Test Report BTLE


Test Report

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                          FCC PART 15, SUBPART C
                     IC RSS-210, ISSUE 8, DECEMBER 2010
                      TEST AND MEASUREMENT REPORT

                                           NVIDIA Corporation
                            2701 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA

                                           FCC ID: VOB-P1761WX
                                             IC: 7361A-P1761W

                                                                     Product Type:
                Report Type:
                                                                      802.11a/b/g/n WLAN+BT Combo
                              Original Report
                                                                              Radio Tablet PC

                                               Cipher Chu
                          Prepared By:         Test Engineer

                      Report Number:           R1410015-247 BT4.0

                           Report Date:        2015-03-04

                                               Suhaila Khushazad
                          Reviewed By:         Engineering Manager

                                               Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.
                                               1274 Anvilwood Avenue,
                                               Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA
                                               Tel: (408) 732-9162
                                               Fax: (408) 732-9164

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the device described herein. It may not be duplicated or used in
part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. This report must not be used by the customer to claim
product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA*, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government.
* This report may contain data that are not covered by the A2LA accreditation and are marked with an asterisk “*”    (Rev.2)

NVIDIA Corporation                                                                                        FCC ID: VOB-P1761WX, IC: 7361A-P1761W

                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

 1 General Description..................................................................................................................................................... 4
 1.1    Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT) ...................................................................................... 4
 1.2    Mechanical Description of EUT ......................................................................................................................... 4
 1.3    Objective ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
 1.4    Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s) ............................................................................................................................. 4
 1.5    Test Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 4
 1.6    Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................................... 4
 1.7    Test Facility ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
 2 System Test Configuration.......................................................................................................................................... 6
 2.1    Justification ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
 2.2    EUT Exercise Software....................................................................................................................................... 6
 2.3    Equipment Modifications.................................................................................................................................... 6
 2.4    Local Support Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 6
 2.5    EUT Internal Configuration Details .................................................................................................................... 6
 2.6    Power Supply and Line Filters ............................................................................................................................ 6
 2.7    Interface Ports and Cabling ................................................................................................................................. 7
 3 Summary of Test Results ............................................................................................................................................ 8
 4 Exhibit A – FCC & IC Equipment Labeling Requirements .................................................................................... 9
 4.1    FCC ID Label Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 9
 4.2    IC Label Requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 9
 4.3    FCC ID & IC Label Contents and Location...................................................................................................... 10
 5 Exhibit B – Test Setup Photographs .......................................................................................................................... 11
 5.1    Radiated Emission below 1 GHz Front View at 3 Meters ................................................................................ 11
 5.2    Radiated Emission below 1 GHz Rear View at 3 Meters ................................................................................. 11
 5.3    Radiated Emission above 1 GHz Front View at 3 Meters ................................................................................ 12
 5.4    Radiated Emission above 1 GHz Rear View at 3 Meters ................................................................................. 12
 5.5    AC Line Conducted Emission Front View ....................................................................................................... 13
 5.6    AC Line Conducted Emission Side View ......................................................................................................... 13
 6 Exhibit C – EUT Photographs .................................................................................................................................... 14
 6.1    EUT – Front View ............................................................................................................................................ 14
 6.2    EUT – Rear View ............................................................................................................................................. 14
 6.3    EUT – Right Side View .................................................................................................................................... 15
 6.4    EUT – Left Side View ...................................................................................................................................... 15
 6.5    EUT – Top View............................................................................................................................................... 16
 6.6    EUT – Bottom View ......................................................................................................................................... 16
 6.7    EUT – Open Case View .................................................................................................................................... 17
 6.8    EUT – PCB Top View ...................................................................................................................................... 17
 6.9    EUT – PCB Back View .................................................................................................................................... 18
 6.10   EUT – Battery View ......................................................................................................................................... 18
 6.11   EUT – AC/DC Adapter..................................................................................................................................... 19

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NVIDIA Corporation                                                  FCC ID: VOB-P1761WX, IC: 7361A-P1761W

                            DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY

         Revision Number            Report Number       Description of Revision        Date of Revision

                 0             R1410015-247 BT4.0              Original Report           2015-03-04

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NVIDIA Corporation                                                     FCC ID: VOB-P1761WX, IC: 7361A-P1761W

1     General Description

1.1    Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)

This test and measurement report has been compiled on behalf of NVIDIA Corporation, and their product, FCC
ID: VOB-P1761WX, IC: 7361A-P1761W, model number: P1761W, which henceforth is referred to as the EUT
(Equipment Under Test.), The EUT is a Tablet PC with BT+WLAN operates in 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.

1.2    Mechanical Description of EUT

The EUT measures approximately 218 mm (L) x 123 mm (W) x 8 mm (H) and weighs approximately 350 g.

The data gathered are from a typical production sample provided by the manufacturer with serial number: 0411414000303

1.3    Objective

This report is prepared on behalf of NVIDIA Corporation in accordance with Part 2, Subpart J, and Part 15,
Subparts B and C of the Federal Communication Commission’s rules and IC RSS-210 Issue 8, Dec 2010.

The objective is to determine compliance with FCC Part 15.247 and IC RSS-210 rules for Output Power,
Antenna Requirements, AC Line Conducted Emissions, 6 dB Bandwidth, power spectral density, 100 kHz
Bandwidth of Band Edges Measurement, Spurious Emissions, Conducted and Radiated Spurious Emissions.

1.4    Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)
FCC ID: VOB-P1761W, BACL report R1405121 BT4.0 Rev A

1.5    Test Methodology
All measurements contained in this report were conducted in accordance with ANSI C63.4-2009, American
National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and
Electronic Equipment in the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

1.6    Measurement Uncertainty
All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, especially in the field of EMC. The factors
contributing to uncertainties are spectrum analyzer, cable loss, antenna factor calibration, antenna directivity,
antenna factor variation with height, antenna phase center variation, antenna factor frequency interpolation,
measurement distance variation, site imperfections, mismatch (average), and system repeatability.

Based on CISPR16-4-2:2011, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the values ranging from
+2.0 dB for Conducted Emissions tests and +4.0 dB for Radiated Emissions tests are the most accurate estimates
pertaining to uncertainty of EMC measurements at BACL Corp.

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NVIDIA Corporation                                                 FCC ID: VOB-P1761WX, IC: 7361A-P1761W

1.7   Test Facility

Bay area compliance Laboratories Corp. (BACL) is:
1- An independent Commercial Test Laboratory accredited to ISO 17025: 2005 by A2LA, in the fields of:
Electromagnetic Compatibility & Telecommunications covering Emissions, Immunity, Radio, RF Exposure,
Safety and Telecom. This includes NEBS (Network Equipment Building System), Wireless RF,
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (TTE); Network Equipment; Information Technology Equipment
(ITE); Medical Electrical Equipment; Industrial, Commercial, and Medical Test Equipment; Professional Audio
and Video Equipment; Electronic (Digital) Products; Industrial and Scientific Instruments; Cabled Distribution
Systems and Energy Efficiency Lighting.

2- An ENERGY STAR Recognized Laboratory, for the LM80 Testing, a wide variety of Luminares and

3- A NIST Designated Phase-I and Phase-II CAB including: ACMA (Australian Communication and Media
Authority), BSMI (Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of Taiwan), IDA (Infocomm Development
Authority of Singapore), IC(Industry Canada), Korea ( Ministry of Communications Radio Research
Laboratory), NCC (Formerly DGT; Directorate General of Telecommunication of Chinese Taipei) OFTA
(Office of the Telecommunications Authority of Hong Kong), Vietnam, VCCI - Voluntary Control Council for
Interference of Japan and a designated EU CAB (Conformity Assessment Body) (Notified Body) for the EMC
and R&TTE Directives.

4- A Product Certification Body accredited to ISO Guide 65:1996 by A2LA to certify:
2. Radio Standards Specifications (RSS) in the Category I Equipment Standards List and All Broadcasting
Technical Standards (BETS) in Category I Equipment Standards List for Industry Canada.
3. Radio Communication Equipment for Singapore.
4. Radio Equipment Specifications, GMDSS Marine Radio Equipment Specifications, and Fixed Network
Equipment Specifications for Hong Kong.
5. Japan MIC Telecommunication Business Law (A1, A2) and Radio Law (B1, B2 and B3).
6. Audio/Video, Battery Charging Systems, Computers, Displays, Enterprise Servers, Imaging Equipment, Set-
Top Boxes, Telephony, Televisions, Ceiling Fans, CFLs (Including GU24s),Decorative Light Strings, Integral
LED Lamps, Luminaires, Residential Ventilating Fans.

The test site used by BACL Corp. to collect radiated and conducted emissions measurement data is located at its
facility in Sunnyvale, California, USA.

The test site at BACL Corp. has been fully described in reports submitted to the Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) and Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI). The details of these reports have
been found to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on February 11 and
December 10, 1997, and Article 8 of the VCCI regulations on December 25, 1997. The test site also complies
with the test methods and procedures set forth in CISPR 22:2008 §10.4 for measurements below 1 GHz and
§10.6 for measurements above 1 GHz as well as ANSI C63.4-2009, ANSI C63.4-2009, TIA/EIA-603 & CISPR

The Federal Communications Commission and Voluntary Control Council for Interference have the reports on
file and they are listed under FCC registration number: 90464 and VCCI Registration No.: A-0027. The test site
has been approved by the FCC and VCCI for public use and is listed in the FCC Public Access Link (PAL)

Additionally, BACL Corp. is an American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) accredited
laboratory (Lab Code 3297-02). The current scope of accreditations can be found at


Report Number: R1410015-247 BT4.0                 Page 5 of 19          FCC Part 15C & IC RSS-210 Test Report

NVIDIA Corporation                                                     FCC ID: VOB-P1761WX, IC: 7361A-P1761W

2     System Test Configuration
2.1    Justification
The EUT was configured for testing according to ANSI C63.4-2009.

The EUT was tested in a testing mode to represent worst-case results during the final qualification test.

The worst-case data rates are determined to be as follows for each mode based upon investigation by measuring
the average power, peak power and PPSD across all data rates bandwidths, and modulations.

2.2    EUT Exercise Software
The software “Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31” is provided by customer. The EUT exercise program used
during testing was designed to exercise the system components.

2.3    Equipment Modifications
No modifications were made to the EUT.

2.4    Local Support Equipment

              Manufacturer                 Description                Model No.                Serial No.

                 Lenovo                      Laptop                   G560-0679              CB08585694
                  DELL                       Monitor                 U2410f FP63                      -
                     -                       Headset                      -                           -

2.5    EUT Internal Configuration Details

           Manufacturer               Description                     Type                 Serial Number

              NVIDIA                Main PCB Board                   P1761                        -
                Yuko                     Battery                 YOKU 3574152            AR14060940006167

2.6    Power Supply and Line Filters

           Manufacturer                  Description                     Model                Part Number

        NVIDIA Corporation         Switching Power Adapter           SPA011AU5W2                  N/A

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NVIDIA Corporation                                             FCC ID: VOB-P1761WX, IC: 7361A-P1761W

2.7   Interface Ports and Cabling

           Cable Description        Length (m)                To                       From

               RF Cable                <1.0                   PSA                       EUT
               USB Cable               1.5                   Laptop                     EUT

Report Number: R1410015-247 BT4.0             Page 7 of 19            FCC Part 15C & IC RSS-210 Test Report

NVIDIA Corporation                                                       FCC ID: VOB-P1761WX, IC: 7361A-P1761W

3    Summary of Test Results

Results reported relate only to the product tested.

           FCC & IC Rules                                Description of Test                        Results

        FCC §15.247(i), §2.1093
                                                           RF Exposure                             Compliant1
             IC RSS-102
              FCC §15.203
                                                       Antenna Requirement                         Compliant1
           IC RSS-Gen §7.1.2
            FCC §15.207(a)
                                                AC Line Conducted Emissions                        Compliant1
           IC RSS-Gen §7.2.4
            FCC §15.247 (d)
                                              Spurious Emissions at Antenna Port                   Compliant1
           IC RSS-210 §A8.5
             FCC §15.205
                                                          Restricted Bands                         Compliant1
           IC RSS-210 §2.2
       FCC §15.209, §15.247 (d)
                                                 Radiated Spurious Emissions                       Compliant1
         IC RSS-210 §A8.5
           FCC §15.247(a)(2)
                                                      6 dB Emission Bandwidth                      Compliant1
           IC RSS-210 §A8.2
           FCC §15.247(b)(3)
                                                 Maximum Peak Output Power                         Compliant1
           IC RSS-210 §A8.4
            FCC §15.247(d)
                                          100 kHz Bandwidth of Frequency Band Edge                 Compliant1
           IC RSS-210 §A8.5
           FCC §15.247(e)
                                                       Power Spectral Density                      Compliant1
         IC RSS-210 §A8.2(b)

     Note: Compliant1: Please refer to FCC ID: VOB-P1761W (BACL report R1405121-BT4.0 Rev A) for testing data.

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Document Created: 2015-03-13 16:27:40
Document Modified: 2015-03-13 16:27:40

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