User Manual


Users Manual

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Taseor contents                                     reatures
reaues.                                             "fintoegemw totet
Remotecontoldattoy Intalaton.                       "Svaoys tremrmitfptan manomesany
                                                    «Bstintdaytmtcnati20 nodasotegtostsataced ts
Chargng e OUANTUN® h+Wls :PBattey .                 «rettnss0 ssm
cuaNT0i® ho.WFBater Istalaton.                      «0nt ceesigtctitontsadsitgros
cunnuim o—whdugan.                                  «Sramsvitetamenottedete
                                                    »Arpeszenon ibigmantosls rige
femotecontolDagram                                  «Aranataluntsuthe pototaaroe
FightPepaatin..                                     ctontreiementpisiniuet
Syrcng You ountrune ow                              revore controt eatreRy INSTALLATION
NowYou eeagyTorly..                                 1 Siteatnetay etm beeecotte
Recogniing Th Front & RearoeOOANTUNM® ho+w1         2 i0intiters         istcoomtras
HowtoSar/Stptotos                                   3. Rtuebebatoyoee
SpeatSeect Buton ..                                 A tmoreantanwniheonatontn
                                                       (Rga Elweo                    neon
AutoStattand utto.                                      tesspor;
Adstng thetimSettngs
3 channel¥s 4Channel Ayng.                          charcive the ouantumt® ho—wiers L—roty satrery
3cranneiFightcontot                                 1. metbebateyttedugesmm trettatoed
                                                    2. Nx.comeeVShwgoprato oonpuersito ten C)
4 hannelFightcontot                                    ow Detiedugehea EDUDinfamit ndaetuns
rigntPacike                                         3. Ynertetey idarge tindit wttwngstogeen
AdstngTretm ..                                      1 Aagecuseatineappoimtl0100nintsychegedorecan yn
                                                       anretiath thrinasSotnoi erennmanitowoo‘
Calbratng me ountruie wo.«wn                        0T toumayratiseadatindatetsid ute moperco
HowTo Peromn 360 StuntRots                                                    =a_<&=
Usng Youron—Soard aner .
Remoring Your miaest#C art.
Dounlcadng and Geatng Space on Youmices0#Ccard.
                                                        {>——G—JG=                                        &
                                                       mrormit—amarsrownee rovnrwerounovsrcmeco monier wuse
PropetOURITUMP0 WR Appinstalaton ..                 ouantumwo—wir sattery instaLLamon
Palting QUMNTUM® ¥oWiFiTYour Compathle Devce.       1 siteitonht          ino wUIMNMY it tane conpamnt en)
Quiasstor.                                            snoomAeive
                                                      Sigulatrne         n    nonommenepenmen
Detaled App Oventew.                                2 hoiitatey    inw nandyu t heis
                                                                                  ce etonsEDqst  n t anntteg
                                                      fnminLvemiasnnter                                   astego
Troubestootng Your Quiituw®tow.                     3 meduttie     nintiOOtsuan, iQULTAY1#irtmtoratatyuns onvten
Repladng The ropelerBaces                             Rivorsma
                                                    a Roinia    atre onnecntridcothony    enauna    tyont
Warings..                                             Wltmipnaiiehnnymigutineds    imis Aipan6 Merpmonqui)palcane
Batey Warings                                         =>4
Gareand Maitenance
ECC itornatio.

Tslsncseuie tuit 24 OOndwate en d innatn
seconinraateinomatonohoo uopty)anonooOunrtin tvve

       roicontnnpprrm                   rrenlmientvi
         sueenmtemen                   oltfemvemennee
                                                                        mosumnpuro “    mesntits
                                                                           mosspman ——I        *T S—oommmesumin
                                                                                                     mosa onmen
                                                                       mosihordo ow ——|

 an agassormnsenoyouismapatsap  ao ecpaonwoopnotSvuls‘eal
                                          woguereroaperen            cummtvene—                      ———ronomms
            "wo.ountmnepan Guutsmotieintoieng uoSaumipun                                             fomsmintunein
 suop on ontuningmotBatindonvainymanprecormenfariowoLol s
                                     urderistmintataenmeacane        mowoue                                vismou
 smm on wonetrom fpempnsoncamtinno reloncl tm
 sevnnerauoneue uvenaidacsemm o pots0uo mcoo                         wuprepranmuns                      wuptsmen
 cmnsaprtmon ns prog mm on pr m untn eo mowtun
         «impronnounuatag a en agfountuy (nene warra use
     o map en en dnpor tsd on e oo ravon m 4                         sureincims one                   svemtnione
                                  se ow poasmeasonsnuagwo
 w omm domina mssn posttznantpoowoo um on c                                    smyrown                  murnsnssn
       ‘naon nonsanye ninzeprowood wataenoew
porou sns motin wap s mapum pr ncentsnlno t                                                            wtnmopa mss
              weng i mooo tmasoramangnaarnen witratentnntan
wunpuosmisfonrtatioetis mmive ol n ooonatag ng on aeubawes onpe 1
                           ommovematsermemasessvopnfonntze                                     wwasviausmouino>
 snemnwanlewouisposnooxnrunntoon tteliitemt
            ‘tomsuinmofor pnta opomentatit old yoea mnsa
    swawonsot monnuestomesusniematieapns m usmy
 saveansomustewemnonseon o utwntortsmotBevalswnmvotey                rmeomto
                             Himean wuWniNynd unox SNpnas
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 riesnonimpe teveaanveteposefneait mettatmeam wene
  sns anmunto npovim masmionomromman,sotsnnmt«
                                           Nouvivaue tHon4

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makivam T104 NI HW+GH WniN¥nD Hnox A14 L0N 00
                         SNINHWM                                                         wviovia Himeakt wWninynd

     NOW YOU ARE READY TO FLY!                                    3 CHANNEL VS 4 CHANNEL FLYING
1ohireacenitenoOUITIAY 1#it twarcoatrsonl on ots                oi wiaenathtate tcndagtsyonbtvess 6 outontnmats
awenmertty etvetsennyo)yurtoneushranatw hotosur                 Maxpeateut wevercin ymmcefox0ieto temontsne
antacohestseoamaiaeedhoecontvwatslesecotae                      1eitmerintac, wlad un ig irrePyag ivathecpteuniace
inihanline utw usooesoviireo pvs t mpem                         |antaty ddngomarannsosarfap bntn eantaingoc
egeret oatowocantolyandore n uncon omton titovo
arvey owGonttytoyoeOULTii® tsitighun o becneamore               «note:theoutWTub=HDciiisdefasetings4Chamnelmods
REcosNizINe ThE FRoNT rean or ThE ouatyTum® o+ wiei             TocurgetssOantnate:
EenibomieUMMTUUY1itt ustols towerernernrecimn                   Pitssandhathe 31Othtan tereniten oury2,untlhavsendantte
antvarotacuartsierpcion etetand eeng ies nuns                   wremstowiglG02lntarmpeOULTWMHYO+inowstt3Otmodc
1ovisneid wthwprtdsentagan)Te rrrtacoanteng in ctne             TocungetcktodChinlnote:
Gadvageseintnchntpoptenbetapan )                                tssantteite Oc berenateon onsoutlbevatepndantte
1018ThtnteeOtscaparaigisWt120 eadhoeOntncpr ts                  sermstewnglCX niamme eOULTM®10+nsnonsttmods
wourige.            ¢
                                                                3 channiet ruisht controt
                            now                                 Aewiaiothnc iAnetosooligroprenceioonoumin vnie
                                                                «on Apoumanees oOUATMLNDtcanno madanctmamsesey
                                                                1ntvssPckematspefctenoshnehek ukcdom innte e
                                                                popewent mevectirimsnn
How To start/stop rotors                                        Hloe e Totest dom todemnene
HakueyorarepopetspateOUATUNHDin treporerson                     pooewend   nvectimirmnein          Y
                                                                wilicnca ton decnd tetagun 3
"Tesatantsuptie uinmorteiontltiseiteinatnena toanie
 1nldardoridsuidcnen lonesnestien on                                                               +

                                                                mSS                                &
 Jere iepoitornit totstatandspttemorsmehepstieo netcnbrate is
«Ovees esrdeneentultatthe uienotheconpoiionYoroo
speep serecr BuTron
                                                                RoniGiormetemoncen                                        |
(hedrinsit nretoeour, ueouo9 e ctave. en                        HoeteDincioGonrtmmine
weiguhnouteunonyultnieseO)weotnode Tocmcene                     cobiesosantwitioone ie ee
wpeot oltimethpetsateptnoerietdaganoey mbaratcsnathe
wpotinndareocm uowya uen setgyneon tsatns nes
AutostaRTAAND sutroN
‘eouuinime10hnainveaittoeatind esncSyesne

a channiet ruckt contror                                Aolustins ie trm
Sn esclticnsorpatowegerentoone OuLitar=not
tbiclonieat trrahertiit tsoratiabos meveninuprtontts    ote meabittim ho¥sareatpogeymne daltate ol ota t td
theinccantas joimineNea iOULTIMN D:m o on noeonaamned   sotteutrntatrmen telve es oneneeeotennt ptos nnt t
iocvetaptstaiis Packemalepertt                          wieetemhtiotiyagMersealcnisremyenetinaetagsorte
                                                        cvnmiis men benor ied
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       crirdini   ets
                 inin            i
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         aimmnpe  nete
                                                        Triininedimemines                c   0
er    erma
mmasomeatonnypoan   t            Y
                                                         im         iofinatestemad
                                                         Pepunchnenmnsmnnmdh                              w
                                                        ~RRFUNiETiind           lanos.
¥ntenteiner melttvatesia t
wnnecuatine iomt owi.
Horepelettestoritante                                   ngitettin
ooroit nmnergitee                                       «owoourimeinetenon
donmn.                                                   awiidenebeRoTithatoniginart
                                                         reettj it tenatesumnd oo
                                                         it nanninoeecupni    .
YateinteineemeonOraim td un                              antrdoneeTiltctnneoreay on
wnecuitiieh0otvalnonoat                                  pepoteniieates
(OMAPTOitwanor ht tee                                   ngivtet snim
doano                                                   «oc(Toum ons comer
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wveouirine oies nnc
HermeigOciooontighante                                  +ooo imcods;
@Otintoieen nergtee
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Tenatehnuieypocid henesitstom bdonSaruhsimleetal ets    ThottSpestin
Snantefahye atng Oct ue masrstmer n owon con            iyouttehotii nsentventenjouyeOUATIY t#i. ounaymestoutcene
noocves Gottandarht                                     stt
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                                                        Migeniintinnnes                      1
                                                        Y01:ThwsnettTinattowuin soontsinsllogBornttetpotci

Chusmatine Te quanTum® Ho+wiH                                   How o perrorm 360 stunt rouLs
Yortvoadutrtin 0#onespealvareutietrse onereuyty                 Pefominy 60uotsweOOLTIU NOMss ean123:
Aorsemattsant otooore un ou yotetatyuonists andrt               1e penttiogto 700r 10HameeOULTIU U0iipstcn nuse
bidnshcepotenaiveletds                                            batyaihneation fotedevanceon ant enteqadnonte.
‘Rombthousbulpumto    ealteretb isgro esoltb ind utntins        2 sns ow tattondncbesinttnadevtasindatdtyangt
                                                                  bevig erdagan1.
16ectOM 10irtonai onc                                           3 oetrinentidtonyo utfipand asdtypotieut antnsikntearcton
2 wotnreneURA10ininantatecanotese tianchy                         yavanto totnttiiot oecagani)
  torsrheiaes inext ow bothhotieind ontulsttdamattbletconrand     Hostivts ) Tovantfo, 0tdvans o Agise ie
  hoihm esonditeBagar )Ylct ysntdonitt ansop                    A TeitbeSuntidssnmestesunttotonain.
  eielgusaptaingouhne anniteduealtatcnan eei
movest00G tdsuse itnoconvatake teaternte
Doneandaapithaymateeo utotatayio.ten un onyuroonte oc                                          nj
fetorteiaualine yadthn utw omm i Whenoshorteeutm

                                                                 meormar onroumestoernssroto ommsron sumro envouscon rorue.

     USING YOUR ON—BOARD CAMERA                                                                                   REMOVING YOUR microSDHCCARD
     YourQUANTUN® HO—+WiFi comes equipped with an onboard digital camera that takes stll pictures and             To remove your microSDRC card push in gently on the back of the card with your thumbor forefinger untit
     records wideo. To enable Using these Features, download the free APP on yourcompatible mobile device.        you hear and feel a "dicking sound". The card will*pop—our" slightly and is readyfor removal. Simply grab
     This willalso allow you to shoot, record and stream by the on baard camera. For more details refer to        and pallit gently awayfromthe QUANTURE®® HO—— WiH‘s camera port to remove the card. Always store
     included LIVE VIDEO STREAMING SETUP GUIDE. Noyou can have hours of fun creating aerial photograghy           your microSDHC card in a clean, safe and cool environment.
     and videos for family and iiends.
                                                                                                                  DOWNHLOADING AND CLEARING SPACE ON YOUR microSDHCCARD
     GETTINGSTARTED                                                                                               Plug your microSDHC card into the card reader and connectto yourcomputer ts best to always download
     The camera enables recording directly to your mobile device (standard definition) and onto a microSOHC       all your videos and pictures on to    computer and nat store this data on your microSDRC card. After
     cardigh Definition}                                                                                          downloading your photas and videos   , fllow your computers instructions to *delete"fies on your
     Note: You can directly download the Hight Definiation videos from the microSDHC card to your compatible      microSDHC card.
     mobile device.
                                                                                                                  Note: TheQUANTUM® HD——WiIFcan record video files up to 2 minutes of length. When attempting to
     RECORDING TO microSDHC CARD                                                                                  record longer videos, it will automatically splitthevideo Into muftiple fles, each approximately 2
     To use with a microSDHC card you will need:                                                                  minutes in length. Stil photosand videos arerecorded simutaneously on device and microSDHC card.
     1. One micraSDHC card (not included)
     2. One microSDHiC card reader (Included)
     3. A Computer with a USB port and Windows Media Player or other Media player that can play AVI iles
                                                                                                                       FCC RF exposure statements
     EORMATTING YOUR microSDHC CARD                                                                                      This Transmitter must not be co — located or aperating in conjunction with any
     Before you can begin to take videos ordigtal photograpihs you must firs format your microSDHC card. To            other antenna or transmitter.
     format your card simply place it into the included USB card readerand plugit into your computer‘s USB
     port (See diagram W1 and W2 belou. Aftera few moments an icon will appearon your Desktop. Right cick                 This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an
     on the icon and folow instructions to format your micraS DHC card.                                                uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated wih a
                                                                                                                       minmum distance of 20 centimeters betweenthe raciator and your body or nearby
     INSTALLING THE microSOHCCARO 1NYOUR NTUM® HDWifi                                                                  persons.
     «Place the formatted micruSDHC card into the back ofthe QUANTUM‘® HD+WR‘digital camera port (see
       diagram W3 below}. Push gently untif you hearand feel the microSDHC card "click" into the digital camera
       stt                                                                                                               IC Radiation Exposure Statement:
     + Tum the QUANTUM® HD+WiR on and make sure thatit is both fully charged and properly snced to the                      This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
       Controlier (see HOW TD SYNC YOUR QUADROCOPTER on page 4 )                                                         uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with
                                                                                                                         minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.

                                                                                                                         Déclaration d‘exposition aux radiations:
                                                                                                                             Cet equipement est conforme aux limites d‘exposition aux rayonnements IC
                                                                                                                         établies pour un environnementnon controlé. Cet équipement doit étre installé et
                                                                                                                         utlisé avec un minimum de 20 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et
                                                                                                                         votre corps

11                                                                                                                                                                                                                            12

    propec quaNTumM® Ho—wAPP INSTALLATION                   aviastart
    1desevevingscomiteiniPeotoge 5ete                       1 ty mtbysorcttpetndoncyu anopet esOurttor
    3 estotebnacestabelame                                    ‘matnateven 19SR oiintnriiesoc To ieatveetneras
    3feiplesttuinneohaeent idio PopDaea 1 emtnd
      t Yoreonanadonin it anvenany
                                                              inopeoiinan   ooon
                                                            2 MlbptonarewaseWloitaomaedaetatetecoentts
    Atotndrstatesuietssuysaemteoo mm o Saciagne               Tapbed® mtunlthessen h madecoron patagna
      "roodtanint@uddnnia intomiatmtnpartoic                  Cntersycmnntiete hordt1inensns ecorainasntnweootw
    5 AbrorOunaioJpiimattd onemlarn msors 0 tTon Aorinto"     paty onniyccenoownmtie oru ncCB]onon
      tontrenelgp tmeitsmiteoreayoodov nssenfoci rpurne       Fnliiiannbewaitenorpatmitcover oticbawnonpr
      peesign                                                 Chriivocitintsammiatynamncien

                                                            vetaiteo app overview
                                                            3 reveseinpabdolaadataieponin oiaianiienteeP on e
    pairivc quaNTUM® xowTo your companiste pevice            vourrnce                     comrorsnas
    1Ateronloy unetOATNYONR thohtoOmOc
    2 nnesemopmenamochat tetitoptn
    «SmPogeDiDoon sttYaoUMAMHDrHFotecomont
      ieenite timinn


      1nirod? benueneds220c                                                            Abpestomsmers

1                                                                                                               w

      TroustestiootiNc your ouantum® ho.«w                      ArtacHiNe the stave cuaros
       mmmempmmm                           rossmsoumon
                Arermmascin                1 wevoecnortmmamot
       lerwe    antanmee                   Hiarwetnnmenine
                3tsteimngiebnarnmetditngn| 3mpoeronm
                   Amarmsomer             a smenseonottmeaot    otuurie :isemine enltpanteegorei seonnyratd
       Annition    2 nnrmmrimenstomi      2Onptinninmmee        reataoetnede tatar niemac imcmanwtsnsntntne
       fepaiy      i nemoventpoptonet     Arepcterna            ipdrshors Goisetncen tmcpatentes part inicsed
                   fondennting            Atneiticmnconin       atttoenuetietetednsnt
       Arnithort   i repetsoice           Atobteticnmtoos       cuantumwnewitl WaRhinc:
       m           Mcaimtrouye            Arunemcoiramowm       meaurtimiids To ie eutitshts rocieahh
                   Smmmmates              HOmmmiememeem         sptant   ncantigeiow
                                                                10enceilpetmg             encandannas Snmaronnecunetit>
                                                                                        nsuefonnYan ncvatoi rogo
                                                                Cubimieiitrsotatheannereoisaten Beveertegutee tdmte
       Row                                                      «onturte eueonmetoenons
       beane       Moepbennciiommnity     Contetetctncenimind   wame
       Tohe        hopmiiendatstmine      fowetonitrntaime      + oiaontSeatruantmmads
                                                                —trshints hiin on dating menieselrutentatestnget otedoe
                                                                »atatetnsnteandWMMWUN 1+povrsnticsnen n ie
     Iinatiemmstnetsatoncosonces906itmtc                        +h niettupuitwetatyoieUMIA®ts uyareDort e h
                                                                  Guneam otebney
                                                                ~Aoratalrenteis ue monnentetomatmumpeteminc
     repLacivc the propetier staves                             «Auenaigenionrecmnendet estyoqouuimiin wvin
     YoTN itrpetpten a poiiontnnetBtnarewtpieisicomnt           eatrery warnincs
     HortinetinhepinuiAntin o indagathpet may cetmagoo          rcurconcomm:
     w mvitipenais.                                             ‘meouittieOit alulcuganiates. 1etareynnge tcuge
     1 n uuittue Ovarias ttadsm los nfont wtatcascnn            dn tporesn alpeat en
       prevecigonnt                                             commumunes
     2 ¥nennplirye ople ts mteseto mt n tc ofiatede ndason
     3 Aetrcetamiet owtareatinte                                «dovemcadinecanind caturrnddmeugpatehtieeat it
                                                                 Norimhannticheime ns otemtuned
                                                                 hn btincaeie         enon b en tb hn uns(renooie
                                                                 neudnt ien onePat e sneponet
                                                                "ilets aternud brenan inoedacyd meeguetotipadafposes
         GayBlade FrontLot 8                                     wturinto ie halpnrmnentetnncnaueaten.
         Gay Blade FrontFigh                                    ~Rengb emeanaeni ob itmt
                                                                100(batmesib   aneorsntaatipenmommenta ue tomant
                                                                "Aitaie aeloe mtc uid e cnlpintoc madol h cuganl
         Blac Blade Back Lat = A                                "tont dipoctoisina e cesuy enoreote
         Black Blade Back Rgh 8                                 care ano mainTenance
                                                                ~Mbirimonebatwistontnils enanttutnstt onoaneninet
                                                                ~fackn  utiemerenctontnaetOULTIAMAOiivihaccntangns
                                                                "toistragetetonois Niandagetwiteot uc
is                                                                                                                     16

Document Created: 2017-07-07 19:44:31
Document Modified: 2017-07-07 19:44:31

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC