

Users Manual

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               User Guide

                                                                                                                                                       SmartLook          Residential
                                                                                         Utility                 SmartMeter

                                                                                                                         Get To Know Your SmartLook
                                                                                                                         Numbers Correspond to SmartLook Diagram
                                                                                                                         1. The directional-pad allows you to navigate your SmartLook
                                                                     In The Box                                          2. The center button acts as a “select” button
8                                                                2   Along with this User Guide you will find:
                                                                                                                         3. The menu button will take you back to the nearest menu
                                                                     • 1 SmartLook
                                                                                                                         4. The power switch
                                                                     • 1 Power Adapter
                                                                 3                                                       5. The USB port

7                                                                                                                        6. The main screen of your SmartLook
                                                                                                                         7. LED Lights: Top : Status
                                                                                                                                       Bottom: Battery Charging
                                  6                       5                                                              8. On Back: A magnet to attach your SmartLook to your refrigerator

      How It Works                                                      Information Your SmartLook Provides
      Interacting with your SmartMeter:                                 Please see the back of this user guide before continuing. Once your SmartLook is set up, it will start
      • Utilizing ZigBee wireless technology your SmartLook             recording useful data to give you more control over your energy usage:
      receives data from your outdoor SmartMeter
      Gives you real time information:                                Daily, Weekly, Monthly Usage:                                   Cost Information:
      • Your SmartLook displays information about your current          To view your energy usage over the past day, week, or           To view various cost information:
      energy usage at the touch of a button                           month:                                                          • Press the Menu button until you are at
      Helps you save:                                                 • Press the Menu button until you are at                                  the Main Menu
      • Up-to-date information about your home or office’s              the Main Menu                                                 • Navigate to “Cost” and press the Select button
      energy expenditure gives you more control                       • Navigate to “Usage” and press the Select button
      and helps you save money                                        • Navigate to the type of data you would like to
                                                                        access and press the Select button to view

*SmartLook™ is meant for in home and in office use only

Easy Steps To Start
Saving                                                               3. Connecting to your SmartMeter:
                                                                       Your SmartLook should now display “Searching for Meter”
                                                                                                                                       5. Setting your Energy Price:
                                                                                                                                           To set your personal energy price, which depends on your
Follow these steps to start using your SmartLook:
                                                                       and should connect to your SmartMeter automatically.                energy plan:
1. Charging your SmartLook:
                                                                     4. SmartLook Connected:                                           • Press the Menu button until you are at the Main Menu
   Your SmartLook should come charged, but to ensure that
                                                                      Once connected, your SmartLook will start displaying             • Navigate to “Settings” and press the Select button
   your battery lasts the full 3 months, it is suggested to charge
                                                                      information about your energy usage via the                      • Navigate to “Price” and press the Select button
   it initially for 24 hours using the provided USB cable:
                                                                      “Home” screen                                                    • Enter your pricing using the Directional-Pad
• The SmartLook can still be used while charging
                                                                     • If it does not connect properly, please see FAQ and             • Press the Menu button to return to the Main Menu
2. Setting the Language:
                                                                     Troubleshooting                                                   6. View your Current Energy Usage:
   When prompted, choose a language for your SmartLook.
                                                                                                                                           To return to your Home screen to view your current energy
   If you would like to change the language at any time:
• Press the Menu button until you are at the Main Menu
                                                                                                                                       • From the Main Menu, navigate to “Home” and press the Select
• Navigate to “Settings” and press the Select button
• Press Select again to access “Language”
• Choose your language

                                                                                 FAQ and Troubleshooting
                                                                                 Q: What if my SmartLook doesn’t         Q: How often do I have to charge my           Q: What is the Messages screen for?

                                                                                 connect to my SmartMeter?               SmartLook?                                    A: Messages allow your energy company to
                                                                                                                         A: Each full charge of your SmartLook will    communicate with you. Any notification that
                                                                                 A: There are a few things to try:
                                                                                                                         last up to 3 months. For up to date status    your energy company sends out will
                                                                                       1. Bring it closer to the meter
                                                                                                                         on your battery, locate the battery icon at   automatically be stored in Messages.
                                                                                 If that doesn’t work:                   the top right corner of your SmartLook
                                                                                 •     2. Slide switch Off/On            display screen.                               Q: Does my SmartLook collect data while
                                                                                 •If that doesn’t work:                                                                it is powered off?

                                                                                       3. Push pin rest in the back      Q: Will my SmartLook work outside my          A: No, your SmartLook will only gather usage
                                                                                                                         House?                                        and cost data while it is powered on.
                                                                                                                         A: No, SmartLook is designed for in home
Congratulations!                                                                                                         or in office use only.                        Q: How can I clear my SmartLook?
Your SmartLook is now ready to help you save!                                                                                                                          A: Data is stored on your SmartLook until it
                                                                                                                                                                       has expired.

 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
 subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
                                                                              FCC WARNING
 cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
 interference received, including interference that may cause                 Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
 undesired operation.                                                         compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

 *SmartLook™ is meant for in home and in office use only

Document Created: 2012-02-13 14:12:58
Document Modified: 2012-02-13 14:12:58

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