Test Report


Test Report

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                                                       TEST REPORT

                                       Report Number: HK10020643-1

                      Original Grant of 47 CFR Part 15 Certification
                  New Family of RSS-210 Issue 7 Equipment Certification

                 2.4GHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Parent Unit

                                              FCC ID: VLJ-MBP35BPU

                                                IC: 4522A-MBP35BPU

Prepared and Checked by:                                                      Approved by:

Koo Wai Ip                                                                    Nip Ming Fung, Melvin
Engineer                                                                      Supervisor
                                                                              April 26, 2010

-   The test report only allows to be revised within the retention period unless further standard or the requirement was noticed.
-   This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client.
    Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any
    party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this
    report. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the
    Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in
    writing by Intertek. The observations and test results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does
    not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program.

                                           Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd.
                                       2/F., Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
                               Tel: (852) 2173 8888 Fax: (852) 2785 5487 Website: www.hk.intertek-etlsemko.com

                      INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

                       GENERAL INFORMATION

Applicant Name:                    Binatone Electronics International
Applicant Address:                 Floor 23A, 9 Des Voeux Road West,
                                   Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
FCC Specification Standard:        FCC Part 15: 2008
FCC ID:                            VLJ-MBP35BPU
FCC Model(s):                      MBP35ByPU, MBP35xByPU
IC Specification Standard:         RSS-210 Issue 7, June 2007
                                   RSS-Gen Issue 2, June 2007
                                   RSS-102 Issue 4, March 2010
IC:                                4522A-MBP35BPU
IC Model(s):                       MBP35BLPU, MBP35BWPU
Type of EUT:                       Transceiver
Description of EUT:                2.4GHz Frequency Hopping Spread
                                   Spectrum Parent Unit
Serial Number:                     N/A
Sample Receipt Date:               February 25, 2010
Date of Test:                      April 15-19, 2010
Report Date:                       April 26, 2010
Environmental Conditions:          Temperature: +10 to 40°C
                                   Humidity: 10 to 90%

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IC: 4522A-MBP35BPU

                                    INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

                                                Table of Contents

1.0 Summary of Test Results ........................................................................................ 3

2.0 General Description ................................................................................................. 5
  2.1 Product Description ................................................................................................. 5
  2.2 Test Methodology.................................................................................................... 5
  2.3 Test Facility............................................................................................................. 5

3.0 System Test Configuration ...................................................................................... 7
  3.1 Justification ............................................................................................................. 7
  3.2 EUT Exercising Software......................................................................................... 8
  3.3 Details of EUT and Description of Accessories ........................................................ 9
  3.4 Measurement Uncertainty ....................................................................................... 9
  3.5 Equipment Modification ........................................................................................... 9

4.0 Test Results............................................................................................................ 11
  4.1 Field Strength Calculation...................................................................................... 11
  4.2 Radiated Emissions............................................................................................... 12
  4.2.1 Radiated Emission Configuration Photograph..................................................... 12
  4.2.2 Radiated Emission Data ..................................................................................... 12
  4.2.3 Transmitter Duty Cycle Calculation ..................................................................... 13
  4.3 Radiated Emissions from Receiver ........................................................................ 18
  4.3.1 Radiated Emission Configuration Photograph..................................................... 18
  4.3.2 Radiated Emission Data ..................................................................................... 18
  4.4 Radiated Emission on the Bandedge..................................................................... 20
  4.5 AC Power Line Conducted Emission ..................................................................... 21
  4.5.1 AC Power Line Conducted Emission Configuration Photograph.......................... 21
  4.5.2 AC Power Line Conducted Emission Data .......................................................... 21
  4.6 Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance................................................................ 21

5.0 Equipment List ...................................................................................................... 22

Appendix – Exhibits for Application of Certification

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                               INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

  1.0 Summary of Test Results

             Test Items                  FCC Part 15 Section                      Results       see
Antenna Requirement                             15.203              7.1.4#         Pass          2.1
Radiated Emission                        15.249(a), 209, & 109      A2.9(a)        Pass          4.2
Radiated Emission on the Bandedge             15.249(d)             A2.9(b)        Pass          4.4
Radiated Emission in Restricted Bands           15.205                2.2          Pass          4.2
Radiated Emission from Receiver                   N/A                 2.3          Pass          4.3
AC Power Line Conducted Emission            15.207 & 15.107          7.2.2         Pass          4.5
Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance               N/A              RSS-102         Pass          4.6

  Note: Pursuant to FCC Part 15 Section 15.215(c), the 20dB bandwidth of the emission was contained
        within the frequency band designated (mentioned as above) which the EUT operated. The effects,
        if any, from frequency sweeping, frequency hopping, other modulation techniques and frequency
        stability over expected variations in temperature and supply voltage were considered.

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                     INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

                            EXHIBIT 2
                       GENERAL DESCRIPTION

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                          INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

2.0 General Description

2.1 Product Description

The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is a 2.4GHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
Parent Unit of Baby Monitor system. It operates at frequency range of 2404MHz to
2479MHz, and there are total 36 channels, and 24 channels are used for the
communication environment. The EUT is powered by a 100-240VAC to 6VDC 800mA
switching AC adaptor and/or a 3.6V 2000mAh “Ni-MH” type rechargeable battery pack.

The antenna used in Parent Unit is integral, and the test sample is a prototype.

For FCC, The Model(s): MBP35ByPU and MBP35xByPU are the same as the Model:
MBP35BWPU in electronics/electrical designs including software & firmware, PCB
layout and construction design/physical design/enclosure. The only differences
between these models are color and model number to be sold for marketing purpose.
The letter “x” indicates different number of Parent Units, and another letter “y”
represents color code such as L= Lime and W = Silver-white.

For IC, The Model(s): MBP35BLPU is the same as the Model: MBP35BWPU in
electronics/electrical designs including software & firmware, PCB layout and
construction design/physical design/enclosure. The only differences between these
models are color and model number to be sold for marketing purpose.

The circuit description is attached in the Appendix and saved with filename: descri.pdf.

2.2 Test Methodology

Both AC power line-conducted and radiated emission measurements were performed
according to the procedures in ANSI C63.4 (2003). Preliminary radiated scans and all
radiated measurements were performed in Open Area Test Sites. All Radiated tests
were performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 3 meters, unless stated otherwise in
the "Justification Section" of this Application.

2.3 Test Facility

The open area test site and conducted measurement facility used to collect the
radiated data and conducted data are located at Roof Top and 2nd Floor respectively of
Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. This test facility and
site measurement data have been fully placed on file with the FCC and the Industry

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                     INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

                            EXHIBIT 3

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IC: 4522A-MBP35BPU

                          INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

3.0 System Test Configuration

3.1 Justification

For radiated emissions testing, the equipment under test (EUT) was setup to transmit /
receive continuously to simplify the measurement methodology. Care was taken to
ensure proper power supply voltages during testing. During testing, all cables (if any)
were manipulated to produce worst case emissions.

The EUT was powered by a 100-240VAC to 6VDC 800mA adaptor and/or a Ni-MH
fully charged battery pack.

For the measurements, the EUT is attached to a plastic stand if necessary and placed
on the wooden turntable. If the EUT attaches to peripherals, they are connected and
operational to simulate typical use.

The signal is maximized through rotation and placement in the three orthogonal axes.
The antenna height and polarization are varied during the search for maximum signal
level. The antenna height is varied from 1 to 4 meters. Radiated emissions are taken
at three meters unless the signal level is too low for measurement at that distance. If
necessary, a pre-amplifier is used and/or the test is conducted at a closer distance.

For any intentional radiator powered by AC power line, measurements of the radiated
signal level of the fundamental frequency component of the emission was performed
with the supply voltage varied between 85% and 115% of the nominal rated supply

For transmitter radiated measurement, the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth
was 100 kHz for frequencies below 1000 MHz. The resolution bandwidth was 1 MHz
for frequencies above 1000 MHz.

For receiver radiated measurement, the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth was
1MHz for measurement above 1GHz while 100kHz for measurement from 30MHz to

For radiated measurement, the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth was 100 kHz
for frequencies below 1000 MHz.

Radiated emission measurement for transmitter was performed from the lowest radio
frequency signal generated in the device which is greater than 9 kHz to the tenth
harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz, whichever is lower.
Receiver was performed from 30MHz to the fifth harmonic of the highest frequency.

Emission that are directly caused by digital circuits in the transmit path and transmitter
portion are measured, and the limit are according to FCC Part 15 Section 15.109.

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                             INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

3.1 Justification - Cont’d

Detector function for radiated emissions is in peak mode. Average readings, when
required, are taken by measuring the duty cycle of the equipment under test and
subtracting the corresponding amount in dB from the measured peak readings. A
detailed description for the calculation of the average factor can be found in Exhibit

Determination of pulse desensitization was made according to Hewlett Packard
Application Note 150-2, Spectrum Analysis... Pulsed RF. The effective period (Teff)
was referred to Exhibit 4.2.3. With the resolution bandwidth 1MHz and spectrum
analyzer IF bandwidth 3dB, the pulse desensitization factor was 0dB.

For AC line conducted emission test, the EUT along with its peripherals were placed on
a 1.0m(W)x1.5m(L) and 0.8m in height wooden table and the EUT was adjusted to
maintain a 0.4 meter space from a vertical reference plane. The EUT was connected
to power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN), which provided
50ohm coupling impedance for measuring instrument. The LISN housing, measuring
instrument case, reference ground plane, and vertical ground plane were bounded
together. The excess power cable between the EUT and the LISN was bundled.

All connecting cables of EUT and peripherals were manipulated to find the maximum

All relevant operation modes have been tested, and the worst case data is included in
this report.

3.2 EUT Exercising Software

The EUT exercise program used during radiated and conducted testing was designed
to exercise the various system components in a manner similar to a typical use.

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                         INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

3.3 Details of EUT and Description of Accessories

     Details of EUT:

     An AC adaptor and/or a battery (provided with the unit) were used to power the
     device. Their description are listed below.

     (1)     An AC adaptor (100-240VAC to 6VDC 800mA, Model: SW-060080A)
             (Supplied by Client)
     (2)     A “Ni-MH” type rechargeable battery pack 3.6V, 2000mAh (Supplied by

     Description of Accessories:

      There are no special accessories necessary for compliance of this product.

3.4 Measurement Uncertainty

When determining of the test conclusion, the Measurement Uncertainty of test has
been considered.

Uncertainty and Compliance - Unless the standard specifically states that measured
values are to be extended by the measurement uncertainty in determining compliance,
all compliance determinations are based on the actual measured value.

3.5 Equipment Modification

Any modifications installed previous to testing by Binatone Electronics International
Limited will be incorporated in each production model sold/leased in the United States
and Canada.

No modifications were installed by Commercial & Electrical Division, Intertek Testing
Services Hong Kong Ltd.

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                     INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

                              EXHIBIT 4
                            TEST RESULTS

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                          INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

4.0 Test Results

Data is included of the worst case configuration (the configuration which resulted in the
highest emission levels). A sample calculation, configuration photographs and data
tables of the emissions are included.

4.1 Field Strength Calculation

The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor, and
subtracting the Amplifier Gain (if any) from the measured reading. The basic equation
with a sample calculation is as follows:

FS = RA + AF + CF - AG

where         FS = Field Strength in dBµV/m
              RA = Receiver Amplitude (including preamplifier) in dBµV
              CF = Cable Attenuation Factor in dB
              AF = Antenna Factor in dB
              AG = Amplifier Gain in dB

In the following table(s), the reading shown on the data table reflects the preamplifier
gain. An example for the calculations in the following table is as follows:-

FS = RR + LF

where         FS = Field Strength in dBµV/m
              RR = RA - AG in dBµV
              LF = CF + AF in dB

Assume a receiver reading of 52.0 dBµV is obtained. The antenna factor of 7.4 dB and
cable factor of 1.6 dB is added. The amplifier gain of 29 dB is subtracted, giving a field
strength of 32 dBµV/m. This value in dBµV/m was converted to its corresponding level
in µV/m.

RA = 52.0 dBµV
AF = 7.4 dB                                    RR = 23.0 dBµV
CF = 1.6 dB                                      LF = 9.0 dB
AG = 29.0 dB
FS = RR + LF
FS = 23 + 9 = 32 dBµV/m

Level in µV/m = Common Antilogarithm [(32 dBµV/m)/20] = 39.8 µV/m

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4.2    Radiated Emissions

4.2.1 Radiated Emission Configuration Photograph

                             Worst Case Radiated Emission

                                      243.068 MHz

       The worst case radiated emission configuration photographs are attached in the
       Appendix and saved with filename: config photos.pdf

4.2.2 Radiated Emission Data

      The data in tables 1-4 list the significant emission frequencies, the limit and the
      margin of compliance.

                                      Judgement -

                                Passed by 0.4 dB margin

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                        INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

4.2.3 Transmitter Duty Cycle Calculation

Duty Cycle (DC) = Maximum On time in 100ms/100ms
                = 1.938ms / 100ms

Average Factor (AF) = 20 log(DC)
                    = 20* log (0.01938)

The sample plot shows the bit timing is attached in the Appendix and saved with
filename: timing.pdf

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                                  INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

Mode: TX-Channel 01

                                                    Table 1

                                          Radiated Emission Data

                                       Pre-Amp Antenna Average Calculated                Average
Polari- Frequency          Reading       Gain   Factor  Factor   at 3m                 Limit at 3m     Margin
zation    (MHz)            (dBµV)        (dB)    (dB)    (dB)  (dBµV/m)                 (dBµV/m)        (dB)
  V      2404.000           106.8         33     29.4    34.2    69.0                     94.0         -25.0
  V      4808.000           70.5          33     34.9    34.2    38.2                     54.0         -15.8
  H      7212.000            62.5         33     37.9    34.2    33.2                     54.0         -20.8
  H      9616.000            55.0         33     40.4    34.2    28.2                     54.0         -25.8
  H     12020.000           48.8          33     40.5    34.2    22.1                     54.0         -31.9

                                               P re -
                                               Amp      A n te n n a     Net at      P e a k L im it
P o la ri-   F re q u e n c y   R e a d in g   G a in    F a c to r    3m - Peak        at 3m          M a rg in
z a tio n        (M H z )        (d B µ V )    (d B )      (d B )      (d B µ V /m ) (d B µ V /m )      (d B )
    V         2 4 0 4 .0 0 0      1 0 6 .8      33         2 9 .4         1 0 3 .2      1 1 4 .0       -1 0 .8
   V          4 8 0 8 .0 0 0      7 0 .5        33        3 4 .9          7 2 .4         7 4 .0         -1 .6
   H          7 2 1 2 .0 0 0       6 2 .5       33         3 7 .9          6 7 .4        7 4 .0         -6 .6
   H          9 6 1 6 .0 0 0       5 5 .0       33         4 0 .4          6 2 .4        7 4 .0        -1 1 .6
   H         1 2 0 2 0 .0 0 0     4 8 .8        33        4 0 .5          5 6 .3         7 4 .0        -1 7 .7

NOTES: 1. Peak detector is used for the emission measurement.

             2. All measurements were made at 3 meters. Radiated emissions not
                detected at the 3-meter distance were measured at 0.3-meter and an
                inverse proportional extrapolation was performed to compare the signal
                level to the 3-meter limit. No other radiated emissions than those
                reported were detected at a test distance of 0.3-meter.

             3. Negative value in the margin column shows emission below limit.

             4. Horn antenna is used for the emission over 1000MHz.

             5. Emission (the row indicated by bold italic) within the restricted band
                meets the requirement of FCC Part 15 Section 15.205 / RSS-210
                Section 2.2.

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                                  INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

Mode: TX-Channel 18

                                                    Table 2

                                          Radiated Emission Data

                                       Pre-Amp Antenna Average Calculated                Average
Polari- Frequency          Reading       Gain   Factor  Factor   at 3m                 Limit at 3m     Margin
zation     (MHz)           (dBµV)        (dB)    (dB)    (dB)  (dBµV/m)                 (dBµV/m)        (dB)
  V      2440.000           107.0         33     29.4    34.2    69.2                     94.0         -24.8
  V      4880.000           70.4          33     34.9    34.2    38.1                     54.0         -15.9
  H      7320.000           62.7          33     37.9    34.2    33.4                     54.0         -20.6
  H      9760.000            55.1         33     40.4    34.2    28.3                     54.0         -25.7
  H     12200.000           48.9          33     40.5    34.2    22.2                     54.0         -31.8

                                               P re -
                                               Amp      A n te n n a     Net at      P e a k L im it
P o la ri-   F re q u e n c y   R e a d in g   G a in    F a c to r    3m - Peak        at 3m          M a rg in
z a tio n        (M H z )        (d B µ V )    (d B )      (d B )      (d B µ V /m ) (d B µ V /m )      (d B )
    V         2 4 4 0 .0 0 0      1 0 7 .0      33         2 9 .4         1 0 3 .4      1 1 4 .0       -1 0 .6
   V          4 8 8 0 .0 0 0      7 0 .4        33        3 4 .9          7 2 .3         7 4 .0         -1 .7
   H          7 3 2 0 .0 0 0      6 2 .7        33        3 7 .9          6 7 .6         7 4 .0         -6 .4
   H          9 7 6 0 .0 0 0       5 5 .1       33         4 0 .4          6 2 .5        7 4 .0        -1 1 .5
   H         1 2 2 0 0 .0 0 0     4 8 .9        33        4 0 .5          5 6 .4         7 4 .0        -1 7 .6

NOTES: 1. Peak detector is used for the emission measurement.

             2. All measurements were made at 3 meters. Radiated emissions not
                detected at the 3-meter distance were measured at 0.3-meter and an
                inverse proportional extrapolation was performed to compare the signal
                level to the 3-meter limit. No other radiated emissions than those
                reported were detected at a test distance of 0.3-meter.

             3. Negative value in the margin column shows emission below limit.

             4. Horn antenna is used for the emission over 1000MHz.

             5. Emission (the row indicated by bold italic) within the restricted band
                meets the requirement of FCC Part 15 Section 15.205 / RSS-210
                Section 2.2.

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                                   INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

Mode: TX-Channel 36

                                                     Table 3

                                           Radiated Emission Data

                                        Pre-Amp Antenna Average Calculated                Average
Polari- Frequency           Reading       Gain   Factor  Factor   at 3m                 Limit at 3m      Margin
zation     (MHz)            (dBµV)        (dB)    (dB)    (dB)  (dBµV/m)                 (dBµV/m)         (dB)
  V      2478.000            106.8         33     29.4    34.2    69.0                     94.0          -25.0
  V      4956.000            70.5          33     34.9    34.2    38.2                     54.0          -15.8
  H      7434.000            62.0          33     37.9    34.2    32.7                     54.0          -21.3
  H      9912.000             55.7         33     40.4    34.2    28.9                     54.0          -25.1
  H     12390.000            49.3          33     40.5    34.2    22.6                     54.0          -31.4

                                                P re -
                                                Amp      A n te n n a      Net at      P e a k L im it
P o la r i-   F re q u e n c y   R e a d in g   G a in    F a c to r    3m - Peak          at 3m         M a r g in
z a tio n         (M H z )        (d B µ V )    (d B )      (d B )      ( d B µ V /m ) ( d B µ V /m )      (d B )
    V          2 4 7 8 .0 0 0      1 0 6 .8      33         2 9 .4          1 0 3 .2       1 1 4 .0      - 1 0 .8
   V           4 9 5 6 .0 0 0      7 0 .5        33        3 4 .9           7 2 .4         7 4 .0         - 1 .6
   H           7 4 3 4 .0 0 0      6 2 .0        33        3 7 .9           6 6 .9         7 4 .0         - 7 .1
   H           9 9 1 2 .0 0 0       5 5 .7       33         4 0 .4           6 3 .1         7 4 .0       - 1 0 .9
   H          1 2 3 9 0 .0 0 0     4 9 .3        33        4 0 .5           5 6 .8         7 4 .0        - 1 7 .2

NOTES: 1. Peak detector is used for the emission measurement.

              2. All measurements were made at 3 meters. Radiated emissions not
                 detected at the 3-meter distance were measured at 0.3-meter and an
                 inverse proportional extrapolation was performed to compare the signal
                 level to the 3-meter limit. No other radiated emissions than those
                 reported were detected at a test distance of 0.3-meter.

              3. Negative value in the margin column shows emission below limit.

              4. Horn antenna is used for the emission over 1000MHz.

              5. Emission (the row indicated by bold italic) within the restricted band
                 meets the requirement of FCC Part 15 Section 15.205 / RSS-210
                 Section 2.2.

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                        INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

Mode: Talk

                                      Table 4

                             Radiated Emission Data

                                   Pre- Antenna    Net     Limit
                 Frequency Reading amp Factor     at 3m    at 3m         Margin
  Polarization     (MHz)   (dBµV) (dB)    (dB)  (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)         (dB)
       V           40.544   39.9    16    10.0     33.9     40.0          -6.1
       V           67.532   41.8    16     8.0     33.8     40.0          -6.2
       H          121.508   36.1    16   14.0     34.1     43.5           -9.4
       H          148.434   36.0    16    14.0     34.0     43.5          -9.5
       H          188.916   35.1    16    16.0     35.1     43.5          -8.4
       H          216.098   42.0    16    17.0     43.0     46.0          -3.0
       H          229.398   38.2    16    18.0     40.2     46.0          -5.8
       H          243.068   41.6    16   20.0     45.6     46.0           -0.4
       H          270.003   39.4    16   22.0     45.4     46.0           -0.6
       H          290.121   31.4    16    22.0     37.4     46.0          -8.6
       H          297.006   38.5    16    22.0     44.5     46.0          -1.5
       H          323.856   29.6    16   24.0     37.6     46.0           -8.4
       H          364.338   27.2    16    24.0     35.2     46.0         -10.8
       H          458.970   24.9    16    26.0     34.9     46.0         -11.1

NOTES: 1. Peak detector is used for the emission measurement.

          2. All measurements were made at 3 meters. Radiated emissions not
             detected at the 3-meter distance were measured at 0.3-meter and an
             inverse proportional extrapolation was performed to compare the signal
             level to the 3-meter limit. No other radiated emissions than those
             reported were detected at a test distance of 0.3-meter.

          3. Negative value in the margin column shows emission below limit.

          4. Emission (the row indicated by bold italic) within the restricted band
             meets the requirement of FCC Part 15 Section 15.205 / RSS-210
             Section 2.2.

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                          INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

4.3    Radiated Emissions from Receiver

4.3.1 Radiated Emission Configuration Photograph

                            Worst Case Radiated Emission

                                    2432.000 MHz

       The worst case radiated emission configuration photographs are attached in the
       Appendix and saved with filename: config photos.pdf

4.3.2 Radiated Emission Data

      The data in tables 5 list the significant emission frequencies, the limit and the
      margin of compliance.

                                     Judgement -

                              Passed by 11.6 dB margin

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                        INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

Mode: Receiving – Middle Channel

                                       Table 5

                             Radiated Emissions Data

                                       Pre- Antenna    Net     Limit
                Frequency   Reading    amp Factor     at 3m    at 3m      Margin
 Polarization     (MHz)     (dB µV )   (dB)  (dB)   (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)      (dB)
      V         2432.000     46.0       33   29.4      42.4    54.0       -11.6
      V         4864.000     40.3       33   34.9      42.2    54.0       -11.8
      V         7296.000     35.9       33   37.9      40.8    54.0       -13.2
      V         9728.000     32.8       33   40.4      40.2    54.0       -13.8
      V         12160.000    32.1       33   40.5      39.6    54.0       -14.4


1. Peak detector is used for the emission measurement.

2. All measurements were made at 3 meters. Radiated emissions not detected at the
   3-meter distance were measured at 0.3-meter and an inverse proportional
   extrapolation was performed to compare the signal level to the 3-meter limit. No
   other radiated emissions than those reported were detected at a test distance of

3. Negative value in the margin column shows emission below limit.

4. Horn antenna is used for the emission over 1000MHz.

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IC: 4522A-MBP35BPU

                         INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

4.4 Radiated Emission on the Bandedge

From the following plots, they show that the fundamental emissions are confined in the
specified band (2400MHz and 2483.5MHz). In case of the fundamental emissions are
within two standard bandwidths from the bandedge, the delta measurement technique
is used for determining bandedge compliance. Standard bandwidth is the bandwidth
specified by ANSI C63.4 (2003) for frequency being measured.

Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except harmonics, are
attenuated by 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated
emission limits in FCC Part 15 Section 15.209 / Table 2 of RSS-210, whichever is the
lesser attenuation, which meet the requirement of FCC Part 15 Section 15.249(d) /
RSS-210 A2.9(b).

Radiated Emission on bandedge plots are attached in the Appendix and saved with
filename: be.pdf

Bandedge compliance is determined by applying marker-delta method, i.e.

Resultant Field Strength = Fundamental Emissions - Delta from the plot

Resultant field strength for the lowest and/or highest channel(s), with corresponding
average values are calculated as follows:

            Fundamental Delta from    Field  Average
             Emission    the Plot   Strength  Limit             Margin
 Channel     (dBµV/m)      (dB)    (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)             (dB)
  Lowest       69.0       40.85      28.15     54               -25.85
 Highest       69.0       40.10      28.90     54               -25.10

            Fundamental Delta from    Field
             Emission    the Plot   Strength Peak Limit         Margin
 Channel     (dBµV/m)      (dB)    (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)             (dB)
  Lowest       103.2      40.85      62.35      74              -11.65
 Highest       103.2      40.10      63.10      74              -10.90

The resultant field strength meets the general radiated emission limit in FCC Part 15
Section 15.209 / Table 2 of RSS-210, which does not exceed 74dBµV/m for peak limit
and also 54dBµV/m for average limit.

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IC: 4522A-MBP35BPU

                       INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

4.5   AC Power Line Conducted Emission

       [×]   Not applicable – EUT is only powered by battery for operation.

       [×]   EUT connects to AC power line. Emission Data is listed in following

       [×]   Base Unit connects to AC power line and has transmission. Handset
             connects to AC power line but has no transmission. Emission Data of
             Base Unit is listed in following pages.

4.5.1 AC Power Line Conducted Emission Configuration Photograph

                    Worst Case Line-Conducted Configuration

                                    0.726 MHz

      The worst case line conducted configuration photographs are attached in the
      Appendix and saved with filename: config photos.pdf

4.5.2 AC Power Line Conducted Emission Data

      The conducted emission test result is attached in the Appendix and saved with
      filename: conduct.pdf

                                   Judgement -

              Passed by 12.78 dB margin compare with average limit

4.6   Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance

      The Routine RF Exposure Evaluation, Routine SAR Evaluation and Declaration
      of RF Exposure Compliance are saved as filename: RF exposure.pdf

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IC: 4522A-MBP35BPU

                        INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

5.0 Equipment List

1) Radiated Emissions Test

 Equipment              EMI Test Receiver       Spectrum Analyzer   Log Periodic Antenna
 Registration No.           EW-0014                 EW-2188              EW-0447
 Manufacturer                 R&S                AGILENTTECH              EMCO
 Model No.                  ESVS30                   E4407B                 3146
 Calibration Date         Jun. 01, 2009           Dec. 25, 2009        Nov. 12, 2008
 Calibration Due Date     Jun. 01, 2010           Dec. 31, 2010        May 12, 2010

 Equipment              Digital Multimeter      Biconical Antenna      Double Ridged
                                                                       Guide Antenna
 Registration No.              EW-1237             EW-2512               EW-1015
 Manufacturer                   FLUKE                EMCO                  EMCO
 Model No.                        179                3104C                  3115
 Calibration Date            Sep. 01, 2009        Oct. 31, 2008        Feb. 09, 2010
 Calibration Due Date        Oct. 01, 2010        Apr. 30, 2010        Aug. 09, 2011

 Equipment              Spectrum Analyzer       Broad-Band Horn Antenna with
                                                frequency range 14G - 40GHz
 Registration No.              EW-2466                    EW-1679
 Manufacturer                    R&S                  SCHWARZBECK
 Model No.                      FSP30                    BBHA9170
 Calibration Date            Nov. 11, 2009             Feb. 17, 2010
 Calibration Due Date        Nov. 11, 2010             Feb. 17, 2011

2) Conducted Emissions Test

 Equipment                   Artificial Mains     Pulse Limiter      EMI Test Receiver
 Registration No.               EW-0192             EW-0699              EW-2251
 Manufacturer                      R&S                R&S                  R&S
 Model No.                      ESH3-Z5             ESH3-Z2                ESCI
 Calibration Date            Nov. 23, 2009        Dec. 24, 2009        Oct. 22, 2009
 Calibration Due Date        Nov. 23, 2010        Jun. 24, 2011        Oct. 22, 2010

                                END OF TEST REPORT

Test Report Number: HK10020643-1                                       Page 22 of 22
IC: 4522A-MBP35BPU

Document Created: 2010-05-28 11:39:36
Document Modified: 2010-05-28 11:39:36

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