RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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        RF Exposure Compliance Requirement

        Test Requirement:                    FCC part 15 section 15.247 (i)
        Test Method:                         FCC part 15 section 1.1307 (b1)
                                             OET Bulletin 65, Edition 01-01
        FCC ID:                              VLJ-MBP50BU

Results:   PASS

Systems operation under the provision of this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures the public
is not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess of the Commission’s guideline,

The EUT is considered as a mobile device according to OET Bulletin 65, Edition 01-01, therefore distance
to human body of min. 20cm is determined.

Frequency Band:                2402-2479MHz

                                   Portable (< 20cm separation )
Device Category:                   Fixed ( >20cm separation )
                                   Others :

                                   Occupational/ Controlled exposure
Exposure Classification:
                                   General Population / Uncontrolled exposure
Max. Output Power              16.53dBm
Antenna Gain                   0dBi
                                   MPE Evaluation
Evaluation Applied:
                                   SAR Evaluation

MPE calculation:

The radiated (EIRP) = 44.98mW

The power density at 20cm from the antenna:     = EIRP / 4π R² = 0.0090mW / cm²

Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure [OET Bulletin 65, Edition 01-01]:

   Frequency          Electric Field      Magnetic Field       Power Density      Averaging Time
     Range            Strength (E)        Strength (H)             (S)             |E|2, |H|2 or S
     (MHz)                (V/m)               (A/m)              (mW/cm2)            (minutes)

   0.3-1.34                 614                1.63                 (100)*               30
    1.34-30                824/f              2.19/f               (180/f2)*             30
    30-300                 27.5               0.073                   0.2                30
   300-1500                  --                 --                  f/1500               30
 1500-100,000                --                 --                    1.0                30

Document Created: 2017-07-06 14:48:01
Document Modified: 2017-07-06 14:48:01

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