user manual

FCC ID: VLJ80-8231-01

Users Manual

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             User’s Guide

                   Baby Monitor

The features described in this user's
  guide are subject to modifications
                without prior notice.

 to your new Motorola Baby Monitor!
 Thank you for purchasing the MBP20. Now you can see and hear your baby sleeping in the other room or you can
 monitor your older children in their play room.
 Please retain your original dated sales receipt for your records. For warranty service of your Motorola product, you
 will need to provide a copy of your dated sales receipt to confirm warranty status. Registration is not required for
 warranty coverage.
 For product-related questions, please call:
                                  US and Canada   1-888-331-3383
                                  On the Web:

 This User's Guide provides you with all the information you need to get the
 most from your product.
 Before you can use the baby monitor, we recommend you insert and fully
 charge the battery in the parent unit, so that it continues to work if you
 disconnect it from the mains power to carry it to another location. Please read
 the Safety Instructions on page 8 before you install the units.
 Got everything?
 •   1 x Parent unit (MBP20PU)
 •   1 x Baby unit (MBP20BU)
 •   1 x Rechargeable Ni-MH battery pack for the Parent unit
 •   1 x Belt clip for parent unit
 •   1 x Battery door for parent unit
 •   1 x Power adapter for the parent unit
 •   1 x Power adapter for the baby unit

Overview of your Parent unit                               3   UP / Volume +
                                                               In idle mode: Press to increase the speaker volume.
                                                               In menu mode: Press to view the previous menu
                                                           4   Menu / OK
                                                               In idle mode: Press to access the main menu.
                                                               In menu mode: Press to access the sub-menu, or
                                                               confirm the settings.
                                            1              5   DOWN / Volume -
                                                               In idle mode: Press to decrease the speaker volume.
                                                               In menu mode: Press to view the next menu item.
                                                           6   Talk
                                                               In idle or menu mode: Press and hold to talk back
     9                                      2                  with baby unit. Release to quit the talk mode.
                                            3              7   Video On / Off
     8                                           4
                                            5                  In monitoring mode: Press to deactivate/activate the
                                                               video feed or turn on/off the LCD display.
                                                               In menu mode: Press to go to the monitoring mode.
     7                                      6
                                                           8   Power / Back
                                                               In idle or menu mode: Press and hold to power on/off
                                                               the parent unit.
 1   LCD Display                                               In menu mode: Press to cancel settings and back to
                                                               the previous level.
 2   Link Indicator
     On when the parent unit is powered on and linked to
     the baby unit.
     Flashes when the parent unit is out of range from
     baby unit.
     Off when the parent unit is powered off.

 9   Charging Indicator                                        Indicates when speaker of parent unit is muted.
     On steadily when in charging mode.                        Indicates the speaker volume level of parent unit.
     Flashes when low battery is detected.
                                                               Indicates when parent unit or baby unit is playing
     NOTE                                                      lullaby.
     Off even if connected with power adapter but without      Indicates when timer alarm is activated.
     battery pack installed.
                                                               Indicates when the sound alert is set on.
Parent Unit Display                                            Low battery, needs charging.

Icons Behaviors Description                                    1/2 battery level. More internal bars mean high
                                                               battery level.
          Indicates the signal strength between baby unit
                                                               Full battery level.
          and parent unit. The more blocks, the stronger
          connection signal.                                                   Animation in cycle. Battery is in
       Flashes when parent unit is out of range.
       Indicates no connection between the baby unit
       and parent unit.

Menu Structure of Parent Unit
SUB MENU        English           Activation   Level 1 ~ 5   On                      Low Battery
                Français          Set Timer                  Off                     No Link

Overview of your Baby unit           1   Infrared Light
                                     2   Camera
                                     3   Power Indicator
                                         On when the baby unit is switched on.
                                         Off when the baby unit is switched off.
                                     4   UP / Volume +
                                         Press to increase the speaker volume.
                             1       5   Power
                                         Press and hold to power on/off the baby unit.
                             2       6   DOWN / Volume -
                                         Press to decrease the speaker volume.
                                     7   Stop
                                         Press to stop the lullaby playing.
                             3       8   Play
                                 4       Press to play the lullaby.
     9                       5       9   Lullaby
                                 6       Press to select the lullaby and start playing the
                                         selected lullaby.
     8                       7           During lullaby playing, press to select and play the
                                         other lullabies.

Important guidelines for installing our Baby Monitor
•   To use your baby unit and parent unit together, you must be able to establish a radio link between them, and the range
    will be affected by environmental conditions.
•   Any large metal object, like a refrigerator, a mirror, a filing cabinet, a metallic doors or reinforced concrete, between
    the baby and parent unit may block the radio signal.
•   The signal strength may also be reduced by other solid structures, like walls, or by radio or electrical equipment, such
    as TV's, computers, cordless or mobile phones, fluorescent lights or dimmer switches.
•   If the signal is poor, try moving the parent and/or the baby unit to different positions in the rooms.

1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................... 8                       5.   DISPOSAL OF THE DEVICE (ENVIRONMENT) . 15
2. GETTING STARTED............................................ 9                   6.   CLEANING......................................................... 16
    2.1 Baby unit power supply.......................................9             7.   TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................... 16
    2.2 Parent unit battery installation.............................9             8.   GENERAL INFORMATION................................ 18
    2.3 Belt clip on parent unit ......................................10
                                                                                   9.   TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS........................ 22
3. USING YOUR BABY MONITOR........................ 11
    3.1 Power on/off the parent unit..............................11
    3.2 Power on/off the baby unit ................................11
    3.3 Adjust speaker volume of parent unit and
        baby unit ...........................................................11
    3.4 Talk Back ..........................................................11
        3.4.1 Adjust talk back volume .........................12
    3.5 Temperature .....................................................12
    3.6 Lullaby...............................................................12
    3.7 Video on/off and video transfer .........................12
4. Parent unit settings .......................................... 13
    4.1 Set the language...............................................13
    4.2 Timer.................................................................13
        4.2.1 Turn on the timer ...................................13
        4.2.2 Set the timer ..........................................14
    4.3 Set the brightness .............................................14
    4.4 Sound alert........................................................14
    4.5 Alert tones.........................................................14
    4.6 Reset.................................................................15


1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS                                         • This product is not a toy. Don't allow children to play
                                                                 with it.
                                                               • This baby monitor is not a substitute for responsible
         WARNING:                                                adult supervision.
STRANGULATION HAZARD - Keep the adapter cord                   • Keep this User's Guide for future reference.
out of baby's reach.                                           • Do not cover the baby monitor with a towel or blanket.
NEVER place the baby monitor or its cord within the crib.      • Never use extension cords with power adapters. Only
Secure the cord some distance away from baby's reach.            use the power adapters provided.
Never use extension cords with AC Adapters. Only use           • Test this monitor and all its functions so that you are
the AC Adapters provided.                                        familiar with it prior to actual use.
This baby monitor is compliant with all relevant standards     • Do not use the baby monitor near water.
regarding electromagnetic fields and is, when handled as       • Do not install the baby monitor near a heat source.
described in the User's Guide, safe to use. Therefore,         • Only use the chargers and power adapters provided. Do
always read the instructions in this User's Guide carefully      not use other chargers or power adapters as this may
before using the device.                                         damage the device and battery pack.
                                                               • Only insert battery pack of the same type.
• Determine a location for the baby monitor that will
                                                               • Do not touch the plug contacts with sharp or metal
  provide the best audio reception of your baby in his crib.
• Place the baby monitor on a flat surface, such as a
  dresser, bureau, or shelf.                                   CAUTION
                                                               Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type.
• NEVER place the baby monitor or its cord within the crib.
                                                               Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
• Secure the cord to the wall to keep cord away from the
  baby's reach.                                                Use only battery pack with rating: 2.4V 600mAh.
• Adult assembly is required. Keep small parts away from
  children when assembling.

8                                                                                                   SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS

2. GETTING STARTED                                           2.2      Parent unit battery installation
                                                             The parent unit comes with battery pack. Charge the
2.1     Baby unit power supply                               parent unit before you use it for the first time or when the
                                                             parent unit indicates that the battery is low.

          DC JACK
                                                                   Battery JACK
        DC PLUG
                                                                   Battery PLUG

1. Insert the power adapter with smaller pin plug into the
   side of the baby unit, as shown.
2. Connect the other end of the power adapter to the
   mains socket.                                             1. Take off the belt clip.
                                                             2. Slide off the battery compartment cover.
Only use the provided power adapter.

GETTING STARTED                                                                                                             9

3. Insert the supplied battery pack, and fit the battery    2.3     Belt clip on parent unit
   pack into the compartment.
4. Reattach the battery compartment cover, and reinstall
   the belt clip (refer to section 2.3).
5. Insert the power adapter with bigger pin plug into the
   side of the parent unit.
6. Connect the other end of the power adapter to the
   mains socket.
7. The Charging Indicator comes on.
NOTE                                                        1. Attach the belt clip to the lock slots on the back sides.
Only use the provided power adapter.
                                                            2. On normal state, the belt clip could be hanged on the
                                                               belt directly.
                                                            3. Lift up the belt clip and rotate 180°, then the parent unit
                                                               could stand on the desk. Do NOT hang on the human

10                                                                                                    GETTING STARTED

3. USING YOUR BABY MONITOR                                       3.3      Adjust speaker volume of parent unit
                                                                          and baby unit
Please read these instructions carefully, and be reminded
                                                                 There are 5 volume levels on the baby unit, and 6 levels on the
that this baby monitor is just intended as an aid. It is not a   parent unit, including VOLUME OFF. The volume level of parent unit
substitute for responsible, correct parental supervision.        will be shown on the status bar when you adjust the volume.
3.1     Power on/off the parent unit                             1. Press + or - on the parent unit or > or < on
1. Provided the parent unit is off, press and hold 3 until          baby unit to access the current volume level.
   the Link Indicator is on. The parent unit is now              2. Press +/> to increase or -/< to decrease the
   powered on and the parent unit will search for and link          volume of the parent unit or baby unit respectively.
   itself to the baby unit.                                         The     will be displayed if the volume is turn off on
2. Provided the parent unit is on, press and hold 3 until           parent unit.
   the Link Indicator is off. The parent unit is now                An audible alert will emit when you reach the highest or
   powered off.                                                     lowest volume level.
                                                                 Changing the volume setting on the baby unit affects the
3.2     Power on/off the baby unit                               volume when you use the Talk Back feature and when
1. Provided the baby unit is off, press and hold 0 until the     playing a lullaby.
   Power Indicator is on. The baby unit is now powered on.
2. Provided the baby unit is on, press and hold 0 until the      3.4      Talk Back
   Power Indicator is off. The baby unit is now powered off.     You can use the Talk Back feature to comfort and reassure
                                                                 your baby.
NOTE                                                             Whilst using Talk Back you will not be able to hear your
If you place the parent and baby units too close together,       baby until you release the button.
you will hear a high pitched noise, this is normal. The units
are designed to be located at a distance from one another,       1. Press and hold 7 on the Parent unit to speak to baby.
e.g. in separate rooms.                                             The    will be displayed on parent unit status bar.
                                                                 2. Release to hear your baby again.

USING YOUR BABY MONITOR                                                                                                         11

3.4.1   Adjust talk back volume                                 3.6     Lullaby
The baby unit has 5 volume levels from Level 1 to Level 5.      There are 3 lullabies available for playing to smooth your
During Talk Back, press > or < on the baby unit to              baby.
increase or decrease the volume respectively.                   1. Press 2 on the baby unit key to select the lullaby
NOTE                                                               and start playing.
If lullaby is playing before talkback starts, the lullaby       2. During playback, press 2 to toggle between different
playback will be paused. After finished talking back, it will      lullabies.
play the lullaby from the beginning again.                         OR
3.5     Temperature                                                Press 8 on the baby unit to start playing the selected
The baby unit constantly monitors the temperature in your          lullaby. Press 9 to stop playing.
baby's room. The temperature is displayed clearly on the
                                                                3.7     Video on/off and video transfer
parent unit in idle screen. However, it is just for reference
                                                                Up to two parent units can be used concurrently on the
only. There may be slight tolerance of the degree accuracy
                                                                same baby unit. However, only one parent unit can monitor
comparing with the actual temperature. Therefore, please
pay more attention on the actual temperature in your            the video at one time. You can switch the video feed
baby's room.                                                    between these two parent units.
When the temperature detected is lower than 14ºC (or            The first powered up parent unit will connect to the baby
57ºF), screen of parent unit will show the alert message        unit automatically, and the parent unit powered up later will
"Too cold!", or when higher than 39ºC (or 102ºF), will show     show ANOTHER PU IS VIDEO MONITORING! for around 30 seconds,
"Too hot!". Please check your baby immediately when such        and then the screen will be blank. Further press 6 will turn
alert message is triggered.                                     off the screen.
                                                                If there is only one parent unit connected to the baby unit,
                                                                press 6 to turn on/off the video monitoring.

12                                                                                             USING YOUR BABY MONITOR

NOTE                                                              4. Parent unit settings
Even if another parent unit does not display video, but it will
still monitor the audio transmission from baby unit.              4.1     Set the language
To switch the video feed to the other parent unit which is        1. Press 1 to access main menu.
not in video monitoring mode:                                     2. Press + or - to select LANGUAGE.
1. Press 6 on the parent unit which is in video                   3. Press 1 to enter the sub-menu.
   monitoring mode, the screen will be blank without              4. Press + or - to select the desired language.
   video transmission.
                                                                  5. Press 1 to confirm.
2. Press 6 on the other parent unit which is NOT in
   video monitoring mode, the video feed will be switched         4.2     Timer
   to the other parent unit.                                      With the countdown timer, you can make the parent unit to
                                                                  remind you something as an alarm, like feeding or playing
                                                                  with the baby.
                                                                  4.2.1   Turn on the timer
                                                                  1. Press 1 to access main menu.
                                                                  2. Press + or - to select TIMER.
                                                                  3. Press 1 to enter the sub-menu.
                                                                  4. Press + or - to select ACTIVATION.
                                                                  5. Press + or - to select ON or OFF.
                                                                  6. If you select ON, your will be prompted to select the
                                                                     alarm frequency from ONCE or REPEATED.
                                                                  7. Press 1 to confirm.

Parent unit settings                                                                                                         13

4.2.2   Set the timer                                        4.4     Sound alert
1. Repeat steps 1 to 3 in section 4.2.1.                     If the sound alert is set on, the parent unit will emit sound
2. Press + or - to select SET TIMER.                         alert when the noise level from the baby unit reaches a
                                                             certain sensitivity level while the speaker volume of parent
3. Press 1 and then enter the hour and minute.
                                                             unit is switched off.
4. Press 1 to confirm.
                                                             1. Press 1 to access main menu.
                                                             2. Press + or - to select SOUND ALERT.
When the countdown timer reaches, an alert will emit with
timer icon and 00:00 shown on the screen.                    3. Press 1 to enter the sub-menu.
Press any key on parent unit to stop the alert.              4. Press + or - to turn on or off the sound alert.
                                                             5. Press 1 to confirm
4.3     Set the brightness
1. Press 1 to access main menu.                              4.5     Alert tones
                                                             If you turn on the alert tone, when the respective event
2. Press + or - to select BRIGHTNESS.
                                                             happens, an alert screen will be displayed on the parent
3. Press 1 to enter the sub-menu to set the brightness       unit with an alert tone emitted simultaneously.
                                                             1. Press 1 to access main menu.
4. Press + or - to select from LEVEL 1 to LEVEL 5. You can
                                                             2. Press + or - to select ALERT TONES.
   preview the brightness when scrolling the menu list.
                                                             3. Press 1 and + or - to select LOW BATTERY or NO LINK.
5. Press 1 to confirm.
                                                             4. Press 1 and + or - to turn on or off the alert tone.
Lower brightness level can help to save the power.           5. Press 1 to confirm.

14                                                                                                      Parent unit settings

4.6     Reset                                               5. DISPOSAL OF THE DEVICE
You can restore all the adjustable settings back to their      (ENVIRONMENT)
original factory settings.
                                                            At the end of the product lifecycle, you should
1. Press 1 to access main menu.
                                                            not dispose of this product with normal
2. Press + or - to select RESET.                            household waste. Take this product to a
3. Press 1 and display will show CONFIRM?.                  collection point for the recycling of electrical
4. Press 1 to confirm. The unit will reset and back to      and electronic equipment. The symbol on the
   idle automatically.                                      product, user's guide and/or box indicates this.
                                                            Some of the product materials can be re-used if you take
                                                            them to a recycling point. By reusing some parts or raw
                                                            materials from used products you make an important
                                                            contribution to the protection of the environment.
                                                            Please contact your local authorities in case you need
                                                            more information on the collection points in your area.
                                                            Dispose of the battery pack in an environmentally-friendly
                                                            manner according to your local regulations.

DISPOSAL OF THE DEVICE (ENVIRONMENT)                                                                                  15

6. CLEANING                                                     7. TROUBLESHOOTING
Clean MBP20 with a slightly damp cloth or with an anti-         Link light on the parent unit does not come on
static cloth. Never use cleaning agents or abrasive             • Check whether the parent unit is powered on.
solvents.                                                       • Check whether the supplied battery pack is correctly
                                                                  installed and that they are not drained.
Cleaning and care                                               • Recharge the parent unit by connecting it to the power
• Do not clean any part of the product with thinners or           supply.
  other solvents and chemicals - this may cause
  permanent damage to the product which is not covered
                                                                Link light on the parent unit flashes
                                                                • The parent unit and the baby unit may be out of range
  by the warranty.
                                                                  with each other. Reduce the distance between the units,
• Keep your MBP20 away from hot, humid areas or
                                                                  but not closer than 1.5 meter.
  strong sunlight, and do not let it get wet.                   • The baby unit may be switched off. Press and hold 0
• Every effort has been made to ensure high standards of
                                                                  key to switch on the baby unit.
  reliability for your MBP20. However, if something does
  go wrong, please do not try to repair it yourself - contact   Low battery light or      on the parent unit screen
  Customer Service for assistance.                              • Battery pack in the parent unit is running low. Connect
                                                                  the parent unit to the mains power with the supplied
                                                                  power adaptor for recharging.
                                                                The parent unit beeps
                                                                • Lost connection with the baby unit. Reduce the distance
                                                                  between the parent unit and the baby unit, but not
                                                                  closer than 1.5 meter.
                                                                • The baby unit may be switched off. Press and hold 0
                                                                  key to switch on the baby unit.

16                                                                                                              CLEANING

• Battery pack in parent unit is running low. Connect the   The baby monitor system produces a high-pitched
  parent unit to the mains power with the supplied power    noise
  adaptor for recharging.                                   • The parent unit and the baby unit are too close to each
                                                              other. Make sure the parent unit and baby unit is at least
Cannot view the video image of baby from the
parent unit                                                   1.5 meter away from each other.
• Video feed maybe turned off. Activate the video feed by   • The speaker volume of the parent unit maybe set too
  pressing 6.                                                 high. Decrease the volume of the parent unit.
• The parent unit and the baby unit may be out of range     Battery pack in the parent unit is running low
  with each other. Reduce the distance between the units,   quickly
  but not closer than 1.5 meter.                            • The volume level of the parent unit may be set too high
• Battery pack in parent unit is drained. Connect the         which consumes power. Decrease the volume level of
  parent unit to the mains power with the supplied power      the parent unit. Refer to section 3.3 for volume level
  adaptor for recharging.                                     settings.
Cannot hear sound or baby cry from the parent unit          Talk back feature is not working
• The volume level in the parent unit may be set too low,   • Make sure baby unit is powered on, and link between
  increase the volume level of the parent unit. Refer to      parent unit and baby unit is normal.
  section 3.3 for volume level settings.                    • Check that the volume is loud enough at the baby unit,
• The parent unit and the baby unit may be out of range       refer to section 3.4.
  with each other. Reduce the distance between the units,
  but not closer than 1.5 meter.

TROUBLESHOOTING                                                                                                       17

8. GENERAL INFORMATION                                       What will BINATONE do?
                                                             BINATONE or its authorized distributor at its option and
If your product is not working properly...                   within a commercially reasonable time, will at no charge
1. Read this User's Guide.                                   repair or replace any Products or Accessories that does not
2. Visit our website:                       conform to this Warranty. We may use functionally
                                                             equivalent reconditioned/ refurbished/ pre-owned or new
3. Contact Customer Service at
                                                             Products, Accessories or parts.
      US and Canada 1-888-331-3383
                                                             What Other Limitations Are There?
To order a replacement battery pack for parent unit,
                                                             ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT
contact customer service.
                                                             LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
Consumer Products and Accessories                            MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
Limited Warranty ("Warranty")                                PURPOSE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF
Thank you for purchasing this Motorola branded product       THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, OTHERWISE THE REPAIR
manufactured under license by Binatone Electronics           OR REPLACEMENT PROVIDED UNDER THIS EXPRESS
International LTD ("BINATONE").                              LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF
What Does this Warranty Cover?                               THE CONSUMER, AND IS PROVIDED IN LIEU OF ALL
Subject to the exclusions contained below, BINATONE          OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OF IMPLIED. IN NO
warrants that this Motorola branded product ("Product") or   EVENT SHALL MOTOROLA OR BINATONE BE LIABLE,
certified accessory ("Accessory") sold for use with this     WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT (INCLUDING
product that it manufactured to be free from defects in      NEGLIGENCE) FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE
materials and workmanship under normal consumer usage        PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR ACCESSORY,
for the period outlined below. This Warranty is your         OR FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR
exclusive warranty and is not transferable.                  CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR LOSS
Who is covered?                                              OF REVENUE OR PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS
This Warranty extends only to the first consumer             OF INFORMATION OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS
purchaser, and is not transferable.                          ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE

18                                                                                              GENERAL INFORMATION

ABILITY OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCTS OR                     Exclusions
ACCESSORIES TO THE FULL EXTENT THESE                            Normal Wear and Tear. Periodic maintenance, repair and
DAMAGES MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW.                               replacement of parts due to normal wear and tear are
Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion     excluded from coverage.
of incidental or consequential damages, or limitation on the    Batteries. Only batteries whose fully charged capacity falls
length of an implied warranty, so the above limitations or      below 80% of their rated capacity and batteries that leak
exclusions may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you        are covered by this Warranty.
specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights
                                                                Abuse & Misuse. Defects or damage that result from: (a)
that vary from one jurisdiction to another.
                                                                improper operation, storage, misuse or abuse, accident or
Products Covered Length of Coverage                             neglect, such as physical damage (cracks, scratches, etc.)
Consumer              One (1) year from the date of the         to the surface of the product resulting from misuse; (b)
Products              products original purchase by the first   contact with liquid, water, rain, extreme humidity or heavy
                      consumer purchaser of the product.        perspiration, sand, dirt or the like, extreme heat, or food; (c)
Consumer              Ninety (90) days from the date of the     use of the Products or Accessories for commercial
Accessories           accessories original purchase by the      purposes or subjecting the Product or Accessory to
                      first consumer purchaser of the           abnormal usage or conditions; or (d) other acts which are
                      product.                                  not the fault of MOTOROLA or BINATONE, are excluded
                                                                from coverage.
Consumer              The balance of the original
Products and          warranty or for ninety (90) days          Use of Non-Motorola branded Products and
Accessories that      from the date returned to the             Accessories. Defects or damage that result from the use
are Repaired or       consumer, whichever is longer.            of Non-Motorola branded or certified Products or
Replaced                                                        Accessories or other peripheral equipment are excluded
                                                                from coverage.

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                                                           19

Unauthorized Service or Modification. Defects or                To obtain service, you must include: (a) the Product or
damages resulting from service, testing, adjustment,            Accessory; (b) the original proof of purchase (receipt)
installation, maintenance, alteration, or modification in any   which includes the date, place and seller of the Product; (c)
way by someone other than MOTOROLA, BINATONE or                 if a warranty card was included in your box, a completed
its authorized service centers, are excluded from coverage.     warranty card showing the serial number of the Product; (d)
Altered Products. Products or Accessories with (a) serial       a written description of the problem; and, most importantly;
numbers or date tags that have been removed, altered or         (e) your address and telephone number.
obliterated; (b) broken seals or that show evidence of          These terms and conditions constitute the complete
tampering; (c) mismatched board serial numbers; or (d)          warranty agreement between you and BINATONE
nonconforming or non-Motorola branded housings, or              regarding the Products or Accessories purchased by you,
parts, are excluded from coverage.                              and supersede any prior agreement or representations,
Communication Services. Defects, damages, or the                including representations made in any literature
failure of Products or Accessories due to any                   publications or promotional materials issued by
communication service or signal you may subscribe to or         BINATONE or representations made by any agent
use with the Products or Accessories is excluded from           employee or staff of BINATONE, that may have been made
coverage.                                                       in connection with the said purchase.

How to Obtain Warranty Service or Other                         FCC, ACTA and Industry Canada (IC)
Information?                                                    Regulations
To obtain service or information, please call:                  Warning: Changes or modifications to this equipment not
                                                                expressly approved by the party responsible for
US and Canada       1-888-331-3383
                                                                compliance could void the user's authority to operate the
You will receive instructions on how to ship the Products or    equipment.
Accessories at your expense and risk, to a BINATONE
Authorized Repair Center.                                       NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to
                                                                comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant

20                                                                                                  GENERAL INFORMATION

to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to       This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference      RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
in a residential installation. This equipment generates,        conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not         (2) this device must accept any interference, including
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may     interference that may cause undesired operation of the
cause harmful interference to radio communications.             device.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not       This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does      ICES-003
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,    Caution: To maintain the compliance with the FCC's RF
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and        exposure guideline, place the baby unit at least 20 cm from
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference   nearby persons.
by one or more of the following measures:
                                                                For body worn operation, the parent unit has been tested
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.                   and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when used
• Increase the separation between the equipment and             with the belt clip supplied or designated for this product.
  receiver.                                                     Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit             FCC RF exposure guidelines.
  different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
  technician for help.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                                                      21

RF frequency band     1921.536 MHz – 1928.448 MHz
Channels              5
Operating             5ºC to 45ºC
Baby unit voltage     100 – 240V
(AC voltage, 50/60Hz)
Baby unit voltage     6V DC, 600mA
(Adapter output)
Parent unit voltage   2.4V 600mAh Ni-MH battery pack
Parent unit voltage   100 – 240V
(AC voltage, 50/60Hz)
Parent unit voltage   6V DC, 600mA
(Adapter output)

22                                                     TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

Manufactured, distributed or sold by Binatone
Electronics International LTD., official licensee
for this product. MOTOROLA and the Stylized
M Logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings,
LLC. and are used under license. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective
© 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All rights

Version 1.0

Printed in China

Document Created: 2011-07-07 12:08:44
Document Modified: 2011-07-07 12:08:44

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC