total of 24 months installed onboard

The HAMMAR H20, which is part of the system, was separately approved in accordance with the European Council Directive
96/98/EC on Marine Equipment (M.E.D), as amended.
*   It is not fitted with a manual operation device.
e   It does not need to be periodically serviced (It is of "disposable sealed unit" type).
        It is set for release at a depth not less than 1.5 metres and not greater than 4 metres.
        It is not part of the painter system (It is not subjected to the painter system strength).
        Its Operational lifetime is set to a total of 24 months installed onboard.

    D             T      D DRAWL             :
e       Drawings and specifications:
                                 Document                                                            Issue                        Date
         CM HAMMAR AB — DRAWING AND SPECIFICATIONS                                                     1                       2012—05—25
e Manual(s) for installation use and maintenance.
No departurefrom these documents is permitted without the prior consent of the Society.

As per test report listed in the following document:

H            tic Realease Units
                                                       ype tests on        mem
                                                              on tests on
                                                              on tests on
                                                                                        at1                           on —         me

                                                                              on resistance,   Tem                       ease test
                                                                              on               em                        ease test

Weak Link
Number                      Date                      Description
31.309.78.212               15/03/1985                Initial type tests
                            2009/10/14                Weak link test

Plastic bolt
Number                      Date                     Description
90M10348                    20/03/1991               Tensile strength of the plastic bolt


                                                            tests in
                                                      corrosion test

BV Mod. Ad.E 530 May 2009                                                                             This certificate consists of 3 page(s)

                                                                                                                             Page 3 / 3

                                                                                                  Certificate number: 07494/D0 BV

e   As per requirements stated on front page of this Certificate.
*   The onboard installation and the maintenance of the Hydrostatic Release Unit shall be carried out according to
    manufacturer‘s instructions.
    It needs no annual service, maintenance or spare parts, but must be replaced after 24 monthes.
     It shall be provided with a simple system of recording the expiry date (month/year) at which the unit must be replaced.
e   If marked with more than a single expiry date (month/year), the unit will be invalid and must be replaced.

       DUCTION          VEY           I         NTS:
The HAMMAR H20 Hydrostatic Release Unit and the HAMMAR H20—ERU are to be supplied by CM HAMMAR AB in
compliance with the type described in this certificate.

This type of product is within the category HBV of Bureau Veritas Rule Note NR320.

To be manufactured, checked for quality and tested in accordance with the protocol approved by Bureau Veritas on the basis of
IMO Resolution MSC. 81(70), Part 2.

CM HAMMAR AB has to make the necessary arrangements to have its works recognised by Bureau Veritas in compliance
with the requirements of NR320 for HBV products :

August Barks Gata 15
$—42132 V :a Frolunda

To be permanently marked on the unit or identification plate securely attached to the unit, as follows:
e   "HAMMAR H20 E" or "HAMMAR H20 ERU E"
    Serial number.
    Expiry date.
    BV (SOLAS) approved.
    For EPIRB use only.
    The notation: "DO NOT PAINT".

This approval is given on the understanding that the Society reserves the right to require check tests to be carried out on the
HRU‘s at any time and that CM HAMMAR AB, Sweden will accept the responsibility for informing shipbuilders or their
subcontractors of the proper methods of use and general maintenance of the equipment and the conditions of this approval.

This certificate supersedes the Certificate of Type Approval N° 07494/C0O BV, issued on 24/01/2008 by the Society.

                                                   *** END OF CERTIFICATE ***

BV Mod. Ad.E 530 May 2009                                                                       This certificate consists of 3 page(s)

Document Created: 2015-07-09 14:13:58
Document Modified: 2015-07-09 14:13:58

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