Request for Change in ID


Cover Letter(s)

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flgunn‘ron.                                        IC Multiple Listing/FCC Change in ID Request Letter


                                                             Federal Communication Commission
                                                             Equipment Authorization Devision, Application
                                                             Processing Branch
                                                             7435 Oakland Mills Road
                                                             Columbia, MD 21048

                                                             Certification and Engineering Bureau
                                                             Industry Canada
                                                             Spectrum Engineering Branch
                                                             3701 Carling Avenue, Building 94
                                                             Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8S2

            Subject:           Multiple Listing / Change in ID Request Letter
                               Date: September 21, 2015
                               IC Certification Number: 2756A—UWITE4
                               FCC Certification Number: VMY—UWITE4
                               Model Name/Numbers:
                               Stride 500 W 10A omni
                               Stride   600   W 10A   omni
                               Stride   700   W 10A   omni
                               Stride   800   W 10A   omni
                               Stride   Pro   W 10A   omni


Pursuant to Paragraphs RSP—100 § 5.3 and CFR § 2.933, Unitron Hearing hereby requests
for change in identification / multiple listing.

This change is for application with IC ID: 2262A—ITEV100 and FCC ID: KWC—ITEVM10O
granted on 08/21/2015
The new IDs shall be:
       FCC ID:        2756A—UWITE4 and
       IC ID:         VMY—UWITE4

There are no changes in design, circuitry or construction. Therefore test results of the original
grant continue to be representative of and applicable to the equipment bearing the changed

The following new exhibits will be uploaded:
   * External Photos
   * ID label with label location information
   * Authorization of the original grantee

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the address shown below

Best Regards,              .

p, Aé4(uste                     Szof 22, ze,5
Brian Matcheski
Unitron Hearing, 20 Beasley Dr. Kitchener, ON 519—895—0100 x2110

FCC — OET TCB Form 731 Grant of Equipment Authorization                 1 GrantForm.cfm

          TC B
                                                        GRANT OF EQUIPMENT
                                                           AUTHORIZATION                                              TCB
                                                    Issued Under the Authority of the
                                                Federal Communications Commission

                                                       CETECOM ICT Services GmbH                                     .
                                                       Untertuerkheimer Strasse 6—10                   Pste:of Grant:i05/21/2018
                                                       66117 Saarbruecken,
                                                                                                  Application Dated: 08/21/2015
          Phonak Inc
          4520 Weaver Parkway
          Warrenville, IL 60555

          Attention: Scott Witt

                                                        NOT TRANSFERABLE

                             EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATION is hereby issued to the named GRANTEE, and is
                             VALID ONLY for the equipment identified hereon for use under the Commission‘s
                             Rules and Regulations listed below.

                                  FCC IDENTIFIER:       KWC—ITEV1i0O
                                  Name of Grantee: Phonak Inc
                                  Equipment Class: Part 15 Low Power Communication
                                                   Device Transmitter
                                  Notes:           Wireless Hearing Instrument
                                                                  Frequency         Output       Frequency          Emission
          Grant Notes                 ECC Rule Parts             Range (MHZ)            Watts     Tolerance        Designator
                                      15C                        10.6.— 10.6

1 von 1                                                                                                                    21.08.2015 11:48

L                                                                                                                                                      CETECOM ICT Services GmbH                       Bundesnetzagentur
|—                                                                                                                                                     CAB Identification Nr.DEO0O1             PS

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                                                                                                                                                       wnaccordance wih

                                                                                                                                                        of 1st Novembe: 1098,                        BNetzA—CAB—0322—51

O                                                            Certificate Holder                                PHONAK CANADA LTD.
                                                                                                               80 Courtneypark Dr W Unit 1
yO                                                                                                             Mississauga Ontario LSW OB3
O                                                                                                              Canada
e                                                            IC Certification Number                           2262A—ITEV100

ol                                                           Product Description                               Wireless Hearing Instrument
O                                                            CETECONM Registration No. 1—9419/15—1—07 | 1065
wl                                                           OATS Facility                                     CETECOMi ICT Services GmbH
e                                                                                                              Untertuerkheimer Str. 6 10
O                                                                                                              66117 Saarbruecken
ut                                                                                                             Phone: +49 681 598—0
                                                                                                               Fax:    +49 681 598—8775
[o                                                                                                             Email:
                                                             OATS Facility ID                                  3462C—1

                                                            Certification of equipment means only that the equipment has met the requirements of the above—noted specification.
                                                            License applications, where applicable to use certified equipment, are acted on accordingly by the Industry Canada issuing
                                                            office and will depend on the existing radio environment, service and location of operation. This certificate is issued on
                                                            condition that the holder complies and will continue to comply with the requirements and procedures issued by Industry
                                                            Canada. The equipment for which this certificate is issued shall not be manufactured, imported, distributed, leased, offered
                                                            for sale or sold unless the equipment complies with the applicable technical specifications and procedures issued by
                                                            Industry Canada.

                                                             La certification du matérie! signifie seulement que le matérie! a satisfait aux exigences de la norme indiquée ci—dessus. Les
                                                             demandes de licences nécessaires pour I‘utilisation du matériel certifié sont traitées en conséquence par le bureau de
                                                             délivrance d‘industrie Canada et dépendent des conditions radio ambiantes, du service et de Femplacement d‘exploitation.
                                                             Le présent certificat est délivré & la condition que le titulaire satisfasse et continue de satisfaire aux exigences et aux
                                                             procédures d‘industre Canada. Le matériel a l‘égard duquel le présent certificat est délivré ne doit pas étre fabriqué,
                                                            _importé, distribug, toué, mis en vente ou vendu a moins d‘étre conforme aux procédures et aux spécifications techniques
                                                            applicables publiées par industrie Canada.
DE 66117 Saarbruecken — —

                                                            1 hereby attest that the subject equipment was tested and found in compliance with the above—noted specification
                                                            J‘atteste par la présente que le matérie! a fait Fobjet d‘essai et jugé conforme & !a spécification ci—dessus.
CETECOM ICT Services GmbH — Untertuerkheimer Str. 6—10

                                                             Place, date of issue

                                                             Saarbriicken                               CETECOM ICT Services GmbH
                                                                                                                             cn=Gerald Schmidt, o=CETECOM
                                                                                                                  op     / j ICT Services GmbH,
                                                                                                 #    /           5    J#    ou=SCT—130201,
                                                                                                  (‘g;')""      ‘(/’-iwx"m
                                                                                                                             com, c=DE
                                                                                                                                   2015.08.28 11:46:04 +02500‘

                                                                                                      \Gerald Schmidt/TCB

                                                                                       This certificate becomes valid when published in REL at :
                                                                               Le présent certificat n‘entre en vigueur qu‘aprés étre publié en REL sur :

                                                                                                           Page 2 of 2

—     Canada
<<             Product Marketing Name                    Phonak Virto V

re             Hardware Version ID No.                   Phonak Virto V90—10 O P
|—=                                                      Phonak Virto V90—10 O P
                                                         Phonak Virto V70—10 O P
[«                                                       Phonak Virto V50—10 O P
O                                                        Phonak Virto V30—10 O P
(®}                                                      Phonak Virto V90—10 O M
h                                                        Phonak Virto V7O—10 O M
O                                                        Phonak Virto V50—10 O M
ul                                                       Phonak Virto V30—10 O M
                                                         Phonak Virto V90—10 O SP
                                                         Phonak Virto V70—10 O SP
L                                                        Phonak Virto V50—10 O SP
ht                                                       Phonak Virto V30—10 O SP
&              Firmware Version ID No.                   —[—
wl             Host Marketing Name                       —[—
pa             Equipment Categories                      Wireless Audio Device
p=—            Standards & Specifications                RSS—210 Issue 8, December 2010

               Antenna Information                       Internal Antenna

                      Frequency Range                   Emission Designator                td
                                                                                          Field Strength

                          10.6 MHz                             498KGXD                  4.2 dBuV/im@30m

                                     This certificate becomes valid when publishedin REL at ;
                            Le présen{ cemficat n‘entre en vigueur qu‘apres étre publié en REL sur :
                                                     h/                      is

Document Created: 2015-09-22 07:40:40
Document Modified: 2015-09-22 07:40:40

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